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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.


Big Black


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Album Summary

Atomizer is the debut full-length album by American punk rock group Big Black released in 1986. Reviewing for The Village Voice in September 1986, Robert Christgau wrote that, "Though they don't want you to know it, these hateful little twerps are sensitive souls—they're moved to make this godawful racket by the godawful pain of the world, which they learn about reading everything from textbooks to bondage mags. This is the brutal guitar machine thousands of lonely adolescent cowards have heard in their heads. Its creators deserve credit for finding each other and making their obsession real."







  • Punk
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Dec 17 2021
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Even if it's abrasive as shit, it's still very accessible and likable. Love Durango's and Steve's driving guitar, Roland plays the drums like a damn machine. The bass sounds beautiful. Also, Steve's delivery is spot on and the lyrics, even if they're simple in nature, when paired with the music, want me to punch a hole in the wall in sheer rebellion, anger, and hatred towards the world and the state we're headed. Oh, and it was recorded in 1985, some 35-40 years ago, and it still feels like it was recorded yesterday. Holy shit. A landmark in music. Fucking recommended the whole way. Also, Steve, if you're ever reading this, I love you and everything you do.

May 30 2022
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Wholesome songs about paedophilia, racial passing, abuse of power in the police force, arson and self-immolation, shame, fist fucking and domestic violence, alcoholism, the tale of a Vietnam vet who becomes a contract killer (or is it really about drug addiction), the rat race, and cattle slaughter in abattoirs. The aural equivalent of suffering blunt force trauma to the head from a sledgehammer, these guys are so nasty, hard and bleak, that they make everyone else’s music sound as light and fluffy as a Disney movie soundtrack.

Apr 03 2022
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And this will stay with you until you die

Feb 11 2022
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5.0 - Came to this with low expectations and they were immediately shattered. I've come to respect Steve Albini's exalted status as a producer. Now I'm in awe of him as a complete artist. The interplay of brutal drum machine, growly bass and clear vocals situated defiantly in the foreground - these elements make this album feel timeless. And the guitar sounds! Dry, gnarly, industrial. "Kerosene" is an obvious standout - so bleak! How do they conjure a screeching pterodactyl on "Passing Complexion"?? This album sounds nothing like what I know about 1985.

Sep 15 2022
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Lol, this is incredible! The production is so noisy and raw. Steve Albini's band, so that makes sense. Sometimes gives me some Ministry vibes with the combination of drum machine and distorted vocals.

Aug 26 2022
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Probably one of the worst albums here

Sep 07 2022
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No thank you. Just noise. Completely unnecessary inclusion.

Sep 22 2022
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Steve Albini: master of noise Post-punk meets noise rock meets industrial meets awesome.

Sep 08 2023
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TIL Steve Albini had a band, and it was absolutely incredible. So filthy and lo-fi and layered and nasty but just perfect really, I love the harshness of the guitars and the cleanness of the drum machines. YouTube music link: But this should really be listened to on a dog-eared vinyl or a smashed cassette tape.

Oct 31 2022
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Was excited to listen to this one since I’m familiar with Albini as an Engineer/Producer. He has worked with a lot of my favourite bands, Ty Segall, METZ, Cloud Nothings so I wasn’t surprised to be impressed with this album. It’s crunchy, gritty and loud. Sounded like a band that would have been pretty cool to see live, big fan of this one. Definitely going to explore their other work. 4 stars!

May 15 2023
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Feels like I had carnivorous earwigs inserted into each side of my brain through my ears

Dec 16 2021
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I'm too old to waste time listening to this fucking guy yell at me for an hour. Beats are interesting I guess.

May 23 2024
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I don’t even know where to start. This sounds like awful slam poetry paired with screeching guitars and moans and very fast drum beats to try and hide the hideous composition. This is not me tea. Nor is it my bag.

Jul 15 2022
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A big noise from big boys. I have this on vinyl and still play it often. I believe Nirvana ripped BB off with a lame, sanitized version. This is the real deal.

Aug 09 2024
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After Albini's recent passing, I made sure to throw his classic Big Black albums onto my 'to-listen-to' list - so I'm glad to see this album here. More than anything, I love all the sounds and noises on this album. They all sound so cool - a coolness only amplified by their sheer abrasiveness and character. You're not just getting walls of noise and distortion here, you're also getting these shimmering harmonics that cut through the mixes which is what makes this album stand out - that subtle layer of melody and even beauty at times. The electrifying gnawing of the industrial groove on 'Passing Complexion' is so mind-blowingly ahead of its time - how does a guitar sound like that? 'Kerosene' sounds like a deconstructed club banger that would be released decades later, the way the defined melodies manage to squeeze through the layers of crashing and clanging is incredible. The use of drum machines all over this album hammers home that industrial sound - it's something beyond punk. The bass is also so garbled, muddy, and incoherent, yet it works wonders in carving out its space in these cluttered mixes, especially on a track like 'Cables'. While vocally not too special, Albini's lyrics (and corresponding liner notes) are tortured - digging into the depths of human suffering to formulate these repetitive, yet impactful hooks. One need look no further than the troubled opener 'Jordan, Minnesota' to know exactly what they're getting into. While not every track resonated with me, I was in awe no matter what direction this album went in. It defies the ideas of punk and even noise-rock. What a blast and unlike anything I've ever heard - it really does feel like an atomic bomb going off in your ears the entire time.

May 22 2024
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If the world was made of musicians like Big Black, I would light up the atomizer without thinking twice.

Dec 16 2021
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Still love this album. Bleak, angry, raging, powerful stuff. I don't think they ever bettered this, although Songs About F*cking comes very close.

May 12 2022
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Loud noisy fun. Always worth a revisit.

Aug 19 2022
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Littéralement mind blown, le mélange de son est ahurissant, c'est tellement en avance sur son temps. L'une des découvertes les plus surprenantes des 1001.

Sep 08 2022
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Loved it. Never heard anything quite like it

Sep 22 2022
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Great I really enjoyed the punk sound!

Oct 06 2022
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Just a solid, noisy, angry punk record. Shades of everything from Judas Priest to Ministry. Think it loses a little steam near the end, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed the whole thing. Favorite tracks: "Bad Houses", "Stinking Drunk", "Fists of Love"

Oct 30 2022
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I am not a huge fan of electro based music. But I can appreciate good sounds, elegant beats and surprising musical twists and turns. This album works as background as well as for intense listening. A discovery.

Nov 03 2022
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Unexpected funk - a treat for the ears

Nov 04 2022
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Hitting right in the sweet spot between punk and industrial.

May 09 2024
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Steve Albini died today and the day I was served this album :(

Feb 16 2024
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I think the Church Lady (SNL) sums it up nicely: "Well, wasn't that special." Notes: I so wanted to not hate at least 1 song. Fail. "Passing Complexion" - rusty, out of tune string instruments fight each other to the death. 1/5

Feb 16 2024
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Never heard of this band or any of these songs...probably never will again. Fists of Love had a cool groove to it ... minus the lyrics.

Mar 25 2024
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Music for Columbine terrorists. Dreadful. Steve Albini can eat it - I uncelebrate the guy's entire catalogue. 0/10 0 stars

Mar 25 2024
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This is actually horrible and horrendous I hate this it sounds like metal being scraped against the floor slowly and then added some screaming voices it’s crazy I am sorry I have nothing good to say about this …

Apr 15 2024
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Horrible, intentionally abrasive and not good. Didnt like it

Nov 25 2022
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Classic 80s album with big reputation that I never got around to but I knew it would be excellent of course.

Dec 15 2022
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Finally a banger. Only one I listened to 2x so far

Jan 15 2023
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Such an interesting mix of slightly tinny and industrial sounds with dissonant punk vibes. I wasn’t sure how to rate this but I thought long and hard about it and read more about Albini and just gained more and more appreciation for everything about this. So innovative and still holds up after everything that has come since.

Feb 01 2023
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Couldn't listen . Not on spotify

Feb 03 2023
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AHHH! I love Big Black! Songs About Fucking is a classic and so is the rest of their discography. 5/5.

Feb 09 2023
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I wonder how I would've responded to this audible assault back in 1986. This is honestly the first I've even heard of this album and I now know where some of my favourite bands found their inspiration. This is brutal, energetic, noisy and bleak industrial and still sound like it could've been released in this decade, even though it's already 37 years old. What a revelation.

Mar 01 2023
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Great takes on the genre. Equal parts catchy and caustic, with great lyrics and a sense of purpose.

Mar 15 2023
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Unique, danceable, aggressive, and principled punk. I like it. Thanks Steve Albini!

Mar 17 2023
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Been a fan of Big Black for years. Never really considered them proto-industrial, but I'm buying it. Personally, Songs about F___ing is my go-to Big Black album.

Apr 12 2023
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There's something about the tinny, electronic dissonance of Big Black that sets it apart from nearly anything else. Like Minor Threat shrunk down and forced to perform inside a crappy old CRT telly. The subject matter is bleakly earnest too. I love it, it's horrible and I love it.

Apr 21 2023
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Master piece. So raw and yet melodic… it is a shame it’s not available on Spotify - but makes complete sense, knowing Albini.

May 04 2023
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One of the best albums of the 80s in my opinion and my favourite work from Big Black or any of Steve Albini’s bands. I’m a big fan of this style of excessively loud and pissed off rock music, and the songs here are so well written and infused with raw energy, screeching feedback, rumbling bass and a drum machine that repeatedly beats you in the face. The lyrics delve into the darkest aspects of humanity and the depths of depravity (some choices regretted by Albini, such as the false rumour that inspired Jordan, Minnesota). Not a record you’d play for your parents unless they were really cool, but a complete masterwork and a landmark recording. 5 stars

Aug 31 2023
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What a find. Loved every minute of this. 5/5

Sep 14 2023
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I forgot how good this album is. I havent listened to it for years, mainly as its not on Spotify and the only Big Black record I have physically is Songs About Fucking. I always thought that was the better one, but I think this tops it. Steve Albini has always been brutal as fuck with his lyrics but he manages to find a way to make every instrument he touches sound like its bat shit angry. I love it. I love the rough sound, the production approach, the drum machine (he even managed to make that sound fucking livid). This is the post-punk / noise rock I love. Noisey, cluttered, angry, unique. Shouldnt work but it really does. Class.

Sep 14 2023
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Maybe in the top 5 guitar sound on an album of all time, it sounds like scraping against giant strings of metal. Kerosene alone is one of the most intense and explosive rock songs you'll ever hear ("SET ME ON FIRE"). I was pretty sure I'd give it a 5, but after relistening i'm doubly sure, you'll struggle to find more aggressive rock music than this. Not surprised that once again, an album that's actually interesting and different than plain 60s rock n roll is panned with a low score on here.

Sep 29 2023
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BADASS. Wish someone had introduced me to this as a teenager - it'd've gone hand in hand with my Ministry obsession. Fave track - "Kerosene". GodDAMN that song embodies the teenage frustration of living in a crappy little nonentity town. 🔥

Nov 16 2023
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Huhh olipas huikea ylläri! Iski lujaa ja liittyy Fugazin kaveriksi suosikki punk-bändien harvalukuiseen joukkoon. Vaikea yhdistää vuoteen 1986, olisi voinut olla 1996.

Dec 29 2023
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Put off listening to this for ages because it wasn't on Spotify and I'd never heard of it. I'm a fool. Proto-industrial noise with Steve Albini. Absolutely love it.

Feb 14 2024
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I immediately respond to the harder, louder stuff on here. I don't have much else to say except thanks for the good time.

Feb 23 2024
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Best album and band this thing had given that I've never heard of, hands down.

Feb 23 2024
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Somehow despite having heard a million records Steve Albini produced, I never listened to Big Black. This is fucking GREAT

Mar 08 2024
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даааааа! Если бы я услышала эту группу в 1986 году.... сто процентов.

Mar 08 2024
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A blunt approach on disturbing topics. A carefree atmosphere and a playful aesthetic (the comic cover art, for example). Guitars that feel like knives to one's ears. And a harsh noise/industrial sounds. In terms of sound, one might not consider it punk. But for me, it's ballsy, artsy, yet carefree, which makes it among the most punk album I've ever encountered.

Mar 28 2024
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I love you Steve, please put your stuff back on Spotify, please Steve, I need to blast Kerosene from my car without having to mad skip SoundCloud or YouTube every 5 seconds

Mar 31 2024
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This noise seems important. I don't think I ever want to listen to it again, but I think I'm glad I did.

Apr 19 2024
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wat een uppercut van een plaat... recht in je gezicht, geen franjes, geen opsmuk... ook de teksten zijn een dreun in je gezicht...kortom : een dijk van een plaat niet onbelangrijk trouwens in de ontwikkeling van industrial

Apr 21 2024
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I’ve never heard of these guys and fully expected to be annoyed. Instead I was completely charmed. There’s still fun and hope seeping through the anger and desperation in the dark world they live in and scream about. A cathartic listen for me today that completely won me over.

Apr 21 2024
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This is an album that I would never choose to listen to but I have to admit that, whenever my husband plays it, I get swept up by their energy. The riffs that start Kerosene and Bazooka Joe are exquisite in particular.

Jun 06 2024
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Esse álbum que explica como uma música pode ser fenomenal sem ser necessariamente algo que vá ouvir sempre (ou mesmo novamente). Ele consegue sintetizar o sentimento profundo de raiva e descontentamento desses meninos na forma de músicas abrasivas e vocais agressivos, além de inovar com o uso de uma drum machine no lugar da bateria, que traz uma pegada meio post-punk, meio industrial. É uma experiência sonora poder ouvir algo desse tipo, mesmo que seja apenas uma vez.

Jul 17 2024
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Holy shit this fucking rips. Highlights: being atomized

Aug 01 2024
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This surprised the fuck out of me. Stellar.

Sep 07 2024
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These guitars are beyond jangly, they are fried, and for some reason, this sound has a relaxing, ASMR-like quality. The repetitive post-punk lyrics enhance this effect, allowing you to get lost in the sound instead of trying to follow the textual progression. The vibes are both emo and party, which is great.

Sep 20 2024
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Sept. 19, 2024 More punk lezzgo. Yep I like this a lot; less punk imo and more industrial which is also what the wiki suggests. This is exactly what I've been into lately-loud, intense, aggressive, angry. Scratches that itch for me. Apparently some of the lyrics are ehh where he's tried to over justify what he says, but I can barely understand what he's singing, so I'm rating for the vibe in the end. V enjoyable, and my first 5/5

Oct 02 2024
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As a girl who was raised by the Providence punk scene, which was a weird amalgamation of Boston Hardcore and RISD, I’m a sucker for noise punk. While I gave Songs About Fucking a spin as a teen, I never really did a deep dive into Albini’s other work, not even with Big Black. And that’s a real shame, because Atomizer is a fucking phenomenal record. It’s full of rage, spite, and disgust, really taking the vileness of masculinity and pointing the gun inward thanks to a healthy dose of deadpan delivery and violent noise, accomplished both sonically and vocally, somehow. This is a classic because of the guitar work, funky bass lines, and stunning vocal howls, but then I consider the unique addition of a drum machine, and my mind is blown to pieces, even today. It’s not a “fun” listen and I’m not going to be spinning this every day– mainly because that would probably wreck my mental health as a trans woman – but its value is clear as day, and I can point to a hundred bands I used to adore who wouldn’t have existed without Atomizer. But that’s showing my bias for this type of noise punk, so maybe I’m in the minority here.

Oct 06 2024
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Proto-noise rock. Such an influential sound they pioneered. And I love the drum machine giving it an early industrial feel.

Oct 20 2024
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This one is a surprising I think blind spot for me having never listened to the band previously. And that’s to my detriment because this album rules.

Feb 09 2022
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Did not expect to like this so much, but it fucks pretty hard. 4.25

Feb 11 2022
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Fun, verryyyyyy similar to Minor Threat. Good, yes.

Apr 15 2022
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You have to listen to this loud to match the vocals with the instruments or else you’ll hear more instruments than the vocals. Which is either brilliant for a punk band or just because I listened on YouTube

May 04 2022
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Probably not one I'd listen to again but it really grew on me as I listened. Some great, heavy riffs. Standout track: Bazooka Joe

May 12 2022
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Had not listened to this one before. But it's very good. Sort of a punk rock/industrial thing. Reznor of NiN was probably a fan of this album. I liked it.

May 12 2022
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This is a great album. I was very into hardcore punk when this came out and it was just… different sounding but with all the intensity and emotion.

May 12 2022
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Is it punk, metal, industrial? All of the above.. Great album that help pave the way for industrial metal bands suck as Ministry, NIN, KMFDM. Great album. Kerosene is so damn good.

May 13 2022
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I'm not sure I'll remember much of this tomorrow but it's really good fun while you listen to it. I dare anyone to listen to Strange Things and not nod their head manically along to the beat.

May 27 2022
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Pretty cool, shame it's not on Spotify though 4

May 27 2022
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That was angry fun. I heard bits of The Pixies as well as some angsty metal. There was a pop sensibility hiding in well constructed, musical songs.

Jun 09 2022
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very fun noisy stuff. might be my favourite punk album now

Jun 15 2022
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Clxssic. The pounding drum machine, Albini’s inelegant delivery, and the sound they produce from their metallic guitars is either stunningly ghastly or like you’re being run over with a bulldozer. That being said, there are better noise-rock albums out there… well deserving of being on this list, nonetheless

Jul 01 2022
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Um, yes please. May I have another? I'm really embarrassingly unfamiliar with most of Albini's own music (though I have listened to Shellac some), but I loved this! Absolutely scratches the itch of early Ministry and all that Wax Trax industrial stuff, but still has a quality to it that's entirely separate from that scene. Weirder guitar sounds and noisier perhaps? Whatever you want to call it, I would have loved this in 1993 and kind of can't fathom that it came out in '85. Btw, did you see the news that Steve Albini won like $150k in a poker tournament recently? Can you imagine playing cards with that dude? Ha. Anyway, this one was way up my alley and has given me a sliver of hope in this list yet. Will we see a Ministry record? Skinny Puppy? Nipple rings crossed, dudes.

Jul 27 2022
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You can hear so much of Albini's influence – whether it be the song structure, sound, or production – on grunge/alternative/punk/HC. Collectively, the songs work well together. Definitely will revisit in the future.

Aug 24 2022
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I'd been putting this off as it was unavailable on Spotify, and I couldn't be arsed with YouTube ads. But finally gave it a listen... pretty fecking awesome! (but now all I can think about it investing in stocks with Trading 212, argh YouTube ads!)

Aug 31 2022
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Not something I'd seek out but it was fantastic

Sep 09 2022
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Like a proto nine inch nails mixed with 80s punk sensibilities. So much energy and angst, but still listenable.

Sep 15 2022
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Big Black fuckin’ rock. Don’t have much else to say. B+

Sep 15 2022
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Noisy, raw and intense. No idea who these guys are but I enjoyed this quite a bit. The synth work is pretty crazy. Highlights: Passing Complexion, Kerosene, Stinking Drunk

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