The Next Day
David BowieNone of the classic Bowie songs, but still very listenable. It did fade a bit to background music at times though. Would consider listening again, but haven't added it to favourites.
None of the classic Bowie songs, but still very listenable. It did fade a bit to background music at times though. Would consider listening again, but haven't added it to favourites.
I like the melodic stuff and incorporation of string instruments on some of the softer tracks. A few real standouts (Disarm, Luna, Spaceboy). Started skeptical I'd like it but it definitely surprised me.
I'm not going to lie, getting through this was a bit of a grind. It probably doesn't help that I was listening to it in the middle of the day while trying to work; if I was at a party having a boogie it would be a solid option. I think later era Daft Punk (Random Access Memories) is much more my vibe.
I can't be objective about this album because I love it so much. 18 year old me singing along to this live at Festival Hall has burned this album into my brain and the dopamine hit gets me every time.
Loved it. Already a big fan of Love & Hate, so this was more of the same excellent vibes. I imagine this will go on the repeat list.
I can't hear Just the Way You Are without thinking of the Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party medley. So that song has definitely been ruined for me. The rest I quite liked, a little on the cheesy side at times.
Felt like I was in a John Hughes film or something with similarly 80s vibes. A bunch of songs I recognised and liked, a few new ones that were fun to listen to. A couple of bores. Overall vibed it.
Had a lot of fun with this one, will definitely need to revisit!
Not bad, got a bit bored.
Background music, easy listening, slid into boring pretty quickly. The ones with a high play count on Spotify are probably the standouts for me as well.
That's a helluva lot of cowbell. This album is so batshit crazy that I can't fault it, even when the samples of what sounded like shrieking cats started getting a little grating. Can You Get To That the obvious standout. Just so funky fresh!
Love this, so moody and delicious. A few songs felt a bit repetitive as the style doesn't change a lot throughout the whole album but majority were standouts.
I loved this all the way through. Felt like it was too short so I listened to it a second time!
Full of absolute bangers, start to finish. God I love me some disco! It was also surprisingly versatile - tracks like Savoir Faire and At Last I Am Free felt like such lush melancholy departures from the fun and upbeat stuff. This is for sure going into a regular rotation (and a bunch of tracks went onto my disco playlist I use when I clean the house, Scrub-a-dub Disco).
That was painful. I don't know if I didn't like it because it was live or because it just wasn't my jam. No tracks I'd save, I suppose 'Boys Are Back in Town' is iconic, but yeah I was not having a good time start to finish.
I really liked the vibe of this but have to admit it didn't super hold my attention! I'm thinking I may need to give it another go in the future.
I love many songs from this album, listening to the whole thing all the way through was a lovely experience.
Chill and relaxing, but didn't blow my mind. Good background music while I'm working. Felt a bit same-same throughout.
I don't know what I was expecting for this one, for some reason I didn't think I was going to like it... but this album slaps from start to finish! Had a lot of fun, only complaint is that it wasn't long enough.
A few stellar tracks, a few plodding ones. I listened to this and Iggy Pop back to back, wondering if the slightly creepy vibes towards young women on both albums made me a bit less excited about this one.
Woo hoo! My first one star album! Why is this on the list?! I can list a bunch of stuff I'd prefer to listen to rather than this album: jackhammering next door, cats in heat yeowling in the night, the high-pitched shrieking of a toddler. Pretty much from the first song I wanted it to be over. There were maybe one or two redeemable moments in some of the songs that were quickly turned back into grating bleurghhhh.
Bloody hell this album was excellent. I feel like Linkin Park's sound is so unique; the way they go from these beautiful, gentle, stripped back moments into big, full, intense crescendos. I've heard quite a few of the individual tracks, but I feel like the album works so well as a whole. I know I have a 5 star on my hands when it finishes and I'm disappointed!
Sexy. Soulful. Stevie. How can it be anything other than a 5? I really like his way of weaving in a surprising chord progression; I feel like none of the songs are predictable which keeps my ears glued. Loved it and will be returning!
I listened to this twice because I felt like there were a few nice moments in the first listen but hadn't really paid enough attention. Then I did the same thing on the second listen. So maybe not enough to grab my attention here.
I was super excited to get a WS album, first band I went and saw live WITHOUT MY PARENTS at Festival Hall at 15 years old. Jack White absolutely shredding Joline on the guitar is a core memory for me. I was expecting this to be one that nostalgia automatically affords a 5 star (like the Arctic Monkeys one I got second day in). However, I was actually a bit surprised that I didn't know every song on this album. I still know every word to Hotel Yorba, Fell in Love with a Girl and We're Gonna Be Friends, but a bunch of stuff wasn't super familiar - I think maybe I came in more around Elephant and Get Behind Me, Satan. I actually think Elephant surpasses this album (I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself, The Hardest Button To Button, Seven Nation Army) but I still had an excellent time.
This was... fine I guess? Not the most exciting album I've ever heard in my life TBH. Wasn't blown away.
I feel like this was probably groundbreaking at the time if ambient music wasn't a thing. I feel like ambient music is now very much a thing, and this feels a little boring in comparison. It was nice relaxing background music for work, but didn't blow me away.
This was pretty middle of the road for me. Most of the songs sounded the same. I don't think the style is my vibe. A couple of bops, and more exposure could potentially change my mind - for example, I know I've heard Bad Moon Rising on a bunch of soundtracks, and it felt like one of the more enjoyable moments, but could just be because I'm familiar with it. Otherwise probably not going to revisit much.
First listen I was not vibing (but I was also distracted). Glad I gave it another whirl because I got a lot more on a second listen. It was fun but probably not something I'll revisit.
Back-to-back bops on this one. I was having a boogie while cleaning, loved it from start to finish. Portugese is such a sexy language.
This was pretty good, it felt like (and I might be betraying my age here) the predecessor to Kings of Leon. A few goodies on there, I really liked Hot, Blue and Righteous and Waiting for the Bus.
Ok, I like the Ramones but apparently in small doses. A whole album was tough. Everything sounded the same and I was waiting for it to end. I feel like you could just listen to Blitzkrieg Bop and it would be like you've heard the rest of them. Maybe teenage me would've been more into it?
I went into this one not expecting to enjoy it, however it was such a vibe! Need to check out the deluxe edition now as I just did the regular. Kept pulling me back in with a surprising beat or switch up mid song and kept my attention start to finish.
I went into this pretty positive because I knew I was going to have a good time. Second Funkadelic album and they just do not disappoint. I rated Maggot Brain 5 stars but this one might be even better? Oh well, in retrospect plenty of ratings I'd change. Only disappointing thing was having to listen to the album on YouTube so I can't add a bunch of stuff to Spotify albums.
I'm surprised how much I like this. I'd previously heard Shutdown a bunch when it came out and had the impression I didn't like grime, however this was a solid album with a lot to get behind. Skepta is a storyteller and I think I'll give this album another whirl at some point to see what else I can pick up on. Does it deserve to be on a greatest of list? I guess time will tell, but I'm glad I heard it.
Very lyrically driven and evocative imagery. I think I'll need another listen to really let it sink in. I think all of the songs would stand alone really well, however listening to them all back to back I found the musical style a little repetitive and they started blurring a bit.
Are You Ready Eddy was not quite enough to save this album from a one star review. It was terrible and I hated it. I'm sad that I'll never have that 38 minutes and 54 seconds of my life back.
Well that was a dreamy experience. I'm in love, carried off on the waves of Robert Smith's vulnerable vocals.
This was a bit unforgettable. A few good moments, a few moments were a bit twee for my taste.
Some good fun rock, had a fun time all the way through.
Very groovy and fun. I would come back to most of this album, but maybe not every single track.
Faded into background noise, but not unenjoyable background noise.
A few goodies, a few boring moments. Nothing that really blew me away.
I don't know why I wasn't looking forward to this one that much, but there was lots to love about this album. Jealous Guy has been a favourite for a long time. While Imagine is a bit cheesy to me these days, there's no denying it's a masterpiece. And Oh Yoko! was just so cute and charming. A fair few here I'll pop back to visit.
I wanted to enjoy this but for the most part I did not. I don't know if it's just my ignorance when it comes to this type of music or if it just wasn't for me, but unfortunately I could not get into it and was waiting for it to end.
Super groovy, loved this all the way through! The vocals! Ahhh!
My second Stevie album, and this man just delivers. Of course this one has some stone cold classics on it, but I found myself drawn to a lot of the unknown (to me) songs here. I played this twice through.
Started off enjoying it but felt a bit same-samey towards the end.
This ended up being really fun. I wasn't expecting some West Side Story in there, but I'm all about it.