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Five Leaves Left

Nick Drake


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Five Leaves Left
Album Summary

Five Leaves Left is the debut studio album by English folk musician Nick Drake. Recorded between 1968 and 1969, it was released in 1969 by Island Records.







  • Folk
  • Singer Songwriter


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Wed Apr 28 2021

I'm starting to suspect that Nick Drake might have been one of the greatest songwriters the world has ever seen. His early death at 26 robbed the world of something great. These songs are heartwrenchingly beautiful. Their dark sadness offer a window into the heart and mind of a man who overdosed on anti-depressants. He just wanted to feel better. Absolutely heart breaking.

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Wed Mar 03 2021

When I listen to Nick Drake, I can feel my brain expanding. I’d give it seven stars out of five if I could.

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Sat Jul 31 2021

This album absolutely gripped me from start to finish. I don’t even really remember my drive to work this morning. This is the kind of music that simultaneously makes me want to create, and dashes my hopes that I will ever make something close to this level of a masterpiece.

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Wed Sep 29 2021

Sounds like a Wes Anderson movie where the protagonist wears the same outfit everyday and is pining with unrequited love and unresolved sexual tension. So it basically sounds like any Wes Anderson movie. You really just want to see our hero get laid. Don't dig too deep into the biography of Nick Drake. He had more problems than a high school arithmetic book.

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Thu Dec 24 2020

Quiet, reserved, almost mystical sounding folk. Love the strings, the guitars, and the vocals are quiet, not too dynamic, but they’re still very melodic and I feel like I’m hanging on every word. Feels like a mystic dream or a dark fairy tale. Really enjoyed this and will come back

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Thu May 13 2021

A friend has been trying to get me into Nick Drake for as long as I can remember because he's obsessed with him. I've tried so hard and it just doesn't happen. It should, everything about him is right up my alley, but it just doesn't work. It's the voice, it's far too monotone, he drones on. It's a shame, those who like him really adore him, like some kind of religion. I do not attend the church of Nick Drake.

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Tue Feb 16 2021

What a hidden gem. Drake is so talented and tasked at the same time . He seems so sad. The music is so beautiful I almost wanted to here only the acoustics. I read up his background and see he is another short lived artist. Had many favorites: River Man, Three Hours, Cello . The eery line from Fruit Tree tells it all “They’ll all know that you were here when you’re gone” So very true Nick

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Tue May 30 2023

If music can make you feel such strong emotions, then it has done its job of moving you. Drake's debut should be considered one of the best debut albums of all time. He was a lyrical maestro whose untimely passing at 26 left the musicians' world with a gaping hole in its heart. The mystical feel of the songs transports you to a place where you never wish to leave. I wish I could listen to this album for the first time again, as it is an experience I will never forget.

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Tue Feb 16 2021

I'm no statistician, but I think the odds of getting two Nick Drake albums this close together are like 200000:1 so do with that what you will. Normally I'd be annoyed to have the same artist so soon but I loved Pink Moon so much that I've been itching to listen to his other albums. This one's really good too. It's brighter, more engaging, but less impactful than Pink Moon. Once again, I'm really digging the guitar work, and I love the low-key drums on "Three Hours," that's a really cool song. Plenty of great tunes here, but it reveals to me why his career panned out the way it did. He's clearly a talented guitarist and songwriter, but his voice is very understated. I can see why this didn't sell--there's nothing really special or exciting about it. Nick sounds much better in the minimal style we heard on Pink Moon, but who would give some college kid a major label deal to make a singer-songwriter album in 1969? I hope this doesn't come off too negative because I did really like the album, it's just clear to me why Pink Moon is his masterpiece. Favorite tracks: Three Hours, Fruit Tree, Cello Song. Album cover: I like the green frame around the picture, but this is pretty tame. It looks like some "easy listening" album you would pick up at a spa giftshop. 4/5

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Fri Sep 17 2021

It's very pleasant and moody and all but honestly I find it a bit of a yawn.

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Fri Nov 18 2022

One of the most striking lyrics in “Five Leaves Left” comes towards the end, in “Fruit Tree”. “No one knows you but the rain and the air… open your eyes to another year; they’ll all know that you were here when you’re gone.” Aged 21, Nick Drake released this record of gentle, pastoral folk, stacking it full of meditative musings, mature lyrical themes, and promising guitar playing. Five years later, he’d be dead, presumably with no thought of one of his albums being remembered as one of 1001 for people to hear before they died. All three of them made the list: 100% of his recorded output in his lifetime, which surely isn’t true of many artists on here. It’s been very hard to look at Drake’s music in the same objective way as the others I’ve had on the list so far, as part of me feels the slim output he graced us with in his short life should be treasured unequivocally. However, now that I’ve heard all three of the albums released during his lifetime, I think I would comfortably put this one in somewhere on par with “Bryter Later”, and still a way behind the devastatingly beautiful “Pink Moon” (which I couldn’t stop myself drawing comparisons with). Drake’s guitar playing here isn’t quite as much in the foreground as it became in his later work, sometimes absent altogether. However, the orchestrations are used to much greater effect than they were in “Bryter Layter”. There are no unnecessary instrumentals or overdone arrangements- it all feels very well balanced. The strings in “Riverman” and “Day is Done” are a thing of beauty: elegant, dramatic, understated until they need to leap out. Elsewhere, the bongos in “‘Cello Song” add a somewhat hypnotic feel, and the woodwind in “The Thoughts of Mary Jane” perfectly compliments Drake’s vocals, which float along on a wisp of air- hushed, fragile, cracked. While it’s very well arranged and a great sounding record, with some eerily prescient lyrics, unfortunately for me it lacks some of the same high points from Drake’s other two records. There’s nothing quite as beautiful as “Northern Sky”, or “From the Morning”- nothing as raw as “Place to Be”. Instead, Nick Drake is in enigmatic mode throughout. “Five Leaves Left” is an immersive, all-encompassing set of hazy songs to get lost in. Full marks for atmosphere, but his best work will always be “Pink Moon” for me.

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Wed Oct 06 2021

If you hate this album you cannot conceive of true beauty in the world. This has always been my favourite of Nick Drake's albums. His singing, the string arrangements, the Richard and Danny Thompson's contributions, Joe Boyd's masterful production - all just perfect.

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Fri Jan 29 2021

Really good, happy to have learned about this guy, I didn't know him. Because of this, he deserves my first 5 stars!

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Thu Jan 14 2021

Beautiful, brooding. Relaxing yet depressing? I love the instrumental arrangements!

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Wed May 12 2021

Having not heard of Nick Drake, I judged the album by its cover and was not looking forward to listening However, upon listening I was blown away by the musicianship and song writing.

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Wed Sep 29 2021

I had heard songs from this album before, but I had always assumed they were from this decade. This album is phenominally timeless and filled with rich arrangements. I've honestly listened to the album 5 times already and each listening is revealing more and more to enjoy. This is exactly the type of experience I had hoped to have with this site!

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Thu Jan 06 2022

It's crazy how sometimes these album a day is just exactly what you need on a day. Nick Drake--particularly Saturday Sun, just hit the SPOT. It's raining and this is just hitting all the right notes.

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Mon Apr 18 2022

My history with this album has been extensive. This album directly reminds me of several of the most important women in my life, both past and continuing. Of course, it's a truism to say that Nick Drake is a potent female aphrodisiac, but it's better for both parties that teenage boys try to impress girls with this album than with attempting to neck a pint of vodka then spewing in their hair. And yes, it is an astonishing work. The legend of Nick Drake has him as one of the great tragic figures in music, a little (6'3") lost boy of exquisite fingerwork and calm, yet desolate imagery, but this album proves that his music is stupefying and hypnotic on its own, without needing to conjure Nick Drake's melancholy end. That said, despite the wistfulness of, say, The Thoughts of Mary Jane, Five Leaves Left has an undercurrent of anguish throughout, together begetting a wonderful bittersweetness. For my money, this is the strongest of his three albums, a warm, reflective and rather diverse collection as beautiful, intricate and delicate as a cobweb. Now, I have recently reviewed Unknown Pleasures and Never Mind The Bollocks, and have declared each of those perhaps the greatest debut album of all. I'm going to be greedy and put Five Leaves Left in the same category.

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Wed Nov 04 2020

song writing genius, gone too soon

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Wed Jan 13 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed it. The entire album is a mood.

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Fri Jan 15 2021

Beautiful guitar melodies and soft voice. Will listen again.

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Wed Jan 20 2021

I'm so happy to have discovered Nick Drake- how did I miss his genius for so long!?

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Fri May 07 2021

Goergeous album. Impressive and intricate arrangements. The string sections are sublime. Nick Drake will always be one of my favorite folk artists and more people should familiarize themselves with this album and not just Pink Moon.

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Fri Jul 23 2021

Nick Drake’s cannon is immaculate

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Thu Oct 07 2021

Nick Drake is one of those artists that I have heard a lot about but haven't listened to yet. This album has really impressed me. I love the vocals, instrumentals, and the poetic lyrics. Looking forward to listening to more of his discography

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Thu Oct 28 2021

There is something otherworldly about Nick Drake's. His lyrics never truly make sense but you know what he is saying. It's fair to say he created moods and that is what tells the story. One of the most creative acoustic guitar players even though he never shows off. Loads of great songs here, the best ones for me are "Three Hours", "Cello Song", "Saturday Sun" and "River Man".

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Sat Dec 18 2021

This is an album filled with beauty, depth and wisdom. I was doing tasks around the house while listening and by the end of “Three Hours” had to stop and just sit and listen. Nick Drake’s voice is beautiful, the music spare in all the right places without being dull, the lyrics profound. Every song on this is a treasure. The lyrics are impressive from start to finish. Each song brings something unique and special… “Time Has Told Me” with its noodly electric guitar and piano accompaniment is a perfect opening. “River Man” has a great cinematic quality with a real drama added by the orchestration. Love the light percussion in “Three Hours” - really takes you on a journey. “Way To Blue” feels like musings on a lonely, windswept plain. “Day Is Done” is absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous song with beautiful string accompaniment. “‘Cello Song” is so good - it was at this point on the album when I revisited the cover and looked up Nick Drake’s age. A college student wrote this stuff?! He sounds like he has the wisdom of 1000 years behind him… “Thoughts of Mary Jane” is such a sweet song… lightened by the flute. A real contrast in many ways to the other songs, but yet it feels perfect in-place. “Man In A Shed” is a total delight. It tells a perfect little story. I love this song. “Fruit Tree” is such a perfect musing on fame and life… so poignant knowing how Nick Drake died at such a young age. “Saturday Sun” may be my favorite song on the album. Really beautiful song that I can’t stop thinking about. I was deeply moved by FIVE LEAVES LEFT. It’s an amazing gift from a truly incredible artist.

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Sat Dec 18 2021

Listening to Nick Drake gives me deep feelings of warmth and safety. It's like being swaddled and held. I find this ironic and profoundly sad considering the animosity that apparently existed between this talented artist and his own brain. I'm grateful for what he left us with.

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Fri Jan 07 2022

I could never even hope to be able to play guitar like this and also sing, even if I spent the rest of my life practising. That makes this so impressive to me. Nick Drake creates the most beautifully sad music (this album in particular is stunning) and my life would be different without said music in it, so I think that's enough said and it's a five from meeeee.

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Thu Jan 27 2022

A true work of creative genius. This album will be held in awe centuries from now when all but a fee of these thousands of albums have been forgotten. Vital and important.

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Tue Feb 01 2022

Incredible folk. This album gets slept on unfairly compared to Pink Moon. 1969 is really one of the best years in music history to me.

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Thu Feb 10 2022

A friend once told me to read Nick Drake’s Wikipedia page because his story is incredibly sad. He was right. I’ve been a fan of Pink Moon for years, but goddamn if this album isn’t just about as beautiful and mournful as that one.

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Mon Feb 21 2022

Close to perfection. Pink Moon gets all the praise but I'd say that it's just as good in many ways. It has the beautiful arrangements of Bryter Layter and the automnal, introspective mood of Pink Moon. Best of both worlds, really.

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Thu Mar 03 2022

Fantastic debut. Still holds up.

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Sat Mar 05 2022

Simply one of the GOAT. I can understand it's not for everyone but in it's genre it's unsurpassed. Nick's voice, guitar playing and the production make this a great friend when you need it.

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Sat Mar 12 2022

Five Leaves Left is such a poetic album, it sounds so beautiful throughout all 10 tracks, every single one masterfully crafted by Nick Drake's voice and acoustic guitar. The string arrangement in "River Man" is one of folk music's finest and, also, most tracks have unusual instruments, but they always work so fine. We have congas, flutes, oboes and vibraphones - the result is a little bit minimalistic, a little bit experimental, pushing the boundaries of folk music.

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Sun Mar 27 2022

what an unbelievably incredible album to think he only made three albums before dying at 26, it breaks my heart he was a truly phenomenal artist, I need to listen to his other work, giving this a 10/10 feels like an understatement to just how amazing this is

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Sun Apr 03 2022

This is the type of record that projects me back to "the time when": I haven't lived it but I can barely imagine what would it be like being in 1969, coming back from the record store, and playing this for the first time. It might have felt like witnessing history as it was being written. There's another record that I can think of that gives me that feeling, more about that in a future time. Much has been said about Nick Drake's acoustic guitar technique and his songwriting. I would like to mention the arrangements, which seem to broaden the very concept of folk. The first two songs have a bluesy, almost jazzy feel to them, with piano on Time Has Told Me, and strings being introduced on River Man. By Three Hours, bass and percussions become very busy, if also kept in an understated, intimate fashion. The strings on Way To Blue start off in a very dramatic way and then open up and keep swinging between these two moods.  And then there is Day Is Done, which is breathtakingly gorgeous.  And this is only the first half! The rest of it keeps this pace and quality with an outstanding consistency.  This album sounds beautiful, delicate, fragile. A must own.

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Thu Apr 07 2022

Essentially background, but so lovely and heartfelt

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Tue Apr 04 2023

Magical. Nick Drake is three things: a guitarist, a songwriter and a vocalist. As a guitarist, he was exceptionally talented; as a songwriter, he consistently produced moments of utter greatness; as a vocalist… these things are subjective, but to me he is otherworldly. This album is less edgy than Pink Moon and less polished than Bryter Layter, and hits the sweet spot betwixt the two. As a result it may be my favourite of his trilogy.

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Mon Jul 24 2023

A prodigious debut for Nick Drake. This is minimal music at its best. Sad and beautiful at the same time. While the later releases may be better, this is an incredibly high bar.

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Sun Aug 20 2023

Each of the albums Nick Drake left us are a little piece of perfection. Such a shame that he wasn't appreciated in his own time, and a shame he had so little time to share his genius. And at the same time I'm thankful we have what remains that we do. RIP Nick P.S.: Learned from his Wiki that The Cure got their name from the line "a troubled cure for a troubled mind" from Time Has Told Me. An interesting connection I never knew about!

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Mon Sep 25 2023

79 days in, and this is the first album I’ve gotten that I’d already heard before. Although I prefer Pink Moon, this is still an amazing album. One can only wonder what Nick Drake might have gone on to do had this album been a success.

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Thu Sep 28 2023

Fantastic. Favourite songs were Saturday Sun, Cello Song, Time Has Told Me, and The Ballad of Mary Jane.

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Tue Jan 09 2024

I could listen to Nick Drake sing and play for hours on end. His soothing croon, unique melodies, and purposeful string accompaniments on this record are simply stunning. Three Hours demands your attention and holds it steadfast with a haunting, melodic guitar and hand drumming. Standout tracks: Time Has Told Me, River Man, Three Hours, Saturday Sun

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Mon Jan 15 2024

A peaceful, gentle masterwork to begin a career that would end in tragedy.

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Thu Jan 25 2024

Haunting yet soothing vocals.

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Sat Feb 03 2024

One of the smoothest vocalists. Guitar playing is mesmerizing. Introspective and dreamy

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Tue Feb 06 2024

There's nothing else like Nick Drake. While this isn't, in my opinion, his best or most famous record, it's a five even by its title...

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Tue Feb 06 2024

My favourite Nick Drake album. "Three Hours" is probably his most impressive, hypnotizing guitar playing and "Cello Song" is just perfect. Great flow to the tracklist and perhaps the greatest acoustic guitar tone ever recorded.

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Wed Feb 07 2024

beautiful, unique in its choices, creative and soulful sound in a way that feels effortless. My fav from him. River Man especially gets me everytime

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Fri Feb 09 2024

Incredibly gorgeous album, without a flaw. I prefer the stripped down sound of Pink Moon, but this album is absolutely its equal in depth and quality. Melancholy, dreamy and elegantly arranged, with contemplative vocals and a rich use of instrumentation that's never heavy handed or distracting. Drake's acoustic playing is beautifully expressive and Richard Thompson's appearance on the opening track was a lovely surprise. Fave Songs (All songs, from most to least favorite): Three Hours, River Man, Way to Blue, Day Is Done, Saturday Sun, The Thoughts of Mary Jane, Man in a Shed, Time Has Told Me, 'Cello Song, Fruit Tree

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Fri Feb 09 2024

Such a beautiful melancholy album. The arrangements are simple and timeless comprising in the most part of Nick Drake’s voice and an acoustic guitar.

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Tue Jun 18 2024

I've liked this before but never loved it this much. I think my brain needed this kind of peace today.

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Mon Jul 08 2024

I bought the NME every week in the late 80s/early 90s and a name kept popping up in interviews. Robert Smith mentioned him a lot, then Paul Weller, but I never heard or bought any Nick Drake records. Then about 15 years ago I heard 'Northern Sky' on the radio while driving home one evening, the sun setting, and I still remember the moment. He became a favourite in the house and was played a lot (!) but not so much recently so it's great to listen to this again in full. It's a beautiful album, a haze of hushed words, gorgeous folk guitar and jazz bass. An underlying sadness is clear from the start, 'a troubled cure for a troubled mind', but this only adds to the emotion of it all. He worked with great musicians, there is so much feeling in every word and note, it's so sad that he wasn't more widely recognised in his lifetime. Favourite track: 'Three Hours' is incredible

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Mon Jul 08 2024

This is an album that goes beyond star ratings. Such a rare talent. A delicate magic. Poetry put to the most exquisite music. I think of Nick Drake as a bird singing in a cage: trapped by the ugliness of the world, yet setting us free. This is music for the soul ... The Thoughts of Mary Jane makes me cry every time I hear it. Nick Drake is a ray of hope: all the terrible things people do, the state of the planet, but we must remember that the human soul is capable of beauty such as this. More souls like this, please.

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Tue Jan 26 2021

Nick Drake is amazing, and this album is the perfect tool to level you during a stressful day.

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Tue Feb 16 2021

Wow, what are the odds of another Nick Drake album on a list that's 1001 albums long? A quick calculation shows 0.0001%. I'm glad we got this album because it gives us more context for Nick Drake. It's suprising that this was released before pink moon, because what I've seen common among other artists is an early album that is personal, rough around the edges, musically simple and raw, but they later dive into more musically complex ideas as they get more resources and confidence. It seems like Nick Drake did the opposite. It just goes to show how brave he was to go from something more musically complex like this album to something so simple. I know I should just be judging this album by itself, but for me it really just highlighted why I love Pink Moon so much. This album was much more musically dense than his later works, and it's really impressive, but lacked the emotional vulnerability that makes his other work so special. Although some of the melodies were lacking on this album, there were some real gems here that I loved. Nick Drake's singing style works very well with the somber and folky songs on this project. The instrumentation is executed fantastically and overall, I loved almost every song (but there were some tracks that lacked impact). This was a solid project that was enjoyable to listen to, but it didn't blow me away as much as I know Nick Drake is capable of. Favorite Track: River Man

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Sat Oct 30 2021

If i owned a coffee shop somewhere where it rains, i would probably play this album. It has a mood

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Thu Aug 18 2022

Very nice and pleasant. I quite enjoyed it. Pretty and listenable. Sorta reminds me of something like Nico. 3.75/5

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Fri Sep 30 2022

A record that has meant a lot down the years and the standout tracks (especially “Saturday Sun”) still do. That it’s seminal chamber pop (in vibe and effect) could be viewed as a plus or minus, depending on one’s tastes. But one is struck by the contrast between the modesty of the record and the power of the man’s myth. One’s glad it resurfaced and all ND’s records became better known, but context is necessary as the classic cycle of aggressive “discovery” of the obscure leading the underrated to become canonical, common, borderline mythical and, ultimately, overrated. Yes, the songs are gorgeous and sad, lilting and lovely, but also tend to the lethargic and yawny. One understands, in other words, why they didn’t light up the charts. Certainly original and understated – qualities one wants more of in music, generally – and extremely well suited (in the day-parting sense) to certain moods and hours and conditions. But one feels less moved by them than one once did, and maybe a bit bored besides. Once discovered, some undiscovered geniuses can suddenly seem so yesterday, no? 3.6

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Thu Aug 17 2023

Loved the strings. Surprised I’ve never heard of this guy and very sad to learn he died young. Production value was high.

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Fri Aug 18 2023

Truly a hidden gem. Had never heard of Nick Drake, but I really enjoyed this album. Saturday Sun sounds like an early version of a smooth jazz song you'd hear today - def a bit ahead of his time. Much more like an 80's/90's singer/songwriter than one from the late 60's/early 70's. A really nice listening experience.

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Thu Aug 24 2023

I generally gravitate towards more upbeat or faster paced music, but I do appreciate good folk music. This is relaxing, dark, moody but beautiful, and flows nicely. One of my favorite tracks from this album is ‘Cello Song! Worthy of this list for sure!

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Tue Aug 29 2023

"Exactly the same as my thoughts on Bryter Layter. Just kind of gives up at some point. Preferred this less". These were my initial thoughts. I gave the album a second listen, and I had a much more enjoyable time. Intricate melodies, warm sound, and slow. Three Hours (can't go wrong with an extended instrumental break) and Saturday Sun were particularly memorable. A nice album.

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Wed Sep 13 2023

This album surprised me. From the start, his voice was so soothing. I almost fell asleep. And the instrumental parts were so beautiful, too. Way To Blue's strings were just AH! He does a lot of chord progressions that remind me of like baroque music where it switches between the relative majors and minors. Overall, I love this album. I think I'll listen to a few of the songs again but it would have to be on a slow and rainy day.

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Mon Sep 18 2023

I'd heard of Nick Drake but never actually listened to anything by him. What a pleasant surprise. I liked this album a lot; the arrangements were really nice. Particularly liked Three Hours, Cello Song.

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Thu Sep 21 2023

cried multiple times while listening to this, learning more about nick drake through later searches just made it even more emotionally potent. i normally don't listen to folk music, but this album is undeniably special. this definitely isnt something you could listen to every day or have in regular rotation, but god is it good. i cant wait to listen to the rest of his discography. rest in peace nick drake.

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Mon Sep 25 2023

I've become familiar with Nick Drake's other albums over the years and enjoy listening to them on occasion (mostly Pink Moon). I hadn't gotten around to this one and was excited to give it a listen. I wasn't really vibing with this until Three Hours came on. The instrumentation is really amazing. I definitely need to spend more time with this.

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Thu Sep 28 2023

This reminded me of a minstrel walking through the woods. Also thought the strings were kind of a bridge to the 1950s

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Thu Sep 28 2023

Listen before you know the history of this artist.

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Fri Nov 17 2023

Every once in a while, the 1001 site will surprise me with an artist who is unknown to me, but whose music is captivating. Nick Drake is one such artist. What an amazing guitarist and singer/songwriter he was.

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Fri Jun 21 2024

I thought I was going to hate this but this was way better than I expected. This is what Bob Dylan is supposed to be. The songwriting is not incredibly complicated but it's complex enough to be interesting; whether Nick knew it or not he was touching esoteric bits of music theory with his songwriting and he actually knew how to perform it, on tape anyway. You can hear the influence of classical music in nearly every song, with subtle hints to the Baroque masters like Handel and Vivaldi evident in the suspended chords and key changes. His voice isn't annoying like so many other singer/songwriters and you can feel the emotion when he sings. The incorporation of strings in to so many of his songs feels right and unforced. I liked this way more than I should have. I'll have to give his other records a listen.

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Fri Oct 07 2022

Bit slow moving and monotonous.

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Fri Dec 16 2022

Very interesting story about the singer Nick Drake. He started his career when he was 19, released "Five Leaves Left" at 21, ended his career after two more albums at 24 and died at 26 (either suicide or an accident with antidepressants). Unrecognised when alive, his music found appreciation only 20 years later in 90s, when it was described as pinnacle of English melancholy. It's a really fascinating read, and the atmosphere of the album definitely helps asking the "What if" questions. As for the music itself, I have to agree that Nick's voice is beautiful and the melodies in songs really melancholic and moody, but it definitely feels so monotonous. There is no varieties between songs, like Drake went all-in on his possible depression, and recorded one, continuous song lamenting or contemplating his surroundings and his mood. I'll be happy to try this album again, maybe in a more suitable circumstances. In the winter evening, under a blanket and a glass of wine. But for now, I don't rate this album highly.

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Tue Jan 30 2024

i like nick drake, but this album isn’t my favorite. the instrumentals are peaceful but i find it boring overall.

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Thu Feb 01 2024

Another lovely little acoustic album by our mate Nick, breezes through the ears quite nicely but doesn't really set the world on fire. Better than the other Drake.

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Fri Feb 02 2024

Nr. 116/1001 Time Has Told Me 3/5 River Man 4/5 Three Hours 3/5 Way to Blue 4/5 Day Is Done 3/5 Cello Song 3/5 The Thoughts Of Mary Jane 4/5 Man In A Shed 3/5 Fruit Tree 3/5 Saturday Sun 3/5 Average: 3,3 Great songwriting. Just felt for me the vocal variety wasn't enough to really pull me in.

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Thu Aug 11 2022

2.5 is probably a little too critical but this just really didn't connect with me. American Folk > English Folk every time.

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Sat Sep 24 2022

The songwriting is great, but the delivery is not my style. His voice is too monotone and depressed. Bob Dylan couldn’t sing to save his life but at least he sang vividly. The orchestra arrangements on this album were out-of-place too. I usually like singer-songwriter stuff, but my first Nick Drake album didn’t do it for me.

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Tue Nov 15 2022

So layed back it sounded like he was singing in his sleep. It almost put me to sleep.

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Wed Jun 23 2021

This album commits the cardinal sin of being plain boring - while some of the compositions shine, the overall woodland meadow vibe can hardly save the LP given how little vocal range Drake uses.

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Mon Jan 25 2021

i know it's considered a classic. he was an undergrad in college at the time. but damn, to the beginner ear this sounds like the same layered mush song after song. and i don't think i've ever noticed someone just drag the last syllable of every line on for 3 seconds over and over again.... arrrrrghhhhh!!!! you're killing me nick.

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Fri Sep 09 2022

The voice is dumbfounding. A hideously mannered sootsayer with nothing to say. The tunes are worse. The musical equivalent of a kitten playing with ball of wool.

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Mon Sep 19 2022

No Bz. No playlist add. I get it, just no gel with me.

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Sat Oct 01 2022

There's not enough coffee in the world to keep me awake through this unhappy, meandering, arpeggiated bullshit.

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Thu May 06 2021

I've adored this album for a while, and this listen was no different. Nick Drake is really on a whole 'nother level.

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Fri Oct 23 2020

Vocais e violões com muita sensibilidade. Melhora a cada audição. Ouvir com Grado RS2e

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