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Songs From The Big Chair

Tears For Fears


Songs From The Big Chair
Album Summary

Songs from the Big Chair is the second studio album by English pop rock band Tears for Fears, released on 25 February 1985 by Phonogram Records. The album peaked at number two in the UK and at number one in the US, becoming a multi-platinum seller and the band's most successful album to date. Songs from the Big Chair spawned the commercially successful singles "Mothers Talk", "Shout", "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", "Head over Heels", and "I Believe".







  • Rock
  • New Wave
  • Pop


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Nov 30 2020
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Atmospheric while also being poppy. Still feels fresh 40 years later. Has both very well known songs, and also songs that would be considered lesser known. I am almost on the verge of giving this a five. Actually the more I think about it, the more I like this album. Fuck it.

Oct 20 2020
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It's hard reviewing an album that's perfect but here's me giving it a shot. I've been well acquainted and quite familiar with Tears for Fears's work for quite some time now. It's obviously all the smash hits I know them for, but I'd be lying through my teeth if I didn't start grinning when I saw this album as the next to listen to. I was excited and I had damn good reason to be. This is the album with Shout! With Everybody Wants to Rule the World! It's quite the star studded affair and hopes were high. Suffice it to say, this album didn't disappoint, not by a long shot. The aforementioned Shout kicks off the album in a downright chilling manner. The samples and loops used are accompanied by ice-cold keyboards and Roland Orzabal's chilling vocals. If I didn't know about the song beforehand, it would've probably stunned me into silence. It's a masterful track and the first one, no less. Moving on from there, we descend into smooth jazz with The Working Hour. It's yet another superb blend of various different genres, but the mood of desperation and bitterness rages on. These guys have a lot to say on this album and they don't mince their words or leave out details; they get to the point backed with vast arrangements and multiple different things happening at once. Nowhere is that better enunciated than on The Working Hour. Moving on from there we have the smash hit of the album Everybody Wants to Rule the World. I don't think I need to say much about it. It was always an iconic track and one I've known for as long as I can remember. The message often flies through people's heads but the truth is the commentary on corruption and dictatorial rule that was prevalent during that time (after all, this album was literally recorded at the pinnacle of the Cold War of the 1980s) will always be ahead of its time. The arrangement is glistening and glossy, while the lyrics, continuing with the theme of the album, are anything but. Another iconic track that proved to be an intergenerational hit. From here on out we really get to the meat of the album. Mothers Talk is more of a drum exercise than the previous few songs incorporating world music elements and in the process almost sounding like a Talking Heads leftover. Of course I mean that in the nicest and sincerest way possible. I Believe is built upon one of the sparser arrangements of the album. It's also my favourite song of the entire album. The saxophone solo merely sealed the deal, but even before that I was entranced by Roland's lonesome vocals and the slow, brooding drums and piano. From there on out we enter what I like to call a medley of sorts. Broken kicks off where I Believe left off and it's one of the more vibrant songs of the album. It gets into gear almost immediately and in its 2 and a half minutes accomplishes a lot with seemingly nothing. After that we have another instant transition into Head Over Heels, another well known track off the album and another absolute masterpiece. I wouldn't be surprised if people write this song off because of its pop sensibilities ,but I like it directly because of that. The poppier nature of the track serves as a cleanser to the past few moody songs that have preceded it. The live snippet of Broken, featured earlier on the album, makes a cameo at the tail end of the song, following another seamless transition. I don't find much rhyme or reason in putting that short snippet there, but it really does the track no harm and it's not something worth wasting energy over. The final track on the album is also the most emotionally poignant and daring. Listen starts off simple enough with a keyboard line, but eventually crescendoes and evolves into this African chant-like structure, furthering their relations with world music. Drums are barely present and yet you don't notice it, because the squealing guitar and atmospheric keys more than make up for it. What a joyride this album was! Who knew that a simple band from Bath could string along different genres so easily, seamlessly and in a way that amplified their messages and improved their songs. From start to finish, this project is an all killer, no filler affair. It's also one of the few albums whose album cover defines the music present on the album. The monochrome cover perfectly encapsulates the music behind it. The arrangements are often cadaverous and chilling, other times hypnotic and soulful and on occasion smooth and mellow as well. The lyrics get to the point and the core of many sociopolitical issues of the time. Sensational doesn't even begin to describe it; this underrated gem is a must for everyone trying to broaden their horizons as far as British 80s music goes and further acknowledge Tears for Fears as one of the most underrated bands of the 1980s. 10/10

Dec 01 2020
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Dec 12 2020
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Masterful pop production. It wears its era on its sleeve, which is perhaps the only complaint, but also a big part of the charm. There are plenty of legitimately interesting ideas across the eight songs, while they all manage to sound like the commercially successful pop music which they were.

Oct 07 2020
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Classic. Feels like I took a time machine back to the 80s listening to it

May 21 2023
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Mom bought the first Sony Discman, the D-50, shortly after it came out: a minimalist, chunky half-cube of a gadget with an LCD readout, maybe four buttons and a volume dial. It was the future. It played shiny discs that had a prismatic glow when you held them under light. As far as I was concerned at five or six years old, it was magic. Among the discs Mom would purchase following her acquisition of the new magical music machine: selections from The Beatles’ catalog, Phil Collins’ “No Jacket Required”, Simon and Garfunkel’s “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme”, a host of classical and new age recordings and this record right here, Tears For Fears’ “Songs From the Big Chair”. If you asked me the name of my first grade teacher or what I got for Christmas in 1987, I couldn’t begin to tell you, but I remember sitting in our living room on the dark blue carpet popping this disc or “No Jacket Required” or “Help!” into the CD player like it was yesterday. …Fuck me, I loved “Sussudio” back then. Now I’ve a got a closet full of prismatic discs that haven’t seen the light of day in close to two decades. For me, they’ve been rendered obsolete by the even more minimalist and thin rectangular slab that nearly everyone on earth carries with them at all times and by a format that’s even older than the compact disc: the vinyl record. I’ve been collecting vinyl for nearly a quarter century now and have found that I prefer the experience of listening to the medium that preceded the cd when sitting crosslegged on the floor of my living room. So here’s to the Compact Disc and all the other inventions that changed the world and have since been relegated to dust: Sic transit gloria. (Glory fades)

Oct 14 2021
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Excellent synth pop album. A more accessible, but still very interesting, successor to their debut The Hurting.

Jun 25 2021
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There's no way to remove our own biases, experiences, and subjectivity from, well, anything, really, and rendering an opinion on music is no exception. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. It surprised me when it was released and fell in love with it (its release year, 1985, was the year I graduated high school and entered college) because this was so popular and I fancied myself quite a bit of a hard rocker and wannabe punk rocker who was just way too cool for silly ol' popular music (I was then, as I am now, completely full of poop). Didn't matter though: this band, this album, these songs...they all gripped me. I know it's all associated with what was, for the most part, an extraordinarily memorable year for me, in many outstanding ways (had some really crappy moments, too, but that's how life does its life thing). I have a particular fondness for Roland Orzabal's voice and I believe he is an underrated guitarist. (Speaking of guitar, Neil Taylor's outro solo on "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" is excellent.) Curt Smith's voice is great, too, and his bass playing is also overlooked. They are actually fantastic musicians, composers, and writers. A good look into their abilities can be found YouTuber Rick Beato's 'What Makes This Song Great' episode on "Head Over Heels," one of my favorite of many favorite TFF songs. Check it out if you're interested. So glad this project gave me an excuse to listen to this masterpiece all the way through again. 5+ Stars from me.

Jun 02 2021
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I love the variety of music, I love how songs are interconnected, and I love the music. Especially the lesser known songs (eg Broken).

Aug 03 2022
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Everybody Wants to Rule the World was my favorite song then ("Real Genius" anyone?) and remains one of my favorites to this day. The whole album is iconic; an 80's colored jewel that continues to sparkle even as the years tumble by. Thank you to the reviewer who mentioned Beato has covered Head over Heels. Heading there now.

Jan 19 2021
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Super into this. What's not to love about 80s synth pop?

Nov 23 2021
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Very 80s. Starts strong but fizzles

Jan 29 2021
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Fuck it, too many hits and the 2nd disc makes this another 5.

Nov 06 2020
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wild how the 80s exist huh first track is lame but everything after is pretty great. everyone wants to rule the world is some of the best shit from the 80s prolly. this was before pop artists stopped making 6 minute songs so a couple songs drag a lil but never too bad since theyre all good anyways. 9/10

Oct 24 2023
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I love this album. Was already familiar with several of the songs but hadn't listened to it all of the way through. The way Broken hints at then shifts into Head Over Heels is fantastic.

Mar 18 2023
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Jun 15 2022
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One of the best albums of the '80's, hands down

Dec 10 2021
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Absolute classic. I met Roland in at The Ivy in LA once. He was lovely.

Oct 05 2021
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Perfect modern pop album! If u like depeche mode - listen!

May 06 2021
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Super relaxed album. Best song is for sure "Everybody Wants To Rule The World". Best deep track is "Listen"

May 25 2021
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I love this band and album with my whole heart

Feb 05 2021
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I wouldn't mind listening to the happier songs 24/7. The other songs are somewhat more boring, though

Mar 12 2021
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Probably top 3 albums we’ve listened to thus far yeesh.

Feb 16 2021
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OMG, was a great album, automatically added to my favourites

Mar 01 2021
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I fucking love this album. Only listened through it entirely about 3 times, but I've heard Everybody about a thousand times. So glad that the whole thing is just as great.

Oct 12 2024
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my era music. The hits are there and enjoyable, rest of album pretty good too.

Nov 09 2021
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Everybody Wants To Rule The World is an 11/10 track. Rest of the album didn't do much for me

May 25 2021
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This is crazy 80s sound, like super cheesy I would never listen to this. Oh well. Sticking with it. Only on song 2. On the last song. This is really bad. Awful.

Apr 06 2022
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Disliked this band for multiple reasons back in 1985. Notably their image, fan base, music videos and especially the music itself. The image faded, the fans dispersed and the videos are relegated to YouTube obscurity. Yet the music endures. I can’t.

Jan 02 2025
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Almost perfect. The ultimate 80s album. One that has grown on me over the years rather than one I was drawn to immediately (The Smiths were everything in ‘85, but the more I hear this album the more I love it. Almost brings me to tears of joy and nostalgia every time.

Dec 17 2024
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The Good: anthemic album off an age gone by The Bad: that too many people confuse this with Synth-Pop The Ugly: or just plain’ ol’ po’ p’ Back in the day, like any teenager, I too enjoyed Everybody Wants To Rule The World, while Shout was a little beyond my taste at the time… Today, I wish I could go back in time and actually purchase the album and listen to it countless times, like I did to the more poppy contemporary artist such as Prince, Phil Collins, Duran Duran. Madonna, What and later George Michael. Tears For Fears are one of few acts that survived the ‘80s and when you listen to their “old” recordings now, you realize that how great the stuff is. It has held up wonderfully, even if it sounds like the ‘80s, it isn’t like listening to Spandau Ballet, or ABC, or Bronski Beat, or any true synth-pop from that era. 5* even if, technically speaking, it should get a 4 1/4

Aug 23 2024
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Tears for Fears, a band that made Pop music that sounded 80's but was much less annoying than most and aged pretty well. Their blend of Synthpop and New Wave with catchy melodies and hooks that created the anthemic and introspective masterpiece titled 'Songs From the Big Chair\". It's one of the best Pop records released in the 80's and maybe of all time. Multiple classic songs are featured here including the generationally known 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World' 'Shout' opens the album in the typical blend of Synthpop, New Wave & Big Music that is present on the pretty much every song here. It also gets a little progressive by bringing in slight notes of Industrial into the production which as weird as it sounds, works really well. And even at its nearly 7 minutes of length it really keeps the attention of the listener with great performances and production. The song is so unbelievably catchy and melodic that I am mad that not every 80's pop band with a smiliar sound turned out like this! The bridge is crazy and the whole way they keep the flow of the song and add more and more detail is phenomenal. It's a hypnotic and atmospheric listen especially in the second half, nearly ethereal. And the way it changes its emotional depth by adding slight changes but keeping the same rhytmn and melody. Yeah, I think you get that I really like this song. It's perfect start to finish. On 'The Working Hour' they take on a very mature and sophisicated nearly Jazzy sound that stands in complete contrast to the darkness that the first song ended on. It does take time to build up but it's worth the wait. The vocals are really good and the calm sound is very relaxing while keeping the intricate production. Do I love it? No, but it is a great song nonetheless even if it does drag a little and feels streched towards the end. And to return to the greatness of the start, 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World' with the intro that everybody recognizes. What can I say: the song is perfect in every way. It's romantic and full of great lyrics and songwriting. Do I prefer it over 'Shout'? No... that one's got my heart even more than this classic. 'Mothers Talk' gets a little funky and artsy with the influences ranging from Dance-Punk to Industrial Dance. All of it gives a lot of similarities to Depeche Mode's early stuff. It's very groovy and interesting by being kind of weird with the details in the production. I really like it for the raw and energetic performance and chorus. It's really good, like incredibly good and if they would've left the outro away, it might've been perfect. The albums second half starts with 'I Believe' which returns to the calm and relaxed sound that nearly feels like some Lounge music with the simpler production. Again, I think that makes it a little boring for my liking even if I think they did a great job. It just feels too much like background music and doesn't grab my attention enough for me to genuinely appreaciate the song. Luckily, 'Broken' returns to the Dance-Punk influences in an even punkier way. That results in one of the most underappreaciated tracks on the album. Just because it's short doesn't mean that's worse. Quite the opposite actually, it's incredibly groovy and energetic and I love it. The other song that most know is 'Head Over Heels' because it is one of the best songs on the album. The chorus is so intricate and emotional, the vocals are performed to perfection. The production, songwriting and melody are all curated to its greatest possible form. And as if it wasn't enough, they added a little bit of 'Broken' to the end as a kind of continuation of that. Another perfect song. The album ends with the weirdly ambient 'Listen' that closes the album in a minimal but hypnotizing finale that includes many details from choir to glitchy video game sounds to whips to tribal anthems. It's a magical and atmospheric experience, relaxing and sentimental without being boring. Yes, it's not one of the craziest songs but it has so many incredible moments that I feel like the vocals weren't actually needed at all. This closes the album in the way it should've ended. favourites: Shout, Everybody Wants to Rule the World, Head Over Heels, Broken least favourites: I Believe, The Working Hour Rating: light 9 for more ratings, reviews and takes

Apr 18 2024
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Saw a tweet one time that was just this picture, captioned “these honkeys were COOKING” and it’s so true. ‘Shout’ is just one of those few 80’s gems that will never be replicated. It’s got AURA. It’s got ATTITUDE. This can be said for the entire album actually. Tight, direct song structure that knows when to slip in and out of instrumental atmospheres. A massive generational pop hit. One iconic vocal melody after another. A mystical album ender. Socially conscious messaging. This album has it all and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome at all. Perfect! It’s incredible that we got this less than a year after Purple Rain. It’s worth noting that they’ve done the impossible recently - they made a song that’s unique and new sounding, unlike every other legacy band from the 80’s or earlier pumping out nothing-burgers to cash in on yet another world tour. Check out ‘No Small Thing’ it’s worth a listen

Jan 28 2021
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Und immer schön so’n büschen Hall drauf, gell? Nein: Wow. Das ist mal ein „Album“: ordentlich Abwechslung, feine Dramaturgie, Ruhiges und echte Knaller – das alles bei konsistentem Sound und hervorragenden Musikern. Souverän, zart, geil.

Nov 12 2024
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This album may have the most new-wavey vocals I've ever heard - it's that seamless switching between soft and smooth, and deep, towering cadences. I heard this album a while back, a couple of times because I liked the song 'Everybody Wants to Rule The World', but I don't remember many songs off of it. Re-listening to it now, I can see why. To me, it sounds like the type of album you'd thoroughly enjoy while listening, front-to-back, but the next day you'd struggle to remember a single song off of it. Relax that's just how I feel! I'll need to test that hypothesis again now, though I won't be able to update this review with the conclusion. Anyways what am I talking about? Oh yeah, this album. Nice, colorful, fluttery, well-produced, new-wavey power music that can very comfortably soundtrack a walk through a tropical beach. 'Shout' is the perfect, anthemic, and catchy opener this album needed; and while I usually dislike clean saxophone lines in '80s (white) music, the one on 'The Working Hour' managed to win me over. 'Head Over Heels/Broken' is another incredibly solid cut with one of the most earwormy choruses here. The synth lead and pads that open up the song 'Listen' are yet another incredible production moment here, the entire track is ethereal, sounding like you've stumbled upon this gorgeous bio-illuminated grotto in the middle of the jungle. It's got ambient elements like that. I tend to use the descriptor "clean production" with a negative connotation a lot of the time, but despite this album being the epitome of that descriptor, I'd say the shininess of the production only helps elevate its lush and scenic sound. The high quality of it all makes everything just pop. A great album with a great sound that captures its era beautifully, there's a reason this album's so revered in the new-wave world. Let's hope I remember how much I liked it come tomorrow night.

Oct 12 2024
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I first heard this band on TV ads for one of those MEGAHITS OF THE 80s compilation CDs and though that 'Shout, shout, let it all out, these are the things I could do without' was a hilarious thing to say in a song. But you know what, there are things I could do without and if I could just shout to let them all out, I would love to. Everybody Wants to Rule the World rules. That little guitar intro thing that's pushed aside by the two synth chords, ooh baby! So simple, so effective, just pure pop perfection. Head Over Heels has an incredible piano riff that builds tension and releases into a floaty verse and propulsively off kilter chorus and some totally unique vocal delivery. The rest is full of cool tones and textures, angsty vocals, smooth sax, glossy simmering synth surfaces and rubbery bass and some of THE definitive 80s drum sounds. Drags a bit on the slow stuff in the middle. It's like if Splenda was an album.

Apr 17 2024
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My distaste for 80s synthpop instantly leaves my body like an evil spirit the moment I hear the opening notes of "Everybody Wants To Rule The World". There's some filler on this album ("I Believe" is boring as hell), but it's still like Top 5 synthpop albums of all time. They really let it all out.

Oct 10 2023
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TFF, were you progs out of joint? Just a little bit? You mind if I respond in kind? Had my second listen had been on the whispering domestic speakers of the first rather than headphones, I would’ve dismissed this with Simon’s “go to the Greatest Hits” instruction, but a closer listen unveils a well-balanced, nicely-lit structure, with gentles wafts of charcoal, designer hash and hot tarmac, held up by two mighty singles, tapering to a moody spot at the back for the devotees. I’ve spent the last two hours preparing for our first Canadian Thanksgiving, and I think the Turkey fumes and heat have infused into my bone-house. The lyrics are abstract, but not pretentious, which is a hard combination to achieve, and in part due to the musical context: the urgency in the songs alternates between being martial, foreboding, or introspective, avoiding monotony, and the words come off as code between lovers and comrades. Now all is clear: Tears for Fears were the secret Bath Resistance.

Oct 10 2023
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Oh yeah - probably the first album I really appreciated as a whole, as opposed to being a few songs I liked co-mingled with boring ones I tolerated and/or fast-forwarded. Being made from wall-to-wall 4 min+ bangers that flow into each other probably helped. Not quite as good as I remember, unsure about the proggy/proto-Enigma last track, but a nostalgic 4* nonetheless. Those haircuts!

Oct 09 2023
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All the hits and with some be great (to my surprise) prog rock and truly industrial sounds tucked away between them.

Jan 21 2024
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I was today years old when I found out “Shout” was not a Depeche Mode song lol. That EWTRTW song is a meme, a beat up meme also. Good I hate the 80’s pop sound. So cliché, so clownish…

Sep 08 2022
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Shout....can't bear to ever hear it again....Head over Heels...same. The only redeeming song on this album, to Everybody wants to rule the world....that song is a classic!

Dec 06 2021
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All the was bad about 80s music, 41 minutes and 52 seconds too long.

Mar 27 2025
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Für mich persönlich das Hammeralbum der 80er. Dieses Album hat mich damals wie heute geflasht. So ein unglaubliches Album mit so tollen Songs im elektronischen zeitlosen Sound und rockigen Elementen. Einfach mega. Zum Schreien schön.

Mar 25 2025
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Anyone who doesn’t gives this 5 stars is incorrect

Mar 24 2025
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Always had a soft spot for Tears for Fears. It brightened up my day listening and I couldn't resist singing along to Everybody wants to rule the world, Shout and Head over Heels.

Mar 24 2025
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Not paid much attention to this album until now. Familiar with the big hits, EWTRTW & Shout, but didn't expect to like the lesser known hits. For me the album really gets going on side 2 with the Robert Wyatt inspired, I believe, then the electro/prog (?) fusion of Broken/Head over heals. Must say I enjoyed this much more than I thought and can't think of a reason this can't be 5 stars.

Mar 23 2025
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one of the best albums ever. They were completely on it making this. somehow retains its 80s sound while still sounding fresh. fun and lovable.

Mar 20 2025
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On vinyl - this is a belter of an album and years ahead of its time. Production is perfect

Mar 18 2025
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Incredible album. I don’t know if we’ve ever had such sensitive, thoughtful, deliberate, artistic, professional hitmakers since Tears for Fears. Their commitment to the execution and final result of their product is awe-inspiring. The hits on this thing! “Shout,” “Everybody Wants to Rule the World,” and “Head Over Heels,” are some of the best songs ever written, and the non-single tracks are just as deep and enjoyable. Must-listen #100!

Mar 17 2025
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About as good an 80s pop-rock album you can get. Three massive hits, plus several other good songs. "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" is one of the best pop-rock songs of the 80s (including a bizarre but mesmerizing video).

Mar 14 2025
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Great album. Head over heels is my favourite track.

Mar 11 2025
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Solklar 5a! Ett av 80-talets bästa band utan tvekan! Kompositionerna är fantastiska, produktionen är fantastisk, sången och musikaliteten överlag är topp!

Mar 10 2025
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“Songs from the big chair” is an essential 80’s synth pop / rock album and is an absolute must listen for its brilliant production, amazing songs & musical performances. The album kicks off with the brilliant “Shout”, a chilling track with an immense build up and quality vocals. This transitions into “The working hour” an excellent jazz inspired track which evokes the same kind of feeling as “Shout”. This track also feels intense and I really like the lyrics on this one. Vocals once again are great. Following this is the iconic “Everybody wants to rule the world” which caps off an insane 3 track run to start the album. Not much needs to be said about this one - it’s one of the best and most iconic songs of the 80’s. “Mother’s talk” has a great energy, the drums sound amazing and a catchy melody. “I believe” in comparison is much slower, with more contained instrumentation and beautiful vocals. “Broken” is a great showcase of musicianship in a mostly instrumental track which is great to listen to. This directly pairs with the next track “Head over heels” I could talk about this one for hours. It’s a perfectly crafted piece of music and one of the best songs of the 80’s. A masterpiece is musicianship with great pop sensibilities. It borrows one of the guitar parts from “Broken” in its intro. Paired with beautiful keyboard work, heavy reverb on the drums, great synth lead in the interlude, great vocals and a chanting outro, which also borrows the lyrics from “Broken”. This song just sounds absolutely massive. Perfectly crafted. “Listen” ends the album on a slow & extremely atmospheric note with chant-like vocals. This album is one of the best produced albums ever. The actual sound of everything here is so great. There is some amazing performances on a variety of fronts - sax, guitar, drums, vocals, keyboard, synths & bass all sound brilliant. Some of the lyrics on these songs are extremely emotional & poetic. This album is an absolute essential for 80’s synth pop. At least 3 of the best rock / pop songs of the decade appear here, and the rest of the tracks are great too. There isn’t much I can fault this album for, the last track doesn’t hit as much for me but I still think it’s great. This is an absolutely essential listen. 5/5.

Mar 10 2025
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Thank god first album is good 👍🏻😊

Mar 09 2025
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Few albums capture the grandeur of 80s pop like Songs from the Big Chair. It’s a perfect fusion of emotional depth, studio polish, and ambitious songwriting, proving that mainstream music could still be intelligent and deeply affecting. The album bursts out of the gate with Shout, a towering anthem that layers Roland Orzabal’s commanding vocals over pounding drums and thick, textured synths, turning catharsis into a stadium-sized experience. Everybody Wants to Rule the World is just as massive, balancing its shimmering guitars and infectious groove with lyrics that cut deeper than your average pop hit. Even the more introspective moments, like the haunting Listen or the sprawling The Working Hour, are drenched in atmosphere and carried by some of the most sophisticated production of the era. What makes Songs from the Big Chair truly special is how it seamlessly blends complexity with accessibility. Tracks like Head Over Heels and Mothers Talk are packed with intricate arrangements, but they never lose their immediacy, proving that pop music can be layered, dynamic, and still completely addictive. The band took the darker, more cerebral themes of their debut and amplified them with a newfound confidence, resulting in an album that feels both deeply personal and universally relatable. There’s no filler here—every track serves a purpose, every sound feels meticulously placed, and the production is flawless without ever feeling cold or sterile. Songs from the Big Chair isn’t just one of the best albums of the 80s; it’s a timeless masterpiece of pop craftsmanship, balancing innovation, emotion, and sheer sonic power.

Mar 09 2025
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# Album Name: Songs from the big chair # Artist: Tears for Fears # Rating: 5/5 # Comments: WHAT AN INTRO - shout. Great song. If anyone says they dont sing a long to that then they are lying to ya! The sax on working hours is so 80s. Its great. EBWTRTW - great track. Nuff said. I personally liked mothers talk. Head over heels - yet another banger. The transition is good. Overall, a very good album. Doesnt quite hit the 5 mark for me on first listen.But over time it got there. I didnt think id come back to it but it drew me back in. Great listen. # Top Tunes: Shoutd / Mothers talk / HoH / EBWTRTW # Would I listen to it again? Yes

Mar 08 2025
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My husband would leave me if I didn't give this 5 stars. Fortunately, we agree on this album.

Mar 08 2025
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So good, I had thought for a while I wouldn't be all into the sort of pop rock/synthpop mix but I couldn't be more wrong, TFF knew how to craft an excellent pop song but even more an immaculately produced pop song that just didn't leave your attention for a minute, even the songs I wasn't crazy about I still had my full attention on the album because they are THAT entertaining and THAT catchy. I know everyone always talks about "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and it's great but Head Over Heels will forever be my favorite, especially with how Broken plays off some of the song in a faster way just to set up the intro so perfectly. Just a great album of the era and it will be something I'll be coming back to

Mar 08 2025
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Preemptive review - I love this album and it’s getting a 5 before I even listen to it. Actual review, this might be the best full synth-pop/new wave album of all time. Unbelievable song writing, arrangements, and mixing. Im really in awe of how they got the mix to sound how it does. The first four songs are incredibly strong. I believe is the first part of this album that starts to lose interest but I can’t deny it, for I am a Virgo too. The energy is immediately picked up by broken, which is a perfect intro into head over heels, the best song on the album. Listen is a perfect soundscape anti Cold War protest song album closer if one ever did exist. Im going to call Liam’s mom to talk about this album, my mom was more into INXS.

Mar 03 2025
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Great album from the early 1980's. Some of the best tunes of the decade.

Mar 03 2025
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This is incredible. Obviously I knew Shout and EWTRTW prior to listening, but I was unfamiliar with how well crafted this album was as a piece of synthpop gold. For all the albums I’ve resigned to “not for me”, this album is absolutely 100% “for me.” On one hand it really encapsulates the 80s pop sound and has arguably been overplayed, but at the same time it didn’t sacrifice innovation or artistry for those hits. Thank you Big Chair for your contributions to this experience.

Mar 02 2025
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That was pretty amazing. You have to look past the 80s production, but the songs are really enjoyable. The last track was a bit self indulgent but I’ll forgive it

Feb 28 2025
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❤️❤️❤️ Another favorite from my stacks of vinyl.

Feb 26 2025
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funny how i listened to this album several years ago when i wasn't that much into older music and it didn't impress me much and now i listened to it again and OH MY GOD. The vibes are INSANE love this 10/10 tears for fears slay

Feb 24 2025
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Fun album of my youth! Remember how cutting edge it was back then, listening from a single speaker radios, while doing chores in the Barn.

Feb 24 2025
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"Everybody Wants To Rule The World" is simply one of the best pop songs ever written. And still gut-punchingly prescient. (Oddly, the Wikipedia page for the song has omits any connection this song has to popcorn: ). The rest of the album is solid, and surprisingly not as laden with 80s over-production as I thought it might be. 80s, for sure. But in a good way.

Feb 20 2025
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I cannot believe that this album has so much perfection crammed into such a short collection. This is the sound of the 80's and there's a reason why everyone knows and adores these songs. 5/5, not a single thing to dislike about this one.

Feb 19 2025
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Probably the one, if not the most, definitive 80's albums of the decade. It has it all, great vocals, lyrics, new wave synth work, rock influences. Just a masterpiece of an album. 5/5

Feb 18 2025
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This has an atmospheric quality compared to other pop records from the same times. I never really listened to this album until now, I only knew Everybody Wants To Rule The World, but the whole record is amazing! Very interesting musical choices as well.

Feb 17 2025
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Un gran álbum, la música es precisa y fantásticamente apoyada por sintetizadores y tecnología muy estudiada y producida

Feb 16 2025
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I was familiar with a lot of songs from this album, and have long considered "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" as the quintessential 80s song. For a full listen though, I was blown away by what the group was able to accomplish. The mix of rock, pop, and synthesizers, complete with a variety of instruments and sounds, really came together to make such a signature sound. The hits definitely hit as well. Overall- I was very impressed. Probably around a 4.5/5, but I do feel like they put together a complete masterpiece that bumps them up to a 5

Feb 15 2025
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Some of the greatest music I've ever heard in my life. Something about Everybody Wants To Rule The World makes it the perfect song on every level. Shout & Head Over Heels shouldn't be discounted either. Great album, great iconic songs. Easily top five.

Feb 11 2025
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Not all popular albums from the '80s have aged well, but this one has. I had it on vinyl (remember that crippled, clunky medium that wore out as you played it) but I hadn't listened to the full album in ages. I'm, glad I did, all songs are really good and original despite the undeniable synthy '80s feel. I like the less popular songs as much as I like the hits.

Feb 11 2025
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the album that fooled a younger version of myself into thinking i liked new wave

Feb 07 2025
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Possibly a 4, but my love for Everybody Wants to Rule the World pushes it over. An underappreciated aspect of the album is the smooth transitions between the songs. Didn't know TFF rocked like that. I knew the big 3 of Rule the World, Shout, and Head over Heals, but Working Hour is very underrated. People who hate cliche 80s will tune out, but TFF and this album are great in my humble opinion.

Feb 07 2025
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• 5/5 • Bonus star for being a favorite of my formative years • excellent songs throughout., especially Shout, World, and Head

Jan 31 2025
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Highs that are just so high. Its not a perfect album but it has too much goodness to not be a 5. Fave Tracks: Shout, Everybody Wants to Rule the World, Broken, Head Over Heels 4.5/5

Jan 25 2025
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This is #day169 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it’s crazy to think about, but in just one month, this album is turning 40. Songs From The Big Chair isn’t just a quintessential example of mid-'80s progressive pop and new wave; it’s also a case in point of a band evolving. Think about some of the greatest sophomore albums out there. This is where Tears For Fears spread their wings and went big with their sound. It’s more than just big, though—there's something monumental, almost stadium-like about it. Then, the actuality... songs like "Shout", "The Working Hour", and especially "Everybody Wants to Rule The World" feel just as relevant today, if not more so. Finally, the melodies, the moods... it’s the epitome of the era. At the same time, this album is out of time. How about another 5 out of 5 in a row? You bet. Looking forward to #day170.

Jan 24 2025
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An album filled with classics, and Everybody Wants to Rule the World is one of my all time favorites.

Jan 24 2025
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💣💣💣💣💣 I rate this album 5/5 BOOMS! BOOM! 💪, BOOM! 💪, BOOM! 💪, BOOM! 💪, BOOM! 💪

Jan 23 2025
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Hitspäckat album och visst fan är det bra. Men jag håller debuten The Hurting högre.

Jan 15 2025
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The true definition of a timeless classic. 40 years later, "Songs From The Big Chair" is a sure shot at the hearts of the general public.

Jan 14 2025
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First cassette tape I ever bought.

Jan 14 2025
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Juste pour l'instrumental break de Shout, l'album est un turbo banger

Jan 11 2025
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An absolutely fantastic album. Something about the darker and more mature sound is incredibly appealing. Every song is captivating, and I appreciate that the longer runtimes are utilized in a way that let's instrumental breaks shine with fills and solos. So much more than a pop album, and one that should be held in high regard by other pop artists looking for a meaningful sound

Jan 09 2025
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Oooh wow. This is one of my all time favorites. Beautiful and intricate eighties pop. Some of the greatest songs ever - Head Over Heels, The Working Hour, Everybody Wants to Rule the World, Shout, Mothers Talk. This is just a perfect collection of perfect songs. I’m sure this sounded fresh in the eighties (I was born the year the album was released) and it sound just as fresh today. A great range of emotions and instrumentation. Powerful music that tugs at your heart strings but can also make you dance and even meditate. It even has great guitar solos! What more could you want. I listened to these songs so many times and it feels like there's still more beauty to discover in them. I just love everything here, the synths, the drum machine, the guitar, obviously the vocals. The songs dynamics are great, the lyrical topics are varied and introspective. It's just so good.

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