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Lost Souls



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Lost Souls
Album Summary

Lost Souls is the debut studio album by British indie rock band Doves, released by Heavenly Recordings on 3 April 2000. The album was recorded over a period of several years, following the dissolution of Doves' original musical incarnation as house music act Sub Sub. Lost Souls was a moderate chart success in the UK; the album peaked at number 16, while the three singles taken from the album charted in the Top 40. Lost Souls is considered by many to be the best debut album since Oasis' Definitely Maybe. It was met with positive critical acclaim and was a shortlist nominee for the Mercury Prize in 2000. The album was roundly praised on its release for its blending of claustrophobic intensity and euphoria, the sonic influences from electronic music present in its textures and for being "the perfect after-hours soundtrack." NME awarded the album 9 out of 10, and called the album "a serious and intense record ... the first great album to come from Manchester since Definitely Maybe... they make being sad after drugs sound great." In a mixed review, Pitchfork reviewer Sam Eccleston took a "straightforward" and "cynical" approach with the album and rated it 6.8 out of 10, saying, "Tonally, Lost Souls reflects the after-after-midnight hours, as if the boys felt the need to document the hung-over and blissed-out aftermath of the dancing-hours frenzy their Sub Sub days offered listeners years ago." The review goes on to say that, "The heart of the problem on Lost Souls is its overreaching ambition ... [but] ... despite its reach and ambition, works best in its most conventionally melodic moments."







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Aug 07 2023
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I enjoyed many of the moody, melancholy components at play here but found they never truly coalesced into a resonant conclusion.

Oct 23 2023
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I definitely listened to this at the wrong time of day. This is an album that’s supposed to be listened to at 3am on a Saturday morning when walking through the streets of a wet Northern city in a post-party haze. I listened to it over my lunch break on a Monday afternoon, and I liked it just fine, but I do think it’d be enhanced by listening in the correct setting

Aug 24 2023
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There's some interesting sounds and effects used at the beginning of this album. It was a pretty unique and relaxing album until Catch The Sun which felt extremely out of place. It feels like an emo Foo Fighters song that was created to be a radio hit. Reprise was a lovely little number. This album had an interesting back and forth of being really relaxing and calm, to have unsettling ends of songs. This album feels like it has some legs to get to a 4, but I don't see myself revisiting this one anytime soon.

Mar 21 2024
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Very surprised to see a second ! Doves album on this list. This one doesn’t hit anywhere near as hard as the first one we got. Even the other one had mostly boring-ish songs but it had enough musically to carry it and make it a solid overall album. This one was just the boring songs without much else. Good to see that they evolved as a band between this one and the other one we got which was released 2 years later I think

Apr 03 2024
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Everything about the inclusion of this album in the list angers me. First, there's that Wikipedia blurb saying that, quote unquote, "*Lost Souls* is considered by many to be the best debut album since Oasis' *Definitely Maybe*." Endquote. "Many"? Who, "many"??? You know what they should say about that sort of statement: "This article needs additional citations for verifications." Apart from a few subsets of music nerds, literally no one outside of Britain cared about that album when it was released. That comparfison is just ludicrous and based on thin air. I can actually find flaws in Oasis' debut, but it's just wishful thinking to consider the two records had the same sort of cultural impact. Wikipedia's supposedly "objective" blurb doesn't start well to say the least. Actually, there was a "reference" for that statement up there, with a link to a short piece on Canadian website *Exclaim* about Doves' next LP *The Last Broadcast*--when their promoting machine was trying to reach the overseas market for the band's second album. Quote unquote, without any reasonable piece of evidence: "*Lost Soul* was hailed by *many* (a-hem) as the best debut from an English artist since Oasis's *Definitely Maybe*. But there was only one problem" adds the short piece: "it was so damn gloomy." Endquote. "Gloomy"??? Or damn boring and self-indulgent overall? Portishead can be "gloomy". Chelsea Wolfe surely is "gloomy". Nine Inch Nails, too... In comparison, Doves' *Lost Soul* isn't gloomy. It's only three British lads coming from the Manchester house music scene opportunistically switching gears towards indie pop rock as the Hacienda party was drawing to an end, eliciting comparisons to what supposedly occurs when it's 4AM and the drugs and booze wear off after a wild night out. You know what those sorts of "comparisons" are... They're just... stories. Some sort of selling points that don't say anything about the music per se. And this one sure omits to mention how most of the music in the album is bland and self-indulgent--a second rate version of Coldplay that brings nothing "essential" to the table (yes, such a situation is possible, and it actually redeeems early Coldplay in my eyes!!!). And what's mind-boggling is that some easily-swayed reviewers are still buying that story on this app. Or maybe they just care too much about music that favors style over substance, orbackground hums over truly engaging stuff. Hence, maybe, that incredibly high global score of 3.27. Isn't marketing powerful? In all fairness, I can try to find mitigating circumstances explaining why the British music press decided to be so helpful to Doves. Their studio burnt to the ground, erasing from the surface of the earth all the recordings that their previous iteration as an electronic outfit (Sub Sub) had garnered. Doves also had an ear for "textures", a skill they had probably acquired when they were a house music act. Yet in terms of *compositions*, they were still dilettantes most of the time. Case in point, the first two tracks in this debut, *both* using lazy descending half-note progressions as an attempt to create a *mood*. I've mentioned Portishead earlier... When the Bristol outfit sampled an Isaac Hayes instrumental to build *Glory Box*, they added a *key* element: Beth Gibbons' moving, memorable vocal line, which goes straight to the heart. In comparison, what Doves' singer does on that sort of progression is just a meandering, pointless doodle that goes into endless circles without any clear emotional payoff. And it's the same sort of self-indulgence that can be found in 75% of the record. About the remaining 25%: third cut "Break Me Gently" fares far better, thanks to its proper chorus. So does the title-track, where the band flexes compositional chops at last. And then, there's the Foo-Fighter and Super Furry Animals-adjacent "Catch The Sun". Taken on its own, it's a very nice indie pop / indie-rock song, with Jimi Goodwin's voice suddenly acquiring more presence and warmth compared to his (or Andy Williams') previous vocal performance. But maddeningly, the song's inclusion in the middle of side 2 brings its own set of problems. Unexpectedly switching gears once more, Doves operates quite a jarring turn compared to the lazy proceedings that occured before said song jumps out to your ears. Remember that promotional blurb about this album being the equivalent of a return to home in the dead of the night, after a night at the Hacienda? Well here, as the band takes a peep out of the window to catch the rising sun, you suddenly realize that everything before was only a drug-induced illusion--in case you didn't realize it before. Guess it's part of the album's "concept", after all. But everyone who went through a similar experience knows it usually leads to perceptions that are, quite often, a little unpleasant. People next to you, who seemed to be shining all night long, now look tired, drowsy, dull or incoherent. And you feel tired, drowsy, dull and incoherent yourself. You all get one last high as you watch the sun rising, and then everything turns into "The Man Who Told Everything"-levels of boredom and exhaustion. Because even though that latter track stays on the indie-rock lane explored by "Catch The Sun", the whole Doves thing becomes pointless once again, up until the very last, inconsequential cut. So here it is. You have three or maybe four good songs out of the twelve tracks from this album, but the rest is instantly forgettable 24 years after the fact. Maybe I could have bumped my grade to a 2/5 mark, you know, just to respect that sort of proportion outlined up there. But since this middling record has been so inexplicably praised, and since it's using up a slot clearly more useful to hundreds of better records, I'm gonna go lower than that, just to protest about the whole situation. In more general terms, that means a 6/10 mark (5+1), because Doves are still skilled musicians. But honestly, having *Lost Souls* in this list even made me reconsider my previous benevolent feelings about Doves' sophomore LP *The Last Broadcast*. And this is the first time such a thing happens since I started to use this app. Number of albums left to review: 240 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 329 Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 195 Albums from the list I won't include in mine (many other records are more important to me): 243 (including this one)

Apr 05 2024
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My lazy take is that this is Madchester beigewave with a touch of glitch and a dollop of Radiohead. Let’s not be lazy: this is music to play in Park Lane hotel bars for rich old men and their escorts as they hopscotch lines of MDMA and cocaine.

Sep 04 2023
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I my review of their second album, I found them to be too derivative of other people's works, particularly Colplay. And I can sorta hear those vocals here too, but considering the timeline, I think now it more comes from Oasis. I'm hearing a lot of Beatlesesque melodies (especially "Lost Souls") mixed with a fuzzy shoegazy atmospheric grand sound, certainly a chiller, more focused form of Oasis. They weren't the only one doing this of course; you also had Verve and Spiritualized earlier, but this is just darker and pop-accessible. Highly accessible with a full, developed sound and somber mood. As a whole, it's a coherent experience, with songs flowing well and maintaining the same vibe. I found plenty of songs I liked, and I think I prefer this to The Last Broadcast. I'm not crazy about it yet, I did really enjoy all the songs, and I could put it on repeat. No bad songs. Giving it the full score, and maybe I should revisit The Last Broadcast.

Aug 09 2023
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I was familiar with this band in name only so I wasn't sure what to expect. Glancing over their influences and the album cover, I slightly assumed this would be a selection of alternative pop rock arena anthems. This isn't quite that. Instead, I discovered something that seems to defy easy definition. Yes, Doves had a big sound, but they created it behind a veil of effects and experimentation, influenced by shoegaze, and, to my ears anyway, neo prog. A small chunk of this actually reminds me of post Fish Marillion when they riff on the Beatles or even if the album 'Brave' was geared more as hangout music. Another surprise was the amount of Mark Hollis and Talk Talk touches with the use of keys, harmonica, and some guitar tone. This group seemed more content creating texture than hooks which might leave some feeling put off, but for me it was welcome despite not always being an easy listen. Multiple plays seem to reward the listener.

Apr 05 2024
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Approached this fully expecting to hate it, and I was not disappointed. Another tedious UK band whose myriad plaudits are highly mysterious. I'm convinced Doves are basically a support group for failed Manchester musicians to rally around, an AA sponsor for the post-punk survivors. Dismal guitar sent wandering aimlessly around overlong dirges peppered with grating, yet puny vocals. As exciting as a wet, grey Monday morning in Macclesfield, appropriately enough. I won't distinguish it with the 1* it probably deserves.

Aug 16 2023
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Beautiful album, so much atmosphere. I have loved this for many years.

Sep 25 2023
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Pretty good! Firesuite is an amazing intro. Every song here is good, and had heart into it. Memorable tracks, cool lyrics, cool atmosphere. Very cool!

Sep 26 2024
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Another unknown find that works for me.

Mar 17 2024
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It’s like an Oasis meets Radiohead, with way more emphasis on the indie rock vibes. Very spacey and ethereal. The singing is good, but I always feel like the British versions of this genre get a little cheesy. Just my opinion. Some songs hit their stride and become power pop ballads, but for the most part it’s passable and not worth a relisten.

Mar 21 2024
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3 stars. Did not hold my attention.

Mar 24 2024
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Of all the albums evers made, this sure is one of them. I am certain it exists, although would find it difficult to prove this. I know I listened to it but, other than "catch the sun" coming on as the clouds parted, I don't really remember it. Not that it is bad, or particularly good, just not especially memorable. Individually, I quite like the songs, but as a solid lump of "album", it just sort of happens. Probably not a worthy inclusion on the list, as I don't think anyone would have noticed if it wasn't there, but I also barely noticed that it was there. Tl;Dr: this album is magnolia paint.

Mar 28 2024
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It was fine. Not sure why the author thinks we to hear 2 Doves albums but 0 Lois Armstrong.

Mar 28 2024
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This was definitely too slow for me, but it made for decent background music

Aug 28 2024
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No. 244/1001 Firesuite 4/5 Here It Comes 3/5 Break Me Gently 3/5 Sea Song 3/5 Rise 4/5 Löst Souls 3/5 Melody Calls 3/5 Catch the Sun 4/5 The Man Who Told Everything 4/5 The Cedar Room 3/5 Reprise 3/5 A House 4/5 Average: 3,42 Pretty good, but for me a lot of songs felt like they had way more potential. But they were never really able to get it all together. This could have been really great.

Mar 18 2024
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I somewhat remembered this album from its original release but I didn’t remember how dull it was. It never gets going and never goes anywhere. I clearly didn’t remember it very well as it’s just not that memorable. The follow up was much better.

Sep 13 2023
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5+ stars. Always loved this album

Nov 06 2023
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Man, I really loved that. All the things I love about Air's "Moon Safari" but with more structure to it. It's just such a good vibe from needle drop to record end. I'm so surprised at what a good time that was. Full marks.

Nov 16 2023
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probably a better album than their more commercially successful ones.

Nov 27 2023
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10/10 I’ve heard this album before it’s one of my favorite 2000s alternative albums

Dec 11 2023
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A hidden gem, such a good album.

Jan 05 2024
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Part Indie Rock, part Dreampop, part Shoegaze, part Madchester, part Triphop. Makes for a absorbing combination. I'd missed this (and Doves entirely) when it came out, but really glad to catch up with it now.

Jan 17 2024
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Definitely something I would not have found on my own. Great relaxing music to help keep calm during a rough commute.

Jan 22 2024
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This album was amazing. I unknowingly already had a couple songs in my favorites. Will check out their other albums.

Jan 25 2024
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That deserves a second and third listen. I enjoyed the album and would listen through it again. I didn’t love every song, but I loved a few and liked the rest.

Feb 14 2024
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didn't know them, intriguing and diverse album!

Mar 03 2024
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This is not derivative of Coldplay. Both band's debuts were released in 2000 and Doves were an electronic act called Sub-Sub before that, and were Badly Drawn Boy band members in between. And that's what makes the difference. Doves arrived with a bit of dance/groove built in from the start, and sound Northern and bleak and they are named after the imprint on a popular ecstasy tab. Whereas Coldplay were a bunch of posh London boys who had more in common with Travis initially before becoming the worlds most bland and therefore most successful outfit. This is one of my favourites of all time, it came out when it was all festivals and girlfriends and hot-hatchbacks and post-pub sessions and job prospects for me. It's mix of doomy atmosphere, driven percussive songs and grimly-fought euphoria hooked me straight away and has stayed with me since, even if all the other things mentioned buggered off ages ago. It's a well paced and atmospheric album too and works as a piece. The portentous opening, followed by a series of engaging songs that are in turns optimistic, reflective, swelling, and then coming down to earth with the title track before we are off to a forgotten night at the fairground with 'Melody Calls'. Absolutely in place 'Catch the sun' ditches the introspective and bitter-sweet tone that preceded, and blasts into the open sunshine for an air-punching anthem, even if we do seem to be only just outrunning the ever present storm clouds. The album ends with the wrung out heartbreak of 'Cedar Room' then ultimately 'A house' which hints at the studio fire that caused Doves to become Doves. For a lot of people this will just be another gloomy English guitar band album but for me it's a stone-cold, copper-bottomed, masterstroke.

Mar 05 2024
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Well, I see why the previous Doves album was demoted from this list, as I am not sure two albums from this group are needed. But this was every bit as good as the other album. Happy to have one of these still on the official list. I loved it.

Mar 13 2024
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Nice melancholy feel. Probably overrating it, but I did really enjoy this. Maybe just fit my mood perfectly at the time.

Apr 10 2024
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Wow! How did I miss this group? Just an amazing sound!

Apr 12 2024
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Mycket Coldplay, mycket Radiohead och många andra band jag gillar känns som detta. Många bra låtar, nästan alla, och definitivt en rolig lyssning (fick lyssna flera gånger). Med tanke på mitt dåliga sätt att ratea så får denna en 5 i jämförelse med mycket annat. 5orna ger jag till skivor som har över 5 låtar jag tycker riktigt mycket om.

May 02 2024
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A super enjoyable concept album from a band I really should have listened to more before now. So many influences from 90s and 00s bands. Definitely going on my "must listen more" list, from now on.

Jun 03 2024
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Incredible. Another perfect album for me. June starting off HOT

Jun 06 2024
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Loved this. A bit moody but also has some real welly.

Jun 07 2024
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Hard to believe this is a 90s record. With many of the cinematic, orchestral stylings of 2000s rock, this album feels very much ahead of its time. There’s a lot of really cool ambient and Shoegaze elements in this music as well. I listened to this record while driving the California coast, and it was very fitting.

Jun 17 2024
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I swear that the reason the upbeat dance band Sub Sub became Doves was so that they could write minor-key songs. But they're brilliant, a crashing comedown after the regrettable highs of Britpop, with dashes of Ride and Spacemen 3 and early Verve. "The Cedar Room" is the best track, I remember playing it over and over again when it came out. "If I told you you was wrong" is grammatically UNFORGIVABLE though. Still five stars.

Jun 28 2024
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I can’t believe this album slipped through the cracks for me. Back in the early 2000s, this was exactly the kind of music I loved. Discovering it now feels like I missed out back then. This album reminds me a lot of Moon Safari by Air, but with an indie rock twist and more structured songs. It has a sense of longing, with a lot of emotional depth. It’s very melancholic, dreamy, and atmospheric. This is definitely an album I’ll be playing more in the future.

Jul 12 2024
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Noel Gallagher pilled Brit goodness

Aug 23 2024
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I can’t believe this album slipped through the cracks for me. Back in the early 2000s, this was exactly the kind of music I loved. Discovering it now feels like I missed out back then. This album reminds me a lot of Moon Safari by Air, but with an indie rock twist and more structured songs. It has a sense of longing, with a lot of emotional depth. It’s very melancholic, dreamy, and atmospheric. This is definitely an album I’ll be playing more in the future.

Oct 07 2024
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I hate it when my eloquent notes from listening don't save and I have to remember what I typed. Anyway, started off setting a mood with Firesuite and held it through to the end. A great album well worth repeated listening.

Oct 11 2024
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This reminds me of car journeys home as a child. Nowadays this sort of music always feels like it's telling the end of the story and we're seeing what happened to all of the characters at who weren't the main characters.

Aug 07 2023
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Mjög þægileg tónlist. Þarf að skoða betur.

Aug 07 2023
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Just misses out on a 5 star rating cos it just kinds of makes you a little fed up with the relentless sameness after a while.

Aug 11 2023
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I owned this album in my youth. I liked it at the time, mainly for the singles and stand out songs (Here It Comes, The Man Who Sold Everything, The Cedar Room and, particularly, Catch The Sun). From revisiting it with a more mature ear, the singles still stack up and my appreciation of the album overall has grown. It's layered, textured, atmospheric, varied and well sequenced. Really good. Incidentally (if you discount Party in the Abby Grounds featuring Katrina and the Waves without Katrina and 2 minutes of Mike D'Abo) Doves were the first live band I ever saw, opening for Oasis at Wembley in 2000. Rating: 4/5 Playlist track: Catch The Sun Date listened: 10/08/23

Aug 24 2023
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Man I enjoyed tf out of this. Pretty dream-like sounding songs with some melancholy added in for good measure. I was driving so no real review by song but can say this would be a good album to lay in bed with all the lights off and take drugs to. High 4 but it went on a bit longer than I usually like an album to be so will knock it down.

Sep 02 2023
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Other than one or two songs, a stellar album.

Sep 06 2023
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Before listening to this I was really only familiar with their follow up, The Last Broadcast which I really liked and listened to a lot back in the day. I think I like this more and I guess like a lot of music it's a little derivative of what came before, I can hear some Oasis, The Bends/OK Computer era Radiohead, some Spiritualized and a little bit of the chilly psychedelia of late 70s Floyd. I dig it.

Sep 07 2023
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7/10. Enjoyable. On the low end of a 7, slow but had some energy behind it.

Sep 11 2023
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"Lost Souls" is the debut studio album by British indie rock band Doves. Indie rock, dream pop, neo-pyschdelia, shoegazing, space rock. Yeah, all that eventually. Doves is brothers Jez (guitars) and Andy Williams (drums) and lead vocalist Jimi Goodwin. The album was recorded over a period of several years which included a fire destroying everything and following the dissolution of their original house music band Sub Sub. Commercially the album hit #16 in the UK and critically received mixed but mostly positive reviews. It was on the short list for the UK Mercury Prize. An instrumental "Firesuite" starts things off with dreamy synths and a droning guitar. This leads into "Here It Comes" which continues the dreamy atmosphere and sets the tone for the next several songs. Drowned vocals, singing about drugs. A piano and guitar outro. An acoustic guitar and a Peter Hook-ish bass breaks up the dreaminess somewhat in "Lost Souls." Goodwin's clearest vocals. The second half of the album brings a string of their singles. "Catch the Sun" brings the rock-pop, their most traditional straight-forward rock song and it's a good one. Acoustic and electric guitars. Catchy. A fading guitar and they rock out at the end. "The Man Who Told Eveything" continues the traditional pop sounds. Syths, acoustic guitar and an orchestral outro. A droning, shoegazy, feedback guitar highlights "The Cedar Room." It's slower and works even with its seven-minute length. A break-up song. This album is dreamy, melancholy and at times jazzy and electronic creating an atmosphere. Honestly, it took me a few listens to really get into it and I did ,appreciating the laid-backness and showgaze and reminding me of Slowdive and Spacemen 3. If you're into that, you'll definitely like this album. The three released singles are very good rock songs which most people will like.

Sep 11 2023
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Never heard of this album before - Its not bad. Maybe I was busy with other stuff in 2000? Anyway, its good and reminiscent of other stuff in that period - I hear more Filter/Coldplay sort of vibes than Oasis in here. 4/5

Sep 14 2023
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I unexpectedly really liked this. I'll put this on the list.

Sep 18 2023
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Nice. Dreamy. More unique than The Last Broadcast. The End.

Sep 19 2023
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I liked this album enough to go back and relisten to the last broadcast, which was one of my earliest albums on this list, and between these two albums doves should've been the main British rock export of the 2000s instead of Coldplay (and I like Coldplay). Lost souls has such a good ethereal yet overbearing atmosphere running throughout the entire thing and it's everything you could want from an early 00s indie rock album. I couldn't pick out as many individual tracks that I really liked except for the man who told everything but there was never a point in the album where I wasn't enjoying myself.

Sep 29 2023
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I reviewed their other album The Last Broadcast while recuperating after doing a hike in the Fiordlands of New Zealand. I was chilling to that album in a cheap and cramped hostel in Queenstown, but really loved the vibe. Their sound is representative of the post-Oasis Britpop sound. I probably don't seek out their music intentionally but really don't mind it.

Oct 06 2023
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Unsure where it singularly fits as a genre but broadly speaking it fits in the British Indie Rock vibe. It feels like the perfect after-hours soundtrack inan underground bar where you could go and just vibe out to the music, yet equally soundtrack an evening session at home with a few friends and a few bottles deep in the wine. With Doves' electronica roots they really know how to hook you in, and keep you begging for more. Best: The Cedar Room Worst: Melody Calls

Oct 13 2023
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A sprawling, dark album highlighted by a unique approach from their old electronic music days. I hate that so many bands, especially British Indie bands are compared to Oasis, but this band builds and improved upon the blueprint those assholes laid out. Always cool to hear a new and important Indie album. A notable step towards the many 2005 and after British Indie albums

Oct 16 2023
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I'm a sucker for mellotron. So when I heard that in the opening song, I was sucked in. Those first four songs just kept going from strength to strength. I really enjoyed what I heard. Wikipedia filed this under shoegaze, which I was not a big fan of, but this I enjoyed. Definitely would like to hear more of this.

Oct 19 2023
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Really has s nice indie rock sound. Sophisticated and consistent throughout the album. Interesting that this band played house music previous to this as Sub Sub and this was essentially a rebrand. I'm sure it allowed them to bring something unique to their rock sound and help them stand out.

Oct 21 2023
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Not the most groundbreaking sound or anything, actually very derivative - basically every song made me go "Hey, this remind me of [insert 90s band here]", but they always pulled it off quite well. I sure as hell can't complain that there's more faux OK Computer-era Radiohead to listen to. A bit too long and the first half is substantially better than the second half (except for "The Cedar Room" which is incredible). 4/5, will definitely return to this in the future. Preferably while it's night and/or raining.

Oct 22 2023
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Not my kind of music, but I can understand why people like it. So how should I rate it?

Oct 26 2023
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Never heard of this band before but this was solid overall. “The Man Who Sold Everything” had a great melody and the guitar parts in “The Cedar Room” were really nice. Sounds like it might have influenced Bon Iver and Hozier. Would I listen to this album again? Probably not but I’m not mad I heard it.

Oct 26 2023
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Great energy and song writing. They used more complicated chord progressions than your standard rock band but nothing too distracting. My impression of Doves is a more interesting Oasis

Oct 27 2023
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Zeer plezierig! Ga ik vaker draaien.

Oct 28 2023
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I'll have to listen to this album again at a later date. After a listen and a half, it's really good. It has a Radiohead Kid A vibe to me which I enjoy. A lot of space, long notes and acoustic guitar for the rhythm. Good stuff! 4 for now.

Nov 01 2023
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Never heard of this band before, but really enjoyed this album. Will likely listen again.

Nov 10 2023
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I was pleasantly surprised by this one.

Nov 12 2023
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Haven’t heard of them - a rock album from 2000. Quite like Rock so let’s see… I’m liking it so far - not too heavy and good melodies/vocals etc. 4/5, enjoyed this one!

Nov 16 2023
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The musical equivalent of Scott Kelly morphing into a human fly.

Nov 16 2023
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A thoroughly strong record end to end - it’s one of those that is better then the sum of its parts. Loved it.

Nov 20 2023
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I really liked this. Not every song caught me, but for the most part I really liked the sound and vibe of this.

Nov 22 2023
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That was a pretty good listen for an album I've never heard before. Will be returning to it again!

Nov 23 2023
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If Coldplay and Radiohead had a kid- worth a relisten

Nov 29 2023
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This is interesting big atmospheric sounds. Reminds me of Radiohead I'm a way. I'm intrigued by this band who I've never heard of before and will check out some of their other stuff.

Nov 30 2023
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Never heard of them but it was an interesting album that will require a second listen

Dec 03 2023
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Doves break the sad-dance groove in for the likes of Broken Bells. The space is never in your face after the opening pan, but the record is an expanding, not thin, thing. There are kinds of movement for the heartbroken, and Lost Souls is subdued: Neither movement nor words are vital to the sat-in emotion.

Dec 04 2023
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I enjoy me some shoegazey stuff but this was a little too long. Very soundtrack like. Perfect for the background but again could have cut a couple of tracks.

Dec 08 2023
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Deeply pleasant album. Well put together (loved the reprise) and felt the album was generally for more consistent and memorable than the other doves album in here.

Dec 11 2023
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There are moments that remind me of the trip hop coming out of the UK in the early-mid 90s. And then there are times (Here it Comes) where he straight up sounds like Chris Martin from Coldplay. I like the niche they have carved out and this is one that I will be revisiting.

Dec 11 2023
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Great to revisit the Doves as I had not tuned in lately. I think I played them so much when they hit the scene that I had to take a break and never went back. That said, it sounded pretty fresh again and I truly enjoyed it. I think this is a band whose music made a real difference and had a sound that was widely influential.

Dec 13 2023
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Give it a 3.5. Man Who Told Everything was my favourite song.

Dec 20 2023
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I really enjoyed this! I saw Doves live in like 2018 with Tom FA and whilst I didn't know much then, other than the main one we all know, I enjoyed their performance. Since I have delved in more and Cedar Room on this album is such a wonderful song. The whole thing is a bit more ethereal, almost prog/a bit shoe gaze that you would expect. Loved it

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