Jan 06 2024
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Tracy Chapman
Tracy Chapman
Didn't think the first song was going to be a bop instantly, it was catchy, though she repeated the same phrase too much, that low-key made it better. I expect more for the next ones. Also the voice of her is soothing so can't complain about that.
Well the fast cars is also sad in its way, Elton John vibes I must say, again catchy and I would definitely sing along to it. So far so good. Also she really loves repeating the chorus, and I'm here for it.
Third song is literally about the problems of her time, racism and that kind of ugly stuff, love that. Even though the whole album, I think, will sound the same, it is soo listenable(sometimes it's just not for me). Also the song consists of "hook" and "post hook" haven't heard of that, unique for me.
Okayy now domestic violence problem. And it's a cappella, made it better, the silence makes it more tragic to be honest. I was wrong about it having the same vibe, depending on this 4th song. Basically this drastic change was quite pleasant.
Apparently her tone changed in the 5th song, since it's about her lover, and the fact that she wants to be loved some controversies about the lyrics made it more interesting and the fact that she perceives love differently.
Oooh 6th one has a tropical vibe for sure, again wrong about the same vibe I said before. It's also about the philosophical problem, in particular being materialistic isn't the right choice when love exists. Apparently Beatles has a song about the same topic(not surprised). The instrumentals are soo calm and tropical, as I've said already. Hasn't been a song I wouldn't add to liked songs yet.
The feminism/anti racist message is what 7th song is about. Tropical vibe stays, with some new instruments I don't know the names of. But this one is particularly optimistic, as "she's got her ticket" doesn't sound negative, especially in a song (could be wrong). On the other hand, there's this bridge between white and black people so this so called ticket it different for different race, quite sad still.
"Why?" Already says a lot I should say, 8th song is about racism to sum it up. People still starving despite the enough food for them, the "love is hate, war is peace, no is yes and we'll all free" sounds like a powerful message, since it was also slogans from 1984 by George Orwell (that's what genius said). Basically global problems summed up in one song.
I guessed this, and now I'm sure, she had a woman lover, makes this whole experience better I suppose, she was also arrested for it. She's trying to say that being dependent on social ideals is not a way to live a life and I guess one of them includes her being a lesbian, lovely, too lazy to check other deep meanings for now.
Noo the chorus repeating in the 10th song is one of the best, since it makes me sad even more. But I haven't cried to a song yet don't know why I just can't, but I would have definitely if I was emotional enough. Also it has no Meaning written in genius so I took it literally and another reason to be sad apparently.
Last song, the guitar in this one and throughout the album was definitely doing its job pretty well, loved every moment listening to it. The last two songs I think are about her love, she supposedly lost control, thing she didn't think would happen, quite relatable, no longer a master of her emotions she says. Ending quite sad, I still feel like this kind of sadness is caused by something, which I don't know, and I'm lazy to check it
All and all, this was a great experience, couldn't have wished more, and idk if this will be shared to everyone (I only wrote this for me soo). Talking to future me to listen to this whenever feeling philosophical or anti delightful.
Forgot to say, my rating is based on whether I'll listen to it again or not, not how influential or deep the lyrics were, that's not how I listen to music.
Jan 07 2024
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Sea Change
Opening with such a sad song, the headphones were such a help to the different sounds in my ears. Definitely loved this, especially the last lyric, excepted more of badass songs, but this is much better.
He's quite depressed after that breakup, and now me too. He apparently has an addiction, made a Bowie reference, would listen to this 100% when I'm feeling rock-sad. 9 YEAR OLD RELATIONSHIP, not surprised this is sooo melancholic.
In the third song his senses are dulled because of the breakup(metaphorically obvi). And he's been missing opportunities because of the relationship, but I guess he's still young and has time to recover at least. Album has the same vibe, I suppose, quite depressing to sum it up.
4th song has a different chorus apparently, can't wait to hear it. Started with a violin, great. He was raised in a cult and is Searching for some kind of ruin to save himself from the sadness as I got it. Also the chorus had the slight change in the use of the violins, but still one of the best one I've heard from him, because its progressive. Last part is fully instrumental, which is, for me, satisfying. it has a Beatles like ending, weird and unexpectedly iykyk.
5th one is apparently the catchiest(can't agree). It sure is "fun" but I've listened to better ones. He has some kind of ironic comments about the breakup and it low key makes the song less depressing but also more like that so idk.
He's had breakups before but this one really hurt him and he's just stuck, even if he says he's over it, he's not, but he knows he has power to move on(?) I guesss. The guitar part remembers me of devil wears Prada theme song.
He just wanted to be her good friend, well he's through it now(I hope). It was a short and literal meaning song, nothing catchy or classically soo not as special as the next one(I'm getting spooky vibes already)
Apparently 8th song has a nick drake vibe(dunno about him yet). His voice has changed, warmer and more seductive as I've read, agreed. He's almost ready to move on, also he makes an observation about ppl being cruel to eachother. 7th song was quite short compared to this 5 minute songs actually.
Nvm 9th one is shorter. I guess he moved on(not fully) because "already dead to me now" suggests that, otherwise the song was not a special as the other ones, made me feel more bored than sad.
10th song is quite happier, because of the last mentioned lyrics I suppose. I mean this one is a special one, but not amusing, but the little piano track is. Actually this song turned out to be one of the best for me, it really says indie rock in this one.
11th song's chorus is quite rocky, loved that, other than that the bridge was a perfect continuation of the chorus, the verses weren't as much of a "wow" to me. I must say his voice is very satisfying and soothing to listen to, almost makes me sleep, while being low-key seductive as I've already said.
Jan 08 2024
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Deep Purple In Rock
Deep Purple
Starting off with some really loud noises, but I can take it. It continues slow, then obviously takes off hard, I love the energy tbh, I would bang my head around with this. And the sounds are different in ears so that's a plus. From my dad's listening knew this would have a lot of instrumentals. Ohh it's progressive too, getting louder with the drums. First song is sooo good, even though I don't listen to that genre much. So many references in the lyrics but no deep meaning(I think)
Second song is also about a longing to make love to a woman. Same energy, the screaming is low key fun. Wow lyrics are already finished, also it says there is a black Sabbath like instrumentals(fun). Apparently this song is about a "bloodsucker" who lies to woman in a way, and they catch up to his antics that's why he screams no a lot.
10 fucking minutes, but it's one of their best song, which is against Vietnam war, and progressive af. I love the instrumentals at the start and then slowly becoming intense. THE VOCALSS, GOTTA LOVE THEM, giving pink Floyd. Little classical parts make it so better. Also it expresses the chaos of that war. THE ORGAN, chefs kiss. Perfect ending, chaotic.
3rd song is about a tyrant leaving, which causes people's happiness. Otherwise there is a great solo, and a show off drums at the end. Amaaazing middle instrumentals, can't wait for the drums. Definitely a show off, my ears loved those drums.
5th song is about not using drugs because they ruin lives. And there is a guitar solo I already love. My ears do hurt a little. Quite a short one, and not as special as the other songs.
6th song is a about a woman who is soo untidy and weird that the witnesser of her almost died of shock apparently, then suggests to change her way of live. Nothing special for now, but I await the organ. I love how each song is about different things and not revolve about one subject like the last two albums. Ooo absolutely devoured with that organ.
Last songg, obviously a long one, expected tbh. Weird and satisfying organ play here already. Starts with a solo. I think this song is about how he's having sex and that he likes it rough(might be totaaaly wrong, but lyrics mean that to me). There was a 112 like sound, eccentric. Nothing remarkable yet. Oh the sound fully stopped and there is some weird guitar sound getting louder for a second in one ear. Also I think there is a fight between Sabbath and purple fans, not that deep into being their fan, but not surprised drama exists.
Jan 09 2024
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Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd
Imma try to talk less about the meaning of the song because writing it here distracts me from listening to the song.
Soo first song is starting off with a melodic guitar intro, expected this from pink. Oo amazing transition to the electric guitar, and drums(I think). Going the same but enjoyable. I must say this song is about Syd which is basically the song's name Shine on You crazy Diamond. Ends quite jazzy.
There was perfect transition between the songs, loved that, also second song is already weirdly good. Also song is basically behind the scenes of music industry.
3rd song has the almost same meaning as I've read, same vibe, almost boring, but fun in a way. Guitar was the main, yet it was satisfactory.
4th one started weird. Going usual with the guitar and the drums, additionally this one's again about Syd but now song grieves his absence.
5th song with only 1 min lyrics is having the same meaning as the last one, but starting off differently. I still think whole album was an intro, a very enjoyable one tho, would rate this 2 because I don't think I'd listen to this again, as it doesn't stand out. Quite unique sounds, but not the vibe I wanted to get.
Overall this was the worst I've listened to so far but I still felt heavenly tbh. Lovee Pink Floyd, but I would only listen to this as a background music.
Jan 10 2024
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Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes
Album is based on bible, quite a name then. First song is about child abuse and particularly old russian child pornography organisation. I like the sound of the guitar, plus the start was amazing. Nothing unique yet but still.
Second song has a tropical sound and crashes in it, also it's a little progressive when chorus comes, love thaat. Dunno about the meaning. So many weird sounds, like that piano coming and going, guitar crash, and some tropical instrument.
Third song's lyric tempo is so fun, the way he says it fast. Love the piano here, drums are low key annoying (nvm, got a little better). It has a literal meaning I suppose.
4th song nice to hear, piano like instrument plus drums do a good job. It's about a relationship, as the 2nd one.
Well 5th song delivered Appalachian-style tune which sounds so good. And it's about a woman who is quiet like a ghost and the narrator is scared of her, and thinks public will judge him for loving such person, best song so far.
6th song is actuallyyy denial twist. Basically whole song is upbeat and fun, until at the end the narrator realises he's in disillusion and denial, she doesn't actually love him, and he's been reading signs too wrong, loved this song lyrically.
7th song mentions guitar which is named Rita after Hayworth. smn said he sold his soul to devil and found Rita, but Rita doesn't want him because of his money so leaves him? Confuseddd. Pluss song wasn't a standout.
8th song is apparently about sex and how he isn't good at it? Idk seems too simple. Also guitar isss doing her jobbb, loved that at the end. The whole song was a little meh I think.
There is interlude, small one, where the girl sings, love her voice, should be used more.
Well 10th song smn said is about fans taking taking and taking stuff from him(not literally), and acting like he owes them smth, even after they get autograph and a photo. So he's struggling about this matter, whether he should be kind to them unconditionally. Again songs have the same vibe but I do like the way he says take.
11th song is not as good as I thought it would be. Idek the meaning of it, guitar is pleasing but not enough, though drums is a bit amusing, but I'm quite bored.
Now 12th song is special, and the quick tempo change is fun to listen to, also love how he says red rain. Song is about a girl who's hiding herself, not telling the truth(?), one of the best I've listened to.
13th song is quite slow Elton John vibes with the piano. Song is about a relationship again, genius has no specific meaning(annoying). But it is about loneliness and it's results.
There's no more songs(there should be I think) so what I've listened to was very good, but not something I wanted from white stripes, this was better than Floyd, but worse than purple, so 3 stars, but I'd say 2.5.
Jan 11 2024
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The start of the upbeat alternative vibe is soo iconic, plus his screaming is so satisfying. The guitar and drums are veeery satisfying. Loved this song.
Same vibe but starting soft with the second song, there was a little outbreak, also the "got hips like Cinderella" was said soo weirdly good(in a whisper way). The end with the woman mumbering is quite fun as well. Also loved this. This one's low key better than deep purple I must say.
Third song was fully alternative, and soo perfect I suppose, full of sounds and wanted even more of it, but still love the fact that they're short.
4th song has a weird lyrical delivery, with the man and woman singing together, while rocky instruments are in the way. Also this man can SCREAM.
5th song is one of their popular song, and a great pop song in general too. I get that, because it's so simple and singable,the chord(as genius says) suggests that.
6th song is biblical, as the author says himself. Love how he screams "dead". The chord change must be mentioned, it's so good. Well this genre is generally good, and pixies make it much better too.
7th song has an amazing beat. Also he casually talks at the start, so quite fun. He said that some things don't make sense in the song, maybe used just for the rhyme(he is so main character). Also he's a surrealist so makes sense.
I adore the 8th song's start beat. It got better. Smn said album name was about an animal talker doctor, but another one said WW2 general, soo that's confusing, plus this song is about ecological disaster which the doctor could solve but Mr. Grieves, aka death, would still win(?). Not suree.
9th song is quite short but iconic, because the way he says the name of the song scratches my brain, also apparently it's about his weird gay roommate, who loved Flintstones. Different love for this song.
10th song is NOT about love, despite the lyrics it's a comedic joke type song. I loved that there was different vocals here, pluus the war switching while saying I love you.
11th song is 13 in English alphabet is m so marijuana and he needs that girl like marijuana, not sure about that, but there is a long ass outro, not expected, with Floyd I would take it normally, but pixies. It's quite fun, the guitar outro.
Agaaain 12th song has a wonderful start. I didn't get the meaning somehow. But it was basically a three line poem, which was delivered at it's best.
Umm again 13th song meaning is weird but understandable(not as much). Great way to say "hey". And his screaming is topp. It has a melancholy vibe, especially in the chorus. He's being satirical, and sarcastic and ironic and so more, that's why I need to study this album.
14th song was kind of sad, a west-folk vibe with the instruments. Also there was a woman's vocal again introduced. Liked the beat, nothing unique I should say.
Last song is biblical, about Samson and his wife Delilah, who betrayed and had Samson had his eyes gouged out by idk who. Well there's a lot to the story, too lazy to write them here. Again classic pixies, alternative vibes, saddening guitar beat and so on. I'd say this style fits them, also black said this was the best song on the album.
I'm gonna rate this 4, since it satisfied me soo much, so 5 star would only be for the albums that are literally my style and genre.
Jan 12 2024
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Cloud Nine
The Temptations
Love the vibe of the first song already. Very funky indeed. Like that there are different vocals. It was fine, I enjoyed it, just not my genre I guess.
Second song has great background vocals. Also the main singer's voice is remarkable. Eddie has a listenable voice, but Dennis - genre-appropriate.
Third song is 9 minutes? What do they have to say that much. Love the weird start. The deep voice guy should sing more. I love the chaos they create with their voices all together. I feel like the longness of the song is unnecessary, also the cry-singing was not good for my ears.
4th song is sad, was started by the deep voiced guy(not sure), continued with the soft voice one(worst). Album has a beach vibe, makes me relaxed and stuff, but not worth it overall(again not my genre so).
5th song has the same instrumentals in the background, I must say that I love that it's different from the modern bass beats. I haven't mentioned any meanings(i usually do), because there's not much to it, mostly about love, though First song might have been about drugs.
6th has exactly same vibe, Bob Marley vibe actually. Theme is love as I hear it. Nothing unique to me.
7th song and no deep voiced guy, not good. I'm bored, but these are not the songs I should be deep-dive listening to so it's expected, liking the vibe just, it's not it.
8th song has again great background vocals, best part in the song probably.
9th has am amazing start, going basic after. I do not like his voice, can't blame myself.
10th and last song, I have to say I like the way he says "woo". The trumpet is nice to hear also. It's permanent wave, no bridge, no different chorus, or beat change, just the same vibe, I get why people like this but I do not.
Sadly this is my first 1 star album, vibe was okay, but too same, I low-key get why this album is here, it's just not here for me.
Jan 13 2024
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The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
I have to say I had doubts about the first song, but at the end I loved it, the instrumental chorus in my left ear is soo fun, plus the way he says the name of the song makes it more fun. This is a historical album so I'm not gonna see the meanings, because I have seen this one's and it was wayy too long, school vibes nuh-uh.
I don't like that whole song sounds the same, second song has no particular uniqueness, oop nevermind that instrument came in, I love this song too. Has a karaoke vibe also. The guitar in my right ear is very fun indeed.
Third song is again karaoke vibed, no weird instrument, which is bad. Quite basic, wouldn't listen to this one again. I do like the lyrics I must say.
4th song speeds up the guitar playing, love that. Nothing else is really different. Just his voice sometimes breaks on purpose.
Finally weird instrument is back in 5th song, love love that.(I just don't know it's name I've heard of before obviously). I like this song just because of the "chaos" that instrument creates.
6th song, again amazing construction of the words, but such a boring song still. And 7 minutes. First time I backgrounded the song in this project.
Magic instrument has lost itself in the 7th song, one thing that keeps me going is getting boring too.
8th song started like Beatles, yet it's another same-sounding uninteresting songg. It has the magnificent instrument, yet I feel like he could do more with that thing. I feel like he is a songwriter, but not a singer. I like folk but I guess not this type of one.
9th one is a short, and it has an unique sound of bob. This is the only song I find interesting in the way he sings it and it's short?! I said this about temptations too, these guys don't know what's actually good, or it's just me.
Back with the lovely instrument in the 10th song, and with the not so good singing, Oxford town had better vocalss. Quite disappointed, but the lyrics are too good to ignore.
11th song has a character I think, it is repetitive but in a good way. Big instrumental break for the magic instrument, he thought of me, what a nice guy.
12th is the first one that starts with that cute instrument. Also it's upbeat?! Could have done this before, but yeah the theme is melancholic. This is what I mean by being different, little "hou hou"s was smth I didn't expect.
Last song is also upbeat, what's happening to you Bob. Worst rhymes I've ever seen. Also this is apparently a rewrote song. I low key like the way he says names, which have connection to eachother obviously, which I don't know.
To sum up, I'll rate this 2, just because of that weird(in a good way) instrument, otherwise this is a 1, I'd never want to listen to this, maybe nostalgia, but I can't listen to this just because it has a big meaning. I feel bad for rating temptations 1 and this 2, they were fun at least.
Jan 14 2024
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Nick Of Time
Bonnie Raitt
First song and it's already better than Bob Dylan. It has a good vibe, but nothing special that would make me listen to this again. It was too monotonous, though I like her voice.
Second one is a little upbeat, plus county vibes. I love this for now. It has the best karaoke vibe, guitar getting louder is fun. It has Elton John vibe, and I love it. It is still monotonous, but in a good way. Very simple lyrics also, dunno why this album is here.
Third song has Donna Summer vibe definitely. I wish it was progressive or at least had a proper chorus, otherwise it's great, but I'll get bored of it soon maybe.
4th song is a slow one, so less vibes, and more boring. I liked this the least for now. It's just not it.
Now 5th song is smth I wanted. Piano and guitar, plus upbeat. Weird instrument came in the instrumental break, loved it.
6th song is uninteresting, tooo country for me. Nothing happened really to say, wouldn't listen to that one.
Same thing about 7th song, not unique, no beat, kind of annoyingly slow. Instrumental break has a soft beat, which I surprisingly like.
Hate hate the 8th song, backgrounding it, unless I skip it.
Woow again a bad song, 9th one, literally nothing happens. Why can't artists keep up the goodness. I do like when she says "deadly".
Can't wait to finish this totally boring album. She doesn't even have vocals to make it better.
10th song and literally I'm in pain. I just skipped ahead some parts, and didn't regret at all.
Finallyyy 11th song has a decent beat. I like this kind of songs, more than those slow torture ones. At least she ended the album fine.
Sooo I was gonna rate this 3, but I feel like there's too many flops, so 2 seems like the right choice, even temptations was more funn to listen to, but definitely not better than Floyd.
Jan 15 2024
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Since I Left You
The Avalanches
The best start of the album with the first song, vibey, weird noises and instruments. Love itt, also his(?) Voice is fun to listen to, but also not nice. Arcade fire vibes. I feel the 7 samples in this, too many I'd say.
Second song low key continues the first song, but not the violin came, and back into the first song vibes. Little burning
noises in my ears. Also a "club med" sample. LOVING THIS for now. So much chaos( in a good way).
PERFECT TRANSITION INTO THE 3RD SONG. There is weird horse-like sound in the background constantly I like it low-key. Amazing beat. The sounds change each minute I feel like. This couldn't be any better.
AAA AGAIN A TRANSITION THESE BITCHES DO THEIR WORK RIGHT. 4th song, This is so funny, in a such a good way, samples I think at the start. I will definitely check all those samples(I hope) so that I can actually see their origin. THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST INTERESTING ALBUM, for now. Oh, the end is getting louder and better, love iiit.
Again a fucking transition, I'm not even alive at this point, 5th song and I'm more entertained than I've ever been. Oops it was not a song just a 22 second thing, but I loved it still.
Omg 6th song is also a transition. Such weird voice, I adore it. I'm so vibing with this, every second is so worth it, made me day. FRENCH RAP?! CHEF'S KISS. Is it "Jamaica" or "she wicked" hmm.
7th song: Whole album is a one big song I swear. It got loud and fast, not it's opposite, beat stayed though. Progressive I think. It's so catchy, everything about it.
8th song started with woman's talk, now it's some man going right and left in my headphones. Also weird beat instrument giving off tropical vibe. OHH sound changed fully, another sample I guess.
Wtff song changed and I didn't realise for 1 minute, 9th song and they keep up the magnificent work. A little classical violin at the end such an adventure this album is, the beat came in so smoothly. Burning sound is back, aaand gone, and back.
10th song starts operatic, than beat comes in and whohoo. "Rap dirty" "black man" or "Macbeth" hmm again. Ended with an opera woman voice as the start.
11th and apparently 12th songs has an asmr like sound, it continued with a piano, wooow vibe fully changed to jazzy woman voice. Love the piano and the voice, plus the way they switch eachother unexpectedly. Claps at the start and end, and some weird burning noise.
13th song, continued with the last part. Circus voices, batman theme-like sound, motorbike(?), horse, old film playing, beat came in with film playing, horse made a sound and the song started. I feel like this is a good mashup of weird sounds. This song is plunderphonics, because it's fully other songs or films. And it is soo good to hear idk why. The epic instrumental chorus is so great.
14th song starts quite differently, slow and steady. Beats coming in, guitar in the background. Song is about either their past drummer of alcohol aka ethanol (song name basically). This is the most boring song, as it's permanent wave with the same vibe, like exactly same in an annoying way. But I get it in my fashion. I'm still not bored of the song because I know it will transition into the next song.
15th is also too permanent wave, but it has a french woman voice, so better than the last one. Fireworks?! These two last songs really bored me, they're tooo long. Violin at the end, gone sadly.
I missed an interlude "Pablo's cruise" so it's messed up numbering after 12, imma fix it.
16th song was slow but it changed quickly so Arca like sound, now it has rock and roll in the background. Monkey sound, or a parrot. Best opened, glitched, changed, got back. Fun to listen to.
And instantly into the 17th song starting upbeat, then daft punk vibes, BONEY M SAMPLE I LOVE THEM. It changed from boney to something else sample. It got quiet real slow, still same everything though. Oh, now it changed fully to another strut beat. This is a long song but I didn't even notice it. Same violin at the and with the beat.
Going right into the last 18th song, it starts slow, with some french. "and they left us for 16 years" WHY WOULD THEY, I DON'T GET IT. Song is not as interesting as I thought the last one would be. Beat change, feels like new song started.
I'd cry if I could, this was PERFECT. I'm gonna rate this 5 stars, it's my first 5 star album, I would definitely listen to this again, so chaotic, weird and catchy. Despite some floppy songs it was wonderful, didn't expect it to go this hard.
Jan 16 2024
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Lou Reed
David Bowie should sound good, but I hope it's not too slow, we'll seee.
First song is quite upbeat, going well the best, also lyrics are quite fun to listen to, his voice isn't annoying, but it is quiet. His voice doesn't suit the vibe, but it's not bad so can't complain. Nothing unique.
Second song has a non chorus vibe chorus, second verse started so good. Also smn said lyrics are supposed to be funny. It is too same, and not even upbeat nor slow, just plain permanent wave, low-key uninteresting.
3rd song is good to listen to, but it needs a nice beat drop, the one that would make it epic not sadder, but it is about drugs so I can't expect that. And there was it, a melancholic drop. Smn the song ain't about drugs. Love the piano and the violin.
4th song has a Chuck Berry vibe. Lou is apparently gay, it's going well, but it's too simple and gives off nothing special sadly.
Even though 5th song is slow, the guitar in my right ear makes it a little faster. Creepy vibe from that "doo-doo-doo". I like his voice here the best for now. This has an unique sound, especially at the end the jazzyness.
6th song has a different sound with tha trumphet coming in after each line, but it's still permanent wave. Not bad this one.
7th song piano is Elton cored. The background voices are fun to hear. There was a mouth-organ somewhere. The end is quite different, love that. It has an epic ending, best song for now.
8th song's first line had "smoke, smoke" funn. There was a full beat drop and it got progressive now. This one has 7th song ending, little epicness, nothing's better than the original.
9th song sounds so fun, because of the way piano plays, like a child's song. I'm sorry but this is the best song as it's the most unique and it's the shortest, likeee they really don't know what actually sounds good.
10th song and album sounds a little better. It is painfully same, I feel like I'm listening to a song that will make me go crazy because it's so fucking same. The end tried to make it better, but nothing much.
11th song starts tromboney. It's quite slow with a jazzy vibe. His voice again sounds attractive (same goes with some songs before). Whole album was easy listening, which is good but it doesn't have what I search for in music.
Soo basically it was not a bad one, much better than Bob Marley for example, so because of that it's a 3 star album, not sure if I'll ever listen to it, but the quality have me 3 star, and that's it.
Jan 17 2024
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The La's
The La's
First song and not a good start. I like the way he says run. Wasn't the vibe and unexpectedly slow.
Second is Slightly better, drums and guitar are actually doing their job, they(or he idk) have a different way of singing, like that. It's not enough for me, I need more of this song, and it just ended ehh.
Weirdly good start of the 3rd song. The guitar is different and love that. Also I didn't see any type of chorus until this song, and not even here it is clear, just permanent wave. Nice instrumental break, best part I suppose. Low key boring, also his voice sounds too basic.
Weird lyrical start of 4th song. Not the vibe here. Guitar sucks. I hear whistles. He said "slave" a lot. It's repetitive at the end as if it wasn't before. This is worse than Bob Marley, because at least Bob was unique in his way.
5th song is their best song as I remember, and it does start pop-py, kind of love it. Nothing dramatically different. 3th one was better than this come onn. Not bad just not enough
6th song not bad, liking the background vibe.
7tb song is quite basic nothing much.
8th song same fucking shit(I'm sleepy and this is better worse and worse)
8th song has different way of instruments and it sang uniquely too.
9th song is very slow but at the end it has a beat I already love. It's monotonous but this is my fav song here.
10th song is not lazy but basic AF.
11th song is slow but it has that interesting melancholic beat which makes me sad. Also it was progressive I think, liked that.
12th song has Celine Dion song's title. the most boring one but also would be good when I'm down.
Quite short 13th song is. Basiiic.
14th song I'm tired and this is not giving me smth to say good.
15th is a live version. Naah nothing much just nice noises they made.
16th song is also nothing to me, another upbeat whohoo song eh.
Anyway 2 star I guess, I slept on it accidentally (then listened again) and I'm not fond of it, it's the first album I rated so short and dumbly, excuse me. It really is nothing to me, that's it.
Jan 18 2024
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Wild Gift
Such a punky start, first song, it is repetitive but fun to listen to plus full of sounds. It is a great song but if the whole album sounds like that then it's basic.
Second song seems progressive in the chorus. I like the woman's voice, it's rocky man's one is basic and used too much. Third starts a little tropical, though songs doesn't sound the same they have the same beat. It's a little melancholic like bloodhound gang vibe, but if they were slow. It's not full, I feel I'm listening from a distance. It also sounds toooo long.
4th is fun, but yet again it's too common for that song to be played like that, even instrumental break isn't interesting. I don't get the hype for now
There should be more woman vocals, as it's rare in the ones I've listened to 5th song has it . They mentioned Madonna that's a plus point for them. Nothing much here.
Every song sounds the same, 6th song has constant guitar and drums, but it's not Interpol so they don't do their job, also the way they sing isn't unique, just plain roxj/punk singing, which is fine but not enough for me.
7th song and can't wait to be done with this album, it's a 2 star for now. I like that both of them sing together. Why the songs sound way longer than just 3 minute, because it's boring I suppose.
8th I get that it's one album but they don't know other chords?! Girl singing, way better and listenable. Girl is dominant in the voices in this song, kinda prefer this. Basically every chorus was the louder version of the verses, not a good way to show them. They ain't catchy, just not as bad to hate them.
9th song bad a Rammstein start. I really do love that there's both genders singing. They are not bad at all just too same vibe in the songs yk. Also this song was sampled by red hot chilli peppers.
10th song, it has a country/blues vibe. I would quick jump to this, but it's not giving karaoke so badd. I didn't even check the meanings, but I get why this sounded important back then.
11 song is an interlude and too short to make a comment about it. Kinda same with 12th song but this one and a character. Aand last song is also short, with the same fucking vibe. Well nice way she sings again, just booring.
Basically I expected more, it's still a 2 star album, nothing more, it's not 1 because the genre is listenable and also girl/boy singing and a little uniqueness in it.
Jan 19 2024
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Seventeen Seconds
The Cure
Ooo Interlude start, nice, first one to have experienced after all the albums I've listened to. It's giving some series theme. I love piano and it's well used here I suppose.
What a switch up to the second song, a beat, the guitar, some sound in my left ear. Loving it. it got better as the guitar progressed. I've listened to cure before and the voice isn't unique but it's kind of nostalgic. The guitar in my right ear low key matches the way lyrics are said. Also that guitar is giving melancholic despite it being upbeat. Instrumental break at the end. Not basic, it had a different vibe than what I call boring.
Third song is down tempo (first too but this more). Now this sounds gothic, the way he sings. I love the background singing. Also guitar is louder than the voice. Ohh it evolved, with the drum and piano, it's a little faster. Idk why but this is not boring, even though it's repetitive and monotonous. Needed more lyrics tho, too much pink Floyd.
4th song and smn said it's chilly and I agree, totally would play this while raining (smn said this here already but), it's vibey jn a weird good way. I would never like this instantly, it's a grower.
That 5th song had a loud piano note in my left ear, woke me the fuck up. Whooo I like this beatt, it sounds soo good. Love that each part of my head hears something different. Wow it ended in such a fun way that rabbity beat.
6th song and piano comes in action, gotta love that about them. Oops it's just and interlude, a great one I suppose.
7th song god I love how they just bring in the beat. It started slow and almost annoyingly slow, now it's giving goth. Many people like forest in the reviews, but there were better ones, and will be I believe. Unexpected that the bridge is just "into the trees". I feel like the instrumental switch ups are the best here, it's not guitar in my left ear. Oh wow it was a 6 minute song and the time went by so fast. Recalling my before listened albums they made me sleep.
8th song and I wonder what refrain is, I've met some songs including it and I have no idea what it is. There's not a deep meaning behind these songs as I've read. I mean him singing isn't even as important as the vibe they've created.
I don't know what to say, I'm impressed, 9th song and all of the songs sounded same, but yet they haven't bored me for a second, I just want to keep listening to this same beat songs. Quite a long one, I just saw. This one has a ship honk thing which makes both of my ears vibrate-ish, love that. I want to eat this album ughhh.
10th song and I thought it was gonna be interlude which would last 17 seconds as the title suggests, but that's too little brained. It's just a electric and a normal(?) Guitar, finally beat came in. D
Fuck I'm listening to the album again I slept accidentally. Well last song is quite different and fun, couldn't wish for better.
Basically it was a 5 star album but since it's way slow, nothing unique, not many lyrics, and stuff like that I'm gonna rate it 4, loved it very much though.
Jan 20 2024
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Raising Hell
I've seen this album before, because of the "it's tricky" song.
Actually it started of real good, they rap good In the first song. I like that sound idk how to explain it though. I would go with this easily, that's why I like it. That sound makes it better.
Well the second song is too popular not to know. First time I know a song here actually. It's catchy, the background instrumental makes it better. This is also the one I would be able to rap, which makes it better.
Wow I really like these guys' vibe. They rap soo smoothly and differently. Third song and it's entertaining as fuck. I like that there is some instrumentals in it to make it sound rich, and they did right.
I have 4th song in my liked songs playlist, but I doubt if I have ever listened to it. Though there's aerosmith in it and makes the song much cooler. Chorus is not a good one. Definitely rock rap was really fun to listen to.
Finally rap came in(or there was and I fell asleep) 5th song and it's kinda slow but i don't mind it. Their voice is naturally unique and they rap with the voice they'd talk which is much better than like drake's one.
6th song this one's annoyingly slow, chorus comes too fast. They finish each others sandwiches, quite fun. One of the worst songs because it got repetitive.
Now 7th song has some energyy, the background instrument is loud and fun, and they play with their voices more.
It's rocky the 8th song too, now there's drums and guitars superior. Ooh the instrumental short break was really good. Well listening to the album is not the best to explore it, because I'm kinda bored with the same vibe.
9th song had a weirdly best start. It's almost same as the other songs, but obviously different instruments. It had a jazzy pre-verse instrument.
10th song is what I expected, I do like the way he says "dumb girl", especially when there's glitchy sound "du-du-dum-dum". Not bad at all, loved it.
11th song is an interlude with the beat boxing, it's different at least.
12th and last song is again same. They changed the beat and the way they rap around it. Well I feel like it's tricky is still the most catchy one, that chorus has everything, other songs are just rap, which ain't bad, just missing smth. This is black anthem in its way, just not a popular song so.
Well the way it started I was gonna rate it 4 stars, but because all the things apparently have a same vibe, I lost interest in it so it's actually 3.5, and I'm not rounding it up, and giving it 3 stars. It was my first hip-hop album here, and I loved it however I expected more bops like "it's tricky".
Jan 21 2024
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Fifth Dimension
The Byrds
I'm sorry first ding and I don't like their voice, it is somehow too old. Though I like the folk vibes, plus the different ear sounds. It's too country but not too bad as it's rocky too didn't really like it.
Second song got me in a church. I like the violin in my right ear. This one has nice voice and less countryness. This sounded too good and unique for this album.
Third song goes back to being a country album. It is a story-song, but still lazy to check the meaning. I like the guitar in my right ear, very folk-country.
4th song has a second song sound but the vibe is too upbeat. I am slowly liking this set of instruments played, I mean the way they are introduced (fast).
5th song starts low key melancholic, but still upbeat environment. Nothing different just fun to listen to.
Now 6th song is slow and much better to listen to like the second song. There's drums in my right ear and guitar in the other one.
7th song is progressive plus those solo guitars. It has beach boys vibe sometimes. Not bad, just repetitive. Getting used to their voice.
8th song has a different instrument in my right ear, better. Otherwise he's screaming like Beatles. It's so boring though, I just want to end it now. Can't listen to this for another 8 songs (I think).
9th song has a fully different vibe, it feels like I'm in a movie where I'm moving slowly and elegantly. Country kills me, I can't. It was fully instrumental which made it worse.
10th is quite weird, all of the instruments is in my left year and the voice is in the middle. Right ear is too clean. I feel like my right ear headphone doesn't work but now there's violin playing occasionally. Liked this because it was kinda different.
AAAAA 11TH song has absorbed my right ear with that hoover sound. It's till going, actually it's a racket?! Even metal is less complicated, this is next level of sound fusion, there is a man talking about that racket probably, omg it flew away, such a cool song woww.
12th song, back to original way of sounding the song, it was a loong solo, almost slipped the song. Nothing can top the last song. Booring sadly. Beatles have better sounds overall, but the rocked song here is quite unusual in a good way.
13th song, it is not different at fucking all. Long intro, idk why I'm still listening to it. The fact that they have different sounds in each ear makes this album a standout but eh.
I did numerization wrong somewhere because I should be on 15th rn and it's only 14.
14th song, and agaaain same vibe, same voice, I mean expected but there isn't a anything unique unless we count their church like singing. Also apparently this is just a different version of the song I listened to up there, well it doesn't sound better.
Same with the 15th and last song, sounds almost same just slightly alternative. Well there's two unavailable songs too but by their titles they don't mean a much I thinkk so that's it.
I would normally rate this 1 star because it has nothing that would make me listen to this again, BUT that rocket song will make it to 2 star, also the second and that other song, both slow, will help it get to 2 star album. It was an okay one, easy listening, but that's it. Nothing wow, which was already not expected as it's an old one.
Jan 22 2024
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Time Out Of Mind
Bob Dylan
Last bob album sucked ass, because it wasn't my vibe at alll.
First song and already the same vibe. His voice has changed a little, I guess I like it more. It's quite chill now, unless it's progressive. It was definitely not that. As expected I didn't like it.
Ouu second song has a beat now, never had before. Wow it goes like it started, even country is more fun than this. I would like to know why people like this, actually i know why this can be good to listen to, it just makes me feel like I'm wasting time.
Third song, didn't even notice it had changed, I'm not searching meaning of these songs as I'm not at all interested. It's 7 minutes? I'm dead already.
4th song and these songs are not listenable they are to be backgrounded.
5th song just realised I hate this voice. The vibe he creates is fully uninteresting also.
6th song and exactly same situation. He has a more rock sound, but doesn't mean it's better.
7th song, thing is songs aren't even sad, they don't make me sad or depressed, or happy or anything, I'm just like "next", idk might just be me, but I value instrumentals in a song, which bob lacks too much.
8th song has a slight appearance of the instruments, like guitar and a bass? Well at least this one sounds the best.
OMG 9th song I knew by tittle was Adele's, but it was a sample she used of Bob apparently. Well I've said this in a before album listening, this guy can write but not sing, adele has a way of delivering the vocals that are not scratchy but actually pleasing, though some people prefer this, which is no problem. Basically this was the best song because I knew it, just from different voice. Now that I think if Bob's songs were redoed by smn with a nice voice, it would actually sound good. Because I mean Adele has the exactly same vibe, but she has some type of spark too.
For example 9th song, it's not bad, and wow I like it because I imagine it was sang by smn else. Like my perspective changed, I get the Bob Dylan vibe now. I think. Like as I said Adele has same vibe with the instruments, less rock more soul, but still. I now know why I should like this. I didn't except myself to change so quickly I was gonna give this 1 star but maybe 2 or 3 now?! Ohh also Adele has choruses which makes her songs better in a popular sense(I'm not a huge fan of her, she just used Bob's song so just comparing)
Last song and my somehow changed mind likes it. I said this about last Bob's album, this has such a karaoke vibe, it just needs a beat drop and a little baroque pop, would be perfect. Oh what the fuck this is 16 minutes, I don't like it that much. Well whole song was the monotonous same vibe, didn't like it, but it has something.
Soo as I've said because Adele used his sample, I'm rating this 2 instead of 1. Well Adele also made me realise why I should like Bob, so yeah, he's not as bad as he used to be, there's more Bob albums here so awaitingg.
Jan 23 2024
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Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin
Okayy now Led must be more fun than Bob Dylan.
First song and it's deep purple coded. I must say I love rock and metal generally, though it's not my favourite genre. And Led always delivers it well, it's repetitive and I'm not bored.
Second song and quite a nice start. Guitar solo in my right ear with the drums in the middle. I like full songs and this is one of them. The instruments overplaying on eachother is veery fun, and his voice isn't annoying at all.
Again omfg third song is 11 minutes, pink Floyd who. Loved this, it was energetic, kept me entertained, couldn't have wished for more can't wait for the next song.
4th song is a lot shorter, 4 minutes and so far it's good. I mean I will probably like every song of this album, because I have no problem listening to it, howeverr, I doubt I'd listen to it again much.
5th song exactly same, I wanna listen to this, but no idea if I would do it again. Going well, it's just so good I can't say anything else.
6th song and I've heard their instruments somewhere, I'll check it later. Also 8 minutes and not a sign of boredom.
7th song again fun, I'm just listening to it in background and dunno anything about lyrics, it's just very amusing
8th song is only 2 minutes and it's apparently an interlude, well not a standout definitely.
9th song has a one good part he repeats a lot, but not enough, I didn't like the guitar but it was not horrible. Medium song this was.
10th song is not so different either, I like it tho. The guitar chords are fun to listen to. That's mostly it. It was a long journey it a monotonous one as expected.
11th song, includes type of voice I like, plus the guitar in both of my ears but different sounds they make, is superior.
12th song, I'm kinda tired about me having to say things about each of them, because they have the same good fucking vibe, I just like them, there's nothing else to be said. I liked the endings guitar slamming.
13th also has the good ending and start, the between was quite as the other songs, easy listening for me tbh, also this was metal at the start but now it's kinda nott.
14th song starts slow and is slow apparently. It has a beat afterwards, guitar in my right ear and left one too, just a little different.
15th song was also good though I was half asleep. This is the only song I don't remember much, and the only one I haven't rated while listening to the album.
Basically, it was really nice the deep purple vibes got me. Wouldn't really listen to this so I'd say 3 stars, but if I rated it as how good it was it would have been 4 probably.
Jan 24 2024
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Your Arsenal
Well I think most of the songs are not available in my country, butt I will still listen to the songs anyhow.
First song is available, starting off quite metally. I like his voice already, he's in Smiths soo. The guitar play is so good, it's dramatically unique. I always liked these kind of songs and they're just addictive.
Same with the 2nd song, it's just too good to be bored of or smth. This song is also available. This one doesn't have anything particularly unique, but it sounds rich so it's enough. There was a shift in the song I even thought different song started. Loved that, there is a fake ending part too, it continuef with the same vibe after it with some of his talking. Ppl dislike him, but his music is quite good.
And here goes the live versions of the song as original isn't available. 3rd song is less metal, more depressing with a guitar in both ears with different sounds.
I slept and woke up on the last 10th song so I'm gonna listen to it again from the 4th song. Also 10th song is quite same and it's not live version not available in the original album.
4th song is live, quite slow one with hard rock vibes in a way. Whole song sounded like an intro to metal and it was after some minutes it was actually hard metal, liked that.
5th song again live, liking the vibes. The guitar solo, his live voice, and generally song sounds good enough for me.
6th song and its name is low key weirdly accurate idk. It's upbeat and giving highschool musical with that laugh-singing. Still good tho, more than good.
7th song, it was better vibe at the start I think. Not an amusing song sadly, I expect more from him. Though the lyrics is kinda funny.
8th song is glam rock vibe, I like it. The slowness is not my type sometimes but this really devoured it was simple but very nice to hear, loved it.
9th song is live and it starts with applause. This one's also slow, but decent. It's not as good as the last one I believe. Quite short, and fun.
10th and last song, is a little more upbeat, nothing dramatically different from the other upbeat songs. Not bad at all, enjoyable.
Same goes with the whole album, it started of great and most of the songs were bops, others were not as important or interesting to listen to like pixes were for example, that's why 3 stars is what seems to be the right choice.
Jan 25 2024
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Every Picture Tells A Story
Rod Stewart
Quite a slow start and it switched real fast with a little jumpscare to his voice, which us a notmal rocky one. Basically first song, guitar in my left year and his voice in the middle-right. Nothing I haven't listened before. I like the piano at the end. Got slow now with some woman's voice mixed too(oops it wasn't the end) but the real end with many voices was quite fun as well.
Second song, smn said lyrics are secondary so I'm not gonna check the meanings. It's a slow song, I agree with that person who said this is headphones album. His voice is actually raspy(I think) and makes it a little better. Still nothing different, but I do like these kind of songs so, it's exceptional in its way.
Third song already country vibes. Now blues. Now it's vice versa, piano and guitar in my left ear plus the bass. There's little guitar chords in my left ear too. And his voice is again in the middle. 6 minutes? And it's already repetitive. It's giving two stars. I like the way he says my mamma. Last two minutes is quiet and only guitar playing. Some women starts singing and ends with it.
4th song was nice, slow and exquisite. But not unique, it made me sleep, and what I remember is that it was too good to hear. Not the best I've listened today.
5th song is more upbeat. Plus this one is globally appraised. It's not horrible, but the monotonous guitar makes me sick. Almost made me sleep. Beat is exactly same, unless I count little changes that last 2 seconds. Even though the instruments changed that bad beat was still present so no to this song.
6th song doesn't have an annoying beat, makes me feel chill actually. There was a stop, I thought the song ended, but now there's this weird instrument playing. There's guitar in my right ear, and smth else in the other ear. I like this about him little chaos he creates. Feels like 3 songs in one, now it's fully upbeat and hard rock not a glam one. Love that.
7th song piano is powerful, it's blues vibe is impeccable. The solos were great and each war was entertained as much as possible, more than good really. But I would not listen to it again.
8th song is fully different, it had instrumentals, the fully quiet times. But it was always slow. A little sad too I suppose. I liked it because it was different and a standout from the other songs. There was a violin used while beat was beating. I'm listening to it now just talking in past for no reason.
To sum up, it was amazing, but only 3 stars seems right. It wasn't as good as pixies or deep purple, so 4 stars is out of question. Otherwise it was pleasing and not boring.
Jan 26 2024
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The College Dropout
Kanye West
I know one song of this, Jesus walks, and it's not a bad one. I'm expecting more from him, since this is one of his best albums(so I've heard).
The first song was an intro, weird voice and not literally but still mentioned the album name.
Oh wow second song is so good. It has an RB vibe but better. Oh now rap, it's so smooth, idk how. There is a jazz like sample also. The chorus is veery good. Kids? Chaotic song indeed. The fact that kids sing that drugs part makes it more iconic. Also song meaning is to break through society ideals.
There was two trainsitions already wow. Into the third song, I've heard that voice actually it's a meme I think. The operatic woman voice is idk what it is. Ouuu such beats. I love it. Little classical RB (to me at least).
4th song is also vibey, it's smooth rap again. Like I would rap with him, that kind of vibe. There's an RB woman voice with him rapping (excepted from Kanye). Also I'm not a fan of him(I only know 13 songs of him). Bridge was without the main bass and beat, and it kind of slayed(first time using this word for an album). I like his parts when he sings along with that woman, it's unlike him so.
A transition to the 5th song, a slight one. It's giving temptations, the start(Black men vocalising basically) oops it was an interlude, well it wasn't bad.
6th song(loving it so far). The rap is less smooth but still a good one. There's vocalising in the background and woman singing after that. Kanye isn't rapping for now I think. The other two did a satisfying job at rapping I must say. I quite loved it, the gospel made it better too.
7th song, the one I know, it's giving him I think. I love the way that woman says "jesus walk". There's black woman vocalisation along with Kanye rapping, perfectt. This was as good as expected.
8th song and JAY Z. also there's ivy I sense she's an RB singer. Jay started the rap. Kanye has a better style of rapping I think, jay has a voice that I can't find nice to hear. Greaat, going well, it changed the vibe twice I think, the bridge and stuff.
9th song has an classic hip hop vibe. No samples or added voices just plain rapping. That woman's short rapp was very good. Not the other guy's one. It was low key monotonous but not bad. 10th song is mean girls talking smth, nothing much.
11th song has a Latino piano vibe. I love it. The violin, the beat. I like the little epicness in this song. Kanye has some fun rhymes too btw. The woman voice comes and praises Kanye. Same with another woman. I am liking this more and more. The mean girls continue talking in this song, not mean girls apparently. The best changed fully. I love the last part of the song. The end sample is so out of place.
12th song Starts with the talking then comes RB's girl vibe. That Michael Jackson joke was funny. It's chill for a too long time. I liked that rap tho. Ohh Twista came in fasst. I love him for that verse. I don't like the chorus. Basically the ending is boring.
13th song, I rap along with him, it's so fun. Ludacris has an amazing hook. Kanye's verses are good but not as catchy. I liked this because of the overall catchyness.
14th song, it's an interlude, he's talking. Great transition to the 15th song, which has a sample instantly going on and his rap which I low key already like. I didn't like this one as much as the other ones, it was too repetitive I think, but the lyrics were interesting somehow. 16th song is the continuation, a motivational message is what I'm hearing. WAIT, 17TH SONG IS THE PERSPECTIVE OF THAT MEN'S CHILD, oh a father trauma continued and he also wanted to become a nerd basically, I think Kanye is showing us why dropping from college is a valid idea? Idk seems like it, I love this skit quite a lot, it's unique.
18th song, it's nothing different, I don't catch the lyrics to be about what was a problem in the last three song. But there is the vibe in the room with us. He says two words and actually says two words after it, fun. The choir makes it better, little more dramatic. There is some instrument at the end, it sounds too good.
19th song, it's a vibey song, but not catchy or interesting. He raps in a satisfying way in all the songs, so that's the bare minimum for Kanye now. I want to check the meanings, but I'm too lazy.
20th song, is about his dead cousin(?) for now at least. The children singing is enjoyable in a weird way. He talks about his family basically. It wasn't bad, just not sure what it was exactly.
21th, whaaat 12 minutes? What has he has to say? It was jay z at the start. The song is gonna be about his life story, wow. I'm not gonna write his story here, but it's interesting. It's about him fully and like he has a point, but he's still a bad guy overall from what I've heard so who knows. He said how he used a sample for the first time. He's telling a story of him and jay z, I'm hooked. He wasn't accepted instantly and actually worked for today's title I guess. Not gonna say a lot about this song, but I want to, it was great and too good, I loved that it was storylined.
Basicallyyy Imma rate this 4 stars, it was fun, especially the last song. He raps in a very good way, can't get enough of it, the samples were great. However it's not a 5 star album, because hip hop is not my main genre, plus Kanye is a shady person, also there were some songs that were not as good. Overall I loved it.
Jan 27 2024
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The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground
Lou reed is here. I listened to his album here, but it didn't hook me, also smn said there isn't the weird experimental vibe (because one member left), so I probably will like this album less. Let's see:
1st song, it's melancholic. It's quite nice to hear. Has a Lana vibe low key. I like his voice here. It's depressing, and I'm not feeling sad so I want it to end as quick as possible, but I do get the vibe. "Do-do-wa"? Umm unique I'd say that it.
2nd song, wow it's upbeat now. Beatles vibe. It's a simple rock song, it's different from the last song but not in the best way. I wanted sad songs to be honest. Solo is flawed. It's permanent wave and I don't like that. Half of the song is just instrumentals as I see(boring, unless it's something unexpected). Wow worst solo I've ever heard.
3rd song, it's not upbeat nor as melancholic as the first song. First song was too good. This one's is not bad, but that guitar isn't doing the job. Makes me want to background the song.
4th song, has a first song vibe, but there's that beat in the right ear. Ohh his voice is much better with the headphones. Well this and the first one slayed. Guitar is indeed crying, much better than in the last song. The instrumental break was good, but that thing that makes the beat is soo annoying. This is the most streamed song, and I get it.
5th song, it's nice like the first song, I prefer this melancholy. That annoying beat is gone. Ooh I loved the chorus vibey part, and the way he said "jesus" after it. Loving it. And it was one of the great I listened from them.
6th is an upbeat one, but surprisingly good. There is weird volume decreases sometimes (hope I'm not causing it). What was that squeakk. The songs are tooo long, 3 minutes would be enough, Beatles knew that. No, this one ain't as good as the slow songs. He makes unique sounds here though, and the end is kinda slay.
7th song, it's slow, good. As always different sound for each ear. The choir is nice to hear. The solo is quite fun to listen to. It was vibey, but not so impressive.
Oh 8th song had a whole different sound, it's very good. It's like clean and makes my ear be full of music. And now this being 2 minute song makes sense, cause I don't need two extra minutes for the exactly same vibe. Solo is basic.
I'm liking 9th song, WHAT 8 minutes? Wow I like the talking, it's different in each ear. Very unique, loving this. Man in right and woman in left ear. Wow this is perfect (for now). Idk what the left talked is saying. Publicly this was a flop, because it's hard to hear what they are saying, while the idea was that the lyrics are rhymey and fun. This is still the best song on the album, if we don't count the slow songs, which devoured. There was a broken piano sound, and not the piano is playing, their voices is different now. Piano is getting angry. Piano is as ruined as possible, wow.
10th song is sang by woman, and it's upbeat way of singing, the overall it's melancholic(the melody). I like her voice more than his. The echoed "hello" was unique. This is second best song for me, not even the first song was this good. She should have led the whole album.
Well, it wasn't as bad as I expected. The last two songs were masterpieces. Other ones, only the slow ones were good, and that one upbeat good song(Forgot the name). I want to rate this 4 stars, for how unique some of the songs were, but the overall vibe was permanent wave, which was mostly boring so for that 3 stars. I repeat 9th song was godlike to me at least because it was so different and nothing I've ever heard before.
Jan 28 2024
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Born To Be With You
Never heard of him, looks like Snape.
First song, starts melancholic, it's a minute instrumental. It's jazzy now. He has a basic voice. Not the vibe yet. I like his use of voice, but it's not necessarily satisfying. The sounds are different in ears, a plus. It's one of those boring slow songs, which you have to know the artist first to actually like the song yk. Nothing was good in this song, sorry, it's easy listening, which means it should be more than just basic.
Second song, again slow, had ABBA vibe for a second. It's annoyingly slow and nothing to have fun with. It has a karaoke vibe though. He has vocals, which I love in songs, but he has to be Whitney to make up for this kind of song. It's permanent wave too, no bridge or chorus, which I can stand when it's like Adele. Long ass outro.
Third song, and it's still slow(no prob with them, I liked velvet underground's slow songs more for example, just Dion isn't good with them). Okaay some slight beat change, still uninteresting sadly.
4th song, the woman choir came in, I liked the violin(not the main part, sad). I skipped it, which I usually never do, it's just totally bad for me.
5th song sound much better, the beat is perfect, as I knew, this song has the most streams, It's the best one I've heard from him so. This one doesn't have a karaoke vibe, and it's not a vocal one. It's so repetitive I get bored half way.
6th song, starting mellow. The Worst vocal start, I mean I expected more. It's not bad, it just gives nothing, a background music one would put somewhere where music is not the main attraction.
7th song, I took off my headphones, not gonna ruin my ears even by 1% by this album. Same sound, same everything, don't even know how to criticise this anymore. And 20 songs? 8 would be enough. This is apparently doo-wop, hate it, at least him.
8th song, finally it's an upbeat one, this is listenable because of the instruments, but it's the same shit still. I'm not his negative about albums, but this really disappointed me.
9th song, this has a rolling stones "let's spend the night together" vibe, it's a sample? Just because of that it's the best song of the album, otherwise it's the worst sample, it's like slowed+reverbed remix, which sucks with most of the songs. The claps are fun.
10th song, also they have no cultural or historical meaning, like Bob Dylan may not be fun, but at least he talked something, also I low key got into him with the last album. He should have made all his songs samples, at least it would be nostalgic in a way.
11th song, I can't even... It just gets worse and worse. I so want to get the vibe, but it's ugh. At least he said "I'm a runway man" in a good way. The only good part basically. Nope.
12th song, weird name. This is torture, it got a little better when best slightly changed, otherwise it's another level of bad, even temptations was better than this.
13th song, my face has an unchanged disappointment, no wonder this was met with indifference I mean..
14th song, why did he keep going?! Background music to sum up. There's nothing to talk about, it's literally same, only lyrics change.
15th song is upbeat, but I'm so disgusted by his voice I don't want to hear it. Why is this album here, the ultimate worst one so far.
16th song, Snape would have a better music career. Lyrics are probably basic too, they're not synced so I don't know exactly. I thought I would like him more because I've been listening to this for a long time, but no, it's still bad.
17th song, much better jazzy start. This has the, if Elton John had the worst vibe ever, vibe. Because he sounds like him, but Elton has spark. Also this genre is full of bands that are plural iykyk. If you like this, Dion is very good at it lol.
18th song, fully different start, and obviously uninteresting lyrical start. This is killing me. So not it.
19th song, I'm gonna cry about how horrible this is. I may not be objective right now, but this is exactly what the other songs sounded like.
20th song, my goodness a last fucking song, if someone is reading this I'm sorry you also had to listen to this album. He "baramaba"-ed the song at the end, not good.
FINALLY, will never listen to this, one less artist to be unaware of though. I forced myself to listen to it, because I thought I would find a gem, I didn't. If it's not obvious enough, I'm gonna rate this 1 star. Just realised you see the rating first, oh well, you know the process too now. Gotta cleanse my ears.
Jan 29 2024
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Want Two
Rufus Wainwright
Apparently I know his one song, the one that he has with Florence Welch. This must be good, I like the witchy album cover too.
First song, the Arabic door cracking sound start is unique, but no idea how it will progress. Also the song name is in different language. WOW operatic start. I love his voice. This was used for some film trailer. I love this for now, it's slow vocal Arabic vibed song, heaven indeed. Oh sorry, it may not be Arabic, since the name is in Latin. Violin joined in, love it. I wasn't bored, though it was repetitive (in a good way)
Second song and wtf beat fully changed, it's upbeat. It's still vocalic though, I love his voice I can't. I love the vibe. Ohh this is chamber pop plus melancholic, I am crazy about chamber, they mostly devour so. The fast paced piano, LOVE IT. The beat, his voice(yes mentioned it again), production is veery good for my ears. He also has an album named "want one" I hope I listen to that too, if it has the same vibe even better. Choir came in for a little time. It was quite progressive at the end. Florence + the machine vibes low key.
Third song, so satisfying already. It's slow with a guitar going in the background, simple but great. There is woman voice harmonizing with him. Beat progressed. Piano in my left ear softly. The instrumental break is witchy AF. He vocals every second and I love it. Such melancholia and chilliness. Just magnificent.
4th song, royal vibes with the violin and piano. The instrumental break is very classical, and I'm quite fond of that. He fast talks in some parts, which makes it much better. Instruments dropped, it's clean now, with piano softly playing, he vocals again, then beat increases and ends the song so well.
5th song, such fun I didn't expect I would have with this album. His voice is soothing. Omg the lyrics are about an art teacher whose works are so good that the students is amazed by it, but can't tell the teacher. It's about a school girl, who married another guy, but still loves this art teacher (might also be Rufus's gay attraction). Very beautiful song. Also the clapping and cheering at the end transitioned into the...
6th song, I heard homosexuals, have never heard that word in a song now that I think of it. There's piano and another instrument playing, now choir came in. It wasn't a stand out since it was a short song, but I loved it still.
7th song, has a different vibe, the piano plays better notes. It's more sad too. Violin came in now. It's about an unreachable love affair, I think. The overall opera vibe is so good.
8th song, he counted in my ears?! Hello, that was kinda hot(I'm bi so one of the reasons I like this album I guess) "He will then be reborn from 1970's porn" umm. Oh apparently that's nothing, I just read the genius meaning and he's so gay, he mixed Christianity and gayness. He said "coming" and there was a slight slurping sound, oh my god. I love him even more. Also he said he will be baptized in "cum" as jesus did with the spirit. The bridge is very good with that woman choir. And now he will give an oral to someone, didn't expect this from him tbh. One of the best because of the lyrics.
9th song, now he used mythology to compare his relationship to the guy that died, which he hated, but is still sad about his death. It has slight violins in the background, his voice so fine. He has a popularized song "hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen(I love him) and he mentioned it here. I love the instrumental break, it's only piano yet it has a spark in it, it's progressing with the fast paced piano and violin. Fuck it hit the high note and scared me.
10th song, violin starts, his voice is different here, it has an auto tune vibe, and now not. It's both of them, one after eachother. Literally, he does two voice types, wow, unique. The unexpected slash sound. Choir voices came back.
11th song, starting with catchy lyrics sung by a woman, oh Rufus came back. This is a little more upbeat because of the fast paced beat. "Du-ru-ru-m" first time he sings, but nothing exact. Such vibe, I would definitely listen to this album again. The ending repeated the chorus, and it's so nice.
12th song, and 9 minutes? Didn't expect that, must be a good one. This song is about how he only found old Chinese food in a refrigerator and called it "old whore's diet", quite fun. Even more fun is the beat change, the woman vocalising and the drums being tropical. Violin solo slays, now added the woman's vocals. Weird ending (good way).
13th song, it's french, I think. It's not a different vibe, quite short though. Love his french. It ended with applause and cheering, what fun. It was not as unique, but I enjoyed it as expected.
There was one song unavailable, but I finished it officially, and I loved every second of it, definitely 5 stars. It was unique, full of vocals. Changed the vibe, but I needed more Florence, however he is being himself. Had everything slow and melancholic songs should have.
Jan 30 2024
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London Calling
The Clash
Heard of this album was too great. I only know one song "brand new Cadillac" not a bad one, and I always wanted to listen to the whole album let's see:
First song, I love the energetic start. Their voice is fine too. His voice is British in some parts, which kind of make it more unique. It got kinda repetitive, but this is going well for now, the bass and the drums and guitar all did their job.
Second song, almost same vibe, and I like it. Quite short I must say. The instrumental break is scratchy, not enjoyable, but also it's expected from punk so I'm okay with it. A little basic I guess.
Third song, it's slow, but the beat is very fun to listen to. Thing is I've heard many songs and albums that sound like this, and it's not in any way different for now. Weird noises are going on in my right ears, it was jazz then some muffled noise, same happened in the left one(not exact sounds).
4th song, very different start, I love the beat when they sing, it's singing with them as if. This is so karaoke, I love it. Such energy, it's definitely giving. Their voices are strong in their way(I think two of them sing so). The chorus is very catchy. It's much better than the last song.
5th song, already different instrument in my left ear. He sings the verse in a very fun way. The way he sings some words is too unique. That energetic sound in the left ear, which is basically instrumental way of their singing is lovely.
6th, a little melancholic start. Nevermind. They sing in a funny way idk why, but I do like it. They know Spanish?! Nicee. I bet the lyrics are very meaningful, but I'm again lazy to check them. The beat is also uplifting, and the I feel the beats in my ears literally, like they bass them. Loved this too much.
7th song, he talks instead of singing at first. The beat is good. Shake ass song definitely. His voice scratched for a moment. Jazzyness came in. The weird groan was something. Liked this one too.
8th song, melancholic start, Interpol vibes. I like his voice here more. Chorus is too good. such vibes I can't. The chorus is very catchy, I sang along to it too. One of the best songs for me.
9th song, instantly hard rock start. So many lyrics. I love the pause-beat thing going. There was different vibe for a while, which devoured and the pause-beat is back. End was not as good, but overall it was perfect.
10th song, nice start, the instrument was laughing whaat. Chorus is simple, but very good. This is not as interesting as the other songs.
11th song, fully different start, it's both melancholic and upbeat. WHAT beat changed to something totally different, it's a better one I must say. There is background singing too. That saxophone (I think) makes this energetic and I live for that. One of the best songs here.
12th song, chorus was very not boring, they screamed for it too. Beat changed, it's instrumental break and he makes monkey laughing noises (I think). Not dramatically different, though it was satisfying.
13th song, quite short. I like the he says koka kola. Not very good to me, basic even.
14th song, beatles like start. Now it's ABBA vibed. Not anymore. His moan singing is very unique though. The instrumental beat is the best part here, there was saxophone thingy for a little time. He sings alike to that instrumental beat, which makes it much better. Long outro with the best instrumental on the album I think.
15th song, uplifting start. There is two voices I like that. There is a pause after he sings a little. This is vibey definitely, chorus is really good again. Guitar break is basic. Continuing as good as possible. There is beat change at two minutes, I like it. Weird new instrument came in and gone. Pencil writing sound. What is happening with the noises going onn. It's basically a big outro, which eventually I didn't like.
16th song, it was upbeat, then the beat dropped for a short time, quite fine. The rhymes are good in the whole album. Outro is him shouting something. This was fun if I liked punk, it's just not my favourite genre. Objectively it was interesting.
17th song, I think there was a transition from the last song. Of monsters and men "ha" was included. The beat progressing very fascinating, especially with the lyrics going. Weird beat now, the bass was weird too. I get why this was the best album in its release year. A better outro I must say.
18th song, temptations like start, tropical. A long one the song is. The verses are exceptionally good. I don't like his voice in some parts. Saxophone is in the room with us. He sounded like he had teeth on his tongue. Beat slowed down(volume too). "organ plays"? Does he mean that literally?. Idk why was it this long, but it was good enough. Outro best changed very well, and ended too soon.
19th song, fully different vibe as always. It's a last song too. He says the words fast in a good way. This one is annoyingly monotonous. Best part is when he says "you didn't stand by me" so satisfying. He doesn't vocal much, but he did in this one, nothing special.
Well, finished it. I knew it would have this vibe, but the songs weren't same, different instruments, the beat and his voice were quite excellent. However this is not my genre per se so 4 stars is enough. I liked almost every song, but there were some flops so the rate is even more accurate.
Jan 31 2024
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Inspiration Information
Shuggie Otis
I remember this album cover from somewhere, but can't remember it. Well it's a different genre from rock at least.
First song, vibey, expected from funky genre. It's very chill, good background music. There is different sound in each ear, also some instrument in my right ear, and beat is in the left one. It included jazz, so not as bad as I expected.
Second song, elevator vibes. This is so slow compared to the last song. He sings in a background vocals way. Main part in the song is the instruments, and paying close attention will make one discover new sounds in each 10 seconds(idk). I like that it's smooth and easy listening. There are different things going on, now it's piano in the left ear and some weird sounds in the left one, while the beat is in the middle. Long outro, but not boring.
Third song, oh, it's already ear changing sounds. After two minute intro, the lyrics came in. It's monotonous, but it has a vibe I enjoy. Not as bad if you get it.
Fourth song, lyrics are early. The name is weird. Slight diversity between the ears. It's getting to sound similar, but I guess that's the point. Nothing unique.
Fifth song, it's a faster. There is weird pause of the best and star-like sound Starting, it was an interlude I think.
Sixth song, this has an old jazz vibe. Was quite slow and less interesting, basically no lyrics?! Umm he has a Voice right, should use it.
Same with the seventh song, he doesn't sing, it's weird ai sounds. I mean it is something but not I would listen to because I wanted to.
8th song, it started so good what happened. It's like lofi(idk). It's relaxing plus fun, I almost fell asleep. Outro was a littlee different.
9th song started differently, upbeat and stuff. Oh now it's upbeat info the winning minute back
10th song, finally he sings, before that there was different style i think. It's different with the Christmas sounds going now especially. He stopped singing and made me fall asleep again(almost).
11th song, again instrumental, I was rating this 3 starts, now that's a stretch. Just background voices were heard, not Something I wanted.
12th song, it's good, uplifting, and a little interesting. The lyrics are not much, but now it's rocky guitar, didn't expect that from this album.
13th song, 12 minutes?! For a literal elevator music, a good quality one I guess.
The progression is fun, it's jazzy vibes now. Guitar is still playing. Obviously some weird noises. Why is this album a must listen I don't get it, I mean it was interesting and stuff, but not that much.
Imma quickly say that, it was much worse than I expected, why does he not sing, I mean at least the instrumental could have been better. It came down from 3 to 2 star album, that 2 stars is because of the first few songs that actually had something, at least lyrics. It's chill and I get it, but this kind of songs ask for something, than just making it same and boring.
Feb 01 2024
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Music for the Masses
Depeche Mode
I obviously know Depeche mode, also have seen this album cover, but have never listened to it, must be a good one.
First song, I love the start, it's giving factory working. Obviously the voice is nice and Depeche moded. I like that piano rock notes. The metal clanking noise(sounds like it) is on beatt. It's interesting, but too monotonous. This is the most listened song on Spotify. Epicore vibes came in. The choir is great. It's getting progressive I think. Two sounds are colliding now. So many things have happened. I hope others are better than this though. Outro is sea breathing sound.
WOW great transition to the second song. This one's slower, his voice is softer too. Background vocals came in while he's still singing. I like the production. Amazing devil vibes low key. The beat in my left hear, weird onking sound, and then some trombone like instrument in my left ear, production is great again I mean. Long outro. I loved the melancholy they brought with this song.
Third song, weird beat came in. wow Michael Jackson beat now, it's faster too. Idk what instrument is this, I've heard it before tho, and I like it. I like the rhyme, and the way words are said by him. Even if the song is almost same all the way, it's full of stuff. The echoed singing is the best here(when he sings the talking to pain part). There was a slight appearance of a weird instrument, happened again. Long outro again.
4th song, I think there was a transition. There is echoed background singing. Aand the beat came in. It's fun to listen to, not boring. The guitar is also very good during the chorus. The best parts in every song are the instrumentals. Long outro as always. This one didn't stand out.
5th song, fuck I don't know that instrument, but it's giving. Violin presence is detected. The piano is the best part. This one is annoyingly long and monotonous though. Sad vibe, which I love. Orchestral finish.
6th song, fast beat and it's changing. Right ear has some instrument going on. Guitar chords came in, right to left. Vocals is soft and satisfying. Beat is as fast as in the start. I can't even, so much production. Clapping sound-right ear. He barely skips, but as I said instruments are the best here. Nothing different happened, but it sounded like and intro tbh, the whole song.
Just read that first song was about gay sex? Cool if that's true.
7th song, starts with breathing, and moan in the right ear. Song is sexual just because of the name. The instrumental break sounds like an electric piano(if that exists, not familiar with the instrument names). The moan/breathing is all through the song. Laughing came in and went. Long ass outro, oh nvm it ends with that moan, it's okay then(I'm kinda hard), men talking in the radio in russian in my left ear aaant into the
8th song, what a transition. There is animal like sound in my right ear. This one's short, weird. Apparently the russian speaking was because this album was during cold war(knew that) and people were scared of nuclear threat so that man says something connected to it. Not so long outro, it's a little progressive.
Oh wow another transition to the 9th song. There is water dropping sound, right ear is with that Depeche mode instrument. The chorus is catchy. Amazing production again. I feel like 3 minutes is fully enough for these songs. He vocals a little. There is background "ooh ooh" sounds like a choir. Long outro aas alwayss.
10th song, love the piano already(might be a sample, apparently not). It's fully instrumental I think, I like that. There is banging sounds in between. Fuck left ear came in hard with that bang. It's epiccore again low-key. It's progressive. I love instrumental songs and this is very good. The operatic man voices while organ(?) came in woow, it's giving action mystery movie's last scene. Oh the bell ringing now. WOOW left ear has a new instrument now. Everything stopped, but the song didn't. Suddenly it is on again, but fully different sounds, violin in the right ear and some destructed piano in the middle.
11th song, starting spooky, even more than before songs. Piano came in. This is instrumental too, I'll use these songs when studying ughh. What is that sound coming in my left ear. So many noises I can't keep up. My tinnitus hit me. I am loving this. It's so chill yet scary. My brain is having a MASSAGE. Phonecall failed sound on loop at the end.
Next three songs are mixes. 12th song is a mix of the first song. Beat is nice, left ear has another instrument, same with the right ear. Long intro it is. I skipped a little and the whole song is this, it's not bad it's just not as special as the last two songs. Epicness came in, oh the lyrics too. Not bad, but with lyrics is better.
13th song is a mix of 8th song(russian man voice). Starting with claps. Quite short. I like the vibe(the beat especially). Lyrics are badly said, so not to tell what he is saying.
14th song, it's a glitter mix of a song I haven't listened to on this album. It's interesting. His voice isn't soft, autotuned it might be. There is main beat in the middle, but another travels through ears. The rocky guitar wasn't here before, now it is. Wasn't bad, but not unique either. The outro is long, but might be processive. There is reversed talking included. There is soft voice of him singing in the background at the end of the song.
That is it. What a journey. Because of the fact that it's Depeche mode, there was magnificent instrumentals, and the fully instrumental songs devoured, I give this 4 stars. It's not my favourite genre(might become), but it was really not boring and had a spark in it. Also a very chill vibes, which is what I need sometimes.
Feb 03 2024
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Liquid Swords
It's obvious it was going to be a hip hop album just because of the cover. Must be fun, I'm listening to hip hop rn so I'm gonna change it with this.
First song, ooo filmy start(smn talked about this so I'm not gonna do it). Apparently this is east coast hip hop. Quite spooky. Little screams. And smoothly comes in the rap, both of them are doing it. I like the beat, the rap is also satisfying. The rhymes were good I must say. I'd rate this 3/5, I needed something more.
Second song, again moviey start, I wonder what was the meaning of them putting this here. The fucking rhymes are eating. Also so many people here. Another one came in, the background is piano looping, and sometimes explosions. The chorus is weird at the end. And the outro is men speaking in a radio with choir sound, scratchy voice too. This was again 3/5, I generally like hip-hop and would rap with him because of the lyrical flow, dunno about the meaning though.
Third song, I like the rap start, it's full and fun to listen to. It stopped, it's now the usual like rap. I have no idea how to rate hip-hop, like what do I say about them, so I just say what I think. I like how sometimes there is two voices rapping and then it comes back to the original verse type. There is trombone like sound when chorus starts. I like how he says the song title. It's just beat at the end with him rapping a little. Trombones at last. This was also 3/5 , it's just not doing its best I think, I've heard better raps and construction of such songs. First time rating songs individually and I'm not good at this, this was again 3/5 idkk.
4th song, I like the bassed beat. And again the double rapping is so nice to hear, but it stops quickly. Some rhymes are really good to me. There is this constant sound in my right ear, which is usual in the hip-hop. Long ass outro. This gave 3/5 rating because it sounded as almost same.
5th song, moviey start. It's a smooth rap, but no chorus makes the songs really boring. It's too same, though this is one of the hip-hop albums that have THAT vibe, basically objectively it's enjoyable, but I wouldn't want to hear these songs again, oh some call them forgettable songs. Now it's not rap, but some man singing. Outro is again long, Depeche mode vibes because of that. The violin is great. Rap slightly came back. This one was also 3/5, it will be 4 when I will want to listen to it again, and 2 when it's just uninteresting.
6th song, I like the way he says the n word, also his voice is really good, now that i think there are some insufferable rappers with bad voices, that would give these songs 4/5, but I'm picky. Wow this one was short and not as obscure, so I'd say 2/5.
7th song, I like how it transitioned from the moviey vibe to the beat. Also this is the best kind of rap I think, it's just simple yet lyrically full(maybe not). Again so many artists here. Glitchy sound at the end. It was unexpectedly basic, because of the intro it's 3/5.
8th song, I love how chill the vibes are, even though he's like not rapping softly, it's not aggressive or unchill either. There is "oh man" in between, and deep voiced man in my left ear. Deep voice is in right ear too. Ehh this didn't stand out 2/5.
9th song, not a movie start, I think he's just talking and there is some man's vocals as a background. Bigg intro. I used to deepen my knowledge and learn about songs' meaning, but it took so much time and it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. It's upbeat, idk what instrument it is though. Definitely not bad, just there is many songs like these, might not be lyrically as good, but still. This wass 2/5, but now that I think 5 is too low to rate them, but I'm rating subjectively anyway so.
10th song, news woman in my left ear, and rapping in my right ear. Quickly starts the song. This was downtempo low-key, liked that. The violin is also good. I just love us style and voice. Long outro with that radio speaking man. This was 2/5 too, it was too simple, maybe 1 star for that additionally, but no.
11th song, it's vibey as always. I'm getting bored tho, because of how same it sounds, it all comes down to lyrical side I guess, but I don't listen for them so. Long outro again. This one was again 2/5, maybe it's because I'm sick of the same exact vibe, but I'm still objective in a way.
12th song, there is murmuring in the song in both ears as a background voice when he's rapping. The movie scene waked me up, before it was quite chill and nice vibes, soo 3/5 it is.
13th song, and that movie scene waked me up. It's very normal after thatt. The style is better. Also this is 4/5 because of the name. Otherwise it's not very different from other songs.
It was a nice one, I really liked it, I feel like this was a 3 star album, but it could be more if we think deeply. So I'd say 4 stars it is, the smoothness and the voice, plus the moviey vibe gives him such rating, much better than some rappers today.
Feb 04 2024
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
Never heard of this group, I like the cover though, and it was giving rock instantly. It's either too basic or uniqueness is spotted in them.
First song, first song is a remix?! Weird but the beat is fine at the start. Oh nvm it's fully different now and his voice is quite good, there is also background vocals too coming in my right ear. This one is chamber genred and I love that. There is this piano chord that I like, comes rarely tho. Oh beat slowed down and after the last lyric increased. Despite being monotonous, it was good for the ears, plus the vocals, so I'd say 4/5.
Second song, it's a sad song, violin is main instrument. His vocals are different. It's a big intro, hope good part is ahead. WOW the sudden guitar in my right ear, fully mood change to rock, and back to sadness. Loved that instrumental break. That happened again, and ended quite beautifully. This was better than the last one, but not too much, 4/5 it is.
Third song, soft guitar start, oh violin existed for some time(Apparently it comed back still). There is this opera like instruments suddenly, almost dramatic. The beat change again, guitar is the main instrument with some other weird ones in both ears. Back to sad vibes, now I hear guitar and a piano. Ohh the tropical vibe is back. Pardon, now it feels like a different song, it's upbeat and countryed. There is three songs here like what. The outro is another song now I feel like. Still a 4/5, I except more noww.
4th song, Elton John vibes with that piano and vocals. Sudded drum chime in constantly. It's so soft and chilly, I love it. The opera vibes especially are well made. It feels like Beatles too. Since there was nothing different this is a 3/5, but it was interesting.
5th song, I like the upliftingness here. It's slow and progresses too, with the drums and piano too. This one has something that is too good to don't like. This was solid 3/5, I want more from them.
6th song, dark start, love that. Vocals are haunting now. It's very different, the beat no instruments, they just came in. It's less spooky tbh. It has a movie soundtrack vibe. It's short at the end. I liked this more than others so 4/5, this is objective rating, it would be lower if it was not.
7th song, again spookyness, it's and instrumental song too, which is bad, because it's not unique, and would never want to listen to this willingly, unless use it as a background. It was a 2/5.
8th song, not bad, it's just basic for now, and has an indie vibe(not bad). It seems monotonous. I'm not liking this much. It's melancholic and I love that, but I think there are many songs like this already for me to absolutely love this. I like the instrumental break, but it was too short. I wanted to rate this 3 but 2/5.
9th song, it was basic at start, but the violin come in was perfect, plus guitar chords now. I consider their voice type overused rn, I would prefer this to be like of monsters and men, which means to be more downtempo yet upbeat. 3/5 for the violin.
10th song, starting with a choir, feeling churchy. Now men murmuring. I loved how the beat came in, giving gothic. Big intro. Singing style is changed a little. Vocals changed to more clear one. It's still boring though. I like the choir singing that part together. Big outro, with the choir. Hmm 2/5.
11th song, I like the "Ratatat" whispering start already a star for that. That was the best part I'm afraid. I skipped a little it's very not what I want rn. There is instrumental break at 3 minutes, it's a nice one. I slept on this yesterday, no wonder why(it's just too quiet not that it's bad). For rainy weather I'd say. 3/5 I guess.
12th song, it's a short one, good. It feels instrumental only though. I like the piano, but it's not the main instrument exactly so overall it's not my vibe, I prefer classical or a nostalgic movie soundtrack to this. 2/5 to sum up.
13th song, what a start, fast and it sound familiar. Smn called this COVID anthem and I kinda agree because of the lyrics. I like this song the best I think. The deliver of the instrumental break, plus the rhyme I think I heard was great. and that piano riff just before the lyrics start has a FTM vibe. I like how it slows down for a moment and goes into chorus. No wonder this is one of the most listened on Spotify. So 4/5, really deserved, I should rate songs out of 10, 5 is too low at this point, I put too many songs in the same category.
14th song, this one's a remix of a 8th song, which was not as good. And this remix is no difference sadly, sounds almost same tbh. Idk if I should rate this but 1/5.
Basically it was definitely not bad, I like the chamber vibes plus that indieness and rock. Had some moments, but too many flops. I think 3 stars is enough, because I like this genre and I get why I should like this, there's just better albums like this.
Feb 05 2024
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Jack White
Obviously heard of Jack white and had already received his white stripes album here, it was nice expecting same vibe here. Fuck I just saw the crow in the cover, even better it became.
First song, judge me all you want, I like this kind of songs, it's full and it's almost rapping. Only thing I don't find really fun is this guitar riffs(not sure about the name) it's fine just sometimes overused. I like the instrumental break. Outro is without any beat or instrument, but he sings a little, at the very end guitar comes and goes quickly. I'd say with my new grading system, 8.8/10.
Second song, yes this is "noise" for some, but I low key like this, rock isn't even my favourite genre, but this kinda songs are just differently good, especially with jack. It was a short, but outro was quite good and full. Not better than the first one so 8.4/10
Third song, I like his fast singing. Guitar is always good here. I want his voice more tho. There is this adlib like thing he does when he starts the verse, which I love. Progressive and weird instrumental break. He sings then smth else sings back in (). Not better than the last one so 8.1/10, still the vibe was great.
Fourth song, it's slow for now, but I hear progressing guitar. Songs are mostly about love, I think. It's slightly bad without the fullness that songs before had, but still doing it's job. I was wrong about the progressiveness, it is slightly doing that, however, not exactly. There was a woman voice joined, kinda unique, but not from jack. 7.6/10.
5th song, this one's slower. I'd call this one "noise" it's too basic. Thing is first two songs had this vibe that is good in every song, while to me slow ones need some more work to be considered well. I like the outro instrumental, ruined by his vocals sadly. 7.4/10.
6th song, I like the name tbh. Apparently there is two POVs here, funn. Noone knows who the song is about. Smn said to read the verses vice versa, and they make sense that way more. I loved the concept of this song, soo I guess 8/10 for that, plus it wasn't annoyingly slow.
7th song, fast start, with them instruments. Apparently this song is about how free Jay z and Kanye are at expressing themselves, which jack lacks of. I mean it's 2012 and I'm not surprised though I dunno what made him write this song exactly. I like the piano before the lyrics start. The guitar screeching started. Mm not bad, 7.8/10, not unique or catchy enough.
8th song, he's louder here, especially in the headphones. The choir and the clapping is amazing here, plus now the guitar and this thing in my right ear beating. Woow that instrumental break at exactly half time passed. Oh the woman sang a little, these choir really ate with the coming ins. This was energetic and different, 8.9/10.
9th song, such a nice start, his singing not so much. Piano is magnificent. It's very classical rock vibed. Oh I love the instrumental break at 1:12, the fast piano is giving Chuck Berry. It came back, I really love itt. It got harder at the end. This was solid 8.5/10.
10th song, was slow now it's half full. Liking the instrument in my right ear, piano in the middle too. His voice is much better here, less scratched. He talks fast here, best thing he does on this album. Piano got faster in the background(or not). Quite easy listening, I'd say 8.3/10.
11th song, loving the start with the piano, it ended now it's just beats, and he started singing, I don't like it anymore. He sings too boringly sometimes, even though there is another guy singing same in my right ear with him. Now only he's singing, lasted short. Piano solo, messy one. Telling me to sleep, how considerate. 7.3/10, I wanted more.
12th song, long intro seems worth it, it's slowly using all the instruments. Satisfyingly slow it is. Background voiced he sings the chorus. Very relaxing, nothing is happening, not complaining though. His voice changed, and woman is joined in. Pause, Guitar slowly existing and he also slowly comes in, the beat came in, piano in the left, I was expecting smth apparently nothing, oh nevermindd it got low key hard at the end. It was better than the last one so 7.6/10.
13th song, Papa's pizzeria soundtrack like start tbh, I love it. This is one of the best because of that beat, oh it changed to jazzy one. It's so chill too. Such long instrumental break. Piano in the left ear, some instrument in my right ear, and electric guitar? His vocals have changed, old beat is gone. Women voice came now. Sounds like a totally different song. There was two songs here I think. Outro is progressive, fast and interesting plus both of their voices in sync, perfect ending I suppose. 9.1/10 definitely, because of the concept.
Quite nice soundss I've heard today. This was not as different from other rock albums, but it had differentness and wasn't just annoying uninteresting noise. Basically 4 stars, I didn't expect any more or less.
Feb 06 2024
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Fear Of Music
Talking Heads
I know talking heads, but only know two songs psycho killer and new feeling. 4 last songs aren't available on Spotify in here. Kind of a weird look the cover has. It's not rock, but punk and new wave so ik what to expect kind of.
First song, old vibes, not English, never had that experience here. It's fun I like the energy, it's europopy. Smn said what if this song was their karaoke song and another one had this fully memorized by listening to it too much. I really liked this, it was different, full, and fun to listen to. I'd say 8.8/10.
Second song, back to English, there is background "mmm" with the main singing.
It's melancholic, also alien like sounds in the right ear. It's monotonous and not energetic. It increased volume two times in my left ear, I love that. I liked the voice change in 2:38. It changed again it was more desperate. Long outro. It was unique, but also boring, so 7.1/10.
Third song, I love the start. It's energetic, nevermind, and now it is again. There's pauses after that energy burst. It's only energy now. I like the guitar, his voice is not soft, but not annoying. Long outro. It felt too long even though it wasn't, 7/10 worse than the last one.
4th song, I like the use of piano here. He sings in such a good way. Chorus is bad. Very monotonous. I'm not impressed at all, though I like those instruments. It was nice, but tooo uninteresting 6.8/10
5th song, start is great, it's energetic. It's simple,but fun. There is trombone like instrument. This one's was better than some slow ones here. 7.7/10.
6th song. Different vocal start. Not bad, it's not full of energy, however, it is sad. He used vocals at the end. Worse than the last one 7.3/10, I usually don't talk this less about songs.
7th song, alien instruments. Background voice saying "faster". It got slower now and stays like that, bad. It's so repetitive. Instrumental break with the guitar. Outro is very big. I'd say 6.2/10.
8th song, soft voiced, plus sad. Chorus is not fully different, though it's something. I did not like this one, it's chill and relaxing, but that's not what I came here for. 6/10.
9th song, it's enthusiastic. I like the guitar in the left and some instrument in the right ear, while there is this constant sound in the middle, a beat I suppose. His voice is aggressive, then not. WOW what a change so suddenly, it's how the lyrics are said. Long outro. For the change I rate it 7.2/10.
10th song, I like how he says "electric guitar", the beat is making it better. Best part is that otherwise it's boring. Whole song was that almost, there were verses, but not remarkable. Because of repeating name I say 7.6/10.
11th song, I love the mysterious start. Different instruments going on, that went on too much, and the vocals are a disappointment (was a glitch at the start of it). I'm not liking this, making the whole song on that beat is not a good choice, plus the way he sings is different, but in a bad way. Spooky song it is undeniably though. 2 minute outro: some talking in between, which is scary as fuck, a frog?!, guitar came in, the man talking was actually weird. This was most uniquely done, 7.9/10 for that.
Overall I'm not impressed, I wanted more from them, I didn't it was gonna be this lame overused vibe. There were some parts in songs that were catchy and interesting otherwise it was repetitive (expected). So 3 stars seems like a fair rating, could have been worse.
Feb 07 2024
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Sly & The Family Stone
I knew it was gonna be funk just by the the style of the cover. Second track's name is interesting, and I've never heard of them.
First song, I love the boogie vibe already. It's upbeat and his voice is fine. Liking the vocals. It's repetitive yet it's quite good. Outro is very FUN. This it's THE vibe one might be looking for. 8.9/10, it's not my genre, but I'm getting it.
Second song, as I said a name is giving. Woman vocals came in, quite nice. I like that he repeats the title. Oh the song is big, and now it's instrumental break, with some weird noises he makes in between, even instruments are weird, only the trombone thing in my right ear makes sense. And it comes back, THE TITLE. I love love this song so much, it's not annoyingly long orr instrumentals being boring. It's getting loud, with his mumbling and vocals. I think this is outro already, I was right, great ending. 9.7/10 definitely. -0.3 for too much instrumentals.
Third song, WOW such energy, it's low key jazzy too. And there is woman and man singing. Not anymore. Right ear is for the woman and left for man. The "boom lakalaka" or whatever is very good in the right ear. Country vibes came in. The deep voice in the left ear is perfect. The production is amazing just to say. The instrumental break is going on and it's sooo chaotic, the vocals, the beat, and the trombone thingy, plus him singing. Last one had some spark in the name so 9.4/10 is this one.
4th song, quite chilly vibe. There is trombone in the right ear and other thing in the left ear(so bad with the names ik). I like the chorus. Oh verse is great too. This is so satisfying I can't really describe it. Voices change in between singing, it's so well made. Outro is basically a chorus being monotonous, which was unexpectedly magnificent. 9.6/10 for this one,
I'd rate songs 10 if I already knew them and loved them with my heart btw.
5th song, it's a little different vibe here. Drums are included, women vocals came in. Man singing in left then right and now middle. Every second is a surprise like, I'm impresseddd. Now it's slowed down only beat left, back to the song now. I didn't know I liked this vibe this much before this album, good to know. This was a little less entertaining so 9.3/10.
6th song, and I'm already loving it, it has a nostalgic vibe. Woman in the right ear singing the best melody. The piano is the most nostalgic here. it's not very upbeat, but that makes it better I suppose (in this song I mean). It's too short, this was melodically best, however, less full. Soo 9.5/10 seems fair.
7th song, cool name indeed. 13 fucking minutes wow, that's why the intro is quite long. Guitar in right ear and some weird instrument in the middle. Left ear also had a different guitar sound and smth else. Umm I just checked genius and it's mostly instrumental. It's too long if the song is gonna be just this tbh. Vibe changed to downtempo I think. I thought I had tinnitus in my left ear, it's the song apparently. So relaxing too. I listened to it fully, and it was mostly same, but at the end beat was different and at the really end the beat was edging, at the really end some men were laughing. So I'd say 7.5/10 would only listen to this when writing smth I guess.
8th song, short one. It's as good as others, the title repeating iconic as ever. Deep voiced guy is in the right ear now. WOOW WHAT INSTRUMENT WAS AT 1 MINUTES, I LOVED IT. It's normal now, very groovy and oldie. There are single versions of the songs I've already listened to, dunno what that means, maybe they're shorter. It's getting slower only right ear was active, then left joined. This was 9.2/10.
9th song, it's a single version of the first song, sound exactly same so Imma not listen to it fully or rate it. Same with 10th and 11th songs.
12th song, this is something, it started normally and now it's clapping sounds(soul clapping apparently), quite satisfying. It's jazzy, and full of sounds as always, I can't get enough of this I'm afraid, it's soft singing now both man and woman. Outro got downtempoed and some talking began. I say 9.4/10 for being unique.
13th song, already a good start what can I sayyy. It's only what it started with since it's an instrumental, but it's fun and entertaining. I think nothing else will happen, so I'm just gonna sum it up, before that this is 7.5/10 song, too same, but it's not annoying.
Soo I LOVED this album, I actually like funk and soul, I just needed the right album, temptations were not it, but this one ATE. Basically, it's a 5 star album, despite some flops, that were two instrumental songs, I consider this one of the most entertaining and fun albums I've ever listened to here.
Feb 08 2024
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OMG ONE OF MY FAVOURITE ARTISTS, I DON'T KNOW EVERY SONG OF THIS ALBUM BECAUSE I'M A GRADUAL ADDER, BUT JUST KEEP IN MIND ALL THE SONGS ARE 10/10 IDC, AND 5 STARS FOR THE ALBUM IN ADVANCE. I know first, third, fourth, and 6th songs, always wanted to listen to the whole album and now I can.
First song, ooh soo good it is already. I love her voice, it's unique, plus uses her vocals in the best way possible. This song is about human's, I think, and their behaviour. The beats and the instrumental break is also amazing, it fills my head somehow. Her voice is softer and repeats the title. It's so chaotic now, background voice, the beat and the loud thingy. Weird instrument came in, it's giving Björk (obvi). Outro is she repeating "human". As I said all the songs are 10/10.
Second song, and what a beat. WOW the piano, and that random beat in my left ear. Verse ended and even more weird the whole vibe is, I love it, so danceable too, plus catchy. Her random screams are the best, noone does it like Björk I swearr. The beat is more upbeat during the chorus. Lyrics ended but 1 or more minutes is left. It's gibberish at the end, I suppose (so Björk). Ending on a slower beat with her gibberish, now it's only her, best slightly came back and went away.
Third song, I WILL RECOGNISE THIS BEAT EVERYWHERE, "his wicked sense of humour suggests exciting sex" when I first read that I was flabbergasted for no reason. Omg the gibberish after saying "necklace". I get why people dislike this, I find her unique in a way that makes me music taste unique too, sounds dumb, but I love experimental artists basically, so Björk gives me that(sounds like I don't actually like her, but I really do). Also smn said "stop giving me Björk albums, so THERE'S MORE OF HER HERE, AMAZING). lovely ending and the song is just perfect, not boring as some said.
4th song, disco and people talking?! What is she doingg, whispering noww. NO THE DISCO IS EVERYTHING HERE. Apparently I've never listened to this song closely, it's much better than I remember. Wait beat is gone and car closed, now I feel like Björk is talking to me, beat is back. Her gurgling-like sound is so satisfying I must say. The outro is pure disco for me, beat is gone ohhh and that's how it endss.
5th song, it was a fucking transition, I love her even more. Also romantic chords is in the room with us. She's softer with the voice too. Wave sounds. Instrumental break is very chill and relaxing, the wave sounds is again a nice addition. YES THE INSTRUMENT IS HARP, FINALLY REMEMBERED THE NAME, LOVE THAT. There was some people talking slightly too. Outro is the harp, and some step sound at the end.
6th song, weird beat, I like it. It has the previous mentioned disco vibe, but it's more experimental now. I repeat the beat is catchy and addictive. THE gibberish is backk. Long outroo with her gibberish, iconicc. Now I none of the songs that are left(except play dead, which I know a different version).
7th song, baby sounds hello? The guitar is quite nice here Latino vibed. Oh, the beat came in and it's fully different. She repeats the title a lot. Baby voice was actually a sample as I read. The beat vibe changed again, and back to the original one. Ended normally, nothing surprising.
There should be a song "Atlantic" on the album and I can't find it anywhere, weird.
8th song, jazz plus bird sounds. It's much slower than other song, I feel like in a jungle tbh. Her voice is soft here. There is background vocals now. Outro is long, but mysterious. I forget to how much I loved the songs(before songs) because I already see them as masterpieces, this one is no different, and I'm being objective too.
9th song, piano is giving. Slow vibes, and soft voiced. Oh violin I hear, coool. I love the ongoing beat and the lyrics are simple, but fun to read, because of the meaning. This one is... I was gonna say annoyingly slow, but new instrument came in and it's better now. Outro is with that piano and violin. Piano notes were the best here.
10th song, acoustic she sings now. Oh electronic beat is slowly coming in, in the right ear then in the middle, AND BOOM I FEEL LIKE IN A CLUB, IT PROGRESSED EVEN MORE. Right ear I hear some weird short sound. The beat was not so hard, but still so enjoyable the whole song was made by it.
11th song, jazz sounds, she sang and jazz came back, that's the que here, she and jazz replace eachother. New albums of her have this vibe, but the jazz is even more experimental. Outro is long and fully jazzy. Her Voice was soft. I loved this too, it was different and would definitely listen to this while writing smth, because it's peaceful and JAZZZY.
12th song, I was right I know this one. It's louder and her voice is more powerful, she sings differently too, faster. Gibberish as alwaysss. The violin sound is so iconic and unforgettable too. Genius says the big pause after "anchor song" is connected to this song, I don't get it rn. I think first song that finished on slowing down the beat and her voice.
Despite that I have officially listened to the whole album, there is still some songs left that I am not obligated to listen to, but I will definitely do it off from this app.
Just listening to "I remember you" and it's so romantic, the harp is everything here, it's one of the later added songs I think, and it's as perfect as it could be.
Anyway OBVIOUSLY 5 STARS FOR THIS GORGEOUS ALBUM. Everything was perfect and well thought, I loved every second of it, can't wait for more of her albumss.
Feb 09 2024
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Jean-Michel Jarre
I haven't guessed the genre of this, too different. All the songs have the same name, I'll check the meaning of that. Otherwise it's electronica so lyrics are not gonna be the main attraction sadly I think. It has a historical influence, but not something one could instantly enjoy, I suppose. I also sense transitionss like a Avalanches.
I decided not to rate each song independently since it's a one big song.
First song, just as I thought, no lyrics, so I put the headphones on, just in case magic happens like this. Weird sounds go through first in right and then left ear. Otherwise it's chill. Alien UFO sound now. Different notes came in. There is nothing on genius, I think this album is the origin of many sounds, that artists used later idk. It's just... nothing. Oh, a "manly" beat came in, orchestral vibes too. It's same as before now. I have no idea why should I like this. Squeaky sounds, umm even weirder came up just now.
Second song, it was an amazing transition, plus new sounds unlocked, it's like a game now, each song suggests new stuff, and I guess that's fun. Wow different vibe fully now, I mean the constant sound is changed, background ear-to-ear sounds are almost same. It's like Chicken Invaders sounds tbh. It has a beat to it(constant one), I'd shake ass to it. So bad that I don't know instrument names, but I recognise them. It's more melodic now. I'm definitely getting the vibe now, it relaxes me in a different way. New background sounds came in, it's wavey(almost like sea), plus sand sounds andd windyy. The wind goes from left to right ear, very satisfying.
Third song, idk if there was a transition, but it's quite different now, constant tinnitus like sounds in the background, while notes are taken in the right ear, and a slight beat. Also very short song compared to the before ones. It got slower and slower, while alien sounds in the right ear go out and birdsong comes in(and goes).
4th song, this is the most listened song. Oh, tropical vibes. I like the progressiveness. Trombone thingy is in action with a constant beat in my right ear, violins came in slightly. This is the most active one so far. But last three were relaxing on a different level, plus interesting. It didn't evolve any further just last half of the song used different sounds.
5th song, umm helicopter sound almost, seems ASMRy, plus bird sounds, but if they were robotic. 10 MINUTES?! It's violiny now. No constant beat. Just slowly vibing with that instrument, there is an additional sound in the left ear too. Constant beat came in low key. It's not progressing. It's almost-cannon like sound now. Sparkling noisess. Ohh left ear has a real beat now. Wtff the scratchy sounds now. This is evolving. FUUCK IT IS GOING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT EAR, AND THERE IS TWO BEATS. ONE GOES TO LEFT ANOTHER TO THE RIGHT. What if they collide. Beats are in their places and main character is another instrument now. At the end cannon sounds again with a bit of sea wave. Now just wave sounds.
6th song, wtf there was a transition, didn't even notice. Little tropical vibes slowly coming in, but wave sound is the main. There is a flowing melody now, with a different sounding guitar(I think). It's not dramatically different, but it's more pianoed. I love this electric piano even more, it has a nostalgic vibe somehow(a sample? I doubt). Oh it is fading away, and this crushing(wave) sound is the main attraction. This is it? Random bird sound in the left ear. Yes, that was it, I wanted more from the ending, but I suppose that's fine too.
However weird it may sound for some, I actually liked this, it was a journey, that I never knew I wanted. I wasn't amazed completely, but it was unique in a way, which I liked a lott. So 4 stars, yes, I'm being veery generous, on the other hand it was much better than some vocal guys out there with the same exact sounds throughout the album.
Feb 10 2024
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Sufjan Stevens
Why do I think this will have a Dion vibe, which would be a disaster, I hope the best, because the album cover is veery weird, but unique too.
First song, apparently it's baroque pop, one of my favourite genress. It's slow with a piano and another instrument playing (flute thingy). Background voices are in the song too. Well umm it was too short to rate it, but I'd say 7.9/10 since it was melancholic and the I love piano.
Second song, it's instrumental? Much better with the headphones on, different instruments are playing, trombone and some nature like sound thingy(flute maybe) in the left ear. It was epicore vibed and had a classicalness into it. Liked it quite a lot. 8.2/10, I don't even need lyrics at this point.
Third song, what fun beat, it's looping, he has a Rufus-like voice. The production is amazing, women joined in and they sing fast.
Trombone came in, different version of piano in the right ear. It's so satisfying, the whole vibe and the way melodies flow in such a fun way. I'm deeply amazed. The instrumental break is tbh same just within lyrics. Only piano now with some instrument's riffle sound. Flute thingy in the left ear slightly. Glitchy sounds now, might be electric piano. The jazzy part is as well magnificent. I repeat production is undeniably perfect. I'm feeling so many emotions now, it's sad, but the beat and the instruments are fun in a downtempo way still. It's getting to the end while instruments are less loud. The women's voices is a cappella almost and I love it. It was 10/10 song, definitelyyy loved every second.
4th song, this is sadder, and with a piano. His voice is right in the middle I love that. Idk if I said, but the names are so interesting, they suggest good lyrics too already. There is faint woman voice in the right ear. Guitar is in play now. It's about John Wayne's crimes I suppose. Definitely Rufus Wainwright vibes again, but obviously with differences. Because this was slow Imma rate if 9.5/10.
5th song, violinsss, and piano now, weird guitar like sound in the right ear, but the main guitar is in the middle(one of them sounds like banjo). It's not particularly sad, but not upbeat either. The voice echo effect(not exactly tho) he does that greatt. Trombone came in(I'm not good with instrument names btw). This is not as great as the other ones, but I'm getting it. It's permanent wave in the best possible way. it ended repeating the same lines I think. Not as good as I've said so 8.5/10.
6th song, oop it's an interlude, violins I hear. And that's itt. Not even a transition to the
7th song, but that's okay I guess. This one has a banjo again I thinkk. Two voices I hear. The beat is normal, nothing unique yet. BTW his voice is soft and great to listen to. What are these names, they are sooo much different from what I've seen on other albums ever. He sings a little and then that guitar-like instrument is the main attraction(though it's always playing). This didn't stand out I'd say 7.5/10.
Oops clapping sounds I missed, and instrument was breathing.( Just checked and this was another song soo 8th song this one is)
9th song, of monsters and men like violin and best use. Got slow and he started singing. I love full songs and this is one of them. Women sings the chorus. I will definitely check his other albums, so many of them, goood. It was loud and got slow suddenly with him starting singing after the break. Long the songs are btw. Choir like sound I hear. The champer popness is feeling here as well. Outro is chill and choiry. I'd say 9.8/10, the instrumental break was Unforgettable and veeery baroque pop, arcade fire-ed.
10th song, loving the start, it's relaxing and the way he sings is enjoyable. Weird instrument came in. Constant beat is by the guitar. Oh, I hear banjo again. It's monotonous, which is not my vibe, but it's Sufjan so I can take it. Little trombone joined. It's instrumental break with a woman's voice, loving itt. 8.9/10 seems fair.
11th song, what a piano start. It's a short song tho. So beautiful. The instruments are totally with eachother. It's ordered chaos. Well not as amazing so 7.9/10.
12th song, um hello punk rock?! Nevermind it's piano mostly now. Why did it start so metal-y. Choir joined. He finished singing the soft and relaxing one, AND PUNK BEGAN AGAIN, FEELS LIKE TWO SONGS AS ONE. Little trombone joined in the right ear. Exactly same happened, soft voice to punk and choir singing while punk, just to say it is so unique in many ways. Vibe is fully different now, it's slow and more acoustic than ever. Oh, I hear the rising choir voice, it came and stopped for a veeeery short time then perfectly transitioned into the(9.7/10)
13th song, I love this. It has a familiar notes taken. Choir is the main attraction, Sufjan sang a little too. Christmassy vibe now. And it ended differently too, 14th song is an interlude so both of them were a solid 8/10.
15th song, good transition again. It's slow and melancholic now. MY GOODNESS WHAT IS THIS INSTRUMENTAL BREAK I'M FLYING. The verses are fins, not basic, however, not different either. Trombone break again, more emotional though. WOW THE BEAT DROP AND WOMEN VOICE CAME IN, UNEXPECTED. Even more arcade fire vibes. It's progressing, getting louder and more chaotic. Chaos stopped and he sings, left ear I hear a woman. This is a masterpieceee. 10/10 alreadyy. Outro is interlude-y, and has this loud thing going on.
16th song, last song stopped quickly and this one's beat came in. It's so chill and so funn. The violin, I'm so happy what is this, it's so perfect. Woman singing, I think she's pronouncing something, Sufjan joined, but no as main, now he did. Guitar is in the right ear. I repeat the start instrumentals were unexplainably amazing. I love the woman's part. It's chaotic with three voices all together, like what an adventure. 10/10 againn, couldn't have been better than this, plus the name is immaculate.
17th song, violin start oops it's an interlude. Well it's not bad. Umm pardon? Another interlude into the 18th song, there was a transition too, this one's choiry, it ended weirdly, but it transitioned into the next song perfectly.
19th song, it was a piano start, and it's still going just with him singing. It's very satisfying, especially the choir slightly existing in it. Oh it changed the way of singing, it's more full because there is woman in the right and man in the left ear singing along. Back to original alone, soft singing now. Outro is expected, it's with little "ooh"s. I'd say 7.9/10 it didn't give the vibe.
20th song, clapping fun start, trombone, I hear constant beat in the left ear too. 7 fucking minutes? And I feel like there's no lyrics. Well I do am liking the instruments. Oops lyrics came in. Production as good as possible. Women came in they are more upbeat and choiry, they have a musical vibe. I feel blessed. It got slow, and it's the best part in the song, the trombone is beating whole he's singing in the best way with the violins. Clap-clap. SUCH CHAOS. Drum sounds I heard. Cute piano solo, clap-clap, violins. Trombone, gibberish singing along. Oh, it stopped fully, it's totally slow now. Beats increased and downtempoed instantly. Sufjan and the woman are singing together softly, with the not upbeat version of instruments. It's getting progressive I think. YESS IT'S SO MUCH BETTER NOW, MORE FULL. This was just too good 10/10, didn't even notice it was 7 minutes.
21th song, it's interlude and I love it, the trombone is breathing fast, especially in the right ear, both ears experience the same sounds one after the other.
22th song, progressive start. NOO IT'S THE LAST SONG, I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN THOUGH. I hear piano mainly and some constant beat by unknown instruments to me. As I said it'd getting progressive, louder too. No lyrics for this one I think. Feels like a happy movie ending sound, and it technically is an ending to a beautiful journey. Idk the instruments, but they are eating itt. Because of no lyrics Imma say 9/10. It stopped with a soft note.
OBVIOUSLY 5 STARS, HANDS DOWN ONE OF THE BEST ALBUMS HERE. I didn't expect this goodness from this, I'm honestly in shock, and 22 songs went on like little 5 songs, it was so good. I will definitely check more of his albums.
Feb 11 2024
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Bee Gees
I obviously know Bee Gees, and have seen this album cover, but never listened to it fully, must be a good one.
First song, quite mellow already, guitar has a country vibe. Ohh the fullness was greatly brought in, it went away. I like the sadness, especially the beat that makes the sound richer. The chorus is givingg. It's chamber pop vibed too. The "lalala"s is a lazy bridge, but I'm here for it. I liked itt quite a lot even as a slow and sad song so 8.2/10.
Second song, piano and the beat is already good. By the wayy his voice sounds quite nice, it's not annoying or clichéd. The beat drop thing is as great as in the last song. Just realised the name is "Israel" wondering what the song's meaning is. The vocals are scratchy, but lovely to hear. I'm loving the experience alreadyy, it's not some rock noise, that might be annoying sometimes, but a soft rock with the elements of baroque in it(I think. 8.7/10 definitelyy.
Third song, starting with gibberish. I love how the "beat drops" softly when he starts singing the line. It's karaoke vibed too I must say, which is good. It's permanent wave and repetitive, but the instruments and his lyrical delivery makes it worth it tbh. Quite a big outro I am sensing. He's repeating the title as the outro I suppose, it is truly and experience, especially with the violins coming in. This was not as special so 8/10.
4th song, I love the guitar here. Unexpectedly short song. The instrumental break was everything here, but the vocals of him is just so satisfying, and mellow in the best way. Outro was softly saying the lyrics and the violins playing until they die out. I'd say 8/10 still.
5th song, Broadway-like start. The drum beat fills the song so well. It sounds more theatrical than others. Voice is enhanced(choir like now almost), plus the production got harder. The dramatic instrumental introduction is weird and not sure why does it even happen, I love it though. Songs are mostly about love as I see. It was an okay one so 7.9/10.
6th song, I liked the start, it's depressing plus the lyrics make the song more like it. Ooo the beat dropp(I don't like using this term, but it's the easiest way to say it). Vibe fully changed and Beatles came in(not exactly). After 2 minutes it's very Beatles-cored. It's more upbeat and less mellow, but obviously it stays rock. Outro is violins I think quite funn. 8.4 for the change of the beat.
7th song, guitar and piano fusion, on and electric guitar in the right ear, and normal one in the left one(I think idkk). The vocals are the most used here. Oh it's the album name too. This was as good as it should have been, but I'm kinda bored so 7.9/10.
8th song, piano start literally, his voice is weirdly different and softer. Piano is the main instrument here. The drop never disappoints with these guys. It has Celine Dion vibe, if the vocals were more focused on. I wonder if they influenced other bands or vice versa, because I'm getting many Beatles vibes throughout the album. Violin in the left ear workingg. Mmm 8.1/10 must be enough.
9th song, almost loud start. Guitar in the left ear. His voice is so country and the guitar too. Piano came in the right ear, what a productionn. It's getting better and better. The violins is a nice touch. I like the way it sounded, not like a one song. 8.4/10 it is. There was trombone at the end.
10th song, it's sadder than most other songs, only piano is the main character, oh the violin came in. It's not as unique, but it sure makes me feel something. Vocals are also quite a lot here, but not Whitney vocals, just the neutral ones. I say 7.7/10.
11th song, mannyy drum beats. Oh the guitar and soft voice of his game in. His range is obviously not high as a voalist, but he sings differently and not tooo folky, which is enjoyable. There are two voices now and one is scratched almost annoyingly. I liked this, however, too basic, so 7.8/10.
12th and the last song, totally different vibe the beat change, but it's not really soft rock now is it. The beat is low, piano and electric guitar in the right ear, flow of violin, constant beat made by the normal guitar. It's progressing to more chamberness. It's epicore vibes at the end, at the very end, it gets slower and quiet. Low key disappointed, because it sounded better at the start, still 7.9 seems fair rating.
I loved this album, because of the emotions they put in it. Production was interesting with the popular instruments being involved, sooo 4 stars is quite enough, the chill and relaxing sounds make this album more unique than ever.
Feb 12 2024
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Bert Jansch
Bert Jansch
I've never heard of him, he seems country and folky, though, plus it's 1965 so it'll be slow and painful, I hope not.
First song, sadly I was right, it's guitar playing only and I sense the countryness in it. It was monotonous and kind of boring too. Bob Dylan vibes, only worse. Idk how to rate a bad song, it's like 3/10, this is not my genre and I don't know how to appreciate it.
Second song, it's faster, I like that. He loves long intros I suppose. Ohh this was instrumental, I like non-lyrical songs, so this gets a higher rating, I'd say 6/10. It was too same and literally nothing changed.
Third song, I'm getting the vibe, guitar is interesting, his vocals are soft and scratchy too, not bad. This one has something in it, it's more catchy and less uninteresting. This wass 6.8/10 a little better than the songs before.
4th song, he's vocaling a lot, which is not his exact vibe I think, but it doesn't sound horrible so. I think I heard a voice crack. This was annoyingly bad, old folk is just not me, though the more I listen to it more normal it becomes and listenable, but something I'd listen to on purpose. 2/10.
5th song, interlude I suppose, it was guitar playing, which is in a way satisfying, but idk if it is special and I don't see it. Anyway 6th song is also an interlude, but longer, it's not even sad nor upbeat it's just guitar playing yk. I don't find this fun sadly. No rating for this one.
7th song, now this one is melancholic. I do like that it's not totally bad, just not my type. It's just very classic and I Bert isn't even doing this for the views obviously, which makes it better, he's just enjoying himself (I think). However, I do rate the albums, depending on if I would listen to them again, so it's gonna be a little low, the overall rating. This song had a different vibe in a way, but still same basicness.
8th song, short one, it's upbeat. I heard Björk's like growl, and before that a voice crack. It's just too boring, it's objectively good for its times, but I can honestly say I hate this genre in this time.
9th song, I'm not looking at the lyrics because I don't think they're gonna be a masterpiece, plus it doesn't matter to me. It sounds same as the other songs, neutrally upbeat.
10th song, another interlude, nothing much or unique. Not even smth I would listen to when studying. Name is interesting tho, not sure why is it named that.
11th song, his voice is different, maybe softer a little. I'm again not impressed, it's expected though. Don't even know what to talk, since it's just not my cup of tea, it's kinda pointless me just saying how I do not like it in different forms...
12th song, his humming while saying "na-na", he has never done that here. He's humming at the end too, otherwise everything else sounded same.
13th song, mm different chords. Only guitar is playing. 14th song is an interlude too, it's short, but he's singing in it. It's noon and I'm gonna fall asleep.
15th song, I thought this was rolling stone's Angie original version. Apparently not, notes are very different and chaosy too. He isn't singing yet, and never he sang. I'm happy I'm done with it I must say.
Well I want to give this 2 stars, but for example Bob Dylan got 2 stars because of the way he used flute, it was magical in a way, everything else was bad(but I'm getting into him slowly). Thoughh Dion was worse than this, so I'm stuck about how to rate this. I thought and it's a 1 star album still, not influential to my taste at all.
Feb 13 2024
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Stan Getz
The album cover is weird, my first non English album I think. It's apparently jazz and samba and I'm all here for it, because it must be good.
First song, who doesn't know this title likee. I love his voice, it's soothing and much better than Bert Jansch, which I rated earlier and left me speechless in a bad way. I'm loving the vibe it's so a chill coffee shop cored. Omg the woman came in, it's even better now, and she's English too. The instrumental break is with a saxophone it's scratchy and enjoyable in a different way. Piano came in, I'm dancing to it, it's so funn. I loved this 9/10.
Second song, even better start, weird gibberish it was and not it's another language(I don't want to assume what it is). This is the best selling jazz album, and I can't disagree why it is. The saxophone came in and it's slaying. There is a constant beat in the background too, makes it richer. He sang a little non lyrical at the end and I alsoo loved this 9.2/10.
3th song, this is giving elevator music, if it was as perfect as it could be, I'm complementing it basically. His voice is so satisfying, and the constant beat, I love it. Saxophone came in and I had goosebumps, this is The quality jazz I didn't know I needed. Lyrics are not much, but not like that is what matters in this album. I'm IN LOVE WITH THIS ALBUM ALREADY. Piano was only at the end. 10/10 basically, not even gonna say 9.? for no reason.
4th song, so relaxing, I feel like I'm having a grand, classical talk with someone in a so very chill place, like, it's just THAT album, definitely will help me study too. Not gonna write much, just gonna enjoy it. Seeya. 10/10 obvi.
5th song, oh English Lady came back. The woman voice fits the jazz more sometimes too, so the fact that she's here is quite nice. Again not gonna talk much, I usually review how the instruments come in and basically I like writing what happens in the song, but I'd rather enjoy it now. 10/10.
I just read the 1 star complaints, and what I considered good on this, which was if elevator music was too good, or playing this at dinners, people saw it as a disadvantage. I mean this is much better than most punk rock albums, now that is pure noise, which I do like, but this one's otherworldly, it's still subjective I guess. I love the man's voice too, one of them didn't, I don't get it, I have heard bad voices and he isn't one of them. Also someone said, lyrics are pointless because it's Spanish and they doesn't understand them(not a grammar mistake), but they could have searched it online if so interested (not sure if it's available, but still)
6th song, didn't even notice it changed, since I was writing the paragraph above. Again amazing vibess, can't complain for a second, it is repetitive, but that makes it better. 10/10 all the wayy.
7th song, same good situation. So lovely to have found this album. The saxophone at the end was loudd. I am impressed by this song too, I just can't describe how I like it, it's just good, the beat, piano, saxophone, his voice, simple yet so great. Same rating as the others obviously.
8th song, I'm just too brought into this, I'm not gonna say anything, just the production is giving its best.
9th song, I thought album started over, apparently this is a shorter version of the first song, starting with the woman vocals. As good as possible.
10th song starts with woman voice. After the magnificent break he joined. It was too short, but oh well nothing lasts longer than it should.
I wish the album had more songs, but I will check his other albums, idk if he has many, but still. Anyway I reallyyy loved this, unique genre, have heard it before, but not this good apparently. Just gonna shortly say it was a 5 star album all the way through.
Feb 14 2024
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Deloused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta
I'm not in the mood for metal and rock after the last album. I've seen this album cover, but never listened to the songs somehow, weirdd, I do like it tho, it's unique.
SHIT ON IT, I did a review of the first, second and third song and they are not here anymore, I'm a day late so I couldn't save it, ughh.
First song, was an interlude, great transition, nothing else happened, it was nice to hear it tho, some parts in it, otherwise nothing special.
Second song, I said he has a raspy voice, but not sure if I even know what that means. He sometimes sounds like a woman not in a bad way. I liked the instrumentals, gave it 7.1, not impressed I am.
Third song, it was slamming guitar and then it got slow, which was nice since it's rare. Then the beat drop was amazinggg. Otherwise it's quite same niceness. The chaotic singing is expected. Just realised this is 7 minutes, didn't even notice, since it is going smoothly. The slow part came backk. Lyrics are ending soon, and I expect an instrumental outro. Ooh the beat drop was again good. It switched from being slow to metal-ly and now it's jazzy slow, and that was the rest of the song. Solid 7/10, it's nice just not special.
4th song, it's an interlude, getting loudd it was chill before and one of the best build up transition I've heard for a while.
5th song, starting off with a beat drop from the last song continuation. I hear operatic voice of him, quite fun. Wow again 7 minutes. I don't know why this is here tbh. I'm not bored, just not impressed either. The instrumental fusion is great, but his voice is not the vibe at all, toooo basic, only when he sings in an opera way is his voice different, but not perfect. I'm not satisfied with this. I repeat that the guitar playing especially is great, just it doesn't sound different from what I've heard before. Mm I say 6.8/10.
6th song, loud start and slow continuation, not complaining. The slow part was really good, I got into the vibes, then after a short instrumental break his usual screaming-singing began and it became bland. After that it's break again, and I love the guitar here, also it's slow. I'm not gonna write, it was overly very good 7.9/10 seems valid.
7th song, 12 minutes?! What has he got to say this much. Last song had another better vibe into it. I'm not catching anything here. Oh, it fully stopped, and fast beat(helicopter like) is getting closer, it happened and guitars and his vocals came in. It was loud, but it's chill now, not much lyrics. It's getting weird now, not even a guitar playing. The loudness came back, not the best they have done. Lyrics are only at the very end, and it's much fast paced too. Overall I didn't like the fact that it was this long, not Pink Floyd, which I can stand in that matter. So sadly it's a 6/10.
8th song, it had a big intro, less loud than when lyrics came in, which is screamy. Guitars make different sounds in ears(left is louder). It was as relaxing as a rock could be, and now it's slow lyrically too, but it feels progressive, aaand yes it got fuller. The lyrics are catchy. What a weird ending, giving Björk. I'd say 7.8/10.
9th song, bird sounds. Unexpectedly slow, intro is also long, he joins in softly. This will get punky soon I think. It's still slow, I'm impressed. It's giving arcade fire with the instruments. There was one shirt part of him almost screaming, however, the guitar remained just a slight louder. Again weird outro, I'm giving this, one of the most uninteresting songs here, so 5.9/10.
10th song, screaming and classic rock vibes. Fun, nothing fully amazing, It could have been interesting if it stand out from the album.
Well I'm not amazed it was way too overused, the style and the sounds. I needed more. Anyways I rate it 3 stars and that's because I like the genre and this albums also had some unique stuff in it, which I liked.
Feb 15 2024
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The Wall
Pink Floyd
One of the best groups out there, I listened to one of their album already, and now this one might be a better one, judging from what I've heard. I'm not in the mood to check the lyric meanings so I'm just gonna enjoy it. Also there is three discs on Spotify (third not available for) and I read that there is 26 songs on the album, which is first two discs.
First song, it was quite slow and steady and then the dramatic beat came in with the guitar slamming and it's now ordered chaos. The guitar is definitely doing its job for my ears. Song is quite short. Lyrics came in, it's soft and guitar is gone, though piano makes constant beat. After the lyrics the guitar came back and it's playing in a head rocking way. Coming to endd, woooow I hear the ship and rocket sounds. Feels like vacuum cleaner turned off, and then baby crying, amazing transition to the next song. I don't think rating songs individually is logical here, Imma review the whole album at the end shortly.
Second song, Queen vibes. Piano and he's singing. This one is even shorter. The voice is in the right now. Guitar came back, almost as same as in the last song, just has more of a character now. Another transition to the next song, BEST THING AN ARTIST COULD DO.
Third song, this is the first part of the legendary song everyone knows, it's a slower version of it (to say it badly). Half song gone and no lyrics left. Guitars are playing different versions of same sound. Man said "hey", now children playing. It's chill, nothing's happening, but the guitar is veeery satisfying. Obviously a transition.
4th song, helicopter sounds, such a short song. Man was screaming, but also said something. Guitar has the beat of the third song. Lyrics are literal, about teachers who abused children. It's joker like singing now. Choir came in and getting to the end. OOOO LOVED THE TRANSITION.
5th song, THE SONG. It's very nostalgic too. As expected, children singing. I don't think this is the best song on the album, dunno yet just a theory, but even the songs I've listened to before this were equally good, just everything was less. Just perfect.
6th song, quirky start lyrics, oops I just read what it said, it was said in a goofy way, that's it. Now I see sadness in it. He said one part louder than the others. Ooh the weird instrumental addition, I love that, it's playing more now, it's a type of guitar, but obviously not sure. I love the melancholy that they put in this. Guitarical break. Mentioned a mother a lot of time, not complaining. The guitar, the beat, the piano in between, his voice it's just soothing and saddening too. Outro was even more raspy voiced and dark.
7th song, bird singing, and factory is working in the background. Little girl talked a little and THE MOST NOSTALGIC NOTES HIT ME, I've never heard this song before, why do I know this guitar notes, was it in a film maybe? I love the delivery of his first lyrics. Said a big sentence low-key fast, loved that. THE FUCKING GUITAR, I'VE HEARD THAT, IMMA CHECK, couldn't find anything.
8th song, violins I hear. Short song, both lyrically and by duration. Not a violin now that I've heard it more, it has an electric guitar vibe mixed with piano, and constant beat(idk of what). Deep voice he has here. WHAT A TRANSITION, THIS WAS A TWO MINUTE INTERLUDE BASICALLY.
9th song, more rocky and full sound in general. Even deeper voice now. His vocals are great too, not an amazing voice during it, but he pulls it off. The instrumental breaks are veeery nice to hear. Outro is a woman speaking formally on a telephone and its sounds too.
10th song, door closed, and some girl is talking about that room, which is full of guitars, she walked into. There is also a man speaking from the radio from the left. Lyrics came in. Less deep voice, more like soft and relaxing. WHAT the vibe fully changed, and now it's from glam rock to original rock. He's screaming-singing. The instrumental fusion is giving. Vocal outro, a looooooong one.
11th song, smooth transition as always. It's breathing sounds, piano in the background, two typed of piano sounds I hear. He's vocaling the lyrics. Long in between pauses. His voice seems sad. Low key slow jazzyness came in, veery slightly. WHAT A BEAT DROP (worst way to call it maybe idk) I expected it depending on the last song, but it's much better than I thought, just different level as always. Radio changing and people talking sound. Men screamed and fell(?) then there was breaking sounds, and a transition whohoo(writing this too fast to keep up with it.
12th song, the continuation of the mentioned legendary song. Lyrics are said in a same manner, but are different. The guitar was sooo good at one point. The fuck it's a different song, now didn't even notice. I loooved this one.
13th song, I love his voice here, there is a slight beat of the last song left in the background. His voice is coming from the right and he MUST use that voice more.
14th song, fully different vibe, ohh I think the disc changed, there was a transition, but not exactly. The more upbeatness in the second verse, plus the way it changed it, was chefs kiss. The instrumental break is magnificentt. It was a quick switch up to the lyrics. Less loud break. Last verse has the same vibe as the others, but it's progressive.
15th, aggressive tone. Bee noises. This one's dark and haunting. I'm having goosebumps what is this guitar notes, it's nostalgic yet I've never heard it before. Loved this track in a different way.
16th song, mf DOOM like start. It has a Elton John vibe in a good way, the way he sings. Now it was violins, which have gone very quickly, and came back(I think). First time he's talking this much. It's soothing and enjoyable, his voice. Vocals came in of his, women talking in the background, and the man too. Ended on a sad note.
17th song, women man talking contained, a bomb dropping sound. Now I call this the most melancholic he sounded so far. None of the songs were extremely long. It ended on a sad note too.
18th song, marching music, AND EPIC OPERATIC VIBE CAME. Feels like hymn singing. They samples themselves from that legendary song in the lyrics. The end felt like it should have been a transition, but it ended on that.
19th song, I'VE HEARD THIS ON THEIR ALBUM BEFORE THAT NOTE, IT'S GREAT GIG IN THE SKY, JUST BEFORE SHE TAKES OFF WITH THE LYRICS, THERE IS THIS SOUND. Dark side of the moon was made before this, so they just casually put this here too. He says lyrics differently, with am emphasis. He sings normally now, the instruments are melancholic, and glam rocked. Guitar break, it's nothing uniquely different. He talks here eveen more I think. The overall vibe has a Beatles-ness into it. Rest of the song is instrumental, and it's guitar playing rn. I loved the outro, I had to slow dance to it.
20th song(I know discs changed and the counting started again, but I prefer it this way), weird transition this one had. His lyrics were choiry, has a Queen song name. This one seemed like an interlude, it brought different sounds though.
21th song, guitar sounds nostalgic. It was upbeat, now it's choiry. He has a different voice(I've said this many times, I think there is one vocalist, whose name idk, and that's why I don't assume that different men sing it yk). Low key goofy way of saying some of Lyrics at the end, I liked the guitar chiming in and now it's only that, even better. EPIC OUTRO LITERALLY. People screaming Pink Floyd at the end.
22th song, what a beat, they haven't done that. It's guitar with another instrument coming in time to time, but often. Normal sound he had, the start vibe stayed. Saying "run" differently now. Second verse has this whiny(not exactly just can't remember another word for it) voice of him, which makes it more unique. Now the guitar is whining. Loved the more silent outro.
23th song, German counting at the start. The constant beat is so catchy, but his voice was sad. The voice type change after each line I think. "waiting" is the best part of the song, sooo much different, simple and catchy, along with that man was talking something. It's getting better and better. It's just that man talking now, I want that "waiting" to come. There is loud cheering sound, oh it was "hammer" saying.
24th song, 30 seconds?! Must be a good transition. It's sad with the piano too. It was nothing much just transitioned quite well. There is theatrical sounds, it's mischievous now. I hear theatre play vibes. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST, THE INSTRUMENTALS, DIFFERENT VOICES COMING IN. Violin came in, so more dramatical, but sad too. Children choir singing. It stopped and the villain like person is singing, IS THIS STILL PINK FLOYD?!! I LOVE THIS, I should check more theatrical stuff after this, apparently, didn't know I liked it. Why is this song here though, is it their made, or a sample? WOOOW THE ROCK SOUNDS CAME IN, ALONG WITH THE SOUND BEING EVEN MORE VILLAINY. I SHOULD BE ABLE GO WRITE THESE IN EVEN MORE UPPERCASE. THE ENDING IS THEM SCREAMING "TEAR DOWN THE WALL" AND THEN WALL TEARING DOWN. I'm confused, but in the best way possible, guess I should check what this "wall" symbolically means.
25th song, sounds like a nice movie ended in the best way possible, after some dramatic events, as if this wall being destroyed means that the good won(?). He's talking while there are children singing in the background as a choir. Now only the sound has stayed, and it's very melancholic. "is this where-" HE WAS SAYING SOMETHING, wonder what it was.
How do you expect me to like any albums after this by 5 stars. This was THE experience, I so want to listen to this again, and I will definitely do it, I hope. Last Pink's album was not it for me, it was veeery same throughout, but I'll check that out too later. Well, basically 5 stars isn't enough for this, but it's what it's. I want more albums like this here.
Feb 17 2024
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Janis Joplin
I've heard of her and her amazing talent, btw not many women here, should be though. I expect different level of goodness here.
First song, I like the fast start it has a disco vibe low key. I love the constant beat. Her voice is also very Donna Summer. It's getting progressive. The guitar break, is mostly basic in rock albums, so same here, but it fills the song well. It went great into the last verse and the outro was as amazing as possible.
Second song, what a vocal start, kinda of a voice crack, maybe not, still good. Oh it got slow and romantic in a secondd. The beat goes up and then down, it has Madonna's \"back in business\" vibe in that sense. It's getting progressive and it hits the note with her vocals and the guitar. She fast talks now, funn, also has a Etta James like voice too. Typical outro, love that. I liked that ending \"yeah\" vocal. I'm having such funn.
Third song, it's slow already. She has a powerful voice, gotta love that at least. I'm not a fan of slow songs in rock, but this one has Elton John vibes, and the instrumental break is giving. It got too repetitive at the end, but that's the vibe I suppose. Not as good as the last two songs, but expected one.
4th song, disco vibes is back. She has a different was of vocalling now, more opera I see in some parts. Break is not basic, it has guitar and piano as I hear. I liked the guitar riffs here, and her chaotic singing. The piano chiming in was also quite nice. Outro is as it mostly was in the 1970s. Basically I'm enjoying this tooo much.
5th song, it's veeery funky and danceable already. I think it's instrumental, but I doubt it. There are many instruments in different ears they appear mostly. Yes it's instrumental, and as the title suggests it's blues. Such energyy, loved this, but I need another version with lyrics.
6th song, less fast. The guitar and piano are perfect with each other here, it's full andd fills my ears differently. Choir came in for one part only. Short instrumental break, which has an amazing beat, with the guitar riffing. It stopped, made me think it was done, and it's going, after break it's a little slower. Outro is, as always, the song fading away.
7th song, guitar start, it's upbeat, and has 4 non blades vibe. The beat came in after some lines and now it's even more perfect. Love her voice generally. The bridge is "la-da-da" which I thought would be upbeat, but it's even better and it's slowly getting faster, it ended, however that was quite catchy and a great way to transition to the last verse, which has a faster beat. Outro is one of the best instrumental here.
8th song, she said what the song is about at start. It's a cappella with a little beat in the background, oh it's a short song, might stay like this. It was clean and I loved that, basically a great way to experience her voice. She said "that's it" and laughed a little at the end, such funn.
9th song, forgot to take notes, oops. It's going too great, as expected. It's upbeat, and has a progressive vibe in some parts. Her powerful voice is more present here. Couldn't expect any more betterness from her at this point.
10th song, literal blues start, the piano chords I mean. It's upbeat, but also downtempo. The beat is not different from other songs, third note hits louder than the two before. Instrumental break, pardon me, was edging at the end, which made it better I must say. Outro and she's getting louder and saying as much as possible. I wish this wasn't the last song.
Definitely a vibe, and just because of this album, I want to check her other stuff, but idk which of her albums are here, not that it matters tho, I'll listen to it twice if needed. Basically, 5 stars, most of them were bops, slow ones weren't painful, and this kind of psychedelic rock is the best one so far.
Feb 18 2024
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Def Leppard
Album cover is giving metal, and I was right about that. Have never heard of them and I'm in the mood for loud sounds so here we go.
First song, powerful start. It is two step beat and the second one is louder. Ouu it's not screamy metal, he sings normally, but does talk louder in some lines. Definitely liking the guitar and the beat that makes it richer. Amazing chorus. I like his voice too. I expected this to be hard listening, but it ain't. Head banging sounds, soo good. Instrumental break was a perfect addition after the verse. I'm done, this is such a banger can't get enough of it. Also LOVED THE WAY HE SAID "WOMEN" AND "MEN" SUCH FUN.
Second song, rocky start, but there was a radio talking before it. Vocalising now, not a good voice, but that doesn't matter. I love the fast beat, it's so catchy. Great chorus too, not better than the last one, but I'm loving it. Fully different vibe with the constant beat, it's giving Indian music if it was rock. One of the amazing instrumental breaks right here just because of how unique it is. Louder guitar slamming, aaand back to the original instrumental chords, lyrics came in and everything is in order now. In the outro they mixed all the sounds they have used chaotically, however, in order.
Third song, it's nothing drastically different from other rock songs, first verse I mean. Ohh chorus is catchy and interesting, the lyrical flow is good too. Other two songs stand out more, though the chorus here is veeery good, I would scream along with it. Instrumental break fits the overall vibe in the song, which they haven't done before exactly, and transitions greatly into the chorus. There was a skip, and then chorus continued quickly.
4th song, slow start with different instruments. It became upbeat, but it's still downtempo, in the chorus. I love their style, it's so karaoke cored. It's break and I feel like some guy is like "ah ah ah ah", satisfying low key. The chorus has the same vibe with how lyrics were said as in before songs. The break was kinda basic. It has a Micheal Jackson vibe, the way he emphasises on some words, and beat hits hard. Robotic sounds at the end.
5th song, nostalgic start, sounded smth I've heard before. Gun shot beats. Hip hop cored singing, I always love that in rock. He's basically talking fast though. First time here, when I liked the verse more than the chorus, which is not as interesting and unique as the verse. Chorus seems more interesting second time, buut the both verses were way more better. Break was not as good as the other mentioned ones before. The last verse was veery good, too. Outro seems like it's gonna be repeating chorus.
6th song, it's a classical rock now. Nothing dramatically different from what I've already heard. Apparently this is glam metal and I so agree. It's not the kind of metal I expected. The chorus is catchy, and has a Beatles vibe slightly. "Are you gettin' it" and "Armageddon it" WHAT A RHUME, just realised. They have a memorable vibe, and a way of displaying titles in the songs very well. Break was very short, it isn't even a break tbh. It slowly faded away with the chorus.
7th song, I haven't this much for a long time here. Slow and constant sound start. Some nature-like sounds, and now people marching ones too. Such a New Order beat drop, I expected harder than that, but nope, which was better. Ohh, it's getting progressive, and harder too. The singing sounds like other songs, so not a stand out, so chorus here is better than the verse. They do short lyrics in the chorus, which in the long run sounds better, he says something the guitar goes on and so on, quite classic way of rock too, gotta love that(btw these are all imo, and based on what I've listened to before). Men talking and bombs dropping and exploding sounds at the end.
8th song, definitely a bop already. It's kinda basic, and less unique compared to the other songs, but I get the vibe depending on the fact I've been listening to them for some time now. This was the worst song I've heard here, but it doesn't mean it was bad, it was just worse than the other ones. The break is giving here more than in others though. Outro edged me, AAND IT WAS A TRANSITION TO THE
9TH SONG, hard start. He's screaming already too, low key blues vibe, but it's metal cored, the lyrics in () are one of the best and catchy ones on this album. Love the chorus too, I'm gonna enjoy the song and then write down notes this time. I LOVED THE START OF THE INSTRUMENTAL BREAK, BUT IT DIDN'T LAST LONG. Otherwise it's a masterpiece from every angle.
10th song, HELLO I KNOW THIS BEAT, IS IT A SAMPLE OR ORIGINALLY THEIRS? JUST REMEMBERED, I LISTENED TO IT YESTERDAY, IT SOUNDS LIKE PINK FLOYD'S "goodbye blue sky". Thing is it sounded familiar even when I listened to Pink too, too nostalgic. Now the song, it had that beat at the start mode. Now it's fully different vibe, but not complaining, it progressed well. Beat came back and I love itt.
11th song, WHAT ARE THESE SOUNDS, IT'S AND I'M SCARED, IT'S GETTING FAST AAAAAAAH. Awesome start, the deep voice it getting faster, just too unique. Sounded like Darth Vader too. Overall the song is too good I must say. Not very, but still progressive, he started screaming for a moment. Outro was chorus fading away.
12th song, this has Cher's "love and understanding" vibe based on the title only tho, the genre is totally different. Less unique, but still worth it, this song is. Break isn't giving, I wanted more. Chorus isn't catchy and sounds like a verse almost, but that's something too in a good way.
Basically, 5 star album instantly, I expected much worse than this since I didn't know the artist and metal can be hard to listen to, but luckily I was ready for worse and got the one I wanted more, soo yea I vibed with every song as much as it needed me to.
Feb 19 2024
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Don't Stand Me Down
Dexys Midnight Runners
Never heard of them, the cover is intriguing and can't wait I guess to listen to it.
First song, slow start, but his voice made it less slow. I like new waveness here. His way of singing is weird, in a good way I suppose. He has vocals, not good, but still. He's talking now with others, it's somehow fun. Background melody is nostalgic because of that instrument. Why did he talk so much. Back to his vocals. He's so British while saying "burning". Instrumental break is funky to me. Long outro, however, fun in a way. Ohh a transition.
Second song, it's talking, but no music behind it, also 12 MINUTES? Better not be talking all this time. The talking was a intro to the song, he has a soft Elvis Presley voice now. I'm loving this song better than the last one. I think it'll get faster at some point. YES I WAS RIGHT, beat instruments and melody came back fast. He's vocalising a lot and I like that. The overall vibe is veery interesting and makes me love the genre even more. He's just vocaling now, but harder. Talking came back, idk if it has a meaning, I just know it's about a girl. Beat stopped and I'm halfway through. Piano playing, choir like singing, it got slow basically, OOH the beat drop was unexpected. It's even faster now and he sings like that too, the choir is in the background now. Another sudden stop, violin like thing was playing, and THEN BEAT DROPPED AGAIN AND NOW PIANO IS PLAYING WITH OTHER INSTRUMENTS. This is not one song tbh. Talking came back, and the melody behind it is sooo fun. It's not repetitive at the end, I thought at first, but it changes the constant beat instrument in between. Outro is long, but necessarily long. LOVEED EVERYTHING HERE.
Third song, slow piano start, the beat came in, a guitar I hear(not sure), some more instruments, and lastly his soft voice. I thought there would be beat drop, but it's better this way, slow and steady. Gibberish singing now. This is the kind of song to slow-dance with someone. Slow violin came in now. The overall vibe is veeery different from the last song, and that makes it better tbh, the diversity. Outro is mostly piano, basically loved this as much as possible.
4th song, it's guitar and the beat, and him talking for now. It's monotonous and the same vibe at the start, and he mixes singing and talking, one after the other. Vibe stayed the same, so I didn't like the repetitiveness, but it was okay song, second one is unmatched I guess. Outro was loud, otherwise nothing much.
5th song, talkiiing. There are different instruments here, don't know that names of, a piano I hear now. It's a rather short song. Only talking it will be I guess. Vocals came in. I'm low key bored by this, beat got louder and he's vocalising more. Not bad, outro made it better.
6th song, finallyyy some fast music. This one is short too compared to others. Much better than the last two songs I think. It got slow and fast in a second. The constant beat makes it better. I hear jazz too in the background, and the piano is pianoing. Outro was nice too.
7th song, 8 fucking minutes. The name suggests some goodness. It's slow and soft for now. There is a violin, and a tu tu TU beat. It's annoyingly slow rn, must be progressive. It's still slow(I don't like labelling songs like this, but it's what it's). Another instrument came in, which I weirdly like. It is slower now I think, I do like it a little tho, it just shouldn't be this long. I'm kinda bored, but I also would use this vibe to be chill and not think about anything, so that's something. Outro is jazzy and I guess that's it, Imma review it not all together.
Second song was veeery good and because of that I was gonna rate it 4 stars, but then I thought 3 stars would be better, however this is a grower album I think, so I'll stick with 4 stats, dunno if I would listen to this again, but it's giving in its way.
Feb 20 2024
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
Fuck this shit I forgot to save what I wrote ughhhhh. Basically never heard of them big band jazz must be cool I'm expecting something fun, since I like jazz and it's not rock as it is typically here.
First song, it was catchy got to repetitive at some point, but overall I reaaaly enjoyed the piano and the trombone thingy. It was chill, but the dramatic parts made it better, definitely something I'd put on in the background, or when I'm doing something, it's not distracting, thoughh gets interesting.
Second song, was too long I must say, I got a little bored. It low key has some animation background vibe iykyk. The outro was amazing. Piano and the trombone were doing great here as well, but this one was louder, so not chill, but it still is very nice to hear, enjoying it so far.
Third song, OH, nostalgic start, I've heard those notes somewhere. Ooh getting better with the new instruments. It's less loud. The background instrument is fun, but even more fun is the saxophone solo rn. Piano time, also chill, and there was no beat change, and there won't be I suppose. I want more ordered chaos next.
oh I also said that about the first song, it was calm, but chaotic too.
4th song, fast start, movie vibes, old one. The instruments are better in this one than the last one. The solos are even more interesting to hear too with the background ones especially. It's the same vibe now, I think if it's gonna be this long, it gotta have some beat change, though that's the point that it's same, and not progressive for no reason. Liking it less, but still jazz is jazzing.
5th song, slow start, but it got fast with that one instrument with the dramatic sound. I think I'm just not in the mood for this, I'll continue listening later, I wanna dance to this and I'm in bed, so will do this tomorrow. I'm back, and Imma start with the next song instantly
6th song, typical loud start. It's vintage, and I definitely feel the big band vibe. Would be definitely used of Pink Panther, or such kind of stuff, orr I also remember this vibe from the old moviess. Ohh right, Merilyn Monroe would sing to this perfectly. I'm getting it, and this could be my jazz awakening. Imagine if there were transitions, and the whole album was just one big song.
7th song, same kind of start, and it's going well, oh piano wasn't used in the last song, good to hear it again. The solo of the saxophone is the best part here, more consistent and less chaotic, butt I do like the chaos here, just it's not the best. It's getting faster and funkier, loving that. I think I've said this, but if I didn't, I need a version of this album with vocalss, would fit the vibe and make it more interesting, but I also want this.
8th song, slightly longer it is. Piano solo now. The start was loud as I remember, mix of instruments and went into the piano, and it's still playing beautifully. I think if this is nostalgic to someone, they experience this album in a much better way, like knowing what the next notes and instruments are gonna be, first listen is just not it. This one is less chaotic.
9th song, oooh this is a fancy start. This is quite more chill and dinnery. No random outbursts of the instruments, which idk if it's good or not, but it's definitely different. Ohh nvm outburst came in and it lasted longg. The piano is the best part here. I'm not impressed by this as much.
10th song, piano start and only piano for now. I hear the drum like sound in the background. Oooh saxophones came in (dunno the names of that instrument types so). The solo is great, not, per se, unique, but it's something, especially with the drums. Whole orchestra came in. This didn't stand out I must say.
11th song, oh it's melancholic for the first time. No piano here. It's quite slow, and the way they play is giving something. Charlie Chaplin's sad parts of the movie vibe, like him just walking, because something happened to him that made him feel down yk. Now this one didn't have any outbursts, also it stand out, because it was the most different one.
Well even though I am not exactly WOWed rn, I like jazz, and this old way of jazzing especially by a big band is giving, I can't rate this 3 stars, it's too Goldie oldie yk, but it's not perfect, soo 4 stars is the best solution here. This is either an amazing background album, or a dance one.
Feb 21 2024
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David Bowie
I LOVEE BOWIE. Though I haven't listened to an album fully I always liked his style, sadly or not I know only sound and vision from this album and even that is from 2017 remaster, I'm gonna try the 1999(this) remaster, because it might sound better, I will maybe listen to the 2017 one to compare idk.
First song, loud and fast paced start with the instruments. It is progressing, and I'm loving that. I like the unique melody he creates here. I think it's the interlude intro so, that is just repeating over and over, until it progresses. Is there a transition? This was quite nice, I hope that it's not mostly instrumental, but I don't mind that either.
Second song, short it is. I like his voice here, it's raspy(?). The lyrical delivery is fun too. The instruments are in great fusion, guitar on the left and drums on the right, I think.
Third song, finally a full song. Ohhh I love his voice here. It's chaotic with the guitar, and some instrument on the right. It's so fast, it's already a instrumental break, ohh I loved that guitar slamming. It's going veeery good. It's fun, I suppose catchy too. Next ones better be better than this.
4th song, not much lyrics here, but the song is 3 minutes, which is the longest he has done here for now. Pardon me, he moaned rn, he did it again. The "doo doo"s came in. Ohh he has a deep voice now. I love that sound in the left side, it sounds like fire burnt out, but repeating that sound once in a while, that's the best part here. OMG I'M SO DUMB, THIS IS THE SONG I KNOW, I haven't listened to it for a long time I forgot, and I was too caught up writing here to realise what I was listening too, well definitely good it was.
5th song, this one's more glam rock. It's progressive a little. The instrumental break is faster than the way he said lyrics before it. The drum beat is basic, but catchy. It's mostly guitar here, but it's vibey. The outros here were, as usual, the songs slowly fading.
6th song, oooh a little faster this one is. The pre chorus is catchy, nvm THE chorus is catchier, or is it verse, I'm confused, but I know that I mean so. Half the song is instrumental I think. It ended on the best lyrical delivery, I wish that continued.
7th song, spooky and downtempo start. It got progressive and now many instruments create an ordered chaos, I hear Bob Dylan's magic instrument here(flute(?)). Now it's only beat, with some violin like sound. And the chaos comes back again, it's giving western, but if it was a happy place. This song has the best instrumentals in my opinion, it was funky, fun, kind of ghostly too at the start.
8th song, ohhh 6 minutes, and it's instrumental choir rn. There is a weird alien like sound of an instrument. It's getting vikingy. Violin came in, nice touch, love that. It's spooky and a veery fascinating intro, wonder how he says the lyrics. It's permanent wave now, but I still like that longness, it's melancholic too, there could be a meaning behind this, but lazy to check it. Ohh the lion king scar sounds. Then he sang in a different language operatically. Now a woman voice, a vocalist she is, and from some culture I don't recognise, it's gypsy vibes low key. The growling voice was fantastic. Now they're gone and back to melancholia. Felt like a movie scene, after some dramatic thing happened. Impressive I'd say at the end.
9th song, weird space like sounds, I do love those. What is this instrument, also the constant beat that thing is making in the background. Mischievous vibes, but also not, because it's quite slow and not that villainy. Another constant sound came in, it progressed, it got downtempo and isn't the main attraction anymore. Pink Floyd vibes, if only it was a transition too.
10th song, it's an instrumental, I do wonder that the original song is with lyrics, because I LOVEE THE INSTRUMENTAL FUSION HERE, it's kinda giving Björk. Fully different sounds this one has, it's childish in the best way possible. The constant beat that I hear from right and left are perfect. Operatic vocals came in, and it's folky now, whistle sound has been going on for a looong time now. This just seems artistic, idk in what way though. Pluss it's quite unique with the flow of the sounds.
11th song, the vibe is veery different from what is was before, which was rock and roll mostly, now it feels like another album. This one's long too. The mentioned lion king scar voice returned in an opera way. Ohh the jazz I hear now, why would he do that only now. This is, not as a degradation, a background music, I would use for when I'm doing something that needs concentrating yk. The lyrics came in, and it's very folky and vikingy, if only there was this constant growl, then that would be more like it, but this is more Bowie cored. Outro is jazz mostly, nevermind Scar came back.
I'm very confused, I didn't expect this from Bowie, the too much monotonousness, though I was gonna rate this 4 stars, since it's Bowie, and I love her, I'm gonna be subjective and give him 5 stars. I'm sure there'll be other albums of him here, can't wait for that.
Feb 22 2024
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ALREADY 5 STARS, ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BANDS, WHO I LOVEE, FROM MY CHILDHOOD TO THIS DAY. Literally, I've heard a lot of them, Beatles, deep purple, Queen, and many others when I was a child, ABBA is simply THAT group. I am a gradual adder of songs so I don't know all of their songs(I know about 90 or more), so I don't know only three songs here, others are bangers, however, my upcoming review of each song will be as objective as I can(or not).
First song, I LOVEE THIS SONG, probably will say that about each of them tbh. It starts slow and then transforms into a wholly fun and boogie experience, when I first heard this, I was really feeling the energy, it's just perfect, even if the lyrics are a little weird, thoughh I know it by heart, and it's not that bad when I've already sang it out loud a lot. I love the after chorus slow down, it's getting back to how it started. THE INTRO IS SOO GOOD TOO, like much different from the whole song, but it's just fun in the best way possible. I would talk more, but I'd rather dance and sing with them.
Second song, THE CLASSIC OLD GOLD SONG, it may be overplayed, but it's one of the best songs one could hear, and a great start for a non-ABBA fan. Also the lyrics of this are quite depressing in a way, because they are basically indicating that they are no longer dancing queens and are watching that one girl, so it's all about perspective, but it's all in my opinion and what I've heard online. In the last chorus they sing it more passionately and I LOVEEE THAT. Also every song at the end fades away, as it is expected from this time.
Third song, ohh I don't know this one, I'm adding it to my Spotify liked songs tho. It's quite slow for now. I love her vocals here. The chorus is gonna be very good I sense it, oooo it transitioned into it very well. This is all the way slow, I mean I wouldn't expect if they just made this disco after the intro yk. This is underrated tbh, it's like transcending in a way. It's quite melancholic and I'm here for it.
4th song, OOOH ONE OF MY FAVS, this is a horny song for me. She sings about a man who plays his violin and she wishes she was that violin, as in to be close to him in a way. Silly little song this is, plus it's catchy and just I could not not love this. Also the instrumentalss, abba just does them in a very good unique way.
5th song, NOW THIS IS MY JAMM, it's my childhood song too, when that chorus instrumental hits, I go back to my house when I was dancing with my family in the living room with the speaker all the way up, thing is I'm not even old. THE WHISPERING, ONE OF THE BEST PARTS HERE. The ending of the second verse is sooo good and the lyrical delivery is perfect. I also love that Björn and Benny are here too, they rarely show up so. This is so sad lyrically, yet It's so disco cored, and danceable as fuck. That guitar riff at the end is also very memorable for me. JUSTT PERFECT.
6TH SONG, WHO DOESN'T KNOW THIS SONG, it's soo catchy, the instrumentals, the lyrics. I've played this song over and over too much for as long as I'm alive. I wish there were more songs like this from other artists(there probably are but still, like this mischievous vibey one). Just before the last chorus comes in there is this beat drop, I ADORE AND LIVE FOR IT, plus the outro has that kind of vibe too. I will always love this album with all my heart(not only this one though.
7th song, weird thing that this has no chorus, yet it's veeery catchy and monotonous yet progressive in a way. THE BRIDGE IS SOOO MAGNIFICENT. I love how melancholic the instrumentals can get if you pay attention, like at the end after she repeats carrie thing, it gets kinda sad, additionally the outro has the same thing injected in it. Basicallyyy I was also addicted to this song.
8th song, EVERYONE SINGS HERE, I love that about it. Also I love the lyrical delivery of "I only wanted a little love affair" it scratches my brain every time I hear it. I so know these lyrics too. Its instrumentals are unique to me also.
9th song, LOVE THE VOCALS HERE. The lyrics are literally about a tiger, unless there's a deep meaning in it. I love the changes in this song, it's fast and all mostly, then there's this post-chorus, which is much slower and idk why I couldn't remember those lyrics. Love love the Outro of vocalss.
10th song, first time hearing this. Ohh it's an instrumental. Well it's very ABBA. It's so Swedishh, that instrument, idk how to say it in English, is definitely the main attraction here. The vocals are a nice touch too. It's also quite melancholic in its fashion.
11th song, SUCH NOSTALGIAAA. I love the chorus here, but the build-up with the verse is also quite amazing. The vocals are astounding to me, the angelic voices of them is just too good for this world. Apparently this is Anni-Frid's solo song which then appeared here, I do listen to both Agnetha's and Frida's solo songs, I just love their voices too much.
12th song, also first time hearing this. OUUU I LOVED THAT BEAT CHANGE. IT'S SO ABBA, OH MY GOD IT'S "why did it have to be me". I DIDN'T KNOW I WOULD LOVE THAT SONG EVEN MORE, but a whole different lyrics, I'm amazed. Plus it has summer vibes, makes it much better too. This actually shouldn't be on arrival, the song I mentioned replaced this, but I'm very glad I found this, it's a gem indeed. Oh the outro is instrumental, which is rare from ABBA.
I AM IN LOVE WITH ABBA EVEN MORE. I've never listened to the whole of their album, but I have listened to them this much time just chose what I wanted to play most of the time. Anywayyy as I said 5 stars, and I'm gonna rate many of my favourite groups like this without no question.
Feb 23 2024
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Le Tigre
Le Tigre
LOVEE THE COVER. I don't know that on the left side is, but it seems artistic, plus them being on the right, as if I bought that yellow thing and their faces came along with it. It's punk rock as I've checked so I might not find it as fun as I think, but I'm with an open mind.
First song, Oh what a familiar start, I've heard it somewhere. Oh the voice is like Kate Bush almost, but it's more rocky. I think it's a boy singing, so he screamed for a moment. OMG I'VE HEARD THAT INSTRUMENTAL RIFF SOMEWHERE. Ohh the first part got extended now. Outro is quite weird, but I love it.
Second song, what a funky start. It's veery chaotic, I love it, I mean there's two voices colliding. He should scream more, it fits the vibe. The guitar is giving. It's getting kind of repetitive, I was more impressed at start. Ohh SO NEVERMIND THIS IS MADONNA'S VOGUE CORED SAYING THE NAMES, WHO INSPIRED THEM, SUCH FUN. Didn't expect this tbh.
Third song, talking hmm. It's progressive, but in a different way. I love this so much. It's unique, like not some basic rock, it's the way they sing, and background instruments deliver. What are these dog sounds at the end.
4th song, he is low key screaming here, and barely can hear any words. They love adding a background voice when he's singing. Another chaotic song tbh. This was as well different from what I've heard ever, I mean I have, but Le Tigre just does it better.
5th song, some talking at the start. I don't think it's a boy now, pardon me. She sings less chaotically, but there's this beat that is louder than her. I'm not getting the vibe here. I love that instrument, which is the best part here, but otherwise it's... Umm I'm kinda liking this now that I'm listening to it. It was monotonous too much I'd say. Breaking glass sound at the end.
6th song, Depeche Mode vibes. It's melancholic in a way. Instruments are louder than her, even when she's singing. I'm not impressed, but I love that background sound of that guitar, the one that was at the start. Mother Mother has this vibe, I think. Quite nice, I'm loving this experience so far.
7th song, a much fast paced start. It's definitely a girl singing. It's progressive, there are so many weird sounds here, that makes it much better, rather than basic rock songs as I've said already. The instrumental break was short, but it was giving, now the outro, it's too good.
8th song, Ooo the funkiness here is quite nice. Definitely a bop, the lyrical delivery is just amazing. I'm in love with this artist, they bring these rebel-like songs, which just makes me take a different look at other music.
9th song, I LOVE THE START. It's not going as good as I want it to. This better get more interesting than this, it's too permanent wave rn. Well I guess that's the whole song, well I expected more. The instrumental break is nice, but in the overall sense boring(it was short too so can't really judge it). This is a no for me.
10th song, vibey start. Weird sounds as always. It has a hip hop beat almost. WHO IS THIS MAN. Oh the whole song is that, instrumental then it stops and men talks, which is a sample, but it actually happened, and then instrumental again. Oh they used song when they were presenting a slideshow, makes sense now. I'm weirded out by those glass breaking sounds.
11th song, it's a dramatic sound. Ooo I love this kind of lyrics, just saying things. I LOVE THE MEANING OF THIS, it's them making fun of someone who thinks that things she is saying about him is interesting, but it ain't. This is very rare for me to check the meanings, but this artist is just asking for it. Also she has a bored voice here on purpose, love that.
12th song, quite a different vibe. Mmm I'm not impressed. The chorus isn't chorusing. Though this has a Björk vibe in a way, which I like, but I need more from them now that I've seen their best songs. Oh that was the last song, welll I wanted moreee.
Directly gonna say that it was a 5 star album, even though some tracks were not as good, some were too good and unique. I just like things that sound and seem more artistic in a way yk, this has that vibe, so I feel like maximum rating is fair.
Feb 24 2024
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LOVEE THE BEATLES, MY ANOTHER CHILDHOOD BAND. I've never listened to this album fully, and not know many of the songs either, so this'll be a fresh experience, can't waitt.
First song, counting it started with. It's quite like them now. I like the loud guitar. They did the chorus quite early. Ooo I like that part, "car (Car)", it's catchy. It's kind of repetitive tho, I hope the whole album isn't like this, because I want more uniqueness from them. The break was fun, but short. Overall I like this powerful rock vibe, just next must be more.
Second song, OOOOUU THIS IS THEE SONG RIGHT HERE. No one dare call this a tiktok song, it was perfect before it too. It's quite melancholic and the slight violin is great. Quite different from the last song.
Third song, this is another level good. I like the lyrical delivery. The instrumental break, oh mistaken, there was not that, it was just a pause apparently. The Beatles weirdness came in, it sounded like a guitar which plays backwards. The background vocals are a nice touch I must say. I liked this more than the first one.
The 4th song, I know this one, the first Asian like beat is very unexpected from them I think, so that hooked me once I suppose. Also songs are quite short. That beat is the main part here, and he's singing in the tone. The break was the extended version of the starting beat (idk the instrument pardonn). The outro is finally an outro, oh it's getting progressive, aand it faded away.
The 5th song, different voice he has here, more soft and melancholic. I like this the best here. The way he says the lyrics attracts my ears. The guitar isn't really important, but there's this one note it's taking loudly, otherwise it's insignificant.
The 6th song, OHH ANOTHER THE SONG, my childhood is upon me with this one I must say. It's very ear pleasing. Bird like sound I heard. That slight trumpet is so good and underused here. That talking of some captain always scratched my brain in a bad way. I LOVE THAT GUY WHO REPEATS AFTER THEM, HIS VOICE I LIKE MAYBE.
The 7th song, chaotic guitar. There are short breaks after some lines. The singing is nice, though I'm not hooked, I'm too used to their voice not to like it. The vocals throughout the album weren't much, but the ones that were were quite remarkable.
The 8th song, oh the guitar is guitaring here, ohh I thought this was gonna be sad, but it's not. Ooh it's funn, the way he sings. The piano is veeery addictive here. The title repeating is the worst part, other ones were much more catchy and interesting.
The 9th song, upbeat start, "you don't get me" the second he said sounded better like lyrically, because he did emphasis on "me", I think. Outro is different with that weird instrument, otherwise the song was fine, It's definitely a grower.
The 10th song, veeery short this one. The break is melancholic in a way. It's sad overall too, though there's this upbeat guitar. It should have been longer, I can't enjoy short songs, because I can't get to know them well.
The 11th song, It is very Beatles like this one. The guitar is the best part here, it drops the beat(dunno other way to say that) just before he says "doctor Robert" and it's too good. I usually talk a lot, but the shortness of the song limits me.
The 12th song, the piano guitar fusion is quite interesting here. I'm not impressed tbh, this should be either longer or catchier, because the only thing I like here is their voice and the instruments, I dunno what else there should be, but it ain't for me for now.
The 13th song, rumba vibes at start, now this is fun and fascinating. The trombone thingy is veery good here. It's upbeat, but much better than that tbh. The break was the same instrumentals just without the lyrics. I like his screaming here, not a metal scream though. The outro gets funkier and fades away.
The 14th song, the start hooked me, and it's going well now. 3 minutes this one is, the longest I think, mistaken 3rd and 4th songs are 3 minutes too. Well outro is something, repeating, which was enjoyable this time. Only the start was spectacular here tbh.
Well, despite my criticism I was gonna give this 4 stars, but since it's The Beatles, one of my favourite groups, I give it 5, I know one day I'll love this song, so I'm getting ahead of myself, it's definitely a grower and soon enough, as with other albums here, I will come and check it again.
Feb 25 2024
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Never heard of them, but they seem rocky. What type of gen z name is that, I know it has a different meaning but like "slayed?", they really must slay just because of being that cunty. Anyway starting off with
First song, they are rock, but it started off with them screaming already. It's fun, I like the energy they bring, the verse was better than the chorus. It's quite basic tho I must say, howeverr, this is such a karaoke like song, knowing the lyrics and head banging uncontrollably to it too. Overall I'm not impressed yet.
Second song, this one had a Beatles vibe definitely, just it's too hard. It started off in an interesting way. I don't like their voice, but I appreciate the effort they put into this. The instrumental break is so dad rock, it went on perfectly too. Their live concert must have been full of energy. I liked the screaming here. Outro made the song fade away. I'm not feeling this, because there are too many bands like this already, but in their time, it must have been something unique.
It's the kind of songs that you need to know from your childhood to actually like it, I love many Beatles songs because they are nostalgic to me.
Third song, this one's less screamy, and I guess that's better. The instrumental break is the best part here. The "la la"s are not as good as expected, though it's something different so I'll take it. It's not catchy, but I'm not annoyed either.It's not necessarily bad, I would never want to listen to this again tho. Pixes vibe, just realised, with those screams.
4th song, the start is quite energetic, and it goes with that beat whole song I assume. Not many lyrics. It sounds the same, it's expected though. "'appen" first time hearing happen said like that. Lyrics are basically done and only instrumentals are gonna be next I guess. I was mistaken, Spotify just didn't put other lyrics, because they repeat I think. The instrumentals were the best part, still I'm not entertained enough.
5th song, OOOH I WAS GONNA SAY IN THE LAST SONG IT HAS JANIS JOPLIN VIBE, AND NOW HER COVER. I've listened to Janis's album, and it was soo good, but Slade doesn't have the voice I liked in there, though the album has Janis injected into it. I very much prefer Janis's one still, her voice is just differently good for me.
This type of thing happened when I found out Bob Dylan is the original singer of "make you feel my love", I only knew Adele sang it.
6th song, classy start, almost typical. Beatles vibe, with those lyrical delivery. This one's interesting, I like it more than others. Chorus is the best part here. The verses are fine, especially that "T'Jane" pronunciation. It faded away. Well this one is the best one here for now.
7th song, hard start. Verse is goood, it's Beatles, but screamy. The beat behind is so fun to pay attention to. The "bye bye" part is so weirdly put in. They mentioned the word "Gudbye" in two songs already, they do love wordplay in their way. The second half of the song, is basically the same, but there is this instrumental break, and more chorus. Well I do love the almost overpowering lyrics here.
8th song, doesn't sound any different. The last two songs did. Chorus is not for me. The second verse has this clap sound, and it fits quite well, that's the best part here too. Chorus for choiry now. I'm not moved.
9th song, it's slow, almost arctic monkeys' vibe. I'm kinda sick of this, and I can't even dance to it, to make this less boring. Imma listen to this tomorrow then.
10th song, I'm starting fresh. That scratchy voice is interesting almost like Janis Joplin, but a man. The instrumental break is loud, but in a good way. It's not Dion bad at least, it's just something I wouldn't listen to again. They can do better than this.
11th song, the verse and the intro are quite basic, but there is this intonation change I like. Now the chorus is catchy and rhymey. Interesting lyrics in a way. The post-chorus is veery fun. This was one of the best because of the chorus.
12th song, I fell asleep, it is mostly instrumental, but when it wasn't it was an usual rockish song, not amazed by lyrics or production.
13th song, it's too slow, I can say that definitely. The instrumental break is melancholic, but in a guitar way. Sounds like a ballad, not bad because of that, it's just insufferable for me right now. I say that I prefer fast and energetic ones here.
14th song, ohh this one has the energy absolutely. The chorus sounded like a verse for a second. Even though the name of it is quite attractive, it isn't as good as I wanted it to be. Guitar was the best part, the voice already is getting on my nerves, I need another perspective for this album, like I have to see this songs somewhere else and then I'll realise if they're actually good, I'm too objective now that is.
15th song, forgot to say stuff about it. I don't really have anything else to say. Everything is quite the same even in this song. The name is quirky, but not the song surely. I like the guitar only here, again.
16th song, I think these are those expanded version songs. This one's melody sounds like SpongeBob. Oh this is definitely not their style, I love this. It's jazzy, but like Broadway cored. He isn't screaming and making just pure noise. This is the best song yet, I just realised that the rockishness was the thing that annoyed me. The violin is doing its jobb. It's so simple, yet fun.
17th song, and the best vibe is gone. It was screaming, but now there's this talking, which I didn't expect at all, it decreases the volume of the song. There is two songs in this because of that "/". It's actually him talking, I prefer him screaming without the instruments, much more powerful. This song has changed its course 3 times already, I love it. Slow, talking, fast, instruments, screaming, I wonder what's next. They're thanking us, basically this is credits as if it was a film. Thing is I consider this as the most diverse song here. It's instruments now only, mostly guitar, oh the voice came in. Basically that's it I think, Imma just finaaaly rate this.
I was gonna give this 3 stars, because nothing happened really, but because I like the genre and their energy, and especially those last two songs made me go with 4 stars, there might not be much reasons for it, but I potential in them
Feb 26 2024
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The Cult
Slightly heard of them, I expect some generic hard rock, but if there something unique in it I will see. I'm thinking of listening to albums twice, before I rate them, because first listen isn't fulfilling, but idk about that yet. (I didn't do that(future me))
First song, male vocalist I see. Already feel the hard rock pumping. It feels like the guitar is doing the same thing, I mean it's permanent wave. I like his emphasized vocal delivery. The production exists with that clinking sound when chorus(?) comes in. I see a woman in the cover, she better sing too. Also the cover is weirdly satisfying to look at. I want more lyrics.
Second song, almost same vibe, but the drums are more superior. Higher vocals and longer too. He talked fast there, if he could keep that up almost to rap, would have been nice, but that's linkin park. Long outro. Ooh riffiing was too good in the background. That mumbling baby, though vocally high, was amazing, I think bridge. Dramatic finish off, and I was wrong about it being an outro fully at the end.
Third song, seems catchy. The guitar is the best between the songs I've listened. The progression when the chorus starts is remarkable. Solo is just a without-vocal version of instrumentals, nevermind the riff came in. Too much lyrical repeating, at this point I can only like his voice.
Fourth song, aphrodisiac, I've heard that word in another song today, dk which. As a lover of rock, I don't find this different from other songs in the genre, as in it doesn't give me something new or remotely catchy, nevertheless I would bang my head to this if it came up. I wonder if I should also see the visuals to this, seems funner. There's three videos, but I've missed two of them already basically. Well I'll watch em later.
Fifth song, production is quite good I can everything clearly and in a very satisfying way. velvet underground let the girl sing in one of their albums once, I want the same here. Particularly the song isn't drastically different from other ones, if we forget the lyrics.
Sixth song, energetic start. I don't find lyrics my style, idk what that means exactly, but there are some lyrics that I can sing and feel like a different or me character, this one's none, or I'm just not understanding them. Solo is soloing, kinda scratched my ears. The "ow"s are too good.
Seventh song, another song about the devil, might be about something else symbolically. I do like that they don't feel restricted in that matter. Oh wow that solo ending BAM BAM BAAM, reaaaly enjoyed that. Added this to my playlist.
8th song, this is one of the most popular of the album. The classic start of the drummer. It ain't as good I thought it would be. Solo is amazing, but it doesn't stand out.
9th song, catchyy. His delivery is different here I like it more. The after chorus drum Bamming is lovely. What a long solo. Forgot to say before he's screaming a lot, and he's got the vocals for it in a hard rock way though. Nothing beats that 7th song pause-everything-Bam-the-drums moment yet.
10th song, energetic again. Rough vocal start. I don't know what more to say about these songs. They're good, however, they're too many of them already. I like the almost transitions in a way that the energy never stops.
11th song, I like the drums, the background ones. Loooong solo, and I'm kind of sick of it already. It's progressive in some parts, but the tempo stays the same, it's almost too annoying.
I've heard no chorus or bridge that was mesmerising, nor the lyrics that I would want to repeat, they didn't let the girl sing. Howeveer I like hard rock and I can see the work, just not my everyday vibe I suppose. So I give this 3 stars for being too repetitive, but not boring.
Feb 27 2024
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The World is a Ghetto
Seems funky from the album cover, I feel like every song is gonna sound the same, but I like the vibe of funk and soul. I want there to be something more than just basic funkyness, but not sure there'll be.
First song, I don't like his voice. The sound is fun, I feel like the headphones would be more enjoyable since I hear sound coming from both sides differently. One line is being repeated twice, soo not much lyrics. Ohh the rock part came in, this is the most listened song, so objectively this is the best song. I can hear the jazz, there was rock, reggae is low-key in the game too, I love the genre bending, but it's too permanent wave.
Second song, this is a much better sound sonically. The voice is much better and the delivery too. More dancey. Ooooh church vibes with that repeating in group, gospel I mean. The instruments are too good. There better be better songs than this, cause this was amazing, plus the beat is a walk-beat and I love those.
Third song, 13 fucking minutes, and there's no lyrics? Just the day before yesterday I was searching for a long jazzy vibed song like Shakey Jake, and this is it. OOOOH THE PROGRESSION, it's more fastbeat, but also mellow, looove that. It's getting more upbeat by each second. It's mostly jazzy, though I can feel the funk with the backup instruments. Half the song passed and another instrument came, jazz is gone and it's fully funk, I think it's keyboard. It was an interlude vibe after that, no dominant instruments. There was little drum noise and a random whistle. At the very end it's very slow, almost intimate. It's an electric guitar I think. It's getting progressive, but stayed sad. This was funn, but I need tha lyrics.
Fourth song, country vibes already. Weird fucking instrument played a little and scratched my brain. It's down tempo for now. Gospel came in with the ooo or is it zoom, nope only now they said zoom. Kinda funny delivery. Everyone is singing not sure tho. This is not as good as the others, because it's slow and, wait he's talking I like that voice, well what was I saying was that after the last song I'm in no mood of slowness, plus sonically it's basic. Vocals of that one guy are giving. It's a solo singing now, like his voice, those vocals I mentioned might be his. Basically not amazed, and honestly didn't like it as much.
Fifth song, also sad vibed. Nevermind jazz came in and it's upbeat now, though the beat isn't suggesting that. He was singing and the adlibs came way too well, their delivery is great. Ohhh nah I gotta repeat the delivery of the lyrics is tooo good. While sonically it's not what I want, otherwise it's worth being added to my playlist. I can't express the lyrical goodness of this, this is the second best song here, because the second song was too good music wise.
Sixth song, gospel start. Instrumentally it's only funk for now. Don't really like it, however, it's danceable. Keyboard is satisfyingly playing. It got progressively at the end, but overall not a big deal, as the song before for example.
All and all I think 4 stars is the right choice, I would give 5 if all the songs had the catchyness and both lyrical and sonical goodness. I expected way less than this, though I'm not surprised that I like a funky album.
Feb 28 2024
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Black Flag
Definitely a metal or a rock band, based on the album cover. Oops it's punk, that's a difference, but I mean they are quite alike. I expect that songs are gonna sound the same, it's gonna be hardcore, aand I don't think I'll like the songs, although I want to.
First song, already hard start. Lyrical delivery is punky. It's a rebel song I think. I liked this more than I could imagine. I basically know the lyrics now. It's too short tho, that's the only problem. I never really liked punk, but this is giving.
Second song, 33 seconds? And no transition weiiird. I do like that they have their own way of singing, it's noticeable iykyk.
Third song, ooh he's talking. NO FUCKING WAY "I GOT A SIX PACK AND I DONT NEED YOU" that's funny as fuck wtf. Waittt I thought six pack is muscles on the stomach, but it's a drinking thing, even better, now I feel dumb, but still. Ohh six pack as in six beer bottles in that basket thingy, right?! Too good of a song, I mean it has something in it.
Fourth song, these are tooo fucking short. Love the energy. Lyrics are giving in a way but as much as before. His voice is weirdly bad and enjoyable at the same time, like the way he spits during some words is determination. Can't really talk much I wanna hear the next song, but this is goooood.
Fifth song, 3 minutes is a lot for them. What is that lyrical delivery. This feels comic. This is unfunny funny. Introvert ass song. The group singing is amazing, the way they say those lyrics is differently fun. I am entertained. Wtf is that ending I love it.
Sixth song, same vibe, but now it's dark lyrically. Not as good as the last song, but I'll take it, plus this is short, which is the right choice. Not amazed I want more from the lyrics.
Seventh song, this is about the police. Not what I want. Sonically they all sound the same so can't say anything new. And lyrically it's not fun, but dark again I guess.
Eighth song, funny start in a way. I liked the sudden stop at the end and repeating the same shit. Problems that can be solved without an atom bomb, real. I liked this more than the last two, but not worth it still.
Ninth song, these ARE dark, but not extremely. It's just they're not about love and those kinda stuff, which is good, buttt they have a funny side and they should use it more.
10th song, again same instrumental use, and not what I want from them. I liked that one part in the lyrics, but that's it. It's a short one too, as expected. It should get better than this, at least that's what I want.
11th song, too much repetitive lyrics. I was so gonna rate this higher, but they didn't keep it up. Maybe some time later I will relate to the lyrics and then like it. Longer than usual, but not for the right song. Btw songs stop very fast like too quickly no slow down and stop.
12th song, I like the slow progressive start. Not the good continuation I wanted. Love the way he repeats no more. Ain't no other goin on here tbh. Just needs a little guidance.
13th song, love the way he says maniacs. Sonically same. Lotta fast talking. Still not giving me what I want. Their other albums look sooo funny. Wanna listen to them, but not sure if they're actually good.
14th song, I'm kinda sick of this, it's too same, and the only thing that can fix this are tgr the lyrics, which ain't giving anymore. This one's about love I think. He started talking then almost another song, but stopped instantly.
15th song, he talked again, but not much. Dunno why damage II is the first in the album and this one second, plus there'll be no transition I'm sure. I feel like I need to be depressed to understand this fully. This guy was bullied by his father, I wasn't (just mostly ignored I guess).
Basically, I'm disappointed, I'd rate this 3 because of how much not so good songs were in it. Buuut those three songs and the fact that I may just need a little understanding, makes me rate it 4. It has a potential, and I didn't not like it. It just needs a second listen to get through the lyrics and make the sonical part nostalgic or something.
Feb 29 2024
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The Suburbs
Arcade Fire
WOOOW ARCADE FIREE I LOVE THISS. I listened to this album some days ago, because I also have some albums I was interested in and this was one of them, buut listened to the deluxe version, now I can officially listen and rate it, such fun. Oh and forgot to say, it is a great album, I liked their style before listening to the album too soo.
First song, that first note is sooo nostalgic I'm quite young, but this somehow makes me even more young. I don't even wanna write rn just want to listen to it. It's soo good. They put some drug in it. The beat the mellowness it's too much. I'm not even depressed or sad at all, but this a main character looking out of the train vibe song.
Second song, THE FUCKING TRANSITION HERE IS TOO GOOD. That background keyboard vibe note is nostalgic too. The guitar and drum beat is making this thrive. This is edging me because chorus isn't coming, but it feels like it should. The slow down is a great way for the epic finale fot this song, btw I haven't listened to this album for a while.
Third song, this is much more mellow. Guitar is giving. I don't know what to say, it just scartched my brain in the right parts and makes me sad even when I'm not as I've said. The production is top tier for me. Not sure what it is about tho.
Fourth song, this one has funny lyrical meaning, lazy to write it, plus I don't remember it well. Love the way he says rococo. His voice is also verry touching dunno why. That violin thingy is the main part at the end and I love it.
Fifth song, the start is loud af. The girl is singing too here. It was mostly her, barely heard him. Still don't know what to say it's just unexplainably amazing to listen to. The production elements which make it even more melancholic, makes me want to be in song literally.
Sixth song, there was a transition, a veery good one. Clapping sound is well put here. I don't like this one as much tbh. Except that beat that matched my walking tempo.
Seventh song and eighth song, it sounds the same, and I'm kinda bored, but that's because I have nothing else that I want to do so it just affects this too. I drove off mentally so I don't remember how good it was, but the transition to the 8th song is greaat. I forgot to note down, because I liked it too much.
Eighth song, it's mellow than ever. I can hear that not only he's singing in some parts. Approximately at the half of the song, there is a beat change that upbeats it, but it downs after some time. It's getting progressive as fuck love that.
Ninth song, I don't fucking know what to say about these ughh, it's just giving it's talking to me. The instruments the voice the lyrics are fine and what I want from an album that's it.
10th song, one of the rare upbeat and hard rock songs I've heard from them. Loved that stop after saying "tight". Same shit same goodness. I feel bad for writing and not listening fully, plus I'm thinking about writing more than enjoying, well I'm doing this because I wanna come back and be like, that's what I was thinking, and I hope I won't blame myself for talking less.
11th song, another great transition the deluxe version has a different song and less listens too. Loooovely. Oh wait it wasn't a transition I just have a cross turned on Spotify, and that made it transition because it played the original version(cross happens when album list gets fucked iykyk).
12th song, the piano is the best part here. Guitar is equally good especially that solo part. It's not as good, but I can feel why would I listen to this in the future. Feel like listening to this album too many times makes it lose its effect, I need this after one year to remember this exact moment.
13th song, piano start, and it continues playing, love its beat. It goes the same way with some rock parts. The finale is epic not as an adjective way, but as in like epic classical music yk, like that.
14th song, another transition, mirroring pink Floyd quite well. Not really liking this, maybe because it's an intro to sprawl II. It was slow and almost uninteresting.
15th song, now this one's just catchy. The girl is singing, and the instruments are doing their best job. Lyrical delivery is good too. I'm watching the music video too, and it's something, the costume choices and some parts in it are quite weird.
16th song, even more nostalgic version of the suburbs. I mean this is the only way to fulfill my love for this song, by listening to even sadder version of it. And that's it, even though I want more.
Instantly a 5 star album, if that wasn't already obvious. Thing is there were some songs that felt like a filler, but I love this band too much to take that as a way to take away star. I will not listen to this much, because magic will be ruined, however, I love their style. And oh there is a biiig gap between the opening line and when I actually listened to this.
Mar 01 2024
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Songs Of Love And Hate
Leonard Cohen
I looove Leonard Cohen his voice and style iss insanely good. I only know one song from this album, but I'm sure this is already one of the best albums I'll listen here. It'll be sad, and I'm not sad, so I might not like it rn, but Cohen is too familiar and nostalgic not to like him.
First song, fast guitar start, that is still going on with Leo's singing. This is quite an early era I think, so his voice is less raspy maybe. The lyrical mastermindness is a lot here, plus apparently this is based on a poem with almost a same name. And this is God talking as someone said. His vocals are unique too.
Second song, no upbeat guitar, but it's still there blantly. There was no pause between the singing that lasted long. He's vocalling every word like Rufus. I was right there is too much singing here, even Cohen thinks so. It's melancholic in a not boring way. I heard the children at some point, ohh again they appeared, love that touch. They're humming now.
Third song, much more upbeat guitar strumming than in the last song. He also sings faster, but not happier. Apparently this album didn't sell well, after Suzanne same vibe was expected, I think this one lacks something, but it's not bad. Children again, but they last very short. Songs are quite long, which is good, but they may be repetitive at some point, still his voice never gets boring.
Fourth song, fun beat I see. Another instrument appeared, actually there're two other than guitar. Finally women appearance vocal-wise, they always make the vibe much better. This is the first song with a real chorus I suppose. He does this almost angry voice emphasis at some points.
Fifth song, this one's again slow and sad aand shorter than usual 6 minutes. I don't like this one as much. Ohhh violins came into play. Guitar is making the same sound I think, I mean different from in the last song, but almost same in the first song. Violins volume increased, but they're gone now. Lyrically I used to dvelve into the songs, but now I'm lazy, though I'm not doing anything else, I just prefer to enjoy the artistry, which is quite a lot here.
Sixth song, one of the known songs by him. His voice echoes. Oh women appear with the "da-da". Lyrical delivery is good here, just before the first verse finishes. I agree with that man in the comments that this is a rainy weather album while being cozy in a bed and looking out the window, the main character with a bit of sadness. I didn't know he said "sincerely, L. Cohen" at the end.
Seventh song, he talked as if this was a live album. Upbeat melancholic beat. No good delivery, tho there is a little guitar progression at some points. Oh there was a baaad vocal at the end. It sounded quite same as the other songs. Except how it started, plus I don't know lyrics, so can't be sure how good this is objectively. The end is singing "lala", but loud and accompanied by the women. It got slower and less loud, but I guess the last two minutes is this going on. I actually like this part a lot. Ooo a clapping at the end.
Eighth song, he mentioned Joan of Arc in the previous song. Same vibe, but I hear the women vocalising. Yess another lalas with him and the women. I love that part it fills the song, and it's his style, buut verses ain't giving, without context it's just a bunch of yapping. There's also his echo sometimes ahead of his or after his singing.
This was what I expected in a good way of course, I have yet another album for when I'm feeling down. Obviously this is a 5 star album, that I will come back to in order to make this one of those nostalgic albums that get me back in time when I listen to them in the future.
Mar 02 2024
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Out Of The Blue
Electric Light Orchestra
I've heard of this, but only know Mr blue sky and other songs from other albums. I'm expecting a lot, since it's not gonna be basic rock or pop. Plus I'm in the mood of rock and a more upbeat sound in general.
First song, fun start. Broadway vibe with that background vocals. He has a good voice, not annoying. Production is giving. It got slow and no background. Tempo is up and clear again. This is brilliant in a way, other songs must be better than this tho. Chorus has an amazing lyrical delivery. Wtf was that Queen like fast talking, love that it's not fully permanent wave and things change quickly. I definitely see Beatles vibe, but chorus is giving ABBA. Ending is becoming epic(genre-wise) but it ended miserably.
Second song, got slow, I see Queen and Pink Floyd with that lyrical delivery. The beat came in and it's veeery good, but it's kinda sad. It's giving Arcade Fire, but kinda better. Chorus is too catchy with that piano especially. The instruments are very well and satisfyingly played. I'm amazed by the sound I just can't get enough of it. OOOH THAT PIANO SOLO. Someone said and yes this is so musical Pink Floyd. Ending is very quickly changed to dramatic sadness, loveee that.
Third song, back to mid century classical music with that start wtf. THE BACKGROUND VOICES ARE SO FUN. It's repetitive, but in a good way. Wasn't no quick changes in the song, but still one of the best for now. Nevermind it got slow at the end, but quickly beat came back.
Fourth song, love the start with that instrumental fusion. It was a weird intro vibe at the start, and then it opened and verse started in the best way possible. Instrumental pause was not good, but the second verse makes it up.
That violin is weirdly well put. Btw I get why this is not only rock, but pop, because of it being accessible in an easy way, or not.
Fifth song, movie start song vibes. That group singing is the best part in these songs. Chorus is giving Flight of the Conchords, idk why. What was that alien sound after the first verse, now lalalas and chorus again, rarely is that the case in songs. AAAAH THE CLASSICAL VIBE WITH THAT AFTER SECOND VERSE PART IS ADDICTIVE. Lyrical delivery is too well done in each song for now. Plane sounds at the end(?) war-like at least.
Sixth song, if only there were transition, I would LOOOOVE this. Amazing start and the beat here. It's slightly slower. The sudden pauses are unhinged(good way). Less likeable song subjectively. No experimentation here, worst song for now.
Seventh song, jungle start, oh fuck the name is jungle just realised. What is that beat it's tropical. MUUCH better than what I would have expected after the last song. It's cartoonish too. The chorus isss amazing and fits the vibe lyrically especially. Monkey sound was the one I could recognise from that chaos. At the end it weirdly stopped and a bell rang.
Eighth song, dramatic Pink Floyd vibes, especially with that first lyric. Second one echoed and was fine vocally weird. I love the violins here. Autotune I see. Better be a transition. There wasn't.
Ninth song, much calmer vibe. It has Starlight's style, it's slow, hope it doesn't last. I'm at the end of the song, and it wasn't what I wanted. Slow as fuck, no good chorus, or anything that is weirdly but well put in. Plus not feeling sad.
10th song, rain sounds. Instantly rock and storm. Autotune again, made me feel like storm talked to me. Biiig intro, but love it. Pause and Abba's-like production. Half the song passed and it just got better. Classical violin into play, but shortly. The fast talking is such a great part here.
11th song, fucking finally a transition between the songs. Feel like intro of this was a finale of the last song. This one's sad too. It's too long for it to give nothing. I heard the orchestra quite a lot here, but it's still not what I want, especially from them. I'm happy that all of them doesn't sound like this.
12th song, another transition lovely. This one's also not giving me what I want. It's not slow per se, but neither fun to listen to. There is a sound that must have been nostalgic if I listened to this year's ago. Oh shit shit it got real with that weirdness, but still not it.
13th song, OOOH been a long since I listened to this. It's as good as I remember. The lyrical delivery, solos, beat being walk-tempoed. Didn't remember the autotune here. Seems like a long outro. Opera women came in, oop men too. Whole beat change and now it's like a different song, only the start was nostalgic, did I never listen to this song fully? It's sad with the violins now. I like this about this band(?) the ever changing vibe.
14th song, this one seems badly slow. It kind of is. Beat isn't fun. Naah doesn't even compete with other songs. It's catchy, but not what I like from them. It only gets worse after this I suspect. Can't say anything more, it was just a good chorus.
15th song, OOH WEIRD ALIEN START. no lyrics? It's futuristic. I actually hear a whale sound, I think. Didn't expect a no lyrical song from them. Ooh best dropped and violin is slaying the scene. I feel like I'm underwater. It was repetitive, but it feels like a movie scene. Loved that they did this, I guess this qualifies as an interlude without the transition.
16th song, dramatic start. Nevermind it's upbeat now and Beatlesque. That instrument after he's done singing is very good, it doesn't last long tho. Solo is not as good. Verses aren't lyrically well delivered. The real solo isn't giving me what I want either. Too basic, feels like a filler song.
17th song, pardon me, but I can't take this slowness. Feels too basic again yk. Like I can find many music like this, but what they did before was an unique fusion. After that verse that solo of guitar and a piano(?) Just Wow. It got back to the same vibe, I must say I find this boring, I need to be depressed for this. Instruments are gone and it's a cappella now, that lasted shortly, and didn't really bring anything new. It's catchy instrumental-wise, but nothing else is as good.
18 and 19 songs aren't available, and they seem way less listened anyway.
20th song, different cover for some reason. This is catchy, but basic. This one is lyrically(delivery) more interesting than instrumentally. Melancholia is noticable. And it just faded away.
Reaaally enjoyed this more than I expected. There were some sounds that we're not heard by me ever. Really want this kind of albums more. Thing is there were some songs that were not as appealing, because of that 4 stars feels like a safe choice, however, realistically it's very close to 5. Now I'm interested if other albums of them are here, better be, because I'm interested.
Mar 03 2024
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At Mister Kelly's
Sarah Vaughan
I have never heard of her, but depending on the comments I'm expecting a great voice, a little humour, and IT'S LIVE, first time listening to a live album because of this project. I've been searching for a woman jazz singer, with mentioned qualities and this must be it. I expect a lot.
First song, starts with talking, which is expected since it's live. I feel like this is Cabaret, but in real life, that film changed my life and this better do the same too. Jazzyness is in the air. Her vocals are very unique that last note of raiIiIiIin yk. I am in love with her voice, it's too unique. Applause really deserved, do wonder if she will high note anytime.
Second song, Oop she's being humourous, fun. Well obviously there was a transition it's live. This one's more sad, the song. Her vocals sameness is very good, never disappoints in the best way possible. The background jazz is amazing, it takes me back in time. Long instrumental pause, it's necessary, I need to feel them too. Ooo the sounds are happening, laughing someone coughed, smth fell(?), I couldn't find the recording of this, but it might not even exist. Oooo self degrading in a fun way, love thaat.
Third song, upbeaat. Happier vibe, but not very energetic. Same happened, just there was no pause. Less her unique vocals, but it's got the better, too much ruins the magic. The live jazz might be just generally better than recorded ones yk.
Fourth song, without applause I wouldn't know if song changed, though this one has a slower tempo so idk. Her vocals earthquake my ears and makes me levitate. Lyrics are goood and the way she says them. The humming part was different from her and enjoyed that too.
Fifth song, Shakespeare's old English appeared. It's under medium upbeat for me. She sings more and louder I think. There is no theatrical dramatical finish offs at the end, which is bad, but also the vibe.
Sixth song, are these covers, haven't heard them before I'm sure, just wondering. Songs averagely short I suppose, but there are some 5 minutes ones. I need more from her voice and the band, but that won't happen I'm afraid, this is the chill place, and I doubt if it will have more thsn this energy, not complaining tho I love this. This feels like a background music, but her voice is not for thatt.
7th song, slightly different lyrical delivery. Averagely upbeat song. Vocalising is also not the same, like that diversity I guess. I wish there were less elevator vibes and actual woman vocal jazz ones. The instrumental break isn't giving me anything, though thing is I shouldn't be expecting what I mentioned, so without that in mind, I love this song's simplicity.
8th song, smn complained about listening to "just a gigolo" already two times. First time hearing that it even exists. Less lyrics, so more jazz, but it's downbeat. Angelic vocals as it is getting to the end of the song. This had something in it even though it was not as entertaining.
9th song, a happier song I see(sorry ijdk what else to say when the songs start in this album). OOO THE SHABADOBEE IS GIVING Monroe. This is the funniest song to listen to. I suppose for a final song, it does have a touch of it by introducing something fully different. She doesn't stop huh. Perfect transition to gettable lyrics. Dramatic instrumental finish aand applause, but not proper for the last song.
I have to say, there are many factors why this is a 5 star album for me. This is the first live album I've got. I love jazz and women vocalists. She has an amazing voice and her vocalising is UNIQUE. I traveled back in time and I expect no less from other albums. Plus I've been in an old cabaret like places music mood, so this fits me right, no words left to say, just it could have been more powerful sonic and vocal wise, but that wasn't the point of the album in the first place.
Mar 04 2024
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Lloyd Cole And The Commotions
Creepy album cover, would have expected trip hip but it's not. Their name is quite weird and don't know what it means, might check it later. I am a fan of rock and new wave as long as it's unique and special in its own way, which is hard to find tbh. Basically I'm not seeing this as something I'll like, all this is said from judging a cover so opinions will chance, hopefully.
First song, it's quite normal, his voice isn't spectacular or addictive, but not annoying. The instruments are basic to me, I mean it isn't anything new. No chorus I see. Guitar solo is not bad, just short. It's permanent wave, which I usually like, but this has something missing in it. There is a guy who said the same thing, and I agree with the first song for now.
Second song, different and better start. whispery voice now. I like the lyrical delivery. The best change was perfect, but again short. LEONARD COHEN MENTIONED, INSTANT LIKE, don't know what the context is tho. Long ass pauses, but it's worth it because when the beat comes in it's more satisfying. Not amusing in other ways.
Third song, new wave vibes instantly. Song is named after the album. The violin is the best part, such a help to not so good lyrical delivery. Another reference to Eva Marie Saint now. It's not catchy to be honest, the new wave I listen to is usually hooky at the first one, this one does have nostalgic vibes and probably is one of the best songs here, but it's missing something.
Fourth song, start wasn't as good but as soon as the beat came in it became a little better, they can do that well, though it's not fulfilling. Violin is not good here, it fits but not as good as in the last song. Chorus becomes catchier each time I listen to it.
Fifth song, much better start. ooh it's progressing well too. Idk what or how to feel, like it's not necessarily sad, just slow. The beat has changed three times already, love that. Dunno why there is only an extended version of this. The gibberish dururu is fun to listen to. This is one of the songs that I wish were shorter. The end is extended, quite badly, it was the worst part of the song, but the song was quite nice. Thought a-ha did a cover of this, but apparently it's just a song with the same name(a better one now that I've listened to it)
Sixth song, upbeat start, more like new wave I guess. The chorus is not what I want rn. The instruments are really good I must say, their delivery is top class sometimes, just all and all not as amusing. Long ass outro and not a good one sadly. Chorus was repeated once but it's still an outro to me.
Seventh song, weird song name. Oh fuck it's a car type, not good with those, plus it must be an old one. Not a good delivery, it's too slow even though I like the guitar and I think this one travels between ears.
8th song, fast paced country song already, love that. A veeery different vibe this has brought, but it's still not full, I feel like the way he sings doesn't match the vibe in this song, lyrically it might be sad, but still. Grace Kelly mentionedd. Thought Truman was Jim Carrey's one of the best roles for a second when he said that name. The production is the problem with it I think.
9th song, woman voice at the start, different but not unique. I like this one more than I expected. The bridge is the best part here. The chorus is only good because of the instruments otherwise it's very forgettable and uninteresting.
10th song, never thought I'd listen to dull new wave music. I like the constant beat on the right side, as everything else is too overused in the other songs. Apparently many people share my ideas about this, because of the genre it's listenable and not a full waste of time, just not something I'd listen to again.
11th song, originally album ended and this is just 4 additional songs and I'll listen to them. Finally this feels full, his voice fits the vibe but I think the instruments are not giving here. A darker voice he has, but the overall vibe is no better.
12th song, not a good start not continuation. What a bad production, feel like I'm listening to another artist, what I listened before was better than these two songs honestly. Whistling at the end made it a liiitle different.
13th song, I am veeery disappointed, I think I'm not gonna include these 4 songs when I rate the album, because it'll get one less star, and the songs above don't deserve it, because the new waveness was good in its fashion. But this.. this ain't what I would expect from them.
14th song, beeeetter vibes already. Guitar is well played here. Lyrically it's meh, I mean the way he says them. It does not make it up for the three songs I've wasted my time on just now. The end was a little experimental, but nothing drastic.
As I've said I won't include last four songs, because that would make me rate the album 2 stars and I don't want to do that. 3 stars are too much for this album, but I suppose it's the best choice for me right now. I like the genre in general and that makes me rate this a little higher than it deserves, I think they could have done much more.
Mar 05 2024
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YESSS HIP-HOP. Yesterday I didn't get what I wanted and this must be what I want right now. Have been into this genre more and more lately and OutKast must be make me fullfil sonically and lyrically.
First song, it's a non-verbal intro, nevermind Spotify doesn't have the lyrics. He's talking, but in an alien way. Rocky Horror Show vibes with that girl moaning iykyk. Two men asking me to bounce rn.
Second song, oooh a transition. Saying alright scratched my brain. Theeee energy is veery infective. The fast fast rapping is the best here. Chorus is quite catchy too. I silent rapped with them, not to speak over them. I love their style, plus there'll always be two rapping so the diversity is wider.
Third song, interlude already. A woman saying it's cold, and breathing, feels like an asmr. She's cool now.
Fourth song, another transition I suppose. Ooooooo the lyrical delivery of that chorus is too good. Best part that is for now. Third verse is the best one, the voice is different in a good way. Watching the video and it must make this vibe even better.
Fifth song, was this a transition too idk. This is one of their most known songs. Chorus is the best part because it's nostalgic, but the flow is too good to ignore. The video of this one is also what I call a full experience. Can't talk much because this is too good to be just sittin writin stuff.
Sixth song, what was that womp womp start. God it came back. The delivery of the chorus is amazing. After the half of the song, they're rap talking to each other, fuuun. Sean Paul like rapping now. This sounds like experimental hip-hop at some points.
7th song, interlude. Sounds like something is being announced by him.
8th song, oooh bossy start. One of the best choruses again. Can't they much about the rapping, the flow is just unstoppable and I really want to just rap along with it. The whispering junction is so good.
9th song, jazzyness came in with the interlude. This woman is talking a lot here, wonder who she is. Just checked the lyrics to this masterpiece humour cause Spotify has no lyrics and this was funny asf, didn't know I'd add interlude to the liked songs, the background voices made it even better, her accent and the way she eats some words is so unfamiliar to me, better be more like these here.
10th song, the name of the song is already funny. Ohh thought I wouldn't say much, but didn't know the girl would join the rap, made this even better because it's a different vibe. The chorus delivery is something else btw. Dunno who eco is. Also I think 10th song is connected to the 9th one, but different perspectives, but not like literally connected(interlude already means they're connected but still.
11th song, what a staaart biiitch. The flow is flowing flawlessly. 5 minutes of this is so long but can't wait to know whether it's actually unstoppable rapping. Forgot to say that most songs are very good sonically too. The music videos are low CGI but not that it matters. Children are screaming the song tittle. Why is the rest if the song straight up daft punk vibed. love the outro, which is weird because it should be repetitive but it aint.
12th song, a lot of unknown rappers(for me) they have invited for the album turns out. Chorus is not as good here, so rapping is better, oooh especially that second verse. EMINEM MENTIONEDD, FIRST TIME HEARING HIS NAME ON OTHER RECORDS, others are mentioned too, but this one was lyrically interesting. There was a woman at the end.
13th song, Spanish vibes with a Spanish girl I think, it's an interlude tho, so not much information or fun.
14th song, forget to talk about the song. The chorus delivery is the best part, especially the fake haha laugh and then saying the song tittle in a too funny way is what I didn't know I needed. The wa-wa-wa was used before as the beat. Long ass outro slowly fading away.
15th song, ERYKAH BADU?! Haven't heard of her as a feature on other's songs. I think she's singing the chorus with him, but she must have a verse too. THAT BEAT CHANGE, GOD. Finally BADUU, she's basically rapping, best thing she could have done here. He's just talking at the end. And the outro is long asf. Shushing me now umm.
16th song, annoyed by the fact that computer can do a better job than him, plus a girl left him, I think that was it. A lot of interludes makes the album less stretched to be honest.
17th song, Andre 3000? Spotify says he's gonna rap, but where's the feature. FAST ASF HE IS. Drink is poured, some childish toy sounds, oh also this one is short, but not an interlude.
18th song, they mentioned themselves for the first time I think. The fuck a woman is rapping but I see no feature, is this because of Spotify. This didn't hook me to be honest, one of the worst ones for me as a first listener.
19th song, funny asf I can't with them anymore.
20th song, they became so serious in this one in a second. love the chorus already. Spelled their name and referenced their fresh and clean song. Oh they spelling all the artists they featuring here. TMO raps differently, wouldn't say it's better tho. Naah Slimm's verse is by far the best. 2pac mentioned. Slimm had the best delivery I repeat.
21th song, it's giving ATL hip-hop. Ooh this is the first almost R/B song from them, the beat and the nonrap makes me say that to be exact. Didn't expect this kind of song from them, slow asf. Ooh rap came in, but it's still ATL vibed.
22th song, they changed the album vibe with these songs, this is more expected from them but it's still slower than what they had before. I don't like this one, even the rap part is not as amusing as it should be. A-capella at the end.
23th song, interlude, he just asked her to marry her, girl only has two words in her vocabulary, but the thing is he wants to be safe so after dicorce financial agreement he suggested and girl was confused. Might be a reference to smth dunno why I explained it tbh.
24th song, I'm telling ya they changed the album drastically, and I love that but if this was the whole vibe I'd not like it. Also 7 fucking minutes. It's giving Childish Gambino. It's romantic in a way, the beat and the vibe in general. Love that the end of the album has a different way of ending, which is basically swapping the genres fully. Long ass outro, don't know what I'm expecting. The silence is giving Korn. Oh nevermind Barry White like voice came in. Everything came back but nothing verbal(I think). Shit just realised that song has an album name. He moaned? If so, I guess best way to end it all.
Must be obvious already but this is a 5 star album, well in general a 5 star should have all the songs the best, but I think I just need to get to know them, and I mean the few last songs. Basically I love how they rap, energise and make theee catchiest choruses I've heard for a while in hip-hop.
Jul 24 2024
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Pacific Ocean Blue
Dennis Wilson
Turns out he's from the beach boys, don't really know their names to be honest. I suppose this isn't going to be as good as the band was. Supposedly the badness here could be the overused and basic sound iykyk. So no high expectations, and idk if I'm gonna listen to it fully in one sitting, it's too long, but not longer than soft boys one that's for sure.
First song, already a piano and loudness. Gospel was unexpected really. It feels like an outro more than the first song. His voice is good, not so different tho. Forgot to say, I've never listened to good county music and this might be my awakening if good enough. Sonically it's really good. Idk where it is going tho. It's not exactly catchy I must say, but it's also so not basic. OOOO IM TRANSCENDING WHAT ARE THESE SOUNDS. Feel like I'm in one of those churches where people sing yk. There's more than two songs here. Great start basically.
Second song, shit already Beatles like melody. It's so dancey too. He's definitely underrated and actually overshadowed by his brothers I suppose. I repeat that this sounds like Beatles too much, but in the best way possible. Buut feels like instrumentals are louder than his voice. Outros were as any basic before 2000s song would finish mostly, fading away.
Third song, his vocals are clear now. Ooooh that piano note drop was amazing. I want to wear headphones, because it feels like I'll experience it better, but I can't, so I hope I'm not missing out anything. That na-nas is so Beatlesque too. One of the rare times when I have to complain about how short the song is, I was getting to know it.
Fourth song, such different starts in each song w o w. It's dramatic, almost westerned vibe. Makes me feel like I'm in a before duel preparation. Long ass intro it was. The voice is different and in a bad way, he's too country here I think. Lyrically it is giving countryness too, I mean obviously. Intro was better than the song after it, tbh it feels like a 3 minute intro like Pink Floyd does it.
5th song, what an experimental beat, something is buzzing and it actually sounds good. THE SUDDEN JAZZ, GOD. It's so permanent wave, but not annoyingly. Oooh love the lyrical touch, he says "band played" and jazzyness comes on. Vibe fully changed and it's slower, feels like a bridge. Bells rang, sounds like wedding ones. The instrumental break is cunty af. He doesn't have vocals I think, but delivers them quite well. Never felt included in a song, he says play and the band starts playing.
6th song, piano start against, but a sadder one. I thought another instrument would come in, there's still time for that, and that would make this too good of a song, the sudden upbeatness for example. Oop nevermind it got gothy in a way. I'm not sad to like this subjectively, but objectively the piano was the best part.
7th song, I was afraid of songs starting to sound slower and sadder, this is what I mean by the basicness I didn't want. He kinda talked instead of singing for a while and I loved that. It's giving Fiona Apple with the intentionally bad vocals("I want you to love me" comes to mind, dunno if I remember the name right). slow jazz came in and went away quickly. What a fucking beat change GOOOOOSH, IT'S JAZZ UPBEAT AND THERE'S SOME MAN SINGING IN THE BACKGROUND DISTINCTIVELY. I'm honestly impressed, this is what I meant before by changing the vibe fully.
8th song, starting off ambient. It's giving R/B a little. I could dance to this with someone, slowly tho. It's one of the uninteresting songs I must say. Might be a grower but I doubt it.
9th song, funky beat. This one's lyrically fun too. Long ass outro this one will have. It's one of the most listened song on the album, but I don't get the vibe yet, it could've been better I'm afraid.
10th song, experimental sounds I heard slightly. This one's also too slow, no problem with them just they have to provide a better experience and at least make me sad, this one doesn't, but also idk the context so can't know what I should be sad about even.
11th song, catchy start. This one's truly country. Not common people talking about the nature in the songs. The piano and the beat is the best part here, it's nostalgic somehow. It's not my style tho, kind of too boring.
12th song, sometimes it's giving Electronic Light Orchestra with the piano use and somber gospel sounds. Thought this was the end of a first disc because of the song name. Outro was instrumentally sad but overall quite basic.
13th song, again the slowness, it's killing me. Too long, plus the lyrics are the same most of the time. It's progressing but not in the best way possible. I had to fast forward the song, it's veeery bad. He better not have this vibe after every song I'll listen to.
14th song, simply boring. Like not even good as a sad song. I need the context or smth else that would make this song touching, otherwise it's just sonically bad. Fast forwarded this one too, I can't take this type of songs anymore. I was gonna rate this high and I will if these songs are the minority of the vibe.
15th song, instrumental? What is that supposed to mean? I didn't hear the lyrical version of this, so why put this one only, weird. As a piano lover I like it, but it's kinda empty. I ain't impressed sadly.
16th song, last song on the disc as I remember. It's piano sad, as it is fitting for Dennis. It's long one so intro is quite big. I suppose there won't be lyrics at all, I actually like the melody, it feels like I've listened to it before. Well I didn't wanna listen to the second disc but the ending of the first one was so bland I have to remember Dennis in a better way so I continue.
17 song, God finally it's cunty again. This guitar and piano fusion I like, but it's overused. Chorus is giving Tim Curry a little. It's too same, I need him to use his creative side as he did at the start of the album. This one IS much better than the last couple of songs tho.
18th song, oh god no, the slowness again. At first I thought the whole album would sound like this, thankfully not. I had to fast forward again, it was too same and boring af. Plus the 4 minutes of that is really unnecessary.
19th song, slightly better I suppose. His voice is quite bad here. Also he never had any remarkable lyrical deliveries, which I looove. Gospel was here too I think, but not the best use.
20th song, the rating of this album is getting very low I think. I should only rate the goodness here I suppose. Gospel again, it's touching and melancholic, the whole vibe. Such a forgettable song, if it was in a movie and used right, it'd be good enough, but otherwise just no.
21th song, two songs in a row starting with the word love, and they both disappointed me. I can't wait to finish this album God this is painful. This is as bad as that Dion album was.
22th song, a little better production I see. Don't even know what to write anymore. Not catchy not fun not interesting nothing. Felt like he just gave up midway album.
23th song, I really hope there will be at least one song that sounds as good as the songs at the start. This one seems instrumental only. Pardon me but this sucked ass and the only way I can like this is if I can relate to it in some way.
24th song, he so has no lyrics to sing anymore it pains me. OH I'm halfway through and the best type of instrumental starts playing, I'm obsessed, I was talking to myself how bad the song was and then suddenly this happens. It's catchy and vibey unable to resist the goodness in it.
25th song, weird talking mannerism at first. "He likes to do it on his hands and knees" this might be religious, but I only see the kinkyness. Overall it's bad I think, wouldn't want to listen to it again. Idk how to talk more about how bad it was, just it might grow on me but I'm not making that commitment.
26th song, LOVE THE PIANO HERE ALREADY. Spanish I think he's gonna sing in. He's unlistenable vocally, like the way he "ooh"s is emotional in a way, but also why would I want to listen to it in the first place. Didn't meet my expectations at aaall.
27th song, I'm so bored and irritated by this I can't even. Thing is he's not that bad as a vocalist, but to me he's not the type of a guy I hear when I picture a male vocalist yk. After the lyrics there is a church gospel singing, as if I died and I'm escorted to heaven, plus piano is hella loud. Still didn't get it.
28th song, finally smth I can dance to. It's good sonically, been a long time since that happened. It doesn't sound as good as at first, I'm sick of it already. This should be a bare minimum an artist like him should be able to do.
29th song, jazzy and bitchy start. It continues the same way, but the lyrics are sang in a good way too. It's one of the catchiest, but also basic. Can't really get into it.
30th song, it's giving a little Rufus Wainwright. Overall it's going nowhere and I hate it.
31th song, this one might be the best in the sadness category on the album, but it's too fake. I'm confused about what happened to him to fall this bad sonically. I'm gonna fall asleep here wtff.
32th song, he really loves them pianos, but Fiona uses it the best I think. This is the kind of instrumental that I have to have a childhood with and then wow I found this nostalgic sound and it makes me remember when I was a kid yk, but now it's just basic piano playing for me, no offense.
33th song, finally the lyrical version of the Holy Man, I like the delivery tbh, but it's kinda not as unique as it should be. The outro was giving the end of the album, although not as grand as they usually are.
I was so gonna rate this album 5 stars because of how good the songs were at first, and then it slowly came to 4 and then to 3. Like some of the songs were so different and smth I've never heard before, but THE MAJORITY, pardon me, but sucked ass. Album is definitely a grower, but it's not smth I'd want to have my personality as yk, so I have to sadly rate this 3 stars, even though some songs deserve more than that, also it felt like a two album in one, and the thing is second disc is worsee, so overall 3 stars is the best option here.
Jul 25 2024
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Sweetheart Of The Rodeo
The Byrds
Second time I'm listening to Byrds because of this app. First time was psychedelic rock and it was enjoyable I suppose, but now it's apparently country and idk what to say about it, yesterday it was Dennis Wilson's country and now this, I expect less sad and slow songs or I'll be easily bored. I have no high expectations because it's rated quite badly overall.
First song, pure country already. It's kinda sad lyrically, but not overall. The gospel singing is giving Beatles. This is the most listened song so after this it's gonna go worse and worse I presume. Verses were better than the chorus tbh. Not impressive and almost basic vibe.
Second song, Bob Dylan style I think this one has. Sonically it's not that good, kinda catchy, though it's not. I think this is what country sadness sounds like, I mean it's not about how it sounds, but how it's sang. The breaks in-between are too long I think, not saying that lyrics are delivered in any good way tho. Oh and it's permanent wave in a bad way.
Third song, albums back to back about Christianity is kinda lot for me. Lyrically it's something I'd never want to sing along to, but I am a Christian, it's just my music taste doesn't revolve around this subject, that's not even the point tho, its overall not a good song.
4th song, little jazzy vibes. They have the vocal range same as the Beatles had, plus I think they're singing together here. Such a long song for no reason. It's getting painful to listen to this. Piano is the best part in the song honestly. Wouldn't ever want to listen to this again.
5th song, these are the kind of songs I had to spend childhood listening to, to actually get it yk, otherwise it's just simply boring. This one has a good jazzyness in it I must say. His vocals ruin the whole song sadly, if it was a powerhouse singer or smth, even better if a woman, I'd consider it as a better song. Also every song has the same style and it's getting annoying.
6th song, the start takes me to a local country bar, it's night and people dance together to this county style, that's what I see anyway. It sounded the same throughout the song, didn't expect that it would change in any way tho.
7th song, one of the worst songs on the album I must say. Sonically it's just not it. This massive genre change was not the right choice I think, I mean I don't remember how the previous album sounded exactly, but it was remotely better than what this is. I can't wait to be done with this already come oooon. I'm talking only negative and sorry about that just don't know what good I can say, it's just generally catchy and that's it, it's too basic.
8th song, forgot to make notes because I was reading the lyrics, but this one ain't better than the ones before either. The instrumental break was the best part I suppose. This one was lyrically fun, can't say anything more tho.
9th song, this one has a county lyrical delivery. Thing is this is what country sounds like, I mean this might be the best version of country I'll ever listen to, it's just I don't fancy the genre, and this album is proving that. Not sure how modern country sounds like, however, I think it might be affected by this in some way yk. Do objectively it's not horrible, just not for me. This song was short for a reason I guess.
10th song, idk what to say, it's literally the same sound as in the last 9 songs, that is to me a bad thing, they have to be rememberable in some way. This one had good verses somehow, amazed by that tbh.
11th song, I love how different instruments join in and quickly go away. This song is one of the best example of that, actually sonically this one is really good. Best outro on the album wow, otherwise it was pretty unimpressive.
12th song, I like the lyrical delivery here. The almost progressiveness is well done. Too long of a song, especially when it's literally the same 1 minute repeated thrice in "different" ways. I rarely talk this less, album's fault.
13th song, It's a little rocky, but also too country. I'm falling asleep, and getting tired to even write something.
14th song, had a good start and it got worse and worse each second. It feels like it's gonna progress slowly and speed up, but it just stays the same, edging me mentally basically. They sing differently here too, not that it's better tho.
15th song, rehearsal? Why did they include this. It's kinda fun, but I'd rather see how the music is made then hear the verbal rehearsal. I thought the song would randomly stop and he'd complain about how he doesn't like this take, I'm basically listening to the songs second time, what's the point?
16th song, I dunno if the lyrics are different or smth, but this one doesn't even have anything that says rehearsal. As it's the second listening I can proudly say this is actually one of the worst songs on the album I'm afraid.
17th song, take 43? And it's still this bad, wow Byrds. It's fun to listen to, but for like once in a year. I'm really irritated by the badness of this at this point. Oh wow "that's it" at the end proved that it was a rehearsal and nothing else wtf.
18th song, really don't know what is the meaning of this. I'm basically listening to the songs again and they don't sound any better, I mean that first listen is usually not the best impression, but this is the proof of that I just don't like it.
19th song, instrumental version of the song that is not even on the album, weird. Might be someone else's. 5 minutes of this, hell no I'm fast forwarding this, I need good music to cleanse my ears. It sounded quite the same fully. I accidentally skipped the song, and there was some talking I think, don't really want to replay the thing tho.
It's quite obvious that I didn't like this one at aaall. I didn't have expectations, but this level of sameness was too much. I was bored in each song, no catchyness or any rememberable chorus line or instrumental. Dennis Wilson had an amazing start with the album and went downhill with each song after, but it was a much better experience than this was. Basically I was gonna rate this 3 stars, but I don't think that's fair to how I actually see the album, so I'm gonna go with 2 stars, also I want another Byrds album not to remember them this badly.
Jul 26 2024
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Paul Simon
Never heard of him and no idea what to expect. Rock folk and pop sounds enjoyable, unless it's too basic. I don't have high expectations for this one, though I love that it's an artist I haven't heard before, so I hope I found my new favourite artist. Lot's of features which is unexpected from a rock fella.
First song, I like the instrumental fusion already. His voice is nice, literally folly. Songs are decently listened, so they must be suitable for almost every person. I don't like that that instrument is only making one type of sound, but lyrically it's fun. Ooh the break was short but necessary. Feels like he's talking and makes me want to learn the lyrics. God he actually worked with Art Garfunkel and I don't know much of him, but this album will be even better I think.
Second song, sonically it's good, really good, long intro which is quite necessary here tbh. The chorus has such a good lyrical delivery. He doesn't have vocals, not a bad thing, just what I think. That clapping (not hands) sound is addicting. Chorus is still the best part in the song. Outro is also long, not needed tho. It's not rare, but I'm still amazed when permanent wave songs sound this good.
Third song, first song featuring others. It's energetic kinda. Oh the background vocals are the features, love that touch. It's such a weird song tbh, those sounds make it as funky as scary. He has a lot of dialogues here. General's OO OO OO-s are the best part in the song, because it's in sync with the beat.
4th song, Paul invited African artists mostly here I suppose, gotta appreciate that, just read and some people take that negatively, weiiird. Anyway this song didn't really stand out to me, it's too short and it didn't let me get to know it, and sonically it wasn't as interesting.
5th song, no way I already love this song because of the start, I absolutely devour the unique and rarely used sounds in songs and this is one of the best examples. Dunno why there is no feature tho. The vibe fully changed after the first verse wtf, it's tropical now, love that, but also why. I liked the intro more in a way I have to say, but the afrobeat and the background sounds make this equally good I guess. The break is jazzy, but doesn't stand out. This will be an ever better listen if I do it second time, because I'll be familiar with it, it's basically a grower. Outro is a little boring, but fits the concept.
6th song, his most listened song this one is. It has a catchy start already. He sounds like Bob Dylan in some parts, but also extremely doesn't sometimes. Idk why this is the most popular song on the album, it must be connected to smth. Oh the magical instrument came in(I say that when idk the name of it), It's rainforesty. Oo the jazz after that is quite fun. God the music video shows how they play the music and it's so fun to watch them do it.
7th song, there was a woman's voice along with his in the beginning, and oh it just came back. I like this song the least, it's too slow and uninteresting, a filler song I presume. Nevermind, I checked how they played this live, basically a music video, and seeing them together is too good to ignore. Outro is weird af, love it still.
8th song, this one is sang in Zulu, feels like I'm in a church. The production is quite well done I must say. The vocal delivery is the best part here. Oh it's progressing into gospel, buut nope it doesn't. What an unique track, can't get over it anytime soon.
9th song, again the tropical vibes. This is one of the worst produced songs somehow. Even tho just now it has a rock element in it, I find it painful to listen to. Just no, it had some good parts but it ain't enough.
10th song, FUN start. It's danceable and jazzy. There is a big band playing definitely. I'd actually dance to it if I wasn't sick lol. It's not lyrically fun, as in I don't want to learn them. Dunno what else to say, it was just too short.
11th song, the beat at the start is everything. I thought he'd sing more happily, but only sonically I can hear it being upbeat. I think he naturally sounds sad. One of the best songs here.
Honestly I want to give this 5 stars, but it's not perfect perfect, 4 stars is the right choice here. It has one of the most unique sounds I've ever heard to be honest, not some basic pop-folk-rock shit, thank god it wasn't that. The black artists being featured is such a cool thing, and I could never hate him for that. Actually I don't even the see rock part in it, which is not a bad thing nor good. I expected way less and I was impressed how the production got better and better.
Jul 27 2024
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Taylor Swift
Of course I know Taylor especially in 2024, but never really liked her tbh, I don't get the hype, but she has some good songs, basically neutral about her. I've checked her newest album and it sucked really bad, this one must be a little better, I know some songs off of it, but not all of them, so I hope I won't be disappointed, but I honestly don't have high expectations, I even though don't hate her, don't like her style in general.
First song, oh shit I know this beat already, must have been popular just didn't know it was from here. It's a good opening track I suppose, but I don't vibe with it. Love the beat slowly increasing it's existence in the song. Too long of a chorus already. She repeats the track line too much honestly I'm sick of it. Better have a good bridge. I like the song fully if I know I'll be able to perform it in style, this one has nothing in that fashion. Bridge is mid, good build-up, but that's it. The best part was beat and it's catchy as fuck, but lyrically it's so boring.
Second song, who doesn't know this one, it has catchy lyrical delivery and I'm here for it. Chorus is as good as the verses and that's actually kind of rare in songs. The beat is nostalgic also. That one part when she starts speaking is so cunty of her tbh. Lyrically it's kinda childish in some parts, but they're delivered too well. Bridge is also perfect, because I've heard it so much I think, but still it slaps. The last part of she saying the chorus fully again is the worst part because it's kind of unnecessary.
Third song, it's giving Beach vibes in a good way. Oooo this chorus is giviiiiing. I mean songs that have billion listens are usually good or good, but overheard, and this one is just good. Chorus is better than the verse, though both of them are delivered perfectly. Comparing this to what she made with the ttpd album, I'm even more disappointed with her. I forgot to recognise bridge oops. Not a classic cult, but it still pops.
4th song, what a weird way to start a song. Chorus is too repetitive, that's the point, but still. Verses are dried out, the slowness in them is exhausting, though the best behind it is kinda satisfying. The bridge was the best part in the song, really fits the vibe. There was a man singing the chorus, don't know what that was. I didn't fully enjoy this I have to say.
5th song, sounds like a song used in malls. I don't like that it's literally about her love life only, like it's too noticeable. Verses are good enough, but the chorus sucks. The way stay is sang is satisfying, but also annoying. Bridge is bad, simply bad. It has One Direction vibe in a bad way. She has hooky lines, but the choruses ruin them sometimes, especially here.
6th song, her one of the most know songs again, people laugh at this, and it does have a bad Meghan Trainor song vibe, but it's not that bad to me. It's too long, God. The way she says the song title, it's accenty and I like it. Ooh never heard a bridge before, how have I never heard of this before wow, it's bitchy in a good way.
7th song, first verse was fast-talked and I love when she does that. If the chorus wasn't so bad I'd like this one too, it's absolutely about her wishing that smn would come back and I don't like the delivery of it. Bridge is neutral, but better than the chorus definitely. Sonically Taylor has this one beat the background and some type of drums to make the song kind of dramatic, it never makes it that way, but still, she doesn't have this girl boss attitude I usually find satisfying in artists. So sonically this one is good, but Tay never tries to make it the best part.
8th song, another hit, eh. This one is trying to be bitchy, but fails in my view. Perfect verse lyrical delivery tho. The pre chorus is as good, but the chorus itself is overheard and I don't like her voice on it. Bridge is not for this song, she's like mad, but now she sings softly, what's the point then. I wish I could listen to all of these songs for the first time, because having heard them affects how good they are, thing IS I'm not a real critic and this is a safe zone. Anyway bad blood has a chaotic style in a bad bad way.
9th song, okay wtf, this is straight up Lana Del Rey style of singing, did she take inspiration, I mean she never sang like this before in the song, and idk her whole discography, I know this song too, but some of the first lines are so Lana, then not. Ohh just remembered what happens here with that breath, there's a heartbeat beat sound in the background. CHORUS IS ALSO LITERALLY LANA COME THE FUCK ON, "say you'll remember me" has a delivery of her. The bridge is too known and apparently not annoyingly. Naaah the ending is slower version of what she said before and it's even more Lana to me, I'm not a lover lover of Lana, but she's better than Taylor definitely.
10th song, beat came on, and it's the most 2014 thing. Chorus is irritating, makes me want to skip the song. She so doesn't have any vocals too, bridge proved this quite ironically. None of the songs have neither happy, sad, dancey or any kind of 100% this emotion vibe, you can only want to know the lyrics and somehow dance to it idk, but the choruses maaan they just turn me off... musically.
11th song, oh, sad. Is this her ironic way of getting back to me because of what I've said in the last song review. Fuck this, it's actually sad, not in a good way actually, since I mentioned her already, Lana would do this better, she has this voice and style of singing that makes the songs fill with depression, but also this cunty vibe. Anywayy this is painfully bad.
12th song, weird way to start a song, but what a good lyrical delivery after it. Also I know this song, it's one of the songs I personally checked and liked. Chorus is bad if it was a first listen, but now it's kinda not. Verses are superior tho. Nevermind I skipped the chorus. Bridge is fused with chorus, and I so don't like it, I think I never listened to this fully.
13th song, I remember this one having the weirdest beat, riiight it just came in, and it's gone. It's so slow and has no vibe that the album is finished. Apparently there is a deluxe version of this, if I liked her I'd listen additionally, but I got enough of her today tbh. Not an album I'd be addicted to, or would want it to play from start to finish, that wasn't her point obvi, but I love albums that are goooood from the bottom to the top. Chorus is catchy, but it's too sad and makes me dislike everything in it, actually it's trying to be sad, not that it is. Bridge kinda changed up the game, but also failed miserably. Skipped a little, can't take anymore of it.
Weeell, I expected a lot worse tbh. There are many hits here and I liked most of the songs, but the album as a whole is not that good for me. Production is low and this kind of pop always sucks in maaany ways. It would've been 4 stars, if I liked her voice, style or something that no one else has, but I can only give this 3 stars. At least songs didn't sound too same as they did in ttpd. I think I can honestly say I know a lot of songs from her, and I still don't get why she's THE pop star rn.
Jul 28 2024
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Paris 1919
John Cale
Apparently a part of Velvet Underground. It says rock and pop here, but Spotify sees it as baroque pop too, so I must like this. Many people didn't like it tho, too slow and forgettable. Things is some of them also said that it's a grower and I might just listen to this album twice to fully get the vibe, because ik that first listen is never how I'll perceive the album in the future.
First song, fun start I suppose. Not a remarkable voice he has. The lyrical delivery is really good in the chorus. His vocals suck too badly. Sonically it's quite nice to hear. It's missing something tho, this song is definitely a grower, but I don't really wanna hear it again, it's not for me.
Second song, slow already? His voice sounds much better here, but the song is boring. Probably the worst example of baroque pop. It's not catchy or I interesting in any way, just a basic fake-sad song. For example mitski makes me sad even after a happy song, and this one would never do that unless I'm already depressed. I just need a context and it a better production.
Third song, I mean isn't this literally the same vibe. Sonically it's reaaally good and the instrumental fusion is quite nice, but that's it. The violins are the best part actually. It's progressing love that, ohhh it just got better, it's giving Divine. Because of that part I'll add it to my playlist. Outro must do the same I hope. YESSS as I said he did the same at the end, it's kinda dry, but from Cale I can't expect more.
4th song, this is weirdly catchy, I think because of the way he sings. Song is quite country I must say. It's too long, but when he says Andalucia I like the song again.
5th song, finally an upbeat start. Sounds like Beatles. It's too basic of a rock song tbh, there's no good lyrical delivery and it's kinda dry in general, but I do like that he changed up the game a little. Outro is long af. He could've done more in that matter.
6th song, oooh already a very catchy start. The verse isn't as good as it should be, but I kinda like it. The chorus increased the violin sound, also it's a fun one. Vibe fully changed and it's naturey, I think it's bridge, but only sonically. It was fine, but it's missing smth as always.
7th song, lyrically catchy. He's telling a story where I'm the main character I think. Chorus has a background vocals for help, which makes it better, but not the best. He can do better than this song. Chorus was the best part especially the way he sang it, but still not it.
8th song, there was not a single unique sound used I think, that would make like the song at the very least. These are just Beatles songs if they were bad. Cole must have better albums than this I bet, and I hope I'll be able to check them through this. The outro was kinda touching, but not in the way I wanted.
9th song, this one's familiar because of the beat. He's whispering? That's different, though idk if it's good or bad. It was slowly progressing and after finishing the talking the rock part came in and kind of made the whole thing better, it does have a vibe of a last song on the album. Songs usually just faded away at the end, almost every one of them here, which is quite expected in this era.
I wanted more, baroque pop is one of my favourite genres and only Florence and the Machine do it one of the best. Cole doesn't have that kind of a voice nor the production, but he still could have done a looot more with the album than whatever this was. Because of the fact that I like the genre and he's from Velvet and that the songs weren't a total disaster, I'm gonna rate it 3 stars. I doubt if I'll listen to this again today, maybe someday as a nostalgic come together, though I added some songs, so I'll have them in rotation probably.
Jul 29 2024
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Strange Cargo III
William Orbit
A relatively different genre, love it. From people's comments I think this one has no lyrics. Electronica seems fun, plus Spotify takes the music as trip hop and down tempo, which are really good to me. Just yesterday I was listening to aphex twin's one album on repeat while reading a book, basically the album is book's soundtrack and this album makes me feel like it could be some book's soundtrack too, just it's short, but in this case that's good, I don't like spending 2 hours rating each song.
First song, it was quiet and when I started writing the beat came in and it sounds so good on laptop, it'd be so much better in headphones. Ouuuu the beat came in, love iiit already. Oh nevermind, this is the most listened track on the album, it'll get worse, I thought otherwise. It's progressing in the electronic sense. Oh someone's talking, one guy said it's his girlfriend. Just put my headphones on and it's SO MUCH BETTER. Nah the sound is so playful to my ears. This song isn't annoying that it's long. One of the best things is, he changes the vibe quickly while maintaining a same aura, cool as fuck. It's fading away like expected.
Second song, amazing guitar start I'm hooooked. There's no lyrics in Spotify, but he talked a little. AAAAAAH THE BEAAAAT I LOVE THIS MAN. It's so dancey and gothy. This is what I mean by good down tempo and trip hop. Feels like Portishead plus there's this woman vocalising. THE BASSSS MY GOD. I want this on speakers immediatelyyy, someone said, did he made this album for someone to flex their speakers and now I totally get it. I feel digitalised with these new sounds. He worked with Madonna on MDNA, love that album, NO WAY RAY OF LIGHT TOO? THAT ALBUM HAS THIS ONE'S VIBE LITERALLY, I love this man too much now. Katie Melua, he produced her album, she's Georgian and IM FUCKING GEORGIAN WTF. He is connected to me like that and I just found out, this is more than a 5 star album already, I'm spiritually connected. Shit I was distracted to listen to the song with full attention, but I loooved it.
Third song, a little piano I see, with electronic beats in the background. Ohh his voice for the first time. This one's more chill. It's kinda jazzy. What's wize tho? He has a good voice, addicting. He's not singing tho, just talking kinda fast. Forgot to say I looove the album art, it's different and caught my attention the first time I saw it, it's too unforgettable yk. The piano is the best part. Smn said they play this kinda songs during heist stealing, but in a bad way, and I see it, though it doesn't make it bad for me. Wish songs transitioned tho.
4th song, it's eerie already. Ooooo the bass came in. Kinda basic, nevermind the violins and piano made it better. This one's more romantic than dancey and cunty as before. Oh vibe fully changed, feels like a movie scene, too lazy to come up with one. Aaand it started all again. This was quite short, and loved it less, but still good.
5th song, a much better start than the last song, feels like a medical series start, in a good way. It's giving nightclub in its way now. Woman is talking, seductively I think. There is men screaming for one second and then vocalising for a little time on repeat. There was no sonical plot twist, NEVERMIND IT SLOWLY GOT SLOW. It's giving loftr somehow.
6th song, ambient start. Alien sounds. Piano is playing with pauses. I'm gonna continue this tomorrow, because it's night now and I have to charge my headphones, tomorrow tho I can have it on full volume to fully experience the songs. I'm back. Started this one again, and amazing beat drop like ma god. The vocals are quite good too. It's so repetitive, but somehow in the best way possible. Beat was gone was for some time and now it's back in business. Same happened and only piano is playing with ambient sounds in the background. It's guitar now and it's getting kinda louder, but also fading away. Loved this one too.
7th song, loud and noisy start. Ambient sound is over surfacing the noise. Weird instrument is playing and there's no beat that backs it up. Russian guy talking I think. Beat came, but kinda blandly. Russian woman talking now. Melting my brain with those alien sounds wtff, in a good way tho. It's rocky now with that electric guitar. The beat opened after guitar finished and that was too satisfying. Spanish woman now slayy, she's the best part of the song tbh, cunty and girlboss vibes she brought with that lyrical delivery. The overall vibe changes a lot in one song and I love that, like now it's slow and some kind of a piano is playing. Drums? Ohhh it's tropical now, water sounds and all too. It was afro beat for a second there I think. Shit now it's rock again‽ It's getting progressive and now faded away. Too much for one song if you ask me.
8th song, slow start, but clear sounds. It's kinda sad. Oooh definitely sad with that piano. This man can do production too well I'm afraid. Ohh the beat is unexpectedly fast and dancey, but also alien-like. Now it's Arabic with a glimpse of jazzyness. Ambientness came back. This is a whole adventure goddamn. It's giving mission impossible now. Different type of piano is playing. I'm transcending, this needs lyrics immediately, but also they would ruin the general goodness of all of this. From sad to dancey again, basically same genre bending happened now too, I expect Arabic now. It's afro beat drums rn. It's rare when I fully explain what happens in the song, but this is too fun not to do it.
9th song, quite a short song for him tbh. It's ambient with some snapping once in a while. Makes me feel like I'm in water. Idk why but this sounds makes me feel like some sword is shinning. Ooo the beat and Camelot woman is talking. It's giving Patti Smith in those experimental poetry sessions, Medea is one of the songs if I remember correctly. Arabic woman vocalising, at least that's how I hear it. Rather short, if there were more talking of that women I'd like the song more.
10th song, ambient start as expected. It's giving underground. Some experimental sounds randomly appearing. Omg I zoned out and this villainy sound started playing and It snapped me back, it feels like a monkey king is the final boss. There are African men saying something in the background and then women also saying smth after it, but they all sound weird. There was no beat drop here, unless when I zoned out it happened then.
11th song, fully different start, no ambient sound just some instrument. There are water sounds in the background, that's the one I can name others are random and weird in a good way. French talking I think I hear of a woman. There was a familiar instrument dunno the name in English tho. Without the beat it's so Aphex Twin, plus it's eerie. Bitch what what is retchie doing here someone said and then there was some exploding sounds, loved that, wondering where is it from. There's a weird beat in my right ear, makes me think of a tongue. Giving Sophie now, almost like ship sounds and it suddenly stopped. This was the weirdest one by far I think.
12th song, veeery short. It got a happy sound, movie is finishing. Dunno how he chose the names for the songs tho. It has piano in it, that's the one I can name lol. There are different sounds all at once if you pay attention. This one was also not as good as it should have been, the dancey beat is missing and it's making the vibe go bad. Overall it was a good finish up of the album tho I must say.
I already said this is more than just a 5 star album because of the artist. Not gonna repeat all that tho. Each song was a new adventure and I expected so much less at first, but I was already happy it was electronica, trip hop and down tempo, and I've just gotten into ambient sounds, this might be my next book's soundtrack. Need more albums like this, but I need a little break from just instrumental sounds and need more lyrics.
Jul 30 2024
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Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan
AAH ROCK AND JAZZ, LOVE IT ALREADY. The album cover is also reaaally original tbh, and funny in a way. Have never heard of Steely Dan tho, but those two genres fused muuust be good. Their other album covers are equally good apparently, different and stuff. Well I already have high expectations and I better not hear some basic ass sounds and production.
First song, what a weird staaart, idk even know what sounds were those. Ohhh the vibe is great. Oh I don't like his voice tho. Song is the most listened on the album so this is their best work here that is appropriate for every ear. This feels like yacht rock too with a little jazz, but the jazz part will appear more in the next songs I hope. That piano thing is the best part, the instrument before he starts singing. The chorus is so chill and the way it matches up with the song's sonical side, love it. The break is kinda basic, but it suits the vibe. The lyrical delivery of the song tittle is just perfect. At the end it just stopped, didn't fade away.
Second song, it's giving War. This song is equally good tbh. The chorus is less unforgettable, but still it's a whole vibe. The break is more original and fun, ooh the rock part came in with that guitar. The ending is the same as before, repeating only the song tittle.
Third song, seems a little sad. He sings differently here and a little fast. Long ass song tittles btw. Chorus is not as good as the last two I'm afraid. It's kinda country now I think. The lyrical delivery is the best part. Outro is just the instrumental part which stops then makes a quick quirky sound and actually stops. Liked this one less
4th song, this one's vibey and more energetic. His voice is kinda unpleasing to me idk why. Sonically I love tho, it's a concept I never thought of checking out, jazz and rock I mean. A lot of lyrics I must say, makes me want to learn them. Chorus is not catchy somehow. I think I just heard a bridge and it was the best part. Outro is the same as before. Liked this one a lot, but not as much as the first two.
5th song, THIS IS NOSTALGIC AND IDK WHY. That piano is so gooooood I'm already addicted to it, the jazz part is less desirable, but necessary. It's fully instrumental too, lyrics would ruin it tbh. It's so funky in a way too. This would be in a jazz musical, saying that in a good way. Outro has a gong in it, weird and not fitting, but Kate Bush also finished a song like that too so.
6th song, fast start. Relatively long intro. Catchy rhymes I must say. Chorus is really good, and this is rare, but so are verses. The instrumentals getting louder when the chorus is sang is the best part. There was a bridge here too I think, and this was delivered in such a good way. The ending is chaotic jazz.
7th song, slow and kinda sad start. It's so short wow. This vibe change is giving how "believe me now" was in electric light orchestra's album iykyk. Loved the sonical part the best. Sounded like Beatles for a second too.
8th song, this is classic jazz for me, plus the lyrics are delivered that way. The chorus is less classic jazz and more rock which is basically their niche thing. This one's relatively long, at first I thought this would be the average duration, but apparently not. The break is long, which makes sense, but it's not that good and kind of is a bad addition. Second verse has the best sonical and lyrical interaction. Outro is as long as the break, but it fuses the rock and jazz perfectly so it's more fitting and enjoyable.
9th song, short song againn. Sonically it's catchy. Chorus is fun and singable. This is a grower song for me, I see how better it'll sound as a second listen. The vibe changes too many times and knowing when that happens would make me less confused and invested in the goodness of it. The shortness of it is quite good, dunno what else they would have done.
10th song, catchy as fuck start. The piano is sooo good here, it's repetitive in the best way possible. The way he sings is also original. I heard a violin playing in the background, cool touch. Has jingles at the end. Overall it feels like it needs more, but it sounded to permanent wave at some point, but I'll add it to the playlist since I see it as a grower.
11th song, this is giving if Bob Marley did jazz. After the verse pure jazz plays, it's so unexpected and sounds so heavenly. This one is oddly not as good, buuut the jazz part, it's so addictive. I added this one too, it's too good to leave out.
All and all I reaaally enjoyed this. The production of the concept and I really liked every part of it. There was not a bad song on the album, just the ones that were relatively worse, which to me are just slow growers. No other way to rate this, but 5 stars, I had high expectations and they were met in the way I wanted to.
Jul 31 2024
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Van Halen
Van Halen
Why is Van Halen's half of the albums not available in my country apparently on Spotify. This one is half available, but if I search the songs individually they are on other ones, maybe live versions and stuff, sadly I'm gonna have to do that, I mean it's the same song. Tbh this is the first time I've heard of them, I love metal and rock and this better not be full of some basic ass sounds of them. I don't really have high expectations, but I think it's gonna be a good experience, just maybe not for me.
The songs that are not available were played in 1977 Pasadena live, I hope there's not much difference.
First song, eerie start, and I love it. Oooh this is the most listened song, so it's relatively the best on the album, but that doesn't mean anything to me tbh. His voice is different, but also a basic rock voice. Chorus isn't that catchy, tho verses have good delivery. Screaming is sometimes heard. Chorus is getting better as a second listen. The instrumental break is insanely good. The before-verse-starts guitar is also amazing. Great start for an album I suppose.
Second song, this has no lyrics. OOOOO THAT ELECTRIC GUITAR IS GUITARING. One in a lifetime solo I guesss. I'm transcending how is he doing that so well. Loved this one tho I need more of it.
Third song, it starts with the chorus and does that before the verse, loved that touch. The verse was catchy, but chorus is superior. What were these alien sounds after the second chorus, because they're addicting. I'm getting familiar with his voice and it's less basic now. The outro is too good.
4th song, nostalgic vibe already. Verse is more like a build-up to the chorus, which is as good as bad, the chorus itself has a good delivery. The break is kind of not impressive. THE BRIDGE IS THE BEST PART, ESPECIALLY THE LYRICS THEY CATCHY AF. Outro is soooo good too, the Hey hey hey-s basically sum up the whole good vibe in the song. It went on for a while and quickly stopped.
5th song, he's talking because it's a live. After one minute it's finally starting. He wants the people to dance basically, if they also want it to. The recording is kinda bad because it's not loud enough if you know what I mean. The song itself must have been better on the album, 'cause this way it sounds bad and uninteresting. The electric guitar is carrying. I so wanna skip this, and sadly there's no other version of this as I remember. There's rainy sounds now. They're babadoobing now, dunno why. Outro was quite good I must say.
6th song, finally this one's available. Chorus is fun to sing along to. Verse has goood lyrical delivery. His voice is becoming more and more satisfying. The break is kinda basic. Forgot to say sometimes the lyrics are sang together, for example the chorus here, it sounds different, more united voice. Outro is the same as the break, but it's fading away now.
7th song, this and every other song is not available so time to feel like I'm in Pasadena. Without the lyrics it's hard to say what he is singing about, and without that it just sounds like a regular rock/metal song. I'm hearing Korn rn, with those sounds, yk the sounds he makes was now made, but with some instrument, cool af. I'm still not feeling this song tho. The outro is so good, it's a build-up for something, nevermind the song ended, but it did sound good.
8th song, he's talking to the audience now. Idk what to write, the song is chaotic in a bad way. The chorus is not as good as it should be. At some parts the song is really good, but not as a overall vibe. Doing a-capella now, guitar slowly increased its volume then stopped and after audience screaming he talked and stopped the song.
9th song, this one sounds good already with the lyrics. It didn't go on as good as it should've. Chorus is forgettable and not a sing along. He sang the song tittle without the instruments and he sounded kinda bad honestly. Overall I didn't enjoy this one either.
10th song, forgot to write, but this would have been better if it was heard on an album because the delivery of the ice cream man is catchy. This one was less metal at the start also, then it got hard. That guitar did the job weeeell. Chorus is the best part and it made me add the song.
11th song, he must have energy on the scene, I do wanna see him too, but I'm lazy. The song is not that good, it's missing something. I don't hear a good chorus. There are good woman's vocals tho. It was energetic and fun to listen to it, but I really think the album version would be just simply superior.
Depending on these last songs, the album should get a rating of 3 stars, but it's my first time hearing them and I really liked them too. Their style isn't obscure, but they had something, more albums from them would make me sure in this idea. So basically 4 stars is the perfect choice, the first 5 songs were too good to ignore, and just because live versions were bad doesn't mean they are actually unlistenable. Thus it wasn't as basic as I expected it to be, it wasn't really metal for me either, more rock than metal I suppose. All and all I'll have them in my daily rotation most likely.
Aug 01 2024
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Welcome To The Pleasuredome
Frankie Goes To Hollywood
I so heard of them, but somehow never listened to them the way I wanted to. I've read a lot of reviews and now I have hiiigh expectations. Genre-wise I'm all here for it too, synth-pop is generally catchy and now FGTH must have a unique sound that will hook me. I only had "power of love" added to my playlist, though I have no idea how it sounds like. Also the cover is very very gay and I love that, makes me feel like they're a comedy group and doesn't take stuff seriously, maybe they don't, but they also make too much of a quality music apparently.
First song, opera? It's definitely an intro to the whole album, but because of such a long song title I thought it would be longer. It's eerie and the woman is already singing opera, love that tbh. Oh he talks and laughs. Guitar is joining with the woman alongside. Already hearing the synth. He vocalised a little and stopped, so did the song after it.
Second song, 13 MINUTES? This better be worth it wtf. I do like the name tho. There are animal sounds in the background and he sang a little. It sounds like Gorillaz's interlude. The beat came on and now it sounds like real music. The vibes are good, it's not dancey nor happy or sad, just fine. Monkey sounds made by man, I think. He doesn't really sing, just talks. Just realised that Spotify's album cover is fully different from this one, but it's the same album and they do match in a way. He's talking fast now and there's a sonical and lyrical interaction. He has a good voice too. It's full and doesn't need anything else, but also I'm waiting for something massive to happen. The beat progressed. It got undervolumed now. He has good lyrical delivery I suppose, makes it less boring. Made it like the song is finished, but it's still going with some weird sounds. Ooh the beat drop was amazing. It's non lyrical and sounds like Pink Floyd getting ready for the next song. It's getting more and more uninteresting, I was gonna add this to the playlist, but I'm just gonna skip the half of it anyway. It's vibey and listenable just some parts are extended unnecessarily. Just realised that there are two types of voice here, either two guys sing or they just change their voice. Outro is quite good, it's progressing, getting faster and stuff. Talks like a villain at the end, deep voice he has I mean, also manically laughs. It's a grower for sure.
Third song, this is the most listened song, so I should like it. Chorus really hit me, it's a catchy one. He has vocals and I love them. Production-wise it's different and full of sounds, perfect for my ears. Oooh the instrumental break is soooo good sonically, he sings a little, but it's a break for me. "When you wanna come...come" such a funny line to me, plus idk how to interpret it.
4th song, world music as a genre vibes already. Ohhh it's that song named "war" sample of that, maybe vice versa not sure. The beat is so dancey and exotic. 6 minutes is a lot, but if it stays this good I'm here for it. He is talking like Madonna does in some songs, but this one seems more informational vibed. There're long pauses in between and that's kinda annoying. The Spotify album cover is so artistic and stuff and this one's straight out gay, still don't know which one is better. Finally he sings. The last parts of the song are too good to ignore tbh, thought it would be worse and I am happily mistaken.
5th song, violin and dramatic vibesss loveee that. Ooooh nevermind beat is energetic and fast, the intro is sooo misleading. This one's more rock with synth. His voice is overshadowed by the instruments, which mostly I don't like, idk what to think about that here for now. It's fully rock now and it's kinda progressing. Oh everything stopped and than technotronic beat came on, then the previous loudness renewed, the chaos, people, album is extremely chaotic and that's the best part in it.
6th song, he's so British here, and the fuck is he talking about. It's veeery rare, but I extremely like this interlude lyrically and sonically, equally. Couldn't have made it any better.
7th song, it's giving funeral. Lyrical delivery is just sad, not "someone is dead" sad tho. This one is pop and less synth and rock. There are men background vocalising after he sings a little. There is a dialogue at the end at it perfectly transitions into the
8th song, he screams "ha" and the song is fast and full of energy. This one's more rock I think. It's catchy and doesn't sound unoriginal. He moan screamed more than one time at some point. Lana made "born to die" based on this, she took the negative turn tho(totally joking if it isn't clear). Every song is different and I love every of them differently.
9th song, is this bossa nova? This one's a soft one, his voice and the whole vibe calms me. It's kind of jazzy too, but very little of it is in here. Chorus is so catchy and the delivery of it is the best part. The versatility in this album is too much in a good way.
10th song, weird instrument I've heard before played at the start and then their classic beat came on. Chorus is not their best. The verse is catchy in a way that I want to learn it. It's chaotic now, they all sing together, that's what it sounds like. Didn't get the vibe of this one.
11th song, there's dialogue at the start. Oooh and then western beat appears. There's no lyrics here I suppose. It's getting better and better sonically. It's rocky overall, and very catchy, but there's something missing, it sounds like an intro to something. It got worse somehow. I think I hear moans, but they are not very loud and they don't make the song any richer. Song is fading away, but it's too early. Definitely smn is breathing here. Weirdest song on the album, in a bad way.
12th song, started with some talking, and now it sounds like a soldier war song, nevermind it's funky and dancey now. The chorus is very good, that's the one that made me think it was soldiery. Ohh they're saying "hunger hunger", makes sense now. I wanna add the song, but it's controversial not in the way you think tho.
13th song, the start and the first verse is quite boring, but then it builds up. The chorus is catchy especially the lyrical delivery. The beat was progressing and now it's back to the original one. It's fully rock now, and I think I hear an electric guitar. Last verse(I think) is quite different even sonically. Song is fading away.
14th song, the start is the best thing I've heard today. Same goodness is followed in the verses too. Oooh that guitar delivery is soo satisfying. This is giving Tim Curry with the way he sings. Chorus is so Arctic Monkeys, kinda erotic voice he has suddenly I mean. Then it gets childish in the best way possible and also clownish. There's a woman R/B voices joined. Idek if I'm listening to a verse or a chorus, because it's fully different, might be a bridge actually, and it's the best follow-up of what happened before. Everything stopped and he started singing like what I said Arctic Monkeys sounds like, again. One of the best songs in the album in my view.
15th song, I so don't remember this song at aaall. It's a sad one, expected from the title. This one's more pop than rock and synth, this happened for the second time, but these two songs are quite different. OOOH THE VIOLINS ARE THE BEST PART, really push the song to another level. Chorus is so strong. Celine Dion also has a song named "the power of love" and I don't remember if it's the same, must be tho, but who's the original singer, I can't fine anyone who sang this song before 1984. Unexpected mood change, but necessary tbh.
16th song, oooh this really does finish up the album. Sonically it's very something they haven't done before, he said "no more" and bang the album is finished already? I wanted more, sad thing is they don't have much albums out apparently, and I really want another one from them at some point in this list.
One of the most fun and entertaining albums I've listened to tbh. My expectations are greatly met. They couldn't have done more to impress my picky ears. Some songs are growers and I'll get to know them at some point, before that happens it doesn't sound like a 5 star album, but it isn't any less either, technically it might be 4.5, which is basically 5 so I'm going with that and I'll have no regrets about it.
Aug 02 2024
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Electric Ladyland
Jimi Hendrix
Finallyy I always wanted check him out, and I didn't wanna do it myself. I've heard a few songs of her, but that's not how you know a guy's artistry. I have high expectations for this album, I love hard rock and psychedelic, especially from Jimi. Somehow I've never seen this album cover and it's very well done, the colours are the best part in it obviously, and he's definitely singing too, but he seems to enjoy it too much... Anyway it's a long album, which means there's gonna be tons of solos and guitar rambling, if they are unique enough I will definitely like them.
First song, a real intro song I see. Can't tell what I'm hearing, but it's experimental and buzzy. It's getting louder and noisier. I expected a transition, but apparently not. This was not an amazing start, but at least he worked for it.
Second song, the beat is catchy and makes the whole song better. His voice is comforting. This is definitely gonna sound better in headphones. Yepp guitar is on the left, adlib vocals are on the right, and his real voice is on the left I thinkk. The melody is moving around between ears too.
Third song, shiiit this one also traveled between ears sooo satisfyingly. He's talking fast, almost rapping, also he has a fully different voice and his in my right ear. He sounds so good here. My heart is pumping fast because this is so good, hopefully that's the reason. Songs are quite short, but I bet they'll get longer soon enough. Ooh clapping in the right ear and it transitioned into the
4th song, shit I told you guys this one's 14 minutes. Ohhh the interaction between vocal and sonical is like magic here, he sings guitar does its thing. OUUUUH THE BEAT CAME IN AND IT'S CUNTY AF. I feel another instrument on the left, right is the electric guitar. He doesn't have a talent of a vocalist, but he still nails that part too. It's kind of progressing, but also stays at the same level. There's a guy talking in my left ear. After 3 minute build-up it finally hit and it's becoming even better, as expected. Pardon, it's actually 15 minutes. The chorus(I think) is such a show off of his instrumental and production talent. It's such a full sound, I mean there are some songs that sound empty and this one doesn't, I'll never be bored of this. Shiiiiiiiiit the guitar was GUITARING for a loooong fucking time and then it went left and briefly stopped. It's getting drummy now. I would so see him perform this album, kinda late for that tho. There's a electric piano(idk) on the left and it's so oddly put in between this chaotic loud instruments. Clapping on the right and laughing on the left. Guitar is the only instrument playing, nevermind there's another one on the left. This is such an adventure, I'm impressed. It just came to me, and I want Jimi and Nina Simone to have collaborated at least once, this song made me thought of her somehow so. Lyrically it's finished, but sonically it's getting louder and more enjoyable to listen in every way. It already feels like it's ending. Sound is travelling in my brain again, love that. I can't really express how much I liked this song, and the longness of it was the best part. There's some talking at the end, which I can't really hear clearly.
5th song, catchy already. There're different instruments, but left one has drums and shit and I hear a guitar too. Lyrically it sounds like Beatles tbh, feels like more than one person is singing. The break is really good and unique. I wish I had a chance to live when this came out, because it would be so nostalgic listening to this rn. Last verse has such a good delivery, it's addicting. Fully different sound is playing rn, almost cartoony. The outro has another beat, which is so mesmerizing in a weird way.
6th song, this one's less different from the classic rock songs, also this one's less hard rocky. Chorus let's other people sing and that makes it quite good, oh they do join in the verses too. The part where the song title is said is the best part because of how Jimi sings it. He mentions his name, I didn't really hear it tho, just says so on Spotify. "Rescue me" is another song and I can only think of that after this outro.
7th song, already I'm in love with this song, the delivery, the start, the stop the instruments and sing and repeat that, like what a way to go. The break is less impressive, but it was necessary, nevermind this one's equally good. Last verse was also good, and the outro had the break vibe, but then faded away.
8th song, what is this beat delivery, it actually hits my head. God, this guy can progress the instruments. Ofc the instruments are divided between ears Jimi-style. Again this beat, it has a disco vibe, but also not. Forgot to write I was looking at the lyrics, but for now there hasn't been a song I was disappointed in.
9th song, Spotify has no lyrics for this, but he just started singing, the start was kind of jazzy. His voice is backgrounded almost in my left ear. Gospel vibes with the vocalising. This one has sadness in it if I'm hearing it right. There's something missing here. Because of his faded out vocals I can't get this song to like sadly, it's a hard grower then I'm sure.
10th song, that cough was so well produced into my ears I can't explain. This one's so jazzy I love it. Ooh he talked and smn answered, who seems high tbh. It does have a rainy vibe. The fight between the jazz and rock here is so good, only Steely Dan has done jazz rock, one that I know of. Ohh his vocals are different here, it's more chill. The slight instrumental progression when he's talking is such a vibe. At some point electric guitar seemed to talk human, so weird and good to know that they can do that(not literally tho).
11th song, the second and last long song on the album(just checked). This one's also chill, but not jazzy. There's a certain beat on the left and guitar on the right. Just before chorus everything stopped until he started singing again. There's a echo of his voice on the right. The beat is giving soldier march now. Song basically just started, still so much to go. Feels like the first part is finished. Left ear has a fully different beat and he's talking very relaxed with an echo on the left now. No more lyrics? But there is 9 minutes left. It's kind of experimental now. The melody opened in my brain like literally, it was so closed in it was annoying, and then suddenly it started moving and then it opened up, dk how to explain that phenomena other way. There are bells ringing veery lightly. The guitar on the right is quite somber, I can't tell what other sounds are, but one sounds like an eerie man voice. Whistling sound I heard for a second. It's very quiet now, literally nothing is happening, sounds like Pink Floyd getting ready for the next song tbh. It's drummy and less chill now, they sound really good while travelling between ears. It's progressing, that sounded extremely good, but also quickly stopped. Oh he sings again. What a song indeed, I just laid and listened, tried to think about writing here less, and it made me enjoy the song even more. Bird sounds at the end. Oh it's this one ended and not it's suddenly
12th song, this one's an interlude. I hear wind blowing and there's nothing else, quite a relaxation, but not worth to add it.
13th song, IT DID IT AGAIN, THE GUITAR TALKED HUMAN SOMEHOW. I've never heard smth like it before. Also the start was loud. This is the continuation of the song before which was about dreaming while raining, that's rare in albums tbh. Feels like Beyoncé's "freedom" sampled this, but not literally there's just some part here that makes me remember of that song. This one was good in context, but it's a grower, so I didn't really like it tbh.
14th song, forgot to write, but it has Jimi style sonical start. Then it's getting better tho, the chorus is so good and then constant beat is godly. The production is one of the best here in my view. By chorus I meant that "down down down" part, and some lines before. The verses are good, but the chorus really shows the goodness of the song, tho without the verses' beat it wouldn't be this amazing overall. Outro is fully electric guitar. OHHH EVERYTHING STOPPED EXCEPT THE GUITAR AND HEARING IT CLEARLY IS HEAVEN.
15th song, kind of a experimental beat behind, in the start tho. His voice is very clear. This is the most listened song on the album, can't see the hype yet. Ohh the break is unique, that's the best part for now. The verse makes me want to learn the lyrics. I haven't heard a chorus and I expected that would be the reason for it's popularity. This sounds as good as any other song, I can't actually see why this is seen as the best song by the public. The second break is eveeen better. If I listened to only this song, I wouldn't like it as much, but hearing it after the whole album, it gives the song different perspective. Still not sure about it's overly big popularity, no problem with it tho, just every song deserves it. Bob Dylan wrote it, maybe lyrically it's the best song I've heard, I never look at the lyrics on first listen sadly, but I'll get it one day definitely.
16th song, no way, this is so much better than the last song. Oh it's a continuation of the song before, which was about voodoo child. This one's second most popular on the album, but this one actually deserves it. It has this big beat and guitar is doing its job way too well. His voice is less clear, that might be a bad thing. At this point there's 2-3 songs I haven't added to my playlist, and that's saying something. This one is quite hard rocky for me. Forgot to say stuff during the song, but it was as amazing as it it expected from Jimi if we don't count that I don't like when his voice isn't clear.
It must be clear after all this writing that I am blown away by this album. I expected a decent album, but not like this. Makes me want to listen to it over and over again tbh. Instantly 5 star album with no take backs. Idk how can smn listen to this and say it wasn't good enough and some shit, like even tho I don't understand how hard it is to play some of these songs, talent is for sure seenable. Also in a subjective way, each song was catchy and on-repeat-listenable in many ways. I'd like more albums with this artistry, oh and I hope there's more Hendrix on these 1001 albums.
Aug 03 2024
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
OOOOOO I LOOOVE ARETHA. I'm just gonna say I have high expectations already. I probably know some songs off the album, I've seen this over too, haven't checked the songs on Spotify tho. Her voice, style and the way she delivers some lines is too good to ignore. Smn said Her soul doesn't sound good enough for modern ears, especially lyrics, but I kind of disagree with that, but there IS a chance that I might not even like this, however, I'm too positive about the album already to find it bad. I generally like women vocalists and Aretha is just one of them, I hope there's more of them here for me to check out. Why is there two \"respect\" on the album, weird, they must be the same songs too, also love that song, just don't remember it well.
First song, Oooh movey and dancey jazz. The background vocals are what makes this a classic btw. The chorus is lyrically girlbossy and I'm here for it. Her voice is obviously amazing, don't even need to state that. Production is too good on this, those "ooh"s that match up with the beat, just satisfying. The bridge became popular at some point I think, because the delivery is very known to my ear.
Second song, this one's slower, makes me want to learn the lyrics. Her vocals are impressive, but not overly unique. Idk why but she sounds young somehow. Sonically it's another adventure tbh, wouldn't say better than her vocals tho. That scream voice at the end killed the song, in a good way I mean.
Third song, this one's also girl bossy in a way, but also about devoted love to smn who might not be deserving of it. I don't really look at the lyrics at the first listen, so if we don't count those two factors, it sounds quite fine. I just heard a guitar and that's rare with Aretha I think. It's getting louder and therefore better.
4th song, slow start. What a beat drop, god I enjoyed that one. This kind of jazz especially with a female vocalist is the best to me tbh. It has a walking beat which makes it fully better. Thing is each song sounds kind of same, which should be a problem, but somehow isn't, lyrics are the most different thing between songs, and I'll only be able to unlock that feature after a few listens.
5th song, bossa nova? Definitely not regular jazz. Piano appeared, probably for the first time. It's kind of r/b too. There was a sonical progression which quickly stopped and I loved it, but too short. Background singers came back, they're singing with her. Each song fades away, as expected. Didn't really likes this one, might be a grower.
6th song, lyrically I can hear it's about her loving smn, never really got interested who she married(if so). Background singers are singing the song title mostly. This one's dramatically slower than other songs. Trombone(idk) appeared and made the song a little better. Probably my least favourite off the album for now. It's too same, I can't hear chorus(if there is one) and that's bad for a song.
7th song, piano start. Idk what to write, they all sound to same for me to say something different that I haven't already said, does sound good tho. If I immerse myself in an old jazz bar and see Aretha singing this, than this becomes a veeery good song, but just looking at her album cover does no such thing. Also bad chorus here too. I always say whether songs are catchy and many of the last songs haven't been, they just background music for now and hear me out that's not a bad thing. The ending had a clear jazz appearance and I wish there was more of that.
8th song, this already is catchy with that start. Relatively fast and less boring too. I don't like how she sounds on these, she's quiet somehow, even though she has a powerful voice. Chorus is hearable and it's a good one I suppose. Realised that I haven't said a thing about verses, cuz they be basic af not sure.
9th song, now she has a clear voice here, also the album cover is changed, so is this the remastered version and that's why it sounds better? If so that's bad. Background singers appeared and not so successfully, but they catchy in a way. This is an emotional song definitely, just hard to feel anything without knowing what she yapping about, I'm not complaining if it sounds that way, just stating facts. This is giving, just divorced woman drinking and walking in a idgaf way, but slowly.
10th song, rock? Not a hard one, but definitely I hear a guitar of some type. Better lyrical delivery too. I was walking with the beat before and I realised that I haven't fast walked because songs were soooo slow and this made me do it, finally. She's vocalling more too. It has a "rescue me" vibe lyrically especially.
11th song, finally she vocalled a little more than expected. Start was slow and that's what the whole song is gonna be. She should have hired better jazz musicians, ik that fastness isn't what she was going for anyway, but she should have, though this album is for a rainy day, howeverrr since respect is here, I expected a more energetic one. Also the writers(in some songs Aretha is the writer so she might be bad at it too) are bad at delivering choruses and diverse songs. This one's kind of progressing sonically, but it ain't enough.
12th song, these last 3 songs were added in 1990s apparently, and this "respect" is a different version, but Idc, at least I'm gonna listen to this bop again. Background singers saying "just a just a just a" is such a good part, and this is what I mean by first listen doesn't say anything about a song, I might have a missed a lot already on this album, and even though I don't like that, I'm not gonna add most of the songs to my playlist, just gonna trust the process.
13th song, oh shit these are the same songs. Well I'll try them again, maybe I'll find some Easter eggs. I actually like the constant beat, idk the name, but there's some instrument delivering some good sonical line. There was a music stop at some point and she sang a capella for a short time, didn't notice that before, background singers sang along too. Oooh this is the one where guitar randomly appeared. Trombone(I think) is getting louder and me is loving it, of course that's the time when the song finishes.
14th song, sounded like a Christmas song for a second. It's actually funny how I talk the same amount as I first listened to those last two songs. The background singers are the best part here, I remember I said they were kinda catchy, and now them randomly appearing sets the vibe. Ooooh "show some respect for me" self references, you go girl. This sounded like bridge, because it had a different delivery, but also didn't make anything that was relatively more wowable.
Well I expected a lot more than this. I was already ready to rate this 5 stars, but I'm now thinking 4. But thing is it's Aretha, I love her and these songs will grow on me one day or another. Also it's not even 4 or 5. So let's say it's a 4.5 album and rate it 5, because I can't do that to my girl. As a sum up review, I'd say this deserves to be here, but there must be other better albums than this. This WAS the vibe in these times so I can't complain about it being a little low on quality (ykwim), so I'm just gonna say I'm not impressed, but neither too disappointed.
Aug 04 2024
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Modern Kosmology
Jane Weaver
Never heard of her, and tbh I thought it was a man at first idk why. Genre is weird here, especially when Spotify says this is krautrock and art pop, those are good ones so I think this is gonna be good. Also 2017 is quite new and it's rare that 21 century is here, so happy about that. Unless it's overly slow and boring I think I'll enjoy this, no high expectations, but I really hope it won't be too bad.
First song, oh what an intro-of-an-album start. THIS IS DEFINITELY ELECTRONIC YOU KIDDIN?! It's giving Lana plus Björk and I loooove them both. Oh god it feels like I'm travelling in space. Her voice is so transcending. Is this the chorus, cause it's veeery good. I can't keep up with writing, it's toooo gooood. The experimental sounds are such a treat too, sounds like UFOs tbh. This is sonically and lyrically equally good. It's close to the end and there's this progressive instrumental break and I love it, god I love it. It's becoming rocky, but also not. This was an outro basically, loooooved this, better keep up the work. Ooh god it transitioned into the
Second song, bird noises nothing special for now. AAAAH THAT BEAT DROP, DEFINITELY SPECIAL NOW. Oooh now rock slowly joins in, this is heaven wow. Her voice is angelic. The production this good is a rare treasure, I am extremely impressed. Is this chorus, because she's singing differently and there's echoes in my right ear. Makes me feel like I'm floating in an endless space. This is some underrated shit I usually am looking for. What was that ending, spooked me a little, in a good way.
Third song, soft rock start. Electronica joined, and now her amazing voice. Oooh this one has an album name. This must be the chorus and I love it a lot the sonical and lyrical interaction is the best part in it, also it's progressing sonically. She doesn't exactly have vocals, but not that it makes anything worse. This is like if Florence Welch had a soft voice instead of a powerful one. This is definitely permanent wave too(chorus might say otherwise tho), the best is quite mostly same, but not in a bad way. She's vocalising after the chorus and it is extremely good to hear her like that. It's ending so it's kind of fading away. A long song, but didn't even notice that.
4th song, fully different start, it's retro I think. Has a melancholic vibe to it. The almost fast talking is Del Rey all the way. OOOH THE SONICAL PART IMPROVED IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, dunno how to explain that, GOOOOSH IT HAPPENED AGAIN, ANOTHER INSTRUMENT ADDED. Back to level one now. This is such an adventure in both sonical and lyrical delivery way. About that last part, the way she sings it's giving Mitski too. The magical instrument came in again. The overall vibe is very spacey. Ending is quite eerie, giving Daughter, but also not.
5th song, this is totally rock, the guitar part especially. Her way of singing always opposes her sonical delivery in a good way and I love it. This is what I mean by a good catchy sad song, not some basic shit I usually have to listen to here, this is not a grower, not the one that needs special ears to like it, it's such generally and in every other way good and satisfying to listen to, wish more artists had songs with the same description. This one's very permanent wave, so nothing dramatically changed, but she is singing in a different way rn, kind of fast I'd say. It's Hendrix style rock rn(not exactly tho). Also definitely a headphones song, because sounds are divided into each ear. Endings are always different with this girl.
6th song, it's giving that there's gonna be a good beat drop at some point. I WAS FUCKING RIGHT OOOO I LOVE THIS ALREADY. What instrument am I hearing rn, it's too good. She's more lively here too. The production is absolutely magnificent on each song, can't describe how good they sound, which will become better and better with each listen I'm sure. This magical instrument I can't name is the best part in the song. I refused to write any more here, just enjoyed the overall goodness of it. AAAH AT THE END SHE ENHANCED HER VOICE AND SANG THE CHORUS IN THE BEST WAY AND RIGHT AWAY TRANSITIONED INTO THE
7th song, beat almost instantly started. This is some Lana plus Mitski voice again. The beat is again retro and melancholic. Oh she's vocalising quite differently, and the beat is getting progressive. Oh beat is blurred in the background and smth is playing in my right ear, back to normal quite quickly. Everything stopped for some time and now only beat is playing, god I love this woman already.
8th song, computery sounds at first, now it's dramatic orchestra and birds. Fully changed and it's soft rock now I suppose. There's a wind whistling sound in my left ear(sounds like it at least). One of the saddest lyrical delivery she has done here. The beat is quite basic, I mean it's used in many other songs too, OH BUT NOT THIS GUITAR IN MY RIGHT EAR. I'm happy every song doesn't sound like this here, cuz this one's kinda empty and not full of sounds. There's a violin now playing in the background with that guitar on the right, now it's full. Ending was with bass only also with some futuristic sounds.
9th song, first time someone is talking and it's a man. She's echoing on what the man said. Her voice is distinct in a weird way. Not a clear word I've heard for now. She's echoing herself now, the way it's delivered it's almost scary. There's a guitar on the right veeery lightly tho. Oh the man is talking again, he said the same thing, tho I love the way he says it. There's that instrument playing you blow in and it makes a soujd(idk how I forgot the name), but there are also violins around. It's quietly chaotic and I love that. He saying something different and it's cunty in a good way. I heard drums at some point, weiiird. Ooh ending basically transitioned into the
10th song, start slowly turned into a catchy guitar/bass beat. There's a different sound on the right. Her vocals are low-key different. Ooooooo the chorus is really good, sonically progressing and she vocals in a good way. Verses usually aren't catchy at the first listen, so can't really judge them as good as choruses, but Jane does them both impressively well. The beat is fast paced and it must have a name because I've heard it before. Weird sound is increasing its sound. A bass randomly appeared, it's kind of progressing, but also fading away, the weird sound went away and only bass left and now that one is gone too, fully Jane-style ending, especially of an album.
Instantly 5 stars I don't give a damn. This exceeded my expectations in the best way possible. This was one of the best albums I've ever listened to, especially between the sad ones. It contains many sounds that are thrilling and makes me feel like I'm floating (ik I said that already), plus the production and her voice combined is the best thing she could ever done. I wholeheartedly want another album of her here, or I'll definitely try. Songs were long, but album should have been too. No regrets, and I dunno why some people don't like it, haven't deepdived that. Whatever this genre is I love everything about it and I think I've found another favourite artist of mine.
Aug 05 2024
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Moving Pictures
Never heard of rush, but I apparently know one song of theirs some red album that is. I read that one review about how Rush destroyed prog rock and that's gonna stay in my mind for a long time, 80s were a bad time for such music apparently. Well because of that I have low expectations, but also I do like hard rock if it's unique in some ways. Though if the voice is bad(as that person said) and production sucks, I'll simply won't like it, for example, Van Halen is hard rock, but the songs were catchy and asking for a second listen. Anyway I hope this won't be as bad as I already think it is.
First song, their most listened song, so it must be good. Ooh alien spacey start. Great lyrical delivery already. Now rock came in. I don't like his voice tbh, it's not suitable for rock I think. He's kind of whining, it's giving clown of The Crown. I do love the way he talks fast. This futuristic instrumental break is quite uncalled for, but I like it. Electric guitar is not at its best to me. Getting weirdly boring somehow. The uniqueness of his voice is kind of intriguingly satisfying. The song slowly faded away. Not impressed, but I hope it gets better.
Second song, same kind of future sounds again. It's slower for now. Liking the beat it's kind of nostalgic. He has a county voice I think, a rather annoying at some point, idk why I keep talking about it tbh. Sonically it's basic. The lyrical delivery is edging me because it starts good and ends too badly. Guitar is progressing. He's in both of my ears now, basically sounds different after the break. Idk if I like this, it's not fully bad, just not IT. It's tooooo long too, I wish it sounded at least better or had a plot twist as in song's movement changed. His voice is distant and I hate that. It's outro now finally. First song had this little goodness in it, this just sounds like a mix of common and overused production.
Third song, loved the start, unexpected. Kind of angry instrumentals, love that too. No lyrics? I was gonna say his voice will ruin it and now it can't, HA. Not a good direction they took with this one. They must have had a bad lyricist, seven songs and one is already instrumental. I liked this clown like sound, now they're fighting between ears. It was fast paced for a moment. Back to how it was before. Ooooh drums did a little dilly dallying. Electric guitar came into play, sounded the best when only it was playing. Liked that it wasn't all the same throughout the song. Outro is coming and before that it has the worst part of the song on repeat, changed it into even worse instrumentalisation. Ooh dramatic ending love it.
4th song, basic start and same way it continued. Sorry again about his voice, it must be a grower or I can't take it sometimes. There are songs that make me feel like, I want to sing them, this guy has no emotion hence I'll find no joy singing along with him yk. Honestly tho when do I listen to this, it's not sad, happy, energetic... Do I just try to dance to it, probably that's the solution. Don't get me wrong tho, I love this genre, this guy just ain't hitting it. Chorus had a melancholic delivery almost, but an overall bad one, might be catchy on the second listen. Pretty boring if I had to sum it up, might be a grower.
5th song, AAAAAH 11 MINUTES? Future like sounds for now. Gonna be a long time before the beat hits I assume. It's slowly kicking in tho. Slightly more use of instrumentals. It doesn't even sound good, I hate songs that need second listen to see its goodness. Like not expecting what comes next is weirdly off-putting right now, but knowing that after this there's a good part would be relieving. It's dramatic now almost, would suit an action scene. Veeery bad guitar use, nevermind I find it catchy now. I'm slowly liking this, oh a beat change. I wish he didn't start singing UGHHH I HATE THIS VOICE. That guitar part is very good now, like I get it get it. There's three in the group, can't the other ones sing sometimes, ik that's not how it works, but I need smth different. I'll get used to it... It sounds too good sonically to have this guy on it vocally. Future sounds came back. That previous dramatic sonical part and then my favourite guitar play. Are they seriously doing the same thin.. he sings again? There was no need we're so close to the end. Electric guitar is having a trouble in a good way, oooh it just got better, one of the coolest outr.. it wasn't an outro apparently, since his voice came in. Ended quite miserably if you ask me. Bell sounds at the end.
6th song, spooky start. I LIKE THE NAME. The bells on the right, the screaming, the dramatic drums. The witchy bells GOD I LOVE THIS. I feel like a witch waiting to kill all those people trying to kill me. EWWWW HIS VOICE, HONESTLY FUCK OFF. It had such a potential, and now there's this basic ass fucking rock playing instead of the witchy sounds they've had. AAAAAH I HATE YOU RUSH WTF IS THIS, WHAT ARE THEY DOING, NO. This is not the witch hunt song I was playing 2 minutes ago. Sonically it's kinda better now, but there's also his voice, so it's well balanced out(hate it). I'm just gonna add this song and only play the first 1 minute of it, suck it Rush, and shame on you for ruining this song. The ending has organ in it I think, so kinda better.
7th song, catchy start, nevermind the rock ruined it. They have this future like production which they ruin it by this basic ass guitar and whatever other instruments are bad use, not even talking about how much the voice ruins it. Oh finally a good lyrical delivery from him, it was connected to the sonical part and that made it better. Is this permanent wave I can't tell, I have never seen a catchy chorus in it, it's just this same flow that once in a while barely changes. Ooooh the instrumental break is quite different from what they've done before, god he started singing, and he's saying the same thing, just stfu. Idk if I actually don't like this voice or it's a principle now. I need time to let it grow on me I hopefully think. Song faded away miserably.
Welp, I'm not really sure how to rate this. The voice ruined every(except one) song. If that part was good I'd rate it 4, but I shall not. Sonically it was well different, though it was also very boring at some points. If I could rate only the instruments, it would be 4 at least, but that voice, ugh that voice. I could forget about that and just be like it doesn't exist, no that would be wrong. I'm rating this 3. They had a good chance with the witch hunt song and ruined the fuck out of it, other's just sounded good, nothing special, though I did added some of them in my playlist. Still I didn't have high expectations and therefore the low ones were met, I do hope their other albums sound better, if they are here even.
Aug 08 2024
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Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
LOOOOVE LEONARD, and it's second time he has come up here, I think this is gonna be better than that white black album, also I know two songs of this so I kind of have high expectations. His voice is spectacular, and I know this is gonna have sadness all over it, but I still think I'm gonna like it. I'm also getting ready for the fact that songs might sound the same, but it's Cohen and I will nonetheless like them, but I will complain obviously.
First song, I know this one, I remember chorus being catchy. He has a rather softer voice, compared to the older Cohen. There's vocalising in my right ear and violin in the left. I had a woman's voice repeating what he says in the right ear only. Guitar is melancholic, and that's the only thing that's playing. Lyrical delivery is good, but not unique enough. Violin really makes this song much better tbh. I thought this was a longer one. Quite a track, little versatile of him.
Second song, I'm hearing a bass already with a dominant sound of guitar. It does sound the same as the last song. Lot of Christianity references and that's said without reading the lyrics. Now this is a much longer song. What a weird sound on the edge of my ears, kind of jazzy. He's barely vocalling, but he's not just talking either. Sorry, but hearing him say "you kneel for him to come" sounds dirty without context. OOOOH VIOLIN IN MY LEFT EAR WAS EXTREMELY GOOD, though didn't last long, same appearance in the right ear with different weird instrument. Song faded away at the end, but he didn't really stop singing tbh.
Third song, what a short song. There's guitar on the left, but another one is playing in the middle, alsoo another instrument on the right, I have no idea of its name. I was mistaken about this album having good choruses, if they exist here, they're quite the same as verses probably. Sonically it's melancholic, but also good even though it's sometimes painfully slow.
4th song, rather upbeat guitar start, and that's how it's gonna play for the rest of the song apparently. Thing is Cohen isn't about the sonical part of the songs, while that part isn't bad it just isn't enhanced and has no interaction to the lyrical delivery, it's basically permanent wave. So the lyrics must be some sadness causing shit that I currently don't understand, I'll check it now ig. Told you, apparently this is based on some film, imagine you know that film and you connect yourself with this song to that movie, GOOD STUFF. I'll watch that movie I suppose. Overall tho it's about woman's and men's commitment.
5th song, soft start and somber guitar I hear. There is a caenival like sound on the left(Beatles vibes). This one is quite good sonically and HAS an interaction with the way he sings. Also that carnival has moved from left to right ear slowly, loooved that. I thought I've heard a woman voice here, but mistaken I suppose. Apparently he wrote this while he sheltered some two women who had trouble outside, and did the lyrics in one sitting, quite a wonder. Liked this one more than I imagined.
6th song, OOH now it makes sense, it wasn't Suzanne with the good chorus, it was So Long Marianne, this one. It's full of sounds already, and the chorus yesss it scratches my brain in a good way. Verses are also very well sang, the delivery of them I mean. Was waiting for the women to appear in the right ear, made the song much better. Another religion line. There're 6 verses in this one, just noticed. Also lyrically Marianne was apparently his friend and an ex-wife who was his muse and last time they met he didn't know it was the last. Guitar doesn't change how it's played at all I think. Quite a hit to me.
7th song, fuck I fully forgort to take notes. Nothing drastic happened and I was checking lyrics and it's about him having an argument with a blonde woman who he didn't wanna leave but that's the way it's gonna go sadly for him. This one's not as special sonically either I guess.
8th song, a different in a good way start. Idk what to write I'm out of ideas, this happens after a couple of songs that sound exactly the same and are relatively mediocre. I'm honestly bored of this. However, usually when this happens songs are usually just growers. Also this is a rainy day album for a sad day, wait a second his voice cracked, weiiird anyway, there's none of that happening now, and songs become sad when they are listened at least twice so I can't judge these songs well enough. I didn't expect more than this either (my first paragraph doesn't say otherwise, this was the high expectation I talked about). I wish he did more change to sonical part and sometimes sang less while that would have happened.
9th song, catchy start, upbeat almost. Verse-wise it's sand in a fun way, still a sad song though. Oh he cracked his voice veeery slightly again. He has muuuuuch better songs than this tho, another crack, idk what's wrong with him. He's too young to make really good music I'm afraid. I'll still rate this high though, I did say I'd complain so I'm doing that.
10th song, album was out in December?! Not a single Christmas song somehow(cohen-style obviously), he did mention Christmas metaphorically, but still. The song didn't give me material to sing about, TALK ABOUT LUCK HE STARTED WHISTLING AND SCREAMING(not really, more like unsexual moaning). Nothing special happened before. Just gonna review fully now idc...
The album didn't have the touch of artistry I think, it didn't feel like an album, just some randomly written good poems that had the same guitar playing along, I don't love that. The last part was like so different it was giving "the album ended" but also I wish he did more than just that DURING the album. Despite all that, this is a grower album most likely and that's how Cohen does his albums anyway, they don't have to have an intro and outro it's not mandatory, and it's 60s, I can't ask for much. So this is a 4.5 album, I say that rating a lot, but I can't help it, it's definitely not 4, because I have a lot of time ahead of me and I'll definitely like it one day or another, I wouldn't do this if it was another artist, so it is a little subjective, but that's the point, I ain't a critic I am just describing songs' sonical and lyrical progress and judge them based of that, but Cohen is another matter, also I think I'm explaining myself so that my future me knows why I rated this high, not sure if anyone will ever read this. Basically definitely worth it, but he gets much better over the years, and somehow black and white album(the old one btw, I just remembered he has a relatively new one too) was slightly better than this.
Aug 10 2024
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The Stranger
Billy Joel
Not a fan fan of Billy, but I've heard a little of him and not really disappointed in him I suppose. Don't really remember his style of voice rn, so I don't have high expectations, but as always I don't want basic sad songs or overused sounds. He's a songwriter so I doubt if the songs are sonically well designed, just like Cohen does. However, this is rock too soo I think it'll be good enough for me, DK yet.
First song, fun start, catchy I'd say. OOOH WHAT WAS THAT GIBBERISH REPEATING OF SOME WORD. Ooooh the moving up and the delivery of moving out, perfeeect. Sonically it has a headphone play, love when artists do that. It's kind of sad in a way, but also cunty in a good way. Idk if this is the most listened song on the album, it seems so, which means other ones might not be as good. Little jazz and piano I see. A car is rumbling, probably connected to a music video, no idea. Obviously the song faded away.
Second song, Elton John start because of that piano, it's low-key sad, though also jazzy. OOOOH WHISTLING IN A SEDUCING WAY, it's giving Joe Dassin. AAAAH THAT BEAT DROP, and rock comes in. A decent lyrical delivery I suppose. The way he says stranger is very British to me. In the chorus he kind of changes his voice, dunno if verses are better or the chorus. This is very vibey, probably yacht rock this is. Even his way of danger is British. So songwriters CAN write catchy music and make it meaningful too, see Cohen, I love Cohen don't get me wrong, but he was yesterday and I was kinda disappointed his main focus was on lyrics so. This was quite a good one too. OOH GOD I THOUGHT SONG FINISHED AND WHISTLING CAME BACK IT'S LIKE ANOTHER SONG. One of the few songs that are long, but don't feel like one.
Third song, kind of s futuristic sound, before his voice comes in. He "mmm"ed briefly, kinda rare. Ooooh the best slowly coming in while he's singing was amazing. Jazz came in too, but not as the main part. There's a guitar on the right and some kind of vocalising in the middle. Don't loving the way he sings. It sounds like a love song, lyrically mostly obviously. It's too smooth and slow, I like it, but he's done better in the last two songs. He vocalled much longer than I expected, but not in an amazing way, he apparently doesn't have any vocal abilities, at least that's how I see it. This was for example one of those songs that should be a little shorter, buuut might just be a grower. Jazz became the main part finally. Not a great ending, but oh well.
4th song, seven fucking minutes. Sorry, but makes me think of that Harry Styles song, because of the name iykyk. Lot of piano but it's just that and him singing. Oh nevermind jazz and some beat came in quite beautifully. GOD SONG CHANGED BASICALLY, IT'S UPBEAT NOW. This is how a 7 minute song should go, changing on the way instead of making it aaall the same. There's a instrument playing I forgot a name of, a good one actually. Ooooooooooooh the piano is pianoing in the best way possible. This is very pleasing sonically. I'd never imagine Billy was capable of delivering these kind of songs. The lyrical and sonical interaction is a chief's kiss here. Not a minute spent without changing smth once in a while, proud of you billy. AAAAAAAAH IT TURNED INTO A NATIONAL ANTHEM AT THE END. That wasn't the end apparently it's piano now and he's singing more passionately now I think. Randomly jazz appears again, what a song, GOD. Ending was better than just making it fade away.
5th song, sorry but it was a little goofy piano start. Now this one is definitely a sad one, it's a good one tho. He sings in a good way. Waiting for the chorus... There are three choruses as Genius says and they are veeery different from eachother, wait a fucking second is the instrumental break FRENCH?! Loved that. ooh I'm so dumb Vienna I somehow read it as a woman's name no a city, it's because I didn't try to read it out loud. Loved this one even though it's more of a grower tbh.
6th song, he's such a LIAR, the song started differently and now it has a dancey beat and fun vibes all of a sudden, it's giving Shock Treatment soundtrack tbh in a good way. I love these kind of songs, they're weirdly addicting even on a first listen. Dunno which one was a chorus, but I liked when he started singing with more passion and instruments went and came on later, this phenomena must have a name. Oooh it's giving Chuck Berry, didn't last long tho, I meant the sonical part btw. It was quite the same at the end, saying that positively.
7th song, this is all the way sad I suppose, but when the piano beat came in it's low key more upbeat. Been listening without making notes and this could be my least favourite off the album. But lyrically and idk why, but it's giving ABBA'S "head over hills". Not exactly a bad song, just too permanent wave and slow in a bad way.
8th song, disco vibes almost. That unknown instrument came back. Sonically it's soooo good. Oooh he's "lala"ing, weird but expected from Billy. It does have a little disco beat to it, but also rock. Haven't seen disco and rock this close before (or I have and I didn't realise). It's getting a little repetitive, but it's still a vibe and will sound much better on the second listen. The duration is on point too, just as I was bored it's close to the end. The end had that instrument and some futuristic sounds at the veeery end.
9th song, it is kind of giving the last song of the album, it's a long one and it's slow so yeah. Is this Luther King reference? A slow gospel, love that, a group of singers came up was background ones, I suppose that was a chorus. Sonically it's not as good for now. Touching lyrically (not sure it just sounds like it), but I'm not a lyrics guy. He vocalled a little louder, not expected from Billy. I thought it would change the vibe even a little bit as some point, but eh. Wait a second it's fading away, but the song ain't finished, WHAT'S HAPPENING, PIANO?! OOOOO I LOVE THE PIANO QUITE A LOT HERE, OOOOOOOH BECAUSE IT'S NOSTALGIC THAT WHISTLE CAME BACK AND THE PIANO WAS USED THERE TOO, GOD A SELF REFERENCE THIS TURNS OUT TO BE. Now I can safely call this an artistic album, because I love when songs are connected to each other especially when they're not right to each other. What an album ending like wooooow.
BILLYYY I LIKE YOU MORE THAN EVER. I didn't expect to love love this album at all. Some songs were a little off, and 5 stars does mean it should be fully perfect, but the level of surprising me in the songs in the ways I didn't expect from him is enough to rate this as high as possible. I am delighted. Didn't disappoint me as much as I thought it would, smn said Billy is a bad version of Elton John, and I most certainly disagree, I know Elton more than Billy tbh (haven't listened to an album waiting for one here tbh) so they seem equally good rn, might change that mindset idk. Anyway this was catchy, fun and sad and I simply can't ask for more, just more albums from Billy, pleasee.
Aug 13 2024
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The Last Broadcast
Never heard of them, but I've read a fair amount of reviews saying they sound like Coldplay, and I like them, but these guys better be better than them. No high expectations, but I see some long sad songs upcoming. If this is more close to Arcade Fire than I'll probably like it, otherwise I hope it doesn't have overused basic ass sounds.
First song, been a long time since I've heard an intro song on albums I've listened to here. Idk what sound is that but it's increasing it's volume slowly. Nothing drastic yet. Left ear got some sounds, probably the best part is that.
Second song, nice transition, and now there is this futuristic sounds kinda in a rock style. Big ass song as suspected. Singing started and there was another voice, but it went away, oh it came back. I'm not checking lyrics yet. He vocalled a lot. Sound became more clear and especially his voice. This IS kinda basic. Production got low-key better with that special sound in my left ear. It's too permanent wave tbh, not vibing with it. There was this distorted voice that was delivered in a rocky way, thought it was a switch up, but sadly no. The break is quite alieny, but not in the best way. Definitely sounds like Coldplay, but worse (for now). I feel like this is a grower, because it's not bad just too unfamiliar with it. I thought there would be transition, but nope.
Third song, Sonically it's upbeat and lyrically it's melancholic, love that. Also this one is definitely much more catchy and listenable. It's even longer, God, seven minutes, hope it changes a little at least. The magical beat I liked went away and it's fully sad now. Random epic comeback of the full sound. This is starting to sound like the song before, not liking that. Oooh sorry NOW is the beat back. It's changing around a lot, but it's not dramatic, more like it has to happen. Arcade Fire would do better job playing this song I'm afraid. I didn't note anything for a while, but nothing changes but, there's just an improvement no the beat overall. This is by far the best song for now. The outro has some weird human sounds and a tribe-like beat, love thaaat, hope it transitions, it didn't, but so could have.
4th song, nature sounds, and some instrument vocalising in my right ear. This one's sad, but short. Guitar has a clear sound. Not the vibe for now, but the lyrical delivery I now hear is catchy. There's an additional voice on the right. Break is basically repeating the guitar. He has no vocals, but he's doing it a lot now. Outro has this nostalgic sound, best part in the song don't even lying, though it's tooooo silent.
5th song, an interlude I see, quite rare here as I said. Oooh it has that "a day in the life" by Beatles operatic progression, but not exactly. Kind of transitioned, but not sure, prolly my phone glitched.
6th song, this one has a country vibe. Upbeat, but I don't think it's happy in the lyrics too. Chorus is catchy finally. Loving it sonically more. It's getting slower, but not it has a more rock sound, and getting louder and faster too. I suppose I like the switch up. Car motor sound I heard I think. It's giving noise rock. It's quieter now, thought the song changed, but no. The piano-like instrument is sad and so is his voice. A decent song I guess, not really impressed tho.
7th song, start was quite good, the headphone play especially. After the singing started, it's kinda basic, the beat particularly. Production-wise it's getting better and better. Can't explain but there's this beat which aligns with how lyrics are sang and it's perfect, BUT IT'S TOO FUCKING LONG IDK, never had a prob with long songs, but this one isn't too interesting to make me listen to it for 7 goddamn minutes. It's still somehow good, I can't help liking it. Outro is melancholic in the best way possible. Clapping sounds at the end (not of a human I think)
8th song, ambient start to guitar. Vocally it sounds like someone, can't tell who, but the voice is quite clear. OOOH VIOLINS ARE A NICE TOUCH. It feels like a revenge song sonically. It's not only sad, it's dark too and I LOVE that. Still no, the song feels like an intro, I thought smth would happen, but it's been the same, I expected more, eh. Violin IS the best part here. Can't remember the name instrument is playing, takes me back to 16th century. I'm extremely bored.
9th song, metal vibes, nevermind it's indie now. Good indie tho. It became so better and better in each second production-wise. Chorus is for the second time good enough. The pounding beat is giving FATM. This is probably one of the best songs here. THE BREAK IS AMAAAAZING WHERE WERE THEY BEFORE?! The walk-beat is very well put here. Nevermind this is the best song here, most full, clear and catchy.
10th song, album name, must be a good one. There were women vocals and now it's just him, but production is weird in a good way. They sound too same, the songs, I don't like that. Low-key catchy, but I ain't vibing. Definitely a grower, and I can't do those rn.
11th song, one of the best starts they've done... umm his first vocal appearance totally set off the vibes that the start created wtf, beat is good tho. Ughh no, I thought this would be another darkish song the fuck. I'm at the part that makes me feel like I'll be anticipating that it'll come if I relisten to this again. None of the songs are absolutely bad, they all have that part when it gets real good, and then it gets ruined in an instant like YUCK. Outro would be better without his singing tbh.
12th song, I've been writing less and less, not that it's a competition or something, but I always feel bad about it. He has a son? Didn't wanna know thaat. This guy has vocalled sooo fucking much and it isn't even that good. This is what I imagine Arcade Fire sounds like to nonfans. This is like what Rush was, sonically it's amazing and I can't believe this guy produces this good type of instrumental mix, but vocally it's annoyingly bad, for Rush the vocalist's voice was veeeery bad, but here idk what is the problem, it's not that bad, just the delivery and the way it sounds is mediocre. For example rn there's this super great guitar play, but overall the song is meh. Ooo I'm very divided whether this song was THAT good or not, I'm basically thinking about the whole album too basically..
I'm not fully disappointed, but I definitely had an idea it would get better after each song I listened. It's not a 5 star AT ALL, maybe 4, but I'm pushing 3, so all and all 3.5 seems like a good choice, but that's because I really liked the sonical part and also most of the songs are growers. Thereforeee 4 stars it is. The voice isn't tragically ugly or anything, just it doesn't have the spark and I feel like it's not even how he sounds like, it has that indie touch to it, which somehow ruined the voice, rarely happens I think. Anyway as the time passes I think I'll see the goodness here, but no promises.
Oct 03 2024
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The Associates
Never heard of em, but the album is veeery pretty, caught my eye, I'd say genre is also welcomed in my taste. No high expectations, but I think I want to enjoy this just because of how good the album cover looks. Too many songs tho, I won't listen to the songs twice just because they are "different". I saw some extra ones tho, I'll try them only. Reviewers are quite against this, so I hope I won't dislike it as much.
First song, start is very new wave already. Production is decent, wondering about how the voice sounds. It's low-key catchy, sounds like something else, DK what. Okay wtf, I didn't expect it to be FULLY instrumental, it was good, but no progressiveness or anything like it is boring. However, this does feel like a good album start song so I suppose nothing wrong with that, just they could have done more.
Second song, wind sounds and something is rattling. Asmr vibes. Beat slowly came in and then the whole vibe, piano is doing a good job, it's in my right ear and in the middle. It's vibey, but it better have some vocals, God. Finallyyy his voiceee. It's a good one, so production and vocals are both listenable, even more than that tbh. Piano is still the best part in the song. It's kinda eerie, but also upbeat in its way. His voice makes it even more eerie tho. I expected more because of the start, but this ain't that bad.
Third song, weird ass starts. What is that title, I think he's saying that now, oh he wasn't, but it was gibberish, now he's saying the title and some lyrics after it. Not bad for now, unless it gets uninteresting. Chorus is rocky almost because of the sound only though. The new waveness isn't into full action, but still a loveable song. Wonder if the lyrics contain some type of jokes.
4th song, yacht rock vibes, but there's an additional sound that progresses into an even more new wave sound. His voice is sadder here, though the song is upbeat. Sunday funday is replaced by a "Gloomy Sunday" apparently. Dunno the meaning, and apparently neither does Genius, but I'm just gonna spiritually connect to the song when it's Sunday, a gloomy one. His voice is very clear and instrumentals are kind of a background noise(in a good way), mostly voice is the one being less noisy, which iss annoyingg.
5th song, new instrument joined. The names are too funny "nude spoons" I mean, I'd never say those words together. I don't like his voice here as much. Production is fine, but feels far away. He changes the way he sings mid-singing and that's kinda fun, also vocalls a lot, but I don't see a pure talent. It's outro and there's a different sound in my right ear and it sounds extremely good, the kind of part I'll be anticipating when I relisten to this.
6th song, Suicide vibes, if you know what I mean. Songs does sound kind of same, but not sure because they are quite different in some ways too. This one has an amazing instrumental break apparently. Lyrical delivery kind of sucks. The bridge here (I think it's a bridge at least is a reaaaly good one). Him repeating the title in a weird way is the best part, it was hard to hear what he was saying at first tho. It's not even like beautiful to listen to, or in any way satisfying, it just is what it is, and it somehow makes me like it.
7th song, the production seems looooow here, I think remastered version would be better than this one, the instruments are far far away somehow. Probably the worst song for now. Rock came in with that electric guitar. Maybe it had good lyrics, too lazy to read them now.
8th song, alien-like start. Wedding sounds (not exactly tho). Oooh a happy happy song. Weird vocal delivery. The instrumental break is too good to ignore but verses are reaaally bad. Chorus isn't exactly catchy either. Every time that beat comes in, I'm like why didn't I add this to my playlist and then the verse starts. It's probably a grower so I'll just add it. The outro was fully unexpected, fits the vibe tho.
9th song, amazing start wtf. Oooh it stopped, AAAH WHAT A BEAT DROP. I'll ignore how he sings and just listen to instruments, there are a lot of them apparently. There have been a lot of headphone play in other songs too. Chorus has a catchy delivery. The instrumental break is very new wave, loving it. Ordered chaos vibes and it's too good for my ears. I think both of them are singing, feels like it. Loved this but, song quickly changed was there a transition?
10th song, quirky funky beat. Feels like there'll be no lyrics. Nothing much to write but I just realised that 11th song has this beat at the start so I LOVE THAT, but as this song being separate does not give me anything.
11th song, as I said the instrumentals are introducing 10th song's production fully, but not always. Lyrically it sounds exactly same, guess that's not what I should be paying attention to. Lyrically it's about having an affair I think, I barely read the lyrics so that's just what I think, he wants her, but she's getting too expensive. Not a banger.
12th song, this is a bop already because of the instrumentals, gotta say there are many extremely good production deliveries. Love how he's just casually being operatic now, also during that the beat is amaaziiiing. Lyrically it's low-key funny, definitely not a serious song in a good way. There were some girls singing some gibberish, made it better in a way. The girls voice at the end was the clearest sound of their, would love to see more of their appearance I suppose.
13th song, I've had a pause from this, so I don't even remember what this song sounded liked even tho it's just a version of the previous song. Start was kinda weird, but the beat and the voice is giving now. 7 minutes is too long tho. I remember the chorus apparently, good one it is I suppose. There's gonna be a big instrumental I sadly predict. It's dancey though. His vocal delivery is quite different from what I've ever heard. I could skip the song rn, because nothing new is gonna happen in the remaining time I bet, it's not certainly one of those crazy plot twist songs. By each chorus it's getting more and more catchy. As I said, there's this big break, which is better than I thought it'd be. The guitar is actually doing its job well. Idk what 12 version means, but it might be better than the original, don't remember that one tho.
14th song, instrumental only of the song which I apparently remember. The instrumental part is actually nostalgic, but I don't remember how he sang. It's actually been a long time since I was here, and this was the perfect album to stop midway. It's catchy af, idk how they do it. Quite a memorable melody I suppose.
15th song, dunno what alternative version means. The start was "white noise"y. Then the gibberish vocals was a good improvement. Sonically it's good too and now the verse is equally giving. I listened to the preview of the song with the same name just the original, and it sounds way different, but still good. Oh, It's the 7th song, and did NOT like it apparently, I was listening it on headphones back then, but idk why it sounded THAT bad, I'll give it a relisten I suppose soon enough. Russian talking at the end here, weird.
16th song, BURPING? So childish, love it. Guitar is giving and the whole Sonical beat is catchy. Verse is not as good, chorus will be better I suppose. The production seems experimental, saying that as a good thing btw. Verse is getting less bad. No chorus in the way. This is an alternative version, but I don't see the original one up in the album. It actually has a fast-walk-beat, basically a sped up runway. Is he mimi-ing rn‽ It sounds like Bloodhound Gang kinda, but these lyrics might not be as funny.
17th song, creepy ass start, guitar came in quickly enough, but the eerieness is still at hand. First time being spooked by an upbeat song tbh. Idek what he's saying. It's too permanent wave tho, I wish it could change at some points. Little opera vocalling. As I said it's too same all the way to actually like it, still worth a listen here and there.
18th song, dururuing already, to the guitar beat too I think. It's sonically catchy again. I heard french talking at one point. Bridge was probably the best part. Everything else stayed the same, but didn't really become boring. The outro was loud af, they're kinda screaming "skipping" I think.
19th song, John Leckie? Never heard of him. This is fully different production. It's too indie rocky. There's an actual beat and not an experimental one. Not baad, but is John singing, some new guy, because the voice seems the same. Not really impressed still.
20th song, same production start. Big ass intro. Are there even lyrics. It's progressing quite well sonically I must say. It was fully instrumental, not disappointed, but I wanted more, especially since the title was kinda interesting.
21th song, same catchy beat, but the song title isn't club country so idk why it has that beat. Lyrical delivery is majorly different though. Neither verse nor chorus standed out to me. Still fun I suppose, just idk why releasing that demo was a thing to do.
22th song, club country's fully different version with no catchyness. Chorus is still good tho. It feels like it was recorded live, it's too raw sonically so. I'm bored so I just wanna finish these songs quickly, since they are basically the same.
23th song, fully different title. Start wasn't interesting. Oop, neither the verse apparently. Sonically there's a beat in the background, the main one, that's kinda catchy, but it's too blurred out. Vocal delivery sucks, better to say, it repeats the one already used in other songs. Welp, still worth it I hope.
If I rated this album based on every song in unison(which IS the correct way) it would be looow. So based on how they can make that catchy tune that hooks one in, despite how many times it's repeated. The vocals and the way of singing is another remarkable thing this guys do. I don't remember the songs above 13th song, but I do have some of them added in my "liked songs" so I'm just gonna say that 4 star is prolly the best choice. It's just not as good to get the highest rating, there were albums that deserved that status more, there's no real artistry here I think, the connection between songs and stuff like that(might be lyrically and I missed it but I can't help that rn). I enjoyed it quite much as I remember and as I did in the past half hour, I do hope I'll listen to their other record here, or I'll do it myself.
Oct 17 2024
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On The Beach
Neil Young
I've definitely heard of Neil, just never listened to him. Heard good stuff mostly and that he's unavailable on Spotify, but this album is so good for me because he was in my listenlist anyway. He's a guitarist I think, that's what I associate him with. No high expectations, but that one review makes me think I'll be fairly impressed.
First song, yacht rock vibes already. Feels like it just started, no intro whatsoever. The little country instrumentals was good. This is kinda too basic tho, chorus isn't even that good, verses ain't versing either. Might be a better listen with headphones, but not worth it still. Definitely giving beach vibes, that I can say.
Second song, much better start. His vocals are not amusing and I could say is generic. It's permanent wave in a bad way. Not much deep lyrics either, I think. Reallyy confused what to even like here. There's no good production. Instrumental break is kinda good, prolly the best part in the song. Only half the song passed? Already can't take it. It's not even a grower just boring AF. The little progressiveness was fine, but it ended too quickly. The outro is all instrumental and I guess it's not as bad, just slow and not at all entertaining. Well outro has his vocals too and a little bit of Bob Dylan with that instrument I always forget the name of.
Third song, better and fast start. Lyrical delivery is good. Songs sound too same tho, hate that here. Feels like he hasn't really worked for this. I don't like that I'm not getting these songs, because I just read smn passionately talk about these songs, it feels like they need context to actually be understood, but my maaan it's music I don't need no backstory to enjoy it, and I somehow can't do that rn, tho yea if i had history with Neil I'd like this more. I do have to say this is by far the best song on the album.
4th song, country af start, full instrumental, sonical change basically. Another read the lyrics to enjoy the song one, I do that after the first listen so I'll obviously not like this at all. Barely any sound is heard honestly, not a full music I'd say. Couldn't be less impressed.
5th song, cunty start I guess. I really thought Neil would blow me away, but this is just not. There's no catchyness, I have no want to learn the lyrics (happens a lot in other cases), no effort in sonical part either imo. This one has catchy lyrics, though that's it. Some weird noises made by the instrument at the end, that's the best part in the song ironically.
6th song, long ass song, no prob with that, but in this album, short songs would be better. This one does have the most listens so it must be good. This is the music to put in the background and just think because I literally did that and it was quite nice. That's funny because music should be the center of attention, especially Neil fucking Young, but this album is a background only for me. Not getting why this is the most listened, but I connected this to my new friend(lazy to explain, future me will get it) so I added it to the playlist. This song grew on me so hard, I'm in love with it idek why.
7th song, slow and sad start. Same follows with the way he sings, which is different from how he sang in the last song I think. Not as good as now I expected it to be after the last song. HARMONICA, THAT'S THE BOB DYLAN INSTRUMENT I WAS TALKING ABOUT, finally remembered the name, and it appeared just now. Now I have history with this song, gotta add. If I add the song to my liked songs, I'll eventually like it, it's just do I want to invest my time in a song which is not that good, that's why I don't add some songs and criticise them, otherwise there's not a particularly bad song to me, they just have to stand out since there are so many of em.
8th song, 8 minutes? And here I thought I was free of this burden since this was the last song. The isabela part was the only part which seemed like a chorus throughout the album. Funny stuff mann, some guy on genius said this one has no chorus and it's notable because of that, the song which just a moment ago I said had the most chorus-like part. Also it's supposed to make me feel sad and stuff I guess, but I'm too happy for that rn, one day I'll get it. Harmonica breaks are literally Bon Dylan coded. Just gonna fully review as I'm listening to the end of this song, nothing will change, and yes I didn't like this one either.
Overall I'm not impressed in any way. I would give this 2 stars instantly, but since it made me remember of my friend I give it 3, also I get that I'm not getting it. There is some goodness in there, I just don't care for Neil that much, especially after this, to deepen my likeness in him or this album. When I heard he wasn't on Spotify I thought I was missing out a lot, but maybe I wasn't, still some guy said he had 3 Neil albums already, so I might like Neil at some point, just like I didn't like Dylan at first two albums and only at the third did I get the vibe of why he's good to listen to. Anyway I want more albums from him, just some time later would be better.
Oct 18 2024
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D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle
First time hearing about this group, already a bad start with a rating not being over 2, but that's fine ig. Basically noone likes this, but from what I've checked on Spotify preview the genres are interesting, experimental and krautrock is my kind of vibe so I'm contemplating whether if this is actually that bad. It's industrial music and I kinda love it so I think I'll like this, unless it's extremely boring.
First song, it's instrumental?(Lyrics said so). Experimental start I suppose. Kinda Vibing, just waiting for it to be a listenable noise, because whatever this is, it IS scratching my brain in both bad and good way idk. I really liked this, it's weirdly catchy. Wonder how it sounds with headphones on. Low-key transitioned into the
Second song, but not as much. I hear a man screaming. Now he's singing, but more like scream singing. Definitely a lot of sounds. Love how nothing makes sense in this, and literally in no way this can be considered music, however, I'm vibing. Not as good as the first song tho.
Third song, basically an interlude, which destroyed my ears without headphones goddamnn. Still a bop, just wish it lasted longer and with a bit of progressiveness.
4th song, almost rain like sound. Some talking here and there. Otherwise it's permanent wave(not really tho). I wonder if the talking is from somewhere. There are two people talking too, basically two scenes and I'm guessing it's in different ears, I just can't hear it that way without headphones. Literally nothing else happened, worst one so far, I wish it had more noise, since that's what they do. The talking sounds russian, but it definitely isn't.
5th song, beat is beating finally. Some experimental sound came in, which now sounds like a train. This is the closest Gristle has been to making an actual song for now. Said this many times, but this would be amazing with headphones Imo. Some new sounds were introduced in the middle, but nothing drastic. It's become less of a song, but still good enough. I've checked the reviews and I saw a lot of 5 stars, dunno how it's still the lowest rated album I've ever seen. As smn there said "it's just sound". Honestly the overused sounds and the pattern of some basic ass songs I've listened to here was so mid, this is actually something, they worked for this, it's just a little inconsistent, at first I thought the songs would flow, but they deffo don't, which sucks, because that would be greaaat, especially for this album.
6th song, the lyrics are dark af I think, I'm not sure what the meaning is tho. This one sounds more like a song than 5th one did tbh. His trembling voice is already enough for the song to feel as dark as possible, it's like quiet and overpowered by the sonical part of the song, and it's just perfect with how album has been going. The guitar doing its little part is quite satisfying, possibly the best part in the song, it just fills the song and matched the vibe the voice creates. Just put on headphones and it's muuuch better, I get where the sounds are supposed to be. The voice is in the middle literally, there is a crack kinda sound on the left and the right ear has some kind of harmonica sound. Tho the outro just fades away all that stuff.
7th song, loving the first minute quite a lot. The sounds are distorted and they travel in my ears in the best way possible. His voice is glitchy and hard to hear, but I'm reading the lyrics and it's dark as fuck. There are so many hidden sounds in the song if you listen closely. Some guy talking from the radio is one example. His glitchy voice is extremely satisfying. I hear a car speeding up, but it's not exactly that sound. It's giving Aphex Twin because of that particular sound I can't explain by text. This is the most listened song in the album, I kinda get why.
8th song, little girl is talking, some baby is crying. There's an ambient sound in the background. The girl is definitely British. Left ear is getting new sounds. The girl is talking in the right ear btw. When she's quiet there is just ambient sound with a little bit of experimental beats. A woman voice on the left, but no it's still that girl, she expressed happiness I think. Loved itt.
9th song, an upbeat song? Am I still listening to Gristle wtf. It's too happy for them. Will it have a twist? If not I'm not really vibing with this as much, too repetitive. It's ethereal too if listened closely enough. It was just that beat all through the song, kiiinda not what I want from Gristle, tho if I didn't know other songs, I'd say it's a fine one. Just it doesn't go with the album flow.
10th song, radio speaking in both of my ears, but simultaneously and voice is the same but they're not synchronized. There is an almost violin like thing playing in the middle, but too distorted to be a violin, some industrial sound I'd say. Not very impressed with this one. If I ignore the sounds(impossible, but still) it's a fine fine Aphex Twin like ambient music(well tbh Aphex would use the voices too prolly). The voice came in the middle and the song ended quickly after that.
11th song, I think I'm listening to a dialogue in a phone call. Lyrics were confusing, the girl was angry at that man, but not sure if it was about him cheating or something, but definitely that kind of thing. It was as short as an interlude so nothing really happened.
12th song, great start already. I never listen to noise as a genre, but this is filling my brain with this sound in the best way possible. Many many industrial sounds in between the windy sounds, it's travelling from ear to ear too. Nothing much to say, I just really liked it.
13th song, dark lyrics again. His voice feels like somewhere far, and the quality is bad too, but still sounded like music. Not the best song, but definitely quite different from the others. Actually I'll elaborate on that in my conclusion:
First of all, definitely a 5 star album, I do need to like every song to rate it 5, but they're just growers aand I have to give them that additional rate score(would be 4 otherwise) because of being so different from the other albums I've ever listened to here, which changed the whole perspective I have about quality music. I am a lover of experimental sound and this just made the very best sense being this good. I expected a much worse album, the only problem as I said is that it doesn't have the structure of a good album, but that's fine. One last thing, I want more albums from this group or I'll just listen to them myself soon enough.
Oct 31 2024
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Purple Rain
Thee legend I never quite checked out the way I should have. When doves cry is the only one I know from this, I prolly have heard other songs as a child if my father liked them, but otherwise I'm fully unaware, so it's gonna be a ride. I have high expectations, but I also think it's not gonna be as good. Songs are gonna be stretched out too much and will have this bit of boringness in them, however, that's the worst case, Prince wouldn't disappoint me like that. I'm just scared it's gonna be lyrics-driven songs, which on the first listen I simply cannot grasp, so the sonical side of it becomes the most important part.
First song, inspirational start I suppose, his voice isn't voicing, he's talking but with a weird echoes behind it. Funk beat is coming in slowly. It's dancey, I mean it is funk so it must be. The chorus isss not as catchy as the melody behind it. Instrumental break was quite good. Somehow I don't associate this voice to Prince. The rockyness came in in the best way possible, with that riff especially. As I said, this one is stretched too long imo. The vocals stopped and the guitar came in with the most loudest noises. The outro is too good to be ignored basically. Just read that this album has a movie along with it, I'll definitely watch it, just idk if album comes first or the movie, as in, if the album will make more sense after watching the movie, nevertheless I'm gonna continue this journey first.
Second song, there was a little transition between the songs I think. Perfect start of a song btw. Continuation is equally good, just fully changed what it was at the start. Already a "turn me on" line. There's a unique drum solo here, we'll see it's goodness. The female voice is apparently of Appollonia, who was supposed to get this song on her album, Genius stuff. Anyway I was too distracted to hear the drum solo, but the sonicality is the best part here.
Third song, dunno what the instrument is, but it's consistent and fun to listen to. This one's a little slow, but not necessarily sad. Apparently the baladness of this song will change gradually as the lyrics get equally more connected to the other emotion. The piano is the best part for now. The guitar came in and his voice is angrier and almost screamy. He actually screamed at the end and I love him for that, oh even louder scream, this guyyy goddamn. I thinkkk the sonical part didn't really match his energy here, could have been better.
4th song, love how these songs start, so quirky and weird like. There's this experimental sound at the start, a horror character scream and the beat comes inn. WHAT A SOLO, GODDAMN. Lyrics are really not necessary the instruments are instrumenting in the best manner. I really wanna know the names of the instruments, I always feel like a newbie when this quality music is too much for my knowledge on how music is made ughh. This was a riiiide, the outro had a scream, but before that ahead of its time beat came in.
5th song, again the start of these songs are just too good. This one has clear lyrics. "Masturbating" line, love thaat. There apparently is a S/M reference, which I prolly missed ugh. He moaned quite a lot here tbh. Not surprised this received criticism, but Prince is gonna prince his princeness all day idc. There's a gospel vibe with them vocals. The outro has lyrics that should be read backwards as I've read, the fight between his religion and sexual desires, he's referring to that, but I don't wanna talk about that, it's in Genius i can't just be copying everything yk.
6th song, the beat is obviously the best part here, but I would say his lyrical delivery is equally satisfying. There's apparently no bass guitar here and only now do I realise how empty this song kinda is, there's smth missing and that's the point. I mean it's just geniusss of him. Screaming as he's supposed to now. The outro introduced a new instrument, which makes the song less too stretched in the end.
7th song, such a 2010s kinda name. The consistent beat is so good here, must be heaven with headphones on. The instrumental break is sooo catchy, the lyrical delivery isn't as good as that, but it does match with the overall vibe. Apparently extended version is better than this, too lazy for that sorryyy. There's biblical references here, but also lazy to check em, it's just a good song and I'll leave it at that.
8th song, 30 seconds in and everything already happened I feel like, love every second of this album I meaaan. Also there was a clear transition from the last song. There's backmasking present here, love these little references Prince is making, this album really needs a research from me to fully grasp the goodness of it. Not mentioning the guitar solos and his screaming anymore, they're just too good anyway. There was applause and screaming of the audience, I suppose it's from the film.
9th song, his best known song, which I've never listened to somehow(must have heard, but didn't sit and listen to it fully is what I mean). It's a ballad, but the delivery is quite nostalgic, I think this is connected to what the movie offered, because otherwise it's not extremely catchy or smth. Genius has a lotta stuff to make the song more understandable lyrically, but again.. too lazy to actually check everything there, I just wanna enjoy the song right. Guitar solo is giving as always. Last 4 minutes is nonverbal so I might as well write the conclusion of what I think about the album, even though I could listen to the deluxe version, it's too late here and I'll just do that later w/o writing here basically. Btw the outro is emotional AF and his vocalising is top tier.
I take my words back about what I said that the songs would have been boringly stretched, absolutely not. I usually have this thing where I subjectively like the albums which are by THE artists, like Cohen, however bad the song is, I still find a way to like it, but that wasn't the case here. The songs, the cohesiveness and the overall unison of the songs was really good.(Just hearing violins at the end, he should have used it more in other songs imo). Each song has so many thing to talk about, let it be about lyrically or sonically. Now I'm sure that I've never listened to these songs, because for example I am spiritually connected to some Beatles songs, that when I listened to some of their songs, I instantly had a little memory of them in my mind w/o actually having them listened before(as my memory suggested), basically my childhood wasn't prince-core, and yet I loved each of this song. If it wasn't clear this is a 5 star album and there's no debate around it. It's just tooo short, I wanted more and more of it. I hope there are other albums of Prince here, because this album is the most popular one and I really want to dive into him as much as possible, though I could do that myself, I just like writing my first impressions here, and making it official, without being ahead, hard to explain, basically if i listen to album without it being here, I won't have the urge to record my opinions about it. Anywayyy love Prince, and I wish he was still alive, Rest In Peace.
Nov 19 2024
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Rings Around The World
Super Furry Animals
Never heard of em, but genre wise I think I'll like it. The cover is quite weird and it's either hardly worked on or randomly made, dunno if it has history basically. Tho based on the name is it gonna be a little bit of everything of what world offers in music(?), I doubt that but that would be a cool project. Anyway no high expectations, still I'll prolly not dislike it as much. Now that I'm thinking, I guess I've heard of them, but I never gave them a listen so I don't know them in any way.
First song, the start is slow already, it's giving Doves. Piano is quite good and now violins joined in. I like the vibes for now, we'll see how good of a voice the MS has. Really weird delivery and the way voice sounds. I like the delivery now, makes me want to learn the lyrics if they weren't so low in quantity. Not gonna add this song, it gave me nothing, but is a good start for an album I can say that. The sound didn't stop till the end and I thought there would be a transition but nope.
Second song, he has an automatically sad voice, wooow the guitar guitaring randomly is really good. I feel this experimental beat and I love it. Delivery is good, but overall the song isn't catchy or smth it's just good with different standards. Obsessed with that random guitar coming in part.
Third song, liked the start, but the continuation is less good. His lyrical delivery and sonicality overall is mid. There are diff people talking through the phone, touché I guess. The ending sonically is reaaally good, should have used that as a melody. I'd add this song just because of the last part, though not sure.
4th song, quiet start and a literal Vampire Weekend kinda song turned on after that. This probably had the best melodic delivery. Is this a woman's voice at the end? Liked the overall vibe, even though there was no catchy part, it's basically a grower and I'll one day like it moooore than now.
5th song, upbeat start and electric orchestra vibe with them background voices. Dunno the lyrics but it's a quirky song. It became less upbeat and a little slow though the flow is still fast, he's singing the chorus over and over too I think. Futuristic jazz vibes. Not one of em boring instrumental breaks basically. I'm sorry WHAAAT? METAL?! They're trying hard to make it metal, and it kinda is but also the fact that song was goofy af sonically and then became this, easily one of the best decisions idc. Favourite song for now, plus that ending gawd damnn.
6th song, futuristic sounds again. It's sonically eerie. It's fully instrumental I think, that made it worse. I hear moaning? That's less bad. Only piano stayed and everything else was quiet, then the whole orchestra came in, but the violin is the most dominant of the sounds. Not smth I'd relisten to, there are some parts for that but also no.
7th song, it's giving music(I'm rereading before I submit and I have no idea what music vibes is, probably my keyboard corrected it Goddd) vibes, and now it's sad. Each part is too different, the outro and intro specifically. It can be fun at some points, but then again there are too many sounds like this everywhere right, the delivery is the same, but I'd argue that I definitely sense smth more.
8th Interlude, quite a short of a song, I expect others being long AF from now on, but nothing I can do about that. It's ambient sad, kinda liking it. Still nothing wowy.
9th song, guitar on the left. Long AF song as I expected. Since they have time the intro is long as well, good choice I suppose. I hear a plane taking off kinda sound. His voice is really scratching my brain in the right places. The delivery is good basically. Electric orchestra vibes with these poly voice lyrical delivery. Love me some dark lyrics. I've had a pause before continuing listening so I don't fully remember other songs, but this is really good. Chorus is quite catchy. Lot's of instrumental breaks. Barapabas came in, and it's getting faster. Makes the song feel a little unserious. SHIT BECAME EXPERIMENTAL IN A SECOND. My right ear is getting a lot of attention. God damn this is good. It's rave club vibes I cannot believe this. It's giving Sophie and I simply don't believe it. They had the ability to do this and decided not to wtfff.
10th song, what a switch up goddamn, this is a little romantic rocky song and compared to what just happened 1 minute ago I meannn. The voice seems autotuned, not anymore, but still different from how he sounded in the last song. The violin is really good here. The lyrical delivery is fabulous, I just wanna sing alone with him atp. Suited ending.
11th song, a mellow guitar vibes. "Do we need to know if he really came inside her house"???!! What are these Prince lyrics girlll, love them tho. Song has a political message apparently. The trumpet is quiet, but does its job perfectly. It does become the main character at this point, but it's not as loud as it usually is so, not that it should be. The chorus is yet catchy af. Another perfect ending, plus we got some jazz vibes.
12th song, futuristic start tbh. A little new waveness came in. Looong af songs, they be entertaining tho. Voice has been quite the same after that Sophie song. Less interesting production and lyricalness. The chorus is too good now I can't decide if it's overall song is bad. Christian and not Christine apparently, the pronunciation caught my ear so I just noticed that in the title. There was only good part for now. Also I feel like this one is focused on the lyrics rather how good it actually sounds like. It ain't going anywhere, tho a little country vibes came in. Oohs are sang in a disappointing manner. Really should have experimentalised this song too, it is getting louder at the end(best part ig) but still.
13th song, finally that kind of sound came back. It's just satisfying to hear. Short song and it's the last one and honestly, it fits.
Even though I don't fully remember the songs before 8th song, I think; I still loved most of the songs after 8, so I WAS thinking 5 stars, but that is a hard one to get, album has to have bop after bop for me to do that(or special occasions such as liking an artist unconditionally). Anyway, it's really good, I'm gonna do 4 stars because they had the chance to make some better and much more future-like sounds and they basically refused to delve into that subject, that's their only fault, alsoo the songs are too slow, one got close to rave but it should have lasted longer. Really didn't expect to like this as much as I did, I hope I'll get another album from these guys.
Nov 20 2024
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
Love these guys but never actually listened to them tho I wanted to, I expect some headphone play and unique sounds unless it's gonna be full of basic ass rock, which I don't really dislike it's just always there iykyk. Because of their popularity I want them to be as good as seen, but also I just don't know atp. The album cover is fitting and it seems nostalgic, colours are definitely the best part.
First song, I know this one, so many instruments already and obviously the headphone play, I'd say sonical part is better than the vocal one. I knew this one was good, it's so dancey and kinda folksy with a bit of countryness I think. It's just that good, but I hope the quality of goodness won't slow down as the album progresses.
Second song, already headphone play. Goddamn this became good, his voice is good and there's this one good sonical part. I'm amazed how good it sounds, it's giving I Monster in one part. I love the delivery in the best way possible. I usually describe each instrumen, but I rather enjoy this. A little too long, but idc I love long good songs.
Third song, oooh this is grooovyy. Voice is of course more rock and rolly the sonical delivery is better than the lyrical one tho, the headphone play is just unbeatable. Such a dancey song, full of energy, I mean it's just that good, but the last song was better.
4th song, quite a good start, aaand continuation too. He's singing on the left, there're two voices I think. At this point I'm gonna add the whole album. He started talking in a melancholic manner. Loved it ofc. This must have a meaning, but it being sonically good already says it all. WAIT THIS JUST TRANSITIONED INTO
5TH SONG, GODDAMN. It happened before too here, but this one was obvious. This is a ballad welll. I love the interaction between the lyrical and sonical parts. I can hear an organ I think on the left. He's lalaling. There's a guitar on the right. It's sad, but lyrically it seems like butterflies in a stomach, mellow but not necessarily sad.
6th song, it's giving Lounge. Now this one's happy sonically, but definitely not by the lyrics. The instrumental break is amazing, kinda short tho. Despite the songs being low-key permanent wave I can hear how different can they be in some parts.
7th song, this one does seem sailory and lyrically connected to the song before, but I'm just guessing. Not gonna talk about how much I enjoy the instruments anymore, it should be obvious by now. Some might say, every band sounded like this at this time, but it's The Doors I mean they have their spark and for me they're not the classic rock that sometimes has an overused sounds iykwim. He screamed. I like the mood of the song not matching the lyrics, I think they don't anyway. I feel like this had more than one song in it, especially by the vibe of the last part.
8th song, I like the mischievousness of this. The piano is the best part. It's almost slow and less full of energy, but it sounds like a villain song honestly I'm vibing. This is better than those happy shmappy ones. The last lyrics are the most devious definitely. One of the best songs here.
9th song, this one's also not upbeat. I looove this one. I'm surprised how good these actually are like. It's getting progressive. Paying attention to every detail is so meditating. I prefer to listen than write atp.
10th song, a cool breezy song. His voice is changed, a little echoey. Love me some Doors' ballads. Less lyrics but the main focus was on the guitar and the beat on the left.
11th song, another rock and rollish one. It's just a little too slow for it. I like the way he sings tho. He says he sings the Blues and now I can see it. This didn't catch with me, it doesn't have enough anything, it's going somewhere, but kinda stops midway. The first part and verse were a good start tho.
Honestly I expected much worse, and now rating this with 5 stars fills me with pure joy. I can see how some parts are kinda addictive, but that can only happen after listening to the album for some time, the first time is always an introduction and tbh I don't like that, but also love that my brain can identify different things in different listens. I bet there are more albums from this one and I cannot waitt.
Nov 21 2024
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Jeff Beck
I've never heard of him tbh. Apparently it's metal and hard rock and maybe rock and roll too. I'll probably like it, though not all songs are available so I have to listen to the 2005 remaster, I hope it's an actually improved version rather ruined. I have no expectations about anything so I'll just dive in. The album cover itself caught my eye, I honestly thought it was a relatively new artist.
First song, I kinda don't like his voice. Sonically it's basic. It's not bad, but I just listened to Doors and this is pain in the ass. Instrumental break didn't flop finee. I'm not vibing with this, it's dumbly chaotic. I can see the talent but I never actually enjoyed this. I've never been this extreme but his vocals are awful. Last part is kinda good with that headphone play.
Second song, good start. This song is much better, just his voice is still not voicing. Such a beautiful instrumental break that took me away but ofc ruined by his voice god damn. Headphones play was quite nice. The guitar on the right really scratched my brain. Basically there should only be instruments here or a different voice.
Third song, appealing start, with the instruments, but instantly ruined by his vocals like it's extremely irritating atp. Why is he screaming at every possible chance and doing that thing with his throat idek. I am waiting for the part when he's not singing otherwise I'm not gonna talk, is just painful ugh. I have no reason to actually vibe with or like this song because vocals. The end is the best part, how ironical.
4th song, idk what to say and this is quite rare. The sameness of the songs is sooo badd. Idk man I am just deeply unimpressed. It's the same old rock shit that I don't fw, even though I love rock, and as I said I just listened to The Doors and they were on a different level.
5th song, relatively better song, the drums and the dramaticness is actually good, but that's probably it. Otherwise it's too slow and not listening to the lyrics I lost that perspective too. This is by far the most interesting and different from the basic ass fucking rock and roll. There were many paused at the start and at the almost end. He still started singing in the worst way, what a man ughh.
6th song, liked this one tbh. It has a little nostalgic vibe that caught my ears, plus there's no voice of HIM. I really don't wanna listen to the Bside too like leave me alone. I have no mood for writing so ehh.
7th song, just shut up maaan you ain't good at this for me. Ik how this can sound good, and I honestly prefer metal screaming than this scratchy whiny ass voice I cannot. So much time for sonical parts that are not even that good, they must be hard to do, but still. I took out my right headphone and the song is suddenly much better, his voice is far far away like an echo. Ew FUCKING SHIT AM I MAD OR I JUST CAN'T KEEP THE IDEA OFF THAT HIS VOICE FUCKING SUCKS. same happens with The Rush main singer.
8th song, what an instrumental start, I hope he won't appear. Jeff, don't ruin this sonical masterpiece. He screamed like a little pig ugh, fitted the vibe plus the song got progressive. This was more nice at the start, but it's fine atp.
9th song, 7 minutes of this man's voice is torture. I am a viCtim of Jeff and... he started singing and took my trace of thought. It's live? I really wanna skip half of this. I'm doing it. He can fuck off with his Blues. I've never hated a man just because of his voice and maybe I just am obsessed with the idea rather than actually hating it, but no, I stand by it.
10th song, much more upbeat song, but that's it. I love rock and I have no idea what he thought he was doing with adding his voice to this instrumental greatness. There are so many good sonical parts, but it's cruelly balanced with his agitating voice JUST STFU. oh he did. He better not appear anymore, I wanna add these songs so badly but without his voice is that so hard. I love Björk and I have problem with this? This was torture, a pure one.
Not gonna listen to more even though there are more on 2005 remaster. I'm gonna be straightforward, if I could rate only the sonical part it's be at least 4, but I'm gonna go with 3 now. I would rate it 1 because I'm just that much of a hater of his voice, but to be objective and low-key forget Jeff's voice exists 3 seems like a normal rate since it is still a part of most songs so. I've never wanted to talk this less and even skip some songs, but ofc there were times when both sonical and lyrical parts were extremely bad, at least for me.
Nov 22 2024
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No Other
Gene Clark
Love the album cover, never heard of him tho, but the name itself sounds familiar which there might just be smn with a name close to her. Anyway, no high expectations, I'll probably not hate it, but I really wanna like this, because as I said cover is actually giving, but I haven't looked in detail so it might become pale idkk. Pluss the genres are decent, nothing against them, I just want him to be a little special with em, no overused sounds basically.
First song, country vibes already. Vocals came in early. It's upbeat, but also melancholic, especially lyrically. Looking at the cover in detail, it's still good and different from what I usually see. Ohh I like the piano on the left. The gospel nowww. There's gonna be a good ass instrumental soon, I think now. The guitar is guitaring but it's kinda soft and low effort. Ohhh Gene sang in the Byrds, didn't like em but this sounds good enough. It's permanent wave so I'm kinda bored. I like the ending part being fake upbeat, like there's gospel hyping it up but it's still not dancey(not that it should be).
Second song, much better start. I'm not feeling his voice tbh. I like his vocalising tho. Sonically it's quite good, there's a headphone play too. Better than the last song honestly. The gospel is here too, expected, the quality of their sounding is kinda off tho, might be fixed in a remaster(if exists). It's giving Leonard Cohen, but I suppose it's weaker lyrically at least. Instrumental break is fine, but way too soft and nothing-bringer. The delivery of the chorus is quite unforgettable atp.
Third song, a different start especially from him, it's giving Beatles more than the country style he had before. This one is definitely more rock than anything. I love the lyrical and sonical Interaction. Gospel is backkk, and they make it more lively, the song. I'm getting this gradually, but this isn't exactly my cup of tea. The chorus appeared and it's catchy in its own way. Instrumental break has a full on guitar going on. There's some experimental sounds around my ears, mmm. This one's definitely the best song for now. Album already low-key bended some genres but still stayed in its on pace and style, which I like.
4th song, long ass song, tho no complaints. Great start with this one, especially that drum drop. He's vocalising in a sad way, while also going with the instruments way of sound. This one's more chill I suppose. Piano appeared made it more upbeat for a time. Mmm this was all an intro and now the real song started, love me some cohesiveness. Only vocalising still, feels a little altered, I think it's not even him vocalising, because he started singing and that voice still went on. Kinda the sonical side is much better than the lyrical(I mean the voice more than the actual lyrics). Full stop. He comes in with some female vocalists singing the same thing. It's such a beautiful song in its own way. Instrumental break again, quite needed and deserved. Guitar is doing its work, now vocalising came in, it's quite an unforgettable delivery too. Immersiving myself into this song fully really did it for me, it's just that good.
5th song, I had a long long pause before I continued so don't mind me if I say some things again and again. Loved the start of this, which is close to how chorus is composed, the voice is actually low-key whimsy idk why. Production wise it's quite good. Ohhh now the instrumental break, with Idk what type of guitar. Sounds kinda permanent wave, even tho there is a chorus, but overall it does sound like a one way sung song. Low-key mellow, definitely not happy, but upbeat. Last parts have some familiar noises I must say, it's giving jazz.
6th song, 8 minutes is a lot, but I do like the start even tho it's kinda rushed. Permanent violin kinda sound has been added. Also the guitars are equally distributed to each ear. Soft drum rolling and he starts singing. Lyrics are sang after pauses, expected tbh. Too much sameness for such a long song tbh, not necessarily a bad song either so atp idk. It's growing on me damnn, I was zoned out too and this is the perfect progressive song for them daydreams(it's night tho). It's the sad instrumental break now electric guitar being soft af. The ending is becoming better and better especially with that choir, which I think was used before too here. The actual ending is just guitar guitaring. Oh damn production was really good in that 1 second of knocking damnnnn.
7th song, fun start, upbeat, but I can sense some sadness already. Lyrically it literally is I think, but I can't fully espress that idea. Now this one isss permanent wave, low-key isn't striking me as good. Ehhh he has done better songs and he knows it, this one just had a funky reggae kinda beat which made it fun nothing else mmm. The ending was a whole instrumental break, nothing special again.
8th song, love the production, but everything else is just bland, even that became basic over time. Cant wait to finish it wtff ughhh. Too much dumb vocaling I thinkk. I think he self referenced himself, but I don't fully recognize it, the ending part is quite good if he made those good endings his whole song, I'd like it more than I do now.
Mmm all in all I liked it, I expected as much as this, however the rating can't be higher or equal to 4, it's just not that good for me at least. These songs might become good overtime if I spend enough time with them, but even in that sense I don't see how that's gonna make me feel better or accomplished, basically this album as a listening experience mmm it's not bad, in other ways it's just not it, so 3 stars is sufficient, I just didn't vibe with this one, mara the album cover the production, some quirky parts makes it listenable and fun rather fully boring.