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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Electric Ladyland

Jimi Hendrix


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Electric Ladyland
Album Summary

Electric Ladyland is the third and final studio album by the Jimi Hendrix Experience and the final studio album released in Hendrix's lifetime before his death in 1970. Released by Reprise Records in North America on October 16, 1968, and by Track Records in the UK nine days later, the double album was the only record from the band produced by Hendrix. By mid-November, it had charted at number one in the US, where it spent two weeks at the top spot. Electric Ladyland was the Experience's most commercially successful release and their only number one album. It peaked at number six in the UK, where it spent 12 weeks on the chart. Electric Ladyland included a cover of Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower", which became the Experience's best-selling single, peaking at number six in the UK and 20 in the US. Although the album confounded critics in 1968, it has since been viewed as Hendrix's best work and one of the greatest rock records of all time. Electric Ladyland has been featured on many greatest-album lists, including Q magazine's 2003 list of the 100 greatest albums and Rolling Stone's 2020 list of the 500 greatest albums of all time, on which it was ranked 53rd.







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  • Psychedelic Rock


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Mar 28 2021
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I love Jimi Hendrix on so many levels. However I do think this album suffers from being a bit unfocused due to its length. Love many individual tracks and the psychedelic effects in the production. Love the way certain tracks flow into one another. This may sound crazy but I actually prefer something like the wandering soundscapey "1983" to something like the bluesy "Voodoo Chile" - Its funny cause if they were played live I'd probably prefer it the other way around, but on record (especially on headphones) I lean towards the more experimental, and the face melters don't do as much for me. One of my first CDs was a Jimi Hendrix compilation so many of these songs run deep with me due to nostalgia.

Jul 17 2023
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I thought I really liked Jimi Hendrix but it turns out I really like The Best Of Jimi Hendrix. There’s some sublime stuff here but it’s buried under endless jazzy noodling.

Mar 11 2022
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Look, we all know Jimi Hendrix is a rock god and his contributions to guitar are legendary, but this album is meandering and a bore. Boy, does it end strong, though! All Along the Watchtower and Voodoo Child (Slight Return) are a monstrous one-two punch.

Jan 25 2025
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There's a classic game theory experiment where you agree to meet someone tomorrow in NYC but you don't discuss a specific time or location. The experiment has been repeated many times + overwhelming majority of participants end up successfully meeting (spoiler alert: they meet at the clock inside Grand Central at noon). My wife knows about this project and asked me what the album of the day was and I told her it was the greatest album ever made. She thought about it for a minute and said Ziggy Stardust. I told her this album is older than that. She thought about it for another minute and correctly guessed Electric Ladyland. She's not even that much of a Hendrix fan, too. On the first Experience album Jimi asked Have You Ever Been Experienced? And here on the last Experience album he asks Have You Ever Been To Electric Ladyland? He really wants to know if have you ever been this or that! Electric Ladyland was a studio that Jimi built with his own money and then used to record this album. This whole album has a feel has a feel of a musical playground. It is unusually sequenced - very few albums would have a 10 minute jam on side one. Meanwhile, The pacing of sides 3 and 4 keep building and building and building. It's really quite incredible. If you've only listened to this record all the way through, suggest you give it a shot from the middle to the end sometime. It's really spectacular, not just the pacing of the tunes but how they all fit together and themes come back and forth, culminating in a performance of all along the watchtower that I dare say even its songwriter Bob Dylan would probably admit is far beyond and more compelling than anything Dylan himself could do. I have to also mention that the guitar playing on this record is outrageous. There are things he's doing on this that still no one has been able to reproduce. Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Jimi Hendrix, Jaco Pastorius...these are the rare stylists on their chosen instruments that are unique to the point that they practically create their own genres. It's a level of artistry I find incredibly inspiring. Back at the beginning of the album, Jimi sings "Make love, make love, make love"...he means this literally and universally in a way very few people do. Did you ever hear about the Plaster Caster Girls? Groupie/Artists who made dozens of plaster replicas of male rock stars' penises. Legend has it that when Hendrix was given the mold he "made love" to it until, errr, completion. Also, in concert he would describe his song "Manic Depression" as a story about a guy who wished he could make love to his guitar - given that he was known to sleep alongside his guitar fairly frequently, I am pretty sure it's straight autobiography. May sound strange but it's of a piece with the story of when his dad Al knew he should buy Jimi his first guitar - he asked child Jimi to sweep up their apartment while Al was at work and when he got back, the floor was covered in loose broomsticks because Jimi went wild playing the broom like a guitar. After he finished whipping Jimi, he went to the guitar store. Thank you, Al!

Mar 17 2021
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It's going to be a bit difficult for me to review this record impartially. I was around when it came out and I pretty much accepted it as a masterpiece along with the rest of the world at the time, but here goes. ...And the Gods Made Love starts out the album with some primitive slowed down speech, flanging, stereo effects and the like, but even here, a high level of artistry and imagination is apparent. The first proper song, Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland) blends rock, soul, and psychedelia seamlessly, with a flowing melody and changes which are as surprising as the seem inevitable. Cross Town Traffic gives us a jolt of pure pop. The low tech and inspired use of a comb and a piece of cellophane provides the vocal effects. Hendrix and Stevie Winwood (on organ) provide a master class in electrifying the blues on Voodoo Child that hasn't been approached, much less equalled since. I'm also amazed by how the musicians, seemingly communicating telepathically, improvise much of the music, building and building the drama and intensity throughout the 15 minute run time, without a wasted second. Hendrix's phrasing and tone are phenomenal on this live in the studio track, and Winwood comes close to matching him. Finally, with Little Miss Strange, we get a tune which is merely very good. Noel Redding's lead vocals are a little wimpy here, but it's a charming tune nonetheless. With Long Hot Summer Night, Hendrix is back to combining soul and rock in his unique way. Don't let the ease with which it goes down blind you to the complexity and taste of the composition and arrangement. Come On (Let The Good Times Roll) is a straightforward blues tune, good but nothing special. Hey, they can't all be great! Gipsey Eyes and Burning of the Midnight Lamp are accessible but wholly original, a neat trick. Midnight Lamp features Hendrix's mastery of the wah-wah pedal. The next suite, which took up a whole album side in the days of vinyl, gives us a demonstration of Hendrix's studio wizardry. It's been a long time since I've listened to this album. I've forgotten how effortless and soulful Hendrix was as a singer, composer and guitarist. Rainy Day, Dream Away gives us a stoned paean to rainy days, which drifts into the groove of the lyrics on 1983...(A Mermaid I Should Turn Out To Be). It meanders with a purpose, if that makes sense. It's blissed out meditation, pure music. I could go on, but I think y'all get the point. I haven't even talked about the incredible tango psychedelic rock hybrid House Burning Down or the definitive version of Dylan's All Along the Watchtower, the album's big hit yet. I don't know what drugs Hendrix was taking, but I want some! He does more with a primitive studio, standard rock trio instrumentation, and an occasional sax or organ than almost anyone has since, and this without the benefit of anyone blazing his path for him! The studio trickery, his approach to the guitar, his arrangements, all of it is unique to him! And he reached these heights in a scant few years! Electric Ladyland is more flat out astonishing with the benefit of 50 years of hindsight than it was at the time and that is saying something. 5 out of 5.

Feb 27 2021
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Day 40 of Albums You Must Hear Before You Die!! Electric Ladyland by The Jimi Hendrix Experience. In the last week or so, I’ve been able to discuss so many iconic artists in music. Some I know more about than others before hearing their records, but the ones that really leave a lasting impression on the culture are the ones that follow their own intuition, the ones that fight to take their deserved spot at the top of the hill, and the ones that are self made and aren’t willing to negotiate one single bit when it comes to their vision. Jimi Hendrix paid his dues by making other amazing artists sound even better. Before he was Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy James played for legendary acts such as, The Isley Brothers, Ike and Tina, Sam Cooke and Little Richard. His flashy and flamboyant ways would sometimes infuriate the stars of these acts (Little Richard), and it became more and more evident that Jimmy James was meant to become Jimi Hendrix and blaze his own trail, like a shooting comet in the sky. Jimi Hendrix is as pure of a blues guitarist as you can get. He made a reputation for himself by playing his Stratocaster electric guitar unlike anyone else, as if he was possessed by his instrument and was just a mere medium used to convey messages from another realm. Before Hendrix, amplifier feedback, fuzz and distortion was unwanted and frowned upon, he would however, use these sounds to convey even more emotion into his instrumentation. He also played his guitar upside down (he was left handed), he would play with his teeth and behind his back. When Jimi would go off on a long solo, he would close his eyes and seem to drift away into the music. This may be because he couldn’t read music, and instead of identifying musical notes on a sheet of paper, he saw the notes as colors in his head. I love that. Electric Ladyland would be Hendrix’s final album before his premature death in 1970. It’s a double LP and would be his most successful album of his very short career, and would reach the number one spot. Have You Ever Been To Electric Ladyland is an R&B introduction into his final experience. Crosstown traffic is one of my favorites on this album, with its upbeat tempo and unique riff. There are two completely different versions of Voodoo Chile, the second of which is much more known and a little bit better, but they are both great. Long Hot Summer Night is smooth and cooler than a polar bears toenails. House Burning Down is a great example of Jimi’s guitar being its own member of the band, it’s as if the instrument is singing its own lyrics. All Along the Watchtower is probably the most well known of all tracks on the record, and is another example of a Bob Dylan song being made better by someone else. Watchtower is one of the most iconic 60’s songs ever, and if there is a film or show about the war in Vietnam, you can bet your ass that this song is in there somewhere. Now, to be honest and fair, I do feel that this album is a little bloated in places and there a few songs that I didn’t particularly fall in love with. With that said, this is a must hear for sure, and a classic without doubt. I have to admit, I did not go into this album knowing a ton about Jimi Hendrix or his life. I found for myself a deeper appreciation for him, because he made his own way, and had fate not intervened, the possibilities of his potential were endless. I’m sure there were no shortage of people who attempted to discourage his desire of being his own man and fronting his own band. Some of the best artists to ever create, spend their lives being the back up to another person’s act, and live out their lives relatively unknown. If that’s what they want, that’s totally okay, but I tip my hat to those that break the chains that bound their creativity and forge their own path. Please share your thoughts, memories and opinions!!

Feb 08 2022
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I have little patience for 75 minutes of just pointless jamming but this has All Along the Watchtower so it gets two stars.

Mar 23 2022
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Jimi Hendrix on his worst day is still an unchallenged musical legend. That said, "Electric Ladyland" is not his best work. It's a bit of a disconnected mess. At times, the songs seem to lose track of their own melody and wander off into unplanned directions. Despite having some of Hendrix's biggest hits ("Voodoo Child" and "All Along the Watchtower") the overall impression is ... addled. Confused. Unfocused on the music. I suppose this is to be somewhat expected given Hendrix's mental state at the time but it's still a damn shame given his sheer, unbridled talent. It hurts to give this album 4 stars. While "Electric Ladyland" lacks the intensity and fire of "Are You Experienced" it still delivers the goods and absolutely deserves its place on this list. But it's not Hendrix's best work by a long shot and, sadly, it's not quite 5-star material.

Feb 05 2022
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He was obviously extraordinarily talented, but god this album felt like it would never end.

Feb 01 2025
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13/1001 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience is definitely the Ocarina of Time of psychedelic rock. Both revolutionized the landscapes they were a part of and also Jimi and Link are both left-handed. Great improvisations, catchy melodies.

Jan 31 2021
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Fantastic album full of classic Hendrix

Mar 05 2021
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Just. Great. A magnificent example of the breadth of Hendrix's styles and interests. And one of the longer albums on the list so far as well. Worth every minute!

Sep 24 2024
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Normally, I’d give a double album like this one the business for being self-indulgent, overly long and unnecessary….and I won’t lie, it is a bit of those things. Electric Ladyland, for me, is buoyed out of that category because of the relatively small amount of material we got from Jimi Hendrix during his lifetime. Sure, we’ve gotten countless compilations of the material he was working on at the time of his death and plenty of live shows, etc. over the years since his passing, but the fact of the matter is there were only 4 records of original music that he officially released as “Jimi Hendrix” during his lifetime: The three Jimi Hendrix Experience records and the Band of Gypsies live record. So I’ll take as much as I can get, because he is without a doubt the most influential guitarist of all time. Electric Ladyland is bursting at the seams with ideas and sounds that were unlike anything that had been committed to tape at the time. Hendrix was trying to bridge the music in his head with what the technology of 1968 could accommodate and we’re lucky to have this vibrant, electrifying and expansive document of it to take a glimpse into his mind and wonder what else he could have possibly come up with. Electric Ladyland can be scattershot, experimental, overly long and, as I said earlier, a little self indulgent, but isn’t that kind of what you’d expect “genius” to look like?

Aug 06 2024
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Electric Landlady Big Durham vibes. I listened to this a lot back then, and probably over listened to it, as I haven’t felt the urge to revisit it that frequently since then. Which is a shame as it is an absolutely fantastic record. Dense, meandering, abrupt, spooky, exciting, throwaway, melodic, weird, this has everything, all tied together not only by the guitar, but also by Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell, and Jimi’s fantastic, laconic, laid back voice. It is definitely unfocused though and you can’t help but think what an amazing record a 12 track single album would be, but I think in the end, rather like the White Album, it’s length and weird corners are what give it its charm, and as an immersive psychedelic rock experience I don’t think it can be bettered. In anyone else’s hands this could be unlistenable, but Jimi manages to tread that line and keep you engaged. Also in modern terms 73 minutes isn't actually that far off many far inferior single albums. The sounds on…And the Gods Made Love have always given me a slight sense of vestibular hyperacusis, but I love how it leads into the laid back charm of Have You Ever Been (to Electric Ladyland). Crosstown traffic is a classic and then I love the astral hippy woo woo bollocks lyrics on Voodoo Chile, as well as, of course, the song itself. Imagine being off your tits in 1968 and putting this psychedelic space blues on the turntable. Little Miss Strange, Long Hot Summer Night and Come On is a great little trio, Long Hot Summer Night’s loping groove is great. Gypsy Eyes has that effortless sounding rhythm and lead playing and great bass playing. And then Burning of the Midnight Lamp is so good, one of my favourite Hendrix songs, absolutely superb with the harpsichord and the choral backing. The jazzy organ and piano on Rainy Day Dream Away gives it a nice feel, a bit of a break from the guitar pyrotechnics and a bit of a breather before 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn to Be), which is also one of my favourite Hendrix songs, an amazing spaced out 60s psychedelic jam. I love the sound effects, backward guitar, shifting times signatures, jazzy bits, flutes and the bass and drums. Great vocal too. It may be 13 minutes long but it is a monumental banger. House Burning Down sounds like it could be on their first album, really great bass and drums. All Along the Watchtower and Voodoo Child get played so much it's easy to tune them out, but they really are superb and rightfully endure. I’ve always loved how the drum pattern matches the opening riff on Voodoo Child and All Along the Watchtower is, obviously superb, really amplifying the old time spookiness of the original. It’s an easy 5, it may be long and slightly unfocused but I love it’s swampy, soupy, hippy vibes and I happily listened through 5 times today, frequently picking up things I’d missed amongst its density. 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️ Playlist submission; Voodoo Child (Slight Return) and All Along the Watchtower are the obvious ones, I really love Burning of the Midnight Lamp, but I’ll go 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be).

May 13 2024
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Not my favorite Hendrix album, but still genius. I’ve been listening to this for 30+ years and it’s still incredible. Five stars.

May 08 2024
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Damn. Never listened to one of his album before and I was blown away. I wonder which guitarist can say they haven't been influenced by Jimi Hendrix...

Apr 23 2024
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This is one of the best albums thus far on 1001 albums. It hits hard, beginning to end, though All Along the Watchtower is obviously the most famous one on here (for good reason.) Truly a great album.

Jan 31 2025
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Do you want to listen to some music that has a bit of rock and a bit of guitar? Well in all along the watch tower you can!!! I rate the song ⭐⭐⭐⭐! I recommend this song. Do you want to listen to some music that has a lot of guitar? well in voodoo child you can! I rate this song ⭐⭐⭐⭐! I recommend this! Do you want to listen to some music that has a lot of electric guitar? well in long hot summer night you can! I rate it ⭐⭐⭐⭐! I recommend this song!

Jan 25 2025
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Feels almost autobiographical in its incorporation of classic 1950s rock (Little Miss Strange, Let The Good Times Roll) with experimental / psychedelic wanderings, though not all the tracks shine. Still, like the pie in the movie "Hitman," all Hendrix is good Hendrix, and I've already listened to this album three times since it was served up in this project.

Jul 27 2024
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Brilliant. It's a sonic journey and an assault on your ears.

May 12 2024
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Its Jimi Time. Electric Ladyland, by Jimi Hendrix, is fucking fire. Oh my god the guitar could not sound any better. I love the beginning riff on Voodoo Child (Slight Return), it gets me so hype for the outro of the album. In its whole, this album has very little to no flaws. I consider most of these tracks perfect. Talking about perfect, Crosstown Traffic is a top 5 rock song that I have ever heard. Just like Voodoo Child, it features some insane riffs. Along with those tracks, my I also loved Gypsy Eyes. All in all, Electric Ladyland is a perfect album. Best Song: Crosstown Traffic Worst Song: Rainy Day, Dream Away

Apr 03 2024
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Probably the Hendrix album I've listened to the least in full, although clearly chock full of classics and a fair argument for being his absolute best. Hendrix is generally an odd mix - witness the epic, early prog behemoth version of Voodoo Chile dissolve into the relatively straightforward 60s Beatles-esque beat group jangle of Little Miss Strange. He also makes odd decisions sometimes, 1983 could be way more epic but they just stop as it's really taking off on that marching beat. But again, it's 1968. It's REALLY early for this sort of music. And then there's noodling for 6 minutes or something haha. Honestly, it's great. Burning of the Midnight Lamp is just incredible, I've always wished the production was better on the somewhat muddy middle section. I generally consume Jimi via the mixtape my friend made me in the 90s, but if I was going to stick a full album of his on it would be this, nowadays.

Sep 28 2023
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Kind of a pivot from the psych-pop of the Jimi Hendrix Experience to the psych funk of the Band of Gypsies, this album is Hendrix in transition and captures the full range of his powers. Voodoo Chile is an extended jam over a deep base groove with a virtuoso guitar performance while Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) tames the wild exploratory song into a straight-forward rock single, a successor to Purple Haze. The fuzzed out guitar sounds so damn good, even on cheesy tracks like Noel Redding's Little Miss Strange, which has the unfortunate job of following Voodoo Chile. His playing-style -extended pentatonic blues with constant embellishment - remains distinctive despite being universally copied. The solo on Come On is fast and chaotic blues rock guitar taken to its logical conclusion and the wah-pedal wild panning and multi-tracked parts on Rainy Day and Still Raining show how he was incorporating emerging tools into his playing. There's also some late 60s studio experimentation with reverse tape effects, delays, overdubs, and stereo effects features JH as a creative song-writer and recording artist not just an exhilarating performer. The songs don't reach the heights of the Axis album's gems or the perfect pop singles of Are You Experienced, but even so songs like Long Hot Summer Night, Crosstown Traffic, and House Burning Down show his ability to craft a radio-friendly hits. And Watchtower obviously rules. I prefer both the looser live BoG albums that would follow this and the tighter psychedelia and pop songs of the preceding studio albums, but this is far more experimental and has so many unexpected ideas throughout it that it is still an exciting listen.

Feb 09 2021
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There's an easy narrative to identify linking all his previous albums as steps towards this, the realization of all his creative faculties that were previously held back by producers and bad backing musicians. I don't know if it's all that serious. I think he's just having fun with pedals in a way that happens to sound fucking awesome

Feb 09 2021
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Incredible. The two longest songs are exceptional and deserve to be every second as long as they are, not a single track feels like a miss, and Hendrix's cover of "All Along the Watchtower" is phenomenal. 10/10.

Jan 19 2021
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Absolute classic! Love this album so damned much and shmoke to it very often

Feb 06 2021
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A true musical experience. Just all around great album from one of the greatest guitar players ever.

Mar 31 2021
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Easy 5 here. Jimi absolutely must be heard before you die. Great, great album

Jan 22 2025
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Chas Chandler, the producer of this album, quit half way through the recording, and it really shows. There is a great album here, possibly one of the greatest rock albums of all time, but there is a lot of meandering before you get to the killer ending of All Along the Watchtower and Voodoo Chile (Slight Return). In some ways, I wish we could have a Get Back style documentary of the recording process to appreciate the work that went into this.

May 07 2024
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i think i judge single instrument noodley virtuosos on a 2 axis matrix. they're all really good at their thing by definition, so from there it's: are they cool, and are they just technically skilled and making masturbatory music or is there artistry involved so for instance: yngwie malmsteen... one of the least cool people you've ever seen in your life (and also a dickhead), and he's just up there noodling for noodling's sake to prove that he can. your enjoyment and even your presence is irrelevant to him. jimi hendrix, one of the coolest people you've ever seen in your life, and he's pouring himself into it. 0 stars for yngwie malmsteen on principle if he ever pops up on this list, 3 stars for this particular jimi album

Oct 11 2023
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An enjoyable, if unfocused, electric blues dream but very much the average Hendrix fare. Carrying a lot of weight at the end of the album are Voodoo Child (Slight Return) and Hendrix’s cover of All Along The Watchtower - one of only a few covers to become the definitive version. Hearing Watchtower again was quite incredible, it really is a beast of a cover although it’s quality does stand in stark contrast to the rest of the album. I don’t think I’d listen to this again but I’m glad I’ve heard it.

Jul 10 2023
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Yeah yeah i'm the guy who shits in the punchbowl. Mr. iconoclast. Hendrix (Experience) kind of bored me. Bores me. I don't think any of it is bad at all, and it/he is definitely historic for how different it was to most/all rock before it. But I just sat through this album again for the first time in maybe a decade and it was cool but I don't really remember a lot of it. Yeah yeah the big singles <yawn> I mean it's all fine and like what you want and sure Hendrix was a genius but .... ? Do we say this just reflexively? Overall the songs here were/are not.that.good. Aside: I remember discovering Band of Gypsys many years ago and THAT was mind-blowing. So much better. This is a long and meandering album; it's very welcomed in the context of me closing up a long dry spell of borderline-unlistenable albums, but I'm still not walking away from this with chills - many songs start out interesting then don't go anywhere amidst a sea of blues-based wanking. Turning it positive - there's obviously excellent musicianship here and as a guitarist, I appreciate and enjoy Jimi's (still) unique playing. He was the first of his kind, I don't need to go into it you know you know. A+ and I love listening to him play. I just want a few songs that became all time favorites and nothing has ever come close. maybe that's not the point, maybe I'm holding him to a higher standard. Possibly. 3 stars for definite talent that was to that point unfulfilled. It's just too long and without many great or even good songs to latch onto. Notable exception/s are the last 2 songs which are the best tracks on the album; of course one not even being his own ("...Watchtower" then the better/kickass version of "Voodoo Child..."). Double albums have to have some purpose to them, other than throwing everything against the wall and letting it stick. Probably could/should have filtered this down to ~7/8 songs. And maybe some jazzy instrumentals to round it out. Ehhh Band of Gypsys filled that need. 6/10 3 stars.

May 25 2021
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Monsieur se permet de mettre ses plus gros tubes à la toute fin de l'album, comme pour nous signifier de bien aller nous faire foutre. Rien que pour l'attente j'enlève une étoile. Et t'as de la chance d'avoir été un ami de Cat Stevens car dans le cas contraire j'aurais mis 2.

May 25 2021
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Une première mi-temps cataclysmique, néammoins Jimi est revenu des vestiaires avec de bien meilleures intentions. Délaissant sa voix de merde pour se reconcentrer sur ses fondamentaux, à savoir le maniement de la denommée "gratte" comme aime à l'appeler mon compère Robwurt pour se donner un air de guitariste de feu de camp, Jimi enchainera les dribbles chaloupées entre les cordes pour venir arracher la victoire dans le temps additionnel

Mar 14 2025
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Another great album from Hendrix, dives more into the psychedelia with combining it with blues, funk, rock. I would listen again!

Mar 11 2025
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I mean…I have loved Jimi since the first time I ever heard him.

Mar 10 2025
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Masterful album. I especially like All Along the Watchtower and Crosstown Traffic.

Mar 09 2025
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I forget that I love Jimi Hendrix. So much of my music tastes of that era hails from the UK, but Jimi is one of the few Americans that just blew music off its lid. He could make a guitar weep, scream, wail, and moan. Then you've got those guttural and soulful vocals. They don't music like this anymore. God bless Jimi Hendrix.

Mar 09 2025
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Jimi Hendrix was a master at his craft. His music can be soothing one moment, feral another, and soulful and funky the next. I will never turn down an opportunity to listen to his music.

Mar 03 2025
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I loved this album as a teenager so it's tough to reevaluate now when I know just about every note on the whole album, but I like that it shows the breadth of Jimi's talent by tackling a wide variety of sounds and genres. I do think there's a bit too much experimentation with noise, feedback and strange effects. But there's enough hits on here to get a 5

Mar 03 2025
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big songs, as good as Hendrix gets

Mar 01 2025
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First time listening to the whole album. Close to perfection!

Feb 25 2025
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Jimi Hendrix forever changed the way electric guitar would be played. This album however is so much more interesting than the standard cannon of Hendrix hits. A lot of styles colliding, a sense of fun in the production and some beautiful instrumentation and performances across the board.

Feb 25 2025
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Jimi Hendrix é o cara mesmo. Já tinha algumas músicas na minha playlist, como Crosstown Traffic, Voodoo Chile e All Along The Watchtower. Mas Still Raining, Still Dreaming conseguiu um espaço a mais.. De modo geral é um bom álbum, com boas músicas e boa progressão.

Feb 25 2025
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The greatest album ever made. Blues, rock, psychedelia, jazz… all the good stuff.

Feb 25 2025
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Simply amazing. A work of art of the highest form.

Feb 25 2025
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Ain't no use in gettin' uptight, just let it groove its own way

Feb 23 2025
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It’s Hendrix. It’s a great album. That is all.

Feb 23 2025
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Holy Crap Jimi is an insane guitarist. There is no other like him. I really can't express enough how sad it is that someone with his skills passed away so young. The world of guitar would be so much more advanced had he lived longer. As for this album specifically, I liked the shorter songs on sides one and four particularly, but I also quite enjoyed the two longer tracks and hearing all of the technical stuff that Jimi does with his guitar. I didn't dislike a single song on this album, it isn't too long, and the songs are creative and varied enough that its length is justified. I love this album so much it's just incredible. Favorite Song: Voodoo Child (Slight Return) Least Favorite Song: Moon, Turn the Tides...Gently Gently Away

Feb 21 2025
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Huge fan of jimi hendrix, hard for me to be unbaised.

Feb 18 2025
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It's Hendrix. What can we say. Hearing his genius, inventive, spontaneous raw talent and skill wafting / or ripping through the air of the room in 2025 and still being spellbound - how'd he do it-how did he learn to play the chords upside down bc he was a lefty and there weren't guitars made for lefties yet. how does it sound otherworldy after you've heard it a million times, how is crosstown traffic ALWAYS in my head if I have to cross ANY town, lol.. Mike is a Hendrix head so I'll give 5 bc what else can you give really

Feb 18 2025
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Music in at least three dimensions. Absolute and total control in all aspects - riffs galore, songwriting, production - aces all around. It borders on the ridiculous how far ahead he was.

Feb 18 2025
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This is where Hendrix clicked for me. It stands apart from so many of the rock albums on this list in production, musicality, and technicality. Badass.

Feb 10 2025
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Really fun listen. Favorite songs were All Along the Watchtower, Crosstown Traffic, and Voodoo Chile. Classic album, listening to it I had to remind myself it was made in the late 1960s. It's really easy to understand why he was so influential. RIP Jimi

Feb 10 2025
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Another super popular artist but I only know a single song from the album and don’t feel like listening through the psychedelic haze of them all

Feb 08 2025
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Another classic from Jimi Hendrix that sounded completely different from his first album. There were so many moments where I was shocked to hear a guitar make the sounds it did which is a testament to how good Jimi was at playing. The drums are another highlight of the album being consistently great. The songs themselves were pretty good all around but, the last 4 songs are definitely the best part. This album is a showcase of how innovative and talented Jimi Hendrix was, what an experience!

Feb 08 2025
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Speaks for itself. There just isn't enough Jimi Hendrix.

Feb 07 2025
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Love this album - i listened to it last year. Excellent.

Feb 05 2025
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The first gift I ever remember giving my dad in which he actually enjoyed it was this album. Crayola drawings, elementary school art ... all that is bullshit, but give the guy a remastered CD of Electric Ladyland for Christmas and wow, did I see him light up. A short time later, this was in my CD player playing like I owned it. Happy Birthday, Dad.

Feb 04 2025
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Second member of the "27 club" in two consecutive days. What's tomorrow going to be? The Doors? I'm starting to think that all 1001 albums are scripted. Anyway, jokes aside. Everything Hendrix did is brilliant. But I always thought that the production of his albums was of low quality. At least compared to what such a brilliant artist deserved to have. Every note he plays with his guitar exudes an enormous aura of creativity and originality, showing the unique way he had to play the guitar. The good bass lines and Mitch Mitchell's brilliant drums complement the songs perfectly. But as I said before, the production is very lacking. At some points, the guitar completely stands out over the other instruments. It almost gives me a headache. But if you think the rating will be anything other than 5 stars, you're crazy! There's no way I can listen to Hendrix without getting goosebumps, no matter how poorly produced the album is. Of the members of the "27 club" this is certainly the one that is most missed. It would have been a delight to see what Hendrix would have done in the 70s, with superior production and recording qualities... we can only imagine!

Feb 02 2025
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The only potential problem with *Electric Ladyland* is that it's all over the place. But being "all over the place" is actually not a problem at all when you're a mad genius like Jimi Hendrix. What you have instead is a treasure trove of tones and intents and moods and melodies and colors. As you go through this legendary double album, some moments stick out like an *agile* thumb (and never a sore one), just like Jimi's right thumb, so expertly placed on his guitar neck -- a detail I have always found as fascinating to watch on film as what the man could do with his other fingers on the fretboard. So when you finally see (or rather "hear") the whole picture of those "sound paintings", you can't help but be in awe. And also a little saddened that no one would hear where the man would go next for his crazed-out studio endeavors What's terrific about *Electric Ladyland* is that it indeed does not simply rely on Hendrix's blues-inspired virtuoso powers. It is the transcription of a far wider picture than that, going from American psychedelic acid-rock to sixties British pop to progressive soul/funk to jazz lounge cuts to proto-hard-rock to indeed long swampy blues jams here and there (putting the lengthier version of "Voodoo Chile" in side one was *bold* for sure). And then, you have the absolutely iconic cuts: "Voodoo Child" in its "slight return" version, "Crosstown Traffic" and the cover of Bob Dylan's "All Along The Watcher", transcending the original version on all cursors. Plus a handful of less famous yet stellar hits in their own right ("Gypsy Eyes", "Burning Of The Midnight Lamp", "House Burning Down", Noel Redding's "Little Miss Strange"...). And if the rest is often more experimental and not as instantly memorable, it's always a pleasure to return to anyway. Simply put, *Electric Ladyland" is thus an album that's still inexhaustible almost sixty years after the fact. Surely that warrants an automatic 5/5 grade here. Number of albums left to review: around thirty or twenty, as I've gone over the 1000 line and this generator is including albums from all editions of the book. Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 462 (including this one) Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 276 Albums from the list I won't include in mine: 334

Jan 31 2025
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I rate All along the tower a 2 star because it is just not for me and I don't like country music. I rate voodoo child a 1 star because it doesn't have much energy and its not for me. I rate long hot summer night a 3 star because I kinda like it and its a good song but not for me.

Jan 31 2025
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I think this song is good because I love the rhyme and his voice. The background music is fire and I love the album cover. Both his songs sound super cool and I love the way he sings. I would recommend this album to people and I feel like a lot of people would like his songs.

Jan 31 2025
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Do you like albums that are recent or old? I liked this album because both songs sound pretty cool to me and the beat is very good in both songs. I also think this album is cool since it's old it has that vibe to it.I would recommend this album if you like songs that are mainly guitar.

Jan 31 2025
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I like this album because I really like the guitar and I like and I like how the songs are different and that on both songs have guitar and I like his voice would recommend this because it is very good

Jan 30 2025
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Amazing Album Need to get it on vinyl

Jan 28 2025
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No absolutely crazy solos until the backend and then it was insane-but a good buildup with a lot (LOT) of drum fills.

Jan 28 2025
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Was he the best to ever do it? No. Did he pioneer a sound and style that would influence everything that came after him? Yes. If he hadn’t had an untimely death would allegations about sexual impropriety have eventually surfaced 50 years after his heyday? Most likely.

Jan 28 2025
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With many albums on this list where you know one or two hits from the band, they're usually at the front and as the album goes on it becomes an unfocused mess of filler and deep cuts of varying quality. With Electric Ladyland, the album becomes more focused as the album goes on with the two big hits being on the last side of the album. It was an absolute joy to listen to this. From the extended blues jams, songs without Hendrix on vocals, the hits and the deep cuts. The production here rocks and while it seems that there was a risk of a 'too many cooks' situation during the recording of this album, the mammoth collaborative effort here between the who's who of the 60's rock scene paid off. This album also contains one of my favourite songs of all time, 1983....(A Merman I Should Turn to Be), and it took me longer than usual to write this review as I kept going back to listen to Side C just so I could play it again and again. Of course this album also contains arguably the greatest cover song ever performed in All Along the Watchtower. You constantly hear about how Hendrix is the most important guitarist of all time, and if you had not suffered through some of the dogshit made prior to this and milquetoast (by modern standards) rock and roll that was coming out prior to him exploding on the scene you would think "yeah man, whatever" but this album underscores just how important his style and talent in both musicality and production was to musical history. This is the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, giving this anything less than a 5 feels wrong. Highlights: Crosstown Traffic, Voodoo Chile, Gypsy Eyes, Burning of the Midnight Lamp, 1983....(A Merman I Should Turn to Be), House Burning Down, All Along the Watchtower, Voodoo Child (Slight Return)

Jan 27 2025
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This was one of my first cds growing up. I remember not “getting” it at first. A few years later I stumbled back across it after starting to learn guitar and was blown away. In my opinion this is Jimi’s magnum opus.

Jan 27 2025
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Voodoo Chile album version is way different than the single. Enjoyed how simple and raw feel of the LP. Loads of recording and sound experimentation. Weird to think that this album was release in cassette format. Really like this album

Jan 27 2025
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Never listened to this before. Great album with loads of solos.

Jan 24 2025
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++*: Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland), Crosstown Traffic, Voodoo Chile, Little Miss Strange, Still Raining, Still Dreaming ++: ... And the Gods Made Love, Long Hot Summer Night, Come On (Part 1), Gypsy Eyes, Burning of the Midnight Lamp, Rainy Day, Dream Away, 1983....(A Merman I Should Turn to Be), Moon, Turn the Tides....Gently Gently Away, House Burning Down, All Along the Watchtower, Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 10/10

Jan 24 2025
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Saw Jimi pop up as today’s pick and let out an audible squeal. One of the greatest to ever do it, and this album for the most part is another album that is just amazing. The only slight negative is that the album runs a little on the long side, and while I enjoy Jimi enough to not be bothered, I can see why others may not be so keen on listening that long. For that I give it a 4.75 out of 5.

Jan 22 2025
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Read that a bandmate described him as “a combination of Beethoven and John Lee Hooker” and that pretty much sums it up… wow! Earth-shattering music

Jan 20 2025
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I'm not sure would it bee even possible to give anything else than 5 starts. Pure gold!

Jan 20 2025
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It's been a while since I last time listened to Jimi. Goddamn this album sounds good! Nothing to add, loved every minute. For some reason Gypsy Eyes hit me hard this time. The groove is relentless, and Jimi’s guitar work on that song feels so raw and funky.

Jan 20 2025
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It seems I've never listened to this actual album as such. I've three of his albums in my collection, namely Live At Winterland, Radio One and Sound Track Recordings From The Film "Jimi Hendrix", but I'm quite sure I've had at least one of them on tape or something. Most of the songs were however familiar, I've heard enough random songs via friends and radio, but there were few that I got to experience with fresh ears. They're more of the same, which is not a bad thing, so nothing jumped out as better/worse. The sound quality and production is top notch on this album. It sounds incredible from my system.

Jan 18 2025
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This entire album steals my breath. It's from a different place. Jimi was from a different place. As were Mitch Mitchell & Noel Redding. (The other musicians on this album are *also* in the pantheon of musical brilliance.) Sequenced impeccably. Psychedelic af. And funk is assuredly here. It's a perfect album.

Jan 14 2025
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And this is it. The final album, not just of the 1001 but of all 1089 from all editions of this list. Thankfully, we have ended things on a high with Hendrix’s most ambitious and varied project. It’s got straightforward pop-rock songs, it’s got jam-filled hard blues songs, it’s got mindblogging fretboard-shattering psychedelia in the form of the 15-minute cut of Voodoo Chile, it’s got the remarkable Dylan cover towards the end. It’s got a 13 minute track about becoming a fucking merman. At the end of the day - at the end of 1089 days - what more can you ask for?

Jan 13 2025
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Listened to this on vinyl. It’s fab

Jan 13 2025
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5 all day every day - praise Jimi

Jan 11 2025
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This is an album you have to sit down and listen to. When you do, the rewards are epic. Jimi’s playing is awesome. There are a handful of songs I am not so keen on which, removed, would reduce the lengthy run time. EDIT:- Okay upon repeat listening, this album is a 5. While I still stand by my view that some of the songs on their own would be 3s and 4s, the album taken as a piece of art and listened to in one sitting is brilliant.

Jan 11 2025
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Desde el tema 1 sabes que se viene un delirio

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