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Le Tigre

Le Tigre


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Le Tigre
Album Summary

Le Tigre is the debut studio album of American music trio Le Tigre. It was released October 25, 1999 on Mr. Lady Records. The album combined pop music with the band's feminist political lyrics. It received positive reviews from music critics.







  • Rock
  • Punk


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Mar 05 2021
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This sounds like it's the best album from a decade that doesn't exist. It's a weird amalgam of 60s, 80s and punk. If you described this to me in any way, it would be all the things I hate about music. And I fucking love it! This should have been much more of a thing, it should have been emulated, started a trend. How did it not?

Sep 10 2022
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Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! This is one of my all-time favourite albums ever!!! Kathleen Hanna is THE 90s badass feminist hero I needed. I love the aggressively screeching vocal tones she brings to her performances and I also love the soft vulnerable side she shows. Women are strong powerful beings and we’re unstoppable when we’re given space to speak our minds freely and exist in a respected space. She has such a unique perspective and communicates it so unapologetically. I love every minute of this album: it gives you a killer in your face balls to the walls opener with Deceptacon, then takes you through a winding and frenetic feminist journey celebrating pride, iconic women, New York, and art that culminates with an impassioned moment of gratitude for music and people who make a difference in our lives with Les and Ray. I love the way that song sounds and the genuine appreciation for divergent lifestyles and alternative pathways that it expresses. It fucking rocks so fucking hard! It’s so wildly and daringly different from everything else that was on the market in 1999 and I salute it.

Jan 18 2021
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Really enjoyed. Hard rocking beats with feminist message.

Aug 25 2021
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I was expecting punk screaming but this was a really fun album to listen. A good mix of punk and rock with a bit of electronic. Good for a morning jog!

Nov 02 2020
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Another punk/pop punk/post-punk band that I've only ever heard of and never really given a chance. Le Tigre come out of the blocks swinging and don't let up until they've left a trail of destruction in their wake. They've got a Rudy Giuliani protest song that's relevant 21 years later. Best track: Deceptacon

Jan 16 2023
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Brief story: prior to today, my only exposure to Le Tigre was this godawful song they released through Pitchfork in 2016, in support of Hillary Clinton, called "I'm With Her." I saw it then, and rewatched it today, and both times I've felt like it's possibly the worst piece of art ever created. May have singlehandedly given the election to Trump, just unbelievably embarrassing stuff. What's more punk rock than campaigning for a Clinton? The video is on youtube, with comments disabled (and dislikes don't exist anymore), but you can bet your ass this thing was lampooned to oblivion. So with that as the backdrop, I was gleefully bracing myself for a prequel, bracing for the worst punk shit I've ever heard. But damn, this album's actually really fun. Some really cool, engaging instrumentals, the lyrics are outraged, outrageous, and political in a way that's, at least for me, tongue in cheek and obviously more genuine than anything having to do with Hillary Clinton. "Deceptacon" is a drop dead classic man, I swear I've heard that before. If it's not canonized, it should be. The "what's your take on Cassavetes" track is seriously funny, I don't know if they're expecting us to take this seriously but I had a good time laughing with these songs. "Dude Yr so Crazy" too, just a list of buzzwords, it's so funny. Again, based on the atrocity that they committed in 2016, I'm afraid they may be genuine in all of this, which may work to their detriment. Otherwise, they're in on the joke on this album, and they purposely made the worst song of all time to secretly throw the election for Trump? I'm getting brainworms, ignore me. Great album though. Favorite tracks: Deceptacon, What's Yr Take on Cassavetes, Slideshow at Free University, Dude Yr so Crazy. Album art: I honestly love this one. Bright, popping colors. Headshots on the side like they were printed from a photobooth, and the lo-fi homemade look is certainly fitting. Really fantastic cover. 4/5

Aug 14 2021
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the raw weirdness of this electronic rock is super refreshing. “Deceptacon” is such a strong start but I wanted to hear MORE like it. something was missing - I loved it though. I feel like it had some 60s pop & early 80s Brit rock influences wrapped with a modern American sound which was cooollll. the songs were janky but it worked with sometimes simple lyrics paired with rough guitar. very good 😈

Oct 08 2021
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Le Tigre by Le Tigre (1999) Tiny tiny voices scream histrionic bleats about god-knows-what, from a flash-in-the-pan morality that not only doesn’t age well—it doesn’t age at all. Their pronouns are so offensive. The litany of heroes in the musically mechanical “Hot Topic” makes their cookie cutter political/cultural stance clear, but could we get some depth? Or even a bit of detail? Here’s a revealing snippet from “Eau D’Bedroom Dancing”: “There's no time for me to act mature. The only words I know are "more", "more" and "more". No one to criticize me then.” Read some Rimbaud, girls. I picture these songs being sung while the young ladies are on the playground jumping rope. The ‘music’ is stumbled across, not composed; canned, not performed. The recording is flawed with distortion on the lead ‘vocals’ and a horrible mix. The best voice performance on this record is the intro to “Phanta” (you’ll have to listen to get the joke). No gimmick on this 1999 album hadn’t already been done over and over. Even girls cussing in a junior-high-school-sounding timbre. They seem unaware of (more likely unconcerned by) the way this comes across to men. There’s a certain menace at work here. It validates every misogynistic trope. 1/5

Feb 01 2021
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A forgettable, boring ass record from a late to the party girl punk group that brought exactly nothing new or entertaining. 1/5

Jan 11 2023
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F me what a blast it was listening to this album. How have I never heard of this band before? So much energy off the hop; loved it from the very first beats of Deceptacon. Simple but wicked beats and a wicked tongue. Very clever lyrics packed into a bunch of catchy 3 minute songs. They combine the melody of Throwing Muses/the Breeders and the anger of L7 (listen to Phanta). No one is spared their glare (eh Cassavetes?) and ahead of their time in calling out Giuliani (on My My Metrocard). Maybe I'm overreacting to how much this album caught me by surprise but it's at least a 4. Going back for a hell of a lot more of these grrrls.

May 31 2022
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Oh yeah, the feminist/political lyrics, unusual beats and sounds, vivacious care-free women in the 90s kind of vibe, and the excellent guitar and drums all mix together to make this an album which is firmly rooted right up Denny street haha! Love it! Another new discovery for me and it's reminding me of Wet Leg which is a band I'm currently super excited about, maybe they're an inspiration? Deceptacon feels like Deja vu to me, I've definitely heard this tune somewhere but I don't think I've watched any of the stuff in the feature list so I have no idea where I've heard it.

May 31 2022
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Love it. I really love this sound. I've been reading a book about Riot Grrrl and Kathleen Hanna so I'm quite invested in the genre at the moment. It's such a raw sound and really feels like people just making music for the sake of music with proper political though and force behind it which I don't think you see as much these days because social media gives a simpler avenue for political opinion.

Mar 20 2022
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What a delight this album was. A retro sound of early 80s new wave/punk, itself evoking 1960s pop, with so much brilliance to say in a clever way. Put a big smile on my face.

Mar 20 2022
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I have heard of this band, but was not actually familiar with this album at all. On first listen, I thought that it was interesting. On the second, I thought, I like these ladies. As I did a quick third overview, I decided I really really like Le Tigre.

Mar 20 2022
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Wheeeeeee! What a fun ride. Surprises around every corner. My new musical crush.

Mar 20 2022
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I had received the song “Deceptacon” on a mixtape from a friend in the early 2000s and really liked it. I should have taken the cue to investigate Le Tigre further! This album kicks ass and sounds great doing it! References to Cassavetes?! The main single listing feminist icons?! Fuck Giuliani!? Count me in! Every song on this appealed immediately to me. The lo-fi instruments are magic in their hands. The lyrics seem very personal. I love it! On the first listen this seems to have become my favorite punk album.

Feb 20 2022
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this is definitely a perfect punk album for me, it just hits everything flawlessly the production is amazing with all the electronic drums and weird samples Kathleen’s singing and vocals are fucking perfect in every song the writing is also really cool and can get pretty meta and with so many weird, amazing songs like the hilariously literal What’s Yr Take on Cassavetes or the groovy, spoken-word-sample Slideshow at Free University it’s got perfect songs for if you just wanna fuck shit up, like Deceptacon or The the Empty and it’s got perfect songs for if you just wanna vibe out, like Les and Ray or Eau D’bedroom Dancing I don’t have a single issue with this perfect, perfect, punk, new wave, feminist masterpiece - this is an 11 out of 10 I gotta check out Kathleen Hanna’s other stuff

Nov 10 2021
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That was so under the radar. I listened to it twice in a row. Gotta be 5 stars

Jan 18 2021
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This shit is great. I know I keep giving five stars but this album deserves it too! Its a lot of fun. Great for silly dancing.

Aug 23 2024
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Le Tigre I’m pretty familiar with this. I absolutely love Deceptacon, like Hot Topic a lot and think Kathleen Hanna is very cool. It’s definitely a bit ramshackle and eclectic and feels quite homemade, but that gives it a lot of character and charm - I really like its blend of 90s take on punkish attitude, post punk danceability, programmed drums, alternative hip hop and 60s surf pop and girl groups. All with a tongue in cheek, political lyrical bent. Deceptacon is a fantastic bit of off kilter danceable pop, it was always a crowd pleaser when I DJ’d. Great bass and programmed drums and brilliantly catchy in a non conventional way. Hot Topic is a very different song, but again very catchy, I love the bouncy rhythm, the Shangri-Las style backing vocals and the buzzsaw guitar. What’s Yr Take on Cassavetes is pretty amusing, if not exactly subtle, but I like the drum machine beat and the repetitive riff. The The Empty is probably the most like a Bikini Kill song with it’s very punk verses, but i like the contrast with the almost bedroom melody of the chorus. Phanta is a little sci-fi oddity, I like the organ riff and the little squiggles, even if the song is not the most coherent. Get a little bit of The Specials in the vocal melody. Eau d’Bedroom Dancing is a great tune, with lovely bass and a pleasing slightly off centre downtempo feel. It sounds like a not quite as good version of Deceptacon but there’s a great groove on Let’s Run, and I really like the little organ and morse code sounds. I like the 60s garage rock vibe of My My Metrocard combined with some punk shouting. Great tune. I get a sense of the Beastie Boys with Friendship Station and Slideshow at Free University, the beats and piano loop on Friendship Station sounds quite like the Check Your Head/Ill Communication era, and Slideshow sounds like it could be on a Money Mark or Cut Chemist album. Both fun tracks. Dude, Yr So Crazy! is pretty funny, again Money Mark vibes and nice little xylophone loop. The guitar sounds a bit Portishead too. Les and Ray feels like an attempt at a 60s girl group song that comes out a bit wonky, and consequently is great. I think that’s what I like about Le Tigre, is that they are one of those bands that try to write a song along the lines of their influences, but it comes out slightly off kilter and odd, but in a great, charming way. Itay not be the most consistent or coherent album, but there are some great tunes, and the lo-fi energy, charm and overall sense of fun easily makes it a high 4 for me. Great stuff. 🐅🐅🐅🐅 Playlist submission: Deceptacon

Sep 16 2021
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Cool, fun, bouncy, brief, lo-fi smash. Girls with guitars - can’t go wrong.

May 24 2021
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Quite sparky fun pop rocky album -

Jul 26 2021
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Great opening track, cool fuzz guitars, like the vocal delivery, lots of interesting sounds and noises worked in to the music, but... pretty repetitive, most songs plod along but don't really go anywhere. Happy to listen to the odd track here and there, but can't imagine ever going back for a full album. (2.7)

Nov 30 2023
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Some parts are more tolerable than others, and the singer will test your patience, but redeemable enough to avoid a 1.

Jan 20 2021
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Le Tigre seems a bit lazy on purpose. I appreciate the punk vibe they are apparently going for, but I always thought specifically of "Hot Topic" as a pop-culture store that tries-hard to be a punk-culture store, and by try-hard I don't mean the good kind. I think it's cool that the band pushes for feminism. But I think they push a bit too much, making it their identity instead of just part of who they are. I think if I had heard this album when I was a teenager I would have liked it a lot more than I do today. Now they sound like an audio STD, and I don't want to hang out with the band. I give it 2/5.

Nov 07 2024
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I didn't know it until now, but Kathleen Hanna is what I needed today. My angst is in full f'n swing, and this hit the spot. Yet another woman hits the ceiling...but hearing the names of those who have smashed it gave me a tiny smidge of hope to keep up the fight. What’s Yr Take on Cassavetes....

May 24 2022
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Wow, this was so good! Another band I completely missed

Apr 05 2022
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started listening and was like 'damn this sounds like good Riot Grrl shit!' I wonder if that's mentioned? Then google it and see it's literally Kathleen Hanna and I'd just forgotten. A lot of really great tracks, and the genre and style push it up to a 5. 100% listworthy and a band/movement worth looking more into even if you're not always a fan of the sound.

Feb 21 2022
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Ktebt 6 Saf7at Men 3l Bouheli Mte3 Dostoevsky, I'm Getting Better. More Opportunities Every Day, Nchallah Romdhan Moubarek

Dec 31 2021
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4.5/5. Fun, informative, mostly heat

Nov 17 2021
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Electronic Punk Rock with a message. Great album. I am going to be listening to again and again

Aug 14 2021
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adored can’t wait to listen again❤️❤️

May 05 2021
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One of the my fav records of the 90s.

Jan 27 2021
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Great lo fi punk. Loved it and hearing the folks influenced by it through them

Nov 07 2024
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While it does stumble as it goes on, leading to bouts that don't quite get the listener as engaged, the majority of the album has this perfect blend of raw energy perfect for a punk album while still having a more, well, 90s side, that allows for the listener to not only get up and dance to the grooves, but also feel like they're rebelling against something along with the band, and that makes it feel like the perfect blend of 90s electronic dance with something just angry enough to stage a riot. The vocals can be seen as annoying perhaps, but they're easy to adjust to, and then I find them pretty enthralling, like the radio show filter over everything perfectly matches the electronic influences, and I do enjoy how it kind of mellows out near the end, closing with something more jangle-y than anything, it's like a nice treat. This is just an album that feels like it appeals to everyone, and those it doesn't appeal to it wouldn't want to any way, and I can jam with that, for sure.

Oct 23 2024
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New to me, and loads of fun. Went straight back to the beginning after the first listen. 4.5 🌟

Nov 25 2021
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Tar mig näppeligen igenom den första halvan av skivan där Deceptaton är det enda som håller mig kvar underhållningsmässigt. De senare spåren på skivan tonar ner det artsy-tonårsrevolt-skrik-härjandet och stämningen övergår till något mer mellow och suggestivt där Beck-inspirerarde Friendship station och Beastie Boys doftande (utan rappen) Slideshow at Free University sticker ut och får mig att lyssna klart till slutet. Vad tar jag då med mig av de här intensiva 34 min. Jo, att den energidrypande fuck you pekande Deceptacon alltid och då menar jag ALLTID kommer vara ett uppskattat inslag under löppasset eller som den avslutande låten på en lyckad förfest

Oct 14 2021
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The rousing party music of the trio may evoke Sixties' girl-groups, with punchy guitars and dance beats, but in Hannah's mouth it becomes a channel for hard-line feminist ideology. On the surface one hears folk-rock, Motown soul, but each song is a terrible story that leaves deep scars. (6/10) Favourite Track: Deceptacon

Sep 09 2021
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Samples, punk, drum machines, women's lib. A few catchy songs. Reminds me of a poor man's Stereolab at times.

Nov 19 2023
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Very average Tried to be too voiceover cerebral and it didn't land

Jul 18 2022
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Really not my thing. Self-indulgent music

Sep 27 2024
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Since this debut released, Le Tigre have gathered much more attention than they should've ever gotten. One good single was enough to let them create a song like "I'm With Her" in 2016 and still stand as the best known example of the "Riot Grrrl" genre which from its name alone sounds annoying. In similar fashion, most that the album presents here is annoying, washed out and dull. It tries to blend Dance with Pop Punk but instead of sounding like Britney Spears x Green Day, the end up sounding like utter trash for most of the playtime. The possible only song worthy of a listen, 'Deceptacon' starts the album off with a song that most people should be familiar with. It blends elements of Rave, Synthpop and Dance Music with the Punk additude of the band. Oh and with listenable, I meant that it has a catchy melody and is easily recognisable. Outside of that one riff, it is just annoying and infuriating. The vocals swing between bland and tasteless and over the top obnoxious. The song overall is still bad. The much more Indie Rock touched 'Hot Topic' keeps things going and even if it's not as overly unbearable, it still is far away from a good song. This time it's just very, very boring and tiring. The song has absolutely no upbuilding structure. It stays the exact same over the entire playtime. It's not catchy, not interesting and sounds tasteless and uninspired. And at nearly 4 minutes of playtime, it gets more and more annoying because nothing happens. The result is a song that is probably as bad as its predecessor but sticks even less in your memory. The only thing that makes 'Whats Yr Take on Cassavetes' somewhat interesting is the slight Industrial and Noise Pop production. The distorted synths could've been interesting but the way they are put into the songs structure just makes them sound annoying. The vocals and especially the added background sounds make this an even more unbearable listen. 'The The Empty' just takes the already annoying vocals and turns them up even more. There is no need for this Yoko Ono type screaming. Yoko Ono at least did it in a good setting and used it for her advantage. This is just terrible. Genuinely a terrible track through and through. Not even the production or the songwriting have anything of value that it brings to the ears. I am sure that they envisioned 'Phanta' as a much bigger and more artsy track than with what they ended up doing. The tv snippet at the start is a nice touch and the less annoying vocals do actually help the track from being totally tasteless. Which does not mean that it's good. It's just less bad. Still bad... but less. The songwriting is okay as are the vocals, it's mainly the production that is still dragging it down by a lot. The more minimal and noisy production on 'Eau D'Bedroom Dancing' do help the song to feel less obnoxious but the vocals and the songwriting are still enough to make this pretty bad overall. There is just not much going on, the vocals feel small and way too cutesy and the music itself isn't really going anywhere except boring repetition. The albums second half is opened with 'Let's Run', a more Indie inspired song that still shares all the similarities with the bands sound so far. Including the quality. This song feels like a worse version of 'Deceptacon' with a similar structure, energy and even a slightly similar riff but it all is just tuned down and made more boring. I'm telling you, it's not a good sign when a group needs to repeat and redo existing tracks but different. Especially when the original was bad to begin with. This is even worse. 'My My Metrocard' might've been a solid B-52's song but they ruined the slight good idea that they had with an overly annoying repeating sample and added vocals on top that are so terrible that the result is even more annoying than the instrumental itself. And I am not even going to start to talk about how bad the chorus is. This is not even silly in a good way, it's straight up bullshit. And now, on 'Friendship Station' they even try themselves on doing Breakbeat. It's definitely a slight piece of hope even if this hope is still unfathomably small because the vocals, again, ruin a pretty alright Breakbeat track. Yeah, this isn't very good but at least they tuned the vocals in mix down enough so that they don't totally ruin it and leave it at pretty bad. As if the genre experimentation wasn't enough, 'Slideshow at Free University' now mixes Trip Hop and Instrumental Hip Hop and remove all the Punk additude that they had so far. The song is without a doubt the best one on the album but it does not work or fit on this record. It's not like the song is great but it is a pretty alright maybe even okay track. But it is kind of ruined by the confusing placement it has on the record. The go even deeper into the rabbit hole of changing genre on 'Dude. Yr So Crazy!' which borrows from Darkwave and Minimal Synth production. And while I would maybe enjoy the darkness that it tries to envoke, the production here is just so terrible and the mixing is so off putting that the end result is straight up unlistenable. It's like the song was a sonic experiment that was falsely put on the album. The finally close the album with something that sounds more like their inital sound. Terrible vocals, annoying production, songwriting that would make Dylan unalive himself and so on. The worst thing here is by far the production. It does not work, it sounds terrible and weirdly dissonant and feels like if Phil Spector tried to do Hip Hop sampling while being on a major LSD and cocaine trip. Genuinely unlistenable. favourites: Slideshow at Free University least favourites: Dude. Yr So Crazy!, The The Empty, Les and Ray, the rest Rating: decent to strong 2 for more ratings, reviews and takes

May 24 2024
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God I hate this music. Punk sucks. And, sorry, but it's several orders of magnitude worse when it's being screeched at me by girl voices.

Jan 09 2025
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Girlpower magnifico! Para escuchar una y otra vez

Dec 19 2024
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Each song is a fun little energetic, political poppy snack. Like Fruit Gushers filled with 90s energy.

Dec 05 2024
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How is this 25 years old! It's riot grrl *and* girly. Deeply progressive and light and fluffy. Feminist and knowingly cheesy.

Nov 22 2024
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Can't believe I haven't listened to these guys before. I loved every minute of this album. Weird but catchy in all the right ways. Hard to choose because I liked all of them, but I think my favorite song was Phanta. I will definitely be listening to this one again and will try to remember to look up their other albums.

Nov 06 2024
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Lots of fun. Felt like Julia Stiles in a 90s teen film.

Nov 06 2024
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Really quite an impressive album. I really enjoyed every song of this. Maybe it's because we've have a large spell of albums from '70s men? Regardless, the hits were great, but also the rest of the album was excellent. Sounds very timeless and cool. 5* will definitely play again!

Oct 26 2024
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Liked this one a lot. Crazy this was 1999 as by 2010 all pop music was trying to be this.

Oct 25 2024
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I so wanted to hate this, but I love it. It's getting five stars and going into my Tidal library.

Oct 11 2024
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The idea for this album is a 0/10. Dance/electro punk with a singer with a notoriously shrill voice? No way this is any good The execution for this album is a 10/10. Holy hell this fucking rocks front to back. Every song is a banger

Oct 09 2024
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Incredible. Really liked this album. Definitely will be checking out more from them.

Oct 09 2024
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More crackers please Favorite Tracks: Deceptacon, My My Metrocard, Dude Yr So Crazy!!

Oct 07 2024
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This is wildly unique to anything I've heard. First time listening to this group and I am floored. I'm 428 albums into this project and this banger is easily in the top 20 of what I've heard so far. The vocals and the vocal delivery are outstanding. Brilliant album in my opinion.

Oct 03 2024
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Very good. Never heard of them before now.

Sep 16 2024
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Never heard of these guys, but I'm impressed. Great punky energy.

Jul 29 2024
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We've talked about it in reviews And we've talked about it on this app But how you really feel about it I don't really know... What's Yr Take on Le Tigre's *Le Tigre*? What's Yr Take on Le Tigre's *Le Tigre*? What's Yr Take on Le Tigre's *Le Tigre*? What's Yr Take on Le Tigre's *Le Tigre*? Cool feminists? Genius? Cool feminists? Genius? Cool feminists? Genius? Cool feminists? Genius? What's Yr Take on Le Tigre's *Le Tigre*? [x4] Kathleen's breakout? Her selling out? Kathleen's breakout? Her selling out? Kathleen's breakout? Her selling out? Kathleen's breakout? Her selling out? What's Yr Take on Le Tigre's *Le Tigre*? [x4] Genius? Cool feminists? Sellouts? Hey where's Bikini Kill? Genius? Cool feminists? Sellouts? Riot grrrrls breakout? What's Yr Take on Le Tigre's *Le Tigre* [x4] (Seriously, though... This album and its electrorock bangers slap from start to end... 5/5 for the purposes of this list. And a 10/10 grade for more general purposes). Number of albums left to review: 124 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 380 (including this one) Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 224 Albums from the list I won't include in mine: 283

Jun 21 2024
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I thought it was too much noise at first, but I ended up loving the album with its unique sound

Jun 17 2024
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Muy buen albur, una sorpresa para mí. Hacen una buena cruza de estilos de una manera entre salvaje y elegante

Jun 07 2024
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This was fun. Idk where I recognize the first song from, but what a way to start an album. I was happy that it kept that energy and that it was short but good. No complaints.

Apr 26 2024
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They don't come much cooler than Kathleen Hanna. As lead singer of both Bikini Kill she's a deserving option for figurehead of the riot grrrl scene and holds her own against the punk rock bands. But Le Tigre had a unique energy, channelling elements of the early 60s and new wave, with a strong backbone of punk. Lyrically, the album shifts between angry and a yawning boredom of right wing patriarchy. You can almost see Hanna holding the classic 'I can't believe I'm still protesting this shit' sign. The music is full of bangers that could have been singles. 'Deceptacon' and 'My My Metrocard' are some of the best punk songs of the 90s. All in all, it's just a great album.

Mar 27 2024
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Kathleen Hanna wrote Kurt smells like teen spirit... because he smelled like her bandmate. Then she later was in this fun group.

Mar 20 2024
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Having already heard this Le Tigre album, I knew as soon as it popped up that I'd love it. The saddest thing about Le Tigre is that one stupid song they released which was also my introduction to the band. I hate that the 2016-era internet hate bandwagon is what I most commonly associated with this band for a long time (at least back when I had no understanding of this genre or this album's significance). I was an annoying young teenager at the time so of course I fell into it. I guess I'm not helping the association by making this the first thing I mention about this album, but this is about my experience. My first actual listen to this album was under better circumstances. I had finished going through Kathleen Hanna's other releases with her other Riot Grrrl/punk band: Bikini Kills. Honestly, though, I love the Le Tigre self-titled more than anything from that band (and I still really like that band). After all that rambling though, I can say for a fact that this is one of the most idiosyncratic post-punk albums out there. Largely attributed to the electronic and dance-punk-based production all over this thing, which is incredible. None more notable than the opening "Deceptacon", which almost sounds like an electronic punk club banger. It's far more accessible than anything Hanna has done previously, with a relentlessly catchy doo-wop-inspired chorus. I also really love the droning and hypnotic follow-up "Hot-Topic" with the awesome shout-out bit at the end (something that clearly influenced James Murphy and LCD Soundsystem later on). The bass and drum are killer throughout this thing. A few tracks near the end almost have a hip-hop-esque feel to them instrumentally, especially on the bassy, looped, and sample-driven "Slideshow at Free University". Maybe the thing I love most about this album, aside from its incredible electro-based production, is its self-aware nature lyrically. I'm not sure why, but compared to many other punk lyricists (In a genre that is already highly self-aware), Kathleen and co-vocalist Johanna come off as more self-aware, sarcastic, and overly blunt, yet still very enjoyable lyricists. I think the best example of this is in "What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?". I love the oddity of the song "Phanta", an almost sci-fi-themed story-driven banger that almost sounds proto-pop-punk. The following love ballad "Eau D'Bedroom Dancing" is utterly gorgeous and an incredible highlight, showing Hanna taking on a more soft-spoken performance. Aside from this slower song, every other song packs an incredible punch. Some of my personal favorites are the electronic groove on "Let's Run" and the organ-driven follow-up "My My Metrocard". This song is one of the more bluntly political songs, condemning then-NY-mayor and notorious piece of shit Rudy Giuliani contrasted with images of freedom within NY. This is one of the greatest punk albums of the 90s without a doubt. It's one of the best-sounding ones for sure and as for the entertainment factor, it excels in that from front to back. It's just such a fun album to listen to for me, be that the catchy choruses, incredible dance-punk grooves that come off grainy and uneasy, or the subject matter tackled on most of these tracks. Genuinely just incredible and an album any punk fan should check out without a doubt.

Mar 20 2024
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Kathleen Hanna…. Love everything she does.

Mar 03 2024
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Wow, this is absolute peak 90s indie rock. Very clearly inspired by bands like Sleater Kinney, whom I absolutely love. This album thrives off its simplicity, it's very gritty and underproduced, and they make that sound the whole point of the album, and it sounds great. And of course the strong feminism in the lyrics is always something great to hear.

Feb 29 2024
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This band is my exact wheelhouse and when I mentioned to my wife I listened to this great band I had never heard-she had heard them! I was very mad. Anyway, even though I've only listened once I already know it would be a 5 someday so I'm cutting to the chase:

Feb 23 2024
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LOVEE THE COVER. I don't know that on the left side is, but it seems artistic, plus them being on the right, as if I bought that yellow thing and their faces came along with it. It's punk rock as I've checked so I might not find it as fun as I think, but I'm with an open mind. First song, Oh what a familiar start, I've heard it somewhere. Oh the voice is like Kate Bush almost, but it's more rocky. I think it's a boy singing, so he screamed for a moment. OMG I'VE HEARD THAT INSTRUMENTAL RIFF SOMEWHERE. Ohh the first part got extended now. Outro is quite weird, but I love it. Second song, what a funky start. It's veery chaotic, I love it, I mean there's two voices colliding. He should scream more, it fits the vibe. The guitar is giving. It's getting kind of repetitive, I was more impressed at start. Ohh SO NEVERMIND THIS IS MADONNA'S VOGUE CORED SAYING THE NAMES, WHO INSPIRED THEM, SUCH FUN. Didn't expect this tbh. Third song, talking hmm. It's progressive, but in a different way. I love this so much. It's unique, like not some basic rock, it's the way they sing, and background instruments deliver. What are these dog sounds at the end. 4th song, he is low key screaming here, and barely can hear any words. They love adding a background voice when he's singing. Another chaotic song tbh. This was as well different from what I've heard ever, I mean I have, but Le Tigre just does it better. 5th song, some talking at the start. I don't think it's a boy now, pardon me. She sings less chaotically, but there's this beat that is louder than her. I'm not getting the vibe here. I love that instrument, which is the best part here, but otherwise it's... Umm I'm kinda liking this now that I'm listening to it. It was monotonous too much I'd say. Breaking glass sound at the end. 6th song, Depeche Mode vibes. It's melancholic in a way. Instruments are louder than her, even when she's singing. I'm not impressed, but I love that background sound of that guitar, the one that was at the start. Mother Mother has this vibe, I think. Quite nice, I'm loving this experience so far. 7th song, a much fast paced start. It's definitely a girl singing. It's progressive, there are so many weird sounds here, that makes it much better, rather than basic rock songs as I've said already. The instrumental break was short, but it was giving, now the outro, it's too good. 8th song, Ooo the funkiness here is quite nice. Definitely a bop, the lyrical delivery is just amazing. I'm in love with this artist, they bring these rebel-like songs, which just makes me take a different look at other music. 9th song, I LOVE THE START. It's not going as good as I want it to. This better get more interesting than this, it's too permanent wave rn. Well I guess that's the whole song, well I expected more. The instrumental break is nice, but in the overall sense boring(it was short too so can't really judge it). This is a no for me. 10th song, vibey start. Weird sounds as always. It has a hip hop beat almost. WHO IS THIS MAN. Oh the whole song is that, instrumental then it stops and men talks, which is a sample, but it actually happened, and then instrumental again. Oh they used song when they were presenting a slideshow, makes sense now. I'm weirded out by those glass breaking sounds. 11th song, it's a dramatic sound. Ooo I love this kind of lyrics, just saying things. I LOVE THE MEANING OF THIS, it's them making fun of someone who thinks that things she is saying about him is interesting, but it ain't. This is very rare for me to check the meanings, but this artist is just asking for it. Also she has a bored voice here on purpose, love that. 12th song, quite a different vibe. Mmm I'm not impressed. The chorus isn't chorusing. Though this has a Björk vibe in a way, which I like, but I need more from them now that I've seen their best songs. Oh that was the last song, welll I wanted moreee. Directly gonna say that it was a 5 star album, even though some tracks were not as good, some were too good and unique. I just like things that sound and seem more artistic in a way yk, this has that vibe, so I feel like maximum rating is fair.

Feb 14 2024
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OK, part of this 5 star review might just be all the nostalgia of this album about a very specific time in my life. But, really, this is fucking rad. And what's up with Le Tigre these days? 2.1M monthly listeners on spotify?! Staying relevant

Feb 09 2024
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Kathleen Hanna performs with such abandon that it’s impossible not to enjoy whatever she’s doing. This band is so much fun. It’s pure LES/Brooklyn pre-9/11. Extra bonus is the dig at Giuliani in My Metrocard. I don’t care if I don’t love every song. The hits are so excellent, they carry everything else.

Feb 07 2024
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Absolute classic, bangers all around. Kathleen Hanna kills it.

Jan 11 2024
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What's your take on cassowaries? Big fuckin' birds, want to kill you. Would not recommend.

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