Ryan AdamsFuck this dude, album’s dogshit too.
Fuck this dude, album’s dogshit too.
Good af
Liked the live versions of all the songs honestly but some songs definitely were sub par where the mixing between the vocals and the instruments were shambolic.
Great album with some solid tracks such as Midnight Ravers, No more trouble and of course Concrete Jungle. However, with all its charm it isn’t a perfect album, all day all night for example wasn’t a song I’d put up there with the rest of the album.
Although I’m not as familiar with first generation rock and roll as I would like to be, this album really was a great introduction to the genre and songs like blueberry hill, so long and the fat man’s hop are songs that I truly did enjoy and wouldn’t be surprised if they made it into my regular rotation in the future.
Very unique album at least in comparison to the rest of the ones in the book, for an artist that was rejected 6 times before finally getting accepted into the rock and roll hall of fame I’d have expected more variety and well Rock and Roll. But that being said I cannot rate this higher than a 3; heck, I’d only realistically give it a 2/5 as out of the 6 songs in the album there was only one that truly stood out as a good song (The model).
Aretha my goat. Thoroughly enjoyed the entire album.
What made this album qualify for this list? Pure rubbish from the get go. Half a song is a dude running his mouth that LA is the home of the body bag. Another is this dude giving a monologue about an ongoing war in his community while shouting out the various gangs in the 90s. Also calling yourself an OG while you haven’t been formally initiated into any gang for that matter might actually be the saddest thing to do with the album as a whole. Listening to Yoko Ono screaming her way through her “performance” at MoMA for 10 hours might be better than this shit.
Not the best Aerosmith album I’ve heard. Good enough to get a 3/5.
When a live album sounds studio recorded it’s a testament to how good they are. Solid 4.5/5.
Horrid Henry wouldn’t make people listen to this
As much as I enjoy rock and most of its subdivisions, this album was genuinely a mixed bag. The instrumental portions were phenomenal but the vocals were so below average that it sucked the life of out the song. Solid 2.5 to generous 3 out of 5. The vocalist ruined it for me.
Honestly pretty good excluding the overused tik tok song.
Quite enjoyable although every song sounds the same. Can’t give it higher than a 3.
Very enjoyable album. With genuine variety between songs and a form of music that holds up in the 21st century this deserves an easy 4/5.
Unique instruments aside, absolute dogshit album.
Immaculate album, genuinely one of the better jazz albums I've heard. Solid 4/5.
miss the old Kanye, straight from the 'Go Kanye Chop up the soul Kanye, set on his goals Kanye I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the beats Kanye I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Kanye Jokes aside, pretty decent album. Solid 3/5.
For the amount of good stuff I’ve heard about the cramps, this album was disappointing to say the least. Vocalist was bad and the lyrics were just plain nonsense.
Freebird carried the album with a few decent songs otherwise but nothing above a 3 is justifiable.
Although I'm usually a sucker for Jazz, visiting a chunk of the jazz clubs in Manhattan almost every third weekend during my time there, this album did not resonate with me as much as I would've hoped. The jazz sounds so basic which has never been the case with most other jazz albums I've heard, this truly felt more like a band you'd find playing on a Saturday night at a reasonably fancy restaurant to appease your mood after seeing that abysmally small portion size. A 3 is justifiable for this album in particular.
Great album with some extremely popular tracks that despite being overplayed both in movies and certain clubs, still are bangers that you can listen to over and over again. Solid 4/5.
Genuinely one of my favourite albums of all time. Phenomenal as always 5/5.
Pretty decent as a coming of age esque album. 2.5/5.
It’s just alright. Nothing special. 2/5.
Nothing remarkable but a fun listen nonetheless. 3/5.
Very enjoyable album but bowie’s voice despite being as unique as it is falls short at certain times with his vocals going out of tune every now and then. Solid 4/5.
Nothing special. Just another Rock album with a few good songs in a sea of mid.
Not a terrible listen but man the songs just DRAAAAAAAAAAG on and on. 2/5
Fun listen. Not a fan of the genre but this was solid. 3/5.
Truly enjoyed the album. Would give it a solid 4/5.
Loved it, solid 4.
Horrid. 1.5/5.
Twas alright I guess. 3.5/5.
Loved it. Plus the crowd involvement was quite nice. Solid 4/5.
It’s mid, just plain mid. Dude sounds like he’s on the verge of being blackout drunk. Horrid vocals. The only reason this isn’t getting a 1 is cause the instruments HARD CARRIED this album.
Decent album and the fusion sounds great ngl. 3/5.
Superb R&B with a few misses but solid 4/5.
It’s just fine. Don’t see myself caring too much after a single listen.
Good album. Will be added to a rotation.
Meh. Devotional songs are lost on me.
Mid. Catchy but mid.
Very enjoyable album
One of the greatest albums of all time and for a reason. Certified banger. 4.5/5.
Fuck this dude, album’s dogshit too.
Fun classic rock and roll album.
Instruments are good. Vocals are unique but not in a good way. I understand that this is a Celtic band but the want to sound like a Viking while singing really isn’t it.
Good af