Big BlackI am not a huge fan of electro based music. But I can appreciate good sounds, elegant beats and surprising musical twists and turns. This album works as background as well as for intense listening. A discovery.
I am not a huge fan of electro based music. But I can appreciate good sounds, elegant beats and surprising musical twists and turns. This album works as background as well as for intense listening. A discovery.
Not every song on this album really takes me. But the way Mike Scott is into the music takes me always.
A true genius, unconventional and fresh, even 60 years later!
Shiny surface, but nothing to find underneath it for me.
A true classic but hard to stand. Massive negative affect. Mark E Smith the king of irritability and bad vibrations!
Although I can appreciate the value of Rap Music for many people I can’t personally connect to it.
It’s raw and radical, it’s childish and refreshing. These early days of Indiepoppunk had their genius moments. And they are still there even 40 years later!
True American heritage. Musical artisans through and through. Sweet country tunes, rock and blues rock in a careful balance. Not full five stars because cheesiness is always around the corner.
Great and everlasting voice. Unfortunately not always the best songwriting on this album. But still a great musician!
This album was a legend in its time. 43 years later I could hardly stand that sound. Far too artificial for me now.
Not every song on this album really takes me. But the way Mike Scott is into the music takes me always.
A few beats and you find yourself sitting on the docks of Marseille or on a bridge over the Seine river. Very cool. I am always regretting that my French is so bad. I guess this guy has something to say
It was a blast when I heard it first in 1983/1984. Still, after all these years it is something that speaks to me, despite the foreseeable harmonies. Nothing to have in the background. More a sound-movie than just an album.
Although she is definitely a creative and outstanding person and I would love to like it- PJ Harveys music is definitely not my thing.
One more band trying the footsteps of Joy Division. They have some elegance in their songs but also a lot of foreseeable changes. Not the worst album.
Didn’t remember how close Blur where to The Kinks but also to English Punkrock heroes like The Clash or The Jam. Still nice to re-discover.
One of the best albums of the best songwriter ever. The lyrics provoke such intense pictures, you don’t need a movie to watch when you can just listen.
Loved that album when it came out in the middle 90ies. Still I love the energy, the elegance and the smoothness. And of course the political relevance.
Paul Simon, the wonder child of folkpop. Always smart and gentle. However, on this album sometimes the water is too shallow.
Hell of an album, hell of a band. So sad what became of this bunch, when they had nothing to do than fight against each other because of some money for royalties.
Too expressive for a convenient background listening. But still good energetic performance. A discovery to me…29 years later finally.
Sometimes funky, sometimes melancholic, sometimes rocking. Always elegant. I truly become a fan of Brazilian music.
Very variable range of pieces that I like and don’t like. I didn’t have the SFA really on my list before and with these mixed results they hardly will make there in the future.
A real good journey back in time to when glam rock was born. Experimental and surprising sometimes and sometimes simple plain rock. Like saying hello to an old friend who keeps some secrets after all these years.
Aerosmith was never my band and still isn’t after listening to Pump.
This oldschool funk still breathes a lot of Gospel and Soul heritage. Some sounds are playful and experimental. Not the worst companions for gray and lazy Sunday afternoon.
David Crosby signed his name in the great anthology of Rock Music history as being part of Crosby Stills Nash&Young and the legendary Byrds. I loved their music from my Childhood and early Teenage days. In contrast to these memories my first encounter with hid solo album was disappointing. Boring, boring, boring I mumbled to my self. Cheesy chord progressions, slow rock at it’s worst and endless guitar solos- the stuff I deeply dislike. Sorry Dave!
Music to relax in small cappuccino bar when the skies are grey and wind blows shades of rain trough the mai street. At times the violin is a screwdriver inside all that musical wellness.
I am not a huge fan of electro based music. But I can appreciate good sounds, elegant beats and surprising musical twists and turns. This album works as background as well as for intense listening. A discovery.
Glory Box is still a legend! The rest of the album has its specific mystical atmosphere. By listening to Dummy from alpha to omega it clearly reveales some lengths.
I suppose it was some pioneer work to do such an album in the early 90ies. But it didn’t take me.
Endless guitar vicious circles leading nowhere. Vocals without any fresh impulse, neither in melodic nor in lyrical ways. I didn’t went into JA in the 90ies, and I am not in the 2020.
Not the worst album in this compilation. I didn’t have Love really on my list of the must-listened-to of the sixties. But I have an idea how and why they made it to the 1001s. Nice to say hello again.
Sorry I didn’t like those sounds back than in the 80ies nor do I like them now. To much shiny surface, zero soul.
Yeah yeah yeah, the true spirit of Punkrock! Raw, unpleasant and honest to the bone! Lots of fun to meet The Saints here.
A well known album with very tight beats and cool sounds designs. I am not very much into Rap music and have my question marks especially on Gangsta Rap. Maybe it’s a good thing here that I dont exactly know what is really going on in the lyrics.
I love this album since I ve bought it in Hungaria in 1989 approx. although some of the cheap synthie-sounds were strange. Leonards songs are undestoyable and last forever.
Sad eyed lady of the lowlands..I want you… Just like a woman…Songs for the eternity. Still they make me wanna cry, wanna laugh and wanna sing out loud all at once in the same moment.
That was the album that changed Punkrock city Berlin into a Northcarribean Easyliving Salsatown. There was no bar in 1997/1998 where BVSC wasn’t dropping out of the stereos. Or was it because citizens and scenes changed? What was hen what was egg. We don’t know. Anyway, the music is immortal.
Powerful straightforward 1980ies rock n roll. Whith a great poet screaming his soul out off his chest. Love it!