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Your Arsenal



Your Arsenal
Album Summary

Your Arsenal is the third studio album by English singer Morrissey, released on 27 July 1992 by record label HMV. The album received critical acclaim and reached number 4 on the UK Albums Chart.







  • Rock
  • Indie


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Fri Apr 16 2021

Not this moaning xenophobe again. I'm still trembling here, with him stood behind me, greasing up his penis, forcing me to eat brussel sprouts. Vegan tosser.

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Thu Nov 18 2021

What do people want from Morrissey? All he's really guilty of is being a curmudgeon. He's always gone out of his way to say inflammatory things to the press, only to contradict himself in later interviews. But people seem to take Morrissey's shit so seriously. The homo-erotic sect suggests he's in the closet, and ashamed to admit his sexuality. Apparently, the dude simply hates sex. But he certainly loves animals (Morrissey was the first and still only artist to successfully prohibit McDonald's from selling food during one of his concerts in California, something not even famed vegetarian Paul McCartney could pull off). We can all agree that Morrissey probably isn't the most pleasant person to hang out with, which is something you could say about most of the artists who appear on this list. Yet people who've likely never met Morrissey hold some insane personal grudge against him to the point where they write off his music. I'm talking about people who cut their teeth listening to The Smiths, who suddenly read some "shocking" quote Morrissey off-handedly gave to a music writer and it completely changes their mindset. And the thing of it is, Morrissey has been doing this shit his entire life! If you're upset at something Morrissey said or did recently, just give it a few minutes. He'll change completely and move on to something else. He's the British Neil Young, and overall his musical catalog is on par with Ol' Neil. This is possibly The Great White Mope's best solo album, although I can't say that with certainty since I have yet to listen to all of them. This was one I owned on Compact Disc when it was first released, so I was already familiar with it. Not surprisingly, it holds up better than most of the CD's I bought in 1992. I don't want to be friends with Morrissey, but I do enjoy a lot of his music.

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Fri Jul 02 2021

3.5 - Is this what Brexit sounds like? Here's a supremely talented band and singer who manage to screw it up because Morrissey can't stop moaning about problems that only the most provincial of Brits would care about.

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Wed Jan 26 2022

Oh great, another Morrissey album. I wonder if he's still sad all the time. Okay, it turns out this album is actually pretty fun and not the absolutely crucifying experience I've come to associate with Morrissey. Lots of diversity in the music, and it works well with his voice. Does this mean that I like Morrissey? 4/5

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Mon Feb 08 2021

“Were the last British people you will ever know” sounds pretty sus when you remember Morrissey’s racist shit.

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Fri Sep 04 2020

Morrissey can get in the sea.

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Fri Apr 16 2021

Yeah, I thought it was pretty good. People always ask who's your Arsenal. For me it's not the invincibles, it's not "it's up for grabs now" Michael Thomas Fever Pitch et al Arsenal, it's not record breaking FA Cup winning Arsenal or Xhaka getting sent off or Jack Wilshere getting injured. No, it's Carl Jenkinson and co getting beaten 8-2 at Old Trafford with "with a packet of sweets and a cheeky smile, Arsene Wenger is a paedophile " playing in the background.

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Wed Jul 06 2022

It’s painfully obvious in listening to this that Johnny Marr was the heart of The Smiths.

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Fri Oct 30 2020

fuck morissey, he was never a gud musician just was at the right place at the right time. look like the asshole guy who be treating his girl badly

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Thu Apr 08 2021

I know, i know... im as surprised as you are

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Tue Aug 10 2021

Another beautiful Morrissey album. One I have sadly neglected, I always seem to listen to Viva Hate or a Smiths when I need a shot of Morrissey's wry humour, deprication and stinging commentary. But Your Arsenal is worthy of attention too. 4 stars

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Thu Jun 22 2023

I'm not a Smiths fan enough to be really interested in Morrissey's solo career, which just sounds like a less interesting version of his old band to me. It's not bad though, just... not something I'll want to return to.

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Tue Jun 01 2021

Idk... not that into the music and he keeps singing about things that make me think he's an asshole.

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Thu Mar 18 2021

The worst man who’s music I will love forever. Not his smiths best but still very decent and one of his best solo efforts. 4/5

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Thu Aug 12 2021

So so album, and then he went mad.

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Thu Jun 15 2023

I can never tell whether Morrissey is serious or taking the piss, but it kinda makes him cool. Music was catchy in that UK pub rock way that I'm sure Morrissey actually hates, and I'm sure there are a kazillion instances of him talking shit about other bands that sound exactly like this. Lyrics are full of his usual oddball social commentary and nihilism. There was one line that said "we don't vote conservative, never have ... everyone lies" haha. Nailed it. You know what, I'm actually gonna get out the 5/5 for this one. Fucken brilliant.

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Mon Jun 19 2023

Zeus: Are the wickedest queens always the comeliest? Hercules: Usually I mean, talk about an asinine personality and attitude wrapped in sexy packaging. Morrissey is so yummy on this album cover, looking like a real snack. But then he lives to instigate bullshit and it’s just so immature and painful to watch. I love and appreciate his immense lyrical talent, and I feel like I could empathize with him, but then I read quotes of the things he’s said and I’m repulsed by his wretched insistent cuntiness. The heart wants what it wants though, and ultimately, mine wants witty, wry and darkly humorous lyrics, something Morrissey always delivers.

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Thu Mar 18 2021

Was surprised how rock-focused this is. Some songs are still reminiscent of the Smiths, but others go for some straight-forward rock. It's nice. Lyrics are still on-point. Favorite tracks: "The National Front Disco", "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful"

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Sat Jul 10 2021

Really solid Alt Rock album. F**k Morrissey tho

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Sun Jul 04 2021

Gros problème dès le départ : l'album s'ouvre sur la mélodie de la chanson Un Rayon de Soleil de William Baldé. Si on met ça de côté, c'est du Morrissey tout craché : de bons morceaux et une horrible pochette.

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Wed Dec 20 2023

morrissey might be a twat but he makes decent music

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Thu Mar 04 2021

YES YES YES morrissey is everythingggg!

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Thu Jun 17 2021

Que discazo del bien. Es atemporal. 1000/1000 ludomatics

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Mon Aug 16 2021

I actually really enjoyed this

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Wed Oct 27 2021

The third solo album The Smiths vocalist Morrrissey. Perfect rockabilly / glam rock. One of the best albums in England of 1992. I liked it very much. Will definitely listen it again and again.

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Mon Feb 28 2022

I feel like Morrissey would be great to see live, but no songs really stood that much out from eachother. I take that back, "We'll Let You Know" is very nice. Ok they're all very different actually goddamn. And otherwise I enjoyed it all. I gotta go and listen to some more The Smiths. "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday" got me in a fucking trance damn. 4, could be a 5 actually, na 4 is good. The way the songs get better over time reminds me of Arctic Monkeys ngl. Damn, people really hate this guy, and well, most of the lyrics on this album does make him seem like an asshole who's bitter that his band left him. it's great music though. 5 lol

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Thu May 05 2022

Does anybody think you could describe his voice as spooky? I think that's a good descriptor. I liked the album a lot! Cool sound, Def a vibe

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Thu Aug 11 2022

"Your Arsenal" is the third studio album from Morrissey and features a new band. The album was produced by Mitch Ronson (former David Bowie guitarist) and you can tell with influences and homages to David Bowie, T. Rex and even The Smiths. The music is more rockin' than his two previous albums which is obvious on his first few songs. Of course, Morrissey, during this time, was involved in controversy with accusations of Nazi racism with one of the songs, "The National Front Disco," wishing a variety of deaths (to The Smiths' biographer Johnny Roman's and wishing a motorway pileup) and performed wearing the Union Jack Flag with a back drop of two skin-head girls. Regardless, the music on this album is great: rockin, tuneful, lyrics, a band. And, the title "Your Arsenal" has a possible triple entendre: the power you command, pun on on 'your arse an' all,' and a jab at the Arsenal football team fandom. The album starts out with two hard rocking songs. Great wah-wah wobbly guitar reminiscent of Guns N' Roses begins "Your Gonna Need Someone on Your Side." A "Peter Gunn" rockabilly bass comes in and now the music sounds like X (the band)...that's a good thing. Morrissey's lyrics are probably about offering a friend help who doesn't want it. The second single "Glamorous Girl" continues the muscular rock with great guitar in the intro and throughout. Moz first sung about the queen being dead years before and now it's London. He is apparently angry with his home country. The second half of the album continues the barrage of good songs. The first single "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful" again has a great guitar intro (pattern here?) And just a killer melody and chorus. It's more in the pop-rock category and has sort of soft-loud-soft dynamics which I'm a sucker for. Self-explanatory lyrics. "Tomorrow" ends the album and is one of my favorite Morrissey tunes. Another great pop song melody. A classic Smith's sounding song. Is it about not wanting to leave the morning after spending the night with someone, just getting old or both? I have to admit this is the first Morrissey album I've listen to in its entirety. I have no idea why? I've listened to all The Smiths' albums and have heard most of these songs. Anyway, it's a great album and in the conversation for some of his best work.

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Fri Sep 09 2022

What a great project! What a blend of sounds, the guitar sounds so awesome, and he sings so elegantly on every song. The production is on point as well.

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Sun Nov 20 2022

Great album, really good lyrics….

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Thu Jan 26 2023

I’ve already reviewed a few albums by The Smiths, but this will be my first review of Morrissey by himself. My thoughts so far have been that it has been decent music but with annoying lyrics and vocals. Let’s see if this is more of the same. Songs I already knew: We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful Favourites: We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, You’re The One For Me Fatty I hate the fact that I’m writing this because Morrissey seems to be a horrible, racist, mess of a human, but this album was really good. So much better that I expected it to be. I didn’t find his lyrics quite as annoying here as I did with The Smiths albums, but maybe I’m just in a good mood. The overall music just felt it had more going on, and had a bit more attitude. If you can separate the art from the artist, and if you haven’t heard this album before, definitely give it a listen.

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Mon Feb 20 2023

Not one of my favorite Morrissey albums, but he is still an artist where his music is eclectic and passionate with wonderful & introspective lyrics. It's unfortunate that he's leaned heavily into a bit of a twat persona, but i am still thoroughly engaged in his music.

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Mon Feb 20 2023

To paraphrase Morrissey, some songs are bigger than others, some songs mothers are bigger than others.

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Sun Mar 19 2023

One of his three top solo albums (Your Arsenal, Vauxhall and the best, but unappreciated Southpaw Grammar). Some nice rock songs, lyrics original as always, but also the beautiful "Seasick, Yet Still Docked" and We'll Let You Know and the brilliant last song Tomorrow. Tomorrow, will it really come. And if it does come, will I still be human. Loneliness at its peak. A shame the later albums became more of a parody of what he made in his best years.

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Thu Mar 30 2023

Good album. Not something I would have chosen to listen to on my own. Also learned he’s the lead singer of The Smith’s

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Thu Jun 15 2023

Hard to hate. Immensely good stuff.

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Tue Sep 05 2023

Morrissey is great. The Smiths were great. Really enjoyed this album. Couple of catchier poppy songs which sounded great with Morrisseys voice.

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Fri Nov 03 2023

wanted to hate it because morrissey but it's a decent continuation from the smiths - also great song titles. glamorous glue the national front disco certain people i know we hate it when our friends become successful you're the one for me, fatty i know it's gonna happen someday tomorrow

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Mon Nov 13 2023

I don't know exactly what I thought I knew about Morrissey that made me think I wasn't going to like this. Whiny and depressing, maybe? Well, color me shocked, but apparently I'm a fan. There was nothing here I didn't like and several I loved: "Certain People I Know," "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful," "Tomorrow."

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Fri Nov 17 2023

I love the music of Morrissey but I find the man himself obnoxious and I don’t listen to him much anymore. Lately, though, I’ve introduced the Smiths to my teenager so I have been enjoying his collaborative work, and listening to this album now reminds me how much I love his solo music as well. It also reminds me of how horrible he is. Some of the lyrics are straight up xenophobic, others are mean-spirited and obnoxious. But all of the songs are so catchy! I love listening to them! Ugh, so torn. I'm giving this album a 5 since the music is so good, but I probably won't listen again because it also makes me feel kinda gross.

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Thu Dec 28 2023

Suspeita por adorar as músicas do Morrissey. Esse álbum é uma delícia, a maioria tem um ritmo animado mesmo que as letras continuem o mesmo dramalhão de sempre. Não acho que nenhuma música se destaca muito, o álbum acaba sendo "morno" por isso para mim mas não muda nada o tanto que eu gosto dele.

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Thu Jan 11 2024

I don't get what people's problem with Morrissey is. For some reason the British press decided to crucify this guy from the beginning, and he has a long standing practical joke of doing things to get headlines and attention. Good for him. As for the album? It's brilliant. Cutting political savagery but not in the tired old 'fight the power' way. It's a slice of the UK in the early 90s. It's a mirror held up to an entire nation. It's disenfranchisement. Unplug your ears for a minute and you'll hear character stories from the working class of Britain. Welfare slobs, football hooligans, locals down the pub, the youth taking up with the National Front. I'm not British but this paints a picture better than any article in the Guardian. This is real. This is a love letter to a country that Morrissey saw spiraling out of control.

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Tue Jan 16 2024

Another surprisingly enjoyable listen! I had only heard a few of the songs in passing back in the day, essentially writing it off as soft pop for angst college girls, but that’s on me for not giving it a chance. Truly enchanting at moments, extremely cohesive but broad in its subject matter and overall themes. Really a five star gem!

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Wed Jan 24 2024

I am a poor freezingly cold soul

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Fri Feb 02 2024

This is pretty good shit. I'd definitely listen to it again.

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Fri Feb 09 2024

Great Morrissey album. Probably only behind Vauxhall & I.

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Fri Feb 23 2024

i’m just so biased here because of nostalgia, but i really love this album. basically always have. this was never going to be less than a 5 for me

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Fri Feb 23 2024

There’s a lot of Morrissey on this list, but this one feels like a fair inclusion. Good production, distinct from the Smiths, and lyrics that don’t make me hate everything.

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Sun Mar 03 2024

The best Morrissey album. I gave his weaker albums a 5, this one should get a 6.

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Wed Mar 20 2024

It’s really laughable ah ha haha haha

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Sat Mar 30 2024

Finally I get a solo Morrissey album! I’ve been looking forward to this since I’ve liked The Smiths, although I haven’t gone back to any of their albums yet. I ended up really liking this. I appreciated the more upbeat energy of the songs. Keeping this one on my phone!

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Thu Apr 18 2024

When one thinks of Morrissey, one thinks of The Smiths, the jangly literate erstwhile kings of Manchester who produced one instant classic after another; their sound having influenced and colored a generation of musicians who came in their wake. While his third solo album after the band's acrimonious split, Your Arsenal, doesn't offer up any semblance of that kind of fanaticism, it is equally as excellent and on par with the best of them. From the get-go, Your Arsenal is Morrissey turning a new leaf and conducting a band that rocked harder than any that has come before or since while still offering the sardonic and eye catching lyricism and imagery that fans come to know and love him for. Nearly forty minutes of brash confidence and renewed vigor, just the one for us fattys.

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Wed Jun 12 2024

Probably my favorite album from this project by an artist that I had zero awareness of prior to it coming up here. Mostly a 90's alt vibe but there was even a bit of a country twang to some of it. A fun listen!

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Sun Jun 23 2024

Morrissey and the Lads at their peak. Mick Ronson's production is stellar. It's possible that my love due to some amount of nostalgia, it was during a fun, happy time of my life but I think it holds up. I know that Morrissey isn't for everyone, I'm not sure he's for me anymore with some of the absolutely asinine things he's said over the last decade or so, but literally every song on this album is stupendous.

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Mon Mar 22 2021

1st Morrisey exposure, need to check it out more

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Mon Apr 05 2021

Rocking and rolling with morrissey, who would want more

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Wed Feb 03 2021

So much 90s angst. I loved it!

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Wed Mar 24 2021

I had never heard of Morrissey, but did kind of like this.

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Wed May 26 2021

Yo a Morrissey no lo puedo criticar. Cualquier cosa que haga me parecerá de bien para arriba. Puede que sea este su disco con menos éxitos pero para mi está bien. Y las tres canciones seguidas que forman: Certain people I know, We hate it when our friends become successful y You're the one for me, Fatty.

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Fri Apr 16 2021

Just about my favourite Morrissey solo album but some of the more problematic lyrics seem even more questionable in light of his recent madnesses.

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Tue Mar 30 2021

El Morrisey más sucio y ruidoso. Psicobilly y glam, pop esquisi. Mi favorito del prenda.

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Mon Jul 12 2021

Yes it's Morrissey. I'm not as bothered by his voice as others, although time has proven him to be just as disagreeable publicly as his bandmates found him privately. Still, his solo work has touches of The Smiths with some extra rock riffs and typically sardonic lyrics.

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Wed Mar 24 2021

A segunda metade não é tão boa quanto a primeira e fuck you Morrissey, porém discaço.

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Tue May 25 2021

Morrissey is just as irreverent as ever, and a lot of tracks on here jams, even if they aren't Smiths-tier masterpieces. I'll be putting "National Front Disco" on repeat for a few days, though!

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Fri Jun 04 2021

I love Glamorous Glue, Certain People I Know, You’re the One for Me Fatty, national front disco, and I know it’s gonna happen someday. I’m digging the rock vibes and also smoothness of this album it’s something I can have on in the background and just enjoy

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Wed Jun 09 2021

It's not the best album of Morrissey, but four songs saved it, hence 3.5* which is equal 4*

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Wed Dec 08 2021

Liked this one. Bass playing is great, songs are good. A little whiney though. Would check out again

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Thu Dec 09 2021

Fuck Morrissey but yeah great album

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Thu Jan 20 2022

Ok ahora sí escucho las raíces de Pablo honey.4

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Wed Jan 26 2022

Whilst it's becoming increasingly hard to divorce the art from the individual, I'm still not yet to let Morrissey go. This is certainly not the album I'd choose to make a greatest albums of all time list, but it does represent an interesting point in his career with vestiges of Smiths sounds evident in much of the content.

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Thu Feb 03 2022

A lot better (and upbeat) than I thought it would be.

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Wed Feb 09 2022

Was One of my favorites when I was 18

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Fri Feb 18 2022

This was cool - you forget how cool he was these days, now you know he’s become such a twat

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Wed Feb 23 2022

Morriseylla on hieno ääni ja fraseeraus, mikä luo teksteihin viiltävän sävyn. Myös musan puolesta aika jees. En tiiä annanko näitä liikaa mut 4/5

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