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Court And Spark

Joni Mitchell


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Court And Spark
Album Summary

Court and Spark is the sixth studio album by Canadian singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell. It was an immediate commercial and critical success—and remains her most successful album. Released in January 1974, it has been described as pop, but also infuses Mitchell's folk rock style, which she had developed through her previous five albums, with jazz inflections. It reached No. 2 in the United States and No. 1 in Canada and eventually received a double platinum certification by the RIAA, the highest of Mitchell's career. It also reached the Top 20 in the UK and was voted the best album of the year for 1974 in The Village Voice Pazz & Jop Critics Poll. In 2020, it was ranked at number 110 in Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.







  • Folk
  • Rock
  • Singer Songwriter


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Feb 05 2021
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What a beautiful album. Again, this is another album I haven't heard before, but I am so glad that I've been able to experience it now. Joni Mitchell's voice is superb, right off the bat I was blown away by her performance and lyricism. The soft piano ballads and jazzy pop tunes are perfectly crafted and emotionally moving. I listened to this album twice, which is something I hadn't done with the previous albums. The song structures remind me of Joanna Newsome, but I think Mitchell does it much better. I felt connected to each story told in the songs, and the way they flowed together made the whole experience engrossing. Favorite track: all of them Least favorite track: none

Oct 14 2022
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Well, it's better than her later albums, I guess. But she's a much better poet than she is a singer. And a better singer than she is a melody-writer. I don't know why she seems to hate writing choruses so much. Most of the songs are just unstructured messes that never go anywhere. There's a story that Mitchell herself tells about Bob Dylan falling asleep when she played the album for him. It's funny but it's also understandable. It's a boring slog of an album. I would much rather have read these songs as poems than be forced to listen to Mitchell's wandering warble for an hour.

Feb 05 2021
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Before listening: I always imagined Joni Mitchell's audience as the Emma Thompson's character from Love Actually. Tragic, hopeless, alone.../ I started it for the second time and starting to like it at "Help me"/ The more folkish a song is the less I like it./ "Help me" and "Raised on Robbery" keeps pulling me back (even tough the second one is pretty folkish, but has good vibes, so I don't care)/ This is definitely not the Joni Mitchel I was expecting, and when reading a bit about her it seems that I could like her later stuff, when she ventured to jazzier stuff, seems like this was kind of a starting point.

Oct 26 2021
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My mom's favorite Joni album. Mine as well. Straight down the middle folk rock Joni. The trademark floating and swirling Joni melodies but this time with more energy Joni. More direct, incisive lyrics from Joni. More compelling jazz Joni. Incredible Joni production in surprising places (end of People's Parties, middle of Car on a Hill). I'd give it an easy 5 but the cringey final scat scat, so instead it's a labored 5. A+

Feb 05 2021
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Finally! A female artist, and it's the legend herself. I really love Joni Mitchell, I find myself torn between thinking she or Bob Dylan is the better songwriter. Hard to argue it's Bob in the face of "Both Sides Now." I haven't listened to this album before, but it's great. It only has one song that I already knew ("Help Me"), but there's plenty of heat here. I really like the exploration of different genres--Joni dips into jazz on some tracks, then more rock/pop on others. It doesn't always suit her, but her voice cuts through anything. It's a great experience overall and held my attention throughout. I'm looking forward to getting more Joni Mitchell albums, especially Blue. Also, if this list listened to my plea for female artists, maybe it will hear me ask to honor Black History Month...maybe some Jimi Hendrix? Aretha Franklin? We'll see what's in store. Favorite tracks: Help Me, People's Parties, Down to You, Twisted. Album art: Simple and sweet. I like the textured look. Nothing too special, but it looks like Joni herself may have painted that picture. That's extremely cool. 4.5/5

Apr 19 2021
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I do not understand the praise Joni Mitchell gets.

Jan 10 2022
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Interesting grunge dive. Can’t help but feel they aped nirvana a bit.

Nov 01 2023
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Rating: 10/10 A classic album. Joni Mitchell sounds fantastic, beautiful vocals and great lyrics. This album is absolutely gorgeous. Lush, detailed instrumentation and pristine production. Loved everything about this album, honestly wish some of the songs were longer but that speaks to how amazing this album is. Favorite tracks: Pretty much the whole album but highlights were Court and Speak, Help Me, Car on a Hill, Raised on Robbery, Troubled Child. Least Favorite song: Down to You, a bit too long but still great though.

Oct 02 2023
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Joni Mitchell's voice is such an elixir for the ears. Very expressive and dynamic, with the perfect mix of vulnerability and cool aloofness. I could listen to her sing a shopping list. But the songs here are mostly elaborate monologues of experience and emotion. It's pretty hard to make those kinds of song work, but her voice brings them alive. The music is good, with interesting jazzy additions to the folk palette - but really it's all a backdrop for the voice. The final track is impeccable vocal jazz performance, and I would love to hear a whole album of that. Overall, this album doesn't quite reach the soaring heights of Blue, and I don't really like how it takes a sharp turn in sound for the last three tracks (though they are still good tracks!) so I have to give it a 4*.

Feb 16 2021
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Such overrated artist... maybe she should have been just a poet?

Aug 05 2021
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Sorry lady, not interested in the slides from your trip to Paris.

Aug 05 2021
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This album was so BORING. It wasn't actively *bad*, but I just didn't care about it.

Dec 13 2021
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I was gonna give this only 4 stars but I don't think my mom would ever forgive me if she found out, so I'm rounding up.

May 24 2023
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Legendary singer/songwriter, beautiful music, absolute masterpiece.

Feb 04 2021
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at its best its female madman-era elton john written by a 14 yo girl who just went through her first breakup standing in for taupin. at its worst it sounds like joni mitchell. boring, repetitive instrumentation. trite, on-the-nose lyrics. i actively hate it. closing track was particularly insulting

Aug 01 2022
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This is the second Joni Mitchell album in about a week. They're also not on Spotify cause she "stuck it to the man". So I'm honouring her wishes and not listening - the only time I'll do so in this project (because fuck mean spirited "hippie" boomer cunts like her and Neil Young). Thankfully I know how much her music sucks anyway. So here's a 1/5 and I hope this sets a lovely precedent where I never have to hear her awful wailing again.

Jul 15 2021
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Another high note in a very specific genre (that basically has a one woman sub genre in this particular performer). About perfect, if you like this kind of thing (which I do)

Apr 07 2021
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Folk, guitar moving into some jazzy flourishes. She knocks it out the park again. Best Tracks: Court and Spark, Raised on Robbery, Twisted

May 21 2021
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It’s a testament to how great Joni Mitchell that this can be a perfect album and still not my favorite by her

May 01 2023
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I love Joni’s voice in the same vein of Chris’s love for Adele. She has such total command over her voice as an instrument, not just in maintaining pitch, but in volume, delivery, especially cadence. I could listen to her sing the verses of Help Me a million times and never get tired of it. On top of her second-to-none vocal talent, the music is interesting enough. This album, IIRC, is about when she begins a pretty full dive into more jazz. Extra star for real guitar, drums, and tasteful horns, but it won’t let me add a 6th star.

May 01 2023
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Incredible melodies and lyrics. Not typical pop music at all. Interesting jazz influences and flourishes. Joni Mitchell is a genius. Every song is an interesting adventure.

Jun 02 2023
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I could listen to this every day.

Jun 20 2022
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I didn't realize I hated Joni Mitchell so much. It's one of those names I've heard a bunch but never listened to.

Oct 29 2020
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Gorgeous, Side B is a bit weak though.

Jan 17 2024
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Easy 5 even with the awful last track (that I since discovered is not by Joni at all!). Her voice sounds "softest" here compared to the other '70s classics although the songs are far from "pop". Great album

Feb 16 2024
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I’m sorry…why haven’t I been listening to Joni Mitchell? Her albums on this list, so far, have been *excellent*. On Court and Spark, her voice, as always, is beautiful and unique, the instrumentation is varied, lively and engaging. Her blend of folk and jazz manages to be both soothing and invigorating, with flourishes of ambitious sonic textures and experimentation. What an excellent album.

Jan 25 2021
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great full band and piano, riffs can be pretty fun to listen to

Jul 16 2021
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Longtemps restée dans l'ombre de son petit-fils Eddy, Joni Mitchell n'en a pour autant pas moins de talent. C'était d'ailleurs prévisible. Je m'explique. Une fois que l'on a compris que Joni était une femme et non un énième gonze, on se doute que l'album sera bon puisque à l'exception de Patti Smith et sa crête iroquoise, aucune représentante de la gente féminine n'a obtenu moins de quatre étoiles de ma part. Et cet album les vaut bien.

Jun 12 2023
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My favorite of her albums and that's saying something. Brilliant songwriter and wonderful singer.

Oct 22 2023
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I’d say it’s up there with her best pieces of work (I prefer The Hissing of Summer Lawns more though)

Jan 17 2024
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Another neglected purchase on my hard drive, I may have skimmed off the opening, Broadway-esque piano chords, not in the mood. Silly me, this is very good, and I'm finding it hard to sum up why. Am tired and a blizzard arrives tomorrow, and I imagine this record would be good, conversational company for it. The instrumentation is superficially super normal and actually deeply weird. Free Man in Paris's Paris is a little Emily in Paris; it is still a good song.

May 09 2023
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This was better Joni Mitchell than The Hissing of Summer Lawns. Still not my style, but much better.

May 19 2023
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I sense the talent but it's just on the verge of tipping me over into really liking it

Nov 27 2023
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I enjoyed it, she has a really nice voice, and very poetic lyrics. To me, the lyrics actually gave off strong Taylor Swift vibes, it’s the stories she tells and vulnerability in the way in which she talks about her emotions. Her and Swift may be decades apart in their age and musical careers, but they have the same inner emotional landscape driving their song-writing. Well that’s my take anyway.

Nov 18 2020
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A bit meandering and winding in places; middle of the road. Good album for dinner parties.

Aug 11 2021
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I really liked her voice, but the songs are a bit too generic and flat. I'm sure the lyrics are meaningful but I couldn't be bothered to pay them any mind because of this.

Feb 22 2022
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Couldn’t find it on Spotify and in the end not overly mad about it. Deedle deedle deedle

May 09 2023
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Joni Mitchell is a polarizing figure for me. I enjoy her folky stuff more than her easy listening jazzy style stuff.

May 16 2023
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Can be tough-going Joni. When she's great she's super-brilliant, eg River, Both Sides Now, but the jazz-folk fusion can be a bit grating. This album, for me, was more of the latter.

Jun 01 2023
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It's like a well-executed, yet unflavored custard. Pleasant enough but there's no point in eating it.

Jan 17 2024
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This wasn’t terrible but it’s not for me. Something about her style or voice just makes every song sound the same. Needs to throw a chorus in every once in a while. 2.5

Feb 12 2021
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Joni Mitchell? More like moany shitshow.

Jan 30 2024
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I feel like this is what divorced cigarette moms listen to.

May 26 2021
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5/26 Warm, serene, and free. Standout Tracks: Help Me, Free Man in Paris, People's Parties, Car on a Hill, Down To You, Raised on Robbery, Troubled Child

Feb 13 2021
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Joni Mitchell y su voz me dan un efecto tranquilizador. Comienzo por ahí porque ahí ya va de gane este disco. Me gusta mucho cómo no parece tener un solo hilo conductor (poco más en los ritmos, melodías que en las letras) pero a la vez sí suena como un conjunto y disfruté cada una de sus canciones. Ya sea por las variaciones internas o por el trabajo con la voz o, en ocasiones, por versos dulzones. Tengo en alta estima a Joni, que además es muy prolífica. Seguro viene el Blue en algún momento (10/10) y no sé si haya otro. Me parece un gran disco pop de los 70. Y bueno, canciones a destacar diría "Free Man in Paris", la canción quizá más uniforme del disco, "Raised on Robbery" por su ritmo alegre y la balada "Down To You" con su suficiente dosis de cursilería y sus cambios y todo. 9.5/10

Feb 08 2021
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Her breakthrough of folk, jazz and pop. Her voice is so lilting, but the lyrics are anything but. "Free man in Paris" goes right at the music industry machine. This was "Laurel Canyon" par excellence.

Jun 10 2021
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9/10. Really quite good. Possibly could bump it up to a 10 on a relisten.

Jun 10 2021
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really good, I’ll definitely come back to this. 10

May 06 2021
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pretty good Phoebe plays Steely Dan vibes

Jun 03 2021
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A masterpiece, simply put. Mixes folk rock, blues and jazz in a placement where they all feel welcome and appreciated. I love the modal mixture, harmonies and the unique integrity of Joni Mitchell's voice. Absolutely fantastic

Jul 24 2021
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The sounds on here are incredible! These are the smoothest, most satisfying tracks I've heard since "Blue". I especially love the transition between "Trouble Child" and "Twisted". Both top tier tracks, too.

Jul 27 2021
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Such a beautiful albums, from the lyrics to the instrumentals to the singing itself.

Sep 02 2021
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Once again, I find myself struggling to find words worthy of Joni Mitchell. For me, she is and will always be one of the greatest treasures, one of the greatest gifts, to and from the world of art and creativity. When I focus on her music, as I did for this album for this listen, there is so much to discover and hear, even when I've heard the song countless times before. What a rare and incredible musician on every level. This is a beautiful and fascinating album.

Sep 18 2021
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More sublime music from Joni Mitchell, this time with a rock flair. An artist whose work merits repeat listening and will change its meaning over time as you get older and maybe wiser. Superb.

Oct 12 2021
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Yes, Joni Mitchell, better than just the hits. Great album.

Oct 26 2021
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Beautiful lyricism, sparkling melodies, reclusive balladeer. This album is pure Joni Mitchell, dialed up to 11. A wonderful listen, a respite from treating Frankie's illness.

Nov 12 2021
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This album hit different. I really, really enjoyed this entire album. It's got that 'timeless classic' sound to it, the light drums, the completely clean guitar tones, the angelic vocals, it's like a female version of Bread (I hope to god an album by Bread comes up on this someday LOL). Not only that, but it also sounds like she may have had a ton of impact on other artists. I can't think of any specific examples off the top of my head, but certain things here and there in some of the songs just sound so familiar, as if you've heard it before, but you've probably just heard a song that was heavily influenced by Joni Mitchell.

Nov 16 2021
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This is one of the best albums I’ve ever listened to. Joni Mitchell is one of my favorite artists ever. Help me is such a uniquely beautiful expression of new and true love. The lightness that comes with love and the lightness of the song goes so well together. She is absolutely a gem of a human

Nov 19 2021
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2nd Joni Mitchell album I've gotten and this one is a lot more happy and energetic than Blue. Although this album doesn't feel as emotionally intense as Blue, I still enjoyed nearly as much. This album feels exciting and fresh but that can also be its biggest weakness. Sometimes it can feel a little too grandiose. Aside from that, if I had friends over and had to choose a Joni album to put on, it would be this one. Great album!

Nov 21 2021
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Rejection of fame. Moments of jazziness.

Dec 14 2021
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Really great album. Love the composition and lyrics. Need more Joni in my life.

Jan 08 2022
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I liked the exploration of different genres! Very good album!

Jan 21 2022
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‘Court And Spark’ is full of great songs and stunning arrangements by an artist at her peak, with a who’s who of 70s musicians including Joe Sample and Wilton Felder (from the Crusaders) Jose Feliciano, Larry Carlton, David Crosby and Graham Nash (from CSN and CSNY) all dropping by to lend a hand. Even Cheech and Chong provide some backing vocals. While not quite as emotional and intense as say ‘Blue’, ‘Court and Spark’ is still lyrically deep, musically and melodically sweeter than the aforementioned, and more ‘pop’ overall, even with its distinct jazz leanings. It was Joni Mitchell’s commercial high point, and you can really hear why.

Feb 12 2022
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Holy crap. Although I like her, I never put this one on because I’d never heard of any of its tracks. I figured it was one of those dud albums that even good artists have. Nope. Maybe my new favorite, might be better than Hejira. The strings, winds and horns in Down to You are jaw-droppingly good. I listened to it three times over.

Feb 18 2022
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Joni's jazzy vibes makes this album one of her best. It is difficult to top Blue, but she certainly presents an album that sits on par with her 1971 release

Mar 08 2022
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This album is musically interesting. It’s somewhat of a transitional album that combines Joni Mitchell’s folk sensibilities with a jazz foundation. The result is an album that still sounds undeniably like Joni Mitchell but manages to push her sound forward. The lyrics paint real life with profundity and Mitchell’s voice is the perfect carrier for those words.

Mar 12 2022
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I love this album. It’s like a warm blanket around my soul. Joni Mitchell’s vocals are perfectly beautiful. The songs are so so nice. Put this album on and everything seems like it will be ok. I haven’t listened to this in decades… a terrible oversight. Hearing the opening chirp of “Free Man In Paris” after such a long hiatus is like being home again. I could listen to this all day. And did.

Mar 12 2022
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I very much enjoyed this album and listening experience. I don't really know much on Joni's work other than the popular songs, but I was happy to expand my horizons today.

Mar 12 2022
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I loved this album, both the songs I'd known and loved, and the new ones I discovered. I love the ventures into rock, pop, and jazz on this that made me rethink what I thought I knew about Joni Mitchell. In fact I spent a lot of time today learning as much as I could about her. Love.

Mar 28 2022
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Great Album ! Could listen to it over and over again !

Mar 31 2022
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I went in planning to give it 4 stars to make room for “Blue” to be ranked higher, but that’s only because I forgot how amazing this record was! It’s right there with “Blue,” I’d say.

Mar 30 2022
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Holy crap. Although I like her, I never put this one on because I’d never heard of any of its tracks. I figured it was one of those dud albums that even good artists have. Nope. Maybe my new favorite, might be better than Hejira. The strings, winds and horns in Down to You are jaw-droppingly good. I listened to it three times over.

Apr 12 2022
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Aaaand she’s a genius! Not exactly one of Joni’s more famous albums and exactly stuffed with hits and bangers but it’s just the genius of it that gets me. The woman invented her own chords for Christs sake!! She spoke openly about never being classically musically trained and she just got her guitar and had a fucking ball! It’s just so fucking beautiful and incredible. Joni forever.

May 09 2022
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Bis auf Big Yellow Taxi kannte ich natürlich, wie bei so vielen bekannten Namen, nix von ihr. Dieses Album ist eine un-glaubliche Wohltat, alles daran ist richtig. Ich kann mich nur verneigen.

Jun 01 2022
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A favourite. Always listened to it side two first just so the sequence would finish with Same Situation. Just made more sense to me.

Jul 08 2022
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Help Me is my love life Free Man in Paris is excellent I am not a woman of many words but the greatest cacophony of sounds you've ever heard comes from this very album it's so rich and it feels like walking into a blooming field My favourite song/ most played is probably People's Parties and I get very sad and melodramatic reflecting on what she means. Sometimes I wish I wrote, but I didn't so I just learned the words. Joni has plenty albums but I feel like this one is easily in her Top 5

Jul 13 2022
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Big Joni Mitchell fanboy. This is one of my all time favorites.

Jul 25 2022
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What a voice - such precision, range, and beauty. The music takes you on a calm, beautiful ride and includes some brilliant lyrics. Some examples that stood out: "We love our lovin' but not like we love our freedom" (Help Me), "laughing and crying, you know it's the same release" (People's Parties), "Everything comes and goes/pleasure moves on too early and trouble leaves too slow" (Down to You), "Dreaming of the pleasure I'm going to have/Watching your hairline recede, my vain darling" [I laughed at that one] (Just Like This Train). Favorite tracks - Court and Spark (really sets the mood for the album), Help Me (one other observation - the musicians on this album are so good - not flashy, but just perfect for the music), Down to You, Raised on Robbery (fun track), Troubled Child.

Jul 25 2022
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There are many great singer-songwriters to come out of the 60s, but Joni is on a whole different level. The songs of Court and Spark are both complex and accessible. Folk with hints of Jazz. Her gift for words really comes alive on here. “Free Man in Paris” has some of my favorite Joni lyrics on any of her albums. On the track “Down to You” it sounds like there’s a harp, but nothing is listed in the credits so it’s probably Joni on the Clavinet. I don’t think there’s a weak track on this album and not only does it make me want to go and listen to my other favorite Joni album (they’re coming up eventually on the list, so I’ll wait) , it really makes me want to check out the few albums of hers that I haven’t listened to yet.

Aug 09 2022
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для тихих тусовок с подружками или теплых летних прогулок

Aug 16 2022
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Naturally, with Joni Mitchell’s current Spotify exodus, listening to this album wasn’t the most convenient experience (I had to stick on a copy we had at the record shop where I work). But my god was it worth it. I wasn’t at all familiar with a great deal of her work beforehand, but I’ll certainly be going back to this one. It’s hard to describe exactly what makes Mitchell’s songwriting so unique, but as I listened I was totally gripped by her sense of melody. It seems like she has the ability to change the entire mood of a song with the most deft usage of harmonic changes. Most of these songs felt almost impressionistic in their structure. Like Debussy meets Fairport Convention or Pentangle. The jazz flourishes are here too but not quite as pronounced as critics have made them out to be. With the exception of Mitchell’s gorgeous take on Waddell Gray’s “Twisted”, her folk roots permeate most of the album’s run time. I was wavering between a 4 and a 5 on this one (there is a bit of a lull towards the middle of side 2 which drags slightly) but after a couple of listens anything less than full marks would be a travesty. Songwriting, production and emotion - it’s all here on this album.

Aug 27 2022
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Good ol' Joni folk/pop, with a good bit of orchestral, jazz, and rock n roll injected in. Can't go wrong here!

Sep 03 2022
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Love this whole album, except for the last track. Joni has always been criminally underrated in the modern era.

Sep 26 2022
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Easy 5 even with the awful last track (I since discovered that is not by Joni at all!). Her voice sounds "softest" here compared to the other '70s classics although the songs are far from "pop". Great album

Sep 27 2022
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"Court and Spark" is the sixth and most successful studio album from Joni Mitchell. The album is a break from her more folk music and into pop and jazz. I agree with the pop and jazz and also kind of has a Steely Dan feel to some of the songs, probably since her guitarist Larry Carlton performed on a number of future Steely Dan albums. She had an increased interest in jazz and spent a lot of 1973 writing and recording the material for the album. Other notable musicians who contributed to the recording were jazz bands The Crusaders and Tom Scott's LA Express, Robbie Robertson, David Crosby, Graham Nash, José Feliciano and Cheech and Chong (yes them). The lyrics are outstanding and deal with love, loss and general human observations. The album begins with "Court and Spark" and a jazzy piano with subtle guitar, chimes and horns in the background. It's a man changing his ways, the woman falls for him but ultimately doesn't trust him. The band the LA Express gives "Help Me" a bigger jazz feel with horns and guitar. It was/is Joni's biggest single. Needing help to feel good but reluctant to fall in love too fast. Another instantly recognizable and one of my favorite Joni songs is "Free Man in Paris" supposedly about music agent/promoter David Geffin and his finding peace in Paris. It's a little lighter musically with acoustic guitar and backing vocals by David Crosby and Graham Nash. José Feliciano on the guitar. A highlight on the second side and album is "Down to You." It's slower with piano, multiple horns and just great backing vocals (David Crosby and Susan Webb). It won a Grammy for best arrangement accompanying vocalist. An introspective on life..loneliness, losing someone, life going by. "Raised on Robbery" was the first single and is a more rockin' song with Robbie Robertson on guitar. The song actually sounds like a mix between The Band's "Cripple Creek" and the 70's theme from "Saturday Night Live" with the guitar and horns. It's about a prostitute telling her story to a man in a hotel. Joni used very decphired lyrics to get this to be a released single at that time. The album ends with the cover of Wardell Gray and Annie Ross' 1952 jazz song "Twisted." A good example of how good Joni could sing jazz. Some pretty funny lyrics about everyone telling her she's going crazy and she's telling them they're going crazy. And of course, this is where Cheech and Chong make their contributions. This album makes me want go back and re-check out the 1970's Joni Mitchell. It's been awhile for me but this album sounded great and not dated at all.

Sep 28 2022
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If I remember rightly, when I was listening to Carole King and reading up on her music, I came across Joni Mitchell’s name there. I couldn’t tell you anything about her, but if she’s anything like Carole King then I expect I’m going to enjoy this. Songs I already know: none Favourite after listening: Raised On Robbery, Twisted Overall: 9/10 A month ago, I would have laughed in your face if you’d have said I would really enjoy 70s singer-songwriter folk. And yet here we are. Joni’s voice is silky smooth, and makes you want to cosy up by a fire with a hot chocolate. The music makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and is just generally lovely. If the music was taken away and we were left with only the lyrics, we’d be left with writing that stands up by itself as poetry. I’d definitely recommend to anybody who likes a bit of easy listening, and anybody who is fortunate enough to own a fireplace.

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