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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Forever Changes



Forever Changes
Album Summary

Forever Changes is the third studio album by the American rock band Love, released by Elektra Records in November 1967. It was the final album recorded by the original band lineup; after its completion, Bryan Maclean left the group acrimoniously and the other members were dismissed by leader Arthur Lee. The album saw the group embrace a subtler folk-oriented sound and orchestration, while primary songwriter Lee explored darker themes alluding to mortality and his creeping disillusionment with the 1960s counterculture. Forever Changes had only moderate success in the album charts when it was first released in 1967; it peaked at No. 154 in the US, with a stronger showing in Great Britain, where it reached No. 24 on the UK album chart. In subsequent years, it became recognized as an influential document of 1960s psychedelia and was named among the greatest albums of all time by a variety of publications.







  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Psychedelic Rock


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Dec 09 2020
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The string arrangements stand out, especially on the heels of the Eagles. Doors-y but not in a cheesy or cloned way. Not sure if it's actually underappreciated or just a victim of the "it's old and therefore underrated" curse, but I'm glad I discovered it either way.

May 04 2022
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So, there are a few "sophisticated" psychedelic albums on the 1001 list, but I feel that this is the only one that really, truly lives up to the sobriquet. Beautifully arranged and recorded (with occasionally support from Wrecking Crew session musicians), the song-writing is a little more folky than Love's previous efforts. This is definitely a 1967 album, but with a eye towards the inevitable come-down that was lurking around the corner. My favorite section, and probably most emblematic of the album's tone, is the coda of The Red Telephone, with the creep chanting of "they're locking them up today, the're throwing away the key, I wonder who it will be tomorrow, you or me?" The paranoia of the late 60s is perfectly encapsulated right there.

Sep 10 2021
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Because it evokes the feeling of both sleeping and waking, this is at once pacific and troubling. Assuming Lee & co. are the sleepers, their dream is (surprise!) the 60's. But so too is their nightmare. Because (second surprise!) the 60's weren't all good. Not that they're making value judgements. They treat the scattered remains of the 60's with equal regard, only interested in reassembling them so that only the most intense moments remain. True to dream logic, not everything makes sense until it does: "The snot has caked against my pants / It has turned into crystal" only, well, crystallises when you consider it against "When you've given all you had / And everything still turns out bad" or "Sitting on a hillside / Watching all the people die / I'll feel much better on the other side". Musically, it's even more beguiling, following the grammar of dreams--which is to say, what grammar? Just as that slow-motion chase becomes that sex scene turns into this memory from childhood that never happened, here mellifluous melodies follow swelling strings follow puckish guitars follow rousing mariachi trumpets follow... with not a musical conjunction in sight.

Jan 21 2022
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Candidate for my favorite non-Beatles album of the 60s. Stunning arrangements, dreamy melodies and nonsensical yet poetic lyrics that encapsulate you. Alongside Odessey and Oracle stands as the most complex and pleasant psychedelic / baroque pop album of its time. Half the tracks are masterpieces. I'm obsessed with Arthur Lee's vocal delivery and the people and settings he and MacLean describe. There's not much more to say beyond that, but I just want to stress how surreal yet clear these lyrics are. No fancy electronic affects, just classic arrangements used in creative, beautiful ways. I've been obsessed with this album since I first discovered it, and disappointed the closest (consistent) album like this is Odessey and Oracle. Favorite tracks: A House Is Not a Motel, The Red Telephone

Feb 19 2021
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Honestly, there's nothing really stand out here. Some of these songs are duds some are okay but nothing tips the scales either way. On balance, it's decidedly mediocre. I liked A House Is Not A Motel and Bummer In The Summer alright though. So it's saved from a failing mark on the weight of those two songs alone.

Oct 07 2021
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Very hippie music, psychadelic and acoustic. Really liked the guitar work in this, really interesting arrangements and even some flamenco in there. Lyrics were up and down, some songs were very dark and interesting, others very flaky and folksy. Kind of reminded me of Cream from a vocal perspective but the standout really was the instrumentals here. Great album.

Jun 18 2021
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4.2 + Some beautiful and quirky songwriting with lush orchestral arrangements. It resides in its own corner of popular music, as if the writer had never once listened to the radio and decided to write this album. I’ve come back to this one a lot over the years.

Nov 05 2024
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It was such a good album to listen to ngl I’ve enjoy the first song and the rest was good. I love the story telling within each song too

Jan 13 2021
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I absolutely loved the first track. I'm a sucker for a horns section. The rest of the album was some very pleasant psych/pop 60s rock stuff, which is the type of music I grew up with so I definitely dug it but wasn't blown away. Cool arrangements but non to exciting lyrics. Wanna go 3.5 but I enjoyed it more than I disliked it so going with a 4.

Nov 03 2024
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Mich erinnert dieses Album an "The Moody Blues": Symphonic Rock. Musik vom feinsten. Die Orchesterarrangements sind sehr gelungen gepaart mit melodischen Kompositionen. Ich bin voll auf begeistert. Das trifft voll meinen Geschmack. Melodisch, pompös mit Orchester und tollen Songs

May 03 2022
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Man I love this album so much, it’s essentially the 60’s album of my childhood!: The album starts with alone again or, a brilliant song ;There’s actually less to this song than I thought but that’s not any problem! It goes perfectly with a house is not a motel, I don’t like it as much as alone again or but it’s still really good, I especially love the guitars this one and I must have forgotten all the extra noises in the outro really makes it creepy. This has only just made me see how little lyrics there really are to andmoreagain it’s a good song though I especially love the chorus. The best part of the daily planet is definitely the instrumentation the song itself is good just not as memorable as the first three. Old man is the worst off the album, it’s really just a harmless song proving some sonic change and it’s really short, just so forgettable. But right after is the red the red telephone my favourite on the album, it’s so trippy and strange! The best bit is the songs outro “ they’re locking you up today they’re throwing away the key I wonder who it’ll be tomorrow you or me”. Starting side 2 is maybe people would be the times or between clark and Hilldale i’am surprised it’s not a single to be fair it has the same feel as the first two songs, it’s good not a favourite though. Live and let live has probably the most notorious line in “ the snot gas caked against my pants it has turned to crystal”; the song is entertaining and has a nice guitar solo just much longer than I thought. The good humour man he sees everything like this, is a good song especially with the orchestral bits thrown in, I never realised it was only 3 short verses though. Bummer in the summer is alright its only short and is probably the earliest example of rapping I could possibly find, honestly though that intro bit is by far the best part of the song. You set the scene is a great closer to the album the song itself isn’t too distinctive until the orchestra then it makes a perfect satisfying ending to an already great album. Yeah it’s a really good album well sequenced well done everything there is one dud but it’s not bad enough to stop it from getting a 5.

Feb 22 2022
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One of my favorite album of all time

Jan 10 2022
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Still my least favourite Love album but christ, that's just a testament to how fucking good those three albums were.

Nov 30 2020
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Surprised how much I ended up enjoying this album as a whole, read it was a favorite of Jim Morrison and I see why he took notes from his contemporaries here.

Dec 11 2024
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While I am biased to this era, this album stands out among the rest. I really fuck with the psychedelic folk feel and the sound stage is just perfect. Has power where it needs it and soft beauty to fill the space. I knew Alone Again Or going into the listen, but did not expect it to blow me away like this. Going to be a must purchase on vinyl and one of those top albums I have heard so far. 9/10

Dec 08 2024
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Discazo. Este álbum de amor tiene, más que otros que he escuchado de ellos, canciones absolutamente únicas, que se sienten como nada que haya escuchado antes. Me encanta.

Dec 05 2024
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I’d known everything until this point. This was rad.

Nov 29 2024
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It's one of the best albums of the 1960s (that wasn't made by The Beatles) and also a personal favorite of mine. A psychedelic masterpiece which stood the test of time and it still sounds interesting and unique today. The lyrics, the beautiful music (particularly the string arrangements), the vocal delivery by Arthur Lee are all perfection. At the height of flower power this album anticipates the downfall of the counterculture. 'They're locking them up today They're throwing away the key I wonder who it'll be tomorrow, you or me?' are my favorite lines of the album which closes the A side. A 5* album without a doubt.

Nov 22 2024
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I had never heard of this band before and it was amazing.

Nov 04 2024
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One of the best album of the 60s, amazing pop that doesn't have any of the trope of pop music that make it cliche. After hearing the Rolling Stones attempt at this genre, it's nice to hear an expert. Definetly influential in South American music. A+

Oct 31 2024
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Que belleza de disco es impresionante lo fresco que suena han pasado año y la música parece seguir sus pasos. Es maravilloso poder descubrir lo que es la música con lo que fue antes.

Oct 23 2024
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One of those classics i've listened to many times now over the years, and while I don't consider it a perfect 10, it's pretty fantastic and can still go toe to toe with all the other classic albums that also popped up in 1967. What an insane year for music it was. Love the variety on here, the opener especially jumps back and forth between sweet acoustic ballad and some kind of mexican party anthem with horns tooting. It's awesome.

Jul 31 2023
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This is a really cool album. It has a bit of a flower power sheen, but the lyrics are a bit stranger and even darker than you would expect. I couldn’t tell if I liked it at first, but after a couple of listens, I think this album is just full of ideas, excellent guitar playing, and deserves its status as a classic.

Jun 18 2023
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I have listened to this before maybe twice and it didn't click. This time... Something is there isn't it? It's gentleness is its key (that subtleness would have been lost on the younger me) and I can see that it has influenced so many of the other records I love be dearly. I'll come back to this one again!

May 14 2023
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Right off the bat, this record gets high marks based off of “A House is not a Motel”. Fantastic song that I was originally introduced to via Yo La Tengo’s cover on their first record, Ride the Tiger. Not a big fan of the drums and bass being panned hard left in the stereo field and one guitar panned hard right, but it was the 60’s and I guess that was either a limitation or purposeful artistic choice. It’s a pretty record; psychedelic and well produced, but all the instruments feel walled off from one another in a way. Once you become attuned to that (turning on Spatialize Stereo on your AirPods helps a bit), you’ll find a totally unique and somewhat overlooked 60’s psych album. In closing, I’ll leave with you with this truly disgusting lyric from “Live and Let Live”, which is an otherwise fantastic song: “Oh, the snot has caked against my pants. It has turned into crystal.”

Aug 30 2021
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Je voudrais profiter de l'espace review de cet album dont je me rappelle à peine pour rendre hommage à la personne sans qui nous ne serions pas là où nous sommes aujourd'hui, je veux bien sûr parler de Robert Dimery. On lui en a fait voir de toutes les couleurs, on l'a remis en cause, détesté, incendié, insulté, roulé dans la boue... et pourtant, celui-ci est en train de nous faire changer d'avis sur cette liste des 1001 qui s'avère être une réussite. À bientôt mon Robert (je le connais personnellement, pour rappel).

May 11 2022
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I am so conflicted on how I feel about this album. On one hand I like the style a lot and the music is pretty good, on the other hand I really don't vibe well with the sound of the vocals on most of the album. I think it is a pretty solid 3 for me. I do love that Carol Kaye played on this album, she is a legend of a session musician and bass player. Everybody should go watch the video Polyphonic on YouTube made about her.

Jul 08 2021
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Despite the cover art, Forever Changes could not be further from psychedelia. Rather, it combines two of my least favorite genres, folk and garage (and the occasional fillip of mariachi), albeit with more aggressive and convoluted rhythms and song structures than is usual with folk influenced 60s music. Still, regardless of how I personally feel about this music, I must admit that the songwriting is startlingly original. Arthur Lee and Bryan MacLean seem incapable of writing a cliched melody or chord sequence. The string and brass arrangements are also highly unusual for this kind of material and seem to be organic, not merely tacked on. One barrier to enjoying this album, at least for me, is how on a couple of the more full throttle tunes, singer Arthur Lee is perpetually a quarter tone off key. But on the more pastoral tunes, this isn't really a problem. A bigger problem for me is that none of the melodies really sticks to my brain. So, between the fact that I don't really enjoy the stylistic elements Love is using on this album, and that I don't find the melodies and hooks compelling or memorable, I'm left with admiring Arthur Lee's originality. And I have the nagging feeling that Love achieved whatever it is that they were going for. Forever Changes has the feeling of a fully realized work. It's just not for me.

Oct 18 2024
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9.5/10 I have heard this before, but forgot what a beast it is. Probably the best of the hippie era rock albums that I’ve heard. Folky, baroque, with amazing production and incredible use of brass Songwriting is excellent, really McCartney-esque in places Amazing vibe runs through this, sounds so fresh Jack White clearly liked this Best: Alone Again Or

Jan 16 2021
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Some really interesting arrangements here. Many of the lyrics were thoughtful and meaningful, but there are some serious duds in here as well. Overall, I really liked it, but (I'm sorry for this) I didn't Love it. Best track: You Set the Scene

Nov 01 2024
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Groovy and pleasant, this is the music that I would call "hippy shit." I like it well enough, especially the first track "Alone Again Or."

Jul 13 2023
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Alone Again Or is such a great song. I love the Spanish guitar, the brass, the orchestral movements in it. What a great opener. The rest of the album feels reeeeally 60's hippy / psychedelia. There's a few standout tracks with some interesting things going on, but it's mostly quite soft and floaty.

Jun 22 2021
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Hard to see why this is a standout album from a million others released late sixties but it's okay. It has its moments (few and far between) like "Maybe the people..." that bump this album up from 2 stars to 3 for me - the horns & guitar solo in this number are great.

Aug 14 2024
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Alone Again Or was a good lead track, you can clearly tell this album was structured around that song. Every other song blurred into each other, I genuinely couldn't tell when one song ends and another begins, in a bad way. There was one exception though - Old Man. That song sucked, and didn't even make any sense. My God is this album plain. It feels like every British band from the 1960's album offcuts blended into one boring ass album. The only times I got some modicum of entertainment was from whenever the trumpets started playing, which made songs like "Maybe The People ..." tolerable, and actually pretty good. It's not a bad album, per se, but it's just flavourless. Plain Greek Yoghurt. Dull. I'm tossed between a 2 and a 3 here, but the fact I just was waiting for the album to end leads me towards a 2.

Nov 14 2022
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Not a fan - sounds like shitty Beatles. I have tried to like psychedelia many times and I now accept that most of it is quite weird. I appreciate the Hendrix level of complexity much more than the actual genre. Favourite track: A House is Not a Motel. Like the folky feel.

Mar 09 2025
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I came to this album late...I guess it was the 2000s when it was de rigeur to recognize Forever Changes and Odyssey and Oracle as unappreciated classics. I think Forever Changes because this album didn't have even a classic song Season of the Witch. But my word is this an incredible, dare I say even a masterpiece. As someone who grew up on the folk rock of artists like Shawn Phillips and Cat Stevens this album came as revelation. Even things like the string arrangements which I am not normally a fan of are tasteful and suit the songs near perfectly. And the songs, accessible but complex are all satisfying and bear up to close scrutiny. The themes are typical of the time but don't seem cloying and overwrought. A no-brainer 5 star album

Feb 26 2025
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Wow, I'd never heard of this band before but I loved the album. Great find!

Feb 24 2025
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I thought it was gonna be really generic 60s psych but i really enjoyed it, very varied and fun.

Feb 20 2025
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When it comes to mellotron use and orchestral arrangements, Forever Changes is undoubtedly up there with the best, standing alongside albums like Days of Future Passed by The Moody Blues. The 60s were an incredibly creative period, especially in psychedelic and baroque pop, and this album is one of the standout examples from that time. The orchestration here is exceptional, and the production, given the era, is impressive. There’s a reason why this album continues to be highlighted as one of the best from that period. Even though I don’t usually go with the popular picks, this one would definitely make it onto my personal list of top albums.

Feb 16 2025
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I love this album. It is almost perfect, one of those records held up as classics which do live up to the hype. I knew Love from a couple of tracks, Stephanie Knows Who and Seven and Seven Is, which I think my uncle had on a compilation, and I first bought Forever Changes in the ’90s, I think, when it appeared in a 100 best albums list. Since then I have played it once or twice a year and, each time, I am surprised by the production, the overall sound, and the songs. The trumpet on Alone Again or, the orchestral arrangements, the folk elements set against the strings and jangly guitars, the way the lyrics vear from optimism to pessimism and paranoia, sometimes within the same song, as if the summer of love was starting to fall into the darkness. The weird thing is, despite the initial, non-Forever Changes, songs I was familiar with, I have never taken the time to investigate Love’s back catalogue, something I need to resolve.

Jan 15 2025
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I had never heard this album of band before but on first listen fell in love with it. Catchy tunes, weird and wonderful lyrics, very strings and harmonies. A hidden gem!

Jan 15 2025
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This album needs to be listened to on a little turntable on the floor with some candles

Dec 23 2024
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discovered this album some months ago and have listened to it at least 100 times since. it's so good. i love this album, everyone should love this album, love forever changes but this album being a 10/10 does not

Dec 15 2024
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A folk record I can tolerate - got to know about them after hearing that the Doors used to open for them back in the early days of the band, got curious and found the treasure of this album. Got to see them play live in 2004 before Arthur's Lee's death - and while they were awesome musician - he was intolerably drunk and bumming notes so it was a disappointing experience. This record though, never disappoints. Psychadelic folk I can get behind.

Nov 25 2024
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Psychedelic summer of love era classic. Super creative still to this day.

Oct 03 2024
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A surprising beauty. Surprising only because I'd never heard it before. Lovely songwriting and arrangements, with some moments so delicate that you feel like they might shatter in any other context. Beautiful work. I'm off to listen to their other albums!

Sep 18 2024
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I’ve been sitting on this one for about a week giving it time to really marinate. This album is fantastic and has aged incredibly well. I listened to this immediately after listening to Younger Than Yesterday by The Byrds and it is shocking that these both released in 1967. The breadth of styles and instrumentation used here make every track seem like its own, yet they come together beautifully. I need a cover version of this album down entirely by the Muppets.

Sep 04 2024
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An absolute guaranteed all-time classic, worthy of a full five stars. There's a reason that this album keeps appearing in Top Ten Albums Ever lists. The eleven tracks encompass the bright, poppy, hippy vibe of West Coast America, but also hint at something darker, just beneath the surface. If I could only have one record for the rest of my life, this would probably be it. If you've never heard it before, please, go and listen now.

Sep 01 2024
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I had never heard of this band before. The sound is somewhere between Doors and Beach Boys, dark and light at the same time. Very unique. The voice has something hypnotizing about it and it always feels a bit like being mocked. The arrangements are terrific. Really cool album.

Aug 25 2024
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I first heard about this in NME’s list of the 500 Greatest Albums, which when I was a budding music nerd I poured over almost religiously. It sounded interesting, mystical almost, and so fate must have had specific plans for me when I discovered a copy of the album on the floor of my garage one day when I was cleaning it out. It was one of those giveaway things that the British Tabloid’s did to try and get you to buy them in the late 2000’s, but the weird thing is that neither of my parents had even heard of Love (the band) when I talked to them about it. The mystical quality I imagined of this album comes through in the music and the lyrics, but it’s much darker than my 13 year old self could have imagined. Rabelesian humour is contrasted with absurdism and observations about love and madness, and set against a background of psychedelic folk that incorporates elements of hard rock, R&B and even flamenco. How does an album like this even get made, and why does it work so well? Forever Changes is one of my favourite albums, best evidenced by the fact that I’ve listened to it twice through while writing this review. I used to save it as a summer album but as I sit here in the mid autumn rain, and am still enjoying as much as I would on a balmy summer day, I think I can happily say that this is an album for all seasons. So put it on next time you’re in love, or feeling mentally deranged, and it’ll hopefully spark an appreciation that is constant, even if it Forever Changes

Aug 15 2024
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"Forever Changes" is the third studio album by American rock band Love. The album's sound embraced subtler folk and baroque pop-oriented songs based around acoustic guitars and orchestral arrangements...a perfect description. Primary songwriter Arthur Lee (guitarists, vocalist) explored dark themes alluding to mortality and growing disillusionment with the era's counterculture. It was the last album with the band's original members who also included Bryan MacLean (guitar, vocals), Johnny Echols (guitar), Ken Forsi (bass) and Michael Stuart-Ware (drums, percussion). The album was a commercial disappointment hitting #154 in the US and #24 in the UK. It was critically very well-received and, in 2008, was inducted into the National Recording Registry for its artistic significance. The album opens with "Alone Again or." A song written and sung by Bryan MacLean and about waiting for a girlfriend. Acoustic guitar with strings and percussion. Lee actually joins in for dual lead singers. Horns come in and along with the strings, the song ends majestically. "Andmoregain" is a ballad and anchored by Lee's high tenor. Guitar accompanied with drums and strings. Lee takes a dark look at himself. "The Red Telephone" is more dreamy and pyschedelic. A harpsichord is added to the guitar and strings. Lee lyrics are very paranoid as he watches people die. It's no surprise this song was compared to Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd. A charging acoustic guitar and bass open "Live and Let Live." Vocal harmonization. A pyschedelic guitar solo. Lee looks at what the government has done to certain people's land rights. "You Set the Scene" closes the album as Lee looks at the ins and outs of daily life. Lee actually did think he was going to die and that this was his last song. A glorious ending with layered horns and strings. This album is a great mix of pop baroque and pyschedelic guitar. Maybe, the best. Lee's vocals and the harmonies are just fantastic. The horns and strings give this album a majestic sound. The music is counterposed by Lee's darker lyrics. The album gets better with repeated listens. An album everyone needs to hear.

Aug 06 2024
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Had expected to see this superclassic album on the list, especially after El Capo was generated some year ago or so. El Capo: 8/10 Forever Changes: 10/10

Aug 02 2024
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Another Love album I love. This was groovy with a bit of a dark edge to it that keeps things interesting. I’m surprised that this list is the first time I’ve heard of them.

Jul 05 2024
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Alone Again Or and The Red Telephone.

Jun 26 2024
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Genius. Far and away the best psychedelic record ever made. Better than Sgt Pepper.

Jun 19 2024
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"The snot is caked against my pants It's turning into a crystal." First track is the best, but the album as a whole is very listenable.

May 22 2024
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An album cover I'm familiar with from record stores, but had no idea of what it sounded like, until now. It turns out that this is my jam. Introspective songs concerned with themes of life and mortality with folky acoustic guitar driven arrangements augmented by slightly weird orchestral and horn section elements. Lovely, lovely stuff. Rating: 5/5 Playlist track: Alone Again Or Date listened: 21/05/24

May 21 2024
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This is one of my favorite albums of all time (FAOAT). It really encapsulates the west coast hippie movement sound IMO.

May 21 2024
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I don’t remember these guys, but I really liked this album. There music is so typical of the 60s. Loved the horns.

Apr 29 2024
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Really enjoyed this band. I'd give it a 4.5.

Apr 24 2024
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I didn't expect to be immediately sucked into this album, but I was captivated. The first three song run is beautiful, and the rest is also quite good. This will be added to my rotation.

Apr 10 2024
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I love it! One of my favorite bands! Beautiful and pleasant melodies and songs. Smooth and melodious.

Mar 27 2024
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Delightful. 60s music is so serene and wholesome even if the lyrics don’t always match that tone. I knew what a lot of the lyrics were going to be as he sang them as they just worked and flowed very well. This is definitely a stand out among the other 60s albums we have had. 9/10

Mar 25 2024
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just the perfect psych rock album to me, love this band and i have for years. alone again or is one of my favorite songs of this era, and i discovered some new tracks to love as well on this listen! also i won my dad over to these guys.. he was asking "how do i not know this band, are they british?" which is the best thing a dad can ask about a band you're showing him. 9/10, fav tracks: alone again or, the red telephone, andmoreagain

Mar 20 2024
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I go back and forth on this. Is it amazingly good or stupendously good? Today I’ve decided that it is both

Feb 25 2024
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A psychedelic masterpiece. I can't say how many times I've listened to this. I like everything about this album. Nothing has ever been as groovy as the 60's. If I could time travel, I would go to the Summer of Love. So much great music in that time period.

Feb 22 2024
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This project has allowed me to mature. This might be one of the only times i fully agree with my best friend 4.8

Feb 09 2024
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I was expecting pretty straightforward 60s psych, and it's not *not* that but was shocked by the depth on this. The drumming alone stopped me in my tracks more than once! Once it was over, I already found myself returning to those first three songs again, wanting to soak it in again as soon as possible. And if anything, that's a good sign that fuck it, it's a five.

Jan 25 2024
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4.5, brilliant album from start to finish. Good blend between folk and psychedelic rock. Great use of the strings throughout as well, gives a few tracks a very orchestral sound.

Jan 03 2024
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greatttt album. Really encapsulates the 60s sound.

Nov 17 2023
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Favorite Songs: Alone Again Or The Daily Planet Live and Let Live Bummer in the summer This album makes you want to take lsd and contemplate about life and love. Very chill and positive vibe.

Nov 10 2023
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Yesterday we had Hendrix, one of the major figureheads of the Hippy Revolution from 1968. If you think the summer of love, flower power and California dreaming you tbink Hendrix. However, for me, Love and “Alone Again” is the definition of the aforementioned. This whole album just exudes everything of that era when optimism, drugs and music coincided within the aforementioned (brief) cultural revolution before Vietnam and cynicism replaced it. “Andmoreagain” is a folk classic with Byrd-esque melody, just lovely. Whilst “You Set the Scene” just takes the catchy melody akin to Sgt Pepper to your new favourite ear worm levels. I’ve not played this album for years but enjoyed it so much I’ve played it twice today.

Nov 08 2023
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Forever Changes es, sin duda, el Magnum Opus de la banda Love. Con un tracklist intocable, composiciones sumamente innovadoras y un input creativo casi insuperable, la banda sorprende con una colección de colores y formas que juegan con los estilos musicales de la época. Sumamente recomendable e infaltable en el catálogo de cualquier melómano o fanático de la música de los '60s.

Nov 07 2023
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Love, Love, Love. I have this on vinyl. No idea why these guys weren't bigger.

Sep 06 2023
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Accidentally listened to this one out of order. But I really liked it, 5/5. Will probably re-listen in order

Aug 14 2023
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I praised this just a few days ago in my Da Capo review and yeah, it just gets better and better on every relisten. The orchestration is gorgeous and every song is just so catchy and mesmerising

Aug 05 2023
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Did I give 5 stars to the Doors' debut? Has it popped up on the app yet? Can't remember, and I'm too busy to check today. But it seems to me I might have just given four stars to this legendary LP (lots of iconic cuts, but also a couple of fillers, I have to point out...) The reason I'm wondering about all this is because I want to give 5 stars to Love's magnum opus *Forever Changes* (out the same year as that Doors album), but it would be illogical to do so if I only gave four stars to Jim Morrison and co. Aw fuck it. It's gonna be five stars. I gave 5 stars to Captain Beefheart's *Safe As Milk* anyway (*also* out in 1967). This rating thing sometimes turns the use of this app into a an exercise involving all sorts of charts and graphs in your head. Not very "flower power", I have to say. There's always been something a little "elusive" to this clearly essential album, which might explain why it flew under the radar for many years after its sixties heyday--at least until the advent of the internet, which helped put it right where it belonged. Yet it's one of the very rare cases where such elusiveness is actually an asset: you might forget *Forever Changes* melodies and hooks and different moods for a while, but when you spin it, it's as if you discovered a treasure trove all over again. Speaking of flying under the radar, I also love Love's LP that followed that one (the sentence I just wrote is damn weird, ha ha, say it out loud!). It was recorded with a different line-up, still with singer Arthur Lee at the helm. Its name is *Four Sail*, and it's a underrated gem--quite different from *Forever Changes*, because some of its cuts rock harder, but almost equally as good to my ears. It's obvious Dimery's list didn't mention that one. So check it out, folks. Number of albums left to review: less than 500 (I've temporarily lost count) Number of albums I'll include in my own list: half so far, approximately (including this one, of course) Number of albums I *might*  include: a quarter, approximately. Number of albums I'll never include: another quarter (many others are more important to me).

Jul 19 2023
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My favourite album of all time. A work of collective genius

Jul 05 2023
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Danny browns favorite album, andmoreagain ,

Jun 21 2023
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Love this, especially the last song, beautifil and splendid

Jun 14 2023
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Such an great record, untouchable in its field. Best: Red Telephone, Alone Again Or. They are the obvious standouts, but everything else is an able collection of tunes that keep the mood going. Am I giving it 5 stars? Probably, though it's fair to say the rest of the album doesn't hit those same heights, it's a low 5. I always thought my CD was skipping at the end of Good Humour Man and it caught me out yet again.

May 31 2023
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Forgot how good this album is. Alone Again Or is a favorite

Apr 26 2023
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Increíble en todas sus palabras, los ritmos encajan perfectamente

Mar 22 2023
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Okay, I loved this. First two tracks are so fun. "The Red Telephone" sounds like it was influential to the band Wet Leg

Mar 22 2023
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love is such a perfect name for this band

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