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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Heavy Weather

Weather Report


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Heavy Weather
Album Summary

Heavy Weather is the seventh album by Weather Report, released in 1977 through Columbia Records. The release originally sold about 500,000 copies; it would prove to be the band's most commercially successful album. Heavy Weather received a 5-star review from DownBeat magazine and went on to be voted jazz album of the year by the readers of that publication. Featuring the jazz standard "Birdland", the album is one of the best sellers in the Columbia jazz catalog. This opening track was a significant commercial success, something not typical of instrumental music. The melody had been performed live by the band as part of "Dr Honoris Causa", which was from Joe Zawinul's eponymous solo album. Although not mentioned as a live recording in the liner notes, "Rumba Mamá" (a percussion and vocals feature for Manolo Badrena and Alex Acuña) was recorded at a band's concert in Montreux, Switzerland during the summer of 1976, of which a film would be subsequently released on DVD in 2007.







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Aug 08 2021
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4.0 - Sounds like the soundtrack to a 1981 cop comedy, maybe starring Dustin Hoffman and Danny Glover. They have to solve a murder case involving Colombian drug dealers. A wealthy heiress is the love interest. She’s modestly hot in a big-haired 80s way. There’s one sex scene where she’s wearing ridiculous lingerie and we see her tits for half a second. There’s a car chase, a couple explosions, one drunken evening that makes the main character question his choices, finally he cracks the case, the bad guys go to jail, he says goodbye to his partner and the girl. The last scene shows him moving back out West, giving up the cop grind, to work as a ranch hand.

Jan 11 2024
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It frustrates me that out of the limited amount of jazz on this list, we get this. With all due respect, it's the most background music, white-people-dinner-party type jazz you can get. Not that it's terrible, it's fine, but not engaging in the slightest. I wonder why this was included when so many others were left out? (reads the wiki entry) "the band's most commercially successful album"..."one of the best sellers in the Columbia jazz catalog"..."the opening track was a significant commercial success"... ah there we go...the creator of the book didn't know anything about jazz and so resorted to throwing in some Miles Davis and Coltrane that everyone knows, and then skimming the best sellers to pad it out. Of course.

Sep 02 2021
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Pretty good. Really great structure and song writing. Excellent musicianship. The songs aren't really my bag, but it's great music to analyze.

Mar 30 2023
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Well, Jaco Pistorious is an amazing bassist. The album is a bit meh though. Easy listening performed by geniuses.

Mar 01 2023
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And today’s forecast is bland with possible schmooz later.

Mar 27 2022
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"Heavy Weather" is a great example of a jazz fusion record that has such a good vibe that it's no wonder why it's one of the most successful and acclaimed records of the genre. The opener, "Birdland", has Joe Zawinul and Jaco Pastorius mixing piano and fretless bass as the signiture sound of the band. Joined by Wayne Shorter, Alex Acuña and Manolo Badrena, what you have is a dream team of jazz, and songs like "Teen Town" and "Palladíum" are unforgetable classics of the style.

Aug 17 2022
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Jaco is so good. I had heard of him, and was familiar with his style, but didn't realize this was his band. I do love fusion jazz.

Dec 05 2022
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Mostly hooky with a 90% chance of sweet and tuneful melodies. The groves are ebullient and some of the crescendos nearly orgiastic – these cats were having a blast it seems and were fearless in charting a new course for jazz or pop music. It's not just a kinder, gentler approach to fusion, but precise and excellent on its own terms, with at times otherworldly playing.

Mar 17 2021
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This album is great but I don't think it's the best fusion album of all time. That being said, Birdland is a pretty iconic first track (even if I do prefer the Maynard Ferguson version). A Remark You Made is likewise a standout track.I really love Pastorius' tone and it's just an excellent ballad. My other favorite track is the final song Havona, which is a really unique song and a great way to end the album. Overall, I think the production limits the album. Compositionally it's amazing, but some of the songs don't hit quite as hard as they ought to. That being said, there is certainly a reason it's a classic fusion album. Birdland: 9.5/10 A Remark You Made: 9.5/10 Teen Town: 7.5/10 Harlequin: 7.5/10 Palladium: 8.5/10 The Juggler: 8/10 Havona: 9/10 Decent 8/10

Feb 16 2022
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"Jazz Odyssey." That was the answer offered by Spinal Tap bassist when the band found themselves short of a guitar player. The result was a hilarious mix of well-intentioned attempts at virtuosity and well-pissed fans. This time though, a Spinal Tap fan was not giving a disapproving thumbs-down to a vision quest of jazz and psychedelia. Weather Report featured Jaco Pastorius, the man who was oft deemed the Hendrix of bass, and Heavy Weather is chock full of reasons why and how he earned that title. Melodic one moment, and tastefully dissonant the next, with a good amount of percussivity, Pastorius managed to display his range while still playing well with others. Tracks like Harlequin gave free reign to the sax, piano and keyboards (?) all laying atop snaking basslines that were melodic in their own right. If the first listen was a monolithic odyssey, the second run on this record allowed for this writer to be introduced to each track as individual works, whether it was the frenetic, tambourine-driven Birdland or the contemplative Rumba on side-B, this record proves to be one that keeps on giving. There will be something new to take away from each listen, from each instrument. I can't wait to do this a third time.

Feb 22 2023
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While I had heard Birdland before (in music history class), the rest of the album was not very memorable. Maybe I’d spin it again when I’m looking for upbeat work music, but honestly it just wasn’t that interesting.

Nov 25 2023
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When I was in High School, I went through an 80s jazz fusion phase from Youtube recommendations. I'm sure the likes of Casiopea blew up in other people's feeds as well. Jazz tried to be pop-accessible a couple decades earlier, but that style has long since sounded dated: barebones, predictable, and repetitive. The mid-60s brought a wave of rock musicians incorporated jazz into their music for various purposes, but those songs were either catchy pop tunes, grand prog or jam compositions, or just straight out weird (Frank Zappa, Soft Machine, Miles Davis). What Weather Report does here is smoothly incorporate rock instrumentation and recent synth developments to enhance the cool jazz experience. It's not like they're the first to do this, but I consider them to be the strongest out of everyone who came before them. With Jeff Beck, I'm focused on the guitar work and atmosphere. With Steely Dan, it's about the pop hooks and mood. But here, I can appreciate the whole group and the development of their compositions over time. It's smooth and natural with quiet and loud moments, funky grooves and electrifying synths, to make each track feel alive. Song structure is surely inspired by TV and movie soundtracks. "Teen Town" definitely sounds like a theme for some crime show. Only weak song is "The Juggler" but it couldn't even annoy me at my worst with how low key it is. The record works as a coherent experience. Starts off with one of the most popular jazz standards of all time, and from there takes you through an easy-going, short (37 minutes), yet fun adventure. You're free to pay attention or space out: it's all the same enjoyment. Giving it 5 stars for being the most put-together jazz fusion record I've heard. Besides "Birdland", none of the songs blow away my expectations, but it's all unique, intriguing, and well thought-out, offering diversity and innovation.

Sep 04 2024
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It ain't for everyone's taste, but I like it. Fave Tracks: Birdland, Havona 4/5

Apr 26 2021
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Don’t love 70s jazz but it felt capable

Jul 09 2021
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- easy listening, some spicier tracks but overall chilled. - bigband not my thing, solos a little muddy. - Drums are the standout, maybe followed by piano.

Jul 27 2024
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Truly innovative: This Weather Report accurately predicted the sound of mid-80’s cheese in 1977. (The second half of this record is really good, though)

Oct 28 2021
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Weather report: cloudy sky with little visibility of the stars

Apr 28 2023
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Not in the mood, not sure what mood I would have to be in actually.

Dec 03 2023
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in choosing to go through this list i thought i might broaden my musical horizons. what it has actually done has entrench my previous opinions and the list has become a chore of forcing myself to listen to things that i know quite quickly that i don't like. case in point, this jazz willy waving nonsense.

Dec 18 2023
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No. 70/1001 Birdland 3/5 A Remark You Made 3/5 Teen Town 3/5 Harlequin 2/5 Rumba Mama 2/5 Palladium 2/5 The Juggler 2/5 Havona 2/5 Average: 2,38 Jazz album that is ok, but didn't really excite me at all.

May 28 2021
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6 estrellas nomás por los lolz. y por subir el promedio. consumí esto irónicamente, es música para la hora de la comida, jazz de programa de tv. fenomenal.

Jun 24 2021
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LOOOOVED this. The bass, the drums, the grooves, everything.

Aug 04 2021
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This is awesome. Didn't know about the existence of this band and ended up hearing this album and others multiple times.

Aug 12 2021
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one of the first jazz super groups - incredible album, great background music.

Aug 20 2021
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A true masterpiece, timeless, a jewel for the ages. Let's give it 10 stars!

Dec 16 2021
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I love this album! Weather Report slaps.

Jan 07 2022
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Brilliant! Jazz funk, constant tap your foot stuff, big fan

Feb 23 2022
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Tydzien instrumentalny na liscie trwa w najlepsze, tym razem z poteznymi jojowymi referencjami, bo grany jest heavy weather bedacy siodmym studyjnym krazkiem jazzowej bandy weather report pod przewodnictwem pana Zawinula, ktory juz sie pojawil na liscie na plycie Davisa, ale zdecydowanie nie jest to krazek jednej osoby, bo w sklad zespolu wchodza takie nazwiska jak Wayne Shorter, wiec legendarna saksa, Jaco Pastorius na basie, Alex Acuña drumsy i Manolo Badrena tamburyniarz i perkusja, wiec paleta charakterow zaowocowala roznorodnymi kompozycjami, bo kazdy z czlonkow ma swoj kawalek, ktorych lacznie jest 8 na 37 minutach, co jednak najbardziej mnie urzeklo podczas odsluchu, to idealny balans na granicy improwizacji a kompozycji, ktora ma charakteryzowac fussion, no i nie mozna zapomniec o wykorzystaniu ciekawych instrumentow, bo klawisze Zawinula, to pianinko, elektryczna klawiaturka, jak i konsola synthowa, tak samo z saksa pojawia sie zarowno w wersji tenorowej jak i sopranowej, podobnie Jaco gral glownie na basie i to jeszcze bezprogowym, ale na otwierajacym birdlandzie gra on na mandoloncelle, wiec specyficzna wloska lutnia, grajaca dosc niskie tony, krazek niesamowicie lekki, raczej utrzymany w dosc szybkim tempie, a jednoczesnie przepelniony ciekawym wielowarstwowym brzmieniem, ktore jednak nie zabija energii ktora wrecz bije z poszczegolnych instrumentow, ale najbardziej czuc to z grania pana Jaco, ktorego kawalki sa dla mnie hajlajtami albumu, wiec na plejke leci otwierajacy birdland i zamkykajacy havona, ciekawy lore piece na temat pana Jaco, to fakt ze mial dziwne hobby polegajace na szukaniu barowych bojek, wiec prawie jak w fajt klubie, takie hobby z pewnoscia nie sprzyja zdrowotnosci, bo w wieku 35 lat zakonczyl swoj zywot przed wrotami jednego z barow, swietny basista i ciekawa postac z tego ktotkiego opisu

Aug 04 2022
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Surprisingly good, has Supertramp vibes with the wide use of instruments Instrumental + , jazz, so good, I love it!!

Sep 26 2022
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A jazz fusion classic. Jaco Pastorious is so good, such a unique bass sound. Of course « Birdland » is a true masterpiece in itself but the whole album is really good.

Oct 02 2022
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Wow! What a nice surplice. This was excellent. I see why they call the genre 'fusion.' Jazzy and funky and kinda perfect for early mornings. Will definitely return to this quite a bit.

Oct 30 2022
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HUGE FAN. I loved the jazz/rock fusion. Absolutely amazing album. 10/10.

Nov 10 2022
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I consider A Remark You Made one of the greatest compositions ever.

Nov 10 2022
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Great album. Cool grooves. Didn't know what to expect. Every song puts you in a good mood. Can't wait to see what the rest of my group thinks about this.

Nov 16 2022
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This was my first introduction to Jaco Pastorius. I love this album. This is an important recording due to it's commercial success and many folks intro into fusion jazz. It contains elements of jazz, latin, rock, and soul music. I definitely have a sentimental connection to this album and have listened to it many time since my introduction in the early '80s. I listen to this as great musicians interacting with each other and no one artist is better than the next.

Feb 12 2023
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А почему мы вдруг резко решили уйти от альтернативы и тяжеляка, причём так кардинально? Неужто скучные альбомы кончились?)) У меня ещё на первом треке кажется случился снос башни. Звучит как что-то среднее между аниме-опенингом, песни из интро к шоу Леттермана и заставки программы Время (Время вперёд, короче). Так быстро, стремительно, эклектично пронеслись эти 6 минут. Но остальные треки как-то поскучнее оказались. Зато там есть потрясные соляки на безладовом басе! Это прям мммм, аааа, конфетка. Да и просто фоном он звучит офигенно, в Harlequin, например. Так, середина. Что такое Rumba Mama? Это кто-то на диктофон записывал каких-то латиносов, или что?)) Как-то странно... И немного не туда. Но как разгрузка в середине альбома - чётко. Если подводить итог, то в целом альбом классный. Его не стыдно включить на виниле на домашней тусе, можно смело добавить пару треков в повседневный плейлист. Много разных жанров намешано. К концу вообще в какой-то спейс джаз ушло, ну или что-то подобное. Прикольно, неожиданно. Если ругать за что-то - только если за какую-то странную румбу. Не из этой оперы вообще, глубинный смысл не понят.

Feb 12 2023
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Более электронный джаз, который довольно бойко и круто влетает в тебя

Mar 08 2023
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Okay, this is cooool. Obvious five stars for atmospheric instrumental jazz with just enough synth to keep you on your toes.

May 05 2023
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This album is legendary. I love every second of it for years now. Thank you for giving me this album today. It will be a nice re-listening.

Jul 11 2023
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YESSSSS! JACO!!!!! Every song on here is beautiful and I love this mess. Teen Town kills it. Havona is so good. Damn this album is just so tight.

Jul 27 2023
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Jazz had been led astray by the mid to late 1970s. So many sub-genres had popped up, lending itself to curiosity and dissension and many of the genre's luminaries were either fusing themselves to the changing times, clinging on hopelessly to past primes or were long dead/approaching death. Clearly, jazz was in need of a weather report. While the group itself were not new and most of the members were veterans of the scene, it is no stretch to consider Heavy Weather to be a great first album to get in touch with the band's stylings. An appropriate mixture of what was past and then-present, Heavy Weather neither offends nor becomes pretentious, becoming one of the best representatives of post-fusion jazz in the process. There is plenty to like and plenty to get ahold of in either the standard album or the expanded version (the added on live tracks are no nuisance) and the curious minded would not have a problem with Heavy Weather if they give it the time it richly deserves. P. S. the album cover kicks ass.

Sep 29 2023
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one of my favorite fusion albums — a masterpiece from beginning to end - 10/10

Oct 27 2023
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Have never heard of this one, feels jazzy, but with a heavy-handed 70's classic rock backing. Interesting for sure but I don't think im a personal fan of this genre, let's see. This first track has an extremely hopeful feel to it, is actually putting me into a happier mood, rare for music to create that emotion for me. Similar to the Cowboy Bebop OST. I actually like this album A LOT. This is most likely the first album I've never heard of before that I give a 5 rating. There's a slightly excessive use of bongos, I'd like to hear more variation in the choices of secondary percussion. Still, the level of layering on most of these songs is absolutely incredible. Very tight compositions here.

Oct 27 2023
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Finally, something that is truly brand new to me! I really enjoyed this, will listen to more by Weather Report. It's just good vibes.

Nov 15 2023
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HOOOOOOOO BABY THIS IS FIRE. I didnt even realize this was Jaco until the 2nd or 3rd listen. Absolute classic and will be returning to this many times in the future

Nov 23 2023
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Very good jazz fusion. Easy and fun listening to this. Good performances as well. Very cool! Will come back to this.

Nov 23 2023
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Fretless bass sounds like a wet fart. But a good one. Hypnotic. RIP Jaco ❤️

Nov 30 2023
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Album Art 10/10 that is one of the most unique covers I have ever seen I want that to be the art on the deck of my next snowboard. The sounds like the Local on the 7s from the Weather Channel back in the 90s but on steroids. Jazz fusion may be my new favorite genre of music. Any album that is so enjoyable with only instrumentals will always be a 5 star for me.

Nov 30 2023
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Absolute firecracker of an album. Starts out hot as a fireball and quickly switches to a cooler tempo with A Remark You Made and then builds and builds back up to super hot fire before ending with Havona. The Orioles need to get the rights to Birdland and make an 80s themed hype video using it and use it around the ballpark to get the fans jazzed up. This album is incredible. Every instrument had time to shine and took full advantage of the spotlight. The drummer deserves a special accolade because that man kept driving the beat without a single hesitation or slip up.

Dec 15 2023
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Great album. One of my favourite jazz albums. As a bass player in a life far, far away, Jaco was always an inspiration. His playing on Teen Town still floors me. The musicianship is top notch. 5 star classic.

Jan 17 2024
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anything with jaco is an instant 5 star

Jan 19 2024
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Weather Report is a classic jazz staple and this album is no exception to that. Five stars, no notes, perfection

Jan 25 2024
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Another favorite from 40 years ago. Highly produced and commercial, every song is memorable 5 stars

Jan 31 2024
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When all the other 70’s music got to be soooo stupid, there was always great jazz from Weather Report. Never disappointed.

Mar 01 2024
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jesus when you know you know thank god for jazz where is the vinyl

Mar 14 2024
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I was convinced that I'd like this going in, and my opinion hasn't changed. It's a little "out there" so this album probably isn't great for ad hoc listening, but this is definitely a groove I can dig.

Apr 07 2024
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I LOVE new age jazz so much man its so good. a remark you made has to be one of my all time favourite songs its so cool in a heyo daddio kind of way. like im smoking a cigarette rn as i walk down the street as the sun sets i love it i love it i love it

Apr 09 2024
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you already gave me this shit motherfucker c'mon

Apr 17 2024
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I liked it a lot. To bass players, Jaco is as iconic as Jimi Hendrix is to guitarists. However to some, being a legendary bass player is about as impressive as being a legendary dentist. I thought it was a really interesting album and packed a lot into just 37 mins.

Apr 28 2024
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Smooth, relaxed, amazing 70’s jazz. Birdland alone makes the album, but the rest of the tracks were filled with awesome and diverse jazz movements. Worth multiple listens.

Jul 07 2024
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I LOVED this one. Love me some jazz with a good vibe to it, and this one hit the nail on the head for me. Definitely will be adding to my vinyl collection when possible.

Jul 08 2024
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One word: Jaco Liked songs added: - Birdland - Teen Town - Havona

Jul 11 2024
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A jazz album I actually love! Mostly due to the bass guitar being front and center for a lot of the album, gives it a different feel.

Jul 11 2024
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This album is great. Jaco Pastorius was one of the greatest bassists to live. Teen Town is a jazz classic, Birdland is also a great song off this album. I also enjoyed Palladium and Havona. Great album

Jul 29 2024
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What an incredible album! I'm not sure how I missed out on these guys during my prime jazz listening day, but that's fully rectified now. This is the type of jazz you should show your friends to get them into jazz. Soulful, tons of swing, extremely connected units. This is also a beautiful album cover that is going to look fantastic in my record collection. Loved this. Favorite track: Birdland

Aug 01 2024
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This is a 5 for me. Fusion w great songwriting and always keeps me on my toes. The bass solo in havona 🤯

Aug 05 2024
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very warm and perky fusion jazz music that has a fair share of bossa and latin pop influence. heavy weather is a great title, i feel like this album literally sounds like this big.... windy storm, but if said storm had a dozen musicians just circling around and around. these basslines especially drive me crazy in the best way. there's just something so engaging about a lot of fusion albums, even if the songs were written with such thought and complexity, the average listener still has a positive mood and usually can always imagine every band member just smiling and having a grand ol' time. it's what makes these albums, including this one special.

Aug 19 2024
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**Heavy Weather by Weather Report: An In-Depth Review** **Introduction** Released in 1977, *Heavy Weather* by Weather Report stands as one of the seminal albums in the jazz fusion genre. The album represents the pinnacle of the band’s creativity, blending complex jazz compositions with rock, funk, and world music elements. This review will delve into various aspects of the album, including its musical composition, lyrical content (though sparse), production quality, thematic elements, and the broader influence it had on music. Additionally, the review will assess the pros and cons of the album, providing a balanced perspective on its legacy. ### Musical Composition **Instrumentation and Arrangements** *Heavy Weather* is notable for its intricate and dynamic arrangements. The band, composed of Joe Zawinul (keyboards), Wayne Shorter (saxophone), Jaco Pastorius (bass), Alex Acuña (drums), and Manolo Badrena (percussion), delivers a performance that is both technically proficient and emotionally compelling. The opening track, “Birdland,” is perhaps the most iconic piece from the album. It’s a vibrant, energetic composition that blends jazz with a pop sensibility, making it accessible to a wider audience. The track is built around a catchy melody played by Zawinul on the synthesizer, supported by a tight rhythm section and Shorter’s saxophone lines. The use of unison lines between the bass and synthesizer, combined with complex chord structures, showcases the band’s innovative approach to jazz. “Teen Town,” composed by Pastorius, highlights his virtuosity on the bass. The track features a syncopated bassline that serves as both the rhythm and melody, a rarity in jazz music. Pastorius’ playing is fluid and melodic, demonstrating his ability to push the boundaries of the bass guitar. “Harlequin” and “A Remark You Made” offer a more introspective and lyrical side of the band. The compositions are lush and atmospheric, with Shorter’s saxophone providing a hauntingly beautiful melodic line. The interplay between Zawinul’s keyboards and Shorter’s saxophone creates a sonic landscape that is both serene and emotionally charged. **Harmonic and Rhythmic Complexity** The harmonic language of *Heavy Weather* is rooted in jazz but incorporates elements of rock and world music. Zawinul’s use of synthesizers allows for a broad palette of sounds, ranging from warm, analog tones to more abstract, electronic textures. The harmonic structures are complex, often utilizing modal scales and unconventional chord progressions. Rhythmically, the album is a marvel of syncopation and groove. Acuña and Badrena provide a percussive foundation that is both intricate and danceable. The rhythms often shift between different meters, creating a sense of unpredictability and excitement. “Rumba Mamá,” a percussion-driven track, showcases the band’s exploration of Afro-Cuban rhythms, adding to the album’s diversity. ### Lyrics and Vocal Elements *Heavy Weather* is primarily an instrumental album, which is typical of Weather Report’s style. The lack of traditional lyrics allows the music to speak for itself, with the instruments serving as the primary vehicles for expression. However, there are moments of vocalization, such as the wordless singing in “Birdland,” which adds a layer of texture to the music. The use of the human voice in an instrumental context is effective in conveying emotion and enhancing the overall atmosphere of the album. In this sense, *Heavy Weather* communicates its themes and moods through the interplay of melody, harmony, and rhythm rather than through conventional lyrical narratives. ### Production Quality **Sound Engineering and Mixing** The production quality of *Heavy Weather* is outstanding, particularly for its time. The album was produced by Zawinul and Shorter, with engineers Ron Malo and Bruce Botnick handling the technical aspects. The sound is crisp and clear, with each instrument occupying its own space in the mix. The balance between the instruments is meticulously crafted, allowing the listener to appreciate the nuances of each performance. The use of synthesizers and electronic effects is integrated seamlessly into the acoustic elements of the band. Zawinul’s keyboards, which range from Rhodes pianos to cutting-edge synthesizers, are given a prominent place in the mix without overwhelming the other instruments. The bass is warm and punchy, providing a solid foundation for the music while also being able to stand out when necessary, as in “Teen Town.” **Innovative Recording Techniques** One of the notable aspects of the album’s production is the innovative use of recording techniques. For example, the layering of multiple keyboard tracks in “Birdland” creates a dense and rich sonic texture. The use of reverb and delay on Shorter’s saxophone adds a sense of space and depth, giving the music an almost ethereal quality. The production also captures the energy and spontaneity of the band’s performance. There is a live, organic feel to the album, which is a testament to the skill of the musicians and the production team. The recording techniques employed on *Heavy Weather* were ahead of their time, contributing to the album’s status as a landmark in jazz fusion. ### Themes and Concepts **Exploration and Innovation** Thematically, *Heavy Weather* is an exploration of musical boundaries. The album does not adhere to a single genre or style; instead, it blends elements from various musical traditions to create something entirely new. This sense of exploration is reflected in the album’s compositions, which are adventurous and unconventional. The title *Heavy Weather* itself suggests a journey through different musical landscapes, each with its own mood and atmosphere. The album can be seen as a reflection of the turbulent and dynamic nature of the 1970s, a time of significant social and cultural change. The music is both a product of its time and a timeless expression of artistic creativity. **Emotional Depth and Atmosphere** While *Heavy Weather* is often celebrated for its technical brilliance, it is also a deeply emotional album. Tracks like “A Remark You Made” convey a sense of melancholy and introspection, while “Birdland” exudes joy and exuberance. The emotional depth of the album is achieved through the expressive playing of the musicians and the rich harmonic language of the compositions. The atmospheric quality of the music is another key theme. The album creates a sense of space and environment, drawing the listener into its world. Whether it’s the bustling energy of “Birdland” or the serene beauty of “Harlequin,” *Heavy Weather* is an album that engages the listener’s imagination and emotions. ### Influence and Legacy **Impact on Jazz and Popular Music** *Heavy Weather* is one of the most influential albums in the jazz fusion genre. Its success helped to popularize jazz fusion, bringing the genre to a wider audience. The album’s blend of jazz, rock, and world music elements has had a lasting impact on subsequent generations of musicians. The track “Birdland” has become a standard in both jazz and popular music. Its catchy melody and accessible structure have made it a favorite among musicians and listeners alike. The song has been covered by numerous artists, including The Manhattan Transfer, who won a Grammy Award for their vocal arrangement of the tune. **Influence on Musicians and Genres** Jaco Pastorius’ innovative bass playing on *Heavy Weather* has been particularly influential. His use of harmonics, fretless bass, and melodic playing style has inspired countless bassists across various genres. Pastorius’ work on the album is considered a benchmark for electric bass playing, and his influence can be heard in the music of artists ranging from Marcus Miller to Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The album’s fusion of different musical styles has also influenced the development of other genres, such as progressive rock and electronic music. Bands like King Crimson and Genesis incorporated elements of jazz fusion into their music, while electronic artists have drawn inspiration from the album’s use of synthesizers and production techniques. ### Pros and Cons **Pros** 1. **Musical Brilliance**: *Heavy Weather* showcases the extraordinary musicianship of Weather Report. The compositions are complex and innovative, yet accessible and engaging. 2. **Production Quality**: The album’s production is top-notch, with a clear and balanced mix that highlights the nuances of each instrument. The use of innovative recording techniques adds depth and texture to the music. 3. **Influence**: The album has had a profound impact on jazz fusion and beyond, influencing musicians across various genres. 4. **Emotional and Atmospheric Depth**: The album is not just technically impressive but also emotionally resonant, offering a rich and immersive listening experience. 5. **Iconic Tracks**: Tracks like “Birdland” and “Teen Town” have become iconic in their own right, celebrated for their composition and performance. **Cons** 1. **Accessibility**: While *Heavy Weather* is more accessible than some of Weather Report’s earlier work, its complexity may still be challenging for listeners unfamiliar with jazz fusion. The album demands active listening and may not appeal to those seeking more straightforward music. 2. **Lack of Lyrics**: The absence of traditional lyrics may be a drawback for some listeners who prefer vocal-driven music. The album relies entirely on instrumental expression, which may not resonate with everyone. 3. **Consistency in Innovation**: Some critics argue that the album, while innovative, doesn’t consistently push the boundaries of jazz fusion throughout all its tracks. While tracks like “Birdland” are groundbreaking, others like “The Juggler” may seem less adventurous. ### Conclusion *Heavy Weather* by Weather Report is a landmark album in the history of jazz fusion. Its blend of complex compositions, virtuosic performances, and innovative production techniques has earned it a place among the greatest jazz albums of all time. The album’s influence can be seen in the work of countless musicians across various genres, and its tracks continue to be celebrated for their creativity and emotional depth. While the album may present challenges for some listeners due to its complexity and lack of conventional lyrics , these aspects are also what make it a rewarding and enduring piece of art. *Heavy Weather* remains a testament to the power of musical exploration and the ability of artists to transcend the boundaries of genre. Whether you are a seasoned jazz aficionado or a newcomer to the genre, *Heavy Weather* offers a rich and compelling listening experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Sep 04 2024
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Klassieker en met reden! Geweldige nummers, origineel, en het begin van een nieuwe vertakking in de jazz.

Sep 20 2024
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What a vibe! And Jaco on bass... just great.

Sep 23 2024
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Funcionou demais como trilha do café da manhã do domingo.

Oct 20 2024
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Definitely the Weather Report album I am most familiar with. Birdland and Teen Town are absolute jazz fusion classics. I came to this album through hearing about Jaco over and over in music magazines.

Oct 21 2024
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I can't imagine what this music sounds like to normal, non bass playing, people. Do you like it?

Oct 23 2024
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Not my favourite Weather Report album, but still very good of course. Zawinul and Shorter were total geniuses.

Nov 05 2020
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music perfect for playing in background (ambient)

Jun 04 2021
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Awesome accessible start but quickly gets a bit jazzy for me. 4 stars are mostly in the strength of Birdland.

Feb 25 2021
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not something i super dig, but it's good for what it is, 4

Jul 09 2021
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Fluid and delightfully arranged. Some very pleasant melodic phrasing. Joe Zawinul's solos are ethereal and vibrant - classy stuff.

May 14 2021
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Good funky jazz. Not going to be on any list of favorite albums I'll ever make, but it's the sort of thing you wouldn't be upset if it came on as background music

May 28 2021
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Siento que esto es jazz con algo de drogas. De hecho cuando inició el disco, no supe que esperar, ya después me di cuenta de qué era. Como lo he dicho antes, el jazz aún no logra atraparme, así que el disco lo escuché con poca atención. Sin embargo, sí me gustan las variaciones y que suene animado, muy uptempo (???). "Rumba Mama" está padre por su inclusión de los tambores que se escuchan, "Palladium" porque de repente tiene unos arranques padres, pero yo creo que la que más me gustó sí fue "Birdland". Música como para cena animada o con show, no sé, algo así. 7.5/10

May 10 2021
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Fun jazz album! Will absolutely listen to again

May 28 2021
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Pues chido y todo, perobpues sí la escuché más como de fondo. harlequin y rumba mama fueron las que más me gustaron. Y el radio despues del disco me mostró muchas canciones que me gustaron, mood: gracias weather report, por lo d que me mostró un radio interesante y por dar tantos samples a los del lofi y toda esa onditabdel pop hypnagogico. Lel

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