OutKastSome v cool songs and lyrics, just didn’t really enjoy the production or sound of a lot of it
Some v cool songs and lyrics, just didn’t really enjoy the production or sound of a lot of it
Some very cool performances and interesting parts, but too probably just too weird for me tbh
Very cool, super interesting chords and piano parts, unfortunately i just don’t like david bowie’s voice that much
Really fun album with a great sound but it all sounds very similar
fun but kinda forgettable for me
really enjoyed it, sounds really groovy with some great bluesy stuff as well
Enjoyed it but don’t think I’ll be returning to it
Really cool to listen!
Started out with some okay songs but second half of the album just feels like gibberish
Love where is my mind but found this pretty forgettable
Liked this more than I thought I would, great piano and drums, makes you feel very nostalgic
Interesting sound but got boring very quickly
Fun album, got a bit repetitive by the end
Really fun, enjoyed a lot
Nice vibe but did not like his voice
Really liked this, fun to listen to
wow. this was my favourite so far. such a great voice and awesome warm jazzy piano. great
some songs were ok but did not enjoy the voice or overall vibe
not my thing. would give it an extra .5 if possible for the technical proficiency but unsurprisingly i didn’t like it at all
Really liked it, some songs i recognised and they obviously have a very distinct sound
Had obviously already listened to it but hard to give it anything other than a 5. Iconic songs and a great sound
Enjoyed a few songs and liked the different sounds on it, would be a 3.5 if possible
Sounds very cool and obviously impressive but maybe a bit too clever and strange at times for me
Didn’t really like it at all, interesting concept but struggled to get through it
Nice sounds but all felt very similar, was tempted to give it a 3 cause meat is murder is a v interesting song but i was just a bit bored by this as a whole
Very different listening experience but was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, great music to just have on
Didn’t like some of the opening songs but definitely grew on me
Enjoyed it but can’t say any songs stood out in particular
part of me wanted to dislike this because i know how much music bros love radiohead but unfortunately this was just really really good
Really fun, folksy and had a great time
Some pretty songs but a little forgettable in the end
Grew on me by the end, don’t like his voice much but still good to listen to
Really good, use of piano and organ gave it a pretty unique sound that i enjoyed
Some really good songs, enjoyed it a lot
Mario kart music, avoiding a 1 because I didn’t actually listen to all of it and it didn’t necessarily sound bad, just found it boring
Similar to the other Yes album, obviously impressive but too strange for me to really enjoy
Quite fun, some good songs but nothing that stood out to me
Some cool musical bits but can’t get behind the talk/singing, even if his voice is cool
Interesting vibe but nothing that stood out to me
Was skeptical at the start but ended up really enjoying this, great sound
Fun and charming, but didn’t feel like I needed to listen again