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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water

Limp Bizkit


Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water
Album Summary

Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water is the third studio album by American band Limp Bizkit, released on October 17, 2000, by Flip and Interscope Records. Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water received mixed reviews from critics, as Metacritic gave it a 49 out of 100. AllMusic writer Stephen Thomas Erlewine wrote, "Durst's self-pitying and the monotonous music give away that the band bashed Chocolate Starfish out very quickly – it's the sound of a band determined to deliver a sequel in a finite amount of time." The Rolling Stone Album Guide awarded the album three out of five stars,[31] whereas the magazine itself gave the album a 3.5 out of 5. Even so, Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water was listed in the book for 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, but later removed in recent editions of the book.







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Wed Nov 16 2022

Well that was terrible -- but at least it was long.

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Mon Nov 21 2022

Most people seem to hate this just because of the Fred Durst of it all. I hate it because it's awful.

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Mon Aug 08 2022

i don't think i could hate this music more. How the hell is this on any list of albums you need to hear? Now i feel bad about giving Hail to the Thief 1 star, because that alsbum is light years better than this trash. Also, this is clearly the worst album cover of all time.

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Thu Aug 25 2022

The biggest problem here in my mind is best represented in comparison to other Nu-Metal that I am a fan of. SOAD - Not enough melodic talent from Durst to rival Serj. Slipknot - Not enough actual edge to even get close to this sound. RATM - No real political message besides "Fuck everyone else". Linkin Park - Not nearly the same even blend of rock, hip hop, and electronic. Korn - Much heavier, and handles experimental pieces better all around. Evanescence - 2000s Goths and Emos know what I'm talking about. No authenticity in comparison here. That isn't comprehensive at all, but you can see the core issues of authenticity, talent, and meaningfulness on display. On top of that, the album suffers from major bloat, with almost every non-explicit song needing a cut. That being said, this is the junk food I grew up on, and so I do have to rate it an honest 3 for all the stuff I do like. Could be a 4 or 5 even if the right cuts were made.

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Thu Aug 25 2022

So egregiously bad that, often enough, it wraps around to being funny. Made even worse/funnier that sometimes the riffs are actually good until Mr. Durst comes and opens his mouth.

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Fri Aug 26 2022

This whole thing is just a giant collection of garbage and it's inclusion on this list is an insult to every other artist and to every one taking part in this exercise. There is nothing about this that even makes sense, the artwork, the title, the construction of the track listing, the inclusion of two version of "Rollin'" and the Outro is just a big ol' heap of garbage. I can't believe I made it through this whole thing. I'm exhausted and need a fucking beer. Giving it one star since it won't allow me to give it anything less.

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Mon Aug 08 2022

Before I even spin the first tune, I'll say this is a band I consciously avoided. Not sure why. Let's see if I denied myself something fabulous. Oh right... now I remember. Fred Durst may be the biggest little bitch in music. Jesus, he's insufferable. Did you know he doesn't give a fuck? I just Googled "how many times does limp bizkit say fuck on chocolate starfish," and apparently, the title track is noted as having the word "fuck" 48 times. So multiplied by 15, that's 720. So, I still listened to the album (how some of these songs have over 200 million spins on Spotify is confounding). "My Way" has something that resembles a hook, "The One" is actually not offensive or juvenile, and the blend of electronic and metal has promise, but the message in the music is so self-focused and inane, and it's so flat and uninspired, it's hard to endure. I guess some folks feel differently. Great. Makes me wish I rated When Teardrops Explode as a 2 because this sets the bar for a one-star rating. Next?

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Wed Nov 02 2022

No. I refuse. You've made me listen to a Korn album and a Marilyn Manson album, and there were ways that I could reasonable criticize those albums, but I refuse to believe that any human being could be so brain damaged as to think that Limp Bizkit deserves to be represented on this list. What could I possibly be meant to take away from this other than the idea that rock music was a crucifying hellscape in the early 2000s? Jesus. I'm on the second song, and it's not just that I want to turn the album off, I'm losing the will to keep going. It's like Fred Durst just found out about NIN and the word fuck at the same time. Like, how did he think that anyone would find this interesting? What is the point of any of this? Fred Durst might be the worst lyricist I've ever heard. All of his songs are just a word salad put together from South Park episodes. Every song has basically the same sound and structure. Most of his choruses seem to be lyrics stolen from other songs in a way that suggests that Durst doesn't really get any of the music that he likes. I genuinely have nothing positive to say about this. This album should have been buried in the desert next to old copies of ET on Atari. It's really shocking the extent to which even the best elements of this album are mediocre. I'm genuinely angry that I wasted my time listening to this 1/5

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Tue Aug 09 2022

Hot take: this would be a semi-decent metal LP (maybe mid-tier deftones level) if you cut a few tracks and the lead singer didn't sound like Ron Stoppable.

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Fri Dec 30 2022

I came so close to rating this album 2 stars just so I wouldn't have a blatant anus spoiling my otherwise nice summary page, but I can't in good conscience give this album that high of praise.

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Sun Jun 25 2023

The fucking peanut gallery, sheesh. This album fuckin thumps. It isn't as good as significant other, but it has its charm. Not that anyone here plans on giving it a chance. Willing to bet half these reviews were written before the first song finished, and the album was turned off after that. Pussies. 5/5 and keep fuckin ROLLIN!

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Mon Aug 08 2022

I really only knew the name of this band and that they are from Chicago. "Intro" hit and I'm like " I a Limp Bizkit fan?" "Hot Dog" started to hit a little hard but then I found myself grooving and laughing. While this is not my preferred genre, I'm really surprised that I kind of enjoy nu-metal rap!

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Wed Aug 31 2022

I kind of wish I hadn't been paying attention to any of the lyrics because I actually did enjoy the music here. But the words... My goodness, these guys sound like they are just SO MAD at their moms. So much whining. So very much whining. Too bad.

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Wed Aug 31 2022

I get that the album title is supposed to make me throw up a little each time I encounter it, but really do we have to make an effort to make the world a worse place? Same thing with the music tracks here. I won't deny that after a particularly distressing and upsetting morning that it wasn't a little cathartic to hear someone screaming "fuck" 49 times and "burn this fucker down" and so on two hours late on my way to work... But that was only 1/4 of the way through the album. And then it went on and on and on and got worse and worse and worse. Whosoever wants to hear the last track more than one miserable time? I mean really?

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Wed Aug 31 2022

The cover of this turned me off. The explanation of the title turned me off. So I hit 'play' fully expecting to hate this. I want genuinely surprised when I didn't. I enjoyed the anger-filled songs. The talented and catchy performances temper those hard edges. It was surprisingly good to listen to while I was working. Maybe Limp Bizkit is addressing some latent rage. This may be just the ticket the next time I want to throw a tantrum in the back seat. I went on to listen to this a second time today, except for the last two songs which the album doesn’t really need.

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Wed Jun 14 2023

I thoroughly expected to hate this album. Guess what? I didn't. That said, I think the act of listening to Chocolate Starfish... reduced my IQ by a few points; and certainly the replay value is limited. Fred Durst has, for better or worse, a distinctive voice, but his whelping is of the register of a man having his sunburnt shoulders being slapped (a distinctive possibility, as one imagines Mr Durst lives a largely sleeveless life). In terms of lyrics, it's an absolute shambles, although I have been enlightened as to many ways 'fuck' can be deployed as noun, verb and adjective. And yet? Well, it's hard to deny the animating spirit behind this endeavour - a celebration of boneheaded machismo and exxxxtreme attitude. For all the posturing, there's a good-natured vibe throughout, and moreover, it's often very fun. I'm also never going to complain about huge riffs and huge beats. The cherry on top? 'Rollin'' is a true five star song. It's a monster - a riff as big as a house wedded to a chorus that is beautiful in its Neanderthal simplicity. Of course you've also got the celebrate three genders "hey ladies / hey fellas / and the people that don't give a fuck", which is frankly ahead of it's time in its inclusivity. Listening to 'Rollin'', I feel like I can run through a brick wall. I feel like I can successfully invade a micronation. Few songs hold such potency.

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Fri Aug 26 2022

Lots of questions here... So this album was on the original list of 1001 albums, and then later pulled. Why was it put on the list? What are the qualifications of being put on this list? Furthermore? What made it get pulled off the list? Looking at Oct 2000, there were a number of albums that were released around that same time that I hold in higher regard that did not make the list. I have to wonder why they did not make the list. The album itself is not bad. There are a couple of songs I knew from previously. But I mean... Fred Durst? Really? Not exactly the most skilled artist. But hey, Limp Bizkit sells, so there must be something to it, right? There is a definite energy there. But 75 minutes of it? Nope. Just tiring. Next.

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Wed Oct 26 2022

Awful. Awful lyrics, awful music, awful everything. Embarrassing.

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Wed Nov 16 2022

Is it possible to give this pile of sh!t less than one star?

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Wed Aug 17 2022

TapouT brand rap rock edgelord

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Sun Sep 18 2022

I didn’t realise this list included comedy albums!

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Fri Nov 18 2022

Comfortably the worst record I’ve ever heard. Managed three tracks and that was two too many

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Wed Dec 14 2022

Evidently, this was removed (for good reason), but I persevered anyway... for over an hour.

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Wed Jan 11 2023

Oh FFS. This shit should have been incinerated with all of the other hazardous nu-metal waste and relegated to - at best - a minor, MINOR footnote in music history. Just utter garbage that wasn't worth anyone's time when it was released, let alone now. If only we could rate 0 stars...

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Fri Sep 15 2023

I will vehemently defend this album - it's a great example of critics not knowing what they're talking about. Limp Bizkit were lightning in a bottle, and Chocolate Starfish... is their uncorking. It... Appealed to a generation of young people that were actively disenfranchised at the time (Full nelson) Spawned smash-hit singalongs that are still played in bars and clubs today (Rollin', My Way, My Generation) Captured the zeitgeist of the late 90s (Livin' It Up, Take A Look Around) and draws towards its' conclusion with a performance so heartfelt that even its' cringiest lines are forgivable-at-worst (Boiler) Whilst it's not its' generations Sticky Fingers or Blonde on Blonde it is something special that's too regularly cast off for being easy (wrong), unadventurous (wrong) or dumb (a little bit, but mostly wrong) 5 STARS

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Fri Aug 05 2022

Appalling - one of the worst records I have ever heard.

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Wed Sep 07 2022

genuinely unlistenable. 90s nu metal was a dark period in history

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Wed Sep 28 2022

Why have you done this to me

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Thu Dec 08 2022

nobody needs to listen to this before they day except for maybe ben stiller

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Sun Dec 11 2022

Lol. This is a joke the app pulled on us all, right? So, lemme just get it straight... The album starts with two tracks ripping off choruses by Nine Inch Nails and The Who over horribly *dated* nu-metal sounds, and you're supposed to think this is a "creative" proposal here? Fred Durst's so-called "rapping" is grating to the extreme, aptly and faithfully evoking the sound of fingernails on a chalk board, the guitar hooks are competently played but miserable or bland, and when the band is seemingly out of stupid ideas, they rake the undersized glands that serve as brains for them to pull off an even stupidest idea: "Hey guys, let's use the Mission Impossible theme for our next hit single!" "Duuuuude, that's a *great* idea! But I'ma take one last hit from that bong first, OK?" Oh. I almost forgot. This album cover is *also* the ugliest cover *of all time*. Not "artistic-ugly" or "ironic-ugly". Just plain, I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing-here-with-my-computer-yet-I'm-doing-it-nonetheless ugly. Jesus H. Christ. I've counted: there are only *three* reviews that are giving a "5" to this turd. Three. But a 2.55/5 overall rating is still *way* too generous. And there are not so many reviews written yet. I hope that grade will go even lower with time. I've spotted a few records on the list that actually have an even lower score, and conversely deserve far better appreciation from music fans (records such as Robert Wyatt's *Rock Bottom* or even the last one ever in the global stats, Einsturzende Neubaten's *Kollaps*). No wonder someone in Dimery's team later put their foot down and decided to place "Chocolate Fish And Whatever Your Fried Brain Is Having A Thought About" right where it deserved to go: down to the toilets flush. Number of albums left to review: 714 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 143 Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 69 Albums from the list I will certainly *not* include in mine (many others are more important): 79 (including this one)

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Wed Jan 11 2023

Cheap sounding production. Cheap references to other music acts -- and Macromedia Shockwave (wtf). Cheap dick jokes. If I was a wrestler looking for a new entrance song for an upcoming heel turn, this is the album I would start with. I like when the vocalist goes into his weird falsetto whine raps -- especially on the hokey-pokey sections of "Rollin'." There's a part of "The One" where the bass kind of sounds like The Cure. That's my favorite part of this record which I will never listen to again. "Boiler" gives some Deftones vibes but the vocals, again, are just really not good. A pile of crap at the intersection of Eminem and Linkin Park.

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Thu Jan 19 2023

One of the worst things I’ve ever heard.

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Fri Feb 10 2023

I think this is the worst thing I’ve ever heard. Even nostalgia couldnt save this one for me.

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Wed Oct 18 2023

Lmao, come on man. What the hell are we doing here?

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Sun Oct 22 2023

I started this project focused on listening every single album, even the ones I really despise. But I had no idea there was this specific kind of disgusting shit on this list. Fuck Limp Bizkit, Fred Durst and everything related to this unholy piece of crap, I'm not wasting one hour of my life on this. This one should be top 3 on 1001 Albums You Shouldn't Hear Before You Die. Fuck it. I wish I could rate it -5, or at least 0.

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Fri Oct 21 2022

Rollin' (Urban Assault Vehicle) needs to be a war track in Warzone 2

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Thu Dec 22 2022

five stars and five hot dogs flavored water

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Wed Dec 28 2022

Your mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash. But this album can.

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Wed Nov 29 2023

This 5 is dedicated to you, Ben Stiller. You are my favourite motherfucker.

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Wed Jun 05 2024

Average rating of 2.45 is proof that 1001 users don't get pu$$y like me and Fred

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Wed Aug 17 2022

Kinda decent for a meme of a band

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Thu Jan 11 2024

The best Limp Bizkit album but its a Limp Bizkit album

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Wed Aug 17 2022

I'll sue for the cover which scared the shit out of me. the music is ok

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Thu Aug 18 2022

The day has come. I mean saying fuck 48 or whatever times i guess is an accomplishment. Having just listened to Rage's self titled, there are so many sonic parallels, but replacing Zach D with Fred Durst is almost a crime. So its the complete vapidity of the lyrics, coupled with Fred Durst having a voice for silent film makes me feel so down about this album. Like the instrumentals are actually pretty competent and the sonic structure is sold. It's not just the lyrics, I also don't think his voice is a good fit for this style. Rollin' is a bonafide piece of shit song. It'll Be Okay has some great hooks, and if it had Chester, I would believe that this was a Linkin Park track. Jesus, why is there a 9min outro?!

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Mon Jul 03 2023

Plus one star for the Wu Tang track. I was in Jr High when Limp Bizkit hit the scene, and I was way too into them, even for the time. This album is the one where they jumped the shark (if that's possible). If this band has to be on the list (they don't), it should have been one of the first two, and I'm not saying they would hold up at all; what I am saying is whoever added this to the list didn't have the ear of the pimply-faced target audience of the day. Btw, the outro includes a dude making fun of the band for like six minutes and it's by far the most relatable thing they've ever done. Best track: Rollin' (Urban Assault Vehicle)

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Fri May 31 2024

2 because there are some certified bangers in here. but including this album in this list is ridiculous.

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Wed Aug 09 2023

I didn’t have a great day today and that may be because this album got generated 1/5

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Thu Sep 14 2023

Unbelievably wack. It's an hour long tirade of douchey, yet trashy rhymes that make you feel like you had one too many monsters before booze cruising around the streets of Jacksonville. The same way we look back in time at questionable fashion choices, I look back at this album and think "how the fuck was this ever popular?". This album is a cocktail of bud light, testosterone, energy drinks, cigarette smoke, and insecurity that gets spit out at the listener through the corniest bars of all time. Silver linings: I'm now realizing that I should be grateful that I was too young to ever get into this album or know who Fred Durst was while the album was popular

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Thu Sep 28 2023

This project is really starting to suck

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Tue Oct 03 2023

Awful. Just awful. There's no justification for this being here. This album has some of the worst rapping you will ever hear. The singing and screaming isn't any good either. It all borders on comical, except it's too annoying to be funny. The lyrics are incredibly stupid as well.The cherry on top is that it's way too long of an album. I can't lie, I liked this a lot as a teen but unlike a lot of other artists I liked then but do not like so much now, I don't even get a slight nostalgia buzz. I just feel embarrassed and annoyed. I have no idea why I or anyone else did though. It's like millions of us were under hypnosis back then. Its crazy to think of just how HUGE this band was. I can't believe that I even took the time to say more than the 2 words that would've sufficed for this album: SHIT SANDWICH

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Thu Oct 12 2023

Uh, yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and take a page from the Book of Bizkit itself and keep things rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin’.

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Thu Oct 12 2023

Oh come on...really? REALLY Robert? THIS is on your list? You're gonna make me sit and listen to it so I can trash it more than it's already been trashed? Or are you just trolling us all with this one? I got two songs in before switching it to a much better nu metal album (System of a Down’s debut)

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Wed Oct 18 2023

Did they actually hard code this album to everybody for it's...23rd anniversary? At least I got this dogshit out of the way in one fell swoop between my personal and group listens

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Fri Oct 20 2023

This is an album I do not want to hear again before I die.

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Thu Nov 16 2023

this book has lost all credibility

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Mon Jan 15 2024

Apparently the author corrected the egregious mistake that was the inclusion of this album on the list removing it in a later edition. This is just bad in all ways and I made it through pretty much the whole thing skipping ahead when some tracks were just unbearable. A disgrace that this ever made it on the list at all

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Sat Jan 20 2024

No Durst, no Trump. I mean he did popularize the red baseball cap. Anyway I've been eagerly awaiting my chance to give this a one. No I didn't listen to it but I was around when this was big and I had a couple of misguided friends who enjoyed listening to this album so I'm sure I've heard it in its entirety and there's no chance that putting myself through a relisten is gonna change my mind. You're next Kid Rock.

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Wed Jan 31 2024

Sounds like someone just learned some curse words and wants everyone to know. I've never knowingly listened to Limp Bizkit before. I was 25 when this album came out, but somehow I knew I was too old for it. I'm 49 now listening to it, and I'm wayyyyy too old for this shit. Crap, juvenile lyrics, crap vocals, crap guitar, crap album title and art. Nothing on this album wasn't crap. The only people giving this more than 1 star better have some nostalgic tie to this from when they were an edgy teenager trying to rebel against society. I could not fathom someone hearing this for the first time today and think it's good. No f***ing way. I actually sat through this whole thing, by the way, even the extremely obnoxious several minute long laughing at the end. This is bottom of the barrel stuff here.

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Tue Feb 20 2024

I may only be 809 albums into this project, but I can say with relative confidence that this is by far the worst album on the list. Nu Metal was a mistake.

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Tue Feb 20 2024

What a fitting name for such a disgusting group of musicians

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Thu May 23 2024

When this came out I remember seeing the posters all over London Underground and thinking WTF, that is lame. This album reaks of teenage boy's bedroom... Fred Durst can kiss my chocolate starfish, but then as we have learned he wouldn't give a fuck. Some of Wes Borland's playing is genuinely great, but it isn't enough to compensate for all the other things that are completely lame about this album. It's The Eagles for teenage boys who hate their step-dads

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Thu Jul 11 2024

I could probably list close to 200 albums with an argument to be included on this list. Albums that serve to truly enrich the life of the listener. Albums with unbelievable cultural and historical significance. Albums that speak to and/or make sense of the human experience. In lieu of those hundreds of albums, the curator of this project decided to include Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water by Limp Bizkit. They made dozens of questionable decisions, but perhaps none more nonsensical than this one. It's a shame that one star is the lowest rating we're allowed here. 0/5

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Sun Sep 25 2022

I listened to and loved this album in my teens. Turns out I still really like it. Banging album.

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Mon Apr 17 2023

Echt genoten hiervan, veel meer dan ik verwacht had. Het heeft veel weg van Rage Against the Machine, dus dat is altijd goed. Ik krijg ook heel erg het gevoel dat dit is hoe het zou klinken als Linkin Park niet zo commercieel zou zijn. Dit album heeft meerdere hoogtepunten (Rollin, Take a look around) en eigenlijk geen dieptepunten. Het voelt een beetje ongemakkelijk om dit 5 sterren te geven want het staat natuurlijk niet op gelijke hoogte met andere 5 sterren albums, maar ik vond het wel een stuk leuker dan 4 sterren, dus dan doen we het gewoon.

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Wed May 03 2023

Machtige combinatie van rap en metal. En een beetje nostalgie laat de rating ook wat stijgen

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Mon May 15 2023

One of my all time favorite bands, how can I not give 5 stars?

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Wed Jul 19 2023

Haha of course it's a 5. It's Limp Bizkit. Fuck it. I mean, it's not a 5, but there we go.

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Thu Jul 20 2023

oh fuck yeah dude. Never did own this album nor have I listened to it other than what they would have played on the radio. So this will be nice. Dude I actually really like this. Love the attitude and the rhyming. This album is great! 5 ✨

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Thu Oct 05 2023

Voi juma! Tämä saattaa olla meikäläisen kaikkien aikojen eniten kuunneltu levy, tai ainakin tiukasti kärkikahinoissa. Vuosien saatossa pääsi jo hieman unohtumaankin, mutta sitten puuttui kohtalo peliin. Ostin ensimmäisen oman auton ehkä 2015 ja tämä kyseinen mestariteos oli jäänyt edelliseltä omistajlta soittimen sisään. Ei tainnu Pasuunassa juuri muu musiikki soida tämän lisäksi. Lukemattomien toistokertojen jälkeen tällä levyllä ei ole ensimmäistäkään täytebiisiä vaan kyseessä on täydellinen mestariteos. Moni ei varmasti allekirjoita, mutta IDGAF koska pikku-Timolle ei vittuilla.

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Wed Nov 15 2023

5-stars. LOVE this album. It means so much to me. A really fun time of my life.

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Fri Dec 08 2023

So here's how big Limp Bizkit was in 2000. My friends and I actually skipped school/work so we could go to Best Buy the day this album was released because it came with an exclusive extra CD featuring a remix by P. Diddy. Every track is a banger and brings back so many fond memories as I relisten. Sure, it doesn't all hold up - "That's 46 fucks in this fucked up rhyme!" and Durst's ode to Ben Stiller is a little strange. But as a strictly nostagia album, I can come across this every few years and be glad that I did. Keep on Rollin' Baby!

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Wed Jan 17 2024

Great album, better than I remembered even outside of Rollin' being such a banger

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Mon Jan 29 2024

Such a fun album, always puts me in a good mood

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Wed Feb 07 2024

Still full of awesome early noughties hits. I owned this album and played it regularly.

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Thu Feb 08 2024

One of the albums of all time

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Thu Feb 29 2024

ugodno iznenadena, neki hard punk rock i malo rap mozda bi inace bilo 4, al nekak mi je sjelo u voznji bas dobro

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Thu Feb 29 2024

extra skeptican na pocetku, ali mi je preeeeejeben album

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Wed Mar 13 2024

Too long and not very intelligent, but very fun

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Thu Mar 21 2024

Nostalgia bias for me. Listened to this hundreds of times when I was younger.

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Mon Apr 29 2024

Ein ikonisches Album, das mit energiegeladenem Nu Metal und provokativen Texten polarisiert. Ein markantes Werk der Ära.

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Mon Apr 29 2024

Brings back SO many memories! Classic. 5/5

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Wed May 15 2024

I always said that I don't like this group, but having heard this album with open mind I have to say that I loved it! I was so wrong.

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