Van Halen
Van HalenOne of the greatest debut albums of all time.
One of the greatest debut albums of all time.
Personal top 5 album. Not a clunker on all four sides.
Not my cup of tea.
Love this album. Definitely in my top 100 albums.
Love Jimi. I totally acknowledge his genius and put him at the very tippy top of the guitar hero mountain. That having been said, most of his albums are very uneven with huge peaks and some very meh songs mixed in. In total I'll take what we got.
Long time favorite of mine. 4.5 stars. Fiona is a favorite artist as well.
Love the White Stripes.
Love this album. Top 100 for me!
Love Radiohead, love tis album.
I am in the minority but I have always hated this album. Gave it a listen recently for the first time in years and yes I still hate it.
I know Miles Davis is universally loved, jazz just isn't my thing.
I have loved this album for years. I consider Marquee Moon a gateway album to a plethera of other musical discoveries.
Not my favorite but definitely worth an occasional listen. I do live many Cohen songs though.
Top ten desert island album for me. Live this dusk front to back. I distinctly remember my first listen and how enthralled I was at the time.
Just not my thing. Not saying this is a bad album but light piano and sax is not for me.
Love this album. A top 250 album for me.
Have loved this album since it was released. Still pull it out once in a while although the synth heavy sound has not aged terribly well.
Love this album. Definitely in my top 100 albums.
Personal top 5 album. Not a clunker on all four sides.
Love, love, love this album. 1001 albums are recommending so much great music that I already love. Top 100 album for me.
Nice place in time album. After the first couples of songs I thought, hmm, this didn't age to well. I was involved summer physical work at the time, shoveling snow, so I kept listening. I ended up really enjoying the listen.
Love this album
With there were several sings I did like, Missy of the album was very"folkie" which just isn't my thing.
Interesting but didn't really grab me. Over all Eno has an interesting catalog.
I am a Sonic Youth fan, this is not my favorite Sonic Youth album. I would not turn it off if it popped up in my feed.
I enjoyed this. The release date in 1978 really synced with my discovery of punk and new wave and I got a great feeling of nostalgia while listening.
Love Jimi. I totally acknowledge his genius and put him at the very tippy top of the guitar hero mountain. That having been said, most of his albums are very uneven with huge peaks and some very meh songs mixed in. In total I'll take what we got.
An absolute gem of an album.
Definitely not my thing. I feel this album did not age well.
Great record. Sam Cooke must have been awesome to see live.
I just can't. I've never been able to appreciate this band.
Interesting. Wanted to like it but just not my thing.
Absolutely love this album front to back..
Just not my thing.
Great album. It's been in my larger rotation for a long time.
Definitely in my desert island list. What a banger!
Not my cup of tea.
Love this album. Bought it when it first came out. Still in my regular rotation
Just not my thing.
Too much noodling. Not in my wheel house.
Top 100 album for me. One of the greatest debut albums of all time.
A little too country for my taste but set the stage for country rock artists like The Eagles.
I love lots of rasta-adjacent music (ex The Clash) but struggle to listen to an entire raggae album. This was just OK to me.
Have loved this album since it came out.
Iconic. Have had this album for at least 45 years.
There is no denying Dylan's song writing. I've always struggled to appreciate his early music and especially his vocals.
I know this was critically acclaimed when it dropped but it was not something I listened to at the time. In my opinion it just hasn't held up well 35 years later.
One of my favorite albums, certainly my favorite Carole King album. Had a very progressive music teacher in middle school/jr high who'd play this and have us sing all the songs. I appreciate here to this day. I'd struggle to name a favorite song so I'll say they're all my favorites.
Love this album. I've had it on CD for at least 25 years, maybe 30.
Great album that still stands up well today.
I'll cop to the genius of ELP. However, not having listened to this back in the day I don't have a built-in love for this album like I do for say, Brain Salad Surgery. This did not stand up to the test of time, just sounds too dated to me to burrow into my "likes".
Not a fan. I know Sterolab is a popular band, just doesn't appeal to me.
Great album. Emmylou paved the way for those that followed.
What can I say, it's the king!
Nice understated album. Suzanne Vega is not an artist that jumps to mind nor someone that I might seek out but I always find her music accessible and pleasant.
I've loved this album for such a long time. Marc Bolan's lyrics were often silly or nonsensical but he often offered up such great grooves.
Although not my preferred genre this is an absolute classic. Willie has a voice like no other.
Iconic album. Solid front to back
Sinatra is not my thing. It's me, not Frank. I appreciate his songs when they pop up but I don't own any Sinatra albums.
Love this album. Mother and Child Reunion remains a Simon favorite of mine; Me and Julio Down in the School Yard is great as well.
Good but not great in my opinion,
Love this Album, it's in my regular rotation after all these years. In my top 5 Bowie albums
Absolute gem of an album! Love this one front to back.
Direction-less noodling.
Millions love her but it's lost on me.
One of the greatest debut albums of all time.
Top 200 album for me.
Really solid album. Still in my occasional rotation.
An absolute gem.
Such a fun album.