White Blood Cells
The White StripesWasn't too bad. Some good tunes, some familiar tunes. 4/5.
Wasn't too bad. Some good tunes, some familiar tunes. 4/5.
Not terrible. Some songs are definitely overplayed on the radio. Ah, here we go with the shitty rapping. CRAWLING IN MY SKIN! Not bad, but not great. 3.5/5, rounded up to 4.
A little mellow for my liking. A little too folksy for my liking, too. The Boxer has some interesting bass brass sounds (?) at the end, starting at about the 4:20 mark. Baby Driver - ew. Mouth farting noises are next level bad.
Annoyingly yee-haw from the beginning. Any amount of mouth harmonica is too much mouth harmonica. All of these songs sound the fucking same. It's Alright Ma - Monotonous delivery, unpleasant voice, and it's fucking 7 minutes long. Wow. Glad it's over. 1/5.
Off to an energetic start. Also, so many versions of this album! And is that Marylin Manson on the cover under the "Who"? I know it's not, but daym. Not exactly my thing, but not terrible. I can see the appeal, and should explore more. 3.5/4 but closer to 4. At least it didn't get annoying like Bob Dyldo did.
Ooh this is where that riff is coming from! Groovy! Energetic for the most part. Not bad at all.
Very aggressive. The opening to the first song is unnecessary. A lot of the spoken word stuff on this album is not necessary. Some rhymes are lazy. Repetitive. Got boring. I don't care about the lyrics, nor do I relate to them. Dull. Probably was important back in the day, but won't be returning to this.
28 songs in 41 minutes? Impressive. Starts off not terribly, but what is that background noise? Not terrible at all. Not something I'd listen on a regular basis, but not offensive to my musical sensibilities. Ex-Supermodel - is someone snoring in this song? Ok, it's beginning to get mildly offensive. Still, not the worst bodily sound to include in the song. Wasn't terrible overall. 3.5/5, kinda want this site to have granular ratings (stars are just silly), but oh well.
Daym he SCREECHES. But the booty rocks to the rhythm. I have a feeling that this has influenced at least some of Electric Six. Honestly, quite a bit better than I expected. Won't be listening to this on repeat, but did not hate the experience.
Nice change after AC/DC. Pleasantly melodic. But the age is felt. Jazzy, but not overly so. Fun, quick album. I enjoyed it.
I get that it's influential and all, but really not my thing, in retrospect. A little abrasive on the ears with all the shouting and random mixed-in bits.
Ooh, pleasantly mild. Maybe a little too mild.
Not bad but a little too mild. Expected more surf. Not sure why.
Abrasive on the old ears.
"I put a tiger in your tank" what in the stupidest goddamn shit is this? "Got my moBRPPPRPPRPPRHRPRRHjo working!" - good on you, bud, just shut the fuck up now, please. Stupid repetitive garbage, not surprising this "jazz" thing went out of style.
A lot of silly fun, I enjoyed it.
Iconic but annoying. Maybe classic rock is not my thing. Drum solos are dumb. Overly long drum solos are idiotic.
Surprisingly, off to an energetic start. Honestly not terrible, as much as rap is not my thing. Oh, this is the dude who made Crazy, this figures.
Not bad, a little too long. Would give this 3.5 stars if I could, but we do whole stars only here.
Jethro Tull is how old now? Where's the flute? Also, this is so repetitive, my god. Not a fan.
It was alright.
Interesting start. Not disgusting overall. Not sure that I'd listen to this on repeat, but it's not off-putting to my ears.
Ye synths! It reeks of 80s tho. So no.
Not bad, not spectacular, but definitely important.
Not a bad start, although it feels a little dated almost immediately. What is up with the 6+ minute long songs?
Honestly pretty interesting and unique.
Fun start! Not bad, but dated.
It's alright, still hate that music video though. Some songs are better than others.
Forgot how much I liked this album
It was alright, not anything special.
Oooh this one rocks hard. Forgot how much I liked this one too. Not all songs tho. Oh well.
It's alright, nothing special.
Yay porn sounds! Dat bass slaps tho. Well, slapped. Hooked with the first song, lost with the rest of it. Here we go with JEEEZUS! And A MEN A MEN!
Madonna kinda rocks, actually.
I already hate the cover. But the music is solid. Can relate to the "I Hope You're Happy Now" a lot.
Ooh, something not from 50 years ago. Fun! Ooh, instrumental? Is it instrumental? Wasn't instrumental but had its moments.
Not bad, a bit too long. Layla was cool, but also too long.
Surprisingly fun
Aaand it sucks from the beginning. But then some parts are not terrible. But then some parts are terrible again!
Eh, Christmas music.
It slapped hard.
Maybe if you like blues this would be good, but I don't like blues.
The first song is a slapper! This is how you open an album! Love how almost every song has the explicit [E] in it, hehe. Child voices rapping profanities is... an interesting decision. Not a good one, though. Autotuned cowboy singing is also a strange thing. It was alright, but its age is showing in its cracks.
Not bad.
Not terrible but not exactly my thing.
Not bad, but not my thing.
Not bad but not my thing again.
Eh, it was nothing special.
Very fun, actually. Pleasant, mellow, but energetic at the same time, somehow.
I Built This Garden For Us - Wow this shit is hard to listen to. Rosemary - and here we go with jerking off to Jesus. This really sucks, what's the hype about?
Who would listen to this voluntarily?
Starts hard. Nice. Some songs are experimental in a good way, others in a not so good way. Novacane is hard on the ears.
Eh, it was alright, not Queen at its best by any means.
Ooh is that cello? I want to believe. Mmm, nice but a bit too mellow. Ok, the second song is better. It was alright, not my cup of tea generally, but not abrasive.
Fun start. Songwriting is lacking. Again, too mellow. Interesting synths. It was alright, had its moments but nothing special. I expected more from the album cover.
Starts with a very familiar riff somehow. But good. Energetic. Live albums can be hit-and-miss, at least this one is intelligible. Too long, though. 2.5 stars, but rounded down.
Kinda fun actually.
I tried. It had its moments, but it's too long and annoying.
Not terrible. Some classics. Some hard to listen to, it's not particularly fresh. 3.5 stars. On the fence.
Kinda fun, actually. 3.5 stars.
Fucking painful.
Eh, forgettable.
Not terrible at all, droney and different.