#1 Record
Big Starim losing tolerance for this type of album.. 3rd in a row. not into a man whining over the same riff for 40 mins.
im losing tolerance for this type of album.. 3rd in a row. not into a man whining over the same riff for 40 mins.
very nostalgic one for me.
enjoyable, relaxing, a little boring/repetitive... fades into the background a little too easily
it was so OK. kind of nothing.
pleasant and easy listening... a little TOO easy maybe, it was enjoyable but got boring as it went on. something i would not say is meant to be listened to as an album in one go.
one of the best of all time what else is there to say!
i liked it :)
this is sooo boring i hope the frequency at which im getting black sabbath is not representative of the amount of black sabbath actually in this catalogue . not any worse than the first one i listened to but i think i have less patience for it now so it gets less stars.
i liked it
my dad's been trying to get me to listen to dire straits for so long and i wasn't against it i just never actually did it.. well i should have!
not my utter fave dinosaur jr album to be honest but i do think it's fun. a lot of good intros that turn into songs that sound the same by the end and it would be 3 stars if not for poledo.
think it might be illegal to dislike this it makes me smile just to hear
sounds cool until you accidentally hear the words he's saying
who even cares
it's immature and stupid but i like that and i like the circle jerks. it's fast and fun what more do u want.
not really my thing to sit and listen to this kind of music but if i heard this out at a club i'd be having a blast. every song sounds distinct and it's fun even tho im not in the mood.
could have cried and nearly did
good had fun
couple good songs and i lik black flag but shockingly boring for an album only 35 minutes long
this was a very good album to listen to while sitting in the garden reading. jaunty.
some interesting musical ideas but mostly it was so stupid and the lyrics were stupid and singing was not my style and i wanted to skip the last minute of every song
whatever. good but not notable. well that's van halen.
another case where it might have a star higher if i hadn't heard the lyrics. very generic rock whatever.
chill and peaceful and luckily i liked it enough that the lack of variety was fine.
first album i feel like i have trouble rating not because i love it so particularly much in fact ive never listened to it in full before but because i have so many emotional associations with the songs i HAVE heard it's hard to tell if i love them or hate them. 4 stars really but for the sake of myself age 17 i'll say 5.
boring but never bad
boring & weirdly embarrassing to listen to but fun at times
i really like the first song the rest were alright. sooo long.
i will be real i really liked this
not my fav cure but it's good
i kinda wish id liked it more but...
did not expect how much i'd love this
i cannot take this accent seriously and i can't tell if the weird phrasing/flow is purposely bad or just regular bad. and all the lyrics suck!
boring but pleasant. very long songs but some nice moments... it feels good to listen to.
it's so good & the lilac wine cover knocks me straight out.
good but i got a bit bored sorry. but first song alone bumps this up a point.
i couldnt listen to this for so long but i loved it once i finaly did
literally jaunty
started strong but i was thinking "whatttt a dragggg" only 5 songs into this 45 min album and it was downhill from there.
unbelievably boring and absolutely not noteworthy. did this have literally any impact when it released i doubt it.
solid whatever.
can i be honest i dont get it.. :-|
had no idea what this was going in but but im honestly just having so much fun
felt like i was taken away somewhere beautiful for an hour
kinda disappointed by how much i disliked this. it was very boring, some songs were just too long, and i got sick of how he sings. lyrics are good though.
sucked and managed to keep getting worse.
this was less than nothing emotionally lyrically sonically. and 3x longer than it should have been.
quite alright.
not bad but supremely boringggg
unbearably dull. even the good songs were boring and the tracklist was soooo long. 17 songs and most of them have the audacity to be over 4 minutes? but not bad.
extremely pleasant listen but every song is identical. short & sweet so thats OK with me.
idk what to say i liked it it felt very big. also for the record i meant to give the last album (marvin gaye) 4 stars not 3 oops.
extremely average, i liked some songs, most were pretty boring, generic sound
i liked the first song, it was cool, the harmonies gave me chills at the end. but the rest was just... alright. very samey, and none of it is really my thing.
not much to say i liked it :-)
this was so groovy. am i allowed to say that word in 2024?
im getting tired of every other album on this list sounding the same even if it's decent.
of course i love frank sinatra he sounds smooth and lovely but it is a lot of the same.
i'm pretty sure i've listened to this in full before but i can't remember because most of the songs kind of slide off your back like water off a duck. the ones that stick are some of my all time favs though.
every song on this album sounds like the same song and it's not even a good one
these felt like a bunch of songs written for a very different type of woman than me. just not my thing but enjoyable enough.
some decent songs on here but hardly worth it for the 1.5 hrs slog of the original release.
stupid lyrics and the sound got old. some interesting synth stuff i guess.
pleased with something different on this list. i was slightly falling asleep for it but the vocal stye reminded me of indian classical singing which was nostalgic. i loved the xylophones and instrumental arrangements overall.
i wish i had liked it more. the mixing on the vocals bothered me and it dragged a bit. a shame! i knew some songs off it already and it turned out those were the best ones, didn't get anything new out of finally listening to the full album imo, but it was still fun.
i think if i had been a little more tortured today this would have made me cry
it was all very good and washed over me and flowed pleasantly but i can't lie by the halfway mark i was itching for some variety in the sounds i was hearing & it became very hard to not skip the 2nd half of every song
it honestly hit me so hard at the start. the only thing that was genuinely bad in this was the song "the party" rest was either incredible or good. and that's saying something considering i was listening to it sitting alone in bed and not at a club.
this is a 55 minute album made up of 15 songs that sound the same, have the same lyrics, and are all equally boring. lyrics are very dull and the album is 3x longer than it should be.
im a casual new order enjoyer, seeing them last fall was fun, but ive never listened to this album in full. it started slow (except for perfect first kiss) and i was not that into it but after elegia it picked up. doubt i'll revisit the full album.
i do enjoy the music itself but this album is twice as long as it needs to be. a lot of the songs are the exact same start to finish and have the audacity to be 8 minutes long despite that.
adele has one song and one vocal and musical style. she does it well, but a full album of the same song can get tiring.
quite repetitive even if the songs were fun, both musically and lyrically. also one has to wonder, does this woman LIKE any of the men she's been with? dont know if it's an album i had to hear before i die.
it's good but it often failed to capture my attention
the first track was so diappointing i was like. is this what all the hype's been about?? and then it hit me.
idkkk i liked some songs but i found it weirdly annoying
fun and interesting even though i wasnt listening too closely, made me want to listen again with more attention
i was just grooving
some all-time amazing songs brought down by too many additional songs that sound very similar, add little, and go on for 5 minutes.
first note. i mistakenly gave yesterday's album a 4 instead of a 3 i wish you could edit those so bad.
i can't be objective about this album i already love it so much
idk how to rate this. i liked how many genres there were how many sounds they tried out it was conceptually so sound but i think on a deeper level i just do not gaf about the beastie boys.
i liked it all but the best were pannonica bemsha swing. nothing else really stood out to me, although it was all pleasant listening.
cannot even tell if i enjoyed this or not i felt like i was in a vacuum tube.
first song i was like ok it'll be some alt rock thing thats alright but not great. and then it was terrible.
never thought i was a bruce springsteen girl but.... wow.
it felt like waiting room music i cannot understand why it's on this list. utterly inoffensive.
love :-)
i liked it but i also got tired of it .
rock music 👍🏽
the first few songs were so good that i think the rest felt disappointing even though it was also very fun
booooring and also something about his accent made me feel weird. whats going on there.
idk what to say to this one it was like enjoyable to listen to but very samey & some of the lyricsmade me double take
theres a burst of fun at the start of each song but then the song doesn't evolve at all and stays very repetitive.. every track is like this.. but it's pleasant.
too long and idgaf but some nice songs
i liked some of the songs but the ones that werent good were soooo annoying. but still.
both pieces were good but the start of the second rocked my world
short & sweet but a little too low energy, repetitive in feeling despite its length
we are so back. this was a joy to listen to!
pleasant and fun though the middle blends together a bit i think a second listening would fix that
it was good but it kind of freaked me out
listened while playing sudoku (intensely) and not much stuck with me. it was all fun but just not riveting for me.
started strong but by the back half i was like wow a bunch of these just sounds like a more boring version of pixies (ex.: faster). still liked it though.
it's all OK fun but i just cannot take the beastie boys seriously like ever.....
i liked the first song a fair bit but i think every song got progressively more boring. and the poor little beggar girl felt like some kind of a joke. mostly it was alright and just not my vibe.
ive loved this album for a long time. for two very silly reasons i have a huge attachment to it although i don't actually listen to it much or love every song that much. besides that, don aman always reminds me of the kafka short story description of a struggle. (also call me crazy but i always liked tweez more.)
jiving in the library to be utterly honest
a low key album but quite lovely.. some songs to return to although not really my thing generally speaking
nice moments but overall boring and at times felt like i was in a commercial for Something.
this album is painfully bad. there are two good songs but the rest are a genuine chore to get through.. this is one of those albums that absolutely would not have made the list if it was made by someone less famous
started kind of boring but the middle was very enjoyable. not the most unique music but it fits its niche very well.
generic rock n roll.. and every song sounds the same.. not bad but why is it on here? this list makes me wonder if most music is actually bad, which is why mediocre average things make in on here. but no, i've listened to plenty of good albums not on this list. so what's the excuse?
im losing tolerance for this type of album.. 3rd in a row. not into a man whining over the same riff for 40 mins.
venus as a boy makes me really sad for reasons i hate to get into but this album is good regardless.. frst time i heard it years ago i didnt really appreciate it but now i get it.. that being said, i don't think every song carries its weight.
i really liked it at first but despite being so short it gets repetitive very fast. still it's all pleasant and i think it is intended to be somewhat easy listening so i can't really fault it too much for that.
it was nice idk sorry i did not feel overly passionate
i can't believe i put off listening to this for as long as i did
started off funky and nice and for the first 3/4 songs it was nice then it got boring and by new delhi it was Bad.
I really liked this although some of the songs were a bit boring, it had a lot of variation and cool effects.
maybe it's because i listened back to back with the last album but this was a bit of a nothingburger
perfectly alright, i liked the quiet moments, like the start of stellar.
just not good. at all. while every song is short they still don't end fast enough, and there are unfortunately 16 of them.
some amazing songs and some that are just good, this would have been a 4 but i really did not like reasons
i listen to this every day and i love it beyond belief what can i say. seeing pj harvey live changed my life.