Bryter Layter
Nick DrakeMellow accoustic. Beautiful.
Mellow accoustic. Beautiful.
Jazzy Rock electric guitar. Quite cool
Some classic tunes like Superstition, I believe when i fall in love, and You are the sunshine of my life mixed with some slightly experimantal jazzy pop.
Probably best enjoyed off your tits and yearning for depression. Quite unorthodox without being experimental. Both interesting and dull. Not made to sound catchy. a bit self-indulgent.
Not my style. Good rythmic flow, stereotypical ridiculous hip hop tough guy posturing. Mostly extremely uninteresting instrumentation.
Pointless. Mildly irritating background music but without character. Dull as weak tea.
Possibly the worst album I ever heard
Quite pleasant, but nothing breathtaking, except for " Jealousy" which deserves more fame.
A gem that captures the fell of it's time.
80's cheap pop
alright, sounds a lot like wet wet wet
Rock Opera. Rocky and slightly experimental. Interesting, somewhat pleasant. Varied.
Rocky. Like a very long Boys are back in town with classic 1970 guitar riffs.
Mellow accoustic. Beautiful.
Wow! Stellar! Mellow Jazz doesn't get much better than this.
Old school Cowboy songs. Fun and idiosyncratic. Obviously a very strong influence on Bob Dylan.
extremly rocky live. unbelieveably energetic album.
cool Jazzy guitar driven instrumental
Old scholl slightly hillbilly style rock. some classics. a lot of trendsetting sounds. can hear they inspired early Beatles and the beach boys. contains hits llike "oh boy' and ' that'll be the day'. the album sounds very cohesive. unclear why some became hits and other not.
A Masterpiece. Gently energetic, warming and inspirational.
Free Jazz. A bit to much plinkadiplonk tittiteeeee.
Pleasant, but sometimes delves too far into the free jazz genre at the cost of harmonic cohrence.
Absolute Masterpiece. Mellow Bossa Nova with gentle rythmically agile warm vocals.
Timeless. Great album for a Sunday morning lie in. Mellow easy listening jazzy piano songs.