Who Killed...... The Zutons?
The ZutonsHad a cool vintage guitar sound.
Had a cool vintage guitar sound.
Good classic rock with some great guitar solos. A bit too lengthy songs in my opinion.
Sounds like Eagles to me. Very relaxing & feel good music!
Cool spacey sound. The title track is a timeless classic!
Easy going late 60s album with Mrs Robinson on it.
Very Bri'ish. Not directly my style of music.
Each part of the diamond shimmers in a different nuance. 5/5
Good classic rock with some great guitar solos. A bit too lengthy songs in my opinion.
Though not my style, it was very relaxing to listen to. 3.5/5
Easy going. A bit too slow and low key in my opinion. Nice clean guitar sound and reverb.
Stunning vocals and song writing. Very good album!
Prog Rock with Synth Elements. Very Eclectic.
Nice bass, groovy drums and clean funky guitar.
The solos are really fast as if the recording is 50% faster. A bit too much improvisation in my opinion. And why is there a live album on the list?
Really cool energetic punk rock!
Cool bluesy sound. Very retro indeed.
Quite fast and energetic. I like the shortness of the album. Though, the songs are not very diverse.
Nice one! Very powerful and fast pop punk. Self Esteem is great.
Played very well instrumentally and a good mix of Rock and Funk, but I did not like the songwriting that much.
A bit too slow. The vocals and lyrics are quite good though.
The German lyrics were quite funny! The overall sound was nice.
Rich sound textures and diverse songs. Not bad!
Very relaxing! Great music to lean back and enjoy a glass of wine.
The first tracks were kinda okay, but it’s way too long in my opinion.
A couple of cool New Wave songs!
Really great songwriting! That’s Beatles
Cool soundscapes, but lengthy songs.
Good vocal Jazz! Listened to the first two CDs only though.
Was okay, but too much impro solos. Why a live album again?
Nice vocals and steel string guitars.
Nothing special in my opinion.
Cool loungy music. Great to listen to when working.
Not bad. Cool mixture of rock and Latin. Unfortunately not available on Apple Music in my country.
Metal classic. I like the gritty distorted guitar sound. Cool solos.
Nice crossover mix of Rap with distorted Rock Riffs!
Was kinda a mixture of Cream and Beatles.
Was okay but I expected better songs.
Very aggressive and crude. But okay it’s 90s HipHop.
Not bad. A kit of reverb, synth and clean guitar and good chord progressions. Where are the drums though?
Had a bit of Beatles sound. Was okay.
Chill late 70s music. Was okay.
Partly weird vocal melodies, but great chord progressions and songs. Did like it.
Good danceable new wave sound.
Cool modern electronic music. A lot of sampling here and there.
Alt rock with an edge. Not bad.
Had some popular songs on it.
Was nice. Had a slightly bluesy style.
A lot of piano in these classic rock songs.
Classic rock. Doesn’t sound much like the later Aerosmith.
Great 90s guitar sound and very short songs with good hooklines! Liked it
Very relaxing offbeat music. Good songs.
Was okay, but not very psychedelic.
Some songs were cool.
Had cool guitar riffs and some classics!
Nice songs. Very laidback. Good bass and drums.
A couple of good R&B songs.
Had a cool vintage guitar sound.
I would feature other songs on a live album.
Not bad. Nice layers and overall production.
Nothing special.
Had some good tracks.
Not for me.
Was at least very short.
Very progressive sound.
Much more versatile than other 70s rock bands.
Very noisy. Sounds a bit like early 90s US northwest music.
Some good songs, though there are better eagles albums.
Was okay. 90s hiphop.
Great! Good songwriting, lyrics and nice guitar sound.
Was okay.
Very good 90s alt rock sound!
Was okay. Very heavy but little songwriting.
Another classic rock album. A bit too much on a all genre list.
Was okay. Too much impro, but it’s jazz, yeah.
Quite nice composition. Very dark.
Very nice mixture of world music with modern (90s) elements.
Nice samples and music.
Was okay.
Great Concept Album of this era.
Laid back. Has a country and western touch.
Some nice Songs.
Nice album. Very positive music.
Was okay. New Wave but old fashioned.
Good Acoustic Stuff
Nice 70s impro with keys, sax & drums