This is the worst Radiohead album ever.
Want Two is the fourth album by American-Canadian singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright. The album was released on November 16, 2004. Four of the tracks on this album were released in the summer of 2004 as the EP Waiting for a Want on the iTunes music store. Want Two is, according to Wainwright, the darker sibling of 2003's Want One – its subject matter concerned with "the world we live in" (RW Geffen Bio) after Want One's focus on the intensely personal. The artist's song selections here show his range to be broad, veering from romantic ballad ("Peach Trees") to tragic ballad ("This Love Affair"), sophisticated pop ("The One You Love") to third person/first person narrative lament ("The Art Teacher"), personal tongue in cheek manifesto ("Gay Messiah"), to a classical pop hybrid written about Jeff Buckley ("Memphis Skyline") and songs beyond category. "Agnus Dei" is used in the trailer for the 2007 film Trade. Mother Kate McGarrigle and aunt Anna (McGarrigle) both perform and sing on "Hometown Waltz". Anohni of 2005 Mercury Prize winners Antony and the Johnsons sings lead vocal alongside Wainwright on "Old Whore's Diet". The initial UK version of the record contains bonus live tracks, "Coeur de Parisienne – Reprise d'Arletty" and "Quand vous mourrez de nos amours" (written by French Canadian songwriter Gilles Vigneault).
This is the worst Radiohead album ever.
He 'Want Two' and I'm going to give him a 2. Most of this album is just whinging. The second song is great though.
The guy can sing. But not as much as he can whine.
I don't know what's with this album but I absolutley loved it. Also, in some parts the vocals reminded me of Thom Yorke from Radiohead, am I the only one?
I made it to Peach Trees before I got tired of the looooonnnngggg draaaaawwwwnnn oooooouuuutttt wooooooorrrrrrrddddsssss
Halfway through and I Want Two turn this off.
I can't tell if I liked it or was annoyed by his miserable voice but I think it was good
One of the prettiest albums I’ve heard in my time. This is what it looks like when an artist has an artistic vision, and takes the utmost care to craft what was in their mind into something they can share with the world.
Slaps, not gonna lie. I really liked all the variety on this, even if some songs (like that first one) fell kind of flat. Thank you, gay Thom Yorke.
Rufus Wainwright is my new litmus test for cuntishness. This guy thinks he *way* better than he actually is. You can hear it in every terrible song on this album. And I'm sure his fans are insufferable turds who all think *they* are way smarter than they actually are. People who pretend to love the most obscure, weird, or experimental (I fucking hate that word) shit music. People who direct their criticism towards anything popular, mainstream, or - you know - actually brilliant. Contrarian arseholes. People who's love of music is secondary to their need to demonstrate a superior & more sophisticated musical palate. Peacocking cunts. Wainwright's music is boring, unstructured drudgery. The band is tedious in an improvisational jazz kind of tediousness and somehow manages to avoid performing a single memorable riff throughout this entire album. And Wainwright sings like a Michael Bublé tribute act who's been slipped a Rohypnol. I genuinely don't understand how anybody could possibly enjoy listening to this crap. 👎👎
Wonderful and unexpected. Not an artist I had much knowledge of before, but one I will seek out in future! I can hear echoes of Radiohead and Jeff Buckley, and many others before and since - but he is still entirely his own creation. Brilliant
If you can get past the truly awful opening track, ‘Want Two’ markedly improves. It’s a ballsy record, very theatrical and stylistically broad in sound, with folk, pop/chanson, baroque, indie and show music styles among its repertoire. It’s probably overproduced, but it’s all these elements, (and the gay subtext also present) that make it interesting. ‘Want Two’ is the proverbial Forrest Gump box of chocolates: you never quite know what you’re going to get, but there’s a little something for everyone. Surprised how much I ended up liking this one.
If I had to come up with a list of 5 singers, knowing that when I woke up the next morning I would be able to magically sing like one of them, I feel pretty certain Rufus would make the cut. Just to be able to belt out shit like that in my car would make me so satisfied in life. Anywho, I’m more of a Want One guy, but this is definitely the more dramatic of the two and I enjoyed the most of it. No I won’t be the one, baptized in cum.” How did he make that sound pretty?! How???
This was really chill and I needed it this morning. I just want to say thank you to the creators of this website. This shit is dope.
Cool album, talented artist, lots of influence from various genres
3/16 One of those albums where almost every song is a different genre, really well crafted, great album. Standout Tracks: Agnus Dei, The One You Love, The Art Teacher, Memphis Skyline, Old Whore’s Diet
Definitely not my thing at all. I found this album really boring, just dragging on and on. Not to mention how whiny his voice can be at times. And also what's with so many albums ending on a song that's so long? Just when you think you're nearly done, you now have to listen through a 9 minute album closer. Though I will say, I liked a lot of the lyrics on this album. Dude definitely has a lot to say about the world.
My perception of Rufus Wainwright is tainted by my association of his music with an ex girlfriend. Regardless of that, it is still not my cup of tea. Couldn't listen to the whole thing in one go.
Auto 5 for nostalgia/gender fuckery/yearning reasons.
I have never listened to a whole Rufus Wainwright album before, just the odd track. I’ve always liked his voice. But, for me, this is a masterpiece. The range of music on this cd is astounding. As is the quality of his lyrics. As a one-time altar boy myself, I was knocked out by the opening track, Agnus Dei, and every track that followed was a winner. I loved The Art Teacher, which made me recall Meg Christian’s Ode To A Gym Teacher; Gay Messiah, which brought to mind his father’s Talking the New Bob Dylan; and Memphis (not Nashville)Skyline, his heartfelt tribute to Jeff Buckley, is outstanding - Then came hallelujah sounding like Ophelia - referencing a Cohen song they both covered. He surrounded himself with such talent - a lot of family, the great Van Dyke Parks’ string arrangements, Levon Helm drumming on The One You Love. The album is so full of surprises. I loved it.
I don't usually give fives to more recent albums, but this album was enthrallingly good. Musically it has a bit of an old world sensibility with artful, gorgeous arrangements. Rufus Wainwright's vocals are splendid, a bit torchy, but in the best way. With a voice suited for both pop and theatre, there's a pathos in his voice and his lyrics that feels really personal and honest. What a pleasure to listen to. Fave Songs (All songs, from most to least favorite): Peach Trees, The Art Teacher, The One You Love, Memphis Skyline, This Love Affair, Hometown Waltz, Old Whore's Diet, Gay Messiah, Little Sister, Agnus Dei, Crumb by Crumb, Waiting for a Dream
He sure can write crazy good songs. "Agnus Dei" has some lovely instrumentation which I've really missed on this list, and it sets the vibe from the start. Ok finally something that makes me feel anything. Probably deserves a 4 for the second half, but I love the cover too. This is beautiful. "Going To A Town" is one of my all time favorite songs. It's not on this album though, and the album it is on kinda sucks. I don't know why I had to say that. 5
It was great to return to this album! What drama and emotion!
There is something timeless about everything Rufus does and this album is no exception. His theatricality matches perfectly with the quality of his voice. The first song is the perfect way to enter this album and sets the stage for an emotional experience.
Cool album. Voice sort of reminds me of Thom Yorke. Piano. The art teacher
Love, love, loved. Never knew!
Very cool playlist! Some songs really sound like they're from a play - love it!
Beautifully cinematic pop record with an orchestral flair that suits the songwriting. I am honestly surprised I have never even heard the name, because wow this sound suits me.
I’ve had another album by Rufus Wainwright, and this led me to being quite excited to hear this one. Thankfully it lived up to the hyped that I’d generated in my own head. It’s a lovely calm and chilled out sprinkle of angel dust in my ear holes. I’m sorry, I’ve drank some rum and don’t know how to write good. This will have to do. Point being, though, I really enjoyed this album. Give it a listen if you want. Or don’t. I’m not your boss.
Ok I guess. A lot of soulful mourning and moaning.
I enjoyed some of it, but other parts were offputting and the whole thing was tinged with pretentiousness.
This album has a dreamy, rich sound. The orchestration is big and kind of dramatic. It reminds me of Antony and the Johnsons in how emotional it feels. Some tracks go a little over the top, but there’s still a lot of beauty here.
Want Two I’ve tried so much with Rufus Wainwright but unfortunately it just never sticks. I bought Want One when it came out and I listened to it a good amount, but I don’t think I ever really got it or actually liked it that much. Purely from a production and musical perspective there is a lot of great stuff on here, with loads of great people involved like Van Dyke Parks, the Garrigles and Levon Helm. I love Agnus Dei’s sepulchral spookiness and there are some lovely instrumental moments and touches, like the lap steel on Peaches, the strings on This Love Affair and the percussion and bass on Waiting for a Dream. However, no matter how many times I try I just can’t get on with his voice, his vocal tone and most of all his melodies, which I just always find to be pretty flat, forced and, to my ears, rather uninspiring. I completely understand that he’s going for a theatrical, baroque style, and although he definitely nails that, it just doesn’t land with me, and subsequently, over the course of an hour I find myself tuning out, with the musical flourishes and overall ambition not making up for my inability to connect to the melodies. I was hoping against hope that a fresh listen this morning would help me see it differently, but unfortunately it's the same, with very little grabbing my attention, apart from Crumb by Crumb, which with the addition of female voices, does stand out, giving it some harmonic interest and variation. It’s clearly not a bad album, but after trying with Rufus many times I just realise he’s just not for me. In terms of actual listening enjoyment it's probably a 2, but it feels unfair giving it that, as obviously the issue is me, not him, and there is a lot of intelligence and craft to it which I am reluctant to ignore. So with all that in mind, and although I don’t think I’ll ever come back to it, I’ll nudge it up to 3 🎭🎭🎭 Playlist submission: Agnus Dei
Pre-listen: WHAT THE FUCK, I LITERALLY JUST GOT THE OTHER ONE FOUR DAYS AGO, JESUS CHRIST. After listening: Eh. Some good stuff, but nothing that moves me. 3/5
There's no accounting for taste. On paper I should love this album. If you do, I can totally understand that. On the other hand, if you hated it, I'm with you.
I've probably described albums as "theatrical" but this album feels like a better example than most. The storytelling with lush orchestral arrangements really does make this feel ready for the stage. I enjoyed it, but don't know if I'll listen again. Favorite tracks: "The Art Teacher", "Crumb by Crumb"
I briefly dated someone who ripped me the first 4 of Rufus Wainwright's albums, which included this one. I dutifully listened to all of them at the time, and then left them sitting in my collection untouched ever since. Listening to this album again today, I'm reminded why. He's a talented songwriter who makes some beautiful music, but his vocal delivery quickly gets on my nerves. I can't take a whole album of songs with him crooning his way through them. Didn't realize until today that one of these songs is about Jeff Buckley. That's cool. But yeah, this just isn't for me.
4-5 (5) The one you love
Angus Dei, the creeek??? violin??? immediately a no from me. i’m scared in broad daylight in my nice area in london. ohh the vocals are haunting in a nice way? i think they may be reversed? conflicted atm. Half way thru and he’s worshiping what can only be the devil. It’s pretty. I’m warming up to it. Ooo there’s been a major release. yum. No idea what direction this album is gonna go in, exciting. The one that you love, was not ready for a jaunt like this. Still seems sadistic but in an upbeat way Rhythm section is great. “Let’s fuck this awful art party” great line. The production is really tight. Everything’s really balanced well. Sharp ending. Peach trees, he’s continuing to question what love is. Honestly comforting that he was 31 when making this. The sounds is putting you into his world, there’s a lot of tension and suspense there. He’s tied of “reading the critics and comics alone”, that’s an all encompassing line for sure. Do peach trees grow in New York? yeah they do, in the outskirts anyway. Little Sister, oh this will make me cry. I’m a little sister, sending it to my brother immediately. The classical element reminds me of our late granddad too. This is so beautiful, and so raw. Loved it. The Art Teacher, wow. To be adored like that. An art teacher being a muse is so so poetic. “Never have I turned to any another man again”. He owns a turner now, people that leave a mark on you, you find a way to carry them with you. And he carries us through that yearning feeling with that song. Hometown Waltz, everyone had wanted to burn there hometown down no?? I have. And ive come to understand recently that as much as you hate it sometimes “all the roads lead back to home”. Litterally or metaphorically it’s most likely, you will end up where you began. The sound of this song is like a slightly broken music box to me. This Love Affair, “Not that i don’t like cruzin’, Just that i’m bruisin from you”. Lyrics that take somthing, like this phrase, and flip it on its head make me giddy. That’s songwriting at its finest to me. To take a slightly comical and painful comment and split it up, so that it hits (pardon the pun) that bit deeper. This song captures the feeling of limerence. Gay Messiah, a count in, in 6/4? “He will fall from the star, Studio 54” so “better pray for your sins”. What a song by the true diva, Rufus. That’s all that needs to be said. Memphis Skyline, this is him and the piano. A simple composition, that then blooms into this subtle sonata. For me, he can really make me feel what he’s feeling?! It’s stunning. The sudden start of Waiting For A Dream, is soothing. The effects on the voice, im loving, feeling dreamlike for sure. Everyone hates a cocktail party being ruined! And in 2025 there is still “an ogre in the oval office”, history does love to repeat doesn’t it! I do hope you have been sleeping Rufus. Crumb by Crumb, feels like a musical chorus number. “Many a time before, Before i’ve many a time” love this and he does it multiple times. This feels like the feeling of looking for someone to believe in, and taking it that little bit to far, moving into obsession. I have been there. “Behind the facade is a lonely angel, still” He has an ability to hit you with realism in between somewhat nonsensical lyricism. Old Whores Diet, this man is a vocal powerhouse btw, he’s secure in that chest voice. I was about to type this isn’t my favourite, then the chorus and the samba instrumentation? and multiple voices that he’s doing?? came in. Yet again he got me. And i’ll leave it there, no need to keep dissecting. I have learnt from looking that there is Want One and this one (Want Two) so i’m intrigued. I went in to this pessimistic, and came out being brought to tears, consistently surprised and with new favourite lyrics of all time. A shocker of a 5 for me.
Rufus es un músico en toda su extensión. De rancio linaje musical, tanto él como su hermana gozaron de reconocimiento de público y crítica a principios de siglo. Sus dos primeros álbumes son excelentes, y tanto Want one como Want two son aún mejores. Luego no bajó el nivel pero son menos accesibles, incluyendo dos óperas y un retorno a las melodías con Unfollow The Rules. Su mayor exposición fue con la banda sonora de Shrek donde interpreta la versión, en clave Buckleyana del Hallelujah de Cohen -a quien le dio una nieta- (aunque en la peli la voz no es la suya sino la de John Cale). Este Want two es una excelente entrada a su mundo: La impactante apertura con Agnus Dei (cercana a Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan), la melódica The one you love, la imponente presencia de The Art Teacher y Gay Messiah, ambas publicadas previamente en el exquisito Waiting for a want. Old Whore´s Diet, junto a Antony, es una joya más. Otros discos de 2004: Heroes to Zeros de The Beta Band, Nick Cave- Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus, Arcade Fire- Funeral, Wilco – A Ghost Is Born, Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand, Tom Waits – Real gone, Morrissey - You are the quarry. También: Sonic Youth- Sonic Nurse, TV on the radio- Desperate, Youth, Blood, Green Day - American Idiot, Bart Davenport – Game Preserve, Interpol – Antics, Modest Mouse – Good news for people who love bad news, Brian Wilson – Smile, Lambchop – Aw c’mon / No you c’mon, The Dears – No cities left, The Divine Comedy – Absent friends, The Delgados – Universal audio, Kasabian-Kasabian, The Organ - The Organ, Adan Green - Friends of mine, Ye (Kanye West)- The College dropout, Keane- Hopes and feras, Pinback-Summer in Abaddon...
The first time I heard Want One I was seduced and entranced and it struck every string of my soul. I got a copy of Want Two about four months early and excitedly I listened and strangely got sad. It wasn't Want One. For that I shunned it. Listening back I realise I was wrong. It just was a different album. That today I have loved to see again as a beautiful eccentric friend
Want twoah. Spit on that thang.
almost completely forgot ab the project today but i was rewarded for remembering with uh....the best album ever???? idk??? faggy forest prince music...just an immaculate vibe set almost entirely to my specific tastes. eccentric and longing songs with rly expressive and surprising compositions set to a bunch of creative ideas and/or beautiful piano playing, all overgrown with moss and mushrooms and ivy. will take a few more listens on my own time to rly pull apart, but i cant imagine i wont be rewarded. makes me think i like thom yorke's voice a lot more than i think i do, or that what he was rly missing was to sound way gayer, cuz Gay Ass Thom Yorke kept flashing in my mind!!!
So, I have a penchant for distinctive male voices, something that grabs your attention from the first note and is the antithesis of the bland, artificial manipulation that is everywhere today. This album is a smorgasbord of styles and influences that keeps you waiting for the next thing, totally unaware of where it's taking you and I loved it. Folk, pop, indie, cinematic and show music styles, they're all in there and the subject matter and emotions conveyed are equally as varied. A beautiful piece of work.
What a refreshingly original sound! Reminded me of Divine Comedy and at times, Tom Yorke’s voice. The lyrics seem to require a lot more digging to fully appreciate the album. I appreciate this listen!
One of his finest albums
loved the sound. it's quite interesting and artistic
His voice is so beautiful. The angelic pop baroqueness of it all. Want One is better, but Want Two has so many beautiful moments.
Is it cheating to say the same thing as I did for Want One? I love the lyrics, the music, the voice. One I want to keep listening to. Wonderful!
First time listening to a Rufus Wainright album. Remarkable!
I quite liked it, its really interesting musically
Canadian Radiohead!
Loved! I always think I should listen to more Rufus and look at me! I'm doing it! Everything is big and grand and beautiful.
I enjoyed this very much. I’ve been listening to Folkocracy for a couple of months & love his song choices.
This is one of the most gorgeous albums of all time. Rufus Wainwright's voice strikes the perfect balance between whine and perfect pitch to paint a truly hurt individual, which many of these songs needed to be perfectly executed. His piano playing, and all the instrumentation for that matter, is simple yet very effective, and there is such a beautiful amalgamation of pop and ballad that its easily very near the top of its class. Perhaps its a tad long, but its hard to argue that time is wasted, as every second in every song feels purposeful, and no song is dragged out more than needed, not even the nine minute finale. It just all feels so grand, and I can only assume Wainwright was going for that, and in that case he nailed it. Shame he's known for little outside of his Hallelujah cover, because this proves he has every right to stand amongst the greats from the time such as Jeff Buckley (which he pays a lovely tribute to) and Elliott Smith. I only wish this album was more beloved, as I fail to see how this isn't considered one of the greatest albums of the 2000s, because it is.
I apparently am a Rufus Wainright fan. Because I loved this. The entire album is just amazing.
Apparently I know his one song, the one that he has with Florence Welch. This must be good, I like the witchy album cover too. First song, the Arabic door cracking sound start is unique, but no idea how it will progress. Also the song name is in different language. WOW operatic start. I love his voice. This was used for some film trailer. I love this for now, it's slow vocal Arabic vibed song, heaven indeed. Oh sorry, it may not be Arabic, since the name is in Latin. Violin joined in, love it. I wasn't bored, though it was repetitive (in a good way) Second song and wtf beat fully changed, it's upbeat. It's still vocalic though, I love his voice I can't. I love the vibe. Ohh this is chamber pop plus melancholic, I am crazy about chamber, they mostly devour so. The fast paced piano, LOVE IT. The beat, his voice(yes mentioned it again), production is veery good for my ears. He also has an album named "want one" I hope I listen to that too, if it has the same vibe even better. Choir came in for a little time. It was quite progressive at the end. Florence + the machine vibes low key. Third song, so satisfying already. It's slow with a guitar going in the background, simple but great. There is woman voice harmonizing with him. Beat progressed. Piano in my left ear softly. The instrumental break is witchy AF. He vocals every second and I love it. Such melancholia and chilliness. Just magnificent. 4th song, royal vibes with the violin and piano. The instrumental break is very classical, and I'm quite fond of that. He fast talks in some parts, which makes it much better. Instruments dropped, it's clean now, with piano softly playing, he vocals again, then beat increases and ends the song so well. 5th song, such fun I didn't expect I would have with this album. His voice is soothing. Omg the lyrics are about an art teacher whose works are so good that the students is amazed by it, but can't tell the teacher. It's about a school girl, who married another guy, but still loves this art teacher (might also be Rufus's gay attraction). Very beautiful song. Also the clapping and cheering at the end transitioned into the... 6th song, I heard homosexuals, have never heard that word in a song now that I think of it. There's piano and another instrument playing, now choir came in. It wasn't a stand out since it was a short song, but I loved it still. 7th song, has a different vibe, the piano plays better notes. It's more sad too. Violin came in now. It's about an unreachable love affair, I think. The overall opera vibe is so good. 8th song, he counted in my ears?! Hello, that was kinda hot(I'm bi so one of the reasons I like this album I guess) "He will then be reborn from 1970's porn" umm. Oh apparently that's nothing, I just read the genius meaning and he's so gay, he mixed Christianity and gayness. He said "coming" and there was a slight slurping sound, oh my god. I love him even more. Also he said he will be baptized in "cum" as jesus did with the spirit. The bridge is very good with that woman choir. And now he will give an oral to someone, didn't expect this from him tbh. One of the best because of the lyrics. 9th song, now he used mythology to compare his relationship to the guy that died, which he hated, but is still sad about his death. It has slight violins in the background, his voice so fine. He has a popularized song "hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen(I love him) and he mentioned it here. I love the instrumental break, it's only piano yet it has a spark in it, it's progressing with the fast paced piano and violin. Fuck it hit the high note and scared me. 10th song, violin starts, his voice is different here, it has an auto tune vibe, and now not. It's both of them, one after eachother. Literally, he does two voice types, wow, unique. The unexpected slash sound. Choir voices came back. 11th song, starting with catchy lyrics sung by a woman, oh Rufus came back. This is a little more upbeat because of the fast paced beat. "Du-ru-ru-m" first time he sings, but nothing exact. Such vibe, I would definitely listen to this album again. The ending repeated the chorus, and it's so nice. 12th song, and 9 minutes? Didn't expect that, must be a good one. This song is about how he only found old Chinese food in a refrigerator and called it "old whore's diet", quite fun. Even more fun is the beat change, the woman vocalising and the drums being tropical. Violin solo slays, now added the woman's vocals. Weird ending (good way). 13th song, it's french, I think. It's not a different vibe, quite short though. Love his french. It ended with applause and cheering, what fun. It was not as unique, but I enjoyed it as expected. There was one song unavailable, but I finished it officially, and I loved every second of it, definitely 5 stars. It was unique, full of vocals. Changed the vibe, but I needed more Florence, however he is being himself. Had everything slow and melancholic songs should have.
The Cover Art of the album is beautiful, Austrian in the 1920s? 'Marius de Vries' as producer. Know this guy, but why? Google: producer of some Massive Attack songs on protection album. So my hopes were very high. And not disappointed. Melancholical music with amazing voice. The eunuch nephew of Tom Waits
pretty good
enjoyed this one a lot
wow I just loved this
Want One and Two are such amazing albums, Rufus has a very unique voice and his songs are just as beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful, lush and chill pop. A few of the slower songs were a bit too similar and long for my taste, but overall this was a gorgeous album. I’d give it 9/10 but since it’s a 5 point scale I’m going with full marks.
Stunning. Floored me on the first listen. Arty, inventive, quirky, but musical as fuck. Legendary.
loved it
sonzao bem diferenciado, pegada meio transcedental
I only knew him for Hallelujah, so I didn't expect to love this album so much. It's pretty low energy for most of the album, but it still manages to entertain me. It was one of those albums where I could lay on my bed, close my eyes, put it on and enjoy. I was entranced by the first song, and that feeling remained throughout the album. Memphis Skyline is a rather sweet song lyrically. Similarly, many songs on this album stood out because of their subject matter. It's hard to pick favourites, but I believe my favourite songs were This Love Affair, Angus Dei, and Memphis Skyline.
Great songwriting. I love his voice. Favorite songs are Memphis Skyline and Art Teacher. Pretty cool that Levon Helm played on one of the tunes.
What an incredible opening for an album. Peach trees is amazing, so many cool layers. The piano is so cool, and the beachy slide guitars. The songwriting and harmony on this record are incredible. So haunting and beautiful.
I loved this. Listened twice. Favorites were The One You Love and Old Whores Diet. The Art Teacher is so fucking interesting. And funny? And sad?
Amazing voice, honest and unique stories in his lyrics, captures you like a moment in time.
Lögin eru vissulega misgóð, og stundum sakna ég þess að heyra ekki menntaðri rödd, sérstaklega í upphafslaginu Agnus Dei, en það er sem er gott er alveg frábært. Flottur og innilegur söngur, óvænt twist, æðislegar útsetningar, fjör og angurværð á víxl. Mæli heilshugar með.
holy SHIT! fuckin A! 10/10, man this is far out!
This Rufus album is a full send - takes out all the stops.
Top ten
Louche and charming album
My type of music
super into this
unexpected gem. I liked the sound. Reminded me of Kevin Max.
Понравилось, но очень сладко
I like it
Muse father lol
A long the since I've heard this album. Wainwright has a beautiful melliferous voice and his music has it's very own inimitable style. This would be a good album to check out if you're new to Rufus Wainwright. 4/5
Moody, not quite dark and beautiful. Love the ways he builds up some of these songs until the crescendo. Wonderful arrangements, many different instruments. Rufus has a great voice as well…lowkey jealous. Gay Messiah, I really loved that. Also love that he comes back to earth through heaven at studio 54. Great. Memphis Skyline is super sad and haunting, read somewhere that it’s about Jeff Buckley? Guess it makes sense why it’s sad. I love the piano bridge in it, wow. I think the highlight of the album for me is Hometown Waltz, but maybe that’s because my mum grew up outside Montreal.
More Wainwright bangers. I think I liked this slightly less than Want One, but still really good. 3.5/5
An enjoyable album of different styles
Agnus Dei // The One You Love // Peach Trees // The Art Teacher // Gay Messiah //
This one really surprised me. After listening to the album I went and looked at some of the reviews left by others on this site and I was frankly shocked. There are so many people who are just ready to pounce on anything remotely artsy / flamboyant. Stop wasting your life hating. Especially something as lovely as music. So as I already mentioned, I was truly taken aback by this one. I absolutely did not expect the lush, beautifully layered, and frankly beautiful set of tunes. It is without a doubt supremely top-heavy. The first half of the album tears the second apart, but the whole thing is worth a listen. 4.2/5
Lush, pretty, lasting, not quite as good as want one
Beautiful songs and amazing vocal, just simple and enjoyable...I love to listen to this type of music once in a while. 3.5-4/5
Interesting and very different from what I typically listen to. I really enjoy Rufus' voice. He reminds me of Tom York and/or Matt Bellamy from Muse. The lyrics are engaging and the soundscapes created are beautiful. I'd say it was way better then I expected.