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Tuesday Night Music Club

Sheryl Crow


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Tuesday Night Music Club
Album Summary

Tuesday Night Music Club is the debut album from American singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow, released on August 3, 1993. The lead single "Run Baby Run" was not particularly successful. However, the album gained attention after the success of the third single, "All I Wanna Do", based on the Wyn Cooper poem "Fun" and co-written by David Baerwald, Bill Bottrell, Sheryl Crow, and Kevin Gilbert. The single eventually reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100, propelling the album to number three on the US Billboard 200 albums chart. It has sold more than 4.5 million copies in the US as of January 2008. On the UK Album Chart, Tuesday Night Music Club reached number 8 and is certified 2× platinum.It is listed as one of 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die and also ranked at number 94 on the list for the 150 greatest female albums of all time by National Public Radio.







  • Singer Songwriter
  • Pop
  • Rock


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Mar 16 2022
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I had always associated Deep Purple with smoke on the water and a simple uninspired sound, but I was very wrong. They definitely listened to some Hendrix before writing this album because I can see a lot of the influence. Really enjoyed the synths throughout the record. I also like how the vocals feel like an instrument harmonizing with the rest of the band, rather than overpowering the whole song.

Jul 07 2022
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Fuck yes, also don't tell my friends I've been rocking out to Sheryl

May 28 2021
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“Excuse me, record company executive, sir - I’m a young artist and I’d like to know how to make a record whose songs will be played over grocery store PA systems for the rest of all time.” *Record Executive hands young artist a copy of Tuesday Night Music Club* End Scene.

Sep 15 2021
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Meh - middle of the road country / rock cross-over. Why did this make the list?

Jun 06 2021
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A great album! She's basically the female tom petty. A liberating and sometimes heartfelt album.

Nov 24 2021
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I think Sheryl Crow is under-rated as a singer/songwriter. Vocally, she's like a perfect combination of all 90's female vocalists - Gwen Stefani, Shania Twain, that lady from Garbage - but still uniquely her own. On the songwriting front, her stuff is still "poppy" and accessible, but not cookie-cutter or predictable. It's too bad Run, Baby, Run isn't more well-known. It's a great tune. Also, this brought back memories of playing "All I Wanna Do" on my bass guitar - one of the first things I taught myself how to play.

Apr 04 2021
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Saved Prior: None Off Rip: Run Baby Run, Leaving Las Vegas, Solidify, The Na-Na Song, Wha Can I Do For You Cutting Edge: Strong Enough, Can't Cry Anymore Overall Notes: Actually liked this one a good bit. Kinda felt like junk food in comparison to the other albums we've been listening to in that it didn't take that much focus to enjoy, but still pretty good.

Nov 22 2023
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Sheryl Crow is so confusing for me since when I hear her I can tell she is great but somehow I am not target for her songs. All I wanna do is still such a bop that I can not give this bad rating. She is everything Taylor Swift should be but never will.

Dec 27 2021
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Sheryl’s got some hits, some songs with lots of sing-a-long-ability. But as an artist she just doesn’t resonate with me or evoke any powerful feelings. She evokes mediocre feelings at best. No catharsis, some fun. That’s it. And what is with the name of this album?? It’s so hokey.

Mar 19 2021
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Just nicely plods along being nice and ploddy.

Jan 03 2022
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Genre: Pop Rock 2/5 Well, here it is: the first real stinker. I’m interested to read the blurb in the book for this one, because there was nothing truly redeemable here at all. This was almost as stale and formulaic as a pop rock album could possibly be, mixed in with some absolutely bizarre production choices. All I Wanna Do is a fine song, but sandwiched in between cuts like Solidify, The Na-Na Song, and We Do What We Can… I shiver at the thought of listening to these again. Skip this one, if you haven’t already.

Dec 07 2022
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Apparently Shez has shifted 50 million albums while in comparison Van Gogh's brother took pity on him and bought one of his paintings, his only sale. Go figure huh? And on that, any retail time travel would have to include popping into Arles about 1888, "Vince, I'll take 20 of these my son, how's 20 francs sound"? But I truly digress. Right, I'm feeling massively underwhelmed yet again, what was Dimery smoking with this one? All I Wanna Do is the best song Ricki Lee Jones song Ricki Lee Jones never recorded. It is very cool, great bass line, wonderful arrangement. It's a groove and her voice sounds absolutely nothing like her other tunes, which is why its so good. This is not just about it being the big one hit, it sounds like it came from another artist, another record, another time, another place. And it is superb. The country tinged songs are good, Strong Enough and Can't Cry Anymore, and would have made great Chicks tunes, they'd have really taken them somewhere else. And The Na Na is another lift on the Too Much Monkey Business/Subterranean Homesick/Pump it Up conveyor belt, though Olivia Rodrigo has now done what Sheryl can't do here. The rest, what can I say? Not much. Although I'm sure Aldous Huxley, late of Bloomsbury and Brave New World, would have been utterly bemused to be name checked on this mediocre record. 2 for the Ricki Lee song.

May 28 2021
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Worse than being incompetent is being boring. Ten times out of ten I'd prefer to listen to a car crash failure that had some ambition over coolly, competently delivered music that neither stirs the imagination nor gets the blood pumping.

Jan 22 2021
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I'll admit it--I snoozed on this album the day this system presented it to me. Listening now, a day later, and I have to say it's great. Classic singer-songwriter music, but with surprisingly wide-ranging influences and overall a really fun listen.

Apr 04 2021
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A bit surprised by this one, but I loved it. Very close to a five but the middle was weaker than the start and finish. Still an album I would absolutely come back to Saved: Run, Baby, Run; Leaving Las Vegas; I Shall Believe

Jul 27 2021
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I GOT THIS ON MONDAY WACK! but it has some chill songs

Jan 28 2022
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I had a predisposition to not like this - sure I've heard the singles which were fine - but I remember reading an article a few years after its release about how Crow was either claiming exclusive songwriting or dismissing others' contributions to it. I realize that should have nothing to do with enjoying an album or not :D but it kinda does... (anyways it's all disputed anyways so who tf cares) but Sheryl is starting from behind the blocks already as I put this on... But ok I admit this first song "Run, Baby, Run" is great - some really nice subtly-different chord changes; probably ends up being my favourite song on the album. After that it's fine - I went back and forth almost within each song. Sometimes her voice is a little shrill and hard to take, other times I really like it. The music is varied and put together really well but for me overall it's just "nice" - probably deserves more than a 3 and I could see people loving it (could i equivocate more?) - ok summing up with: "worth a listen". 7/10 3 stars

Oct 29 2023
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I’m predisposed to have at least a begrudging respect for a lot of music from this era, as I was a thirteen year old and it was part of the ethereal backdrop of my musical upbringing. Something that strikes me about the music of the early 90’s compared to the music of the 80’s, is the stark contrast in sound. The 1980’s were about excess, wether it be in terms of music production or cocaine consumption. In the early 90’s, like a light switch flipping, everything became more stripped back, grounded and down to earth. It was incredibly refreshing, even as a kid. There was at least the illusion that anyone could do it, you didn’t have to have a multi-million dollar budget, everything didn’t have to be huge…you could let your music speak for itself. Gone were the days of style over substance and that would turn out to be a formative experience in my life. So Sheryl Crow’s debut record hits right for me, because it is exactly that: a stripped back, down to earth, no frills record, with good songs and musicianship. It’s not a record I’ll seek out or add to my collection, but it’s quite good and was an enjoyable listen.

Mar 22 2021
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I have tried listening to Sheryl Crow before and feel that I ought to like her. I gave this a good go, but just came, yet again, to the conclusion that I don't.

Aug 04 2021
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Just ok Well made but pretty vanilla really

May 21 2021
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Más allá de que el disco es de 1993, ella en mi cabeza es muy representación de los 90s. Tengo taladrado en el hipotálamo 'Soak Up The Son' (video de ella tocando la guitarra en la playa con surfers. Esa información ridícula que mi cerebro recuerda). Ese tema no está en este disco pero es el que más recuerdo de ella, obvio que está su versión (muy buena) de 'Sweet Child O' Mine' y el mega mega meeeeeeeega hitero "All I Wanna Do'. El tema que más me gusta el disco es 'We Do What We Can'. Buena letra y lindo quilombo sonoro. El disco es un círculo perfecto. ¿Lo escucharía nuevamente? Probablemente no pero 'All I Wanna Do' si aparece en la radio, te la canto a los gritos. 8 de 10 ludomatics.

Mar 07 2022
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Le nom de cet album tombe à pique puisque je voulais justement aborder un sujet qui crée des sueurs froides à Robert en ce moment. Vous avez sans doute remarqué que je participe depuis quelques semaines à des soirées karaoké (j'ai d'ailleurs gagné la dernière et remporté la somme de cinquante euros en bons d'achat). Si l'ambiance y est évidemment excellente, un énorme problème se pose : le septième commandement de Robert (« 7. Tu n'écouteras les albums qu'après leur génération, quand bien même tu les connaîtrais déjà ») est soumis à rude épreuve pour ne pas dire totalement violé à chaque fois dans la mesure où de nombreux tubes encore non-générés parviennent chaque semaine à mes oreilles. Robert m'appela donc ce jeudi matin pour me demander des explications et pour la première fois, je décidai de lui tenir tête ; hors de question pour moi de renoncer à ces soirées. Robert a d'ores et déjà annoncé vouloir m'appliquer des sanctions et projette dans un premier temps de geler mon enceinte JBL, je vous tiendrai au courant de la suite des évènements.

Oct 09 2024
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Tuesday Night Music Club I’ve never listened to this even though I’m quite partial to a bit of Sheryl. All I Wanna Do, If It Makes You Happy, Everyday is a Winding Road, A Change Would Do You Good, Soak up the Sun and Steve McQueen are all great bits of classic pop/rock songwriting. That rock classicism is evident on Run Baby Run, but whereas those songs wear that classicism lightly, on this song it hangs a bit too heavy, feeling rather too studied and stifling. Leaving Las Vegas is much much better though, the acoustic rhythm guitar helping to give it that nice, loose, rootsy 70s rock feel, which suits her voice, and the melody and lyric is much better than Run Baby Run. Strong Enough is great too, a sweet acoustic ballad with a little groove. Can’t Cry Anymore is very nice too, again the loose rootsy feel working well with the melody, lyric and vocal. Solidify though sounds a bit out of place after those two songs, it has slickness not in keeping with the feel of the rest of the album. The Na-Na Song shares some similarities with We Didn’t Start the Fire and Bullet Comes, but has an agreeable jam feel to it, even if it is a bit lightweight. No One Said It Would Be Easy is superb though, a sad and teary country ballad, with some very tasteful guitar and bass and a great feel. What I Can Do For You reminds me of something I can’t quite place, but it's a nice track in the same rootsy vein, even if it's not one of the strongest You can see why All I Wanna Do was such a big hit, its slightly offbeat country pop brilliance is immediately evident, with its observational narrative verses and hooky chorus, and its very appealing evocation of drinking in the LA sun. I get the idea of We Do What We Can, but I don’t think it works that well, the jazzy feel doesn't quite hit the right mark and it’s not a particularly strong melody. I Shall Believe is great though, a rather lovely ballad with a country feel and a great hymnal atmosphere. It would be easy for this type of album and this type of music to end up in Counting Crows style middle of the road anodyne boringness, but, for the most part, it stays away from that. There is a warmth and feel to playing, but mainly I think it succeeds because it’s nice to hear this music from a female perspective, but also because she has a great soulful, expressive edge to her voice, singing the songs with conviction and authenticity. Overall this is probably a 3 or 4 songs away from being truly great. The warm, loose, rootsy core of the album in Leaving Las Vegas, Strong Enough, Can’t Cry Anymore, No One Said It Would Be Easy, What I Can Do For You, All I Wanna Do and I Shall Believe is excellent, but songs like Run Baby Run, Solidify and We Do What We Can unfortunately detract from the atmosphere those other songs create. It’s still a great listen though, and sits as and easy 4 for me 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛ Playlist submission: Tempted by No One Said it Would Be Easy but All I Wanna Do is an undeniably great track, so I’ll go with that

Feb 25 2021
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Disappointing. Like some songs, but a few stinkers on there (e.g. na-na song). All I wanna do is great though. 2.7

Mar 11 2021
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Well. Wanted to like this. I love her voice and her popular songs are catchy as shit, but the rest of the album was just, meh. Wasn’t really wowed, but also didn’t hate it. Just, MEH

Dec 01 2021
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surprisingly really enjoyed this album. thought Leaving Las Vegas and Strong Enough back to back was really great. I always forget that Sheryl Crow is older than you think (was in her 30s in the early 90s) - which makes some of the references to the 60s in the songs make a lot more sense.

May 25 2022
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Sheryl has a nice voice and you probably have to have been living under a rock not to know her hits. The upbeat poppy tunes are fun and easy to listen to, but the sad and slow tunes are a miss for me. Overall it was alright, I liked the opening tracks and All I Wanna Do is a good tune, otherwise fairly unremarkable singer-songwriter fare.

Aug 29 2022
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A fine pop-rock album from a talented singer/songwriter that paid her dues. However nothing here makes me believe I'll listen more than this one time. 3 stars

Apr 25 2021
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Agradable, un disco genérico con buenos momentos de pop americano. Pero nada mas.

May 21 2021
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Que dificil me es escuchar Sheryl Crow, no porque sea mala sino porque lo que hace jamas resonó en mi. Me suena a musica que deberia sonar bajito en la barra de un var medio vacio mientras lloras porque esa hija de puta te dejo por otro. Me gusta mucho como el organo acompaña de fondo en casi todos los temas. No termino de identificar que genero seria. Como un country medio comercial devenido en pop? Me suena a la antesala a lo que fue John Mayer en Born and Raised. Tambien escucho muchas cosas que despues aparecieron en el album Music de Madonna. Será que esto influenció todo eso? Regardless, todo esta muy en linea de lo que se escuchaba en esa epoca, casi que pasa por un disco de Natalie Umbriglia. Las letras son muy lindas, tambien de la epoca. Can't cry anymore parece escrita por Tom Petty directamente, como punto a favor. Acá nacio la musica para cafeterias? Claramente el disco es bueno, pero no lo escucharia seguido.

Nov 17 2021
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Meh not my cup of tea. Besides All I Wanna Do of course

Nov 26 2021
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Sheryl Crow was to 90s girl pop/rock what Sarah McLachlan is/was to the SPCA, except one is very meaningful in spite of the depression. California/beach/sunny rock/pop or however one can describe this album is okay at best. If this were reviewed in 1993 and not 2021, the opinion would likely be way more positive. However, if one believes that music should in some way transcend the era in which it was released and remain a positive nostalgic experience, then Tuesday Night Music Club might leave you disappointed. All this listener wants to do is try to move on till the sun comes down and a new album is generated.

Feb 04 2022
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Some perfectly boring and forgettable singer/songwriter pop-rock. Not unpleasant, but it was a snooze.

Mar 14 2022
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2, One jammer on this but the others didn't do much for me

Jul 25 2022
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Pretty beige in the most part. Alanis Morrissette without the anger, pain, and lyrical cleverness. Run Baby Run and All I Wanna Do are good enough pop songs, but it's all a bit bland with a couple of real stinkers in there (yes, I'm looking at you, Solidify and The Na-Na Song). 2/5. 

Sep 15 2022
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I'm not a fan of predictable, formulaic pop and this is Exhibit 1. Move along folks, nothing to see or hear here. It must have been a stretch to include this album in the book.

Oct 29 2022
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I gave it a fair shot (Sheryl's voice is pleasant) but... not my genre at all. Couldn't get into the songs/lyrics. A little grating at times.

Nov 23 2023
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i have mad respect for shez and her ability to make a whole career from all i wanna do. the rest of this album is absolute and utter horse wank. each track gave me that instant turn this shit of vibe.

Dec 03 2021
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It's amazing how well this album has aged. It's just so good. So, so good.

Feb 28 2022
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I've loved this album since hearing Strong Enough when I was 12. A masterpiece. She never came close to this again.

Aug 22 2022
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I think I’ve heard this album before, but it has been a while. There are a lot of great songs on this and I really enjoyed hearing it again. A close listen to this album makes me realize how great a songwriter Sheryl Crow is.

Oct 13 2022
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Really liked no one said it would be easy, what I can do for you, we do what we can. Sheryl crow has a very recognizable voice. Smoky and sultry, enjoy the way she layers her voice for choruses. She has an incredible blend of rock, pop, blues, jazz. This was her debut album. The initial one was scrapped but is leaked on internet. Mental note to find that as she deemed it to be overproduced. This one is definitely raw-just her full-hearted vocals and instrumentals. Incredible album.

Mar 16 2023
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I listened to a lot of top 40 radio in the 90's, so I'm pretty familiar with Sheryl Crow's singles, but this is my first time listening to a whole album of hers. I've always found her music pretty inoffensive, but it's never been something I've gravitated towards. I was underwhelmed to be assigned this album today, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. All of these songs are really well written, from the more reflective "Leaving Las Vegas," to the lighthearted "All I Wanna Do." The instrumentation on this album is great too, and I never noticed until today that there's a great use of a vibraslap (at least I think that's what I heard) on "All I Wanna Do." I really enjoyed the funky hook on "Solidify" and the rap-like flow of "The Na-Na Song." I often think of Sheryl Crow as primarily acoustic music, but this album proves that she can do it all. This album was completely under the radar for me, but I thought it was great. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to fire up a doobie, attend a political rally, and blast "Soak Up the Sun."

May 01 2023
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Great 90s memories. Fabulous collection of songs.

May 19 2023
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Curioso. Cuando salió el disco, no me gustó nada. Pero actualmente sí. Es muy buena.

May 26 2023
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Curioso. Cuando salió el disco, no me gustó nada. Pero actualmente sí. Es muy buena.

Aug 17 2023
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not bad. твёрдое 4/5, душевно.

Aug 22 2023
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Brilliant. Two of my all-time favourites (Leaving Las Vegas & Can't cry anymore) and the rest is good stuff, too - though the live acoustic versions are better.

Oct 11 2023
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Never too much girl rock. Crow isn't my all time fave but I'd listen again.

Nov 10 2023
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As a teenager I had a fairly sizeable teenage crush on Sheryl Crow - I don't believe unreasonably however I don't think she was really ever on the radar of my immediate peers. I'd never really listened to this album although I am fairly familiar with many of the songs (the most prominent of which, All I Wanna Do is actually my least favourite), but I wish I had, Sheryl just became even more attractive in my eyes, sexy and talented! I'm sure this will be some comfort to her

Jan 04 2024
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I bloody love Sheryl Crow. She's fantastic. Saw her at Glastonbury in 2019 and she was so so good. I really enjoyed this album but I definitely wouldn't say it's her best. Her self-titled album which came next is definitely the best and the one after that is also great so I'm surprised this album is here, nonetheless, it's great.

Feb 16 2024
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Last few songs really caught my attention and all I wanna do is a classic

Mar 07 2024
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i feel like i was just possessed by the spirit of a woman going through a divorce in the 90’s for 50 minutes. loved it.

Mar 16 2024
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Run, Run, Run Strong Enough Can't Cry Anymore All I Wanna Do If it makes you happy Cijeli album je dobar

Mar 31 2024
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I am a tall, bearded man with a bald head and a love for powerlifting. And I absolutely adore this album — why on earth has nobody exposed me to this?

Apr 05 2024
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So I typically don’t like 90’s music, and Singer/Songwriter is one of my lowest rated categories in this project. This is an exception. I love Sheryl’s gravelly voice, the crisp acoustic guitar tracks, and the simple, yet well done arrangements. I read one review that said she is the female Tom Petty, and I can see that. I love the story telling aspect of each song. I just really enjoy this album. I used to have this on CD and listened to it all the time, then I think a coworker took it. I had not listened to this in years, and I’m genuinely glad this one came up today.

Apr 12 2024
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Man I should've given her a chance sooner

May 09 2024
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Heard at least half of these wonderful songs, but never thought they were on one single album. Brilliant!

May 22 2024
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I expected this to be 11 “All I Wanna Do”s. I was both wrong and right. I was wrong in that these songs are interesting and Dylanesque. But I was right in that even the hit “All I Wanna do” is weird and complex. So yeah, it is 11 “All I Wanna Do”s, but that’s a good thing.

May 22 2024
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I've heard a few songs before and liked them but discovered that there was a lot of other good music on this album as well.

Jul 28 2024
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Crazy to think this album was a debut. Sheryl Crow is one of the best singer songwriter players in a generation. “I Shall Believe” is one of my favorites.

Aug 16 2024
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Great album, you can see how she got so big

Aug 29 2024
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For me, "All I Wanna Do" is in contention for being THE song of the 90s. If not number 1, it's probably easily a top 10. It is so masterfully written. Track 1 is beautiful but I disagree with the placement. It's got a pretty sad rock ballad-y feel to it and I feel like this is an odd way to start an album- specially an album that has some great energy in it beyond this track. I think there are several others that would be a better fit as #1 instead. "Strong Enough" is a bit of a hidden gem on this album, with a beautiful chorus that sits on top of a cool conversation between a fretless bass and a slew of acoustic guitars. This is a very good song, and I will be learning how to play it today. She has an incredible knack for taking a track that just has a basic verse harmony and melody and then elevating it. It's like after 1 minute into writing a song she has this magic ability to say "let's do a big over the top pre-chorus, and yes I know that it will work because I am magic". Maybe it's a confidence thing. I miss pop / singer-songwriter albums like this. I feel like nowadays these types of artists are so obsessed with "their sounds" and living inside of their moodboards that you get super cohesive albums that are really good, but they don't really jump around too much inside of the singular albums. Maybe that's not a problem at all though (and maybe it's something that I've praised other times on this list)? When I think of the big pop acts right now, like Charli XCX, Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, I think that many of their albums are all compartmentalized into their one thing. Taylor Swift is probably the most obvious one, with her "this is my folk heartbreak album", "this is my synth pop heartbreak album", but even Billie Eilish's most recent release "Hit Me Hard and Soft" is super cool and does a lot of interesting things, but it's all silo'd into that one album. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not trying to critique too hard, because that Billie Eilish album is one of my favorite records of the last some odd years, but this Sheryl Crow album excited me on an extra level because I got a cohesive collection that also had some boundary pushing inside of it. There's some funk guitars in there ("Solidify"), there's some Fiona Apple-esque vocal parts ("The Na-Na Song"), some bluegrass ("Strong Enough"), some electronic jazz ("We Do What We Can"), and some bonafide pop (twang disco pop??!?("All I Wanna Do")). After writing this section of my review while listening to "All I Wanna Do", it's become obvious that this is a 5/5 album. It has everything that I want in a record and I'm so glad it's come back to my attention. "Tuesday Night Music Club" is such a great name for an album, and this album art supports the title well. I want to listen further, I want to see what she has to offer.

Oct 02 2024
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01) Run, Baby, Run - 10,0 02) Leaving Las Vegas - 10,0 03) Strong Enough - 10,0 04) Can't Cry Anymore - 10,0 05) Solidify - 9,0 06) The Na-Na Song - 8,5 07) No One Said It Would Be Easy - 8,0 08) What I Can Do For You - 7,5 09) All I Wanna Do - 10,0 10) We Do What We Can - 8,5 11) I Shall Believe - 10,0 TOTAL: 9,23 (93/100)

Feb 05 2021
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Iznenadjujuce zanimljiv. - Run, baby, run - We do what we can - I shall believe

Mar 18 2021
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pleasantly surprised. this was really nice and felt like there was a lot of range ^~^

Apr 15 2021
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I like it. Cant lie. I’ll listen to it again.

May 27 2021
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Her best song is still If It Makes You Happy

Jul 14 2021
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Really enjoyed this, will give it another listen again.

Jun 24 2021
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Muy molón! Hay algunas canciones que no me mueven tanto, pero tiene un rollazo!

Aug 16 2021
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I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would.

Sep 23 2021
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Opening track has some biiiiiiiig Sara Bareilles energy. Strong Enough is a certified banger. Its really interesting to hear her in her release. So much of her sonic landscape feels so different from what it would become. The country elements are there, but its such a pop record. All I Wanna Do is also certified banger status for good reason. We Do What We Can really sticks out on this album. In general a solid album with a set of weird closers.

Nov 06 2021
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All I wanna do is have some fun...

Nov 24 2021
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This is an almost perfect record. I'm giving it a 4. It isn't top notch like the handful of records I'll likely be rating as a 5 here. But it represents a moment, after Grunge brought authentic (no gated snare drums) pop-rock back into the collective consciousness. So, records like this and Counting Crows, Gin Blossoms, etc. were able to thrive in all their organic and human glory. I love Sheryl Crow's voice and had a crush on her because of this record. My sister bought the CD. I stole it from her along with No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom. For sure, Sheryl Crow was important for opening my eyes to how much prettier music can be when there is a femal vocalist. Why she had to work with Kid Rock later on, I'll never know. That's too bad. Her song on the Cars soundtrack is good too.

Jan 13 2022
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Solid. There's a handful of great songs on here, the rest are just OK. Only one or two that I legitimately didn't like.

Jan 26 2022
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All I wanna do is have some fun?

Jan 28 2022
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Such a good album. Several of her biggest hits all in one

Mar 16 2022
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Sheryl Crow has lovely, soothing voice and casual style that is really attractive. I like the hits and most of the other songs on this album. 3.5 and rounding up.

Mar 16 2022
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Always loved this album and Sheryl crow

Mar 18 2022
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Oh did I feel all 1990's dancing in the morning spring sun to this. Hadn't listened to the album for 20+ years so needed reminding Sheryl is far more than a one hit wonder. Some great tunes here.

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