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Another Green World

Brian Eno


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Another Green World
Album Summary

Another Green World is the third studio album by English musician Brian Eno (credited simply as "Eno"), released by Island Records in November 1975. Produced by Eno and Rhett Davies, it features contributions from a small core of musicians including Robert Fripp (guitar), Phil Collins (drums), Percy Jones (fretless bass), and Rod Melvin (piano). John Cale (of The Velvet Underground) plays viola on two tracks. The album marked a transition from the rock-based music of Eno's previous releases toward the minimalist instrumentals of his late '70s ambient work. Only five of its fourteen tracks feature vocals. Employing tactics derived from his Oblique Strategies cards for guidance, Eno utilised a variety of unconventional recording techniques and instrumental approaches, reflected in unusual instrumental credits such as "snake guitar" and "uncertain piano". The cover is a detail from After Raphael by the British artist Tom Phillips. The album’s only chart success was in New Zealand where it reached #24, even though an international body of critics praised Another Green World upon its release. Contemporary reception has been likewise positive; several publications, including Rolling Stone, NME and Pitchfork, have named the album among the greatest of the 1970s.







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Sun Apr 18 2021

A universally acknowledged masterpiece, Another Green World represents a departure from song structure and toward a more ethereal, minimalistic approach to sound. Despite the stripped-down arrangements, the album's sumptuous tone quality reflects Eno's growing virtuosity at handling the recording studio as an instrument in itself (à la Brian Wilson). There are a few pop songs scattered here and there ("St. Elmo's Fire," "I'll Come Running," "Golden Hours"), but most of the album consists of deliberately paced instrumentals that, while often closer to ambient music than pop, are both melodic and rhythmic; many, like "Sky Saw," "In Dark Trees," and "Little Fishes," are highly imagistic, like paintings done in sound that actually resemble their titles. Lyrics are infrequent, but when they do pop up, they follow the free-associative style of albums past; this time, though, the humor seems less bizarre than gently whimsical and addled, fitting perfectly into the dreamlike mood of the rest of the album. Most of Another Green World is like experiencing a soothing, dream-filled slumber while awake, and even if some of the pieces have dark or threatening qualities, the moments of unease are temporary, like a passing nightmare whose feeling lingers briefly upon waking but whose content is forgotten. Unlike some of his later, full-fledged ambient work, Eno's gift for melodicism and tight focus here keep the entirety of the album in the forefront of the listener's consciousness, making it the perfect introduction to his achievements even for those who find ambient music difficult to enjoy.

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Wed Mar 24 2021

Yeah, no. This was boring as hell. Just ... nothing much interesting at all. Even as background music, it bored me to tears. The only reason this isn't getting a single-star review is because the production is excellent. And it should be. That's truly Eno's greatest strength.

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Mon Apr 19 2021

Such an important album to me, really opened doors in terms of teaching me to appreciate new forms of electronic/ambient music. Without this I don't *get* The Talking Heads or Bowie. And on its own, it's so emotionally potent; The Big Ship and Zawinul/Lava can, under the right circumstances, make me tear up.

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Mon Nov 22 2021

BBC Two: The Album. Joking aside, Another Green World ingeniously manages to be bold and uncompromising and also pleasant and accessible. Perhaps Eno's most celebrated solo album, Another Green World is often seen as a transitional work between his first two, more overtly art-rock albums and the ambient work of his subsequent string of albums. In retrospect, Another Green World successfully marries the two mindsets, with the textured approach enhancing the melodies, rather than allowing them to drift. A curious point, made by plenty including Eno himself: Eno is not a tortured artist. His muse is not begat from struggle, indignation nor despair. Rather, his is the work of a sane, well-adjusted man who experiments because he finds it personally and creatively rewarding. In a sense, you could say his music is led by the head rather than the heart, but he does have a good head. Phil Collins drums on this.

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Fri Mar 12 2021

Whoa, Eno! Brian Eno's a legend in his own right. Not only was he a member of Roxy Music (who, based on the one album we heard, I really like), he's also the godfather of ambient music, and apparently even came up with the term "ambient music." I know of him, but I'm not sure I've listened to any of his albums. This one blends ambient music with some more traditional rock/vocal tracks; maybe he wasn't quite ready to fully commit to ambient music in 1975. Who could blame him? Regardless, there are great songs on both sides of the coin here. I really dig the integration of more traditional drums and guitars with the electronic synth-driven ambient stuff. Very smooth ride. I'm all aboard this new green world. Favorite tracks: St. Elmo's Fire, Over Fire Island, The Big Ship, Becalmed. Album art: I like this a lot. Clearly some piece of art, not sure if it's famous or not. But I like the simple shapes and colors, and I always enjoy a good frame on an album cover. Font is nice too. 4/5

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Mon Mar 13 2023

Funny to see Phil Collins included with the cool kids invited to play on this album. They recorded this just after the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour ended. Back then Phil was a cool guy to have in the Stu-Stu-Studio. The record buying public passed this off as weird and "not my style" when it was released. I also think it's weird and it's not my style. I don't think it was anyone's style when it was released. It wasn't supposed to be. It is a highly creative and well played album.

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Fri Mar 26 2021

Nice blend of songs with vocals and instrumental soundscapes. He was definitely listening to Cluster's "Zuckerzeit"

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Sat Jan 30 2021

Super weird and uniquely Eno - at his transitional stage between rock and minimalism/ambient. Great album.

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Mon Feb 08 2021

avantgarde....1975? excellent nevertheless.

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Fri Jan 29 2021

Very lovely ambient tranquil music

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Wed Jun 14 2023

it’s a singular vision but i don’t feel any heart in it

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Mon Jun 14 2021

Another Eno Album. Die Herangehensweise finde ich ja nachvollziehbar, künstlerisch kommt allerdings selten was dabei raus. Besser als das Album für Flughafentoiletten.

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Wed May 26 2021

Eno is entirely eclectic and absolutely brilliant. His use of sound is intriguing, interesting, and incredible. This album is a flowing journey that is calculated yet improvised and all things contradictory.

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Thu Jul 15 2021

A thing of nearly perfect beauty. You can hear where this fits in the span of his career- a fascinating transitional artifact

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Fri Aug 20 2021

A lovely thing, this. By turns relaxing, touching, gentle and mysterious, it also happens to contain one of my very favourite guitar solos - that's Robert Fripp of King Crimson fame providing the singular contribution in the field to 'St Elmo's Fire'.

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Wed Sep 14 2022

There's another green world. The world of snake guitars, desert guitars, choppy organs, spasmodic percussions, uncertain piano, and of course unnatural sounds. Observe those critters in the strange world. Sombre reptiles, little fishes, spirits drifting... trying to create something. A formless, directionless sound. But I'm telling you, everytime the sound gets full and complete, it's sublime. It's otherworldly, you might say.

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Sat Jul 06 2024

Thoroughly entertaining album, harmoniously combining vocal tracks with instrumental pieces. I kept playing it over and over.

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Thu Jan 28 2021

I'm a big fan of Brian Eno. Trail blazer of ambient sound

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Fri Apr 02 2021

Brian Eno! 😭 Have spent endless nights listening to Brian Eno and Harold Budd.

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Tue Apr 06 2021

Ich vermute, dieses Album schon immer durch all jene davon inspiriert geblaubte Musiker (Sandro Perri, Eric Chenaux, Electrelane, Future Islands, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, ...) quer-geliebt, jedoch zur falschen Zeit probiert zu haben. Satter Bedroom Sound, warm knarzend, verträumt pluckernd und mit ordentlichem Dada-Gestus entsteht ein Anti-Pop, der in seiner Schrägheit völlig leicht und zugänglich ist, also poppig. Verzauberte 4.6

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Wed Mar 03 2021

Me ha parecido la hostia. No tanto las canciones o la voz, sino todo lo que lo envuelve. Hay sonidos, ambientes maravillosos, todo ejecutado con una elegancia tremenda salvo algunos puntos que chirrían. Aun así, sobresaliente.

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Tue Apr 13 2021

If I could take with me only one recording Brian Eno had a hand in creating throughout his accomplished career, this would be the one. There's something entirely entrancing and transporting about this record. I feel like it represents so much more than the album itself, but a steadfast belief in the process of making music. I'm always inspired and calmed by this record. It's been too long since I've revisited it, but those days will be behind me for quite some time. Listening through this with fresh ears, I'm struck by just how influential this record may be in so many realms of music from electronic/ambient to shoegaze and even the aesthetics of some hip hop. Favourite song: I think The Big Ship takes it this time around, but if you ask me another day, my answer would be different.

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Sat Apr 03 2021

Sort of record one would toot a barb to Decadent barbiturate of an evening Bald eunuch

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Thu May 06 2021

Some crazy cool stuff here. Very strange but very nice

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Mon Sep 13 2021

I like this a lot. Reminds me of Bowie’s Low, for obvious reasons, but not quite as dark. I can definitely hear the influence on a lot of indie rock here

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Fri Nov 12 2021

We talked about this at dinner before seeing the Stones. I love this record. I own it. And I have unsuccessfully sought reproduction prints of the cover art, which is by Tom Phillips. Eno's previous two records is also great but the fretless bass factors more prominently here. The prior two records feel much more guitar and synth based. I listen to Eno's music because it's interesting to think about how the sounds I hear factor into his production efforts for bands I love like Bowie, Talking Heads, U2, etc. But at this point, the songs were actually song like. Not long after this record, they just become soundscapes. Which is also cool. But they definitely don't grab you like this one does.

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Fri Nov 26 2021

I'm thrilled by the number of Brian Eno albums I've been getting on here to review. He’s one of my favorite artists and I am fascinated with his music, no matter how often I hear it. This is undoubtedly the best album Eno created in that first group of albums he released in the 1970s, possibly his best one period. It’s really the launching point into more of a minimalist style of music for him and the beginning of his departure from rock music. I listen to it frequently and it never fails to move me. For any other artist, this album would be the masterpiece, but Eno’s just getting started here. The album is challenging in subtle ways, but absolutely accessible for those with an interest who are just getting into this kind of music. This is probably the album I would recommend for a new listener to Eno. For all of his creative dalliances over the years and tinkering with noise, there is an inherent prettiness to Eno’s approach on Another Green World. It's just simply lovely to listen to. The songs are all economical in composition, nothing over 4 minutes and the majority of them without vocals. The arrangements are quite simple and subtle, but with an incredibly rich and textured use of instruments and sounds. You can listen to them over and over and you’ll continue to notice new touches you hadn’t heard before. As usual, Eno brings together a murderer's row of talented musicians to this work, continuing his work with the brilliant Robert Fripp on guitar and Phil Collins on Drums. I absolutely love John Cale's contributions on viola. A lot of rock artists bring in strings here and there to their work, but Cale is always a next level collaborator in that regard, particularly on "Sky Saw." Cale and Fripp together on “Golden Hours” are a delight. On almost half of the songs, Eno is the only musician credited, working adeptly with a variety of instruments, from guitar and bass to synthesizer. His use of synthetic percussion on songs like “In Dark Trees” and “Sombre Reptiles” is really terrific and brings to mind future sounds utilized by Talking Heads (go check out “Listening Wind” after hearing this). His use of synthesizers in general is emotionally compelling and a pleasure to hear. Lyrically, Eno starts out with a joke in “Sky Saw,” suggesting that no one gets his lyrics anyway. But overall, when he does sing on this album, the lyrics are softer than on previous works, more poetic and more contemplative. The line I love is “I’ll come running to tie your shoes.” It's so intimate and sweet, a completely unexpected lyric from Eno. What a gem, all of it. Fave Songs (All songs from most to least favorite): Golden Hours, Everything Merges with the Night, I'll Come Running, St. Elmo's Fire, Sky Saw, Becalmed, The Big Ship, Sombre Reptiles, In Dark Trees, Another Green World, Little Fishes, Spirits Drifting, Over Fire Island, Zawinul/Lava

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Wed Dec 08 2021

I love Brian Eno, and it was good to hear this album again after a long time. He blows me away with his varied material, this was just that!

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Wed Dec 08 2021

Yummmmm Brian Eno just what I needed today, also a really old album which I haven't listened to either ever in full or in a long time. So interesting to think of this being released in the 70s and how it would have been received. Right now I'm receiving it extremely well, exciting unique sounds and innovative creation methods for its day. Well done Brian, 5 stars!

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Thu Feb 03 2022

FIVE STARS An all-time classic. As is usually the case with those five-stars albums, I won't write a full-blown review about this particular record, because others have already written wonderful stuff about it and there's not much I can add that I feel could be relevant and interesting. It's just a gem. Go and listen to it a.s.a.p. [Number of albums left to review or just listen to: 981 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 9 (including this one) Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 6 Albums from the list I will certainly *not* include in mine (as I think many others are more important): 4 Albums I might not be able to judge (some might end up on my final list if they're culturally important): 1]

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Fri Feb 11 2022

The ribbon of melancholy that runs through this is quite addictive.

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Fri Feb 11 2022

One of music's great injustices is that Eno is best known for his work on other people's albums. This is at least as good as the Bowie Berlin albums that came in the next couple of years get all the column inches, and probably better. It's more coherent as an overall collection of songs and a lot denser sounding and textured, more polished, and I say that as a massive massive Bowie fan. Admittedly, he doesn't have the greatest voice but maybe if Eno had had better hair, it could have all been different.

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Mon Feb 14 2022

This is one of my favorite albums of all time. It's a solid Eno album from start to finish with lots of guest stars like Robert Fripp, John Cale, Phil Collins, Percy Jones, et al. Simple rhythms and rhymes set to infectious instrumentals.

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Sun Apr 24 2022

Literally got this album generated today while sitting in bed- with my giant “Another Green World” poster hanging on the wall right next to me. Yeah this albums amazing, long live Brian Eno and his experiments with textures in sound. Easy 5 Stars

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Mon May 23 2022

Feels like everything Eno touches for me is an absolute fucking banger. Loved this one.

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Wed Jun 22 2022

Lovely. An example of Eno's genius that still sounds fresh.

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Wed Jul 20 2022

Always loved this. Experimental and accessible. Half way between his rock and ambient phase. Fripps guitar is astonishing. Brilliant. 5

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Sun Aug 07 2022

As perfect as an album could get in my eyes without (good) vocals. Every track is just pure genius, reminding of so many of my favorite artists (Joy Division, PJ Harvey) if they were even more attentive to each note of music. You could hear pop structures if you actually compare it to real works, such as "Golden Hours" with Q Lazzarus "Goodbye Horses." This is the definition of art rock, like walking through an art exhibition. Each song paints a different environment and places you in a unique setting, and yet each one is peaceful or at the very least introspective if you're the anxious "In Dark Trees." You're never overwhelmed or carried by intense emotions, though songs do get fairly close with their beauty. This is achieved by Eno's careful use of space and minimal instrumentation, serving as a forerunner toward his ambient work. It feels like a rollercoaster you can barely handle as long as you don't close your eyes. For the novel listeners, there are a few pop songs dispersed to help audiences become familiar with his style and approach. With perfect track transitions, it only takes a few listens to appreciate at least most of the tracks. One of my favorite things about this album is that 7 of the first 9 tracks don't even run longer than about 3 minutes, and those other 2 tracks are the opener (excusable as we use it to gauge the album) and the catchiest track "I'll Come Running", so audiences wouldn't mind those. What we get instead is a slideshow of Eno's different ideas before we reach his more intricate, refined works near the end, starting with the masterpiece "Golden Hours." Favorites: St Elmo's Fire, The Big Ship, Another Green World, Little Fishes, Golden Hours, Zawinul Lava, Spirits Drifting

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Mon Sep 12 2022

This album represents a transition period in Brian Eno’s career at the crossroads between his earlier rock music and later ambient and experimental music. The result is one of the most important and influentials albums of the 1970s. This album uses quite a bit of repeating patterns and slowly builds on that. The use of electronic sounds is never intrusive and does not take date the album. The result is something that is absurdly beautiful and groundbreaking. I loved every second of it.

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Thu Sep 29 2022

I listened to this album recently and it is damn near perfect. One of my favorite Eno projects ever.

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Wed Oct 05 2022

Micidiale, bello. sonorità anni 70 rock (pink floyd) e pop odierno (pur essendo '75!)

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Wed Oct 05 2022

I love Brian Eno and this is a brilliant record. Its bold and so packed with interesting ideas it can barely contain them all. You could accuse it of maybe jumping around a bit too much but I think that's part of what give it its charm. This is Brian Eno taking his influences and inventing modern ambient music before your very ears. My two standout tracks are The Big ship, an incredible though provoking swell of sawtooth synths and galloping drums. The Big Ship also contains some guitar work which is shockingly prescient of what would become post rock decades later. Second is Becalmed which would have sounded equally at home on his later Ambient works or indeed an underworld album from the 90's. Not my ultimate favourite Eno work but to say that on about an album which is this incredibly shows you how brilliant Eno's career is.

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Thu Nov 10 2022

Clear influence on some of my favorite electronic/instrumental stuff: RATTATAT and Postal Service, etc.

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Fri Nov 18 2022

5.0 + This album retains Eno's abstruse sensibilities but with pop flourishes to make it probably the best entry point into his incredible catalog. Every song is a beautifully conceived composition such that it's hard to pinpoint any standouts. But my pulse always quickens when I hear the atmospheric dirge of "In Dark Trees" and the sweet chorus of "I'll Come Running" followed by the strange guitar/synth solo. Such an immersive and layered listen filled with ear candy.

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Wed Dec 14 2022

Замечательная минималистичная электронщина, в которую идеально время от времени вживляются живые инструменты. Брайан Ино действительно опередил время с этим альбомом, ведь он предугадал звук почти что каждой второй инди-бедрум-поп группы нашего времени аж за 50 лет до появления таких групп. Хоть и начинается это произведение довольно бодро, большая его часть спокойная и умиротворённая. Меланхоличные тексты идеально переплетаются с ненавязчивыми мотивами и спокойными мелодиями, голос Брайана максимально расслаблен, что только сильнее подчёркивает по-простому добрую атмосферу этого альбома. Музыкальный эквивалент чашки зелёного чая. (9)

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Wed Dec 28 2022

Kind of amazing, actually. Timeless. Will add to my library.

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Fri Feb 10 2023

Such diverse sound! Such interesting synth and back in the 70's! Amazing! Five stars.

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Thu Feb 23 2023

I love Brian Eno so much. I listen to his stuff all the time on my own and I appreciate his acerbic point of view. It's groovy, interesting, well-recorded, and always seems to have a purpose. He makes art with sound and I've always appreciated that. He's not trying to write a hit, he's not writing an anthem, he's not writing something for radio, he's not writing music to listen to while you do other things. Sometimes he's not even trying to write a song. He's writing music for the same reason painters paint and sculptors sculpt and writers write; because he has something to say and art is the way he chooses to put those ideas into the world. I love Eno b/c what he has to say is always different than what anyone else has to say and it's always relevant to me and my experience in the world. This album is wonderful and weird and interesting and unlike just about anything else anyone had ever made to this point. It's singular to Eno in the early/mid 70's. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm totally into Eno's brew.

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Thu Mar 02 2023

Oh yeah, lovely! Part ambient, part art rock, all my kinda thing. Fave tracks - The opening run of "Sky Saw" -> "St. Elmo's Fire" -> "The Big Ship" with their ambient interludes is fantastic! Also "Becalmed" into "Zawinul/Lava" is properly dreamy...

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Mon Mar 13 2023

Eno has released many excellent records but I think this one is my favourite. It spans his more aggressive rock side eg the manic frenzy of Baby’s on Fire or Third uncle and his somnolent ambient masterpieces, eg Music for Airports. Don’t mistake the quieter songs for being simple, he packs incredible beauty in those simple sparse notes. For some reason Spotify didn’t play any other music when the album was a finished but just kept repeating it and before I knew it, I had listened to it three times. It never got boring and was the perfect background to a languid Sunday morning. I’ve always loved St Elmo’s fire, but I was reminded how great the Big Ship and Golden Hours are. This is simply a masterpiece.

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Thu Mar 16 2023

Very enjoyable album. The vocals were surprising to me, for someone known for ambient soundscapes, but a lot of these songs are quite catchy and have a strong emotional component. I listened to it twice through and I'll be listening again for sure.

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Thu Mar 23 2023

This is a very interesting and pretty unique record, especially for 1975. It certainly sounds more recent than a nearly 50 year old album, that's for sure. All quite ambient and tranquil, occasionally getting a bit weird but never too much so. I'm really starting to love a lot of these old synth-laden pop and rock albums. Favourite: St. Elmo's Fire

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Thu Mar 30 2023

Some shitty stuff, some interesting stuff 3 Ok dis good Ok finally some good Brian Eno stuff. This is awesome I am not sure what to think of this one. So I'll give it a 5

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Thu Apr 27 2023

Classic. This album really hits the high notes of Eno's earlier more rock-based stuff, while still integrating plenty of the more ambitious electronic/ambient material that I'm particularly fond of.

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Wed May 03 2023

An excellent art pop, experimental album, which was way ahead of its time when it was released in the mid-1970s. It is between Eno's previously rock oriented music, and the ambient music he later made in the end of the 1970s, some of the songs already are very ambient-like. An excellent album. It's 4.5-4.75 for me but since it is so influental I'm giving it a 5.

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Sun May 28 2023

Yesss, Brian Eno, go OFF! Love this album so much. It’s the perfect mix of minimal ambient tracks and beautiful subtle melodies. He just knows how it’s done.

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Mon May 29 2023

I adore Brian Eno. This albumb is drifting, beautiful and weird.

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Wed May 31 2023

Fantastic from start to finish.

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Sun Jun 04 2023

I can’t be objective about this album. It’s one of my all time favorites. I love the dreamlike feel of it and I find new things in it every time I listen.

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Wed Jun 21 2023

The experimentalism of this one was groundbreaking, and the music is great. Both the ambient songs and songs with vocals stand out, and they combine for a unique listening experience. I loved it, and it’s probably even better than Before And After Science, my other record from him.

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Thu Jun 22 2023

A monumental classic. After listening to this I went and listened to Brian Eno for like 3 more hours (Whoops!) My man has released like 4+ hours of music in 2023 alone. Hardest working minimalist out there.

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Thu Aug 10 2023

Why had I not listened to this before?

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Fri Aug 18 2023

Oh god I adore this album. Has to be my favourite Eno record I think, and so one of my favourite albums of all time. I have so much of it scattered across various playlists, as tracks stand so well on their own - however their true power is when listened to of a piece. I love it. There's some kinda angular music on here but I just find it all so beautiful and comforting. As well as the obviously beautiful and comfortable ambient tracks. Sky saw works so well, whatever instrument making that noise is, that's a saw. Fripp's work throughout this is outstanding. St Elmo's Fire and I'll come running are lovely. But the instrumentals kick me in the face, they are so perfect. The Big Ship, one of the most gorgeous things I've ever heard. The title track, and Becalmed, similar. Zawinul/Lava is low key magnificent. I didn't think I could listen to it today as my Mrs is having a major op today, but this is a uniquely calming record and so it's perhaps for best it came out today. After a long and stressful day, and finding out she was ok for the night, I came home and put this on again. At first I only had one speaker working, and everything sounded wrong. Some would take that as a negative, but for me it is excellent. this is such a headphones album I guess, and when focused on, the sound positively dances around between your ears and it is just magical. Got to say, Another Green World is basically the perfect album for the day I've just had.

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Sun Aug 27 2023

This album got me into ambient. Now to me this isn’t ambient anymore. Still love the album.

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Fri Sep 08 2023

One of my favorites from Eno. Expérimental, yet very accessible. I just love this.

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Mon Oct 02 2023

An album that enters, makes a statement and then leaves quietly out of the backdoor…

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Mon Oct 02 2023

I love this one, its so comforting

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Tue Oct 10 2023

Great Ambient. I think Eno just really knows how to lock in a soundscape tightly.

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Tue Oct 10 2023

This topped Before and After Science easily, and I flipping loved that one. This was so good, so experimental but so well done and easy to take in on every factor.

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Sun Oct 15 2023

Love the opening track. St. Elmo's Fire and I'll come Running have amazing guitar playing from Robert Fripp. The title track was the theme for Arena! For me, this was the perfect balance of ambient and actual songs - will go into my rotation.

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Fri Nov 17 2023

Oeh toffe album cover! Wow hele gave beetje ambient muziek 😍 Sommige nummers ook wel een beetje vaag en experimenteel (zoals little fishes) maar vind het wel leuk om naar te luisteren Ja dit album wil ik (al is het alleen al om de cover), would buy!!

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Fri Nov 24 2023

Ah, what a fantastic album. Love the ambient bits, love how dark and solitary it feels some of the times. Love the lyrics on it and the use of guitars. The first two songs do feel a bit out of place with their use of bass and drums and guitar. They feel more rock oriented but then the albums moved a bit into the ambient electronic path and progressively gets nostalgic and blue. I love it. It’s a strong 4 to a light 5 for me.

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Sun Nov 26 2023

Wow this is easily the best album of the ones I haven't heard before yet. I've loved a lot of the people he's worked with. But never tried his solo stuff before. Easy 5 stars.

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Thu Dec 14 2023

I am a very big Eno fan, from his work with Roxy Music to his latest ambient albums. Another Green World is a transitionary album, but it doesn't miss on either side of the fence, between more standard rock song structures to film score-esque interludes.

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Wed Dec 20 2023

I've regretted giving Here Come the Warm Jets a 4 initially for a while now, and while it is at a 4.5 now, it sitting on my 1001 Album profile in the 4 category hurts my soul. Luckily, this album comes in clutch to at least make me look like I have some intelligence. This album is gorgeous, with so many moments where just sitting back and letting the music swallow you will do wonders. I mean, this is 1975, yet it sounds light years ahead of even now. I can picture a whole film from the very music that pours from this album, and still enjoy it on an average drive to and from work. Those moments of contemplation from the instrumental tracks make the vocal tracks even more gorgeous, with Eno still showing he can write a banger of a pop diddy. I could see why one would find this boring if you were expecting something more exciting, but I urge you to let this record play whilst you are laying in bed in the dark, and let everything wash over you. You don't need drugs to feel transcendent, you need In Dark Trees and The Big Ship.

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Thu Dec 21 2023

Prime example of an album being ahead of its time Love the contributions from Fripp and Cale too Favourite tracks: Over Fire Island, St. Elmo’s Fire, The Big Ship, I’ll Come Running, Another Green World, Golden Hours

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Wed Dec 27 2023

"Another Green World" is the third solo studio album by English musician, composer and producer Brian Eno. It marked a transition from his first two rock- based albums towards minimalist instrumentals of his late 70's ambient work. Only five of the fourteen songs have vocals. Eno used unconventional recording techniques and instrumental approaches. As with his previous albums, he employed a core of musicians including Robert Fripp (guitar), Phil Collins (drums), Percy Jones (fretless bass), Rod Melvin (piano) and John Cale (viola). Commercially, the album didn't do much but had and continues to have wide-spread critical acclaim. "Sky Saw" opens the album with bass, keyboards, drums and guitar slashes. This is very mechanical sounding and moves like a machine. The guitar then changes and sounds like his famous "snake" guitar. Layered vocals come in midway through. Piano and what sounds like a xylophone and gong open open "St. Elmo's Fire." We get that classic, spacey Fripp guitar. He's walking through St. Elmo's fire splitting ions into the ether. "I'll Come Running" is the most pop-sounding song on the album. Piano, bass, drums and percussion that sounds Caribbean. Another great Fripp guitar solo. One of my favorite Eno songs. He will come running to tie your shoes. "Golden Hours has keyboards, guitars, Cale's viola and "spasmodic" nervous sounding percussion. Layered vocals. "Be Calmed" has just a piano and dramatic background keyboards. An instrumental. Simple and beautiful. Eno uses that magnificent long, feedback guitar sound as he did in "Here Come The Warm Jets" in "Everything Merges with Night." A bass and that guitar sound. That is all that is needed. This is a compelling listen. The mix of songs is perfect. Top notch musicianship and creative use of instruments. Dramatic, ambient, simple at times. Each song could be listened to on their own but works within the album flow. Maybe, my favorite Eno. A must hear.

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Thu Jan 04 2024

Loved it a lot! Made me lissten to a lot more of his stuff which I also enjoyed.

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Sat Jan 06 2024

9/10 not Brian Eno’s strongest project, but still some damn enjoyable prog-rock

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Sat Jan 06 2024

album two sky saw: 4/5 over fire island: 3/5 st. elmo’s fire: 5/5 in dark trees: 3.5/5 the big ship: 4/5 i’ll come running: 5/5 another green world: 3/5 sombre reptiles: 4/5 little fishes: 3/5 golden hours: 4.5/5 becalmed: 3/5 zawinul/lava: 3/5 everything merges with the night: 4/5 spirits drifting: 3.5/5 i enjoyed this album way more than i thought it would. usually an album that includes a majority of instrumental songs would bore me, but that wasn’t the case here i think it works best to listen to the complete body of work rather than just listening to the individual songs (that’s why my ranking is so high compared to the song rankings)

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Wed Jan 10 2024

This one! I often see it on lists as inspiration and top of genres I like, but never really committed to listening to it! Definitely up there with A Wizard, a True Star, but more ambient. You can see where Eno's going. The Big Ship is basically pre-post rock. This inspired so many of my favorite albums.

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Wed Jan 24 2024

I really enjoy this style of music. It is very easy to listen to.

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Thu Feb 01 2024

Oh man I’m a really big FAN! It’s no Here Come the Warm Jets, Taking Tiger MTN or Before or after Science but it’s really super fantastic regardless IMHO! 11/10 all day ENO ILU

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Fri Feb 09 2024

This record is great - Pre-Ambient & Pre-New Wave at the same time --- terrific!

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Sun Feb 11 2024

This is one of those auto five rating albums for me. It's an album I've loved for a long time, and I think anyone that appreciates interesting instrumentation and intelligent songwriting can enjoy it.

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Fri Feb 16 2024

Oh Eno! Definitive. Perfection. Mastery. A master artist of a genre, creating perfect musical instrumental impressionist topography akin to feelings of meditation or guided astral travel. He produces the highest quality music of this style I have ever had the pleasure of trying. I have searched a lot too. While this album might have been seminal for being so new (it was the 70s!), it is terribly flawed and jarring, compared to his best works. It's neither a vocal album nor a pure instrumental, a real pity and early mistake in production. Start elsewhere. Go straight to "Ambient 1: Music For Airports" or his other great album “Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks” . I didn't realise it was all so old though It still feels so current. I find a rare comfort in it, almost incomparable to anything around. Maybe the band AIR comes close. And Vangelis and JM Jarre are different too. Hans Zimmer has been maturing and broadening too. I love the architectural solidity and range in Eno's work. He creates a soundscape that feels bounded yet enormous, like an empty airport – enormous, safe, liminal space. This album is only a taster. The sensibility of a progressive intelligent trance composer is forming but yet to be perfected. If you liked closing your eyes and floating to some of this, go to his Ambient 1. Happy lucid dreaming and Happy Landings.

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Wed Feb 28 2024

At first, I thought I wasn't going to like this album. It has a very strange sound, and it doesn't ease you into it. As the album progresses it sucks you in, and by the end of it, I was feeling emotional. A unique album that I am very glad was on this list, as I doubt I would have come across otherwise. Definitely one of my favourites so far.

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Fri Mar 01 2024

Just an amazing record. Quite want to buy it myself! The poppier songs and ambient music are an amazing blend. Sky Jaw is a great opener and sets the tone perfectly. I love ambient, and the final trio of ambient tracks are an amazing bunch and it showcases most this album’s strengths well. It’s an atmospheric and ethereal ear massage like every song on this album. Spirits Drifting is an excellent farewell that feels heartfelt and personal. The amazing production is all throughout staple of Brian Eno, and that applies here as well. The lyricism is simplistic but amazing as well. I just love everything about this. The shorter tracks, the longer tracks, it’s all amazing! Easy 5 stars.

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Mon Apr 01 2024

This list introduced me to Brian Eno and I’ve become a fan of basically everything he put his hands on…even that David Bowie album. This is my first time hearing his solo work, which I’d been looking forward to quite a bit. I can’t believe I’m giving three albums in a row 5 stars but fuck it, I really enjoyed this.

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Mon Apr 01 2024

5/5. A unique and experimental album from an artist who is not afraid to expand his horizons. The transition from quirky rock to ambient instrumentals finds this album at the perfect transition stage, combining the best parts of both. Each song is a pleasure for the ears, creating imaginative worlds in less than 3 minutes each. It's a new experience at first but is a sensational listen. Best Song: Sky Saw, Big Ship, Becalmed

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