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Space Ritual



Space Ritual
Album Summary

The Space Ritual Alive in Liverpool and London (commonly known as Space Ritual) is a 1973 live double album recorded in 1972 by UK rock band Hawkwind. It is their fourth album, reached #9 in the UK album charts and briefly dented the Billboard Top 200, peaking at #179.







  • Rock
  • Hard Rock
  • Psychedelic Rock


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Thu Feb 04 2021

Bro this shit was out of this world. On another fuckin level when i was high lmao. I can't even explain. Must listen for under the influence hahaah

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Fri Oct 01 2021

“Space Ritual” by Hawkwind (1973) On top of all the weaknesses inherent in making live performance into an ‘album’, the flaws here are compounded by an almost complete lack of musical sense. Plus, it’s a dopey pulp sci-fi concept and the band’s name is mawkish (I can’t get the image of raptor flatulence out of my mind). No depth, no soul, no passion (except maybe mindlessly monotonous wonder). The lyrics on the track “Space is Deep” are shallow. I laughed out loud at the faux Shakespearean delivery of the vapid spoken “10 Seconds of Forever”. These guys take themselves way too seriously. Dave Brock’s lead vocals and guitar work are paradigmatically mediocre. No groove, no hook, no order. The engineering and mixing are terrible (Well, it was live). Bass and guitar are frequently and painfully out of tune. The creative concept seems to be “Let’s see how many weird noises we can throw against the wall—maybe some of them will stick.” Del Dettmar fribbles aimlessly away on his synthesizer, and his solos are deplorable. You’ve got to remember that by the time this album was made, Emerson, Lake and Palmer had been producing prog rock and synthesized arrangements for over three years. Hawkwind (that name!) was not only low quality, the band was outdated. This album is contemporaneous with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. Compare the two. No, don’t bother. In my imagination, I picture the audience at the live performance all looking at their watches at the same time. I sat through this entire (double!) album so you don’t have to. 1/5

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Mon May 09 2022

Jesse play "the 2 hour long psychedelic space rock album about accumulators and simultaneous orgasms, featuring Lemmy from Motörhead on bass with the naked woman on the cover" even if we scare the hoes. Yo Mr White that's a great idea. I love that album. My favorite song is "Brainstorm", which goes on for 14 minutes and roughly 12 minutes of that is a guitar solo.

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Mon May 17 2021

Things I expected and got: space sounds. Synths, lots of phasers/flangers and delay, sick extended guitar jams. Things I did not expect: space flute! Space sax! Space monologues (maybe should have expected). I hear Pink Floyd, Rush, Jethro Tull in here. Plus Space. Unfortunately the bass lines can get repetitive, and there aren't too many really great melodies to hook into.

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Wed Oct 12 2022

Why are the worst albums always so long? This sounds like a garage band that formed hell-bent on becoming the next Black Sabbath but then just got way more in to the drugs part than the rock and roll.

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Fri Mar 12 2021

This is a perfect jam album. Just have this on all day. Driving, playing Risk, whatever. Just have it on. 5 stars. 6 stars if you're smokin and jokin

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Tue May 25 2021

fucking long. managed most of it. I can't decide if it would have been a gig i would have enjoyed. there's some pretty good stoner music behind all the space sounds, the wibbly wobbly noises and the shitty spoken word stuff. i reckon i would have been impressed by this performance but the spoken word shit would have proper cheesed me off. not surprised sir lemmy fucked off to do his own thing, all this talk of space and hippy shit must have done his speed addled head in.

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Wed Aug 11 2021

Absolutely not. Live AND psychedelic 70s crap? Nope.

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Fri Nov 26 2021

This is what the algorithm offered up on Thanksgiving. It compelled me to search out Black Friday deals (my favorites are a Google Chromecast stick for $19.99 and a subscription to The Athletic for $1 a month for a year). I'll probably jump on both offers just to spite this album. A freaking DOUBLE ALBUM no less. Look, I can appreciate the album cover as much as the next guy. I also understand one's appreciation of this improves based on the copious amounts of medicinal hallucinogens at one's dispensal. But whatever your mileage, this is on the shortlist of albums that absolutely need to come off the list. No one needs to hear this album.

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Thu Mar 04 2021

You ever been to space? Like really went to space? This is what it sounds like. The almighty Hawkwind. The basslines are driving on this record. It would be an incredible show to witness. This record has space rock, psych rock, hard rock, blues rock, proto-punk and a whole bunch of stuff. This is one to come back to and always find something new. Favorite track: Orgone Accumulator Least favorite track: honestly can’t choose one

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Mon May 03 2021

It has some (glaring) flaws, such as songs overstaying their welcome and not translating as well live as they would in the studio. But that combination of proto-punk energy and space rock spookiness is so tasty that I can look past it’s shortcomings. An extra star goes to Lemmy’s energy and skill alone.

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Sun Jan 08 2023

"Space Ritual as a whole is loud, messy, simultaneously pretentious, and gloriously dumb." -user p_q on, 3/11/2019 This is like trucker music from space. Like Deep Purple ate way too much acid. Lemmy's bass drives this shit straight to the moon. Simultaneously cheesy and kick ass. Like combining LSD and speed. Brainstorm might be the highlight for me, but there were a lot of good moments if not songs. 7.5/10.

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Tue May 25 2021

Brilliant, breathtaking, beautiful. A truly life affirming, life changing journey of music. One for the ages. I've just been to get a Hawkwind tattoo on my chest...and neck...and penis. Just incredible.

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Wed Apr 03 2024

Come on now, I love me some good psychedelic space-prog as much as the next one, but this is just way too much. Would I have loved to see this live? You bet! But as a purely listening experience, it's stretched way too long with a lot of filler. Lemmy's bass lines are sick though.

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Fri Mar 22 2024

If you are under some very, VERY, heavy drugs you might get something out of this? But as someone who does not do drugs, this feels like a waste of 2 hours of my life.

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Mon May 03 2021

True Psychedelic Space Rock in a proper way. Also great for a live album.

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Mon May 10 2021

Psychedelic rock, not massively my genre but can appreciate it. Prob inspired Black Sabbath to a degree. And bits of Chemical Brothers. Was also surprised to hear that the riff on Down Through The Night was clearly ripped of by the Dead Kennedys for Holiday in Cambodia. The lyrics in The Awakening obv inspired The Matrix films 😂. Orgone Accumulator was used in an Earthed film, decent. So much has been influenced by this, hard to give it a bad rating, even though its not my bag. 4/5.

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Thu Jan 21 2021

Another band I hadn't heard of! I was going to ding this album because of the production value and the fact that, as a 1973 album, it wasn't quite in the first wave of proto-metal bands like Deep Purple, Sabbath, and Iron Butterfly (probably missing a ton of crucial bands with those examples, sorry about that). But then I looked it up and this is actually a live album, which explained the production quality, and being a live album it was a collection of previously recorded songs, meaning that this band was more innovative and "first wave" than I realized. As for my enjoyment, it wasn't my favorite early 70's proto-metal. The songs tended to go on way too long and not go anywhere. The sci-fi spoken word segments between some songs were interesting, but I'd rather just hear those sci-fi references of the lyrics of the songs. My personal enjoyment: 3/5 Did it belong on this list: 4/5

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Wed Nov 08 2023

Nr. 30/1001 Earth Calling NR Born to Go 2/5 Down Through the Night 3/5 The Awakening NR Lord of Light 3/5 The Black Corridor NR Space is Deep 3/5 Electronic No 1 1/5 Orgone Accumulator 3/5 Upside Down 1/5 10 Seconds of Forever NR Brainstorm 2/5 Seven by Seven 3/5 Sonic Attack NR Time We Left This World Today 2/5 Master of the Universe 2/5 Welcome to the Future NR You Shouldn't Do That 2/5 Average: 2,25 That was just too weird for me

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Mon Jun 10 2024

It's odd how the writer of the 1001 didn't seem to get that live albums, especially double lives albums, are ONLY enjoyed by fans of the band. There isn't room for this sort of thing. Or MAYBE 1001 albums is too many? I think there are more records that would deserve this spot, though I will not sink as low as to try and name them here. Bottom line, this sucks. Because I don't like free form rock jams and I don't like this band. So listening to a lot of it is annoying.

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Mon May 10 2021

Worst thing I have ever heard in all my life. Would rather listen to a baby cry for two hours, that would be more tuneful.

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Thu May 05 2022

“A live double album recorded in 1972” is probably all you need to know about this one. I skimmed through this and whatever they were taking clearly took it’s toll on their creative faculties. Repetitive and indulgent.

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Thu Dec 07 2023

How many drugs does someone need to consume to enjoy this?! And where was this recorded live? Turdfest '73? And speaking of turds, Hawkwind has to be one of the most turd band names I've ever heard. It sounds like the name of a crappy, unimaginative high school garage band that will play anywhere for free because they couldn't even summon up a pity pay gig from their own family members. In keeping with the theme of this review I'd call this release a post-buffet two-flusher because it's one of the longest turds I've had to endure. It's unpleasant while it's happening and it really stinks but you feel so much better and relieved when it's finally over.

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Mon May 27 2024

Made an interesting contrast with dark side of the moon, which I had right after. The contrast being that one is shit and the other isn't.

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Thu Dec 31 2020

The only comparison that springs easily to mind is Sun Ra. There are important differences, of course. Sun Ra has both better instrumentation, more varied rhythm, and a mythology that seems less hokey. But this is a great, sprawling project, clearly inspired by space, and with at least two levels of a heartbeat. There's the rock-and-roll pulse of course, but that's shared by even bad doom or stoner metal. There's a second rise and fall happening underneath, within and between the songs, of words, textures, electronics. The wind instruments greatly contribute to creating the sense of anticipation which is so needed to sit through a couple hours of largely similar music.

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Sat May 22 2021

Psychedelic rock. What else needs to be said?

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Sat May 22 2021

This is as good as it gets for old music.

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Thu May 20 2021

A little strange, noisy at times. Would have been fun to be there - probably a party! Lots of great ideas heard throughout. Amazing how tight they groove for a love album. Tremendous musicianship - can see predictors for hard prog-rock groups. Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.

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Fri Dec 17 2021

First time listening to this band that heavily influenced KGATLW. The album starts off a little slow but builds into an absolutely wonderful experience.

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Wed Feb 09 2022

A brilliant eyeopener. I didn't know this one.

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Thu Mar 24 2022

For me this was first time hearing this artist and what a absolutely fantastic trip this album is. Especially love the long and spacey guitar plays. Psychedelic rock might be something I want to listen more.

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Thu Mar 24 2022

my kind of album. psychedelia of the jazz rock type. intense yet meditative. definitely hear the influence on bands like the black keys and black rebel motorcycle club. i like this album, a lot.

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Sun Jun 05 2022

Fkn hell yeah this is what I'm talking about. A 2hr space prog odyssey with fat riffs and spoken word always has the potential to go very bad but this is perfect. Love the whovian drama in Sonic Attack that flows into the big foot-on-fold-back Time We Left This World Today. Excellent live recording too. Will need to spenore time with this, might put it on my ski trip playlist.

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Thu Jul 14 2022

I needed this today. This was fantastic. Fully titled "The Space Ritual Alive in London and Liverpool" is a double live and the fourth album from Hawkwind recorded on the studio album "Doremi Fasol Latido" tour. The album intersperses the core songs with electronic and spoken word pieces to create essentially one continuous piece. The concert was meant to be an audio-visual experience including naked dancers and "entwinning the fantasy of seafarers in suspended animation traveling through time and space with the concept of music of the spheres (movement of celestial bodies as a form of music)." You betcha, I'm on board. And, the music and band are/were classified as "Space Rock." OK. All I know is that this fuckin' rocked. It sounded like punk met heavy metal met jam band (and other stuff). I heard so many future influences - Monster Magnet, Sleep, Mastodon. The band was killer too with none other than Lemmy on bass. The are a lot of songs worth highlighting. It seemed that each of the band members stepped up at different times throughout the album. Most the big songs are between 7 to 13 minutes long. The first song with lyrics "Born to Go" sets the pace with driving music. Drummer Simon King shines and there is a killer guitar solo by Dave Brock. This song has aspects of both punk and heavy metal. "Lord of Light" continues the driving music with Lemmy standing out and interesting sax towards the middle to end which gives it almost a Roxy Music feel. And how can you not mention "Brainstorm" which is just a jam. I'd classified it as like Stoner punk. It defintely starts out like a Motörhead song and continues on for over 13 minutes. Epic! I had listen to Hawkwind before and was expecting a lot having not listened specifically to this album. I got a lot. It is a lot. A big enthusiastic recommendation for anyone who likes Rock.

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Wed Jul 27 2022

WOW! Amazing! Like Black Sabbath but heavier and more tripped out! And they were around during Sabbaths early years! How have I never heard this before!

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Fri Jul 29 2022

If you had a drink every time someone says the word "space" on this album, you'd basically end up evaporating. It's great, though, surely an inspiration on Star Wars and Flash Gordon and other sci-fi of the era.

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Sun Oct 02 2022

What a cool and weird album, a whole experience. I'm very into psychedelic rock at the moment and I think I just discovered a new band to listen to all of the albums!! Fav tracks: Brainstorm, Lord of Light, Down Through the Night

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Mon Oct 03 2022

I've been always obsessed with all things related to space. Space travel? Cool. Space operas? Awesome. Space ROCK??? Hell yeah!!! I actually started getting into this weird, almost forgotten subgenre shortly before discovering this page, and I listened to Doremi Fasol Latido (many of the songs of that album are also present here). So I was really excited when another Hawkwind album popped up here! Now, Space Ritual is definitely not an album for anyone. A lot of people are going to hate it, and that's fair. It's basically a bizarre voyage on drugs across the black corridor of space. It is crude, it is trippy and it's long... Really long. But if you make it to the end, you'll be rewarded with a weird sense of catharsis. At least that's what I felt when listening to the final track. 5/5, I would listen to it again.

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Mon Oct 10 2022

Fantastic, ahead of its time Space Rock album. Phenomenal

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Sun Nov 06 2022

I’ve found my go-to album for my ‘70s drug montages. Perfect for fast zoom-in/zoom-outs, blurry close-ups of go-go dancing and multicolored double exposure lights circling over fast cuts of smiling and screaming faces. This album overflows with psychedelic energy. Today I was not tripping and feared this might be tedious. I needn’t have worried - it was quite the opposite! The housecleaning I did as I listened became wildly more interesting. I lost track of how long I had been listening or whether the song had ever changed. The 2+ hour run time flew by. Several songs into a second listen of disc one I realized I had repeat turned on and the music had started over. My cats went wild and started running all over like crazy midway through the album. I’m pretty sure this has psychoactive effects. I love how seriously Space Ritual takes itself. I love the weird cats on the cover. I love the use of flute and sax. I love the analog synthesizers. I love the serious spoken word parts (“vermilion deserts of Mars, the jeweled forests of Venus”, and instructions provided in case of Sonic Attack). I love the noodly bass lines. I love gyrating wildly to Lord of the Light. I love the cosmic grandeur. “In the fourth second of forever I could remember nothing that I did not love.” Totally groovy!

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Sun Nov 13 2022

Absolutely phenomenal record - grandiose, theatrical, absurd but propelled by a commitment to the music and the concept which makes for an incredible sounding experience. The whole thing teeters on the edge of absurdity but manages to pull through. The highlight is a perfectly delivered, Michael Moorcock authored Sonic Attack, a spoken word piece that sums up this sci fi fantasy rock opera.

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Sun Feb 12 2023

Long, trippy, highly weird and disturbing at times. Whether I would have enjoyed it even more had I been under the influence of something is up for debate, but to me there's something about psychedelic rock that meshes really well with long bus and train rides, and I happened to listen to most of this on the bus. While the psychedelic rock albums on the list have been a little hit and miss to me, I thought this one was a banger with some amazing songs and excellent riffs. I must say that some of the songs (And perhaps the album itself) overstayed their welcome a little bit, but I don't think I ever got totally bored by it. The little interlude pieces were quite strange, but it certainly suits the whole "Space Ritual" aesthetic. Excellent early 70s rock for sure. Favourite: Brainstorm

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Fri Feb 24 2023

The pinnacle of space rock. I will never get tired of listening to this album.

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Fri Mar 24 2023

When I saw this one pop up on the list, I was pretty excited because I had been meaning to check Hawkwind out since a while. Then I saw that this is a live album and my enthusiasm instantly dropped. But in this case, even though I consider live recordings strictly worse versions of the tracks (unless you're actually there and enjoying the atmosphere and energy of the live concert) the music was so good that it's still fantastic as a live recording. And there's nothing stopping me from listening to more - studio recorded - Hawkwind.

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Wed May 17 2023

The ultimate Hawkwind album and one of the best live albums ever.

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Fri Jul 14 2023

doom metally psychedelia? i’m in no questions asked. this has some really amazing instrumentals and really strange lyrics, the fact that it’s a live performance is pretty incredible

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Fri Jul 14 2023

Transcendent guitar playing interspersed with poetry about the multitudinousness of the universe. All of that with an unbelievably tight band for a live album. Great listen.

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Mon Nov 06 2023

This one's a classic for me. Psychedelic space rock rates very highly in my book. The people at these shows got their money's worth. Hawkwind is one of my most listened to bands this year. They have an immense catalog to dive into with lots of great tunes. The Lemmy albums are where it's at for me.

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Thu Nov 30 2023

An amazing aural experience. Mind and body expanded to fill the cosmos. I'm moving in with this album.

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Fri Dec 01 2023

Classic prog rock..also Lemey's old band

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Fri Dec 15 2023

Disclaimer one: I've grown up with Space Ritual, as my dad has this on vinyl. Definitely stood out in the collection. If the album art looks trippy on Spotify, you need to check out the gatefold sleeve, maaaan. Disclaimer two: I am a confirmed Hawkwind fan. How much of a fan? Well, I did once attend a two-day festival called HawkFest, where the headliners for both nights were Hawkwind. I can't even pretend to be objective when confronted with the mighty Space Ritual. Thr music - space rock of a chugging, doomstoner variety with the metronomic insistence of Krautrock - isn't uniformly brilliant. That said, 'Lord of Light', 'Orgone Accumulator', 'Down Through the Night', 'Master of the Universe' - they're all here and spectacular. More to the point, Space Ritual is a moment in time and space that feels strange, peculiar and exciting. Nothing in rock is sui generis, but nothing really sounded like Hawkwind before, a marriage of pounding simplicity, gusty, questing synths and Age of Aquarius pscyhobabble. And didn't Hawkwind invent space rock as we know it? Albeit of a very particular flavour. The spaceships in this universe are not sleek, ergonomic wonders of science - no, what we have is a kind of spacepunk, clanky, ratchety handmades piloted by lysergically-charged psychonauts, with controls set for Sirius, the sun, the Crab Nebula or sweet oblivion. Glorious, magical, magnificent stuff. Tell your children.

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Wed Dec 27 2023

Sure this is something you put on all the time but neither is taking a trip to the moon. Yeah it's repetitive, a little long and there some cheesy spoken word however it's still great. I'd give this a 4 but given all the dipshits that rated it a 1 I'm going 5.

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Fri Jan 19 2024

Love this album, and no Silver Machine in sight. Apparently I like space rock - "There will be bleeding from orifices" Nice!

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Sat Jan 20 2024

now this is what i’m talking about. right up my alley. jammy and cool and weird. like king gizzard mixed with yes and king crimson. so good

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Thu Feb 15 2024

Holy shit, the first side is my jam!

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Mon Mar 18 2024

Loved certain bits of this, sure it would be amazing experience to space out to live, but for a novice Hawkwind listener it’s a hell of a lot to get through

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Thu Mar 21 2024

This album is definitely a mood and probably isn’t as universally popular or timeless as the other albums that have been 5 for me so far. But IF you are in the mood for this space journey it will be a perfect 5/5.

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Sun Mar 24 2024

I love that thing Stephen Morris of Joy Division and New Order said about how punk in UK took off all over the country because Hawkwind had toured so extensively all over the place in the years before and that they had seeded a few weirdos in every normally ignored town.

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Mon May 13 2024

I'm going with 5 stars here, but it's a slightly tactical vote. Hawkwind have put out a lot of albums over the years, we're talking over thirty studio albums alone, with many times that number in live albums, compilations, spin-offs, etc. I stopped buying physical albums in the mid 1990s, but I still managed to acquire around fifty Hawkwind albums, mainly on vinyl. The last album I bought was Electric Tepee, which I think of as one of their more recent albums, but it's actually in the first half of their discography now. The one thing that I think every Hawkwind albums has in common is that they're all imperfect in some way. The generally accepted contenders for the "best" album include Warrior on the Edge of Time, Hall of the Mountain Grill, Levitation, PXR5, and Space Ritual (this album). But none of these are perfect, with the odd dud track showing up here and there. With a band that's been around so very long, it's obvious that there's going to be a lot of shifts in style over the years. Space Ritual was recorded during the promotion of Doremi Fasol Latido, and it's typical space rock fare, so lots of long tracks with meandering saxophone, bass, and drums, with strange electronic ambient noises. It doesn't feel like a live album, as there's not much crowd noise and the quality is on par with the studio albums recorded around this era. The album ticks a lot of "classic Hawkwind" boxes, we have Lemmy on guitar, Dave Brock is obviously here as always, Robert Calvert offers some poetic interludes, and Nik Turner still hadn't fallen out with Mr Brock at this point. It would have been nice if we had some electric violin from Simon House, but he didn't join until 1974. Stacia is dancing, but that doesn't really come over that well on an audio-based medium. Of the twenty-one tracks on this album, I already had eight of them favourited. The good tracks carry the score for me here, as they're just so good that they make up for the slightly duller moments. There's nothing truly awful here, but some of the spoken word tracks get a bit boring after hearing them over and over again. This is great background music, perfect for a long drive, or sitting in the sun, enjoying a beer or two.

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Thu May 16 2024

An album that needs no introduction, or an excuse to listen. This has been a part of my music life for over 40 years now. One of the greatest live albums ever released and a thrilling sonic adventure from start to finish

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Thu Jul 04 2024

If my older siblings had listened to this instead of The Carpenters I’d have been a much nicer teenager.

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Thu Nov 12 2020

Sure the poetry is cheesy, but they know it's cheesy (there would have been a naked woman on stage if you were actually present at this show), and instrumentally it's fun extremely competent grunge-y space rock. And we have Lemmy from Motorhead! Playing a style of music where I personally have a much easier time appreciating his bass prowess.

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Fri Sep 18 2020

I really liked the Earth Calling intro. Born To Go was a little boring to me. The Awakening- 10 seconds of forever was amazing. That's for the first half listed on Spotify. Second half or whatever is also pretty amazing. Seven by Seven words are really thought provoking. Sonic Attack hit me hard and I can bravely say it's the highlight of the record for me. I am definitely not the biggest fan of this kind of music, so I tried to be very objective. It is pretty damn great, different, unique and thought provoking. However, some tracks were not able to have my attention for too long. 4/5 stars for me.

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Mon Apr 12 2021

I'm a sucker for media about space and how it makes us think about our place in the universe, so this album works for me, despite the layers and layers of pompousness and corniness (and spoken word bullshit). If Space Oddity and Rocket Man are about astronomy, then Space Ritual is about astrology or maybe astral projection. I have a lot of room in my heart for psychedelic space rock, so while I acknowledge this isn't for everybody, I dug it. Best track: Brainstorm

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Sun Mar 14 2021

Still listening through, but really enjoying it.

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Wed May 05 2021

Far out man. Meed to give it more of a listen. A bit long for the time I had for it.

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Wed Jul 14 2021

I really enjoyed this, even though I don't really know anything about this band. It reminded me of more tuneful Krautrock.

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Can't believe I've never heard any Hawkwind before. I Enjoyed it quite a bit. It was long, but I think that's one of the things about space rock that I actually enjoy, long jam sessions.

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Sun May 09 2021

Pura drogaaa... Pues me gustó, tiene sus momentos pesadones, me gustó sobre todo seven by seven y Brainstorm, están remolinescas, mareadoras. Mood: dando vueltas descalzo en un campo de flores

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Mon May 31 2021

Hawkwind is great but the album is very long-winded

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Wed Aug 04 2021

Cosmic. Blasting awesome prog guitar madness

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Fri Oct 22 2021

Vraiment weird, mais quand même un show qui a pas de sens. J'aime moins les albums live. Un écouter un show quand tu n'es pas dans le moment, sans image etc. c'est plus difficile d'apprécier toutes les nuances. Cependant l'album est vraiment éclater et certaines tounes sonnent vraiment comme un tonne de brique et j'adore ca. Quelque moments explosif entouré de plein de trucs bizarre. La réécoute est peu probable mais j'ai bien apprécié. 4

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Thu Oct 28 2021

There were moments when my ears perked up and I was like 'damn this is some fun music' and then other times where it just felt weird. Solid and fun listen from a way out there band/album.

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Thu Nov 04 2021

One of the greatest Hawkwind albums. Therefore, one of the greatest albums ever.

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Mon Nov 15 2021

Wow, methamphetamine and hallucinogens actually get along quite well. A fantastic live show (7/10) FT: Born To Go, The Awakening

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Thu Dec 02 2021

It's a lot of album, but damn is it a good live album. I couldn't imagine seeing Hawkwind in their hey day. Would be mind blowing, for sure. Hawkwind's catalog is so huge, that I've never really took a deep dive. Just seems so daunting a task, but I'm familiar enough with what they do to know what to expect from them. Everything is so seemless on this album and just keeps flowing with interesting interludes and all. And those Lemmy baselines drive their music so incredibly well. What a ride.

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Wed Dec 08 2021

Another of those bands that I am aware of but haven't really listened to. With its sludgy cosmic soundscapes I have definitely become a new fan. That said, the album is a bit hit and miss, going a bit too hippy and a bit too jam band for my tastes at times. Maybe I was on the wrong acid or it was a case of you had to be there and that whole era

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Wed Feb 02 2022

Sound not great but good atmosphere.

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Thu Feb 17 2022

Heavy space, psychedelic rock

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Fri Feb 25 2022

Simultaneously avant- grade yet accessible. This album sounds both old and new with its driving repetitive rhythms and virtuosity. This album runs a bit long, but it is interesting enough to be worth sitting through. I can hear the influence of this band in other artists that followed up through the present day.

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Fri Apr 29 2022

O takie picki listowe nic nie robilem, nowosc zarowno jako banda, brzmieniowo taka progresja, ze ciezko stawiac ja wokol innych rokujacych zespolow lat 70, a przede wszystkim orginalnosc brzmienia, bo to najbardziej urzeklo mnie na Space Ritual od Hawkwinda z 73, ktory jest poteznym livowym podwojnym albumem, nagrywanym w 72 w londynie i liverpoolu, stad az tyle materialu zeby zrobic dwie epickie strony, ktore objetosciowo to w orginalne 86 minut, a rozszerzona wersja z 2k07 to az dwie godziny dwanascie minut, wiec jest czego posluchac, 21 mocno psychodelicznych kompozycji z motywem przewodnim przestrzeni, wiec space rock z definicji, pomimo tego, ze jest to nagranie koncertowe, to jednak calosc jest tak spojna, wiec banda w calej swojej dyskografii musi kierowac sie tym motywem, bo gdyby nie typowe koncertowe brzmienie tego albumu, to moglbym zakceptowac taka trakliste jako zwykly album, co do samego brzmienia livowego, to jest ono najbardziej zblizone do tego co slyszalem na deep purplowym made in japan, czy budokanowym albumie od cheap tricks, wiec potezny koncert na ktorym scena jest odpowiednio wielka dla szerokiej publicznosci, przez co wokale lubia sie czasami gubic gdzies z tylu, zwlaszcza ze czesto pojawia sie chorkowanie, gdzie ciezko zrozumiec chorek lub glowny wokal, co do samego zespolu to jak na rokowy sklad jest dosc spory, bo az siedmiu czlonkow, a wsrod reszty nazwisk znajomo pojawia sie pan Lemmy, dla ktorego hawkwind byl pierwszym zespolem przed motorowyheadem, podczas odsluchu wlasnie bas wydawal sie wyjatkowo hardy, ale nie sadzilem, ze az taka persona za nim stoi, kolejnym wartym uwagi instrumentem sa drumy grane przez Simona Kinga, nie bede zaglebial sie w kto byl wokalem lirykiem danych trakow, bo sluchalo sie tego dobrze, ale jest to livowy album, wiec tez mialo to cos do rzeczy, zostawie to sobie do zglebienia podczas odsluchu studyjnej dyskografii bandy, bo ten epicko kosmiczny material zachecia do dania mu szansy, bo az dziwne, ze nie slyszalem wczesniej o hawkach biorac pod uwage, ze to przeciez wyspiarski prog z lat 70, no chociaz strasznie mocno zestakowana scena w tamtym okresie byla, wiec nawet cos co brzmi tak dobrze bylo gdzies na drugim planie i nie przebilo sie do mainstreamu, nie dodaje livowych utworow na plejke, ale plyte wrzuce do biblioteczki spotifajowej, zeby nie zpomniec o sprawdzeniu jak wypadaja przy nim studyjne krazki

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Thu May 12 2022

1972 - Space rock, psychedelic rock, progressive rock, proto-punk, hard rock

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