Jan 02 2025
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This starts damon albarns reign of terror. I honestly forgot there were remixes on here!!!
I was making rice while listening to this so i hope when i listen to rock the house in the future i think of the smell of garlic onion and pork.
Jan 03 2025
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Moving Pictures
I had a crush on someone who was really into Rush when I was 17. I remember making a spotify playlist on it with a ton of Magnetic Fields and Car Seat Headrest. I listened to a ton of Rush and New Order cause that person really liked those bands and these bands. I listened to Tom sawyer so much while talking to them and it reminds me of that time. They did not like me back and was extremely respectable about it. After I told them my feels and got denied the feels died down and it felt nice to know that didn't make our relationship out of that all weird. Though that may have been from my POV, either way we still talked for a while til we eventually grew apart.
I was not in a good spot mentally back then and they were really nice to me and was a great friend. I can't really say why mainly because I can't remember it. All I remember is having someone to talk to and be silly with in a trying time. It's a bit strange to have such a positive emotion on a time and place based entirely off of vibes and nothing else but what can you do.
This album reminds me of that time, so it gives me a ton of good feels. Despite this, I don't really like this band at all or this album much. Like i recognize it is really cool and sounds good and I can see myself liking it but I just don't. Maybe i wasn't born with the hard rock dog in me.
For being a song i don't really care for too much tom sawyer has a huge part in my brain that triggers a nice memory.
Jan 06 2025
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Paul Simon
This did not sway my opinion on paul simon. infact it made it worse.
Jan 07 2025
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
Dark Side of The Moon comes preinstalled with your human experience.
Not my fav pink floyd by a longshot but it's like v good.
Jan 08 2025
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Surfer Rosa
This album is so me in highschool
Jan 10 2025
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The Offspring
I remember being a child going to the swap meet with my grandparents to sell they made. I don't remember where it was but it was somewhere south and hot. I was super bored and hated being there and walked around all day looking at stuff. For wahtever reason fell in love with a bonsai tree.
There was a place there that sold bonsai trees and they made me feel a sense of wonder and whimsy that I can't explain. I asked the owner about them and caring about them and told me they can live for a long time if you cared for them. I
I somehow managed to get one for 5 dollars and convincing my parents to get me it.
I have a vivid memory of hearing Handlebars by Flobots in my grandpa's pickup truck while caressing the top of the tree. I can't remember what it looked like but the porcelain base of it. A blue paint on ceramic that was trying hard to look porcelain.
I feel i also heard a song off this album on the way back but im not sure. It might have been a system of the down song. It doesn't really matter but I remember that listening to this and it was a wonderful memory.
Jan 11 2025
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Heaven Or Las Vegas
Cocteau Twins
In my mind, no matter what I am always presented with one of two scenes.
Dark green patterns in a pitch black world. These patterns are all squares and triangles in straight lines that turn 45 degree angles at a time. These patterns continue until the world becomes nothing but angles in the darkness.
Marble pillars infinitely growing like wires tangling everything in my vision. They are engraved with vines and leaves that progressively fade as they grow. These pillars turn into a perfect striation filling my vision.
I can't remember when this started. I feel it's always been a part of my life.
I always thought the world I lived in would return to that.
When I listened to this, the marble untangled. The sharp angles became rounded. The world became saturated. This album made me learn there were more patterns.
Jan 12 2025
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I was in a bad spot I cannot describe at all when this album meant so much to me. It's hard to be vague about it, but it's a thing to note.
Something I remembered upon a re-listen is being told I lost the "you ovulate, you lose" challenge which grounded me back into reality so hard I re-evaluated a personal relationship to a life changing degree.
Jan 13 2025
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Rip It Up
Orange Juice
The songs were awesome when the vocals ended and they were just having fun at the end.
I think this album gave me covid
Jan 14 2025
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Sufjan Stevens
I had a friend in Ohio who I used to talk to on around a daily basis. I don't really remember much about him other then he would frequently ask me and my friends to play league and then say brb going to get something at the store then spending an hour while we all waited for the queue not knowing what was happening.
I don't know if we ever watched movies together but I remembered one day we watched little miss sunshine. The day before we watched it his grandpa passed. I never seen it before and didn't know that exact thing happened in the movie and i felt like such an asshole but he was chill about it. He thought it was a funny coincidence that his grandpa would have enjoyed as well.
I watched that film when i was first getting into music and stuff in general. It introduced me to the band Devotchka and Sufjan Stevens.
The song off this album that's in that movies soundtrack is Chicago which got me to listen to this album initially. It was a song I would constantly listen to.
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I used to fake nosebleeds in highschool to get out of running the mile. It was easy to do because I have a blood vessel or something that breaks very easily, even to this day I randomly get them. I was self conscious of how I ran and no one really cared to show me what to do with my hands so I was stiff. I asked one time and someone made fun of me, so I tried my best to get out of running. I very much enjoyed running but the shame won.
I would download albums from [redacted] and put them on my HTCone and listen to them while sitting in the shade of the buildings surrounding the track. I never really talked to anyone so it was a solitary hour listening to this. I would think of things i'd want to draw when I get home and how life would look like if I was more active and talkative.
I never actually drew those things or made those things. They were all fleeting thoughts that I never acted on because I felt too ashamed to make anything. Thought it would be fruitless and a waste of time even though I wanted to do it.
I felt like I was made to view other peoples experiences and that I'd never experience things myself. I used to think about what if I was able to actually engage in a life instead of viewing others from a far. The song most frequently played in these moments was Chicago.
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One of my friends later on mentioned being a huge Sufjan fan in a discord call. They are from Illinois and they would talk about their life there. For whatever reason that made me realize that I live somewhere and I also have experiences. It's embarrassing to admit but I was 19 when I figured this out.
Everything I said and lived meant something to others and myself. I wasn't divorced from the world but a part of it. He doesn't know about this. No one has ever known about this until now.
I guess I never had the words for it until now. I found these words while listening to Chicago.
Jan 15 2025
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I don't have much of a story here. I just remember not fucking with this album when i heard it when i was 14 cause my english teacher kept talking to me about it and I was sick to death of him talking about it.
I hope he's in prison now a bit.
Albums p awesome cool though glad i got to listen to it again.
Jan 16 2025
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The La's
The La's
This would hit so hard if I lived in Boston and was ten years older.
Unfortunately led to the formation of oasis. so I dock one star.
I was thinking of a cute guy while listening to this though so it gets the star back
Jan 17 2025
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I remember first hearing Genesis in the balloonshop video about the coke
( MY LAST COKE, BALLOON SHOP, 2008 ) [Cited like a painting for the academics out there]
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I remember not knowing what the song was for a long time thinking like that song was cool. I don't know how i re-discovered this album at all I just know i randomly have Justice-Cross attacks in which I have to listen to Justice-Cross or i will perish.
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I do remember hearing DANCE remixed by an furry musician and having the character accompanying it giving me strong gay feelings and not liking anything else associated with that character.
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I on occupation have bouts where I get back into producing music. Every time, without fail, I think of the production on this album. It makes me feel a certain way that makes me want to make things that very few other albums make me feel. This is also the only album that makes me feel this strongly on this website (The other ones are Crystal Castles 1-3, Snow Strippers S/t, Neo Wax Bloom, and Charmed (DJSTTDJ)
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I remember not liking DVNO when I listened to the album so I'm going to release the review when the song plays again.
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Update: I still do not like DVNO. The vocals kinda kill it for me.
Waters of Nazareth is so good it makes up for me not liking it tho.
Jan 18 2025
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Hotel California
This is an attack
Jan 19 2025
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I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight
Richard Thompson
I understand this as an artistic piece and I appreciate it but it did not connect with me. I am not too interested in it musically, but i fuck with it conceptually
Jan 20 2025
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
I think it's clear my upbringing was primarily one of being online. I didn't know how to talk to people in a normal way and accidentally entered a "i am interesting because I am overly critical of everything" phase in highschool. I don't really know why I thought that in specific would make me a person that would be cool to talk to instead of just kinda rude. I was unaware of this for a while then I learned. The online circles I was in was filled with this type of person so I just picked up being a type of person.
It's pretty easy to become a different person from who you really are if you're surrounded by people who'll make you feel weird about being yourself.
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I think of this album in that time where I was desperately looking for some connection. A lot of my online friendships blew up and I was in a circle of just two friends.
Don't get me wrong, I love those friends, and they were awesome to talk to but it was clear we were all feeling something we did not understand. That unsure feeling teenagers get when they don't know what is going on with their brains and bodies and in the world.
I think I was just so comfy within my circle that going outside of it was scary. It scared me reaching out and finding new friends because of what had happened prior. Eventually I moved forward.
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Moving forward hurt. It hurt in a way I didn't think anything could hurt. I left my bubble and was instantly set in a position that felt like it removed years of my life. Everything was a blur, everything was nothing.
I missed the time I was with my small circle, in the little world. This album reminded me of the time before moving forward. It was a relic from a life I had left.
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I feared moving on. Leaving my circle put me in the worst spot of my life. If moving on hurt this much, the hurt I felt then would be worth bearing forever. If moving forward hurt this much last time, the next time it will hurt ten times more.
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It took me a long time, but I left. I had to move forward. I thought whatever pain was after that would be better then slowly letting the misery rot me.
It still hurt for a bit, but it got better. I returned to a world where things happened and memories exist. I learned that there was something new, that I could be myself and it wouldn't be a problem. I even learned that people liked the person I am when I don't suppress all of me.
I didn't know that moving forward meant there was a better future at the end of it. I couldn't process that as a concept at all.
Re-listening to this album made me realize my life wasn't made of tiny isolated moments, but a timeline where everything moves forward. This wasn't a relic for a time I wanted to return to anymore. It was something that impacted me so strong that I saw it as a beacon of a time in my life.
Progress is scary, but it's necessary. Even when things get bad, it's not forever. Do not forget, at the end of it, all will be better.
Jan 21 2025
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Figure 8
Elliott Smith
As a child all the music I would listen to was either downloaded onto my 2TB HDD from wherever, or on youtube.
I remember getting sick to death of winamp and struggling to figure out how to use foobar while trying to maintain my scrobbles. I switched to music bee as my main music playing platform.
I vividly remember the excitement I got seeing all the album covers of what I had downloaded populate my screen.
I had a ton of U2 albums downloaded that I just had. I don't know where they came from. I heard they were a popular / good band so I decided to give joshua tree a listen and got so bored listening to it i clicked shuffle on my entire library. It landed on Son of Sam.
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I played dota way too much as a kid. I would come home and play for 8 hours a day then go to sleep. I justified it as "im doing this with my friends" cause they also wanted to play that much.
I don't know how much of the game I really enjoyed playing. To me it was more of a thing to do while I listened to music. I was too scared to talk to my team in any way. I was afraid of voice chat because I sound very audibly gay and people say insane shit. I was scared to type because I thought i'd be wrong and get yelled at.
I kinda entered a phase of just hearing music and mindlessly playing my support heroes. I can't say I regret those days truly because I did love all the time i spent with my friend and the music I discovered while playing.
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The day my friends were offline, I played Undertale for the first time and listened to multiple Elliott Smith albums. I fell in love with Undertale ( and was so down bad for the dad ) and the song Junk Bond Trader.
That one day felt life changing but in a way I would not act on until the year 2024.
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Not my favorite album by him by a longshot but I have such fond memories thinking of ways to visit the wall and listening to the songs after and in school.
Jan 22 2025
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FKA twigs
I really hated math as a teenager. I remember thinking I was a person who could never be good at it cause my brain didn't work that way. I would do as little as possible in those classes just so I wouldn't have to think about it. In high school I would often sleep through my math class and do nothing if not absolutely needed.
I have long hair and have always had long hair so it was easy for me to hide my earbuds listening to music. This was an album I constantly listened to at that time.
Everytime I listened this I thought it was an album from the future made for future people. I thought 'wouldn't it be cool to be living in the future?' I had this exact thought process multiple times in that class until one day I realized my present is the future someone else envisioned.
Someone in the 90s thought it'd be awesome to be a teen in the 2010s, and I thought it'd be cool to be a teen in the 2030s.
I was so excited to be an adult in the 2020s.
Jan 23 2025
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For Your Pleasure
Roxy Music
There's a music venue in LA called "The Roxy" and for some reason I thought this band had a connection to it.
I saw my first concert there as a teenager. It was a Diiv concert and I remember the opening act was another band I saw on the 4chan shoegaze chart and was like omg... the band (no joy).
I went with my dad cause I had no friends and I remember not liking how loud and sweaty it was and feeling weird I was with my dad.
I didn't know they sold food at concerts and i was kinda sad i didn't get the chicken tenders there but also kinda happy cause they looked a bit shit.
It's not related at all to that location but it's like chill. This albums fine, whatever man. The 70s are probably super cool if you're 39 years old. Fuck it dude. I can't wait to hear more music from the 70s. I love the 1970s so much.
Jan 24 2025
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Private Dancer
Tina Turner
The title track on this goes so crazy, I love her voice so much and I am tired of what's love got to do with it.
On first listen everyone called it aggressively 80s and I didn't know what that meant but upon clicking the album one more time i get it and it's a bit distracting but you know...
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I love you reader! unless you're homophobic :(
Jan 25 2025
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I think this is quite bad!
Jan 26 2025
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Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo
Jan 27 2025
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Stan Getz
Imagine a world in which every review of this album wasn't "I need to listen to this on the beach"
Jan 28 2025
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In A Silent Way
Miles Davis
I listened to this three times in the night this was assigned because i like this and love this
Jan 29 2025
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Heaux Tales
Jazmine Sullivan
What is the date range of this website lol
This albums pretty cool though. I was drawing more outfit designs in my sketchbook while listening and looking at some deadlock things!
I recently watched lookback and there was a scene with a ton of the sketchbook of the exact one I buy and was like omg... I do that...
I felt bad about buying dupes of the same type of sketchbook for some reason but it made me feel less weird doing it. They've V good sketchbooks too!!! I need to get some.
The person who is reading this look cute today, unless you're sweaty and nasty. If you are dms are open
Jan 30 2025
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Merriweather Post Pavilion
Animal Collective
I listened to this album constantly in highschool sitting on the side of the maths building alone. I didn't have anyone to talk to so i'd text my friends on the steam app and eventually telegram about whatever we were listening to. I would listen to /mu/core and they would listen to FELT or Deco 27.
I would always eat the samething at lunch, the chicken sandwich with a ton of pickled jalapenos, a little salad, and a 250mL water bottle. It was the only thing my school sold offered that didn't taste bad so I defaulted.
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I was worried that the only reason I liked the music i did for a while was because it was critically acclaimed. It gave me a bit of a complex and that I could only for my opinions based on the taste makers i knew nothing about. I listened to this because of such acclaim but literally nothing anyone said about the album is what connected to me. I just thought it was cool and had no words for it besides "the way people describe this is wrong." It made me feel more sure of myself.
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This is the only Animal Collective album on this website so I need to state my love for this band. They have been a part of my life since I was 13 and their music has impacted me so heavy I once again have no words. Strawberry Jam and Spirits they shited spirits they farded continue to have songs that play key moments in my life. In The Flowers and Brothersport have been placemarkers for multiple life events. I think that songs from this album will play in other key moments in my life. I feel I cannot escape this band because i love them so much.
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Didn't like lion in a coma until this listen tho
Jan 31 2025
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Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes
When i first heard this as a teenager I hated every song past the third one but now i am an adult and think this is fun and i like having fun to music and drinking my vitamins with beef juice mixed in a modelo <3
Feb 01 2025
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I can't help but imagine how 15 year old me would have thought of this album and how it would have influenced my aesthetic and musical tastes. I liked this band back then but I only ever listned to Surfer Rosa and Doolitle because I liked fight club and it made me think of homosexuality.
Wish Kim Deal had more vocal preformances on it
Feb 02 2025
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The Modern Lovers
The Modern Lovers
Very much a *listens to the The Velvet Underground once* album. I adore it on that level, so clearly hearing the influences and even pushing it forward. Feels like such a labor of love. It also kinda feels a bit proto-emo in a way that tickles my brain with the awkwardness in a lot of the lyrics.
I think it's pretty easy to see how this influenced a ton of people and how it sounds ahead of its time. A bit new wave at times and the organ reminded me of Sterolab's Super Falling Star for some reason. I feel I'd fuck with it more if the lyrics didn't feel so aggressively straight that I start yearning for Rivers Cuomo.
Feb 03 2025
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I kinda regret giving this website my Email because they keep sending me pervy emails and it's kinda annoying.
It's pretty fun a bit silly a bit fun but please god get me out of the 70s
Feb 05 2025
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Straight Outta Compton
I remember watching the movie for this with my dad when I was a teenager. It was like chill and I remember listening to the album after and thinking "wow this was probs game changing in the 80s but now it's like fine i guess"
Thought I wasn't old enough for the proper appreciation, but i still retain the opinion.
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I like the car Warp Wet Woods by The Sleepwalk off the moon remix rpg soundtrack.
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express yourself is a fun song i like a lot
Feb 10 2025
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The Marshall Mathers LP
Imagine if you will: A white boy in michigan who loves violence.
P good production and beats! Stan is very good!
Kim is the worst song i've heard on this list by far though!
!so women
Feb 11 2025
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Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
I really hated my high school english teachers for reasons I thought was petty but it turns out they were genuinely horrible people. One of them was p cool tho. He made quite a bit of money and I was patrons and staff at the prospect.
One of them liked bob dylan and i started listening and i was like omg he has some bangers and some songs that i would have loved had i been 40 years older. I sometimes imagine that version of myself.
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People keep calling me a needy gay dog on my computer, is it over for me?
Feb 12 2025
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From Elvis In Memphis
Elvis Presley
I have such interesting opinions on elvis the person that it kinda ruins my enjoyment of the music a little.
But I do think he's got it a bit.
But also dear god get me out of the records being recorded like this era it is unpleasent.
it's like fine, of the era i'd rather be listening to his contemporaries. Crazy how the velvet underground and nico came out the same year
Feb 13 2025
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The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
David Bowie
I listened to a lot of these songs on repeat as a child and a teenager and they still are very very good to me. I will love them because i love them and they are fun and i like them.
I remember i had a david bowie best hits album wahtever it was called and it had a couple songs off of here that made me listen to the album but i only really listened to the ones that were on the greatest hits album anyway cause i liked those exponentially more. Not my favorite david bowie, but it's pretty good. I enjoy.
I want crab :)
Feb 14 2025
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Grizzly Bear
Oh to be a bearded guy in 2008 working at a nonprofit safe from the economic recession being sensative at the lolapalooza
Feb 15 2025
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OK Computer
I remember hearing how i made my millions for the first time when i bought the vinyl of the single for no surprises and it changed my view on how things can be made. It is still my favorite radiohead song. I hope to make something as impactful in such a domestic environment one day