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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Nick Of Time

Bonnie Raitt


Nick Of Time
Album Summary

Nick of Time is the tenth studio album by the American singer Bonnie Raitt, released on March 21, 1989. It was Raitt's first album to be released by Capitol Records. A commercial breakthrough after years of personal and professional struggles, Nick of Time topped the Billboard 200 chart, selling five million copies, and won three Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year, which was presented to Raitt and producer Don Was. In 2003, the album was ranked number 229 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time, then was re-ranked at number 230 on the 2012 list. As of September 2020, it is ranked at number 492. The album was also included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. In 2022, the album was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Recording Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".







  • Rock
  • Country
  • Blues
  • Folk
  • Singer Songwriter


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Aug 04 2022
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This is a fake album. I refuse to believe this existed yesterday. The project known as "1001 Albums Generator" is a rogue AI that has altered the fabric of existence to add this album into our timeline. There is nobody by the name of "Bonnie Raitt", it's the Berenstoin Bears and Mandela is actually still alive. Two out of five. "Love Letter" was cool.

Apr 14 2023
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Wow…Three one-star albums in a row. I’ve completed my first one-star hat trick. I don’t know what to say…it’s all so much… [wipes the tiniest tear from the corner of his eye] I couldn’t have done it without you, Bonnie Raitt: The late 80’s production sheen and synthetics are laid on so thick on this record, that you’ve left me with no choice but to achieve this impressive feat. I’d also like to thank U2 and their truly terrible 2000 record, “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” for yesterday’s one star experience. To Anthrax: I probably should have given Among the Living two stars because I like you guys on a personal level…I really, really like you (just not your music), but without that first one star record to get the ball rolling, we wouldn’t be here today. Finally, I’d like to thank the Academy, my agent, my business manager - whazzzup Pete - along with my lovely wife and non-existent kids. I couldn’t have done it without all of your support. Good luck to you all, one day it could be you up here talking about the terrible records you’ve been subjected to. This place…*this* is where we find hope, where wings take dream. God bless you all and long live the Michelin Man.

Jan 27 2022
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I liked the radio playlist that Spotify created after this

Feb 16 2023
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Does the word "groundbreaking" have an antonym?

Sep 22 2021
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Yay, a woman finally! I haven't listened to this one in a long, long time and it was wonderful to listen to it again. I love her voice, love her music. (Also, her hair. My god that HAIR!) Favorite tracks: Thing Called Love, Cry On My Shoulder, Nobody's Girl, I Will Not Be Denied, and I Ain't Gonna Let You Break My Heart Again.

May 30 2021
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Really a brilliant lyricist in this genre. Traditional without being cliched. There's a blend of strength and vulnerability in the sensibility of the writing. The music doesn't stand out so much as the writing but it's all rock solid.

Jun 22 2022
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Genre: Pop Rock 2/5 In what was supposedly a return to form, as well as a triumphant return to pop stardom, Bonnie Raitt's Nick of Time is certainly an album of music that makes noise. Assumedly picked for this book because of its chart-topping success and long list of accolades and nominations, Nick of Time does absolutely nothing new for the genre and almost absolutely nothing for me. Its overall blandess is too hard to ignore, but it has a charm to it that's also hard to ignore, and hard to fault the album for. From its title track and intro straight through to the end, we're gifted with just over 40 minutes of a lot of the same sounds, themes, and instrumentation. Well-produced and arranged, though, filling the mix with all of the bland textures they could possibly find, culminating in a very by-the-book, easy-to-listen-to rock album. Bonnie Raitt's vocals are just fine too, neither adding or detracting from the overall experience, but all together this album just doesn't do very much at all. Totally inoffensive, and very sweet and innocent, but non-essential.

Oct 22 2021
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I really didn't need to revisit this. where i grew up this was everywhere. this was every car pool ride to school. every soccer practice, whatever. i guess it's fine by normal person standards but fuck this album tbh

Oct 19 2022
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Nope. Besides the first song all I got was images of pickup trucks and leopard print and a whole lot of meh.

Nov 10 2021
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Wise man once described this as aiming for mediocrity and falling way short. Bland, corny nonsense that was too painful to sit the whole way through.

Aug 19 2024
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This has to be the kind of album "you had to be there" to appreciate. There's nothing here that makes it set itself apart from anything that ever was and has been since. Do we, in the year of our lord 2024, really need to hear this before we die? Probably not. Key tracks: Nick of Time

Jan 13 2023
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All the charm of the demo button on a 1980s casio keyboard. Lyrics were also kinda shit but she did have magnificent pipes.

May 08 2024
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About halfway through Have A Heart I said to myself, out loud ‘This is really fucking boring.’ I think the printers screwed up the title of the last song, surely it’s called Middle Of The Road’s My Name? This is non revolutionary music of the highest order, because it’s not revolutionary in it’s music, which is backwards looking and safe, in it’s lyrics, which are simple and unremarkable, and in it’s topics, which are love and heartbreak all wrapped in a neat, socially conservative, little package. The small c conservatism of this album really pissed me off, it’s all about reaching middle age and thinking that you need to find a ‘real man’ to settle down with, having a baby just in the ‘nick of time.’ Even the potentially pro independent woman title of Nobody’s Girl is ruined by a song that’s actually about a man and how the titular character wouldn’t be ‘nobody’s girl’ wouldn’t get ‘upset over the least little thing,’ wouldn’t be ‘fragile like a string of pearls’ if she were to just let herself be loved by this random guy. But we never hear anything from the other woman’s perspective at all, it’s all just the narrator’s interpretation, the projection of their own feelings. I kinda wanted to like this. I saw how low the rating was, the underdog rooting part of my brain lit up, and really, I’m a sucker for vulnerable women singing about their vulnerabilities. But Nick Of Time is much less musically interesting than a lot of those sorts of artists that I love, and is presented with this political stand point that I do not understand at all. It’s presented with a veneer of Pop-Rock sensibility, but this is a Country album, and a Country album of the self-righteous, reactionary kind that ruins the genre for so many people. ‘A friend of mine, she cries at night.’ After listening to this album, I completely understand why

Aug 01 2024
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The kimono, divorced housewife energy of this album is unmatched.

Jun 18 2021
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So eighties you can smell the hairspray. Trapped somewhere between country and Bonnie Tylers hair. Not sure how it made it out of the sports bars, karaoke lounges and the pool houses of the mid west. Though having lived through this era I’m pretty sure it didn’t cross the Atlantic. Elevator music at worst, pedestrian at best. However, mostly harmless.

Aug 19 2024
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Let's stop shitting on Bonnie Raitt and start respecting the fact that she had the guts to combine country with crappy 80s synthpop, and to do it all 20 years past her prime, too. Truly praiseworthy. I salute your terrible decision-making, Bonnie 🫡

Nov 24 2021
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A bit bland for my tastes, despite me usually liking well played AOR. I checked out a few of her earlier albums and it just sounds like this album sanded off all Raitt's rough edges. Too smoooooth.

Mar 10 2022
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Nick of Time is perfectly pleasant, very Magic 105.4. But what follows is a godawful mess of the most hideously produced country it's been my misfortune to hear. The kind of stuff that puts you off country for life. The cod reggae of Have a Heart is a nice break from this. Then back to more of the same. It's not good.

Apr 21 2022
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Very little I found enjoyable in this album. From country sounds to generic synth, just seemed to represent the worst of the 80s. Not sure why this is so acclaimed.

Nov 03 2022
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Elevator music. The sort that's only bearable if you're going to the second floor. Very corny lyrics as well. *This* won three Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year? Seriously? Seems to only show one thing: the late eighties were a very bad time for *good* pop music. Bland songwriting all around (with nine covers out of eleven tracks, you could at least choose songs that are better than this), cheesy or hackneyed instrumentation, professional but soulless performances... There's nothing to save this utter debacle, not even Bonnie Raitt's more than competent singing. Oh, the fake reggae shenanigans of "Have A Heart" are somewhat refreshing at some point, at least compared to the blandness that's before and after it (and probably helped a lot in the album's commercial success thanks to the song's promotion on MTV). But that's the only positive thing I can say about *any* of those lame songs. About the larger context about this record, the whole story about Raitt going through a rough patch, both personally and professionally, before finding unexpected success with this album, doesn't change anything about my assessment up there. I'm happy for Raitt, she looks like a nice person, and probably deserved to be cut some slack as an competent artist who had already worked long in the business. But that sort of "storytelling" has nothing to do with the music itself. When you read that raving retrospective review Pitchfork gave about the album, it's just appalling. 80% of it is about that story, not the music itself. This is *not* how you should assess the quality or flaws of a record. Context is important, but never to that point. Between 2012 and 2020, this album went from number 230 to 492 in Rolling Stones' list of 500 greatest albums of all time. You can bet your cowboy boots it will be out of that list in subsequent versions of it, probably the next one if its editors have a shred of good sense left in their minds. And I hope it goes out of Dimery's list soon as well. You just *can't* have so many glaring omisions in the 1001 albums book to make room for such a bad record instead. Number of albums left to review: 749 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 124 Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 62 Albums from the list I will certainly *not* include in mine (many others are more important): 66 (including this one)

Dec 09 2022
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Ok, 1001 is a lot of's necessary to have some things like it, I understand. Wikipedia says it's really important, and I'll never get why.

Jan 19 2023
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Radio friendly, low end pop. Don’t see how something as beige as this makes it on to a list that needs to be heard before I die

May 27 2021
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Great album. All songs are worth listening to with a few stand out hits. Amazing voice. Worth having this on vinyl.

Sep 22 2021
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Oh an album I owned and enjoyed when it came out! I haven’t listened to the album in a very long time. Loving the big hits, but this album also has a lot of depth beyond the hits. Really a great album. Listened to it a couple of times and love it from beginning to end.

Jan 28 2022
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I've never really been a Bonnie Raitt fan, but this is a great album.

Feb 27 2022
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Maybe the best sounding album of its kind/era…Bonnie’s voice could ground anything

Apr 07 2022
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A friend of mine she cries at night

May 20 2022
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You know that friend you haven’t seen in years but when you finally do, you both pick up the conversation exactly where you left off? This album is that friend. This album is like an expertly prepared meal of all your favorite dishes...familiar but delicious...nobody knew at the time, but this wouldn’t even be the best album of Bonnie’s second act. Indispensable.

Jun 29 2022
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Love the album, great singing, lyrics and music , haven’t listened in about 30 years but loved returning to it

Aug 12 2022
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Excellent album, great singing, great instrumentals. Great all around.

May 23 2023
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fantastic album, great rock and roll.

Jul 03 2023
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80s country-rock is a bit cringe, but Bonnie Rait gets five stars just for being so cool.

Sep 21 2023
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I had this when it came out and loved it. Five Stars all the way. She won a cart full of grammy's.

Feb 22 2024
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Great album -- I'd be happy to listen to this anytime.

Feb 25 2024
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I love when the records I own on physical media pop up. I'm happy to listen to them, especially if I haven't in a while. Bonnie Raitt is pretty much an instant fives stars from me because I'm just a fan. Sometimes that's enough.

Mar 01 2024
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Never heard this before, but if I had it would have been on a tape in my mum’s car

Mar 22 2024
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One of the best ever. Great songs, fantastic singer/songwriter.

May 08 2024
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Most amazing album, my mom played it for us growing up. Danced to have a heart with my mom at my wedding <3

May 24 2024
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I expected this to be a polarizing album between the soulful balladeers who like sweet lyrics and gentle chords vs the hard screaming junkies who want loud instrument noise with screaming singers of 3 word lyrics for 7 minutes. Album sounds (and is) very dated 80s, but Raitt's smooth tones fit well with the mellow moods. 1001 albums ranking is a joke, but this album is a easy listen and one of the original fusion albums of rock and blues with blues taking the lead. Throw in a little country tones s well and you get 5/5 rating.

Jul 05 2024
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10/5…just saw her last week. Been in love with her and her music since ‘74. She plays a mean slide guitar and is ranked 86th in top 100 guitarists. She is only female to have her own Stratocaster “ The Bonnie Raitt” Stratocaster. Fantastic musician and this album is one of her very best..depends on who what what you like musically, but she is #2 on my list.

Jul 29 2024
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Grata sorpresa, no conocía ni a la artista ni sus canciones. En el primer tema casi me siento en una sala de espera médica, pero de ahí en adelante no hace más que mejorar. Y además en diversos ritmos, todos muy bien interpretados. Hermoso descubrimiento

Dec 16 2020
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I know of only one Bonnie Raitt song before this and I like this, she's a kween

Jan 28 2021
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3.8* good album but not my cup of tea

Jun 21 2021
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I grew up listening to this because my parents had this album... not my normal kind of music but I love her voice and there's more than a few catchy songs on this particular album

Jun 20 2021
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Great voice. Most listenable album

May 28 2021
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Nick of Time. What a song. I also like I can’t make you love me but it’s on another album. As far as I’m concerned I’m very excited to delve deeper.

May 19 2021
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Overall, this album did not disappoint. Highlights are Nick of Time and Love Letter. But I don't think the album has the 'great' factor. Most of it became good background music while I was doing stuff. 4/5 stars.

Jun 21 2021
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Great relaxed sounds with a good beat

Jun 03 2021
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Very smooth voice. Music is a little smooth jazz/smooth country vibe. Great vocal melodies.

Jul 02 2021
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I love her early 70's work, and even most of "Luck Of The Draw". Apparently Bonnie Raitt was going to make an album with Prince before this album, and was even signed to his Paisley Park album before things fell apart. Now THAT'S an album I want to hear. Wondering if THIS should be the Bonnie Raitt album represented on this list. Thinking it's a bit over praised because it won some surprise Grammys. And then I listened to it again, and it makes all the sense in the world why it's here. I still think Tom Petty's Full Moon Fever should have won the Album Of The Year Grammy instead, but this is a great listen.

Sep 23 2021
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sonidos agradables y una voz realmente atrapante, que te hace mantener la atención en la totalidad del álbum. fue mi primera escucha tanto del álbum como de bonnie raitt y realmente estoy deseando conocer más de sus trabajos

Sep 24 2021
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Surprising that I liked this album. Really catchy. I always considered her "country" in my mind, but she's really bluesy and I dig it. Will listen to more of her. 3.5/5, but rounding up to a 4.

Nov 19 2021
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Rating: 7/10 Best songs: Nick of time, Thing called love

Nov 24 2021
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This is an album (tape!) from my childhood. I listened to it so many times... I was singing Have a Heart from memory. The voice, the slide guitar, the lyrics. Bonnie is a blues rock legend for a reason. She gets what it is to be a woman.

Dec 09 2021
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7/10. Bluesy and pleasant. Maybe a low 8.

Dec 09 2021
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7/10 good songs but definitely overproduced

Dec 23 2021
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Not my usual choice of listening but can appreciate this pop country gem. I give it higher marks for just how influential it is and mainly for the fact that I enjoyed it a lot. It is Christmas Eve Eve today so this was a nice break from my Xmas song play list. I will come back and listen to this again as it seems like a good soundtrack to kicking back in the summer sun

Jan 06 2022
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hi- thing called love, have a heart Hey, shut up! Just listen to this album!

Jan 13 2022
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A 3 probably. A 4, I love this stuff. Also on this album-cover she's the spitting image of Dom from Mr. Robot but with a sexy, curly 80s haircut.

Feb 04 2022
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I first thought this album was country, and it isn't. It is blues.

Jan 06 2022
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hi- thing called love, have a heart Hey, shut up! Just listen to this album!

Feb 17 2022
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a grown-up album, warm and tender and wise, which opened the floodgates for the next huge wave of her career

Mar 09 2022
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I do love Bonnie Raitt, just more of her real blues sound. Appreciate how she needed this commercially, just a little toned down for me and feels very 1980's

Apr 06 2022
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I don't enjoy these musical styles at all individually (80s pop, country blues, etc.) but something about this combination really works for me.

May 23 2022
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Vraiment un bon album Country/Rock, je cmoprend que ca est eu un gros succès lors de la sortie, les musiciens sont incroyables et les arrangements sont vraiment bon. Bonnie Raitt a une très belle voix sur l'album et ne laisse pas ca place. C'est un album a réécouter dans le mood. 4

Jun 01 2022
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Thing Called Love. Me ha parecido un poco largo, y eso que no era largo. Aún así, le doy un 4.

Jun 01 2022
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Americana, rock, blues rock. Agradable. Venga, un 4.

Jul 28 2022
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Enjoyed this a lot. A lovely voice, some good beats. I do enjoy a bit of lady blues, country rock

Jul 28 2022
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Enjoyed this! Nice bit of blues and what a voice. Went down well on a drive back from Devon

Aug 25 2022
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There were a lot more genres in this than I expected at first glance. It’s still very much typical female folk/country but there’s also like ZZ Top guitars on one track and some blues rock influences on the others. Overall very nice listen

Sep 22 2022
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I love Bonnie Raitt and this album is one I owned when I used to collect records. Love how she went a mellower groove direction here but her signature grit and realness are still very present. She's a wonderful songwriter, a superb guitarist (too often overlooked in the male-dominated world of rock/pop/blues/country guitarists), and a great vocalist. It all comes together so nicely on this album. I remember the success that came to her thanks to this album, and reading about that again makes me happy. So well deserved.

Nov 07 2022
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Bonnie Raif’s comeback album is a laidback rock album with strong undercurrents of blues and Americana. The songwriting is strong and the music itself is very of its time, smooth with hints of grit.

Dec 14 2022
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I grew up on the singer songwriter sound, and this is pretty top tier as far as that goes. She’s able to cover the 80s powerhouse female while also venturing into the early 90s almost country sound, like Amy Grant. I like this album a lot and think it’s great listening.

Dec 18 2022
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Apparently my mom listened to this a lot after I was born. Not only that, Bonnie Raitt was my very first concert as a baby with cotton stuffed in my ears (slept through most of it apparently). Pretty sure that has something to do with how I feel about this album. It's got a comfort food quality for me. Slick af production, catchy songs. That said, still kinda cheesey sounding at times. It's pop-rock-country from 1989 after all. But it has a lot of charm and heart I feel. Or maybe that's just nostalgia. In either case, it's a solid 4 for me. Will listen again.

Dec 21 2022
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Thing Called Love. Me ha parecido un poco largo, y eso que no era largo. Aún así, le doy un 4.

Jan 13 2023
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Excellent album. A slightly too-80’s production, like a smooth jazz backing band around her great, smoky voice.

Jan 27 2023
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Some old 80s vibes. Decent beat but all very similar for the whole album. Not bad to stick one or two in a mix.

Jan 29 2023
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cute 80s adult contemporary album it’s basically just 80s pop with a country twist some of the songs felt pretty sexist (both misogyny and misandry) but yeah still fun 7/10

Feb 05 2023
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Maybe the production is too slick and of its time but her tender delivery sells the songs so well I can’t help but be charmed. Opening title track has the gem of a lyric “life gets mighty precious, when there’s less of it to waste”.

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