Rain Dogs
Tom WaitsAn album from 1985 that sounds over 100 years old. Amazing
An album from 1985 that sounds over 100 years old. Amazing
Trafalgar is a good album, but much like a few entrees on the list, it doesn’t justify itself as being essential listening. The first half is really good but it takes a massive dive in the second half (aside from the track Trafalgar which is probably the best on the album). Overall pretty lame considering it as a whole.
This album is the equivalent of like, doing the bare minimum extremely well. Production is PHENOMENAL and songwriting is primitive. It’s less impressive than his previous outings like mellow gold and odelay but some bangers hit the feels pretty well. Beck has no edge on sea change but he’s riding sad boy wave pretty well.
One of the greatest double albums of all time. Brilliant from start to finish.
Track 1 and 2 are goat, blues bangers all round.
My mum listens to this. But it’s very pretty and romantic.
Epic album, not her best but a banger. Dress, hair and joe are goated
Amazing, so hyped to hear what they would go on to make...
This one is lame
Brilliant, singles like relax and the power of love are enough to make this thing timeless
Cool live album, great backing band, very repetitive but that’s blues for ya
This album is gayyyyyy but it’s also really good
No genre of music has improved more than this edm garbo, thing has 808 in the title wtf (still innovative i guess)
My favourite album from the generator so far. Sounds like all the pink Floyd instrumentals in their early/mid period without any guitar. The word hurricane is my favourite track
Lame, tries so hard but fails. Some of the singles were alright but like 😳
Morrissey will be permanently tainted by his wacko views so like....This is reliably good but Morrissey definitely lacks without Johnny Marr, if this is his best idk what to expect of his other material.
Bob’s best... and he’s one of the best
Fucking goated
A good album by the jam. I was jamming
Undeniably dated, totally 80’s, almost tacky, extremely top heavy. Still such a lovely listen, I danced so much 🥰.
Pretty boring aside from a couple tracks, the debut is infinitely superior
I NEVER thought I’d vibe with an ABBA album this much, but alas this thing is great. Best song is that first tracks so good
Initially I discounted this album… aside from a few songs it seemed quite stereotypical for the synth pop genre. BUT! This can actually be acknowledged as the birth of synth pop so contextually it’s pretty fucking cool. A modest 6/10 time vibe personally, my fav tracks are She’s leaving, souvenir and the beginning and the end.
Faith is not a ‘bad’ album but considering the albums that this list lacks, it has no right to be here. Its not for me, not at all.
I get why people would like this but I don’t…
I listened to the whole (3+hrs) thing, farrout. Production is amazing and arrangements are great but the star of the show is definitely Ella Fitzgerald’s voice. There’s so much here to unpack but it’s a lovely big band suite. Fab tracks: Let’s call the whole thing off, love is here to stay and fascinating rhythm
Pink flag is definitely a cool album. It’s definitely groundbreaking, ahead of its time and tight. I just got a bit bored with a lot of its songs.
Just cause they did it first, doesn’t mean they did it well
The best Rhcp album but I don’t vibe with 100% of the tracks
Disco is okay… (I want your love is really good) but the rest drags a little
Trafalgar is a good album, but much like a few entrees on the list, it doesn’t justify itself as being essential listening. The first half is really good but it takes a massive dive in the second half (aside from the track Trafalgar which is probably the best on the album). Overall pretty lame considering it as a whole.
The electric protopunk live album rocks. EPIC
This album is the equivalent of like, doing the bare minimum extremely well. Production is PHENOMENAL and songwriting is primitive. It’s less impressive than his previous outings like mellow gold and odelay but some bangers hit the feels pretty well. Beck has no edge on sea change but he’s riding sad boy wave pretty well.
Undeniably influential, plays like a Nirvana greatest hits album. Probably a bit overrated, not quite a perfect album.
Shoegaze 🥰 a bunch of really great deep cuts of the genre
The orchestra works great but it’s so produced and it drags on forever
Love this album and the white stripes as a whole, great vibes, great times
Best anti-establishment album ever
Boring aside from the Neil young songs
New wave/prog crossover, pretty cool but kinda drags
Lame and uninteresting
Painfully uninteresting
Phenomenal beginning of noise rock. LOVE THIS
Be is pretty much the definitive 2000’s hip hop album
Passable in comparison to exodus. Reliably good songs, just seems boring overall.
A cool kinda grunge detour 🤷♂️. I think when grunge died it kinda discounted this sorta stuff. The Spotify link sends you to an expanded cash grab deluxe edition shit fest but the ep alone is solid when you’re in the right mood. ‘Chain that door’ and ‘if I think’ were my favourites.
Pretty cool
Proto-oogle?! I like it
A handful of great songs but the country vibes are too much for me
Thriller is brilliant, Michael nails it and sets the benchmark for Rnb/pop music for decades to come. The guitar solo on Beat It is orgasmic but the track ‘The Girl is Mine and it’s Paul McCartney feature is a travesty.
Yesss please
A cool new wave album with some of the best songs of its era. Lacks the big single it would’ve needed to make a wider impression and it’s for this and some other reasons that I can’t give this anything better than a 3/5.
With only a couple good songs, it’s clear that this album is most notable for its production and sound rather than composition. Influential yet it meanders aimlessly for most of its run time
Van is the man, amazing record
Not as good as anticipated
Uncle Robert’s most personal and powerful album. An all time classic through and through and probably my favourite album of all time.
Despite having moments of musical excellence, Countdown to ecstasy lingers in an underwhelming dad rock bore for great deal of its run time
S.O.A.D is like kinda mid overall, expected way more. Sugar and Spiders are certified bangers and a couple other tracks like War? and Suite-Pee are great head-bangers. The rest of the album is lyrically dense and filled with panic but suffers from a lack of quality 'song writing'. While kinda bland SOAD is often nice metal background music, haha
THE FIRST ROCK OPERA?! Other than that it’s pretty lame, the bad songs to quality songs ratio is appalling. Would not listen again
I really don’t like this
Groovy, superb and above all Nina Simone’s impeccable voice makes Wild Is The Wind a beautiful album
Such a dramatic step down from their previous material but still slaps here and there.
One of the best Beatles solo albums bearing a few of the best songs John Lennon would ever write. Production is kinda thin in a few places and some songs are lack lustre. Still a pleasant listen but WHY ISNT RAM ON THIS LIST WHAT THE HELL
All round, better album than Cest Chic but the songs often go for a bit too long.
Not Bobby’s best a good one nonetheless
Pretty forgettable if you ask me…
The definitive Shoegaze album, perfect from start to finish.
Not my bag, mannn
Volume four, is not quite a 4
2 great songs… idk about the rest. It’s criminal that this is the only Tom petty on the list
Super forgettable considering his previous work
A cool little blue eyed soul album, more entertaining than the copious amounts of psychedelic music from its era. A girl like you, I’m so happy now, Groovin, How can I be sure and it’s love are all standouts among this album that provides an excellent mood for that Friday afternoon feeling when you just clock off work
One of Bowie’s classics, perfect apart form a couple songs
What if pixies let Kim sing more??…
An album from 1985 that sounds over 100 years old. Amazing
An ok album, with a couple great tracks
Pretty much peak white stripes
Nicer than blue lines
One of the greatest double albums of all time. Brilliant from start to finish.
Really underwhelming
One of the most influential collection of songs ever. It all slaps
Mega lame, where’s RAM on this list :(
Classic Beatles, every song rocks except Run For Your life… Yikes
Bowie at his most peculiar