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Deja Vu

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young


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Deja Vu
Album Summary

Déjà Vu is the second studio album by Crosby, Stills & Nash, and their first as a quartet with Neil Young. It was released in March 1970 by Atlantic Records. It topped the pop album chart for one week and generated three Top 40 singles: "Woodstock", "Teach Your Children", and "Our House". It was re-released in 1977 and an expanded edition was released in 2021 to mark its fiftieth anniversary. In 2003, the album was ranked No. 148 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time, and later was ranked No. 220 on the 2020 edition of the list. Certified 7× platinum by RIAA, the album's sales currently sit at over 8 million copies. It remains the highest-selling album of each member's career to date.







  • Rock
  • Folk


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Feb 19 2022
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My heart skipped a beat when I saw this photo. I had the original leather bound cover (remember?) purchased proudly with the earnings from my newspaper route down at our local Peaches Records and Tapes. I wanted nothing more than to grow my hair long and wear that beautiful fringe jacket that David Crosby often wore, but my parents had different ideas about how their children should look. They were Nixon supporters. I haven’t listened to 'Déjà Vu' from beginning to end in a long time. But I played it so often it’s embedded in my memory. I was more curious if it still resonated with my heart. The answer is yes. Both for the glorious music but also for the spirit. Dylan prophesied a hard rain coming in 1963, and by 1970 he was already seeking shelter from the storm. CSNY filled the void, took up the mantle, like Elisha following Elijah. But this is another subject for another time. Back to the matter at hand. There were a couple of new things that surfaced for me during this particular listen, the first being that Neil Young is not really so much an equal partner with CSN on 'Déjà Vu' as he is a special guest on a few tracks. I couldn’t detect any Neil at all on the first two tracks, finally some guitar playing on the third. And then, of course, his own composition, ‘Helpless,’ and ending side one with his searing guitar solo on ‘Woodstock.’ But when side two opened with the title track, seemingly Neil had again taken five, and didn’t come back until the second to last song, another of his own compositions, ‘Country Girl.’ And he’s heard clearly on guitar rockin it up on the finale, ‘Everybody I Love You.’ Perhaps this is revealing of Neil’s divided commitment between his own solo stuff (which would ultimately triumph) and this super group. Truthfully (and I say this as a fan who thinks Neil sits at the right hand of only the Beatles), I don’t think CSN really needed Y. He certainly didn’t them, and ‘After The Gold Rush,’ ‘Harvest,’ ‘On The Beach,’ and the rest of his couple of dozen LPs following are proof. Even the cover photo features CSN in a perfect triangle, and faces up and illuminated; whereas Neil is on the furthest fringe, head bowed and darkened. Too Sergeant Pepper? And secondly, in addition to these songs being written mostly about the weal and woe of human relationships, might they also be referencing, if even subconsciously, the state of the baby boomer generation at that time, still very much in the midst of anti-war and civil rights demonstrations but losing the optimism that so permeated the summer of love three years before? Could not ‘Carry On,’ for example- an encouragement to keep struggling for love and not succumbing to despair following a breakup- also be heard as a call to the younger generation for the same resilience against the unjust, ruling status quo? ‘Teach Your Children’ becomes an appeal to both generations (young and old), both political parties, to learn to love one another. David Crosby pleading on ‘Almost Cut My Hair’ to not give in to fear as we figure out where to go from here as a country? Neil Young’s ‘place in north Ontario’ mirroring the distress of their American neighbors to the south? And ‘Woodstock’ speaks for itself, including the line ‘bomber death planes riding shotgun in the sky, turning into butterflies above the nation.’ I’ve always heard bomber jet planes, and had to stop the recording and listen again. In Joni Mitchell’s original lyrics, she just sing ‘bombers.’ I wonder which of the quartet added the word death? Side two opens with Crosby’s ponderings about ‘what’s going on under the ground? The anti-war underground movement? ‘Our House,’ a delightful song about hearth and home, has a hint of melancholy because that innocence Graham Nash is so wanting to hold onto is, on a national level, rapidly slipping away. ‘4 + 20’ finds Stephen Stills in such despair over his loss (of a lover), or perhaps the loss of actual lives both abroad in southeast Asia and also in the embittered civil rights battlefields of America’s deep south, that he ends the song wishing that his ‘life would simply cease.’ Neil’s ‘Country Girl,’ an invitation to leave the city and the other guy, and come to the country and be with me… might the other guy be Uncle Sam? And in the grand finale, ‘Everybody I Love You,’ when the whole gang fervently sings ‘You expect for me to love you when you hate yourself, my friend,’ to whom are they addressing, one American or the whole country? Again, I’ve been listening to this LP, off and on, for over 50 years, and am very familiar with the material. Or I thought I was. Funny how you can sometimes hear a song like ‘Teach Your Children Well,’ for years, and still, sometimes, hear something new. There’s no doubt it’s a good song. it’s just not one of my favorites, at least partly due to its popularity. I’ve simply heard it played too much. And so, by the time Nash begins the final verse I’ve already emotionally moved on to the next track with Crosby almost cutting his hair for cryin’ out loud! But on this particular listen for this review, I was reading the lyrics as if for the first time- Nash’s appeal at the end of the song to all Americans, young and old, hawks and doves, to trust in the power of love to affect reconciliation; or as the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said so famously, ‘Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend’: ‘And you of the tender years can’t (possibly) know the fears that your elders grew by. And, so, please help (and not hurt) them with your youth. They seek the truth (like you/we do) before they can die.’ (Italics are mine) Musically, what can I add? You’ve got Crosby singing both his heart and angelic voice out on ‘Almost Cut My Hair,’ Nash’s high register, and slightly British accent throughout, not to mention his underrated song writing talent, both Stills and Young’s unique lead guitar playing (two great tastes that go great together.) But please don’t let the famous quartet overshadow the workingman drumming of Dallas Taylor, and most especially, the incredible touch of Greg Reeves, playing bass parts that rival Paul McCartney’s own melodic, creative roaming. And of course, Jerry Garcia famously drops right in and sits right down at pedal steel on ‘Teach.’ Sure, CSNY are all old and fat (except for the fountain of youth Graham Nash), and sometimes cantankerous and crotchety and such, now. But if you just could have heard them then, if but for a brief moment… Ah, that’s a déjà vu I would welcome today ‘… with all of you.’

Mar 14 2021
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what a weird juxtaposition this album is. the music in the background is alright, some bits are quite enjoyable, but the singing grates. for starters i can't really be arsed with neil youngs voice and then when they do that super 70s harmonised singing stuff it doubles the pain.

Mar 04 2021
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Perfect inflection point between 60’s folk/rock and what was to come in the early 70’s for rock. Everybody was for a moment in that band totally together and making a near perfect album.

Aug 17 2021
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Classic songs, beautiful melodies, exquisite guitar playing - an album that seems to capture the mood of the moment as the folky, peaceful, acoustic sixties (Deja Vu, Our House) turns into the gritty, tribal, rocky seventies (Almost Cut My Hair, Woodstock). This is America.

Jan 20 2021
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This one I struggled with. It is a technically well done album but most of the tracks just dont land for me. Songs that hit a more folk rock tone like Woodstock are generally enjoyable but tracks like Helpless just don't work for me. That said the harmonies are wonderful and there is something about the percussion that I do generally quite like.

Apr 17 2022
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I get CSN&Y and CSI:NY confused way too often.

Sep 26 2023
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I think Young outshines everyone here a bit too much, his contributions make the rest sound a little cheesy. You know all the good ones, slightly stingy 3*

Jul 20 2021
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You really think this laurel canyon roots folk is the shit. I get it. Truly, I do. Now how about we try something else?

Feb 02 2021
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All of this variety made Déjà Vu a rich musical banquet for the most serious and personal listeners, while mass audiences reveled in the glorious harmonies and the thundering electric guitars, which were presented in even more dramatic and expansive fashion on the tour that followed.

Jun 24 2021
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This is what happens when CSN's brilliant harmonization with Neil Young's rocking guitar style.

Feb 01 2022
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The result of throwing four geniuses in a studio together. This is the very definition of a supergroup. A band of talented musicians whose names extend beyond the bands they were once a part of, where each member has major contributions in the album, and none of which is lacking. Stills and Young carried Buffalo Springfield... their songs were always the strongest. Crosby was always my favorite Byrd after McGuinn. And although I don't know much about Nash alone, I loved the hits of the Hollies so much I was once disappointed they never had a consistent album. Here we have a collection of masterpieces, hit after the next. They're all very strong songwriters, vocalists, and instrumentalists. I love how this album rotates through all 4 of them. On both sides you have a song written and primarily sung by each member, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Nash writes the melodic pop hits you sing around the campfire. Young probably has the best written songs, they sound like solo material but with the ever pleasing harmonic back vocals. Yet, they're not out of place. Stills has the most colorful songs... strong forward vocalist, his composition skills in roots genres are best showcased in his later album Manassas. All three of his songs are amazing, and props to Mitchell for writing "Woodstock," I wouldn't have been able to tell without looking it up. Crosby has the most dramatic songs, the instrumentals are incredibly rich and ever-changing, like proggy folk. All of these songs could be star tracks on their own. The only track I don't think is perfect is the closing "Everybody I Love You"... it's merely superb. Pop folk doesn't get much better that this. The harmonious vocals is something I always strive to find in other music, and only then could I only compare them to the standards of these guys.

Feb 28 2023
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For a super group it didn't sound like the best of any of their offerings

Aug 31 2021
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CSNY are a super group I get behind. I saw these guys in April 2000, and they put on a 3.5 hour show! Impressive for a bunch of guys in their mid to upper 50s. I can’t find the specific set list, but the average set for that tour was 30 songs (includes 2 encores). That’s a lot of entertainment for $40. This album is loaded with great songs! It’s starts off with one of my CSNY favorites, Carry On. I love the opening, pressing guitar part and the break of styles halfway through. Our house is a beautiful song born out of one of life’s ordinary moments when Graham Nash and Joni Mitchell bought a vase one day. There’s even a song about a hippie almost cutting his hair. Unfortunately track 9 is a stinker and track 10 is just OK. For all I care this album stops after track 8. And fuck are they an incredible 8 tracks! It’s interesting to me that almost every song on this album was written by one member alone and not in collaboration. The final product is cohesive and seamlessly blends their instrumentals and voices together. It’s hard to believe they didn’t write together. In order of preference, I like the songs by Stills the most (Carry On and 4+ 20), then Nash (Our House and Teach Your Children), Crosby (Déjà Vu and Almost Cut My Hair), and Young (Helpless and Country Girl). Joni Mitchell’s Woodstock is quite good too. Young and Stills both wrote the closer, Everybody I Love You.

Oct 22 2021
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Just listened to the 50th anniversary of this record. Good lord is it good. Every song is a gem. The volitility of the personnel in this band is completely quelled when they are able to make the music they all love to make together. These songs are beautiful, heartfelt, and purely collaborative. One can listen and reflect and weep both out of sadness and happiness at the same time. A masterpiece.

May 07 2021
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That's a hell of an opening track. Fav track is definetly Almost Cut My Hair. Deja Vu and Country Girl are strong contenders too. Just an overall solid album with a cohesive track order and stellar songs. 👌

Feb 22 2021
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Always preferred this band with Young onboard. The vocal harmonies alone are mindblowing, but overall just a fantastic front to back album.

Jan 29 2021
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Classic! Love this album. Wonderful vocal harmonies en great songs!

Aug 06 2021
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Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's voices when they harmonize is the sound of the horns you hear at St. Peter's Pearly Gates. Yes, better than Van Halen. Yes, better than the Eagles. YES, better than The Beatles (sorry, I don't make the rules). There is not a single bad song on this album, and while it's distinctly a folk-rock record, there is so much sound that comes from it that nothing sounds the same. I can see why some think Our House is a little out of place, but to me it adds a lot more diversity to the sound this album represents. Modern folk and Americana artists owe a lot to this band, but specifically this album. This is a masterclass in guitar songwriting and playing. Absolutely one of my favorite records of all time. Favorite Songs: Carry On, Helpless Least Favorite: 4 + 20

Aug 31 2021
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If ever there were a case for letting your freak flag fly, this album might be it. CSNY are in peak form here, with their signature tight harmonies, lyrics of protest & empowerment, virtuosic guitar playing, and all around 60s love. Each member has a chance to shine, but it's when they all come together as a cohesive whole that this album transcends. "Carry On", the opener, is a prime example - the harmonies rarely more impressive, the organ & Young's guitar riffing off of each other, the message one of eternal love & peace. Jerry Garcia's pedal steel adds some nice twang to the soulful "Teach Your Children", and Young's "Helpless" aches with raw emotion. "Our House" might be the weakest entry here, for my money, but it does boast a unique vocal from Nash, perhaps the most underrated of the "supergroup". But for me, it's "Woodstock" that puts this album over the edge - an amalgam of music and vocal that encapsulates the 60s. This rockin' reinvention of a rather turgid Joni Mitchell tune puts us on an astral plane with CSNY, where we're all stardust. Perfection. I might normally rank this a high 4 stars, but I'm pushing it up to a 5, just to piss off the whiners.

Apr 15 2022
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Really really good. Love the harmonies, the melodies, and the instrumentation. My favorite songs are: Almost Cut My Hair, and Deja Vu. I still don't love Neil Young's voice, but I like it with the rest of the band. I much prefer Crosby's voice, and it turns out the two songs I like to most on the album were written by him too.

May 28 2022
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Beaucoup de talent sur un même album, et ca parait. Chacun y amène ca touche et ca nous donne un album très bien fait qui s'écoute bien du début à la fin. Almost Cut my Hair, Helpless, Our house, Woodstock, que du classique ! 5

Aug 03 2022
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Harmonies don’t get better than this

Feb 05 2024
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Annoying that Spotify would not let me listen to half the tracks but this is a classic

Jun 06 2024
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Always loved this album. A handful of great songs, and just a lovely feel to the whole thing.

Jul 24 2024
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To quote my father (a serious CSNY fan) “they just don’t make music like this any more.” This is a rare moment in which I agree with him. This album is perfect.

Jun 08 2022
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p201. 1970. 4 stars Late 60s hippies wake up in a new decade and discover country. Fantastic harmonies, fine musicianship, great tunes - what's not to like? Still holds up after 50+ years, although you can argue that Country Girl is filler and that Our House is as weak as a kitten. Imagine what they could have done if they hadn't been perpetually wasted and/or soaked in booze.

Sep 26 2023
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Deja Vu tuned in perfectly with this rainy Sunday evening, which surprised me, as I came here to bury CSNY. Their harmonies have made my ears itch, most irritatingly on Through My Sails, which manages to mar the otherwise perfect Zuma right at the death. The harmonies are here too, almost immediately with Carry On, but the music around it, moody, dense and put together with what feels like obsessive meticulousness, lit me up. Started laughing when Almost Cut My Hair started, accepted I liked it by its end. Was scrubbing the dining room floor when Our House came on and was transported to a happy memories from hearing it close to forty years ago in the family car - perhaps trite to many, but immensely moving in my current circumstances. Must be a great album if a couple of decent NY songs are alright inclusions rather than standouts? Am writing this after a first listen. Will score it after a second or third tomorrow, making this a sort of anti-cliffhanger (only the writer remains in suspense at any point). Monday update: my score reflects cowardice. David, I fear I did cut my hair. Confidential to Simon: I must acknowledge your “Amazon Music is the home to angry Canadians” comment, which I returned to when remembering Joni’s track x

Feb 06 2024
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Great (half the tracks missing on spotify, thanks neil young)

Feb 12 2024
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What I imagine when I think of a 70s hippie concert. The music sounded pretty “feel-good.” Very chill and actually played on my mood.

Aug 21 2023
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I can see why this is a classic. Amazing harmonies, some stellar songwriting, and really tasteful production that never overpowers the vocals. If you were a singer-songwriter, this would be the bible. Young's contribution, both songwriting and guitar playing, lift things. His approach is little bit more rock and less polished than Stephen Stills' tendency towards perfectionism, which I prefer.

Jul 02 2024
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Seriously? Another Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young album? Or is that another Crosby, Stills and Nash album? I don't really care. I get how they were very influential and obviously a bit of a supergroup. But... They're not really that different to warrant having more than one entry here.

Aug 09 2024
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Only a single memorable hook on the whole album. Seems like they’re too preoccupied with the harmonies to actually write interesting melody.

Feb 11 2022
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I'd rather be watching The Littlest Hobo

Aug 06 2024
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These little groups are normally lovely. These guys were just winey af. Bet they were a nightmare to record with

Oct 29 2020
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One of my all time favorite Albums

Mar 01 2021
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Front to back, fantastic album. Am hits.

Mar 09 2021
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So good I listened twice... Nice to have a purposeful listen to this music I've heard plenty of times before, as I gained a new appreciation for their vocals/harmonies as well as incredible instrument playing. Highlights: -Carry On -Teach Your Children -Almost Cut My Hair -Helpless -Woodstock -Everybody I Love You

Jan 17 2021
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Yo listened to this album many times before, Almost cut my hair really connects with me lol. Our House is a beautiful love song and the first CSNY song i ever really liked.

Mar 13 2021
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Amazing album. I knew most of these songs already but didn't know they were all from the same album. A talented bunch of guys.

Feb 05 2021
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This was extremely enjoyable, a really varied album of decent tracks.

Feb 11 2021
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Absolutely love this album. Beautiful songs with some awesome voices/guitars. 4.7

Feb 05 2021
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One of the first ever supergroups and perhaps equally as talented as McBusted.

Mar 15 2021
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Is this the only good supergroup full album—discounting the Eagles adding Joe Walsh? Is this a flawless album? I’d argue yes. Good instrumental arrangements, solid musicianship, beautiful harmonies, hood lyrics, good variety within genre, spans the emotional spectrum and has that special sauce, those moments of transcendence that make it a truly great album. I can listen to it over and over. EASY 5. (Easiest 5 I’ll give unless Weezer Blue Album or any Elliott Smith Album but Roman Candle is on the list)

Mar 21 2021
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Our house is one of my favourite songs I've found this year, what a lovely and wholesome bit of music history

Jul 09 2021
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This is weirdly a difficult album to review - do I mark it 4/5 stars because at this point it has become almost a stereotypical "classic" ... or because I know each of the songs altogether too well ... or is it really this great? For the millions of people who are of a similar viewpoint, it's probably the same (or else you've heard the songs so much by now you ever want to hear them again!). Not much point in commenting on the style - excellent songwriting and musicianship, each member definitely contributing their own unique flair (and apparently almost all at different times - there was much conflict among the members while recording, so the stories go...). If nothing else, it's a great and important document of the biggest and/or most important music of the time. It does falter just a little for me at the end (it frustrates me when albums do that - save me a golden nugget for the album closer plz (...eagerly awaiting Who's Next...)) but the first 7-8 tracks are all too great to knock this down a star. 9/10 5 stars

Jun 23 2021
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Well, I was today years old when I discovered that 'Our House' was CSN&T. I always thought it was some one hit wonder 80's English Band. Great album. Great hits. So many talented writers on one album. Love it.

Jun 02 2021
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This album has crazy range, some obvious Neil Young, some classic rock, some bluesy stuff. Killer overall.

Jun 25 2021
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Classic album. Neil Young's lead guitar shines through this album and makes what was already a supergroup even better. One of the greatest folk rock statements ever

Jun 06 2021
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An old favourite, just as good as when I first heard it

Jun 06 2021
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brilliant, utterly brilliant. Particularly liked helpless. I would love to sit around a campfire and sing this album

Aug 02 2021
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I've heard this album more times than I can count. Songs from the album were part of my dads playlists growing up. I know all the words to every song but never asked who sung them. Hearing this as a full album brings a lot of memories. Chores, playing toys in my room, car rides, relaxing on the couch but mostly my dad. Music is a powerful thing!

Aug 08 2021
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5/5 A true classic by one of the earliest supergroups. Graham Nash said that other than the tracks Neil Young contributes to the record, he did not play or sing another note.

Sep 06 2021
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Dit is genieten; beste ontdekking so far ! 🥰🤩

Sep 13 2021
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A good album an introduction to this legendary band

Sep 14 2021
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Favs: Carry On, Helpless, Woodstock Mehs: None I'm a sucker for this kind of music from this time period, and I'm a sucker for Neil Young. Helpless is one of the all time best sad songs.

Oct 18 2021
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You can’t tell me “Almost Cut My Hair” wasn’t a huge influence on Derek Stevens’ work:

Oct 18 2021
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A little biased here, because I've known this album since I was a teenager. It is fantastic - songs, performance, arrangements, etc. I should also add that Stephen Stills is one of the most underrated guitarists in history. His guitar work on the tracks "Carry On" and "Déjà Vu" should not be ignored.

Dec 13 2021
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Just wow. Every verse is a surprise, but it also manages to work in some tender moments. The best CSN&Y album I've heard. So far.

Dec 17 2021
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Great throwback of the era where they experimented with great guitar riffs.

Jan 02 2022
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To sie nazywa albumik na rozpoczecie 2k22, klasyczny material folkowego rocka, bedacy prawdopodobnie magnum opus bandy, a jednoczesnie pierwsza plyta ktora nagrywali kwartetem z Neilem Youngiem w skladzie, 36 minut materialu, ktory jest dosc rowno podzielony miedzy czlonkow zespolu, ale jednak z widocznie mniejszym udzialem Younga, jesli chodzi o instrumentale, w ogole ciekawie nagrywali material, bo kazdy sobie ogarnial sesje na swoje traki i tylko prosil innych czego potrzebowali zeby im nagrali, wiec bardzo inwidualne podejscie do tworzenia, ale sprawdza sie ta formula, bo traki wyraznie roznia sie od siebie i nawet nie po samych wokalach, ale wykorzystanych instrumentalach da sie poznac do kogo nalezy dany kawalek, skoro kazdy pisal i tworzy pod siebie, to nie ma tutaj zbytniej spojnosci lirycznej w postaci motywu przewodniego, opener bedzie prawdopodbnie inspirowany tym, ze cale trio CSN bylo zdumpowane w tamtym okresie, wiec carrujom naprzod wiadrami copium, ale beda tez lekcje boomerskie dla nowofagow i o tym jak to kazde pokolenie ma swoj czas, czy o nie scinaniu kudlow jako symbolu hameryki walczacej, kazdy z czlonkow ma cos co chce przekazac i na 10 trakach udalo sie sporo tego przemycic, albo raczej na 9, bo woodstock jest coverem joni mitchell, fenomenem tej plyty jest to, ze jest tak rowna a jednoczesnie tak roznorodna, co slychac rowniez w samej technice nagrywania poszczegolnych kawalkow, sa tutaj utwory oparte na jednym instrumencie jak 4+ 20 Stillsa, gdzie caly kawalek jest tworzony przez jednego akustyka, a sa kawalki jak country girll czy carry on gdzie wykorzystywana jest sciana dzwieku, nakladajace sie na siebie instrumenty budujace wrazenie orkiestrowego brzmienia a w innych miejscach wrecz szumu tla zeby jeszcze bardziej spotengowac efekty harmonii z ktorych zespol byl znany juz nawet na debiutanckim krazku, a z dodatkowym glosem jeszcze lepiej to brzmi, ciezko jest wybrac ulubione kawalki z takiego materialu, ale zrobie miejsce na plejce dla kazdego z czlonkow, wiec teach your children Nasha, 4 + 20 Stillsa, helpless Younga i tytulowy deja vu Crosbiego, a calosc do biblioteczki spotifajowej, bo to jedna z tych plyt ktore sluchaja sie same od poczatku do konca

Jan 10 2022
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Beautiful harmonies, great guitar sound, several outstanding tracks - helpless, our house, teach your children - don't always like the melodies, but the overall sound is always soothing. I played is on repeat all day and loved every second.

Jan 26 2022
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Crosby, Stills, and Nash really nailed something by adding Neil Young to their lineup. He not only brings some extra great harmonies, I just love it when they cut loose and really rock out. The mellow songs are relaxing and gorgeously arranged, with some of the harmonies giving genuine chills. Just a tight set of songs. As a total aside, I would get this record the day Neil Young pulled his catalog from Spotify (fuck 'em, though, Neil is right). Favorite tracks: "Woodstock", "Country Girl", "Almost Cut My Hair", "Carry On"

Jan 26 2022
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Great vocals, harmonies, guitar solos, drumming, and beautifully mixed.

Feb 04 2022
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Отличная старая музыка

Feb 07 2022
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I’m so addicted with this album. Wonderful folk-rock songs with legendary people.

Feb 08 2022
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Um grande álbum! Me surpreendeu. O vocais são muito bem trabalhados!

Feb 15 2022
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one of the greatest American albums of all time.

Feb 18 2022
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I know and love this album well, but I'm always struck by the vocal harmonies of CSN/CSNY, and this album is a great example.

Feb 20 2022
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Great album! Some very familiar songs on there.

Feb 21 2022
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O e of the earliest slums zi remember hearing and zi loved it from the moment I heard it, especially Neil Youngest Helpless. But every song has a special place for me. 5 🌟

Feb 25 2022
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I listened to it one go and let it wash over me and transport me somewhere else. Beautiful harmonies.

Feb 28 2022
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The original supergroup justifies their existence.

Feb 28 2022
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24k gold, one of if not the first vinyls I remember purchasing. Bless up

Mar 09 2022
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Love the harmonies and classic guitar.

Mar 14 2022
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Good to have to listen to this album as I've not heard it in a long time. Still exceptional.

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