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All That You Can't Leave Behind



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All That You Can't Leave Behind
Album Summary

All That You Can't Leave Behind is the tenth studio album by Irish rock band U2. It was produced by Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois, and was released on 30 October 2000 through Island Records and Interscope Records. Following the band's experimentation with alternative rock and dance music in the 1990s and the mixed reception to their 1997 album, Pop, U2 returned to a sound more akin to their earlier records for All That You Can't Leave Behind. The group reunited with Eno and Lanois, who had produced three prior U2 albums together. The record was originally named "U2000", which had been a working title for their PopMart Tour. The album received positive reviews from most critics, reached number one in 32 countries, and sold over 12 million copies. The songs "Beautiful Day", "Walk On", "Elevation", and "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" were all successful singles. The record and its songs won seven Grammy Awards; it is the only album in history to have multiple tracks win the Grammy Award for Record of the Year: "Beautiful Day" in 2001 and "Walk On" in 2002. In 2003, the album was ranked 139th on Rolling Stone's list of "The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time", but it was re-ranked at number 280 in 2012. The supporting Elevation Tour, on which the band returned to playing arenas with a more intimate stage design, was also a critical and commercial success. All That You Can't Leave Behind was reissued in 2020 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its original release.







  • Rock


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Mon Nov 15 2021

The soulless corpse of a once-great band, forced to dance for our money in a sad attempt at entertainment. Listening to this record while the sun rose felt like a disservice to dawn itself.

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Tue Apr 27 2021

This ain't it. Outside of U2's singles, I don't think I like them very much. This album is as exciting as a communion wafer.

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Thu Sep 23 2021

Tired. Flaccid. A ghost of their former selves. Imagine combining “Joshua Tree” and “Achtung Baby” and watering down the product.

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Thu Mar 31 2022

Lanois and Eno are favs of mine but they're totally wasted on this feeble effort from U2. This album reeks of a tired old band simply phoning it in to fulfill their contract obligations to the record company. Its funny how this band really brings out the hate in people.

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Sun Nov 13 2022

U2 continues their trend of writing great music to listen to at the dentist office while getting your teeth drilled. As inoffensive as it is pretentious! As annoying as it is forgettable!

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Mon Apr 12 2021

First two songs are bangers. Rest is wank

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Thu Dec 23 2021

That sweet, sweet voice. Those beautiful looping foot pedals. The sunglasses, the hat, the edge. What's not to completely loathe? A fucking disgusting waste of time and money. A horrorshow, a prison cell, a bargain bin of aborted babies.

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Thu Mar 25 2021

Front loaded with solid hits, but pretty weak otherwise, particularly in the middle section.

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Wed Apr 07 2021

An album I could've happily died before listening to.

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Wed Jun 09 2021

Just a bit dull. Even the ones I remembered, I remembered why I didn't like them at the time. Hopefully will never listen to this album again.

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Thu Sep 02 2021

I liked the first song and after that one I felt like Bryan Adams was in the building

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Fri Apr 08 2022

I have mixed feelings of All That You Can't Leave Behind as a U2 fan. On one hand, it's a great album with fantastic singles and some pleasant album cuts, plus a more crystal quality production than say Zooropa or Pop. On the other though, it ends in a snoozefest (New York and Grace) and the album's colossal success led the way to U2 playing it safe with their future output which would become increasingly mediocre and dull. Beautiful Day and Elevation are some of U2's best ever songs, Stuck In A Moment and Walk On are decent but powerfully uplifting when depressed, and the rest are mainly pleasent. It could've been improved with the bonus track The Ground Beneath Her Feet replacing Grace. These mixed feeling have made me considered if this album truly deserves a place in this list. It is the worst of the other 3 U2 albums on this list and not including it could've made room for another act that's strangely absent (Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson, any classical composer, even another album nor from the UK or USA would be fantastic). Though if reflecting on importance, this was incredibly popular around 2000 and had a impact on many in a post-9/11 world. To put it short, it's a great but frustrating album.

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Wed Oct 06 2021

A frankly silly production team. Sometimes Eno, Lillywhite and Lanois are on the same damn song. Does it add much? A few instrumental curios to the quiter ones, like the backwards strings on Kite or the underwater guitar on Grace, maybe. But I'm not sure U2 needed anything adding. Perhaps all the hot shot producers did was tell them to strip back, go simple, go pop. Not what you'd expect from "we're gonna need a bigger stadium" show-offs, but it worked. When Bono sings like an asshole (which isn't actually that often) you get the feeling it's because he cares about the material rather than the ticket sales. The best songs are still the anthems, the best anthem is still Elevation, and the best line on Elevation is still: "A mole, digging in a hole / Digging up my soul, now / Going down, excavation". Utter gibberish.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

Just fuck off. Nauseating. Worse than Benjamin Mendy.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

I'd rather stay imprisoned in SHACK'S bedroom than go out into a world where this exists.

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Thu Mar 31 2022

If, as JG said, Joshua Tree marked the beginning of the end, this must be the end of end.

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Wed Jun 29 2022

Good album. I guess it hasn't been cool to like U2 for a long time now, but I've never been cool so....

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Wed Oct 26 2022

I know there's a lot of U2 hate out there in the world, but I don't hate these guys. They've made some killer songs that I've loved listening to in my life. This album was massive. Those first four songs are all great. Beautiful Day was the moment for a short while in the year 2000, you can't pretend it wasn't. And today was a day that I actually really needed to hear Stuck In A Moment. Didn't realize until it started in how much I missed that song and how helpful it is. If Joshua Tree is the high watermark of their career, then this album is a stellar second coming. I like it all the way through, honestly.

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Wed Feb 08 2023

So much hate. Yeah, he's a wanker, but he's avoided sex and drugs while continuing to play rock and roll. This was a good album with a great mix of past and present.

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Sat Nov 04 2023

Beautiful Day is among my favorite U2 songs. I’d completely forgotten about Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of until I heard it again - a welcome reunion. I love that song too. But the other singles - Elevation and Walk On - don’t ring any bells. Surprising because they are terrific songs as well! This is a very positive-feeling, uplifting U2 album that I almost missed entirely. Glad it is here!

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Thu Dec 07 2023

I was crying. It was so bittersweet. I remembered how much I listened to this album back when it came out.

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Mon Jun 07 2021

U2 gets a lot of deserved shit for their high-profile misses, but I'm kind of done apologizing for loving them. This album is a banger and it's like their third or fourth best one. Best track: Beautiful Day

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Sat Jun 19 2021

I already know two U2 albums (and possibly 3?) are going to get 5's from this reviewer. And I already know this is not one of them. Impossibly overrated. But there's still plenty of good (if not great) moments here. It's just not one of my go-to albums, not from U2. But those are to come...

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Wed Feb 17 2021

Lyrics aren't great, but the song writing is bloody good! A lot of good tracks even though there are a few that are very cringy listens

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Wed Jul 17 2024

There are definitely some stand outs here, and honestly this album is consistently good. However I think this album is a little to tied to the trends of the early 2000s compared to their other works. I always enjoy Bono's' singing, even if his writing can be a little (or a lot) self righteous. As a final note, Beautiful Day is a great song. I have only ever heard it in stadiums and on the radio in the background. I was surprised at how good it was when I listened to it on decent pair of headphones at home.

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Tue May 25 2021

I fucking hate U2 😂😂😂. Not sure why, bonno seems a prick and its also not my type of music. This is the first time I've properly given the music the time of day and i was hoping that it'd help me understand why people like them, but it is actually just shite. Maybe a 2 at very best, but prob a 1.

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Wed May 05 2021

I loathe U2, but I'll give this a try. For a little bit, at least.

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Fri Apr 02 2021

Nothing here for me. Dull soft rock. Think their early stuff might be better for me but remains to be seen/heard Edit: dnf, it almost depressed me with how boring I found it

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Thu Jul 01 2021

Not sure how this album made the list? Totally dull and boring and the douche bag singing is a prick.

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Sun Dec 05 2021

Sticky songs, just a purely commercial album. It´s shallowness is abundant.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

how many kids that Bono has nonced do you reckon the pope has made disappear? he's a fucking whopper of a nonce.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

God this reminded me of Bono walking the streets of Dublin at Christmas singing carols. What a bad nonce. One thing I’d happily leave behind would be u2. Bono and the edge? I mean c’mon just fuck right off.

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Thu Jan 20 2022

Yikes. I've always been a bit too judgmental of U2, and was pleasantly surprised when I took the time to dig into their earlier work last year. So my expectations were relatively high when going into this Beautiful Day is a great opener, if a bit cheesy, but it went downhill from there. The three-track run of Kite / In a Little While / Wild Honey were all almost unlistenable - Bono's voice was genuinely dreadful! This is my first did not finish of this project

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Sun Feb 06 2022

There was a time when U2 were pretty good. This wasn’t one of those time

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Wed Mar 16 2022

I love 80s and 90s U2 but by 2000 i'd moved on as they became a pre-Coldplay pop anthem band. The best slickest production doesn't hide the mediocrity. Sorry chaps.

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Fri Sep 23 2022

OOoHooo... I haaate u ooohOooo 2..Oooohoooo

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Thu Oct 13 2022

Beautiful day - big single , suitably atmospheric👍 Stuck in a moment you can't get out of- sounds like beautiful by James blunt in the chorus. Don't think it’s quite upbeat enough for the message Elevation- this is whatever, very dad music Walk on - very similar themes to previous songs Kite- this is sweet but safe👍 In a little while- Nonce song with wolf howls for some reason Wild Honey to Grace- All pretty generic and some terrible songs in this run. New York has a really jarring guitar riff that comes in sometimes that feels very uninspired The ground beneath her feet- Wait, the lyrics are by Salman Rushdie?! This was the first U2 album I’ve listened to.. hopefully its not representative of their whole oeuvre 1/5

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Sun Nov 06 2022

I really want to like it, but... it's bland. Like it's missing something, the spice, the flavour. It's not entirely awful, it's just as simple as a children's storybook. There's nothing surprising or exciting about it. Don't get me wrong, music doesn't have to be complicated and complex to be good. It can be simple yet enjoyable. This one just isn't. The experience was very tiring because every song provides the same emotional level, so I found it hard to actually get into that music. If I came across this music anywhere I'd just skip it, it's not interesting at all. No wonder that album was forgotten a long time ago. I love rock (not even sure if I can call this album "rock" at this point) it was just exhausting to get through. I've been counting every minute I have left til the end, bored and wanting to turn off the music. Facourite track (the least bad): "The Ground Beneath Her Feet", least favourite: the rest

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Thu Dec 01 2022

This starts with Beautiful Day and then proceeds to be one of the most boring albums ever made.

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Fri Dec 23 2022

Did I listen to U2 much before embarking on this project? Do I enjoy certain of their output disproportionately? Did I have to listen to this one? Would I have better things to say if the musical variety was ever more than tepid? All questions which can be succinctly answered after glances at ratings and reviews of a few albums. Even in remaster, the absolute low points of the arrangements stick out. Take the big-V Bono Voice (insufficient to carry compositions with these lyrics, believe you me), add dated synthetic instruments, and finally cap the tune with some real music. Undermines any positivity I felt toward the band, and carries on like a piece of forgettable Christmas pop. Thanks to the timing, that is how I shall treat it.

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Fri Dec 23 2022

No way I’m listing to this rubbish!

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Wed Jan 04 2023

If I had a nickel for everytime Brian Eno produced an album loosely based around airports, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice. This album sucks btw.

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Fri Feb 10 2023

A couple of slammin’ good songs, but the production quality is kinda “muddled” and the album itself feels like simply a collection of songs. Normally that’s no deal-breaker but the other songs on the album outside the singles are terribly mid, and knowing what U2 is capable of makes this normally 3-star album plummet to a 1-star. It won a bunch of awards though, so U2 kept the sound for other albums like “How to Dismantle an Atom Bomb” and (everyone’s iTunes favourite!) “Songs of Innocence”. Shame on you (2), U2, the potential was squandered.

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Wed Mar 08 2023

There are so many reasons I SHOULD like this album 1) they are Irish 2) there’s a song about New York 3) my dad listens to this album all the time THE LYRICS AND MELODY ARE SO BAD. It feels like the whole band wrote songs and then he just made some shit up to go on top of it. This is a no for me.

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Mon Mar 27 2023

This band sucks, I think everyone knows that. But, I can forgive and understand earlier U2 works being on this list. They were massive and I understand why people like those earlier records. However, this album is complete and utter trash. I think that's true objectively. I seriously cannot fathom what would posses anyone to rate this album highly and include it on this list. Just laughably bad and an indictment against the integrity of this list.

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Sun Apr 02 2023

I can't stand Bono as a singer or as a person. I also don't care for U2's overall sound. I still recognize a couple of their other albums' musicianship, but this one isn't anything special.

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Thu Apr 13 2023

On second thought, it’s ok if you leave this one behind.

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Mon Jul 31 2023

I can certainly leave this musty sack of moldy, wrinkly potatoes behind. 🥔

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Sun Dec 31 2023

Actually hate this album with a passion. Rattle & Hum was the last great U2 album. The end.

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Wed Feb 24 2021

Un clàssic, molt escoltat en adolencència

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Sat Feb 04 2023

Awesome. Never ever gets old.

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Thu Mar 23 2023

This is a pwnage soundtrack to my childhood weirdly enough. The amount of n00bs I pwned on Halo whilst listening to this album is probably in the thousands. Nothing like sticking someone and watching them explode at the climax of Beautiful Day. First half is definitely superior but can also love the back half in a different kind of way. Not usually a normal 5 I would give but something about this album gets me.

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Fri Mar 24 2023

Probably my favourite U2 album. Some great tracks.

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Sun Mar 26 2023

это что-то волшебное и неверотяное я переслушал альбом несколько раз, потому что он создает такое волшебство в воздухе, которое невозможно передать, его надо прожить абсолютно обязательная работа к ознакомлению рад, что полноценное знакомство с группой U2 случилось с этого альбома (а ещё он вышел 1 января 2000 года, люди в новое тысячелетие входили...)

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Mon Jul 10 2023

Very good soft rock,most of the songs were actually bangers I might revisit this album again if I’m in the mood.Bono has a lovely voice even if his lyrics can be pretty heavy handed.

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Wed Aug 02 2023

This was the first album I really got into U2 on. Seattle, 2000-2001. I had this thing on constantly at the Bauhaus coffee shop. This is U2 at peak preachy, but still catchy.

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Wed Oct 11 2023

A favorite. A large part of my life 2000-2002.

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Fri Nov 03 2023

U2 deliver every time. Great album

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Fri Nov 24 2023

I'd probably rate this objectively as a 4 at best, but it brings a lot of nostalgia and I have strong emotional connections to some of these songs, particularly the opening track

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Thu Jan 11 2024

I have loved many U2 singles, but this albums is like so many others. A great track or two (Beautiful Day, in this case) and then a lot of filler. So, this album sets the "3-star" standard for me - palatable with a high point or two, but mostly a bill-payer for the band.

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Fri Jan 12 2024

Me ha gustado más de lo que recordaba.

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Wed Feb 14 2024

This was supposedly U2's return to form after their Zooropa and Pop eras. For the most part, I think they succeeded. This fits right in with a lot of the rock music of its time, and never feels like a forced attempt for industry veterans to be hip and current. The record feels fresh, even. It sometimes falls a little too far into the 'soft, inoffensive pop rock' scale, but the songs are still legitimately good and complement the bigger hits well. And yes, most of what comes after Elevation is cheesy, but whatever - I can handle a little cheese. In a Little While and Kite are very pretty listens, while the rest of the songs have their own moments too. Y'all can hate on U2 all you want, but this is a great record. Dare I say that I like it even better than The Joshua Tree? Besides the songs mentioned above, standouts here are Walk On, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, and my personal favorite U2 song, Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of.

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Sun Mar 31 2024

4.6/5 Best Track: Beautiful Day

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Sat Apr 06 2024

Me ha gustado más de lo que recordaba.

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Fri Apr 12 2024

Anthems of early 2000….appreciated Kite and Wild Honey this listen….

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Fri Apr 26 2024

Me ha gustado más de lo que recordaba.

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Wed May 08 2024

A welcome return from one of the best bands out there. Kicked off a great run of albums after this and the tours to support them. Have a great trip…U2

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Thu May 30 2024

Started out strong with some absolute classics like Beautiful Day. Ended up just a bit weak towards the end, but there is enough quality on this one to overcome that.

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Thu Jun 20 2024

THIS IS A TOUGH ONE. Thinking about this album while not listening to it, there is no way its a 5, but then when you stick it on... i dunno... seems pretty 5 to me. I think i have to break it down in my mind first. Beautiful Day is majestic, outstanding, wonderful, its over played, but c'mon its amazing. Stuck in a Moment is my favourite u2 song and one of my favourite songs of all time. Love it, love the choir, LOVE the bridge at the end, i love it, just absolutely adore it/ Elevation is funny, i don't know if it's great or bad, but its fun, funny, a good laugh, tomb raider, Ericsson t10 Walk On is one of my favourite u2 songs, i love it, the outro is one of my favourite things in music history, i adore it Kite is ok, its fine, not one of my favourites, decent chorus, good In A Little While - LOVE this one, incredible. wonderful, beautiful Wild Honey - Decent Peace on Earth - like this one, bit cringy but good When I Look at The World - Decent enough New York - decent Grace - Fine The Ground Beneath Her Feet - amazing, incredible, this one really snuck up on me, and the one I have listened to most today. I dont particularly remember it before today another than the funny keyboard, but its amazing LOVE IT so if an album has 12 songs and 6 are incredible, and rest are ranging somewhere around good, i'd say its a success, and for me the songs i like, i LOOOOVE, then it has to go 5, i will say, the second half isn't as good, its a little like Californacation in that way

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