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Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space



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Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space
Album Summary

Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space is the third studio album by English space rock band Spiritualized, released on 16 June 1997. The album features guest appearances from the Balanescu Quartet, The London Community Gospel Choir and Dr. John. The artwork was designed by Pierce in collaboration with Mark Farrow. A special edition of the album was packaged in a box designed to resemble prescription medicine, complete with a booklet containing "dosage advice" and a foil blister pack containing the CD. A limited edition was also released, featuring each of the 12 songs in its own individually wrapped 3-inch CD, inside a large blister pack and box.







  • Rock
  • Indie
  • Shoegaze


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May 04 2021
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This album featured 58 collaborators and took 18 months to put together. The final track is 17 minutes long. There's a gospel choir, a string ensemble, and Dr. John. It's a monument to excess, but at the same time, it's about simple truths. I can see how it might be portentous to some, but I think it works. It's smart and emotional at the same time, and it sounds incredible. Best track: Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space

Apr 14 2021
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The title track is worth the price of admission all on it's own. However, the rest of this album is filled with beautiful tracks, unique compositions, and evocative lyrics. This was a fantastic album.

Jun 07 2021
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Belongs in the heroin space gospel genre. A long album but I think it fits the type of music

Mar 01 2021
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“Ladies and Gentlemen we are Floating in Space” by Spiritualized (1997) Never heard this album or this group. You know how sometimes you get high and an idea pops into your head and you think wow, man that’s a really great idea and you resolve to put the idea into practice when you’re no longer stoned and you even write down some notes about the idea because it’s so cool and then you run across your notes while you’re throwing out the pizza boxes and pop bottles and Doritos bags from the previous evening and you read those notes and you read them again and you scratch your head and you throw it all away and head to the medicine cabinet and you take an aspirin? That’s this album. Here we are treated to elaborate soundscapes with multiple countermelodies, in tightly controlled chord structures. The musical objective seems to be to draw attention to the layers. I found myself continually asking “What is producing that particular piece of the sound?” (While that is entertainingly diversionary, it was sometimes distracting. The composition is sometimes a bit repetitive.) It’s pretty, like electronic lace. Well conceived and recorded, it is evident that a lot of musicians put a lot of work into this product. A key feature is that there are so many things going on at the same time, yet avoiding chaos by strict tonal discipline and standard progressions. Also, with plenty of sustain and drawn out chord presentations, the music is further tied together. The chief weakness in both the instrumental and vocal performances is they lack emotional depth. It seems too mechanical, even in places where you would expect some passion, such as the title line on “I Think I’m in Love”. But in “Electricity”, the disciplined elaborations get in the way. It doesn’t rock. Guitar work is competent, but not particularly adroit. The skill on display is the variations in the pedal effects. Flange and chorus effects predominate. Lead vocals not good, backing vocals superb. Often (e.g., “Home of the Brave”) the lead vocal sounds like a poor imitation of Kurt Cobain. The lyrics are pretty standard, lacking originality and depth. Could’ve been written by third rate band in the 1960s. I was really looking forward to the potentially powerful and profound lyrics on “No God Only Religion”. There weren’t any. Damn. The track least afflicted by this poetic malady is “Cool Waves”, but even it is a lyrical swing and a miss. Definitely headphones music. Meant for meditation. I couldn’t listen to this while working, reading, cooking, or doing needlepoint (and I don’t even do needlepoint). Maybe driving. Across Kansas. It’s okay music, not great. This album might be an example of shoegazing, but it’s far from omphaloskepsis. 2/5

Mar 25 2021
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There are no albums which are as expansive and divine as this. Born in the 90s, the imagination of Spiritualized, which quite literally aimed towards the heavens, was able to be realised in part due to material abundance and solemn optimism for the upcoming new millennia. Beyond the exhaustive and ultimately banal analysins of production, songwriting and other technical details which are required in music making, it is a masterpiece for the simple reason that it aims to be one.

Jan 14 2022
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I've heard this album referred to as either "excessive" or "lush" depending on whether or not the person liked the end product. I think the truth is that it's both in turns. The real issue with the album, however, is the lack of substance beyond the production. None of the songs have any significant lyrical or melodic hooks and, throughout most of the album, the songs themselves feel like an afterthought to the production. Like a fancy hamburger restaurant where the toppings are outrageous but the beef patty itself is just a flavorless, overcooked grey slab of meat.

Oct 23 2020
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I think i'm alive. Probably just breathing. This album has it all. One of the coolest thing ever recorded. Those 3 opening songs are out of this world. One of the best album closer ever in Cop Shoot Cop. A perfect album cover.

Nov 07 2021
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The album cover had me instantly intrigued. If I had seen this in a record store I would have picked it up. But I had no idea what I was in for. When “Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space” started I immediately started to feel chills. As advertised, seems like the perfect music for floating in space. I found it incredibly beautiful, teasing me with some kind of familiarity. At the close of the song the chills returned as I realized what was happening. An incredible opening that immediately earned the album a place in my library. “Come Together” certainly feels like it belongs with the opening number, but it has a much stronger rock vibe. Ladies and gentlemen, we are now on a musical journey to I know not where… “I Think I’m In Love” stood out with its lyrics. ‘Think I can rock and roll, probably just twisting’ or ‘Think that I’m a winner, Baby, probably Las Vegas’ or ‘Think I’m on fire, probably just smoking.’ I love this song. The spacey orientation of this album might result in a sterile void, but the songs feel intensely personal. The subject of “All Of My Thoughts” sounds lost after losing someone very special. Song of the songs have a strong psychedelic sound. And then there’s a sort of spacey, trippy folk sound in “Home of the Brave” I very much liked. “Broken Heart” is heartbreaking masterpiece of a song. Incredible and beautiful. It was surprising in “Cop Shoot Cop” to hear John Prine quoted in this song. The song is great - a perfect closer to the album, although I imagine its runtime and long solo will be off-putting to some. Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space is an otherworldly album that combines rock with a modern wall of sound, at times bordering on religious music with organs and gospel choirs - even taking the occasional almost-jazz break. The songs are lush and richly woven, complex structures that evoke wonder and grandeur. While occasional parts of this album went on a bit long here and there, the high points on this album left me a bit awestruck. There are so many occasions that I will want to hear this again. Spectacular.

Apr 12 2021
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Less than halfway through the album I found myself waiting for it to be over. 5.8/10

Oct 24 2021
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Loved this album when I was given a copy on tape by my mate Ben in '97, still love it today. I know it may be a bit noisy for a lot of people, but the noise makes the quiet bits more powerful, and vice versa. It's why Bambi's mum gets shot.... emotional manipulation innit!

Feb 26 2022
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deserved 5-; I had a lot of thoughts listening to this album, initially I totally didn't appreciate it the way it deserves. Beautiful production, very high level. Diveristy of the melodies and sounds, space rocking and gospel choirs made me fell like really floating in a space or beeing of some kind of heavy drugs. Beautiful piece of art.

Mar 18 2022
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Holy crap. Of the 410 albums I've listened to on this list so far, this is the first time I've heard a previously unheard album and wanted to rate it 5 stars. Usually it takes me a few listens to recognize a masterpiece, but I've been instantly blown away by this. Beautiful, compelling, original, and somehow lacking the pretension of an album like OK Computer by Radiohead. I have a feeling I will be listening to this a lot over the next few days. 5 stars.

Dec 24 2021
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Had a different impression of this album - loved the gospel angel and while no standout songs - it feels like a true album - one large musical piece from start to finish - pleasant surprise

Jul 18 2021
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Wow - an album I always read about in the late 90s and I liked things like the cover and everything have should have told me to listen to it properly. I only recognised one track so I clearly never did. This is much more to my taste now than it would have been back then. Ambitious in arrangement, lyrics excellent in parts, it soars at plenty of times (come together, electricity, broken heart to name some) it actually builds towards the finale of Cop Shoot Cop which is quite something - blown away and will be back - a lot. I’ve no hesitation in paying forward and giving this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Oct 01 2021
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Minimal krautrock songs, with massive (and noisy) orchestral arrangements. The thing that elevates this particular album is the raw emotion of the lyrics. then hurt of lost love, compounded by an unhealthy relationship with drugs, leaves the narrator of this extended suite completely laid and vulnerable. The emotion is exhausted, sung in a deadpan delivery as an exhausted calm after the (musical storm). A masterpiece.

Dec 20 2021
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Wild wild ride. I think it would have been better if I were smokin and jokin, but still awesome. A rare one that is long and earns it

Jan 18 2022
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Ambitious but incredibly well-executed space rock/neo-psychedelia album. Love this one.

Feb 14 2022
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I can't begin to describe how much I love this album. I was aware of Spaceman 3 but initially didn't make the connection between them and Spritualized and letting my own musical snobbery take hold thought they would sound like watered down Mercury Rev. Boy I was wrong. I friend gave me a rip of a recording of a live show Triple J broadcast when Spritualized toured Australia one time. I found myself listening to it over and over again. I was mesmerised by the performance, especially the tracks that came off Ladies and Gentlemen. So I I tracked down the album and it became a firm favourite of mine. It has become my soundtrack to those days that the world gets too much. The dreaminess and swirling sounds negate any dark mood I am in, the sonic equivalent of a valium.

Apr 01 2022
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Spiritualized's music is described as Space Rock, Neo-Pyschedelia and Gospel. This album is sure hard to categorize other than it is a fusion of a lot of styles. I can see people calling this a mess but there is something grand and majestic here which works pretty well for me. I saw these guys about four years ago; while maybe lacking stage presence, they had four guitarists and sound that was coming from everywhere. It was a great show and kind of best fits this album: wall of sound. I'd say there's a pattern to these songs but not really all of them. A fair number of them start soft with music more in the popular-at-the-time Britpop style (sounding like Oasis), builds the music and drama and ends in a more psychedelic/experimental area. The album-titled song starts everything in a very soft and dreamy way then transitions to song #2 "Come Together" the most tradional rock song on the album. From there, things get more interesting with more of the soft to loud song dynamic and structure with the loud being different musical styles, more drama, song complexity, instruments, etc. "All of My Thoughts" ends in a blues harmonica and experimental guitar jam. "Electricity" grooves with an organ. "Home of the Brave" and "The Individual" both build on the experimental guitars, sounding and ending like Sonic Youth. The loud of "Broken Heart" is an orchestra while that of "Cool Waves" is more gospel oriented. A big album at nearly 70 minutes ( CD era) but is definitely worth a listen. A great musical attempt of what floating in space would feel like, I think.

Jun 23 2022
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I genuinely wasn’t expecting to love this album as much as I did. I’m really glad I listened to it with my headphones on but it’s absolutely gorgeous and super interesting. Guess I’m floating in space as a big ol fan now!

Jul 11 2022
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I was saving this review until after I took shrooms to really appreciate its inner beauty, but I didn't realize they were super potent APE. 2.7g felt like 4g and I was traveling through the metaverse. That didn't stop me from clumsily searching for this album on spotify and playing to completion. Time felt like an eternity and I don't think my mind was able to pay attention. But whatever, I've listened to this album maybe 3 times now sober and once on 15mg THC, so I think I have a good idea. I'd classify myself as a dream pop guy. Gotta love shoegaze and psychedelic music. What can I say? I love busy noise. Huge Sonic Youth fan. And this is full of noise, swirly shoegazy sounds. In 1997? When it was all but abandoned excluding parts of Verve's Urban Hymns? This album is the epitome of space rock and you can see why when it knows how to employ atmosphere, shrouding you in clouds of sound and gospel choirs but also utilizing silence and repetition well. You don't need much lyrics when it takes you on a magic spaceship. The music's like a 12 course meal at a fine dining establishment. You get a taste of what they're capable of in each track, yet it's coherent... these transitions are smooth from one to the next. There's no best song so fuck off raving that the title track is the objective best song of all time. Dude, it's all fantastic. Some of these songs are LONG, but I don't even realize it until I look at the timestamp. They just pass by. You start off with the beautiful baroque pop titular piece to the Beatlesesque with horns "Come Together" to the shoegaze "I Think I'm in Love" to the dreamy "Stay With Me". Later we got the industrial "The Individual" followed by the peaceful "Broken Heart." Like dude. That's fine dining. Oh and that 17-minute dessert "Cop Shoot Cop" is simply gorgeous, finishing with a bombastic explosion of chaos. Favorites: I Think I'm in Love, Stay With Me, No God Only Religion, Cop Shoot Cop

Jul 16 2022
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This. I first came across this way back in the year 2000. I was given a geet massive stack of CDs by a Northern Irish colleague and this was by far and away the most memorable, packaged as it was in a pill box, blister packed CD and patient safety notes. My colleague was herself a pharmacist, so it stood out even more. The ingredients are here for post-Britpop pomp and grandiosity, but we're never punished by it. It's like driving to Lake Garda on a lovely summer day. The journey of the album is twisty roads, tunnels and insane pensioners driving knackered old fiats way faster than should be even possible - but with a satisfying regularity you're rewarded by breathtaking views. The grandiose pomposity is there, but it's in the distance - to be appreciated - rather than stuffed down your throat, like some of Spiritualized contemporaries were wont to do. The production is faultless, using almost every knob on the control board at least once. It is never less than slick. Try as I might, I just can't dislike this album. There's too many associations with good experiences. Listen to it. Let it wash over you. You can, if you want, drive this album like an insane Italian pensioner. You can seek out the racing line, hug the corners and overtake buses on blind corners, and I'm sure it'll be absolutely great. But I'd prefer to let it show me its curves and stunning scenery.

Sep 26 2022
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Peerless in its melding of gospel, psychedelia, saxophones, and evocations of air and space travel. "Come Together" is a singular moment of impossible tension and balance; "Home of the Brave" a giddy, skittering comedown from the blast of "Electricity." The drug references throughout are so humanized as to land in a universal space that thankfully doesn't require firsthand knowledge of opiates to enjoy.

Nov 23 2022
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How come this album (and band to be fair) is not much more popular, is beyond my imagination. I am currently on my third loop of this record, it is absolutely amazing. Truth to be told, I don't really see the "space rock" angle on this album, I can see some psychedelic elements, but in general I would create a label "spiritualized rock". Excellent mix of atmospheric, chilled tunes like "Cool Waves", slowly transforming into a full orchestral, all-out jam in "Cop Shoot Cop". Great riffs, really amazing small solos, everything fits perfectly on the album. It feels like the band had an idea of how the record will look like before they even stepped into the studio. They take their time, play out the tunes as long as they want, to drive to the culmination point, which is a full release of emotions and feelings. I absolutely love this album, and it moves to my "favourite tracks" list straight away.

Jan 22 2023
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One of my all time favourite albums. Adore the first track. Hate the fact that the Elvis "Can't help falling in love" infused version has replaced the original more pure version on all streaming sites. Should be an extra track. It's lovely, but when I listen to the album I want the version I fell in love with. Every song builds beautifully. Talk about going on a sonic journey into the space in your mind. I have the CD that came in a prescription blister pack, and cardboard with the inlay notes written on a patient information leaflet and instructions for dosage, etc. Genius design. Absolutely wonderful album though. I got this in 1997 then went back and bought Pure Phase and Lazer Guided Melodies and the three of them soundtracked my uni years and plenty more besides. Saw the band live a couple of times around this time, absolutely spectacular each time. The live album released a year or so later is a great example of this. Could always be relied upon to do something special and different in a live version, songs such as Electric Mainline and Shine a Light are completely brilliant in a different way to the studio version. Broken Heart, off this record, the harmonica is just incredible, heartbreaking live version. The studio versions are fabulous also. Broken Heart is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard. So sad on the face of it, but the arrangement is so warm, and ultimately feels so full of acceptance, and strength to move forward. Like Hope in the Dark, this song is an axe I often reach for to break down walls. Stay With Me's gently shimmering brilliance, Come Together's muscular gospel rock, I Think I'm in Love's laconic build. The freak outs. Electricity continuing the Beefheart/OMD run of songs called Electricity being fucking excellent. After all that, Cool Waves is a blissful salve, before Cop Shoot Cop blows your socks off again. It's just perfect. I'm only really now getting into Spacemen 3, Sonic Boom's work with Panda Bear helps. Will always love this album and frequently return to it. Faves. Title track (original), I think I'm in Love, Stay With Me, Broken Heart.

Jan 24 2023
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This album is an absolute experience. It has everything from a gospel choir, Britpop like melodies, and shoegaze like sonic explorations all wrapped up in driving space rock. The album expertly incorporates other artists such as Elvis in the opener and John Prine in the closer. I honestly am so blown away by this album that I don't quite know how to talk about it yet. It is symphonic, beautiful, uplifting, gut wrenching, and just insanely impressive. The amount of work that it must have taken to make this work is staggering. And it does work too.

Oct 05 2023
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For symptoms including heartbreak, depression, profound existential sadness, joy, love, weariness, physical pain and spiritual malaise. Adults and children, take one dose 💊 Repeat if necessary. Ingredients include psychedelic space rock, gospel, soul, blues, discordant noise and ballad. Side effects may include relief, euphoria, and a deep groove. Combine with other medication at your discretion.

Oct 10 2021
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Amazingly, the album features a string quartet, a mixed choir and a brass section. The title track is a de facto classical sonata, solemn and elegant. The composition is but a minor detail compared to the effort and care with which the songs have been arranged and produced. The question that remains to be answered is whether it is art or technique. (7/10) Favourite Tracks: Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space, I Think I'm in Love

Feb 17 2023
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This is a record I’ve heard many times over the years. It’s a record that, while listening, I think to myself, “this is a really great record”. It’s a record, that even though I think those things, I almost never come back to. I’ve made peace with the fact that it’ll never make it into my regular rotation. …or maybe it will, I don’t know. I got 3.5 hours of sleep last night and my brain is scrambled as I write this, so who knows what anything is anymore.

Aug 11 2023
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I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this. But damn, I'm very pleasantly surprised. It has a gentle rock, but a 70s psychedelic and slight funk attitude. It fits no boxes, but it also knows exactly what it wants to accomplish and does so. I also love the transitions from song to song. It does drag a little bit in the third quarter. Overall, pleasant surprise that I enjoyed. 4/5 Favorites: Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space, I Think I'm in Love, Cool Water Least Favorites: The Individual

Oct 23 2020
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Bra album men saknar någon låt som sticker ut. Blir lite samma samma.

Oct 23 2020
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Närmre min musiksmak än NIN, men vissa låtar var ganska kryddade. Lyssnade inte med headset och tror att jag kanske råkade ha shuffle på, så Alexander kommer nog inte godta mitt betyg förrän jag lyssnat på det RÄTT... men jag röstar ändå! :D

Oct 22 2020
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några kul låtar men för långt

Oct 19 2021
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I gave Spiritualized a quick go a few years back and remember the songs being spacey and dreamy but forgot how noisy they are too. I guess to build these giant soundscapes and moods you're gonna sacrifice a bit in variation and song structure - which isn't ideal when the album lasts 70 minutes - but there are also times when it really hits the spot. Definitely worthy of a place on the list, I can't think of another album that combines the orchestral elements, band elements and general noise in the same way.

Apr 15 2023
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I didn’t have strong feelings either way when I was listening to this album. I would be willing to listen to it again though.

Apr 05 2024
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Well that was kind of fun – especially after 4 straight days of rap… Not the most amazing album that I’ve ever heard, but very creative, original, and I really enjoyed it… Saw that this album is ranked #13 on Roling Stones best “Stoner” albums of all-time, and while it definitely deserves to be on there, I’m not entirely sure that it should be ranked that high… Personally, I think “Welcome To Vanilla Sky” by Kyuss – which Rolling Stone has ranked as #25 on that list, is considerably better than “Ladies & Gentlemen” – but that’s just me… Obviously, some tracks are better than others, and I probably would have preferred a little bit better flow to the album, as there were a few abrupt transitions from one song to the next in terms of track order, but all-in-all, this was a fun experimental album… Favorite tracks were “I Think I’m In Love” & the closing track “Cop Shoot Cop” – which may not be for everyone, but I thought I was extremely well done… Solid 3-stars for me!

Jan 14 2021
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Need to listen to it more. Floaty, vague and artsy. Perhaps I need to be high

Mar 29 2022
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Like a Plodding Dull Primal Scream. Drops off noticeably after the first two songs and I'm immeasurably bored by half way through. 2/5

Mar 06 2024
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Noise. Harmonicas… and is that a whole orchestra of.. kazoo? or the sound of the last thread of my patience disappearing? I probably shouldn’t have listened to this while in an insomnia spell - I thought maybe ‘shoegaze’ genre would help me back to sleep, and to be fair there was some nice chill vibes at a few points in this album, I quite enjoyed ‘broken heart’ but the rest made me pretty irritated with its bloated sounds, meandering tracks and weird shit. Will not be listening to again (I wrote this at about 3am, I’m not changing it because even though it’s a bit grumpy - it’s not untrue 😅)

Mar 06 2024
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I thought I would like this album, reading a bit about it before listening. How wrong I was. How this album made it into this challenge is beyond me.

Mar 06 2024
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Going through these albums means you expect to endure some things that aren’t your taste and discover some gems and appreciate a great variety of music. I’ve made a point of not skipping any songs and tried to appreciate each album on their own merits. That all went out the window when I was subjected to this - I could not hear multiple songs to their conclusion. “The individual” track is something else and a good description of the amount of stars this deserves.

Jan 14 2021
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Great experience with the various sounds and styles.

Jan 13 2021
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Really liked this one. Strong elements of shoe gaze. Slow burner wall of sound

Mar 17 2021
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Mal comecei a ouvir e já achei MARAVILHOSO

May 18 2021
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So glad this came up. It has always been listed as a classic and I have only listened to tracks here and there. Definitely one for the vinyl list!

May 12 2021
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Absolutely loved this, definitely my favourite album so far. Such a huge range of instruments and sounds in this album. Very hard to pick a fave song, Ladies and gentlemen we are floating through space, I think I'm in love, all my thoughts, broken heart, and cool waves are my top 5 in no particular order. But also Come Together is really good. Will definitely be listening to this one again.

Sep 18 2021
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Uno de muchos clásicos de esta banda.

Sep 21 2021
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Wow, was not prepared for this. I liked the other Spiritualized album on this list, but this one blows it out of the water. Favorite tracks are: title track, Come Together, Broken Heart (my favorite), No God Only Religion, and Cop Shoot Cop. A fantastic album and quite a surprise.

Oct 04 2021
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One of my all time faves - automatic five stars! My neighbour in Uni halls during my first year had the cd version packaged up like medicine, and I was always deeply jealous - such a great release! I love love love the way this album flows together, just fantastic stuff. Fave track - "Cop Shoot Cop" if pressed, but really this is an album experience, it's not really about the individual tracks...

Oct 18 2021
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Ladnie obrodzilo w tym tygodniu w potezne albumiki, kolejny z kategorii ponad godzinnej, ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space to trzeci album w dyskografii brytyjskiej space rokowej bandy spiritualized, ktora mozna nazwac glownym projektem kariery muzycznej jej frontmena Jasona Piercea, ktorego juz mialem okazje poznac na wczesniej wylosowanej pozycji listowej, chodzi mi o lazer guided melodies, floatowanie w spejsie jeszcze bardziej rozwinal swoj pomysl jaki na kolazowe granie wymyslil na siebie pan Pierce, tak jak w przypadku pierwszego albumu plyta zostala nagrana praca wielu artystow studyjnych i czterech czlonkow bandy, dodatkowo dochodzi tutaj jeszcze prawdziwy chor gospelowy, co juz sugeruje, ze shoegazowanie bylo jeszcze niewystarczajacym srodkiem przekazu, bo o ile kazdy z trakow brzmi na swoj sposob unikatowo, to jendak mozna je podzielic na trzy grupy, kolazowa zabawa z samplami i brzmieniem jakie mozna uzyskac z wykorzystaniem sekwencjonerow 24 tasmowych, ktorego najlepszym przykladem bedzie tytulowy traczek pierwszy z plejlisty plyty, song ktorego ciezko opisac ze wzgledu na to jak buduje swoja melodie, wykorzystuje sample presjelowe z i cant help falling in love, a to wszystko na ponadczasowej progresji canon d, jak ending ewangelionwoy, kolejnym gatunkiem bedzie klasyczne shoegazowanie jak z all of my thoughts, mozna by takze zrobic kategorie dla naspidowanych gazowan, bo jakby nie patrzec walenie po kablach jest drugim najwazniejszym motywem albumu co zdecydowanie slychac analizujac lirycznie traki jak electricity czy i think im in love czy home of the brave, prawie bym zapomnial o zamykajacej cala plyte 17 minutowej junkowej balladzie cop shoot cop, ktora jest idealnym polaczeniem tworzenia muzyki opartej na samplach i mocnych overdubach z shoegazowym gitarowaniem, no i zostaja jeszcze kawalki instrumentalne i instrumentalno gospelowe, na ktorych slychac najlepiej jak dopieszczony pod wzgledem produkcji jest ten material, pan spaceman J. kolejny raz nie zawodzi i dostarcza material najwyzszej jakosci, tym razem uciekajacy w heroinowa psychoze zamiast w dreamowe filozofowanie, ale czego sie spodziewac po kombinacji rozstania i ladowania po kablach, dodatkowo rozstania wewnatrz bandowego, bo nie trudno sie domyslic, ze inspiracja wiekszosci materialow byla pani Radley czyli glowne klawisze zespolu, wiki podpowiada ze byl to jej ostatni material nagrany z Jasonem, wiec tak jak planowalem powoli poznaje dyskografie spiritualized, choc pewnie juz raczej plejka nie wypluje kolejnych pozycji, po odsluchu pozostaje jeszcze zapoznac sie z lektura sophies world z ktorego ma pochodzic tytul plyty, wiec pewnie jakas influencja byla, a na spotifajowa plejke dodam otwierajacy float i cool waves, czyli traczek gdzie zostal spozytkowany gospelowy chor, ale i tak cala plyta laduje na poleczce cedekow osobliwych w swym brzmieniu

Jan 16 2022
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Really enjoyed this spacey album.

Jan 17 2022
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Not sure how I've never heard this album before. It's amazing.

Jan 18 2022
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p820. 1997. 5 stars. Terrific mix of 60s psychedelia, Pink Floyd, Stones, Beatles, Julian Cope, 90s Brit Pop. This is GOOD.

Jan 19 2022
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Good album made me happy to listen to this music

Feb 04 2022
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new found appreciation for the harmonica (all of my thoughts) beautiful instrumentation in general

Feb 08 2022
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Wow - an album I always read about in the late 90s and everything have should have told me to listen to it properly. I went back in a few months back and I’ve no hesitation in paying forward and giving this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Feb 22 2022
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This album had me enraptured from the opening minute. Space gospel, space rock, whatever this is, it's great. It's really unlike anything I've heard before, and that uniqueness carries you through the album, making you wish there was more to listen to.

Feb 25 2022
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I will love you till I die And I will love you all the time Everything happens today And we're out here in space And I don't know where we are all going Baby I love you today I guess that's what you want And I don't know where we are all going

Feb 27 2022
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spiritualized é criminalmente subestimado. a primeira track é coisa de outro mundo.

Mar 10 2022
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Spotify always suggested the first track of the album to me which on its own I find incredibly boring. Therefore never felt the urge to discover more of this band. Glad I now got to listen to the whole thing! It's great, rocking, noisy weird good stuff

Mar 26 2022
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not listened to this for ages. you have to be in the right mood, but when you are in that frame of mind, its fucking excellent.

Apr 03 2022
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02/02/2022 Sooooo good and unique. Love that I was able to experience this!

Apr 12 2022
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I loved this so much. Cool Waves is my fave song off the album.

Jun 23 2022
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I listened to this not too long ago but wanted to relisten anyway just to decide whether to give it a 4 or a 5 I swear it just hits harder every time. The textures are just so beautiful throughout and every vocal line is either catchy as hell, a tearjerking lullaby, or both

Jun 23 2022
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Ladies and Gentleman, I am back. The first song is gorgeous but the whole album was bloody fantastic. I loved the spacey vibes and weird sounds. I found the cd for 4 quid a couple of days after this album was generated, an easy buy and it came packaged like a pill which is cool

Jul 02 2022
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Ladies and Gentlemen is music about music, and packs enough worship into seventy minutes to sustain the jamming tendencies in evidence throughout. I'm not sure if the vision will work for everyone - though it certainly does for me - but feel confident that there are a few minutes for everyone here. It puts me in the mind of Matmos's Consuming Flame, though it's eminently listenable as an album. Too many love songs to choose from, and I love that.

Jul 13 2022
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Bangers: Almost all of it! I really like this shit. Jazz vibes, occasional pink Floyd vibes, gospel vibes, ska vibes, whew. really neat stuff. Clangers: I could take or leave Broken Heart. Bit slow... Vibe: Not sure I've ever heard anything like it. Really eclectic mix of stuff from start to finish and it all scratches me right where I itch.

Jul 30 2022
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las lentas son bellísimas, los sonidos fascinantes, es un agasajo. mágico, fantástico, increíble. bien pudo haber sido producido este año, muy adelantado. en una palabra: etéreo

Aug 01 2022
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I had the special edition of this, where the CD was contained in a blister pack, like a giant paracetamol. We listened to it on the way back from an Unbelievable Truth gig, it sent my dad to sleep and he crashed into a hedge. It's still a great album. I was 16 when I first heard it, and it sounded how I expected love and drugs to be. The album can't quite maintain the starburst of its first three tracks, but it still switches between heartracing and heartbreaking. It's the album Primal Scream, The Verve, and Kasabian wish they made.

Aug 09 2022
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5 Stars because I had an amazing time watching some of their set when they played this album at a festival.

Aug 21 2022
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HL: “Broken Heart”, “Cool Waves” August 23 2022

Aug 30 2022
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I now have a deep, dire need for more gospel-choir-ridden space rock in my life.

Sep 14 2022
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Wow I had never heard of this band before. This album really is something special, a real sonic & emotional experience such a mix of genres but still seems to work so well. A true masterpiece, I know I will be listening to this a lot in the future and doing a deeper dive into Spiritualized other albums.

Oct 04 2022
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Pretentious as he'll but I loved this, to nitpick the last half is weaker and the last 17 min song is a bit too long, but regardless I would be happy to own this

Oct 12 2022
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This may come as a surprise from someone who HATED Tago Mago, but I love this album. This is how I enjoy my experimental electronica - in a lush soundscape with some actual melodies. It is what it is and I'm not going to apologize. This album helped turn me onto electronica circa 2002 and I still have a big soft spot for it. I listened to this twice yesterday and it still holds up for me. The first tracks are the best but there are good moments throughout. The album is wonderfully cohesive, which I love. I'd give it a 4.5 if I could, bc not every track is amazing. But it's so solid.

Nov 01 2022
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I enjoyed this album, just because of how much was going on in it. A lot of weird sounds. Reminded me a lot of Radiohead. Apparently won album of the year over OK computer. Also, seems to be before Kid A came out---this album definitely influenced the end of "The National Anthem".

Nov 16 2022
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Loved it. We actually got this album as a wedding gift from a random friend so was familiar but previously only had it on in the background and didn’t absorb as much. Will listen again, way better than Radiohead!

Jan 06 2023
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Очень приятный саунд, который выебывается, но только в хорошем смысле этого слова. Добавлю к себе в плеер, так как такого годного психодела давно не слышал

Jan 06 2023
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There is something unusual about this group

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