MobyNot my cup of tea but I listened all the way. “Natural Blues” was an ok song. Still kinda nostalgic hearing some of these tracks that I heard as a young kid.
Not my cup of tea but I listened all the way. “Natural Blues” was an ok song. Still kinda nostalgic hearing some of these tracks that I heard as a young kid.
It’s Hendrix. It’s a great album. That is all.
Great album. I was born in ‘88 and can tell that this was heavily influential for a lot of the 90s grunge and rock music. I can also tell that this was way ahead of its time.
It ain’t called one of the best live albums ever made for nothing. It was also my top played album on Spotify last year for a reason. Perfection!! Instant 5!!
Fine album. Not something I’d turn on real often but I like it.
I did not enjoy it. Lazarus was an OK song. My dad and I had a conversation awhile back and told each other that there’s no such thing as BAD music because someone likes it. Someone must like this but it’s definitely not for me.
It was ok. Not my thing. Had a feel of nostalgia but that’s really all that saved it for me.
Old school metal. No complaints.
Different but way better than I figured it would be. I enjoyed it.
I did not enjoy it. I don’t like electronics music at all.
Didn’t really care for it. He played instruments and sang so it’s better than the electronica the day before.
Great album. I always enjoy this one.
Wasn’t bad. Jazz is new to me. Excited to get more. Probably worth a higher rating then I’m gonna give it.
Couldn’t do it
Classic album