Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
WilcoLoved this in highschool, my dad loved this when he was in his 20s, is it that good not reeeally but do I fuck with it? Yup. Pot kettle black!!!
Loved this in highschool, my dad loved this when he was in his 20s, is it that good not reeeally but do I fuck with it? Yup. Pot kettle black!!!
First album in the challenge, idk it’s jazzy? It’s strange to comprehend an album with entirely different appeal from current pop music being as popular as it was. It’s indicative of the extent to which electronics have transformed our culture
Sometimes very good but sometimes only ok!
Marvin Gaye was shot by his father with a gun Gaye had bought him for Christmas the year before and I cannot stop thinking about it. Cool album!
Jazzy jazz I wish I liked jazz more :( I need more instruments :(((
Take Me to the River cover 10/10 rest of album meh
Liked it more on second listen. Fave tracks were A Short Term Effect and A Strange Day
Loved this in highschool, my dad loved this when he was in his 20s, is it that good not reeeally but do I fuck with it? Yup. Pot kettle black!!!
Did not vibe unfortunately
Me likey le jazz when le man sing
Another obligatory 4 due to loving this in high school
Steven correct everyone else wrong
+ 0.3 for woman singing, + 0.7 for Where Is My Mind
I have a complete lack of opinion on this and I don’t like the babies on the cover
21st century pop owes a lot to her. The Romance And Social Issues themes, the spoken bits, the genre soup, every song sounding the same…
God is dead 😤😤😤 and no one cares 💥💥💥 If there is a hell 👹👹👹 I’ll see you there🔥🔥🔥
I was so optimistic and then he started singing
All I wanna do is stop listening to this album!!