May 20 2023
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Scritti Politti performed at my nan's 70th birthday party. They hopped on stage and began sucking eachother's dicks like their lives depended on it. My nan couldn't mask her disgust and stormed out. The rest of us enjoyed the rest of the show and later ate sausage rolls and had chats about our latest diets and the podcasts we were currently enjoying. Nan was found dead, hanging from a tree in the woods outside. The funeral was a sad occasion and we all consoled ourselves by hiring Scritti Politti to perform, where they proceeded to suck eachother off once again, this time on top.of her stupid coffin.
Apr 14 2023
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Three words will make my blood run cold now: 80s British pop.
Getting that out of the way, I don’t really understand why I needed to hear this before I slip the mortal coil. I’m happy for Mr. Gartside’s success in the 80s, but this is just like Wham! without George Michael. It was fine at the time, but feels redundant in this small list of albums to hear before I hear no more.
Dec 02 2023
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I want Patrick Bateman to mansplain this album to me
Apr 14 2023
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This is a mistake, right? There are a total of four reviews for this thing (3 one star reviews and one generous 2). Was there suddenly a massive revisionist history on this album that suggested it suddenly and immediately get added to the list? I'll give it this much: Perfect Way is a pleasant little pop song. For 1985. And one that '80's stations can't even bother to dust off now and then. Everything else sounds like it soundtracks an awful '80's movie like Zapped or Short Circuit.
May 04 2023
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Pretty good mid-80's fare. It's not bad to listen to, but every track is just the same template. They had the one hit, but didn't do anything to standout from all the other similar bands of the time.
Apr 20 2023
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4.1 - Around the 2010's I was listening to lots of bands like Oneohtrix Point Never, Com Truise, Haim... that incorporated 1980's synth sounds. To me, this Scritti Politti record, which I'd never heard before, surpasses most of that 80's revivalism, providing the very source material for its imitators. All of the tricks and tropes are on here, and SP weave this smattering of elements artfully. It's an impressive album-length timepiece of swirly and colorful bubble gum.
Aug 07 2024
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If you castrated George Michael and made him sing against his will, he would still sound better than this group.
Mar 12 2024
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If Wham! are a bit too hardcore for you, this will be right up your street
May 06 2023
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This guy listened to his contemporaries, learned all the wrong lessons, and then tried to copy them
Aug 23 2023
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Immediate though on opening baseline, “God, bands fucking loved the “reggae” demo on their Casio keyboards in the 80’s.”
Track one: I hate this so far.
Might have to stop listening to this one. Fuck I hate this.
Perfect way: okay, I can see why this is their popular song from this album, but I don’t really love it personally. I can just recognize the hallmarks of a “good” song in it 🤷🏻♂️
The very next song: WHAT IS THIS BABY VOICE???
God I hated this so much. I hope I never hear it again.
Nov 24 2023
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I will admit upfront, I am quite fond of Scritti Politti by way of osmosis - my neighbour had their pictures on the wall. cut from Smash Hits, and they were fairly regular contributors to my beloved Now! compilations and similar. To those who think this sounds dated and cheesy, I can assure you it sounded that way *at the time*! I think Green et al. deliberately took the '80s sound to its extreme, creating a fey vocal and production style that made contemporary Prefab Sprout sound like Motorhead in comparison. They had quite a varied history - starting out quirkier and more abrasive than fellow post-punkers like Gang of Four and Wire (yes, really), then turning to pop (original version of Madness' "Sweetest Girl", followed by two uber-shiny hit albums including this one) and later working with Shabba Ranks and Mos Def (yes, really!).
I doubt Provision is on this list, but from it you should check out "Oh, Patti", the apotheosis of this sound also featuring Miles Davis (again, yes really!).
Love it or hate it, you have to admit that at least "Perfect Way" and "Wood Beez" are great pop tunes (the latter produced by the arranger of the original Aretha number referenced; once again: yes, really!).
Maybe Dirty Projectors are the closest modern equivalent, similarly skilled in pop music and production style from a warmly-academic perspective.
Generous 4, loved hearing it again
Dec 29 2023
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Ok. Depeche Mode this is not. OMD this is not. Tears for Fears this is not. There are probably countless examples of bands of this era that are more notable for their use of sequencers and electronics.
Here's why I think this album is notable, or even stretching to important, to merit this being on the list. 2 reasons really, and it's a double edged sword for both.
1. Extensive use of sampling, and to a lesser degree MIDI, both of which were in its advent years in 83-85. Sampling at this time was still 8-bit and not very complex or deep, so it would have been amazing to repeat a sample on demand, but much better sampling technology was still to come.
2. This is all before fully digital recording was mainstream, so despite not sounding "sterile", it also was the harbinger of an "overprocessed" sound that was so prevalent in the late 80's (nu shooz, Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, Stacey Q, etc.)
Two examples of albums that transcend this are probably Depeche's Music For the Masses and Pet Shop Boys' Please, which would be released in the next 2 years.
Musically, Lyrically, it's good, solid stuff. It's quirky, and a little funky in a brit, bubblegum pop kind of way. It's just buried in technology. I did buy the album at the time, but just didn't appeal to me in the long run and got rid of it. Most of the tunes are good with catchy hooks (Wood Beez remains my favorite along with the single mix of Perfect Way, but Absolute gets some new appreciation this time around), but some are not (Hypnotize and Small Talk, I'm looking at you).
Aug 15 2024
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OK for once, but won't remember this tomorrow.
Aug 09 2023
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80s in all the clichéd ways possible. Tropes galore. Not bad but definitely a personal pass.
Aug 12 2024
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This album is what happens when the on first impact forward thinking Synthpop is abused into dull and one dimensional "wannabe" music that lacks both delivery and writing. The songs try to be "special" and "interesting" but end up beeing repetetive and dull after a couple of minutes. Most of it tries to throw in as much 80's synth work and "experimental" bits that then turn into an incoherent mess of slightly below average 80's pop tunes that aged like raw milk. While, yes, this is a pretty good description on how most songs of that era and within the R&B and Soul realm sounded, the result we get is very, very boring. All the work was put into the actually really good sounding production but once it came to deliver or just put in some emotion... well that's the part they stopped.
'The Word Girl' opens the album with a Raggae influenced beat and mindnumbing average lyrics about... well, a girl. The idea that they were going for is very present but what came out is pretty much the defenition of average. They were going for a very synthy Soul sounding song but what lacks is the soul in here. It's a shell, like most the album presents.
The following 'Small Talk' might be a little more annoying at points but that makes it a "much" more interesting listen, even if I do not want to have any of this put near my ears anytime soon because it's definitely worse.
One of the better songs here is 'Absolute' that goes a more Funk and R&B approach opposed to the very Pop start. It is pretty decent but still nothing I will come back to on my own decision. It's listenable, it's got some groove and isn't as dreadfully boring. Just your slightly below average song with average sound and average performance. Not the best sign if that is the description for the arguably best song on the album.
The longest song here is 'A Little Knowledge', a track that sounds so fake and sterile that it made me feel ill. It is such a bad rip-off of Soul that I feel that they could've said the n-word and it would sound less racist. I'm normally all for sharing culture and don't really see cultural appropriation as a big problem but this?... oh god it's so bad. And let's not talk about the lyrics, they could've been written by 12 yr old girl that just startet writing "poetry".
'Don't Work That Hard' is just annoying. It might be even worse with the very annoying vocals and instruments that at one point seem to just repeat forever and loose even the little groove they had.
The albums second half opens with 'Perfect Way' that continues what was already here. Songs that are so boring that they become annoying and even when they aren't boring, they're annoying on their own. And both of that is mixed together so well (or bad) that everytime you hear any sound start, you already want it to end because you heard what the song can offer. The slight seconds of nothing at the start.
'Lover to Fall' is just cringe and it is so bad that the moment the mf that put his voice on here stops to sing, a relief starts to flow into your body and makes you even enjoy the bridge after the chorus.
With 'Wood Beez' we get a song that in comparison seems to be "good" but once you let the first few seconds of hope wear off, you find a song that sounds exactly like the rest with nothing that sounds good or original or interesting.
This dreadful piece of "music" ends with 'Hypnotize' and I am so happy that that song title is mainly connected to Biggie and NOT Scritti Politti because the song is, again, pretty bad. The vocals are annoying, the instruments feel sooo arrogant and I just want to hear this album end.
favourites: Absolute
least favourites: Don't Work That Hard, A Little Knowledge, Lover to Fall, Perfect Way, Hypnotize, Wood Beez
Rating: strong 2/10 for more ratings, reviews and takes
Mar 25 2024
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I infuriates me that something so unlistenable in this day warrants consideration as a 'must listen' album. I have to wonder if the authors got to 900 albums and just added 101 UK pop albums they remember from their isolated childhood where they didn't get to go outside and play because they were locked in the basement with nothing but pop radio playing.
Jan 02 2024
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I'm pretty sure Green Gartside pilfered this album on a multiversal music heist where he stole it wholesale from a dimension where Prince has no charisma.
Mar 20 2025
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I kept writing new reviews constantly as I heard this album, I'm just posting them all:
This sounds like it's written by someone who grew up on 80s pop long after the 80s, and as someone who grew up on 80s pop long after the 80s I can relate.
Listen. There is a continuous line between Scritti Politti - Color Me Badd - Kylie Minogue - Robyn - Carly Rae Jepsen - Charli XCX - Sophie that defines a horrifying amount of my love of pop music. I can't begin to pretend I didn't start to love this album from the ~50ish second mark of the first song.
I don't know how this album sounds revolutionary and incredibly dated at the same time, but Scritti Politti sure did achieve it.
What even is a Scritti Politti?
Ok. Ok. So. Pulling back the curtain here a bit, I have a tendency to go into the Global Stats section of this website and check out the highest and lowest rated albums. The highest rated are all basically what you expect, but the lowest? A lot of artists I'd never seen before. And there, between Grindcore and Industrial acts that bang and crash and inscrutable Trout Mask-ass art rock sat Scritti Politti, which Wikipedia described as a synth-pop band with state of the art studio production. I've been so curious since, how can a band that influenced Haim, Elton John, Hot Chip and Kylie Minogue be one of the worst bands of the best? And here we are, I finally got to listen to it, and y'know what. I see why it's down here, for sure. Sickeningly sweet production, the lead singer sounds like a parody of a boy band frontman, whole thing is like someone asked Max Martin to make a Stock Aitken Waterman track from memory, but also HATED Stock Aitken Waterman. The album definitely has it's misses, A Little Knowledge and Don't Work that Hard are nothing songs despite being so close to the rest because the album sits on a fascinating razors edge, but honestly. I love it. The singles are solid 80s sophisti-pop with Perfect Way being one of the cleanest pieces of Bubblegum ever made and I can hear the reverberations of this album through the next 40 years of music. Goddamn am I annoying.
Genuinely though, I think the only way on earth someone would like this as much as I did is if they grew up on the exact same blend of 80s New Wave, 2010s Synthpop, 2020s Hyperpop, Plunderphonics and the Maplestory soundtrack that I did.
All that being said, 4, masterpiece of bubble gum that makes the Archies look like Napalm Death, but this isn't quite reaching the Echelons of 5 star 80s nonsense.
Appended: Psyche, figured out the edit function, this is a 5, see Leftism review.
Mar 13 2025
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I remember getting this album for Christmas when I was a kid. I was huge into the Greek myths back then and Cupid and Psyche's story was one of my favorites. I was so happy that I knew what was behind the title.
I loved it then, but I haven't revisited it in a *long* time. Friends, this was such a friendly warm bath of a listen in these crazy times. The lyrics went completely over the head of young me -- but hearing it again now evokes a certain type of innocence among the peak 80's of it all.
It gets a five from me because it still touches my heart and reminds me of all the mixtapes I used to make folks. "Absolute" still rules.
Mar 11 2025
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Such an 80s sound, but all the better for it; that density of sounds and layers and those butter-smooth vocals. Reminds me a lot of Prince and George Michael. So interesting to hear the band's story as well, they took the ethos of punk and rebelled against punk by becoming a pop band.
Mar 09 2025
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Incredibly 80’s!
Oct 30 2024
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I lived this. Love how the keys and drums sound. Thought it was very executed.
Aug 31 2023
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The Word Girl- 4.7/5
Small Talk- 4.8/5
Absolute- 3.8/5
A Little Knowledge- 5/5
Don't Work That Hard- 5/5
Perfect Way- 5/5
Lover to Fall- 4.8/5
Wood Beez- 4.6/5
Hypnotize- 4.9/5
Total- 4.7/5
Mar 07 2025
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I don’t think I’ve heard of Scritti Politti before. I quite enjoyed this album. It started off seeming like it was going to be a straight of ska album, but it’s poppier and contains more synth than I’d expected. It’s definitely very catchy, and the vocals were pleasant. They’re sort of high pitched male vocals, but not squeaky or falsetto. I’m glad to have heard this today.
Feb 03 2025
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Really enjoyed this. Some absolute bangers.
Jan 31 2025
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January 31, 2025
I found this on vinyl last year, for really cheap, so-
their frickin loss, amirite?
(I listened to one song to make sure it wasn’t damaged, and it sounded pretty good, but I saved the rest for when I got this on the generator)
Ended up just listening to it online today, rather than work to get my record player up and running
This unashamedly represents the rubberiest of rubber soul in the 80’s. I respect that. I even admire it.
Little touches like the gamelan halfway through “Absolute” and the shuffle in “The Word Girl” give it character that’s missing from otherwise similar pop songs of the era
The second half is slightly lacklustre compared to the 1st imo, but also contains my favourite track of the album “Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)”
It is baffling that, as of today, it’s sandwiched between two nonconventional albums by Laibach and Pere Ubu (that I also happen to enjoy) in the lowest-rated albums. I feel like the most controversial aspect about this album is that people seem to hate it on this website- well, and the juxtaposition between the pretentious album title and the incredibly silly band name. Is it really that much worse than Heaven 17? The Culture Club? The Style Council?
Idk, much like yesterday the album is hovering between a 3 and a 4, and like yesterday I’ll round it up. You’re welcome, Green Gartside. Now where’s my 5 dollars
HL: “Wood Beez”, “Small Talk”, “Don’t Work That Hard”, “A Little Knowledge”, “Absolute”
Dec 19 2024
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This actually kinda banged, proper 80s
Dec 05 2024
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obnoxiously 80s, i love it
Nov 20 2024
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Small Talks synths are a vibe
Absolute's opening sounds like a musical
Some interesting things happening
I notably enjoyed Small Talk as well
Cool stuff, I dig it. Probably not playlist material for me but definitely a vibe
Nov 05 2024
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Just read what Christgau wrote about this album. It's all that needs to be said.
Oct 25 2024
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I don't know what's up with all the low reviews. This album was an Absolute bop through and through. Yes, they are kind of like a discount Wham! The thing is, Wham! is perfect through and through, so what could they really do?
I love the synths, the drum machines, the arrangements and note choices. Really, my only problem is that this album was mixed weirdly. Everything is a bit thinner than it should be, and that's why I think it sounds like discount Wham! They needed a bit more reverb on everything.
Oct 17 2024
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I enjoyed this quite a lot. It's sickly sweet, synth heavy, happy, upbeat 80's British pop music. It's quirky, a little funky and also a bit cheesy in places in a bubblegum pop kind of way.
Most of the tunes are good with catchy hooks and interesting and pleasant vocals throughout, very enjoyable. The baselines are funky and it's got a hint of disco.
It's just over half an hour of fun, which is just the right length of time before it starts getting a little too samey.
Sep 12 2024
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Never heard of them before but it sounds like something out of a John Hughes movie.
Sep 05 2024
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**Album Review: "Cupid & Psyche 85" by Scritti Politti**
Released in 1985, "Cupid & Psyche 85" is the second studio album by British band Scritti Politti, fronted by singer-songwriter Green Gartside. The album marked a significant shift from the band's earlier, more experimental post-punk roots to a sophisticated and meticulously crafted pop sound. "Cupid & Psyche 85" achieved both critical and commercial success, blending avant-garde elements with mainstream appeal. The album is often hailed for its innovative production, intricate musical arrangements, and poetic lyrics. In this review, we will examine the album's lyrics, music, production, themes, and influence, while also considering its strengths and weaknesses.
### Lyrics
The lyrics of "Cupid & Psyche 85" are characterized by their poetic ambiguity, intellectual references, and playful use of language. Green Gartside, the band's primary lyricist, weaves together a tapestry of abstract imagery, philosophical allusions, and romantic motifs. The songs often blur the line between sincerity and irony, inviting multiple interpretations.
1. **Intellectual Allusions**: Gartside frequently draws on literary and philosophical references, which enrich the songs with layers of meaning. For instance, the track "The Word Girl" explores themes of language and semiotics, with its title itself playing on the ambiguity of the term "word." "Absolute" contains nods to existentialism, while "Perfect Way" cleverly juxtaposes the ideas of perfection and vulnerability.
2. **Ambiguity and Wordplay**: The lyrics are filled with puns, wordplay, and ambiguous phrasing. Gartside's use of language is both playful and thought-provoking. For example, in "Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)," the title alone is a complex pun on "would-be," "wood bees," and a nod to the gospel influence of Aretha Franklin. This song, like many others on the album, is written in a way that can be appreciated for its surface-level catchiness while also rewarding deeper analysis.
3. **Romanticism and Irony**: Throughout the album, there is a tension between romanticism and irony. Songs like "A Little Knowledge" and "Lover to Fall" delve into themes of love and desire but often undercut their earnestness with a knowing wink. This duality creates a sense of complexity, making the lyrics both accessible and enigmatic.
### Music
Musically, "Cupid & Psyche 85" represents a masterclass in the fusion of pop, funk, R&B, and electronic music. The album's sound is defined by its polished production, lush arrangements, and the use of cutting-edge technology of the time.
1. **Genre Blending**: The album effortlessly blends different musical styles. Tracks like "Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)" and "Absolute" draw heavily from funk and R&B, with tight basslines, syncopated rhythms, and soulful backing vocals. At the same time, there is a strong influence of electronic music, evident in the use of synthesizers, drum machines, and sequencers throughout the album. "Perfect Way" is a prime example of this fusion, combining a catchy pop melody with funk rhythms and electronic textures.
2. **Sophisticated Arrangements**: The arrangements on "Cupid & Psyche 85" are both complex and meticulously constructed. Each song is layered with multiple tracks of instruments and vocals, creating a dense, textured sound. The basslines, often played by renowned bassist Marcus Miller, are particularly notable for their fluidity and groove. The percussion is intricate and varied, incorporating both live drums and programmed beats. The use of synthesizers adds a glossy sheen to the music, while also allowing for experimentation with different timbres and effects.
3. **Melodic Hooks**: Despite the complexity of the arrangements, the album never loses sight of its pop sensibility. Each song is built around a strong melodic hook, making the tracks instantly memorable. "The Word Girl" and "Hypnotize" are particularly effective in this regard, with their infectious choruses and catchy melodies. Gartside's falsetto vocals add a unique character to the songs, conveying both vulnerability and playfulness.
### Production
The production of "Cupid & Psyche 85" is arguably its most distinctive feature. Produced by Arif Mardin, a legendary figure known for his work with artists like Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, and the Bee Gees, the album is a showcase of state-of-the-art 1980s recording techniques.
1. **High Fidelity Sound**: The album is marked by its crystal-clear production quality. Every element of the music is meticulously recorded and mixed, with a focus on clarity and precision. This high-fidelity approach ensures that each instrument is heard distinctly, while still contributing to the overall texture of the music. The production style is emblematic of the 1980s, characterized by a "big" sound that emphasizes both bass and treble frequencies.
2. **Technological Innovation**: "Cupid & Psyche 85" was recorded using the latest digital recording technology available at the time. The use of sequencers, samplers, and drum machines is prominent throughout the album. These technologies allowed for a level of precision and complexity that was not possible in earlier decades. The album's use of digital sampling, for example, enabled the creation of new and unique sounds that were crucial to its innovative aesthetic.
3. **Layered and Polished**: The production is highly polished, with multiple layers of instrumentation and vocals carefully balanced to create a rich, full sound. This level of detail extends to the vocal arrangements as well, with Gartside's voice often multi-tracked to create harmonies and counter-melodies. The result is a lush, textured sound that is both sophisticated and accessible.
### Themes
"Cupid & Psyche 85" explores a range of themes, from love and desire to language and perception. The album's thematic content is both introspective and outward-looking, reflecting Gartside's intellectual curiosity and his engagement with contemporary cultural and philosophical ideas.
1. **Love and Desire**: Many of the songs on the album deal with themes of love, desire, and relationships. However, they do so in a way that often subverts traditional romantic tropes. For example, "The Word Girl" examines the way language can shape and define our understanding of love, while "Lover to Fall" suggests a more cynical view of romantic entanglement.
2. **Language and Semiotics**: A recurring theme throughout the album is the idea of language and its limitations. Gartside, influenced by post-structuralist theories, seems to question the ability of words to fully capture human experience. This is most evident in songs like "The Word Girl," where the lyrics play with the concept of language as a construct, and "Absolute," which explores the ambiguity of meaning.
3. **Irony and Critique**: There is a strong element of irony and self-awareness throughout the album. Gartside often critiques the very forms and genres he is working within, creating a sense of reflexivity. This is particularly evident in "Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)," where the homage to soul music is both sincere and tongue-in-cheek. The album's title itself, "Cupid & Psyche 85," suggests a blend of high art (the classical myth of Cupid and Psyche) with contemporary pop culture (1985 as a reference to its release date).
### Influence
"Cupid & Psyche 85" has had a lasting influence on both pop music and more avant-garde genres. Its innovative production techniques and genre-blending style have been cited as an inspiration by a wide range of artists.
1. **Pop and R&B**: The album's fusion of pop and R&B set a precedent for many later artists, particularly in the 1990s and 2000s. Artists like Justin Timberlake, Janet Jackson, and even contemporary acts like Dua Lipa have drawn on the same mix of funk, electronic music, and catchy pop hooks that Scritti Politti pioneered on this album.
2. **Production Techniques**: The use of digital technology and sampling on "Cupid & Psyche 85" influenced a whole generation of producers and musicians. The album's clean, polished sound, its use of synthesizers, and its complex arrangements can be heard in the work of producers like Timbaland, Pharrell Williams, and even in more recent electronic and indie music.
3. **Cult Following and Critical Reappraisal**: Over time, "Cupid & Psyche 85" has achieved a cult status among music critics and fans. It is often cited as a landmark album of the 1980s, both for its innovation and its enduring appeal. The album has been reappraised in recent years as a precursor to the genre-blurring, experimental pop music that has become more prevalent in the 21st century.
### Pros and Cons
- **Innovative Production**: The album's use of digital technology and state-of-the-art production techniques set a new standard for pop music in the 1980s.
- **Complex Arrangements**: The intricate musical arrangements showcase a high level of craftsmanship and attention to detail, blending different genres seamlessly.
- **Thought-Provoking Lyrics**: The lyrics are poetic, ambiguous, and intellectually engaging, offering multiple layers of interpretation.
- **Memorable Melodies**: Despite its complexity, the album never loses sight of its pop appeal, featuring strong melodic hooks and catchy choruses.
- **Cultural Impact**: The album's influence on subsequent artists and producers is significant, particularly in the realms of pop, R&B, and electronic music.
- **Overproduction**: Some listeners might find the production style too polished or overproduced, lacking the rawness or spontaneity of other contemporary albums.
- **Abstract Lyrics**: The ambiguity
and intellectualism of the lyrics may be off-putting to those looking for more straightforward or relatable themes.
- **Dated Sound**: While the production was cutting-edge at the time, some aspects of the album's sound—such as the heavy use of synthesizers and drum machines—may feel dated to modern listeners.
- **Lack of Emotional Directness**: The album's ironic and self-aware tone can sometimes create a sense of emotional distance, making it harder for some listeners to connect with the songs on a personal level.
### Conclusion
"Cupid & Psyche 85" by Scritti Politti is a groundbreaking album that pushed the boundaries of pop music in the 1980s. Its innovative production, complex musical arrangements, and thought-provoking lyrics have earned it a place in the pantheon of classic albums. While some may find its polished sound and intellectual approach alienating, its influence on later generations of artists is undeniable. "Cupid & Psyche 85" remains a compelling example of how pop music can be both accessible and artistically ambitious, blending sophistication with mass appeal in a way that few albums have managed to replicate.
Jul 29 2024
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At the time of writing, “Cupid & Psyche 85” is one of the twenty lowest rated albums on this entire site, and most pertinently, almost THE lowest rated album that isn’t a branch of experimental/noise/metal/industrial/avant-garde. Call me a square, but… I’m struggling to understand exactly why. With this album, Welsh frontman Green Gartside supposedly leaned into 1980’s pop production with a knowing and ironic side-eye. His aim was to write a love letter to the genre while warmly satirising it, with lyrical explorations of love, language, and music itself. So far, so Stephen Merritt: I’m in.
Where does this approach get us over the ensuing 38 minutes (good length, by the way)? Well, cheery cod-reggae opener “The Word Girl” unpacks the use of the word “girl” in pop music, according to Derrida’s philosophy of deconstruction. There’s a synth-pop smash called “Absolute” which references the Kantian principle of absolution. And most famous single “Wood Beez” supposedly processes Gartside’s move away from materialist and Marxist views towards a rediscovery of linguistics, aided by Aretha Franklin’s move away from gospel into pop. Now, I’m not learned enough to truly understand the philosophical diversions Gartside is taking here, and whether they’re of any merit whatsoever (I have a sneaking suspicion the answer is no)… but credit to him for having the chutzpah to use such frames of reference in this context. What I can completely understand is that as a result, “Cupid & Psyche 85” risks coming across as an annoying combination of lightweight, insubstantial pop and a cynical smugness dressed as “ironic songwriting”. Sure.
But, at the risk of turning like Patrick Bateman, let me declare there are no complaints from me: the whole set of songs here is damn enjoyable. What Gartside may lack in vocal power, he makes up for with a featherweight conversational tone and an absolute abundance of synths. He’s also joined by B.J. Nelson in “A Little Knowledge” and “Hypnotize”, who lends a very welcome extra dimension and ensures the songs don’t suffer when the tempo dips.
The hooks throughout the record are masterful, being influenced by classic R&B and emergent hip-hop: “Perfect Way” is top-notch as a single, as is “Wood Beez”. I happen to be a sucker for such a range of chirping and cheeping synthesisers, all twinkling like stars around cosmic echoey drums. And bursting in are funk guitars, lead riffs (as in “Small Talk”), deliciously corny brass hits, or copious slapped bass (funk workout “Don’t Work That Hard” being possibly the best example of all of it together). For me, the unmistakably of-its-time production is part of the album’s charm, and doesn’t render the arrangements any less artful or intricate: there are some interesting textures, accompaniments and rhythms going on beneath the layers of superficiality.
…Seriously, why is this so low? Lighten up, guys.
Jul 11 2024
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holy fuckin vibe
Nov 24 2023
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This may be brilliant, yet despite listening to it more times than I cared to count today, I need more time to understand if it is!
Three songs already pierce: The Word Girl, Absolute and Wood Beez.
Am reminded of Kraftwerk in that the striking presentation appears to be entirely at the service of an intimate worldview, like Scritti Politti could not say what they are saying any other way. That this is clearly the product of modish studios pumped to their most modish is, incredibly, irrelevant: it’s like the studio form was waiting for the perfect content, and that content turned out to be Scritti Politti.
Dec 23 2024
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This is like the precursor to the boy bands of the 90s-2000s. Like if the Backstreet Boys played instruments.
Kidding aside, it makes sense that these guys (especially the keyboardist) became successful producers/engineers after this. While I don't necessarily "like" it - it's catchy, it's interesting, it's well arranged, executed, and produced.
Worthy of the list.
Dec 18 2024
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Like when Ween produced an 80‘s Madonna album
Apr 24 2024
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This is SO 1985!
Apr 19 2024
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There are some interesting parts, but overall, not really my thing
Apr 18 2024
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ganz okay aber bissl monoton
Apr 15 2024
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This was very 1985
Apr 10 2024
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The 80s sound is strong...but dated. Decent album but obviously a band of the moment.
Apr 08 2024
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Eh. Good music. Not a fan of the theme/message
Mar 25 2024
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Jan 05 2024
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3 - Michael Jackson is that you?
Thought it had some great beats. Very repetitive though, so glad i managed to get through it in one sitting.
Jan 05 2024
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So Top of the Pops. Can vividly imagine Steve Wright or Simon Mayo introducing them.
Dec 12 2024
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No. 301/1001
The World Girl 3/5
Small Talk 2/5
Absolute 3/5
A Little Knowledge 2/5
Don’t Work That Hard 2/5
Perfect Way 3/5
Lover To Fall 2/5
Wood Beez 2/5
Hypnotize 2/5
Average: 2,33
Just plain boring.
Nov 01 2024
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Twinkly schlock-pop.
…but since it’s Halloween, and you’re here looking for a treat, let me offer you an alternate record you should hear before you die that isn’t on this list:
Goblin’s soundtrack to the film “Suspiria”
Mar 21 2024
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there are certain points in your life where your behavior goes to far that you actually see yourself from the outside, as others see you. as a fan of 80s music listening to Scritti Politti, this is one of those moments. is this what it sounds like when i'm getting deep into Prince and Cyndi Lauper?
May 20 2023
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Sounds like a camp Michael Jackson, without the noncing...probably...maybe not.
Apr 12 2023
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Aw hell nah miss me with that 80s bullshit.
Mar 30 2025
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An all-time favorite since highschool 1985!! Perfect Way ground breaking!! Not a bad song on this album!
Feb 20 2025
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Ok I’m alittle biased cause I LOVE 80s new wave, like there’s just something about it that scratches an itch for me. My biggest problem with this album is I don’t LOVE the singers voice, it’s perfectly fine, but not like memorable or remarkable. This album is ALL about the instruments! I would buy a record of this with just instrumentals and I would probably enjoy that better. But regardless of the singer, the music is awesome! Super funky and of it’s time, I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this band before. (Just looked it up, they were huge in the UK, that explains that). But seriously if you like new wave, this album is for you.
Jan 20 2025
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An album that might only work if you were a teenager getting into pop in the mid 1980s with a copy of this that you listened to constantly. Luckily, I'm in that very narrow demographic and have a long affection for this. As 80s as a production can get, with Fairlight and big drum sound and that clean clean production that I kind of miss.
I'm not able to give an objective reveiw of this I'm afraid. It's as familiar to me as an album gets and I think, personally, incredibly strong and consistent set of songs.
Jan 14 2025
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Green Gartside really does need to release new material! Very much missed.
Oct 23 2024
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Gorgeous, a classic
Sep 12 2024
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Easy album to rate: 10/10. Band started off making typical 78-82 post-punk music and then at first sight became a mainstream pop-band, but it is just a format. All their work is great in every aspect.
Aug 22 2024
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This album is one of the symbols of the 80's
Jun 07 2024
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This is the bullshit that I like.
Mar 01 2024
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The most 80s album imaginable. Parody isn’t quite the right word, maybe hyperpop? I like the way Green takes on male and female roles, singing duets with himself. He’s a bit of a smarty pants, all the references to Derrida and Lacan, and I like that as well.
Feb 22 2024
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Groovy pop
Jan 17 2024
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When I read the name I thought I would enjoy it a lot less than I did. After reading who they'd worked with I thought I'd enjoy it a lot more than I did. Overall pretty good lol
Nov 21 2023
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Favourite songs: Absolute, The Word Girl, Hypnotize, Perfect Way, Small Talk, Wood Beez, Don't Work That Hard, Lover to Fall
Least favourite songs: A Little Knowledge
Aug 07 2023
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May 10 2023
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Mar 25 2025
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I thought it was a fun album with some interesting arrangements.
Mar 20 2025
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Very upbeat and pop!
Mar 16 2025
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Favorite Track:
The Word Girl
Mar 05 2025
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I really dug this. Great synth sounds and pop production.
Feb 21 2025
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super nice pop
Feb 19 2025
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actually, hell yeah
Feb 03 2025
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Great fun!
Jan 10 2025
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Obviously not a patch on MJ/Luther Vandross etc but pretty spot on sound for a band formed in Leeds. Really dated sound now but an enjoyable listen
Jan 03 2025
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banger 80s sound.
Nov 20 2024
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a lot of the production techniques are just dreamy ad infinitum, listening to this i feel as if im being played a very generic 80s album through a massive, ethereally glowing orb
Oct 13 2024
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Love a bit of 80’s nostalgia. Baseline is funky and vocals are sweet. My favourite scritti politti song was a few years before this but enjoyed the album.
Sep 20 2024
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Very short (under 40 minutes), but pretty decent. Clearly the work of a very tight band, or a single artist with a solid vision and a band happy to follow.
Sep 01 2024
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I liked this! Felt fairly upbeat and playful. Had a pretty poppy sound but that's fine by me. Nice to have some variety on this list, and from a UK source to boot. Wood Beez was my favourite track.
Jul 25 2024
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Unique sound, very enjoyable - nice background music but has a driving beat that gives you a bit of energy.
Jul 24 2024
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4 or 5 stars for me. Good album
Jul 18 2024
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Me encanta max tundra y ahora por fin entiendo de donde puede haber venido gran parte de su inspiración. Hablando un poco mas del disco me parece increible la calidad de las colaboraciones, tener a marcus miller tocando bajo y a miles davis en un single es otra cosa, aunque el single no este en el disco.
Jun 26 2024
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Weird attempt at being commercial
Jun 06 2024
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This was fine. Low 4. I think that it didn’t do anything crazy but all of it sounded good. 6.5/10 maybe.
May 31 2024
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May 31 2024
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Easy to listen to. Never heard of them.
May 17 2024
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The lighter side of new wave. A little silly, but always bouncy, tuneful, and fun.
May 17 2024
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This isn't something I typically seek out, but I'm two listens back to back on this one already and really enjoying the vibe. There is some 80s cheese, for sure (A Little Knowledge), but there are a lot of great upbeat synth-pop jams (Wood Beez, Absolute, Don't Work That Hard). Some of this feels similar to Prince in character, but less overtly sexual and generally cleaner. Plenty of lovely 80s bass, synth tones, and sex-guitar throughout with super clean production. Makes for some glittery music that feels perfectly suited to soundtrack montages of consumer culture.
This one surprised and wooed me -- high 4 / 5.
May 03 2024
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I think the Scritti Politti needs a dash of the snappy peppy to please my palate. I reckon it was fine, but didn't please me much...except Perfect Way, and maybe kind of one other track, but I don't remember which and don't want to bother to go back to it.
I feel like I am also a bit difficult to please of late. So, I will give it a bit of a bump, assuming that it is me...not SP.
May 03 2024
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A fun trip to the 80s. I've always loved Perfect Way.
May 02 2024
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Hated Scritti Politti back in the day. However, saw them recently, and glad to see their live show has moved on.
May 02 2024
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half Seinfeld: The Original Soundtrack and half a demo disc for a 1985 syndrum kit
Apr 24 2024
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Pleasant surprise....easy listening
Apr 15 2024
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I liked this album. It’s a bit samey, but the songs are catchy and bright. I’ve had Wood Beez stuck in my head all damn day and night!
Apr 13 2024
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Really enjoyed the two listens. Nothing ground breaking, but I enjoyed the straight ahead pop and funky bass lines. 4/5!
Mar 08 2024
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Scritti Politti a name I haven't heard (or thought about) for a long time. I can't recall any emotions associated with this band and listening to this album confirmed that. It's alright, not bad but also not great or original. Most of the tracks are pleasant to listen to and a sizable part of the purpose of music is that it is pleasant to listen to. I have added this to my favorites so it deserves 4 stars.
I must be getting soft in my old age, no that's not it still absolutely loath Johnny Rotten so this album has probably always been alright.
That's all I am going to say about music today now get off my lawn.
Feb 23 2024
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Pretty nice album, enjoyed it
Feb 14 2024
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Tipo reggae-pop. Muy ochentero. En momentos me recuerda vagamente a Michael Jackson y/o Rick Astley
Feb 09 2024
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