In A Silent Way
Miles DavisAnother jazz album that shows how little I know about jazz. I'd probably give this a 2.5 if I could. Don't know why, but I found it rather annoying at parts. Sorry jazz fans.
Another jazz album that shows how little I know about jazz. I'd probably give this a 2.5 if I could. Don't know why, but I found it rather annoying at parts. Sorry jazz fans.
Wow, that was great. Last couple songs weren't as good as the ones before it, but it overall was still SUPER solid. I'd never heard of Joan Armatrading before this, but I will certainly remember her name. I think I'll be going back to this a fair amount in the future, and I'll honestly probably even check out more of her stuff.
A limp nothing of an album. I'd say that it's not worth listening to, but it's so boring that there's barely anything to listen to at all.
This was interesting. I wasn't really feeling it for the most part until I took a nap in the corner of an empty classroom in between classes, and then it hit different. Do with that information what you will.
I'm not gonna lie. I was in a bad mood when listening to this album, so my perspective is probably skewed. I did not like it. The panning felt unnecessary and annoying, I didn't really dig the music. Shout out to the 11 minute song that was way too long and kind of bad.
I'm just not a huge fan of Talking Heads. They're a little too much for me. I think that the songs also go on for a little too long sometimes. I liked "Once in a Lifetime", but that's really all I would go back to listen to I think. Overall: Eh, I just don't really think it's for me.
It's good! Some solid 70s rock. I'm not really a fan of live albums (I think I'm just too young to appreciate them), but I'm glad I listened to it.
I'm not super well versed in jazz, but I enjoyed this a lot! I don't know how often I'll revisit it, but I'm certainly very glad that I listened to it. Also, I was getting conflicting info on what to listen to, so I listened to "The Very Best of the Gershwin Songbook", just for the record.
A great album! I love it a lot! My second favorite Beatles album, and the first one that I ever listened to all the way through around November 2020. I love the folkier style, and "In My Life" is one of my all time favorite Beatles songs. "Drive My Car" is also one of the best album starters that The Beatles ever had. Just incredible!
I uh...I don't think I was the target demographic for this album. I didn't really like it much, but it wasn't really made for me. I also might have liked it more if I listened to it when hanging out with friends or something, instead of while walking around campus and then washing dishes. I liked the "Rapper's Delight" reference in "Switch", that was pretty neat. Besides that, I think I probably could've died without hearing this album.
This is another one where I think I would've benefited from listening to it when hanging out with friends instead of walking to my boring geography class and then while looking over my homework for the week. It's a lot of fun, but it is a lot of the same. I seriously wish that live albums weren't a part of this list, but whatever, this was pretty good, if very repetitive.
I don't get it. I just...I don't get it. I liked the Steve Miller sample on "Guilt Trip", some of the lyrics were clever, but mostly, I just don't get it. I'm glad I listened to it, but I'm not really sure I'll ever go back to it.
Pretty good! This the 8th album I've listened to for the 1001 Albums List, and it's the first one where I've just completely never heard of the band. I really enjoyed it though! Just some fun 70s punk music. I might end up going back to it sometime. Definitely glad I heard it, even though nothing completely blew me away.
I'd never heard of Jane Weaver before this album, but I'll certainly remember her name now. It was pretty good! I'm certainly glad I listened to it. I think it might drag on a little bit towards the end, but overall, very solid album.
Man, I just did not like this album. I think I'm just not really a fan of indie rock in general. "Two Weeks" is solid. The rest of it? I think I could have died without hearing it. Glad I heard "Two Weeks" though.
Pretty solid! "Take on Me" is one of the best pop songs ever made as far as I'm concerned. There's some other pretty good songs on here as well. "The Sun Always Shines on TV" is great, though I prefer the much more recent live, acoustic version. Overall, definitely glad I listened to it.
A great album! Just some really great rock and roll music. I like it a lot. I'm probably biased because of my love for classic rock, but I really liked this one.
This was interesting. I wasn't really feeling it for the most part until I took a nap in the corner of an empty classroom in between classes, and then it hit different. Do with that information what you will.
By golly, I really did not like this album. Yuck. Some of the songwriting is good, but even then, the background instrumentals are just awful. I don't like the looping approach taken on a lot of these songs. The songs will start by slowly adding each layer, and then the song is just kind of stuck with that as it goes on. It can't really change much from then on. The melody will change, and they might add another layer, but that's it. I liked the last song okay I guess, although it was off to a rocky start. The second to last song though...ugh. Too long, and very bad.
Very solid! Just some really good hard rock! I liked it a lot. I might end up coming back to it in the future. Very glad I listened to it!
Ehhhh. Sad to say that I didn't really feel this one. I was looking forward to listening to it, since I'd heard good things about Joy Division, but I didn't really like it. Shame.
Some pretty solid synth pop! I think if I listened to this when I was like 14, I really would have loved it, but as it is, I just liked it. Very good, though. I'll keep it in my mind next time I'm in an 80s synth pop mood.
Great! I liked it a lot! I love the weird time signatures. It's a lot of fun. I'll definitely keep it on my mind next time I'm in a jazz mood.
I'm sorry, I couldn't make it through it. Too long and uninteresting. Really just didn't dig it. I've also just not had a great day, so maybe my perspective is skewed. Also, The Fall is a terrible band name.
It's...fine. Not super interesting. It's okay. Starts off rough, and gets better, but never really gets great. I think I probably could have died without hearing it.
A limp nothing of an album. I'd say that it's not worth listening to, but it's so boring that there's barely anything to listen to at all.
It's fine. I have a soft spot in my heart for 60s folk, but this was just kind of okay. Not super impressive. I think it could have benefited from a couple of more upbeat tracks or maybe another instrument or two every once and a while, but it tends to blend together mostly.
Pretty good! I'm not huge into Alt-Rock, but I'm glad I checked this out. I will say that I think "King of Birds" would have been a waaay better song to end on than "Oddfellows Local 151". I was unsure about whether to give it three or four stars, but "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" is a classic, and tipped it over the edge for me.
Not super great! There's some fun tracks, and it certainly starts out good enough. But it's just too long, and there are some songs that definitely should've been cut. If it were shorter and some of the bad songs were cut, it'd be a bit better, but I still don't think it'd be great or anything. I'm honestly not sure if this deserved to be on the list.
Fantastic! I didn't think I would like this album much, but I was proved very incorrect. It's a lot of fun. The drums are tight, the vocals are energetic, the guitars are rocking, I like it a lot. "Hard to Handle" is obviously the best known song of the album, but pretty much every song is good too. Very glad I heard it.
It's fine. I think that if I listened to it more, it might go up to four stars maybe. But eh. It was fine.
This is hard to rate, because more than a couple of the songs on here kind of feel like they exist just as an excuse for Jimi Hendrix to have a guitar solo. But those solos are INCREDIBLE. And there are some pretty good songs on here too. Not sure if all the panning was necessary. Things would randomly move quickly all around and I don't know why. Overall, solid album with some quirks.
It was fine. I kinda prefer when synth pop leans more into the synths, but this is not bad. Just didn’t leave a huge impression.
It's a bit much. Probably a little bit too much. It's not like...awful, it's just not for me.
It's good. That's it.
VERY good! I liked it a lot. It started off a little bland, but got better. Kind of wish it hit a little bit harder, though. Not sure if that's an issue with the production, or maybe the singers just needed to be a little better? I don't know, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
I's Pet Sounds. Not much to say really. Brian Wilson is a genius. This album is brilliant. You probably already knew that.
I had a lot of fun with this one! Pretty solid! Glad I listened to it. A lot of good tracks. The "Mrs. Robinson" cover was VERY unexpected, but as a big Simon and Garfunkel fan, I greatly appreciated it. Overall, a very good album.
Couldn't get into this one. Just didn't really dig it. Terribly sorry.
It was fine. Nothing much to say. It started off better than it ended I think, but due to road noise, I heard the end a lot less clearly.
Eh. It was fine. I was going back and forth between whether to give it three or four stars. I was originally leaning towards four because of how good Joan Baez's singing is, but man, this album just feels too long.
This probably deserves three stars, but I'm giving it two out of sheer spite for the ten minute song that didn't need to be that long. Gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed.
I just couldn't really get past the sound of this one. I've also heard a lot of these ideas before done WAY better. You want an album with multiple songs in a row that tell the story of somebody growing older? Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel. You want folk acoustic protest music? Oh my god, there are so many better options. This album disappointed me.
A pretty fun '60s pop album! Very good for doing the dishes to. You could find better music from this genre and decade, but you could also do a lot worse. Glad I listened to it.
Amazing! It's got heavy guitar riffs, blues influences, BIG drums, and Lord of the Rings references. What more could you want? It's really great.
It was fine. Probably better than fine. I just didn't really have any strong feelings. Didn't really like it, but it wasn't bad or anything. It was fine.
I'm not gonna lie. I was in a bad mood when listening to this album, so my perspective is probably skewed. I did not like it. The panning felt unnecessary and annoying, I didn't really dig the music. Shout out to the 11 minute song that was way too long and kind of bad.
It was pretty good! I wasn't a huge fan at first, but it got better, and by the middle of the album, it was solid. Still not 100% my genre, but pretty good.
It's bad! Or at least, I didn't really like it. I'm not a fan of metal by any stretch, so I'm probably not a good person to ask about this. There were a couple of spots where I could see the appeal, but there other times where I thought "Wow, this is garbage".
It was decent. I'm a sucker for a good horn section, so I liked that aspect of it a lot, but the album felt a little long, and a lot of the songs all kind of sounded the same. I'm also rather tired, so I'm not sure how fair I'm being.
Not very good! I could maybe see some parts of it being good if the singer could sing worth a damn or if the songs were recorded in a style or something but to me, a lot of this album was unsalvageable. Pretty bad. Mostly. I don't think I needed to hear this before I died.
Pretty solid! I don't usually like hip hop or music from the early 2000s, so I was surprised to find that I liked this hip hop album from the early 2000s. Some really good guest verses. Didn't dig all the songs, and it started off a little rough, but I'm very glad I listened to it.
It's fine. Not super good. Decent music to ride a scooter to though.
Pretty solid! I'd only heard small snippets of Nina Simone before this album, and I didn't think I'd like it much, because I expected it to all sound like the title track. But I was pleasantly surprised. Dips towards the end, but very good!
It' I don't really like this kind of music. Overall, I think the album starts off okay and then kinda drags. I'd definitely say it's a little too long. Could have been worse, but I wouldn't say that I needed to hear it before I died.
It's fine. Not bad, but really that good either. It kind of reminded me of John Prine's self-titled album, but between the two, I prefer this one by a lot.
VERY good. I was surprised at how much I liked it. It could get a little schmaltzy, but I didn't really mind. I'm almost tempted to give this a 5. I'd probably give it a 4.5 if I could. It's pretty solid. Karen Carpenter is a great singer, and Richard is an amazing arranger.
I didn't really dig it. A little heavy for my tastes, and TOO LONG. I liked the cohesion though. I feel like each song managed to sound like the same band, while not all sounding like the same song. That was well done, but overall I just didn't really care for it.
I thought about giving this one star because I don't think this deserves to be on the list and I was constantly wanting to listen to other things, but I also considered giving it three because the fact that it's boring is the point. So I settled on two. Still don't think it should be on the list though.
Wow, that was great. Last couple songs weren't as good as the ones before it, but it overall was still SUPER solid. I'd never heard of Joan Armatrading before this, but I will certainly remember her name. I think I'll be going back to this a fair amount in the future, and I'll honestly probably even check out more of her stuff.
It was fine. Didn't really like it, but it didn't really annoy me or anything. Just kind of there. I generally thought the female singer was a lot better than the male one. No strong feelings besides that. Probably could've died without hearing it.
I was wondering where I had heard of this specific album, but then after listening to it, I remembered. It was in the dictionary, under the definition of the word "Mediocre".
Not good. Kinda bad, actually. I'd give it 1.5 stars if I could, but I can't. It's really not the worst thing ever, but it's definitely not worth listening to.
INCREDIBLE! My favorite Beatles record, and my second favorite album of all time. The cohesion and sequencing make it greater than the sum of its parts, but the songs make it so that the parts are still awesome. It’s just great all around.
Very good! I don't think I consider it one of the best albums ever, but I understand why so many do. I loved "Sunday Morning" and "I'll Be Your Mirror". "Heroin" is incredibly brutal, harsh and difficult to listen to, but it absolutely should be that way. Overall, very good.
It's...fine. I guess. Actually it's a bit boring. It all kind of sounds the same too. It's not that bad though, just not super interesting. I do not expect that I will be going on a 2nd date.
I didn't really like this one. I just couldn't get down with the style that this album was going for. I also really just did not like Kate Bush's voice. To me, the best song was the last one. Compared to the rest of the album, I really liked it's more straightforward approach and production, if that's the right word.
I'm not sure I was the target demographic for this album? I didn't really like it much, but something tells me it wasn't made for 19 year old nerdy guys. I didn't really hate it though. There were some pretty good features. But mostly, yeah, not for me. I'd give it 2.5 if I could, but I'm rounding down because pretty much all of the songs were too long
Whoa, where did THIS come from?! This was killer! The first track goes hard, and while not every song is as good as that one, it manages to keep up some pretty solid momentum throughout. Super good.
Good, but not amazing. Mark Knopfler is a great guitarist, and he makes that evident throughout the album. "Sultans of Swing" is obviously incredible, and I really liked the first song too, but for the most part? Nothing mind blowing. Side note, I highly recommend the Alchemy Live version of "Sultans of Swing". One of my favorite live performances of any song.
Pretty good! At some points, really great. I loved "Scooby Snacks" and "Passive/Aggressive". Overall, it was just a bit too long though. A couple songs could have been cut, and some songs went on too long. Still pretty good though, definitely glad I heard it.
It's a bit too long. Definitely not bad, but I wasn't the biggest fan of this one. Pretty good music to listen to while doing the dishes, though.
Pretty good, but not great. The songs tend to go on too long, and maybe one or two songs could have or should have been cut. I do dig the late 80s hip hop vibes though. I'd probably give it 3.5/5 if I could, but alas. The first song was the best.
So. I did not like this. Just forty minutes of instrumental synth music. Maybe it'd be good in a video game, but on its own? No thanks, I'll pass.
Pretty good! Very glad I listened to it. A bit too energetic to really wanna listen to all at once, but it's got some great songs.
Not really my cup of tea. I'm not sure I'm knowledgeable enough on jazz to properly review this album, but I didn't really dig it personally. A bit harsh for my taste. I'd give it 2.5 if I could.
I wasn't the biggest fan of this one. Wasn't bad or anything, I just didn't really dig it. I'm just not a huge fan of the electric keyboard sound, sad to say. Not to say it never worked for me, just not super often.
Pretty good! Very glad I listened to it. A bit too energetic to really wanna listen to all at once, but it's got some great songs.
Pretty good! Certainly glad I listened to it. I'll probably go back to at least a couple of the songs at some point. "Half Moon"" was my favorite of the tracks. I also really liked Janis Joplin's voice, though I would understand if somebody else told me that they didn't.
I wasn't really the biggest fan of this one. Not bad, just not really for me. I love classic rock, but the southern version with more blues influences (what I like to call "Deep Fried Classic Rock" just isn't usually my thing. "Black Betty" by Ram Jam being a notable exception.
Another jazz album that shows how little I know about jazz. I'd probably give this a 2.5 if I could. Don't know why, but I found it rather annoying at parts. Sorry jazz fans.
Brian Eno is a hack.
VERY good. I was surprised at how much I liked it. It could get a little schmaltzy, but I didn't really mind. I'm almost tempted to give this a 5. I'd probably give it a 4.5 if I could. It's pretty solid. Karen Carpenter is a great singer, and Richard is an amazing arranger.
Eh. It was fine. I was going back and forth between whether to give it three or four stars. I was originally leaning towards four because of how good Joan Baez's singing is, but man, this album just feels too long.
Easily one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time. It's tied for my favorite album by my favorite band. Rush is a band where all three members understood the assignment pretty much 100% of the time. I could go on about this album longer than anybody probably cares to listen. I love it so much.
It's...fine. I guess. Actually it's a bit boring. It all kind of sounds the same too. It's not that bad though, just not super interesting. I do not expect that I will be going on a 2nd date.
This probably deserves three stars, but I'm giving it two out of sheer spite for the ten minute song that didn't need to be that long. Gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed.
I didn't really dig it. A little heavy for my tastes, and TOO LONG. I liked the cohesion though. I feel like each song managed to sound like the same band, while not all sounding like the same song. That was well done, but overall I just didn't really care for it.
So. This was awesome. An absolutely incredible album. I think that it kind of loses a little steam with the last two songs, but still a great record, and one that I'm glad I finally got around to listening to.
Very good! It's a little bit of a mixed bag at times, and maybe a couple of songs could have been cut, but the songs that are good are excellent. And even the ones that I don't like as much aren't really bad, it's just that the album is long enough that you could cut a song or two and nobody would be complaining. I'd give it a 4.5 if I could.
This is another one where I think I would've benefited from listening to it when hanging out with friends instead of walking to my boring geography class and then while looking over my homework for the week. It's a lot of fun, but it is a lot of the same. I seriously wish that live albums weren't a part of this list, but whatever, this was pretty good, if very repetitive.
Sad to say that I wasn't the biggest fan of this one. The acoustic guitar playing was excellent though. The album itself is only about 41 minutes, but every song felt like it went on too long. I also think Nick Drake's voice probably should've been louder. It wasn't bad, I just found it a little underwhelming.
When I was 15, I got a record player for Christmas. Four days later, as a reward for getting my learner's permit, my dad said he'd buy me my first record, and this was it. As a result, I'm pretty nostalgic for it. On top of that, it's a pretty good album. I'd give it 4.5 if I could, but I'm rounding up because of nostalgia, my personal love for the 70s prog sound, the strength of "Roundabout", and the cheeky reprise at the end.
Pretty good! I think the biggest problem was that a lot of the songs were too long. Shave a little off the end of a lot of the songs and it'd be a bit tighter. I'm not sure I like this as much as Thriller, or maybe even Off the Wall, but it's not bad at all. I'd give it 4.5 if I could. Also, "Leave Me Alone" is a SUPER weird song to end on, at least if you ask me.
I wasn't sure whether to give this 3 or 4 stars, but I'm going with 4 just because of how great "American Girl" is...and also so I don't anger my mother, who loves Tom Petty more than anyone I know. Anyway, this album was alright. Not bad at all, and "American Girl" is incredible, but mostly just kind of okay.
I'm honestly a little let down. Debbie Harry is a great singer, and there's a couple really good songs (I'd probably say that the first and last songs were my favorites), but it's mostly pretty bland. Not bad, just forgettable.
Pretty good! I'm sure that this was a lot more groundbreaking in 1956 as opposed to 2022, but I still like it. I really liked the lead guitar throughout the album. I'm not the biggest 50s rock fan, but this still holds up, even if it didn't knock my socks off.
If I were to describe this album in one word, it would be "cool". It's got some good tracks, but most of them didn't stand out to me individually. To me, the best track is easily Hendrix's cover of "All Along the Watchtower". Overall, I think it's greater than the sum of its parts, and makes for a neat listen, even if not many individual tracks stood out.
A great record! It's got two stellar break-up songs, "Blowin' in the Wind" is one of Dylan's most iconic songs, "Bob Dylan's Dream" is great but heartbreaking, and "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" is epic, despite the limited instrumentation. At 50 minutes, it could have been a little shorter, but I personally don't think it overstays its welcome, even if I don't really like "Down the Highway" or "Bob Dylan's Blues" all that much.
It's good. That's it.
I'm not the biggest Eagles fan in the world, but this was pretty good, and I'm glad I checked it out. I think the title track was a strange choice as an opener. Anyway, the band's chiller vibe is kind of hit or miss for me, but the album was still a good listen, even if I don't expect to return to its deep cuts anytime soon.
I think I'm just not a huge fan of post punk...or Elvis Costello...or this album. It was fine. Maybe a little less than fine, actually. I'd give it a 2.5 if I could, but I'm rounding down because I got really tired of this album's sound.
I'm honestly blown away. This was amazing! The only Black Sabbath I'd listened to before this was their debut, and I liked this a lot more. Ozzy's singing is really good on this album, I thought he sounded a little like Robert Plant at times. A super great hard rock record that knew when to slow down a little. VERY glad I listened to it!
A solid record, made even better by my personal love and nostalgia for 70s prog rock. If you asked my 15 year-old self to review it, you'd probably hear nothing but praise. Myself now? I still think it's pretty good, and I'm glad I listened to it.
I'd never heard of Jane Weaver before this album, but I'll certainly remember her name now. It was pretty good! I'm certainly glad I listened to it. I think it might drag on a little bit towards the end, but overall, very solid album.
Pretty good! I'm not huge into Alt-Rock, but I'm glad I checked this out. I will say that I think "King of Birds" would have been a waaay better song to end on than "Oddfellows Local 151". I was unsure about whether to give it three or four stars, but "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" is a classic, and tipped it over the edge for me.
Good, but not amazing. Mark Knopfler is a great guitarist, and he makes that evident throughout the album. "Sultans of Swing" is obviously incredible, and I really liked the first song too, but for the most part? Nothing mind blowing. Side note, I highly recommend the Alchemy Live version of "Sultans of Swing". One of my favorite live performances of any song