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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.


Mj Cole


Album Summary

Sincere is the debut studio album by English musician MJ Cole. It was released in December 2000 under the Talkin' Loud label. The album reached number 14 in the UK Albums Chart in August 2001. The album was included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.







  • Electronica


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Thu Sep 23 2021

Choose Your Own Adventure! Just slot in "You Must Hear Before You Die" where applicable: 1001 Drum Presets 1001 Unlabeled Extended Dance Mixes 1001 Cut Big Fish Theory Beats 1001 Dreamcast Era Racing Game Menu Themes 1001 Guest Vocalists Maybe Too Willing to Lend a Hand 1001 Sped-Up Massive Attack Songs 1001 Miami Bass Tracks for Timid Whites 1001 British Albums That Charted Somewhere 1001 Alternate Takes from That One Röyksopp GEICO Caveman Commercial 1001 is a Way Bigger Number Than We Thought Key Tracks: I dunno, listen to one of the ones with the dude singing, one of the ones with the lady singing, and one of the ones with the patois guy and you'll have heard the whole album.

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Sun Apr 18 2021

Boring, repetitive, and super long. Possesses about as much cultural importance as a cologne ad, which makes the album cover convenient. Best track: Radio Interlude

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Mon Oct 05 2020

Almost offensively generic. It baffles me that anyone would invest time in making it listening to music this bland.

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Fri Apr 30 2021

Booooring...I considered turning it off half way through the first song.

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Fri Nov 26 2021

Very average sounding EDM. British bias of the list showing here. If this had come out in say 1990 vs 2000 it would be a little more impressive but I still don't think I'd feel it either way.

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Sun Nov 26 2023

2 hours is a long time when you're not really into something.

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Fri May 26 2023

Ok, it's possible to do the worst album ever and still be part of the 1001 list. You convinced me.

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Thu Apr 08 2021

I really don't enjoy electronic music and this was no exception. To make matters worse spotify onky has deluxe version of this album which is weird. Normally deluxe albums give you the album itself and then extra songs after those original ones but here they were mixed which made listening to it very annoying.

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Thu Mar 11 2021

I could not get into this album. It was very repetitive early 2000s electronic with frustrating vocal performances. Not my thing.

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Mon May 24 2021

Not my cup of tea. The beats can be interesting but just not anything I would listen to

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Fri Mar 17 2023

Whoever produced this list mistook variety for making room for all kind of (pseudo)musical attempts despite its quality

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Mon Dec 06 2021

Hella good. Nice beats with pretty good vocals all the way through. Super danceable which is always a plus. Overall, a pretty cool old-school UK garage album! 8/10

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Thu Jan 13 2022

I know precisely zero about this prior to listening to it. Wow. Thinking "OK, this is some light and relatively unchallenging jazz" it turns out to actually be some UK garage. This is going to be a fun ride... OK, so this album is long. I managed to get through Oxygene by having it land on a day that I had a three hour drive. But I didn't have two hours to spare for this. Got about an hour through the first volume and there's some good stuff in here. I'd come back to it out of a sense of completeness, but I doubt it'll enter my regular play. What I can say about UK Garage is that at the time, it seemed world-changing. The direction was new, refreshing and exciting. With the eyes of time looking back at it, though, it seems tame. From UK garage's world-changing start we've seen the birth of dubstep and grime. As important and exciting as it was... It has been eclipsed by its progeny. I feel the same way about what I heard of Sincere as I do about The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds. It's a good album, and one that exemplifies a sea-change in music. But they are, perhaps, the giants that other people are standing on the shoulders of.

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Thu Apr 07 2022

ENTER With the 2 step crew flibbi dibbi dibbi you know what to do not nigel on the 1 2s i should well be a garage MC. i was hoping for a guilty pleasure album but it was just a bit meh. however it was surprisingly easy to listen to.

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Thu May 18 2023

This reminds me of every "hip" coffee house from the mid 2000s. Perfect music to listen to when trying out this new thing called "smashed avocado".

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Thu Nov 30 2023

Even though I'm a sucker for electronic music, this album does not help. Repetitive and way too long. The beats are cool and liked the jazz elements, but the vocals completely ruins it for me. Some songs are either hit or miss. Even the duration of the songs can make anyone frustrate. This album is only good for playing in background while doing some work. 2.5/5

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Wed Jan 27 2021

Fit for a club, not for my living room.

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Sun Mar 26 2023

1.7 - I feel like I got locked up in a JC Penney fitting room, caught shoplifting, and I’m stuck listening to this music over the speakers, awaiting interrogation.

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Sun Apr 09 2023

You know it’s bad when I can make it all the way through trout mask replica but not this. By the fourth song I was out this shit sucked major ass.

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Sun Nov 26 2023

Why? Why so much electronic music? Some of the electronic music has been tolerable. This didn't even have any good parts. Entirely way too long. Completely unnoteworthy. When the Wikipedia page mentions that the album was included in this list in the first paragraph, the album should not have been included in the list. I am going to round down.

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Tue Mar 15 2022

first time actually getting an album i've not heard or heard of

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Mon Dec 26 2022

Needs a very specific time and place but once you find the right mood it completely takes you over.

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Fri Dec 15 2023

A garage classic, ive listened to this album many times and it never seems to get old

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Thu Feb 04 2021

It’s a grime album. Not my go to scene. It’s good. But I’m not schooled in this genre at all.

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Wed Nov 10 2021

I enjoyed this far more than I thought I would. I expected an album of Sincere re-mixes and, let’s be honest, a lot of tracks sound like they could be just that - but there’s a nice mood throughout with some beautiful singing. This definitely taps into a nostalgia for a jungle sound which was briefly all you heard from car stereos and such in London. There are better jungle albums out there, though; and there are definitely 1,001 better albums than this. But it’s a nice enough listen for when you are feeling in the mood.

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Thu Apr 07 2022

I'll take your Dubstep, I'll take your Grime but UK Garage is generally just a bit too polished, a little too bling for me. I mean look at that album cover. So this wouldn't have been my choice to go out gurning to in the Noughties but on this run through I did quite enjoy it as background music while I worked.

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Mon May 22 2023

Reading around this suggests that it's on the list as a good example of a genre. OK, I get that. I can live with the idea of that. But, well, it's just all just a bit boring I'm afraid. I quite like electronic music it seems, but this isn't my cup of tea - just seems a bit mindless and without a hook or some style to get me into it. The persistency of the drum line doesn't help possibly. I wouldn't choose to listen to this again, but if it were background music for cooking to, for example, that wouldn't be the end of the world. It can have a sympathy 3, but it's probably a 2.5 in reality.

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Wed Jan 20 2021

Not a fan, just shitty club mixes

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Sun Apr 04 2021

I admit I did not listen to the whole album, but it was so uninetresting. Melody was okay I guess.

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Mon Dec 12 2022

It reminds me of kurupt fm but not hilarious, just useless.

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Mon Mar 20 2023

I feel confused by this and not in a good fun way

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Sun May 28 2023

This type of music became popular in the late nineties, and stayed popular till the early naughties. As far as "this" type of music is concerned, Sincere is far from representing any substantial musical achievements or much in the field of originality. Also: extremely overlong. So: Meh, what's this album doing here?

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Thu Jun 01 2023

This doesn't really do much for me. Blah blah blah boring and loooong. 2 stars.

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Thu Jul 13 2023

As much as I usually appreciate a break from rock stuff with a little 'lectro, this one didn't do too much for me. So many of the beats are -of-the-era, high BPM techno tracks that just don't have a place in heart or my ears. "Bandelero Desperado" made a big splash, I was certain I'd heard that before, but it was because Azealia Banks sampled it heavily on her song "Desperado." Still, that one was great. Can't say the same for the album unfortunately, it was mostly forgettable. Side note: "MJ Cole" is a really weird name to me, obviously the existence of several famous MJ's plus the more recent J Cole just makes this seem made up. I mean I guess everything is made up, but yeah. I just can't help but imagine J Cole with the Michael Jordan crying meme face on his head. Favorite tracks: Bandelero Desperado, Slum King. Album art: I do really like this cover, a burning bag from the MJ Cole store, on a nice infinite blue plane and backdrop. Stylistically, it just looks really nice. Well done. 2.5/5

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Mon Nov 27 2023

I’m more inclined to electronic music than I was when I was younger. That said, I’ve got more experience listening to music. In 2000, this would have been zero point zero from me. I know this. Now, I find this sort of simplistic and repetitive. I have a hard time fitting it into a spot in my thinking where it was ground breaking or innovative. It’s very much like asking ChatGPT to make me some banging electronic tracks. It is inoffensive, so I might have it on in the background when I’m working because I like to play music that’s not going to distract me.

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Mon Apr 22 2024

Remember how magazines used to have those inserts with perfume and/or cologne samples inside them? They had that little fold out where the scent of the fragrance was and if you opened it you could get a good sniff of it or, if you were thrifty, use it as your scent for a special occasion. If you had a large magazine there’d usually be a couple different fragrances inside and when you stood within a few feet of that magazine the whole thing had this strange amalgamated aroma of all the different eaus de toilette. The coalesced scents didn’t really have specific odor, just a generic smell of perfumed liquid, and you never really asked for it, you just wanted the magazine because there was an article or two you wanted to read, but you were stuck with this smelly magazine in your house until you decided to toss it in the recycling. This record is kind of the audio equivalent of that.

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Thu Jun 20 2024

I like electronic music. I did not like this. Boring, repetitive drum beats. Dull vocals. Basically the same song again and again. Only made it halfway through the first side. Baffling inclusion on this list.

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Fri Mar 31 2023

Every song has the exact same beat bro Doesn't quite feel like a finished product, but a bunch of demos

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Sun Nov 26 2023

very very mediocre, if not downright unmemorable. As a lifelong fan of electronic, and a recent covert of intelligent/ambient DnB / garage, I was expecting a lot from this album, else why would it be listed on the 1001 albums... Not worth a listen honestly, very generic. 1.5/5.

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Thu Nov 30 2023

Wow, I pretty much hated this from the very start. After listening to the entire first song I had to check to see the running time for this album and it was over an hour! There's no way I was going to put myself through that! To be more than fair going forward I would listen to at least 1-1/2 minutes of each song or longer if I liked it. Without fail I found myself looking forward to moving on to the next song even BEFORE the 1-1/2 minutes expired. That sonically empty electronic drum was grating with that electronic snare beat boring into my brain like a Chinese water torture. This album held zero appeal for me and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

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Thu Nov 30 2023

I don't get it. Sounds pretty generic to me.

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Wed Jan 17 2024

GUY-“What are you doing?” GUY 2-“I'm making a list of the 1001 greatest albums of all time” GUY-“How’s it going?” GUY 2-“OK. The only genre I don’t have represented is garage rock/house music.” GUY-“Well my cousin is making an album in his basement…”

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Wed Oct 07 2020

Was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this. I didn’t think much of it at first since I just expected UK House and Dance, but Elizabeth Troy’s vocals won me over. Made me invested in the deluxe version of the album.

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Wed Mar 02 2022

I love this entire album, and I would like to own it on vinyl.

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Thu Oct 19 2023

I've always been a fan of UKG, and MJ Cole's work is especially great. His classical training really shows up from time to time here, and it all makes for an undeniably electronic and highly danceable album that still makes for something smooth and easy to relax and focus with. It's a great album for driving and doing IT work, and I'd love to get this on vinyl. I was a bit young when this first released, but I would have loved to see the UK electronic scene first-hand back in the 90s and 00s. I totally recommend listening to some of MJ Cole's more recent work too. Some of it is very chill and even quite orchestral. Favourite: Sincere

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Thu Jan 25 2024

Reminds me of Ryan. Highlights include: Crazy Love, Free My Mind, Sanctuary.

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Wed May 15 2024

Fantastic. Sparse without being boring. Repetivie without being monotonous. Less vocals the better in general here.

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Fri Jul 05 2024

I loved this. Very melodic and Lo-Fi chill. Elisabeth Troy's vocals are beautiful. Really good listen.

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Mon Jul 08 2024

Really, really not my type of music but the musicians are talented. 90s vibes.

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Tue Oct 06 2020

MJ Cole. Great find. His latest music is really chill. 4.5/5

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Could not stop banging my head. This is a great album to code to. Great vibes, great beats, great melodies, but it wasn't anything that makes me go "10/10 album!". 4

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Wed Jun 02 2021

Would listen to this again. Bit eclectic but I enjoyed it quite a bit

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Thu Jun 24 2021

Demasiado largo. Pero bueno, le voy a dar un 4. Está bien.

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Wed Oct 13 2021

One of my favorite new finds so far. Some really dynamic sampling and amazing vocal performances throughout.

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Fri Dec 03 2021

I would never normally listen to this but it was exactly what I needed today. Weirdly it really helped me concentrate on work.

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Fri Jan 07 2022

I enjoyed this relaxing soul electronic trip hop album. Love the hypnotic drumming beat with calm balanced voices that makes today autotuned albums seem pointless. Easy to listen and keeps you hooked during the whole album session. Definitely will give this another go. Probably more.Tip. The deluxe album more tracks (clubbing sounding remixes) . There are avoidable if you need the time.

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Wed Feb 09 2022

4.5 if I could, like it a lot!

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Wed Mar 02 2022

I understand why it is called garage music. Is good to listen to though

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Mon Aug 08 2022

Odma da komentiram da je cover čisto sranje, fucking 'ell. This albums fucks tho, mislim da kad bi se ovako pustio bilo gdje, pasao bi, pogotovo onak negdje u beach baru il šta ja znam, na otvorenom, lagano đuskanje. Sviđa mi se.

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Thu Nov 17 2022

Not really my style if I'm honest. Tbh I don't really like it

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Thu Dec 01 2022

Dated in some ways but very good dance/electronic of the era

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Wed Dec 21 2022

Nice dancey album, good grooves. 4 stars.

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Fri Dec 23 2022

Dig it. The deluxe album has quite the remix selection. 2hrs. whew.

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Fri Jan 13 2023

New Most dancable album. Glorious.

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Thu May 04 2023

I really liked this I will try to listen to it again in full

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Sun May 14 2023

At the time, I was much more into the harder end of garage, but actually, these fairly detailed and lush garage tracks that still manage to slap are pretty great. I enjoyed it far more than I expected and was 2 stepping found the house all day!

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Sun May 21 2023

Demasiado largo. Pero bueno, le voy a dar un 4. Está bien.

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Mon Aug 14 2023

I hadn't heard this before and was surprised at that. I really enjoyed it and wanted to learn a little more about the UK Garage scene. Nice mix of soul vocals, smooth basslines and dance beats.

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Thu Aug 17 2023

I felt like I was watching a British movie made between '92 and 2003. Everything is seen through a blue or green filter. Tyrone?

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Sun Oct 01 2023

Quand j’ai vu l’étiquette « Dance » sur iTunes, je me suis méfiée; mais finalement j’ai trouvé ça entraînant, joyeux, réussi, en grande partie grâce aux chanteurs et chanteuses, en grande forme

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Tue Oct 03 2023

Amazingky. I liked it. R&b with drum machine beats but also some decent hooks and tunes.

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Wed Oct 11 2023

I really like this. Its a chill dub record with a lot of soul.

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Mon Oct 23 2023

Some pretty banging UK garage to reminisce to... I can imagine some of the shade being thrown on this in the reviews but as a child of the 90s/00s garage was right up my street. This probably isn't the finest exponent of the genre but it's decent enough for me

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Tue Nov 07 2023

Bit of quality UK garage. A joy to listen to.

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Thu Nov 16 2023

I really enjoyed this one. Cool vibe that felt like a grimy 90s party, but in a good way lol.

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Tue Nov 21 2023

7/10 there’s some pretty good stuff here but nothing that really stood out as very special

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Thu Jan 25 2024

Pretty good disco beat good dance music

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Sun Jan 28 2024

This is a long album, so I had to listen over multiple sessions. Overall, I felt that the album was quite good, with dreamy beats and a slick sound. Some of the remixes are not quite as enjoyable, so I would take off half a star for that (but I can't, so I'll round up). Favorite track: "Crazy Love."

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