Fiona AppleWhen I was a little girl first hearing this album I was like “geez she’s angry” Grown woman Jordan gets it though
When I was a little girl first hearing this album I was like “geez she’s angry” Grown woman Jordan gets it though
Annoying bar music.
I think I most like the one where he’s actively trying to bang a woman that's dancing with a man she seems to be both in love with and married to.
Think of the Pogues, but not cool.
“Zeppelin Rules!” - Otto Mann
I’ve only ever heard radio edits of these songs, and album is much better than I thought it’d be.
I’ve listened to tons of bands that have named Maiden as an influence, and have never listened to them myself. It was like I knew what was going to happen next every step of the way. Also, Tenacious D could easily re-record this album and I don’t think anyone would notice.
Lauryn Hill is the greatest female hip-hop artist of all time, and she shows her range and how powerful her voice is all over this album. So many tracks could have and should have been released as singles, it made me wonder why they weren’t. The classroom chatter between tracks was a nice touch, cementing the overall idea of the album, and also serving as a buffer between wildly different sounding songs.
“Zeppelin Rules!” - Otto Mann
This is a great album from start to finish. Ghostface is always great, and this is hands-down his best album.
I think I most like the one where he’s actively trying to bang a woman that's dancing with a man she seems to be both in love with and married to.
This album is amazing. Now I really want to read the book you suggested John!
Marijuana helped greatly with the enjoyment of this album, probably helped with the recording of it as well. If you like this, I recommend giving King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard a listen.
None for me thanks.
I will listen to this again. Except that one song. You know which one...
So much great sampling from a much different time in the music industry. This album marks one of the many peaks of hip hop.
Chefs kiss emoji
I tried to give this a chance, but it was terrible.
Love this album, specifically Chicago, feel the illinoise!, and Casimir Pulaski day. The experimental nature and samples feel intimately eccentric, like reading a journal.
I liked this, I suspect recently watching SOUL may have influenced my decision.
You might remember his full mouth of gold teeth from such films as ‘Snatch’ and ‘The World is Not Enough’
It’s good and some parts are very funny, but it’s so fucking hateful.
Takes me back to Ontario! Rebellion lies is still fun.
If Quentin Tarantino and Wes Anderson made a movie together, this would be the soundtrack.
I thought L7 was the original merry prankster all girl band but credit to the Slits! Loved "shoplifting". They sound like a less manufactured version of the Clash.
Think of the Pogues, but not cool.
Heart of gold!! Old man!!!
I know Bowie is cool but I remain ignorant
Smithers, have The Rolling Stones killed.
C’est cool!
He didn’t kill himself.
I really enjoyed this a lot. Pusherman!
Cornball from start to finish, but Paradise by the Dashboard Light is so ridiculous, it alone brought this up to a 3.
Ugh. Fucking terrible.
When I was a little girl first hearing this album I was like “geez she’s angry” Grown woman Jordan gets it though
Mister Man!
This was pretty vanilla.
Smash it up!
Love Steve, sad about JT still
Waking up is the COVID anthem.
Was not feeling this.
👅 love the stones cuz I love Laura
I think one of the Cuddys did his SSSM part to a clash song, that was my first introduction, though they’ve been like a familiar friend since
Can I kick it?
Annoying bar music.