Midnight Ride
Paul Revere & The RaidersThis one just hit the spot!
This one just hit the spot!
Strong 3 to a light 4. Really enjoyed the riffage. Could see the influence in lots of bands who came after. Not great production some songs better than others. Singer had highs and lows. Liked the slower songs but also the solos. Raised from a 3 to a strong 3 by March of the crabs. Would listen again. Extra half point for eddy the cute skelington!
Kinda like bob Dylan the music and the lyrics are cool but sometimes the guys voice annoys me. And I can’t stop picturing that bald guy singing the songs. Man on the moon is a cool song, I really liked that movie. Never listened to much rem but didn’t mind this and would probably listen again. Solid 3
An absolute SCC (stone cold classic)! Always loved Credence but never listened to this album. This is basically a greatest hits compilation because every song is so good, even those less known ones. Lodi, Green River, Bad Moon Rising obvious stand outs. Takes you straight to that Louisiana bayou! Even Franks little feet were tapping along. 5 out of 5
Interesting as a snap shot of early 2000s history. Give me Dookie any day though. The guys voice annoys me and I found the sound of the album as a whole gave me a headache. The simple power cords over and over became so boring.
This is what this is all about! What a gem. Loved this album and it’s something I would have never listened to before this. So funky! Great singing, great playing. There was a weird crying part that threw Frankie and I off!
Really enjoyed this one and it was so close to a 5. Great singing, great arrangements. Nice to put on after dinner.
I get it, I see the appeal, I like it even. But I think I still prefer plugged nirvana.
One pill makes you horny!!! I really enjoyed this album. The duel male and female vocals. Light and dark songs. Good, chill, groovy vibes.
Big Bob Marley fan but this is not my favourite album of his. Liked it more on second listen though. Never heard this version of No Woman No Cry before.
Really enjoyed this one! Could potentially be a 5 after more listens. Great mood and rhythms.
As a Beetlemaniac I find it interesting to see/hear George’s side of the story, post break-up. He was underrated in my opinion. I always liked his songs during his time in the fab 4 and think he deserved more credit. I enjoyed the horns and the slide guitar. Excellent!
The more I listened to this the more I liked it. The more I thought it sounded very modern for an album made in 1968, like it could have been made today and people would still have been into it. I think it’s on this list because of Mrs. Robinson but there are lots of other great songs on here. You can see how Paul Simon would go on to write such catchy songs in the future.
It’s like butter, it’s like butter, baby.
Honk shooooooooooo!
Solid album, still prefer Good Kid, Maad City.
One of the first albums I ever bought. I must have listened to it a thousand times. An all time favourite.
2004 Bill would give this album 5 stars and you know what… 2024 Bill is going to give it 5 stars!
Really enjoyed this. The groove is infectious.
Couple of good jams but it felt too repetitive. Maybe if I was on the dance floor of Studio 54 I’d be more into it.
This is a 5 star album. So many classics. Such a vibe!
You either love him or you hate him and I love him!
Didn’t love this one. Have never been a fan of the pixies. Just don’t have time to really dig into it.
It's a cosmic mix of the action of The '80s combined with the exploitation films of The '70s, but with modern touches. It's hyperviolence, but it knows what it is. It's a bit Tarantino, definitely a bit Michael Mann. It's sort of a cosmic gumbo. It almost moves to the beat of jazz.
I like the attitude but all the songs sound the same.
This was not for me
Surprised how much I liked this one. Cool beats and a fun vibe.
Bluesy, Rootsy Stones. Enjoyed this one but not enough to give it a 5
“Wish you were her”…how many of these is he going to send?
Undeniable classic.
I actually got into this one. It reminded me of being a teenager again. Not because I listened to this then but because it was kind of angsty and amateurish.
I understand how this album helped to start a whole cultural revolution. It was would have been so powerful and cool and fun in its time.
Jess said this has been her favourite so far. Fun to dance to!
Look it went on a bit.
A fantastic white stripes era
Sting sucks!!
Please see Facebook review
Pretty cool actually. Nice rhythms would put it on again.
This is one of the greatest rock albums of the 21 century. It actually goes incredibly hard. I remember Jenny Nixon burnt a copy of this for me in Year 11 on one of those cds that looked like a vinyl record. I listened to it so many times in my Sony disc man I wore it out. I went to see them play later that year in Sydney at the Livid festival and it was peak Stripes. Mute bowler hat wearing roadies and all. Meg even sang Cold Night and I think they played Seven Nation Army twice! What a memorable concert.
I’ve always wanted to dig a little deeper into these kookie Brits’ back catalog. They could be one of the most under rated bands in history!
I told Jess this was a modern interpretation of Pictures at the Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky and she was interested to listen. After 5 minutes she was getting noticeable agitated and asked me to turn it off. I don’t understand why they chose to put in the live version? I got into it mostly although there were some annoying parts.
Such a weird little freak boy but made some great music!
Really enjoyed this. So much going on! Loved the beach boys vibe but a whole new twist on it. Sounded like cocaine.
This is the best live album of all time.
I’ve never really gotten into Hendrix. I always liked the vibe but I feel he never really wrote one proper song.
Teenage kicks is one of the best songs of the 20th century the rest of the album was pretty meh.
This one just hit the spot!
Undeniably catchy songs. Like block party but without the intensity. Ruined by the guys mumbly and girls breathy vocals.
I didn’t like this Doors album as much as the last one.
Tooooooooooooo long! Buuuuuut this is my favourite era of jazz and I would happily put this on in the background while I’m preparing fondu.
This one was pretty cheugy but I actually didn’t hate it.
Absolutely loved this one. Never heard of them before and it was a real revelation. Can see that so many bands were influenced by them!
Really got into this album. Always liked super grass but only knew their hits. Loved this period of Brit pop
Didn’t like this
Another one that I’ve never heard of yet know all the songs! A real classic.
Ice cube goes hard!
Actually really enjoyed this. Got some avalanches, panda bear and bull ant vibes.
This had nothing for me. I don’t think it knew what it was.
I always liked Beck growing up. I was into his earlier stuff but my old house mate, Tommy introduced me to this album. I’ve loved it ever since. It has such a unique feeling to it. Pity about the Scientology stuff.
Not my favourite velvet underground album!
This started as a two then became a 3 then after another listen a 4 and finally I’m going with a 5. Fuck it.
There were more bangers than just mr bright side!
Didn’t mind this one at all. Very poetic. Didn’t even have hallelujah on it.
Not really my jam but I did like the MF Doom sample in the first song.
Forgot how great this album is. Used to love that song pin!
No a fan. There’s too much pixies content on here!
I thought I was going to like this more. And I did like some parts. But I felt like it was just stream of consciousness noodling with no real structure to it. And that annoyed me after awhile