Tago Mago
CanThis fucks.
This fucks.
Shades of poppy, industrial, and folksy. The piano solo in Uncertain Smile one amazing moment in an album fill of them. This Aussie gives Soul Mining five shit hot burgers from Hungry Jack's out of five
These guys were either music trolls who didn't give a fuck, visionaries who were waiting for the rest of the rock world to catch up to them, or (mostly likely) both. At times it's post-punk before punk was even a thing and this Aussie likes it and gives it five bowls of Weet-Bix out of five.
Iconic, classic album in the history of music. Whereas the bebop before this is exhilarating like a rollercoaster with it's speed and complex chord progressions, this is like surrendering yourself to waves of key modulations as the most beautiful melodies swim around you. Hipster that I am, this isn't actually my favourite Miles Davis album but this Aussie still gives it five slices of avo toast for brekkie out of five.
This is a sonically dense and textured albums. So many new and interesting sounds, samples, references, and interpolations of other songs and styles just come out of nowhere but it's all united by M.I.A.'s creativity and politics. Also, THAT FUCKIN' GROOVE. This Aussie gives Kala five bags of Twisties out of five.
A fav since I was in middle schooler! Holds up and you gotta love Reed's deadpan.
A fun and energetic album from start to finish! This Aussie gives it 4/5 shrimps on the barbie
A fun and solid pop album though to be honest it mostly stands out to me because California Dreamin' was in Chungking Express. This Aussie gives it 3 Woolies out of 5.
These stripped down, acoustic versions of their songs really shows off how fundamentally good a vocalist and songwriter Kurt was. I find it amusing that this is "unplugged" but he still sometimes plays with distortion with his acoustic amp. This Aussie gives it 4 jars of vegemite out of 5.
It's a soft, sweet, and wistful album. If it was a tad more twee it would be too saccharine for me but this is juuust right! This Aussie gives it four arvo cuppas out of five.
Iconic, classic album in the history of music. Whereas the bebop before this is exhilarating like a rollercoaster with it's speed and complex chord progressions, this is like surrendering yourself to waves of key modulations as the most beautiful melodies swim around you. Hipster that I am, this isn't actually my favourite Miles Davis album but this Aussie still gives it five slices of avo toast for brekkie out of five.
Not garbage! This Aussie gives it four Anzac biscuits out of five.
Not pour moi, this Aussie gives it two Tim Tams out of five.
Based on first hour because three dang hours: I was expecting a lot of fluff with a few iconic recordings but Ella Fitzgerald is a really great and charismatic singer and really makes it a fun listen all the way through. This Aussie gives it four smokos with your grandma out of five.
Good and solid fun, innit. I feel like if I grew up with this album, I'd give it a four and I'd give it a three and a half if the site would allow it. But as it stands, this Aussie gives it three slices of fairy bread out of five.
I'm feeling the fun and energetic post-punk sound, this Aussie gives it four snags at the barbie out of five.
A lot of the stronger songs are in the middle and are sandwiched between some underdeveloped sketches (brilliant ones by a Michelangelo-level artist but still, sketches). Great album regardless and this Aussie gives Teenager of the Year four meat pies while watching some footy with your mates out of five.
Big Johnny Marr fan here. This Aussie gives it four bags of Cheezels out of five.
It's fun, danceable, and timeless. This Aussie gives it four Big Brekkie Burgers at Macca's out of five.
Simple but effective and affective. Nice and pleasant to listen to but razor sharp in its focus. This Aussie gives it four bars of cherry ripe out of five.
Pleasant enough to listen to in the background but if you heard one song from it you've heard it all. This Aussie gives it two Caramello Koalas out of five.
Shades of poppy, industrial, and folksy. The piano solo in Uncertain Smile one amazing moment in an album fill of them. This Aussie gives Soul Mining five shit hot burgers from Hungry Jack's out of five
I'm familiar with some of his more famous songs because Stevie Wonder is, well, iconic to say the least but never actually listened to a full album by him. Lemme just say I'm kicking myself for missing out and this Aussie gives Talking Book five lamingtons out of five.
Very beautiful and heartfelt. She has a very distinct voice and guitar playing style that I think I'll be obsessed with for the rest of my life. This Aussie gives an album they've never listened to before five rounds of backyard cricket with your mates out of five.
This is a sonically dense and textured albums. So many new and interesting sounds, samples, references, and interpolations of other songs and styles just come out of nowhere but it's all united by M.I.A.'s creativity and politics. Also, THAT FUCKIN' GROOVE. This Aussie gives Kala five bags of Twisties out of five.
Gave up halfway through, Limp Bizkit pushed me over the edge lmao. There are some moments where my Lizard Brain takes over and I find the grooves trashy in a fun a way but then when I pay the slightest bit of attention to what I'm listening to I'm like, "Hey! What the fuck?" This Aussie breaks their long streak of 5/5s and gives Follow the Leader their first one Starbucks latte* out of five. *The joke here is that Starbucks performed so poorly in Straya that the only remaining branches here are at touristy spots where visitors who know nothing about our coffee culture go to.
Idk if it's because we went so low with the previous album but I liked to a lot! Made slogging at my software engineering project bearable. This Aussie gives it four nights out at The Sub Club in Melbourne out of five.
It was charming enough in a folksy 60s way but I'm not coming back to it anytime soon, this Aussie gives it two bags of macadamia nuts out of five.
A really fun and poppy (and 80s) album! This Aussie gives it four tins of Milo out of five.
I liked it, there's a lot of glam and personality to it. This Aussie gives it four nights at the Sydney Opera House out of five.
Dylan's a great storyteller and now I wanna buy a harmonica, this Aussie gives it five Kanos from Mortal Kombat out of five.
Some really groovy jazz hop, this Aussie approves and gives it four Fantales out of five.
There are some pretty off the wall ideas and sounds over here but at its core this is just a really exuberant and danceable pop album, this Aussie gives it five McFeasts from Macca's out of five
This album is just an inventive, intricate, and idiosyncratic mix of classic-guitar-hero-dad-rock, punk irreverence, and jazz interplay. I knew I was gonna give it this but this Aussie gives it five runs to Bunnings Warehouse out of five.
This fucks and this Aussie gives it five pairs of Blundstones out of five.
These guys were either music trolls who didn't give a fuck, visionaries who were waiting for the rest of the rock world to catch up to them, or (mostly likely) both. At times it's post-punk before punk was even a thing and this Aussie likes it and gives it five bowls of Weet-Bix out of five.
A lot of people seem to think dream pop is quiet background music but this sorta thing should be played loud for you to pick up on all the lush details here and let it rush all over you. Anyways, this Aussie is happy to be back and gives this album four bags of Burger Rings out of five.
Chelsea Girls is an album that shows it's beauty in a subtle way. It captures the intimacy of somebody playing music for you (and you specifically) in a small room. This Aussie gives it four bags of Freddo Frogs out of five.
This is a beautiful, dreamy album. It's one of his first forays in jazz fusion and it's a winner. I've listened to it enough times to know that this Aussie gives it five bags of Pods out of five.
This fucks.