BeckBeck has been getting crazy with the Cheez whiz for as long as I can remember
Beck has been getting crazy with the Cheez whiz for as long as I can remember
There's a lot of character to these tracks, pleasantly surprised I didn't hate my time with this album.
This sucks it's boring
Just wish this was mixed a bit better because musically it's fantastic
Why do people like Bowie he's pretty mid 3 stars
This sucks it's boring
3.5 star album that gets an extra half star because the name of the album makes me giggle
Some really great musical ideas here but I can't get over the singing
I feel like I would have fucked with this if I was alive in the 60s but it's just kinda boring to me now.
Grindcore not really my thing. Actually hard to rate this
I think it's cool this exists but its not something I'd go for beyond the list, except rock lobster is great.
How come no one in this guys life suggested he should try actually singing his lyrics
Fuck let me give half stars, this is 3.5
Again a half star would be ideal because I don't think this is a 5 star album. Hm maybe it is ok ya it is
I remember really fucking with this in the 90s. Again, would love to give this an extra half star but fuck me I guess?
Nothing here super magical just serviceable chill music from the 70s
Who is this for stop wasting my time
Fucking goaaaated omg
Pretty mid!
Damn just saw Nas in concert not long ago. He monkey flipped me with the rhythm
This is pretty novel for the fact there's a bunch of rapists and murderers hollering in the background
Pretty great album cover but fuck me boys 40 songs? Nah.
In an ocean of noise I still remember this vividly almost 2 decades later
Only 2 songs what is this a Godspeed you black Emperor album?
For me, one of the most impactful pieces of art I've experienced. 36 stars for the wu
Becks follow up to Mellow Gold imo not as great but still great, you know. Actually I think it's better nevermind. Is Guero better than this do I have to listen to Guero again?
Such a strong opening to the album, reminds me of a lost love though.
Never really enjoyed British rappers and Little Simz is no exception, I'm afraid.
Nina's incredible but I don't think this is one of her better records, despite Lilac Wine.
Not even on Spotify at the moment, hard to find and I couldn't fuck with the singer's voice. British music has been taking a big L on this app the last week.
I just don't get Bowie
This has some insanely huge pop hits. I remember Psych 1001 at YorkU with Vic H listening to some of these songs before lecture started and I kinda miss Vic H, she was an incredible friend :'(
I dunno it looks like there was sufficient effort put into the song writing and instrumentation, I don't hate the singer, it's that's early 2000s indie that I should be eating up, just find it a bit boring.
Lorde's sophomore effort didn't reach the heights of Pure Heroine for me but I have a lot of love for this album since it came out while I was living abroad, listening to more music than I ever have before or since. Whenever I hear Green Light I am instantly transported back to an Uber in Bordeaux.
I've never done a deep dive on the Pogues before this, no idea there was Celtic Punk as a genre
I thought I would hate this because I just kinda dislike Bruce Springsteen and the americana he embodies, but it's not terrible. Not great either.
Pretty timeless tracks on this album, some didn't age super well (lookin at you, Mother) but overall pretty great.
This shit slaaaaps. That guitar tone on Money For Nothing is so satisfying to listen to.
Oh shit it's the singer from the Knife. That's cool. Bit too atmospheric for me, feels like the songs never really get going but it's not unpleasant to listen to by any means.
It's like The Cure meets Radiohead but I guess that could be said for a lot of the Britpop acts coming out of the 90s. Overall it's fine but no surprise I've never heard of them.
Aside from the vocal talent on display across the whole album, I love this album dearly because Lover You Should've Come Over will remain my heartbreak anthem forever, even makes me want to have my heart broken so I can feel how he felt singing.
Sort of a timeless sound, tracks like The Big Apple are great late night driving tracks.
Not their best, that's for sure
Oh that's the song that's in like every movie from the late 90s and early 00s. Otherwise it's not bad.
This shits almost 50 years old lol wow. Steve Tyler sounds so young but obviously a couple of these tracks at least have become iconic. The title track is the best of the non iconic hits. Feel like I'm watching a Richard Linklater movie.
Cathy's Clown is a bop!
I was ready to give this 1 star based on the album cover alone but turns out this is pretty fun spanish music for all occasions!
Some of these tracks are cool as hell
That's not so good, Al.
Tbh I've never listened to much Janis, didn't realize she was so bluesy. That being said, nothing here has connected with me. It's solid, musically, but her voice is probably one of those love it or hate it things and I'm in the latter category, sorry love.
Nothing here to make it stand out.
I knew after getting a few great albums in a row I would pay the price with a bunch of bad albums in a row and here we are.
Somehow Dolly can make me enjoy this kinda stuff.
It feels like I'm listening to a personality disorder
Is this an LP or just an EP, too short, gimme more Rush!
Fuckin goated.
There's a lot of character to these tracks, pleasantly surprised I didn't hate my time with this album.
Wait the sixpence version was a cover?!?! Regardless give me more Gilmore Girls music.
I had no idea ska was this old!
Nusrat was Jeff Buckley's Elvis.
At the time, British electronic music had so much more to offer, I'm not surprised I've never heard of these blokes. This feels unfinished.
Was just talking to my buddy the other day that the opening to Hell's Bells is up there as one of the best openings to a rock song/album. This album fuckin rocks, I'd even argue it helped define what it means to rock. Brian Johnson's first AC/DC album I think.
Woof this did not age well. Don't Tell Me is still cool, but Music which was the lead single is awful. Didn't love it back in 2000 and definitely like it less now. And that American Pie cover sucks, but then again, nothing could ever come close to Weird Al's version.
One of my lesser favourite Beatles records but it's still a great LP
Weird this was being posted on Reddit yesterday and now it's my AotD.
Beck has been getting crazy with the Cheez whiz for as long as I can remember
I understand The Byrds underwent a number of lineup changes, but this is not one of my favourite iterations of this British band.
Competent but I didn't enjoy it much
This is on the required reading list for my life growing up. Understand the importance of it, how it influenced the music that came after etc, just not a huge fan of it.
This is pretty wavy but with more parts I didn't enjoy than parts I did.
Not for me
It's not good but is it weird to say that I'm really glad it exists?
Title track is enjoyable. Spotify calls this post-punk but definitely doesn't feel like that to me.
In Every Dream Home A Heartache is a fuckin bop! These British 70s bands are a dime a dozen on this site but these guys manage to put together a couple nice tracks on this short offering.
Awful title aside this album somehow escaped my sphere but it's exactly what I would have listened to in the late 90s, early 00s.