Colour By Numbers
Culture ClubCan't do it.. I've been trying to listen to every album all the way through, but I couldn't get past the first song on this. Not for me. Putting Time Out of Mind back on as an antidote.
Can't do it.. I've been trying to listen to every album all the way through, but I couldn't get past the first song on this. Not for me. Putting Time Out of Mind back on as an antidote.
A good listen and fun to hear this again, but I think I'd be unlikely to put it on for its own sake. If I'm looking for this vibe I'd probably tend to go with The Strokes.
This was a jam, quite enjoyed listening to it. Good getting shit done music for work. To be honest though, it didn't grab be to the point where it will ever occur to me to put it on in the future.
It's fine. I'm always a sucker for Sweet Child of Mine when it comes on, and I like Mr. Brownstone, so I was actually kind of excited to listen to the whole album. It was fine. Nothing particularly caught me. It just made me want to listen to Alice in Chains instead.
Dramatic and interesting, but kind of anxiety-inducing. Frenetic.
Fun listen, had me tapping my toe. Good music for cleaning my desk. Number one pick probably Meus Filhos, Meu Tesouro.
Hey, these guys are pretty good! I especially liked the first track, Rocks Off, with it's sort of ragtime piano and horns.
Enjoyed! And I'm a sucker for Heard it Through the Grape Vine.
Too noodly for my liking, but I liked the last couple songs.
Weirder than I expected. I like it.
Liked 1979 better.
It was fine
Never even heard of these guys before, but I really liked this. Got some Radiohead vibes going on.
Low, slow, dark and groovy. I like it. Tom Waits vibes.
I'm pretty medium on Queen after all. Once in a while I hear a Queen song that I really like (e.g. "Cool Cat"), but it's always a song that doesn't sound like my idea of Queen. This album does not fall into that category.
Probably my longest standing favorite album. Dad got this for me on my 14th(?) birthday and it's been among my favorites ever since. Although in recent years I've been listening to Battle of Las Angeles more - I'm not sure if I got a little burned out on this album from over listening, or if Battle of LA feels slightly less performative. Anyway, 5/5 of course.
Can't do it.. I've been trying to listen to every album all the way through, but I couldn't get past the first song on this. Not for me. Putting Time Out of Mind back on as an antidote.
Each song is a fun little energetic, political poppy snack. Like Fruit Gushers filled with 90s energy.
I do like me some ATCQ, but Low End Theory is still my fave.
Listened to Takk a lot back in the day, but never branched out into the rest of Sigur Ros' extensive discography, so this was fun. Of course the whole album is very cohesive and feels more like a single experience than a collection of tracks. That said, a couple stood out upon first casual listen: Flugufreslarinn is a mellow groove. Hijartao Hamast shakes up the flow of the album (in a good way) with an upbeat and repetitive synth beat and choral background vocals. In fact, that track seems to mark a pivot in the album, away from the orchestral epics that characterize most of Sigur Ros, into sparer piano-driven arrangements. Looking forward to exploring more Sigur Ros.
Enjoyed this more than I expected to. I enjoyed it all, in addition to the hits I was already familiar with.
Sort of lame 2000's electronic with wannabe hiphop influences. While there were a couple somewhat compelling tracks (I liked Disco II Disco and Jacques Your Body Makes Me Sweat), probably nothing enough so to bother putting it on again.
Solid renditions of classic Christmas songs. I especially liked Sleigh Ride by the Ronettes, Here Comes Santa Claus by Bob B. Soxx & The Blue Jeans. If you're in the mood for Christmas music, this will probably hit the spot.
Listenable. Slightly embarrassed to admit that Results May Very was the first album I bought with my own money, so I have a small soft spot for Limp Bizkit.
Kind of just sounds like your standard 70s noodly rock - nothing stood out particularly to me.
A perennial fave
I just don't know, man. I just don't know.
Quite good. Reminds me of Tinariwen. I may have to listen to more desert music.
Enjoyed this quite a bit. I love me some Kraftwerk, although I haven't listened to them for a while, and never anything but Computer World. While Computer World is a ton of fun, this one felt less cheesy. The last track, Morgenspaziergang, had some sounds I definitely would not associated with Kraftwerk - namely, piano and flute.
Happy to see this one come up - I love me some Temptations, although I'm not super familiar with most of their catalogue. Something felt really off about the stereo mix on the first track - I felt like my left ear was plugged. Good listen, but as energetic and catchy to me as Meet The Temptations.
A big favorite of mine. So many great tracks on here, I can't start listing them or I'd list most of the album. Once exception: I've always hated and skipped "A Man Needs a Maid" because I've taken the lyrics at face value, and it seemed just awful. Listening this time prompted me to google it, and it seems I've been misinterpreting it. It's still by far my least favorite track on the album, but at least I won't be skipping it from now on.
I'm metal-curious and this hits the spot
Probably never would have ended up listening to Brazillian Metal if it weren't for this project.
Why didn't anyone tell me Stevie Wonder was so good?! Also, really fun hearing Pastime Paradise. Of course I knew that Gangsta Paradise was a sample, but I didn't realize how much of it...
Wild - this was NOT what I expected it to be. Sounds like 2000s indy/pop/punk/rock.
How can you not love it
I like early Smashing Pumpkins. This and Gish are solid.
I prefer (in order) Amnesiac, Kid A, and probably In Rainbows, but this is still gonna be a solid five.
Enjoyed more metal for my metal-curiosity, but this was too fast for me. I don't think thrash metal is my thing.
I always get The Kinks, The Smiths, and The Shins mixed up. I really like The Smiths and The Shins, and The Kinks are fine. I wish I could keep that straight.
I'm a casual Nirvana enjoyer, but this one is a little chaotic for me. But I do love the mellower tracks - Heart-Shaped Box, Dumb, Pennyroyal Tea, and of course All Apologies.
Raw and punk, but melodic and irrepressibly catchy. Only problem is I can't listen to it at work because I'll invariably end up singing aloud.
Inexplicably enjoyed this quite a bit. Poppy and fun.
Between this and Flying Burrito Brothers, grateful to this project for introducing me to more Gram Parsons. I was only familiar with him previously due to covers done by Steve Earle, Emmylou Harris, etc. It's fun recognizing the influence on other artists - One Hundred Years from Now could almost be a Jayhawks song.
I've always loved It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (actually always - I was dancing to it in my car seat when I was three), but I haven't really explored PE beyond that album. This is fantastic. Groovier and a little more polished than It Takes a Nation, heavier on the samples.
Musically alone I'd probably give this a four, but I can't discount my history growing up with this album.
Not bad, not spectacular. Didn't mind listening to it, but I'll probably never think about it again.
Black ska/punk/rock. Wild! Fun!