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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.


Napalm Death


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Album Summary

Scum is the debut studio album by English grindcore band Napalm Death, released on 1 July 1987 by Earache Records. The two sides of the record were recorded by two different lineups in sessions separated by about a year; the only musician in both incarnations was drummer Mick Harris. The two sides are very different, and the two taken together serve to bridge stylistic elements of heavy metal and punk rock. While the songs on the A-side are influenced heavily by hardcore punk and anarcho-punk, the vocals and lower-tuned electric guitars on the B-side anticipate subsequent developments in extreme metal. Loudwire put it in the list of the best 10 metal albums of 1987. Scum sold over 10,000 copies in its first year of release, reaching number eight on the UK Indie chart. Since then, it has become known as a formative release in the grindcore genre. In 2005, Scum was voted the 50th best British album of all time by Kerrang! readers, and in 2009, it was ranked number five in Terrorizer's list of essential European grindcore albums; it is also listed in Robert Dimery's book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.







  • Metal


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Mar 03 2021
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Brings back vivid memories of when me and my mate Ray went on a trip to Dresden. We met this rotund goth in a bar, head to toe with tattoos and piercings, real filth and after a while took her into the disabled bogs for a spit roast. We were both pumping away in her with Napalm Death on in the background and her wailing "MEIN GOTT" at the top of her lungs. I remember spaffing all over her back just as Siege of Power kicked in. As i shoot over her, she takes Ray's cock out of her gob and says "do you want fries with that?" in a faux American accent. Anyway, we go outside and there's this gammy little geezer in a wheelchair sitting there furious, giving me daggers, because he's had to wait so long, so I lean into him and I go "I hope you have as much fun in there as we just did you little cunt".

Dec 08 2021
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The only enjoyment I got from this was reading the review about the brothers in Dresden and their lovely and talented tattooed friend.

Mar 03 2021
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The sound of a flight of stairs falling down a flight of stairs, in a good way.

Jun 14 2024
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Reminds me of the time I got stuck in the back of a bar in Dresden in my wheelchair waiting on the accessible loo while a couple drunk lads were banging away on a horrid young lass while this shit raged on in the bar. Don’t think they even realized she was a tranny, the drunk buggers.

Jun 25 2021
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At the time of writing this, Scum by Napalm Death is the lowest-rated album on this website. Which makes sense, in a way, because Grindcore is inherently inaccessible. The genre goes out of it's way to be heavier, faster, and more brutal than hardcore punk in every way, and Napalm Death is the exemplification of this. Yet, the production is so purposeful in what I hear. Riffs are distinguishable and blast beats keep time while the singer roars lyrics of anger and nihilism. It sounds heavy and loud without being messy. Maybe a little messy for stylistic purposes, but overall it's actually pretty good! Even fans of power metal should have a good grasp of this album. Songs are a lot shorter here so nothing overstays its welcome. You get some heavy riffage, maybe a verse-chorus, and then you're on to the next song. It plays pretty well. I'll discuss the weaker aspects of the album now. One of the downsides of the shorter songs is that they tend to come and go with little lasting power. You'd be hard pressed to match a song to a riff that you remember, so repeat listens are kind of needed for full absorption. Vocal also lose a little impact as their mostly unintelligible. They contribute more to vibes than anything. This album also features the renowned "shortest song on record" with "You Suffer" clocking in at 4 seconds. It's pretty good; blink and you'll miss it! It's worth noting that After "You Suffer", you get to side b of the album which actually has a differwent lineup. With the except of drummer Mick Harris, you get a whole new band on the back half. With this comes a whole new sound, leaning into a more guttural tone than the edgy tone of the first half. Either way you cut it, you need to be a certain kind of person to like Napalm Death, and I liked em! I'm going to point to the metalheads and ask those who didn't like it to try again. I think it's worthy of a spot of the list! God bless.

Jan 17 2021
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I’m a metal head and this is one of the worst things I’ve ever listened to.

Dec 26 2021
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I saw napalm death live once at a festival and pissed myself laughing the whole time. They even heckled bands playing on the other stages haha. Scum might be noisy shit but Christ it's preferable to yet another Beatles/beach boys/the who album. Just a shame the dickhead compiling this list chose their worst album instead of one of their sweet early 90s death metal ones. Come to think of it, there's no death metal on this list at all really. 5/5 because fuck the system or something.

Apr 02 2021
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Brutal as fuck, and bold as hell. Brings to mind the sound effect for a car engine of a PS2 racing game revving mixed with a barking street dog. In a good way.

Mar 03 2022
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Never judge a book by its cover unless that book is titled Scum by Napalm Death. Fuck.

Nov 29 2021
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There is nothing positive I can say about this. It's terrible. Is there anyone on this earth that says to themselves "Boy I'm gonna put on some Napalm Death and get some shit done. Caught in a dream is my jam!" These dudes grew up without a mom. Man thank goodness for the expletive tag. I mean you can't hear shit anyway

Jun 20 2021
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Pretty damn fun to listen to, but probably never again for me. I do really enjoy hearing these "proto-" and influential records of genres I'm unfamiliar that this list is littered with. This is one of the main reasons I'm here. Even if I'm giving it a lower rating, I'm still glad I heard this than yet another standard sounding 60's pop album this list is chock full of.

Mar 03 2021
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What a bunch of cowardly pussies these lads are. Trying to act all tough, but we know you just crave your mother's loving teet.

Apr 14 2022
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It's cool, you know, if you like music bereft of melodies. I'm tempted to give them a 2nd star for keeping most of the songs under 2 mins. They're tight, no doubt about that. But, tight, does not music make. Every single vocal note is the exact same (regardless of key) and that gets straight up fucking monotonous. My guess is, if you asked them every song would be in the key of \"drop D\", but I'm not listening to it again just to figure that out. I wonder if putting the lyrics in the sleeve was ironic or not. Two chimps arguing over a baby and a cat would have an equally well thought out melody. The lyrics could quite possibly be the most poetic thing I've ever heard, but I'll never know cause you can't understand word one. Hilariously, they list backing vocals for this! In fact they list two for backing vocals! Does that mean there there are hidden three part harmonies? I think the best part of this band is that they are so bad that there are no original members. Not even the band members can stand to listen to it for long. This was just hard to listen to, but I did it. Felt like what I imagine a napalm death feels like. I'm sure that was the point. Not to create music, but to bludgeon the senses. I'd've much rather just listened to the music and throw the singer out with the bathwater.

Jul 02 2021
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Its early grindcore! I think its pretty alright 4 songs in. I wouldn't want to be at the show, but the album is a great showcase of the emergence of grindcore. I think a lot of people bitch and moan about how you cant hear what they are saying on most of the album but no one talks about how it makes them feel. Thats grindcore, an explosion of rage. Seige Of Power is a great track. Huge sonic difference A side and B side. A side is like a mad max car, B side is a lawnmower covered in underwater chainsaws. Dragnet is a good closer.

May 31 2021
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Any band that opens an album with a song called Multinational Corporations can't be all bad. Unfortunately, the entirety of the song is just a squall of admittedly fun noise. The next few songs let us know what we're in for. Napalm Death is all about Black Sabbath inspired metal riffing blanketed in distortion accompanied by unintelligible growling, often played weally weally fwast. Now, some of the riffing is actually pretty cool, but I would enjoy it a lot more if I understood the lyrics. As it is, the vocals are nothing more than pure aggression and rage, and I don't find that very interesting. The songs are very short, which is a good thing for this sort of speed metal. It's kind of a shame. There's unrealized potential here. If the songs were just a little bit better, with less incoherent thrashing, and the vocals were a little more like Husker Du (screaming, but intelligible), Napalm Death would be a blast. As it is, I can't recommend this.

Apr 08 2022
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It takes an enormous amount of work, dedication, talent and drive to sound this utterly awful. I know it's meant to be a big loud noise, and people pour over the quality of certain guitar riffs/drumming pacing/bass scales, but I just don't care about any of it, because it's painful to listen to. Pretentious shit.

Oct 03 2021
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Ok, so grindcore. Either you hate it, or you're at least a little damaged yourself. But there's a lot to appreciate here. I hate the vocals of this style, but otherwise it's clearly so influential. Musicians very skilled and precise. Anyway, glad I listened but I will not return to anything longer than the track "You Suffer."

Sep 01 2021
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scum, /skəm/, noun. a layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid. This album would more appropriately be included in a book of “1,001 Albums You Should Die Before You Listen To”. Why listen to heavy metal or hardcore punk when you can listen to grindcore, which combines the worst excesses of both genres? Guttural, Cookie Monster vocals? Check. Musicians that sound like they barely know how to play their instruments? Check. Jackhammer like drumming? Check. This is like if the Minutemen couldn’t play their instruments and grew up on Motörhead and Venom instead of CCR, Steely Dan and Van Halen. It’s barely over half an hour long but it feels double or triple that length because just about every song follows the same pattern: start out promisingly before devolving into the aforementioned jackhammer like drumming and Cookie Monster vocals. If this does anything effectively, it’s sound exactly like it’s album title would lead you to believe!

May 19 2021
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Hard nope. Could not finish this listen. Call it bad mastering, call it lack of melody, call it what you will. It’s all cymbals and drum noise covering up someone wailing on a guitar and screaming. This is not music. It’s noise.

Aug 02 2024
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Y'all don't know. This is why we're here. Get uncomfortable.

Oct 17 2021
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Mental and a hell of a lot of fun. I laughed at the vocals while wanting to punch people in the throat. Absolutely class.

May 06 2022
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Atrocious. That this is considered a classic of any kind blows my mind. Angry, venomous messy noise.

Feb 14 2021
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Erm... Worst album so far by a fair few acres 1*

Dec 10 2021
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Quite possibly the longest 33 minutes of my life. The only way I could get through this was to try to read the lyrics along with the incomprehensible grunts and howls of their vocalist, an exercise that had me in tears of laughter.

Dec 08 2021
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It's easy to see how this gets the lowest listener rating on 1001. It's hard to imagine anything worse.

Aug 22 2021
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Decent enough guitar work ruined by someone who fundamentally doesn't understand what drums are and the guttural screams of someone with bad heartburn over top of it.

Jun 02 2021
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Ever wanted to know what a metal band would sound like if fronted by an angry dog that knows a little English? This is it. But it's not as cute as it sounds. Very raw album. Not for me.

May 12 2021
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Wondering when I’d get this. Lives up to its worst rating. Holy bad.

Dec 19 2022
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Did I enjoy this album? No. Do I think it's good? Also no, but I'm not a huge metalhead so I lack a framework to judge it super well. 5/5 rating though. Purely because this is definitely *someone's* jam and this is absolutely nowhere near the 3rd worst album out of all 1001, y'all are just mean, and if I can correct the numbers a little bit by fudging a rating a little then that's what I'll do.

Sep 30 2021
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This is the first band's album and the first grindcore album at all. It was released in 1987 by Earache Records. According to the Guinness World Records, their song "You Suffer" is the shortest song ever recorded, at only 1.316 seconds long. The band espouse anarchism, humanism, socialism and animal rights.

Jan 28 2025
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Groundbreaking record with some good bangers. One point deducted because I caught syphilis at one of their concerts in East Germany.

Feb 04 2022
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Since I know that this album is the "worst" on the list according to the users, I was expecting something really bad, but I didn't find it. It's a strange experience? Sure, but it's not bad, it's just different. I'll give it 4 stars not because I really liked it (it's too much for my taste), but I believe that discovering this kind of thing, even when I don't like it, is one of my main objectives using this site (Electronic music does not count :-P). To list Beatles and Beach Boys again, I really don't need to use any site.

Aug 04 2024
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I believe this is the first album so far, where I knew right off the bat that I wasn’t going to subject my family to it. Either way, I liked it alright, I think it’s cool that it exists, and I think every single person who one starred it is a huge nerd. I’d much rather listen to Napalm Death than another Elvis Costello.

Feb 25 2022
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Enjoyed this more than I expected. And evoked nights of waiting for the grindcore racket to stop on John Peel's show when he played this stuff. Thankfully the tracks were and are mercifully short. Not a genre I normally choose to listen to, but do love a bit of early Sabbath, and this was punchy and focused enough to work in the same way. Although the vocal style isn’t really doing it for me. However, I didn’t really notice that it was two different bands. Without much that I noticed in the way of dynamics (it seems to be start - make a noise - stop throughout) my attention had drifted by that point. So much so I got a few tracks into the random Spotify suggestions after the album before I realised it had ended. Interesting, and one I MIGHT revisit. Or not.

Jan 07 2022
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Zoinks! Well, this one certainly has a lot of energy. I'm not always tuned into when an artist is taking the piss out of something or going for something else, but it mostly doesn't matter. All that matters is one's own experience with the art. The playing is super-tight, and it surprisingly drew me in at times. There are elements of heavy metal I've heard, thrashy driving punk, and they have their own sort of screaming shrieking hyper-speed style. Even though it's stressful to listen to, and a lot of the songs sound pretty much identical to my untrained ear, I liked this more than I thought I would. Bully for this project for opening me up to such an incredible variety of music!

Oct 01 2021
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Love the driving & energetic guitar and drums. Not really a fan of the grunting vocals. Can definitely see this inspiring metal musicians everywhere. Not a bad album but probably not an album I'll listen to again.

Sep 03 2021
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Grindcore has always interested me more as a concept than as practiced. It's easy to get to innoculate oneself with noisy music such that the harshness is manageable (at least the harshness that gets recorded), but even after I reached that point I felt that the songs I heard were lacking. They still seem that way, but my mind has been changed about projects in this style. It's still not a song-oriented experience, but becomes something like free jazz in reverse: There are drumming similarities but the tendency is longness not shortness. One huge speed bump for the form is the need for context - lyrical, political, historical - to make it interesting enough to sit through. But Scum has some obvious musical aspects which improve it. Tunes poke their heads through the grime. The second half doubles down on the lack of recording quality but powers through it to the end. I think I'd prefer this on vinyl, all things considered, and in that it's similar to a slab of noise I have opposite Lingua Ignota songs. Listening to that whole record helps me think of noise as music, and I extend that thinking to this record.

Sep 29 2024
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I’m an atheist but these dudes need Jesus.

Nov 12 2021
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For reference: if I dropped silverware into my garbage disposal at the same time my dog started barking, I would give that 5 stars compared with these jokers. But on the bright side...they didn't have to actually write lyrics, and props to the vocalist for not bursting out laughing at the absurdity of it all.

Jul 02 2021
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This album is a reason why metal gets a bad reputation. I say this as someone who likes metal.

Jun 30 2024
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As someone who’s heard a lot of dudes death growl the sentence, “I wanna see you open this fucking pit up!!” in her lifetime, I was already primed to love Scum, an album I somehow just never got around to, despite the infamy of “You Suffer” and the overall short runtime of this album. And yeah, it’s fucking incredible! If you hate extreme music genres in general, yeah, you’re not going to like Scum or any grindcore for that matter, or even anything lighter, like death metal. But thankfully, I like extreme music, and this album hits a sweet spot for me, mixing my love of punk and death pretty evenly. Side A alone would warrant Napalm Death’s deserved placement on this list, as it includes insane blast beats, infamously short songs, and insane shreds that pushed extreme metal to its breaking point. Side A also shows so much variety, and just picking up my favorites of “Instinct of Survival,” “Scum,” “Siege of Power,” and “Born on Your Knees,” you can clearly hear the diversity of their sound, as long as you don’t walk into this listen looking to mock this album for sounding the same. But then, Side B takes everything from Side A and makes it look like doo-wop music by comparison, increasing the speed and making the guitars lower and nastier. But there’s still great songs in that space, like “Success?,” “Common Enemy,” “Moral Crusades,” or even “Parasites,” which somehow fits a guitar solo in there! Scum incorporates every vocal technique, every blast beat, every downtuned guitar style – everything you could imagine wanting from extreme metal, and hands it all to you in a tight 33-minutes, and it’s amazing. Sure, it’s abrasive, and you’re certainly allowed to not enjoy extremity in music, but if you like or even desire extremity, Scum is a pinnacle, a high water mark. While I think other bands took what Napalm Death did here and added to it, but very few have done *all of it*, especially in one record, and even fewer have done it with this level of expertise. A pure game-changer, and an essential listen.

Apr 06 2022
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alle menschen müssten mehr grind hören die welt wäre ein besserer ort

Apr 06 2022
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Nicht Napalms bestes Album eigentlich aber halt wohl der Klassiker ich gebe aber für den Algorithmus trotzdem ne 5 HA

Feb 02 2025
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Grindcore is not everyone’s cup of tea but I have friends in grindcore bands so I have heard a lot. It’s not my favourite but sometimes it scratches a particular musical itch

Oct 31 2024
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Possibly the worst 28-track love-making soundtrack ever created. Also, proof that you don't need to sound good or play in sync as long as you play really really fast. ALSO, my newborn daughter is 113 hours old, which means that I've spent roughly 0.5 % of her life listening to this dumb shit. Absurd when you really think about it.

Oct 31 2024
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Extremely influential metal record. You can clearly hear the difference in style between the two sides - weird that changing everyone but the drummer does that, huh? I prefer the first side where Broadrick and Bullen helps develop a sound that would later be perfected and somehow commercialized by bands such as Slayer. Another plus with these kinds of records; if you don’t like the song, a new one will start in about a minute.

Aug 09 2024
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If nothing else, Napalm Death certainly pack a lot into this album whether they are being paid by the song or the note. Twenty eight song songs in just over half an hour has to be some sort of record, with You Suffer clocking in at just 4 seconds. Genuinely amazing. Listening to this is like standing on top of a cliff in a howling storm screaming into the wind and just as bracing. I’ve listened twice today and just put it on again for a third go.

May 27 2021
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Absolute assault on the senses. Solid Stuff.

Aug 31 2024
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I’m sorry you had to listen to noise music for 33 minutes. I know it feels like the end of the world, but trust me…it will be ok.

Aug 28 2024
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The two sides are remarkably consistent given the drummer is the only constant member, yet he does drive the show. I love many ugly records, but they need to have charisma or flourish, which this purposely eschews: grindcore is grimy and smelly, though there’s joy in this, glee too. I admire this record and probably won’t listen to it again. The toddler liked this, perhaps because I referred to it “as poo poo music”. When we had Taylor Swift on in the car later, he protested and asked for poo poo music.

Jul 25 2021
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I do really like more recent albums of this genre. This is a very early prototype of it, so its a bit rough around the edges and doesn't benefit from modern production techniques. However I appreciate the influence of it

Feb 10 2021
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A tough one to listen to while cooking dinner with the fam, so had a late night earphone session, kinda enjoyed the music at times... mostly the A side stuff with the earlier band lineup, the singer is clearly after adamant help from the Cookie Monster. A brave genre to introduce to the world in the 80s. How am I going to sleep after this?

Apr 04 2021
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Repetitive to say, but I can respect what this is about and how well that's done here, but it's not for me. I couldn't tell the supposedly very different tow sides apart. Tremendous cover art, and I do hate multinational corporations.

Apr 28 2021
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Really enjoyed this, though clearly it won't be to everyone's taste. Brutal, powerful, and its legacy and influence are completely understandable. Not something I'm likely to make an effort to listen to often, but happy to have it on in the background.

Jan 17 2021
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Gritty thrashy death metal. A fun listen. I didn’t understand a single lyric.

Jun 15 2023
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There are three complete songs on this album and 25 that are a riff with some growling. The three are actually really good. It's just too bad they forgot to finish making it. Do you think they play the 26 second songs at their concerts? Best track: Siege of Power

May 01 2023
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There is worse than this on this list.

Mar 16 2023
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A little grindcore goes a long way. I admire the drumming.

Feb 25 2022
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I know little about grindcore. I'd never listen to this voluntarily out of prejudice. But then I still play Crass records. I was quite intrigued by the two sides, two bands approach. Spotify messed this up slightly. Are there actually any coherent lyrics? A get up and go morning album. Not one for lovers late at night. Can't but help think there might be some melodies trying to break through.

Dec 08 2021
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The beauty of 1,001 is that it exposes you to artists that you probably would never listen to in your lifetime. Good or bad, its always educational. The other day it was Frank Sinatra, today its Napalm Death. I have to give these guys credit for their commitment to the craft. They've certainly carved out a unique niche for themselves with grindcore. This was an absolute and brutal assault on the senses but that's their point innit? I'd love to meet someone who listens to this for recreational purposes though, just to understand what's going through their head.

Nov 12 2021
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I was expecting to despise it but I’ve heard worse

Oct 17 2021
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2 for effort and the sheer number of songs, none of which i can say i am taken by

Jul 29 2021
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It is some kind of evil algorithm that would give me Napalm Death immediately after giving me Curtis Mayfield. Okay, hey! I was fully expecting to hate it, but it's fine. Having been 16 when this album came out, it was probably pretty mind blowing at the time. I would not have been into it, but I would have respected it. Scum really doesn't deserve the title of worst reviewed album on this site, not by a long shot. But I can see how this album, this whole genre really, is going to be polarizing. Musically the album is pretty solid. Rhythm section is fierce, guitars are blistering. It's not for everyone, really it's not for most people. I don't love the guttural vocals, but I would say I prefer Nik Napalm's voice to Lee Dorrian's. The lyrics are pretty standard punk-thrash-metal lyrics. You know, power, fascism, conformity, corporate corruption, bleakness, etc. The things a certain type of disaffected young people have been moshing to for decades. The second half (the B-side) really accelerates and amps up from what you hear on the A-side. It's a little harder to listen to, if that's possible. This is very intense music that is hard on the ears. I'm giving it 2 stars, but really it's closer to a 3. One star deducted for the fact that now I have an earache. Fave songs: Siege of Power, Control, Born on Your Knees

Feb 10 2025
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One thousand and one albums to hear before you die? Scum feels more like an album to speed up that process. Halfway through, I found myself drafting my will and Googling "quick, painless exits." The album boasts two completely different lineups on each side, yet somehow both are equally committed to not knowing how to play their instruments. The production sounds like it was recorded inside of a tin can left in a damp basement, and the vocals? Imagine someone attempting to recite Klingon poetry while being chased by a pack of rabid dogs. That’s Scum. You’d think with some songs clocking in under 30 seconds, they’d at least have the courtesy to be brief and coherent. Nope! The shorter ones are just concentrated chaos—like the audio equivalent of stubbing your toe repeatedly. If given the choice between listening to Scum again or scrubbing toilets in Dresden's sketchiest bar for the rest of my life, I’m buying rubber gloves and a bucket.

Nov 27 2024
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1000 albums + 1 cruel joke called Scum by Napalm Death.

Nov 15 2024
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01) Multinational Corporations - 1,0 02) Instinct of Survival - 1,0 03) The Kill - 1,0 04) Scum - 1,0 05) Caught... in a Dream - 1,0 06) Polluted Minds - 1,0 07) Sacrificed - 1,0 08) Siege of Power - 1,0 09) Control - 1,0 10) Born on Your Knees - 1,0 11) Human Garbage - 1,0 12) You Suffer - 10,0 13) Life? - 1,0 14) Prison Without Walls - 1,0 15) Point of No Return - 1,0 16) Negative Approach - 1,0 17) Success? - 1,0 18) Deceiver - 1,0 19) C.S. - 1,0 20) Parasites - 1,0 21) Pseudo Youth - 1,0 22) Divine Death - 1,0 23) As the Machine Rolls On - 1,0 24) Common Enemy - 1,0 25) Moral Crusade - 1,0 26) Stigmatized - 1,0 27) M.A.D. - 1,0 28) Dragnet - 1,0 TOTAL: 1,32 (13/100) Current ranking: 367/367 Hahahahaha... What kind of crap is this? This sounds like listening to my dog ​​barking at some noise in the background. Except my beagle has a more pleasant bark than the vocalist in question. The best song is song number 12, it goes straight to my playlist and deserves the highest rating! Why? Because it lasts exactly 1,316 seconds. The album is only 33 minutes long, you should give it a listen, you will have a good laugh, I promise!

Nov 12 2024
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So with 15 albums left I finally got to listen to this, at one time the lowest rated album. Proof that this 1001 is purely comprised of incredibly niche genre groups and nothing to do with the 'best' albums. The Genres are so marginal it's amusing. I hope this stays on the chart but at the same time it's poor stuff.

Oct 25 2024
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I've recently started falling asleep to a white noise machine, which is great because it distracts from the whine of my tinnitus. This helps distract from the whine of my thoughts. Some of the lyrics attempt to be address consumerist culture, whilst also glorifying death and pain in the typical (sigh) angst-ridden way that (yawn) heavy metal typically does. I'm not sure how anyone knows the lyrics without subtitles, mind. Take Caught ... In A Dream as an example, "Surrounding spectacle to occupy curiosity, Nullifies the need to face reality, Forms of escapism and entertainment, Occupy and disable thought." That's alright that is, but it sounded like, "Hrghbgt hrghbgthrghbgthrghb rghbgt hrghbgt hrghbgt! Hrghbgt hrghbgthrchbgthrghbgthrghbgt hrghbgt hrghbgt! Hrghbgt hrghbgthrghbgthrdbgthrghbgt hrghbgt hrghbgt, Hrghbgt hrghbgthrhh bgthrg gthrgh hrghbgt hrghbgt!" It would be a lot funnier if it wasn't painful to listen to.

Oct 10 2024
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The sound of dogs being beaten. Deserves 0 stars.

Oct 09 2024
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What scares me is that there are supposedly three albums in this generator worse than this one.

Oct 03 2024
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As I checked to see when the first song would finally end, I realized I was already on track eight...

Sep 30 2024
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It's always fascinating when you are thoroughly entertained by something, but equally can't stand anything about it. Respect. 0 stars, but a higher 0 stars than Limp Bizkit. 0/5

Sep 26 2024
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Music for people who wear cilice belts

Sep 26 2024
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Hahahahahahaha… oh it’s not a joke? Oops

Sep 10 2024
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Highlight of this album is a couple of songs around the middle that made me think "hm, maybe this isn't so bad", before promptly being remembered exactly why I wasn't enjoying this. It sounds like Motorhead if Lemmy was slightly more incomprehensible.

Aug 30 2024
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Thoughts before listening: You know, sometimes I open this app in the morning and I know it's going to be a good day because I get to listen to a nice pleasant album all day...and then other times you realize that you'll have to suffer through Napalm Death. Being into heavier music in the 90s, I was aware of bands like Napalm Death who had been around for a few years putting out extreme metal albums, but I just always assumed it was going to be too over the top for me. Something tells me I was right. Review: So some of this music is good. Cool metal riffs that are played at a fast pace similar to hardcore punk or industrial, both of which are genres I can stand in moderation. However, where this band loses me is when the vocals start. This style of growled, incoherent singing is just such a major turn off for me. At least it means I can't understand the lyrics. I'm sure this is a revered album to fans of this style of metal, but I'm not in that demographic. 1-star

Aug 23 2024
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The one good thing I can say about this: I was late for work this morning and listening to this on my bike made me cycle faster and get there on time. Other than that: hated every second.

Aug 23 2024
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I can believe that there is something worthwhile buried under the noise, as hinted at by the surprising surf rock rhythm in "Scum", but I won't be around to figure out what that is. This album is quintessentially what turns me off metal, and is everything I don't like in music. I can't think of a mood where this is anything but exhausting to me.

Aug 01 2024
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I saw the name of the band, the name of the album, and the cover and was immediately filled with dread. Then I saw the incredibly short lengths of each song and thought, “Oh that’s not so bad. If I don’t like a song, it won’t last very long and maybe I’ll like the next one.” Yeah, no. That was a nice thought but it doesn’t apply here. I won’t say a whole lot here. How anyone can begin to understand what the fuck the lyrics are is beyond me. They clearly have a message but it gets completely lost because he sounds like he’s mumbling while constipated. At one point one of them sounds like Animal from the muppets. All the songs blend together because of their similar sound and short lengths. I can appreciate the musicianship but that’s about it. There’s a track called “You Suffer.” Yes, yes I did. First ever one star (though I would change a couple retroactively). Oof. Standout Tracks: Siege of Power

Jul 28 2024
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Finally some Metal! But this album should not be on this list. I don't understand why this record. Perhaps they are on here ironically: "this record is so important. This is how you DON'T record an album." Seriously, it is so muffled and hard to hear what is going on. It sounds like they recorded everything off the floor but put the mic in a box, in a separate room. The vocals are why people either make fun of metal or have a negative view on metal vocals. Aside from some cool riffs. This record is a dud. I get it, the drummer can do blast beats. Yippee. But what else? It's so boring. Perhaps it was pushing the envelope in the late 80s. Apparently this record was recorded in 2 separate sessions with basically two separate bands. The only member that remained the same was Sir Blast Beats on the drums. I'd have left the first session too. And never return. Due to how shit this record is.

Jul 26 2024
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33 minutes of what the fuck the saddest part is this wasn't too bad when there was no vocals, there's some great guitar work (SOMETIMES....), that sounds great put together with the drums (e.g. the tracks, Scum and Human Garbage would've been great without the vocals) i understand that grindcore is supposed to be very loud and layered and abrasive, but that also makes it hard to listen to! metal already is a largely inaccessible genre, in part due to new age metalheads who love to hate! but also because of the oversaturation and intense branching into subgenres, and it seems kind of counterproductive to put an album like this on a MUST LISTEN list the potential is there, kill the guy who's yelling over everything! i will say that i appreciate not being bored for a second of this album, i guess? i don't have a point of reference, as i'm not a grindcore fanatic, but i assume Napalm Death achieved whatever the hell they set out to do here, so good for them, but it is NOT for me 1/5

Jun 13 2024
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Lots of noise for no reason. There were brief moments of clarity. Lyrically, couldn't understand a thing. Sometimes you connect to the lyrics or you connect with the music. Very difficult to make a connection with either.

Jun 12 2024
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1.5. I don't really like/get blast beats or grindcore in general.

May 21 2024
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There are brief glimpses in here of cohesive riffs like on the title track Scum, but it's just so muddy throughout. I cannot connect with singing like this, even though I know it's the desired effect. 1.5/5

May 19 2024
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I have no problems with really heavy music. Watain is one of my favorite bands. With that being said: this was shit. It sounds either like a demo or a parody. The A-side was slightly better but still not an album I enjoyed.

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