KISS just sounds like an ABBA cover group that decided to become a heavy metal parody act, and does a disservice to both.
Destroyer is the fourth studio album by American hard rock band Kiss, released on March 15, 1976, by Casablanca Records in the US. It was the third successive Kiss album to reach the top 40 in the US, as well as the first to chart in Germany and New Zealand. The album was certified gold by the RIAA on April 22, 1976, and platinum on November 11 of the same year, the first Kiss album to achieve platinum. The album marked a departure from the raw sound of the band's first three albums.
KISS just sounds like an ABBA cover group that decided to become a heavy metal parody act, and does a disservice to both.
nope. didn't need to listen to that before I die
For several of the tracks, you can listen to about one-third of the song and you've heard everything. The remaining two-thirds is just recycling. No thanks. The album feels like a characature of a Rock and Roll band, but without much Rock and Roll in the musicianship. Two out of ten tracks were on the verge of catching my attention. That is not enough to distract from the terrile lyrics of most of the songs. The lyrics emphasize a lot of what I don't like about KISS - trying say "I am SO great" soaked in sleaze. The music fits in with the charicatures they played on the stage. Did the drummer, sitting behind the drums for most/all of the show really wear platform shoes too? Congratulations KISS, you earned my first 1 star rating.
It's been almost 50 years and I'm sure it still bugs the shit out of Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons that their band's biggest hit was written and sung by the freaking drummer. It makes all the sense in the world since Peter Criss, with his Rod Stewart meets Joe Crocker voice, was often the band's best vocalist. Kiss was all about selling out and selling out hard, and after finally breaking through with "Alive", one of the all-time great live albums that is somehow missing from this list, they wanted a studio album that would be something resembling an artistic statement. So they brought in Producer Bob Ezrin, succumbed to his music boot camp, and let him mix in an orchestra and all sorts of sound effects. Somehow it all works. I love the theatrical vision of "Detroit Rock City" crashing right into "King Of The Night Time World". The anthems "Flaming Youth" and "Shout It Out Loud" have aged better than the overplayed "Rock & Roll All Nite". Hell, I even love the fanfare that somehow gets billed as a track of its own after "Do You Love Me", a song that benefits from Ezrin's studio trickery in a big way. My lone complaint is I wish there was a song where they turned the microphone over to Mr. Ace Frehley. But the Spaceman still wasn't comfortable enough to sing lead. It might be impossible for me to be completely objective about this album. We all bring our own baggage or backstory to some of these albums. This one was a huge part of my personal Flaming Youth. Destroyer and Alive were the first two albums I ever owned. I still have a certain attachment to both of them. On vinyl, the packaging and visuals really stood out in 1976. And I still listen to Destroyer regularly. Kiss never put a complete album together like this again for a multitude of reasons. The band may never go away (Stanley and Simmons clearly plan on finding replacements to wear their makeup so that Kiss will continue long after they're buried in their own Kiss Koffins). And Destroyer is also here to stay and set the world on fire.
You know, this one didn't age as badly as I expected it to. That said, actively listening to a KISS record feels like an exercise in cognative dissonance. On one hand, you have a whole album of youth power anthems. But, when the album was released, Gene Simmons was 26. It feels like pandering. You're also talking about a band who was considered "so evil" at the time but, in retrospect, their songs were super plain-jane vanilla even in the context of their contemporaries. Overall, I felt like it was "meh" but not in an altogether bad way.
This album reminds me of my former boss who is in a kiss cover band. I almost got to see them perform, and if this was what they were playing, I’m glad I missed it
Throwaway glam metal from four shit musicians, none of which could sing. KISS just might be the worst band in the world.
The last time I listened to this album I was in 4th grade and absolutely terrified of Gene Simmons. This isn't the most cerebral of bands ... and in retrospect i can't decide if it's hilarious or maximum creepy that this gross band straight-up marketed themselves to little kids - which obviously completely worked (on me as well). ...but leading off with "Detroit Rock City" is a pretty great opening track. Classic riff - basic rock that's just fun - I'll sign up for that. Yet after that it's ... plodding and dumb. SO. DUMB. Some of it is ok but ho-lee-hell a big shout out to "Great Expectations" which absolutely has to be one of the worst songs ever recorded. Ever. Words can't do it justice, and the orchestra ... honestly. I have to remember this as an entry when the question is asked. Nostalgia does make it occasionally enjoyable, notably (only?) on the singles (e.g. "Beth" - it's terrible but ... is it though? It makes me want to pack my lunch box.) but as a full album if I'm in the mood for 70s meat and potatoes rock I'm reaching for something else. 4/10 2 stars.
-1 the first minute and a half was just motorcycle sounds
Trying to convert the success of their allegedly 'live' album into sustained popularity, Kiss's management roped in Bob ezrin to produce, hot off his string of Alice Cooper albums. Ezrin realised that Kiss aspired to be rock and roll heroes, but should be aiming to be rock and roll SUPERHEROES. He whipped them into musical shape with a view to presenting them as superheroes, reflected in the cover art. And it worked. Many rock critics, Dimery included, are obsessed with notions of credibility. This often manifests as a disdain for any artform that is _too_ popular. Carl Wilson breaks down this urge in detail in his wonderful book 'Let's Talk About Love: Why Other People Have Such Bad Taste'. I highly recommend his analysis, go read it. Needless to say, it tends to be white, male, middle-class critics claiming cultural capital by denigrating mass popularity. Gene Simmons bypassed this whole issue by explicitly rejecting the notion of credibility: "It's a delusional notion, credibility. ... You either succeed - in which case people are going to be willing to put their money down - or you don't." Or even more succinctly: "I would urge all bands that say they only care about credibility and don’t care about money to send Gene Simmons every dollar that they don’t want. I’d be happy to take it off them." Don't get me wrong -- Gene Simmons is a reprehensible human being in many ways, but he has a point about the intersecting role of artistic and commercial ambition. And I do note that he wasn't saying this kind of stuff until he was already rich as Croesus, and maybe he didn't always feel that way. But it is true that this is the first studio album where Kiss really let go of going for credibility (even as a hard rock band) or critical acclaim to reach for the brass ring. If Kiss Alive was a Hail Mary to save their career, with Destroyer they deliberately aimed for massive success. It is designed from the ground up for mass appeal. It's dangerous, but not too dangerous, sexy, but not too sexy, rebellious, but not too rebellious, and largely coded as fun and entertaining rather than actually subversive. Plenty of hard rock bands have done this over the years -- Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, AC/DC, and even Metallica -- but Kiss are pretty much the first. They sacrificed critical approval for the money and chicks (Christgau said of them "You know damn well that if they didn't have both eyes on maximum commerciality they'd call themselves Blow Job"). But this represents a non-trivial segment of the music industry. Is it less artistically worthwhile to make a record that millions of people enjoy? Sniffy rock nerds might say so (and I have to admit that I fit that description myself for a looooong time), but frankly, as Duke Ellington repeatedly said "if it sounds good, it is good". It might not be precisely to my taste, but let's not yuck anyone's yum. Like the Alice Cooper records that precede this, it's a big, cartoonish Bob Ezrin production; fun, technicolor, dramatic. Lots of bright colours, flashy moves, big riffs, dumb lyrics, and cinematic orchestration. This is good example of the 70s tendency towards big stage shows, with a clear agenda to entertain. This is a fun and funny record, that roars in with 10 kick-arse songs in 34 minutes, taking no prisoners, and blazing off into the sunset, leaving nothing but the smell of gunpowder and greasepaint, fake blood, and a ringing in your ears. It's a hoot and a half, and deserves to be on this list, but not an album I need to own.
Easy to make fun of, and with good reason. Opener "Detroit Rock City" is clearly the template for Spinal Tap's (much better) "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight". Rest of it sounds like typical Alice Cooper musical theater. Indeed, I'm starting to spot the easy cliches in the Ezrin production style - hopefully Berlin isn't ruined for me.
The Soundtrack of my youth, this is Kiss' best album
This gets two stars because there are some decent riffs. The lyrics are horrible and the music is unbelievably stale and derivative even with a change in producer. Kiss is not a band who is known for their music, they are known for the spectacle. This has its place, but to listen to the music itself in isolation loses the core identity of the band. The fact that this was an explicitly commercial pursuit is more of a reason to discount the musicianship of the band.
Embarrassing listening to this album now, very dated and the songs really do suck. Apart from Detroit Rock City, which still isn't a great song, the rest of the album is pandering, boring and they sound like a parody of a "metal" rock band. The album cover is the highlight and I prefer the clown-face band in their comic book personas in the Marvel Comics Super Special from 1977 that used the band members blood. Too bad they didn't put their blood and soul into any of their music.
The title to the track Sweet Pain should have been the name for this album. The singles were okay, but the rest was a slog to get through. And it's a short album. It'd be one thing if these songs were bad but fun, but they aren't even as fun as they're supposed to be.
Q: What’s the difference between Gene Simmons and Donald Trump? A: Gene Simmons has a better make-up artist.
Meh... No, digo, algunas canciones son muy divertidas como Detroit Rock City con su toque rock & roll y God Thunder con su ondita más de hair metal (por ende, las canciones que más disfruté), pero, aunque en realidad tiene variedad con sus momentos baladescos, hardrockeros y hasta metaleros, no me dio la impresión de variedad (if that makes sense). Mood: metal en drag meets fursonas de pandas :v
Who thought this is a quintessential album that everyone needs to hear? It's really mediocre when they're not on stage. Their stage presence is legendary, but their music is milquetoast. I do hear where others gathered some influence, QOTSA's songs for the dead and Weezer's entire catalog.
These days KISS are a shambling parody of who they used to be, and Paul Stanley sounds like Elaine Stritch, but that's okay because they always sucked. I own this album. Down the years I've tried and tried but have failed to see it other than a clumsy, overwrought clunker. KISS have no bounce, soul or groove. Their lyrics are childish. The musicianship barely touches competency. However, they did look like kabuki aliens, so yay I guess. There are two good songs on Destroyer - 'Detroit Rock City' and 'Shout It Out Loud'. The rest range from okay to dreadful. Gene Simmons sounds like he's burping up a hot dog on 'God of Thunder'. 'Beth' is wetter than an otter's pocket and makes the Carpenters sound like Napalm Death. 'Flaming Youth' is what happens when Paul Lynde sings a Sweet b-side. Peter Criss can't play the drums. At least it's over quite quickly. Small mercies 'n' all that.
01) Detroit Rock City - 6,0 02) King of the Night Time World - 5,5 03) God of Thunder - 5,0 04) Great Expectations - 5,0 05) Flaming Youth - 5,5 06) Sweet Pain - 5,5 07) Shout It Out Loud - 5,5 08) Beth - 5,5 09) Do You Love Me? - 5,0 10) Rock and Roll Party - 1,0 TOTAL: - 4,95 (50/100) Current ranking: 190/202 I've never listened to Kiss but I thought (at least from their looks and their reputation) that they were some bad-ass metal rockers who scared parents in the seventies that their kids would go down the wrong path if they listened to them. And what did I get? Chamomile. The vocals are not really rock, the songs are middle of the road plain, the lyrics are nonsense. "Beth" sounds like a Barry Manilow song... Where's the rock here? I could paint my face and sing Backstreet Boys rock covers, it would sound better.
Dude, look at that cover, it's literally four trannies jumping from a pile of rubble, wtf. 100% cringe, can't take that shit serious
I liked the album overall. Lotta variety, great instrumentals, great vocals. That said, can't figure out why I don't love KISS. Maybe it's the dichotomy offered by the way they dress vs. the songs they make? But it just seems fitting despite that. 'Beth' was my fave here.
I was late to the party with Kiss but I do love them they are just rock with lyrics you don't have to think about. Detroit Rock City is my favourite Kiss track, God Of Thunder, Shout It Out Loud, Great Expectations & Beth are all great songs.
A classic that I have some bits of nostalgia for, and at the time it was the heaviest rock n roll you could get. It’s a bit dated and cheesy, and there are some clunkers but I think it’s still enjoyable and deservedly belongs here (4.5/5)
I’ve nothing against KISS. They’re definitely a decent enough sounding band. I’ve just never really understood the adoration that they get from some people. I genuinely think that without all of the makeup and customised they’ll have been forgotten about many years ago. Today’s album is pretty good. Detroit Rock City is fun, and the slower ballads show a softer side that I hadn’t heard before. That said, they simply sound like a run of the mill glam rock band to me. I think if I was to pick a band from this era to listen to a lot, I’d pick something like The Sweet much faster than KISS.
I also enjoyed The Darkness' *Permission To Land* quite a bit when it was suggested to me the other day. What is wrong with me? Am I turning to a fan of cheesy hard rock just because of the unsound influence of this app??? In all seriousness, *Destroyer* is what happens when a band heretofore known for its flat, derivative, self-indulgent take on good old rock'n'roll suddenly up their game in an unforeseen fashion, and then meet a genius producer (Bob Ezrin -- see also Lou Reed, Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd) to transcend their efforts into an evocative whole filled with all sorts of thrilling details. "Detroit Rock City", "King Of The Night Time World" and "Do You Love Me" are absolute bangers. "God Of Thunder" is moody as fuck, thanks to its background noises, echoes and subtle dynamics, which take the admittedly linear and unoriginal music to a whole other level. "Great Expectations" is a rich and surprisingly subtle ballad building up to an epic climax. Not a "power ballad", you see--something much more interesting than that, which indeed owes to Lou Reed's *Berlin*. And yeah, "Flaming Youth" DOES have whiffs of an ABBA hit (which Kiss would use even more spectacularly again on their legendary single "I Was Made For Loving You" a few years later), but who says it's a bad thing? Music, whether disco or hard rock, going full camp doesn't necessarily mean that it's conducive to bad or ineffective songs. Of course, the lyrics are a little ridiculous at times... But hey, we're talking about a band with full make-up on stage having all sorts of Spinal Tap-worthy shenanigans going on there. What did you expect? A thesis statement? The negative reviews topping this section made me smirk. I fear that some of them were based on readymade prejudice, and that those reviewers didn't really use their ears (and heart) to listen. Or maybe they just can't stand that genre, and in that case, what are you gonna do? The first 5-star review nailed it perfectly, though. I'm only taking half a point off for my own grade because of the lack of variety for the first half of side two (fortunately broken by the unexpectedly delicate "Beth"). And even there, I feel like I might be a little severe, because taken on their own, those songs are nice and fun as well. So I readily believe folks more knowledgeable than I am when they say this is the one Kiss album to keep for such a list. Don't feel like I need to explore their discography either before or after this one. Life's too short to inflict all sorts of half-baked cheesefest hard rock songs on yourself. But it's also too short to decide you shouldn't have a little fun once in a while, thanks to the cream on that usually bloated hard rock cake. So let's rock! 4.5/5 for the purposes of this list of "essential" albums, rounded up to 5. 9.5/10 for more general purposes. Number of albums left to review: 83 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 394 (including this one) Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 229 Albums from the list I won't include in mine: 295
I’m listening to this album for the first time in years. Still a masterpiece.
Automatic classic! This album marks a step up in production with the addition of Bob Ezrin , who made large sound changes to the band' s sound and for the first time the inclusion of an orchestra in the tracks. The band came out of these recording sessions a more complete and professional band after the tutelage of Ezrin. This is one of the most important albums in hard rock/heavy metal!
Detroit Rock City is a classic, but otherwise, everything was pretty forgettable. The slower songs also felt off, which didn’t help things. There really isn’t anything explicitly wrong with it, but there also isn’t anything that stands out
The first thing I ever heard about KISS was that the name stood for Knights In Service of Satan. So I figured they were, basically, Slayer. This is when I was like 8 or 9 so give me a break. But I figured they were super hard. It took me a while to get the joke and the joke is pretty dumb so KISS might've been one of my favorite bands if I'd latched on to them in those early years. Still, a few interesting songs.
Take away the makeup, stage show, and merch and Kiss is really just a mediocre band. I get that it's all part of the package, but artists like Alice Cooper, Gwar, and Slipknot are similarly dependent on theatrics and have a lot of songs that stand on their own. Kiss really doesn't. On this album, Detroit Rock City is a banger, but the rest of the album could have been made by any old rock band (yes, even Beth).
Sometimes, things suck in an endearing way. This sucks in an endearing way. Favorite track: Detroit Rock City
Honestly, fuck this album. They make you wait through like 2 minutes of bullshit before you get to hear Detroit Rock City, and after that fine song is done, it's just waiting for the album to wind through its length. I hate it when KISS tries to rock, I hate it when KISS tries to be sensitive. Honestly, though, the production on this album is terrible. Everything sounds sludgy. At first I thought it might be a poor quality upload on YouTube, but no, it just sounds like that. Like mixing a KISS album was some dying child's last wish, and the band just let them do it, but then the kid got better so they couldn't go back and remaster it. I'm not sure why someone thought I should listen to this album before I die. Maybe they have a strong hatred of me and think that subjecting me to this album will hasten my death by sapping my will to live. Jokes on them, because I'm determined to outlive every member of KISS so that I can dance on each and every one of their graves. 2/5 (Detroit Rock City is pulling a lot of weight on this album, and I guess Beth is fine too)
My great expectations were shot down in a flaming ball of dog shit. What a terrible collection of sounds. Who mixed this? Listened to the entire thing in the hope it would redeem itself at some point without result. Verging on one star which is a rarity for me but 2 stars for their assumed impact on the forthcoming glam metal scene - the makeup was pretty good. Has absolutely nothing on The Dictators debut the year before.
A mí el Julian Cope me enseñó a apreciar la genialidad estúpida de ciertos tracks de Kiss. Y qué bueno que lo hizo porque este disco está culerísimo. Tiene unas 4 rolas bien. El resto blah. Acá la selección que hizo Julian Cope (Teardrop Explodes) en forma de playlist.
So there I was this morning basking in the achievement of having three 5 star albums in a row wondering if it was indeed possible to have four in a row. I doubt that I would be in this position again so was praying for a classic Prog album or any of the Beatles, Joni maybe or even now that I am a Swifty convert something from you know who. Buggar it’s bloody Kiss! I’ve never understood this lot. I like my pop stars to dress cool but the Kiss look is neither cool nor in keeping in how grown men should look at all. Even out of make up they all look like rubbish Brian May’s without his enormous talent. My view is that the Kiss look is done to detract from the music they play because it is so crap. Orchestra strings and a child choir cannot mask how awful this album is. Self conceited to the point where they disappear up their thongs. They even diss Beethoven by nicking a bit of his beautiful Sonata Pathétique but can’t be bothered to give him the songwriting credit. As if Kiss are capable of such talent. Released in 1976 this album serves as a good reason why Punk came along. So back to the drawing board in terms of getting four in a row five star albums but whilst the likes of Kiss are served up that is a long shot. 1/5 7/7/24
Musically I enjoyed this way more than I expected. Which really isn't saying much, because I expected 1/5 on that front, which this isn't. Quite. But my god, if this isn't an incredibe collection of cringeworthy lyrics, I have no idea what is. So... It's between 1 and 2 stars. Tough one because I'd be marginally less inclined to turn it off than other stuff. Not sufficiently so to round up to 2 stars, though. So there you go. Enjoyed it more than I expected and it still only comes in at 1/5
Rock n’ Roll is supposed to be raw, authentic and energetic. Kiss is none of those things. They are very possibly the most overrated band of all time. I cannot stand them. Destroyer very inoffensive music. 2 stars would be fair but I can’t separate this bland, boring, gimmick rock from the literal clowns playing it. 3.9/10
Pretty generic and not really engaging, can understand the appeal and they certainly leaned into the whole notion of the band as a pure product but I'm not a fan.
Prior to this album, I was under the impression that Kiss was just a flash in the pan with only a handful of good songs. I'm glad I was proven wrong. This album will rock your mask off! Favorite Track: "Detroit Rock City".
Wedged between glam rock and hair metal was KISS. This album has a bit of everything - rock, musical theater, and a ballad. At the time, Christians were in a panic because this band was the epitome of Satanic worship - "Knigts In Satan's Service" - but they were just goofy guys making 70s rock for teens. I'll always have a soft spot for this band (my girl cousins used to have KISS posters in their room), so this was a fuzzy feeling listen for me. 4.5 stars.
This one really brings me back. Back to my younger days with me and some friends playing classic KISS tunes in the basement. I learned how to play drums rocking out to such classics from this album as "God of Thunder", "Shout It Out Loud" and many other KISS classics.
Kicks your ass off the bat with DRC and then Beth hits you in the feelings kidneys
God Of Thunder
It feels like rock calculated for mass appeal. And it works!
Love it obviously
This is their most heralded album but it’s not my favourite. I find Great Expectations and Beth to be too naff but the rest is just good time bouncy rock and showcases their various talents, most sing and have very distinct sounding voices and Ace is a great guitarist. Detroit Rock City is an all time great rock and roll track as the stand out, I’ll give it 5 more for their whole catalogue than this album in particular as I’ll be surprised if any others turn up.
My favourite Kiss album. I played it too death. It is still wonderful.
5 (-)
Excellent KISS album. I've been listening to it since I was 12 years old. I have a vinyl version released in Argentina
Kiss had some pretty good records in the 70s but Destroyer is their best work from that decade. They toned down their horniness (slightly) and focused on just writing good songs. This is the first album where they sound at home in the studio and Bob Ezrin's production is top notch. Side One is four bangers in a row and for what it's worth, Great Expectations is in my top three Kiss tracks of all time. Beth is straight-up cringe, but as I've gotten older, I kind of weirdly love it (and Peter Criss's terrible singing).
Classic kiss. Every song is a jam.
Rock at its best
Destroyer is the first studio album by Kiss to be a massive sucess, the follow up to their commercial breakthrough Alive!, this re3ccord was supposed to prouve their are abable to produce a great album, and they did. The album was produce by Bob Erzin wich is one of the best rock producer of all times, we could see his great work especially in Beth and Great Expectations. I have to talk about the artowork, Kiss' album covers and thir general iconography, in lot du to their fantastic makeup and flamboyant style, but Kiss albums cover are some of the better looking in rock, and this one is by a mille the most beautifull and iconic. Kiss will always be a live act before a great stuido band, but i thinki they achieve great with this album, the things on wich we are suposed to juge a Kiss Album are: The energy, the riff and the power. They also manage to prouce they can do other type of rock, such as a ballad, with Beth, wich is one of their greatest sucess and their highest charting song in the US, sing by Drummer Peter Criss, Beth is on of the most beaytiful and good rock ballad of all time. Detroit rock city and Shout it out loud are the other sucess, most traditional Kiss like song, very agressive riff an strange intro in detroit rock city, but for both are very good i think, very solid arena rock songs. King of the Knight time world is a very good song, Stanley's vocals are the most good in the album i think and one of the best song in the album. In general i would said that the song sing by paul Stanley in this album are better than those by Gene Simmons, but he still have some good songs too, Like God of Thunder wich is one of the heavyer song in the album. Great expectation is the best song by Gene in the album for me. With the gospel singing, its cleraly one of their best in this reccord Flaming Youth, Sweet Pain and Do you love me? are allright, kiss was never know for their orignal choice of topics and those are decent songs, not very particular or original, but still good. In conclusion Destoyer is ceritified at 2 millions sales in the us, and still toay on of their most acclaim and suc esfull reccord, i think is their best in a lot of terms and it mark the debut of their massive assension toward the top of the moutain of Rock N Roll, paving the way for other glam metal, heavy metal and rock n roll artists for decades. Lot of people said they are overated, i agree, but before i accualy listen to thei albums, like Destoyer, Rock n roll Over, and their first 3 albums and i uderstand what make them so good, so no they are not overated they are on of the biggets rock band in the world.
Kiss isn't the most technical or sophisticated band, but they're entertaining AF! This is definitely one of their best products.
As I listened to the album, my tongue gradually grew longer, my face became painted, and flames began to shoot out around me in random directions. 5/5 - would listen again!
Solid album full of classic rock staples.
Kiss isn't the most technical or sophisticated band, but they're entertaining AF! This is definitely one of their best products.
Good bombastic arena rock
Shout it Shout it Shout it out loud. You Gotta Have a Party. And I agree, this is of course a 5-star rock album. Probably the best Kiss album, but I like most of their 70s output.
Fucking awesome!
This was not the Kiss album that I had in my youth. I really didn't know this album, just some of the tracks. Listening now, I am wondering if we were ever supposed to take them seriously. Certainly not the outrageously hard rock that I thought they were when I was 10 yers old. But, kind of fun(ny)!
And with this I believe we've stumbled upon the album on this list that I've known and loved the longest. My brother bought this one on 8-track when I was 8 years old and we listened to it a LOT. These songs are catchy as hell. KISS found the formula for a rock anthem with Rock and Roll All Nite and they copy it a few times on Destroyer with tunes like Shout It Out Loud and Flaming Youth. But every song makes me want to rock out and sing along, even Beth. Is this a great album? I couldn't possibly say. It's too much in my bones. Is it a great time? Hell, yes!
This was one of the coolest album covers of my pre-adolescent years. I used to look at it with wonder and fear. Tremble before the Knights In Satan’s Service spitting blood as they wield their dark powers! Of course, KISS’ television debut was on the Paul Lynde Halloween Special featuring Donny & Marie (also in satanic garb), Florence Henderson and Tim Conway. Really cool growing up in a time where such nexuses could form. When this cover popped up today I felt the excitement of my youth all over again! This is the KISS album where every single song feels like it was released as a single. I’m a little shocked to read that only four of the songs actually were because ALL of the songs on here have carved grooves into my brain. KISS is one of many instances where a strong dose of musical theater drew me out and expanded my musical horizons. Destroyer is a foundation for my appreciation of the heavier side of rock laid in my pre-teen years that still looms large in my imagination today. I can’t muster anything but love for this album.
hells yes!
This album is very good
So good. A classic all around. Shout it out loud and Detroit rock city stand out but it's all enjoyable
Just a fun rock'n'roll album. Best track - "God of Thunder". Plus a star for the fourth wall breaks.
Fine. I'm giving this one all the stars just because it was fun, sounded amazing on Atmos, and it's Friday.
Really liked it much more than I thought. Didn’t realise Beth was on this album!
Departing from a raw hard rock style from their previous records, "Destroyer" shows a more mature KISS flirting with heavy metal and growing to have better compositions and production. Still a lot of silly 1970s excess rock lyrics, but making it very clear that what they want is to party, never really taking themselves very serious. Paul Stanley's vocals are at its peak and Ace Frehley has some of his greatest guitar solos in here. Gene Simmons and Peter Criss also have very good contributions, wich make "Destroyer" something of a very definitive studio album for KISS - an important part of american rock music.
Nice to Listen to
This is Kiss at or near their peak for me, I'll listen to this album anytime.
Best thing that Detroit has ever made
Segurament el millor disc de KISS, i el que va cimentar la seva fama monstruosa als '70. En el seu génere és gairebé perfecte, de començament al final. El toc de Bob Ezrin a la producció també mereix esmenta
I've always been put off KISS by the way they look. But I realised that this is quite judgemental of me and these poor people must have suffered throughout their lives due to their unusual facial pigmentation, incredible hair, and malformed feet. Anyway, this album is decent; well-rounded and nicely paced with tight production. And it doesn't sound like I expected a KISS album to sound.
This ablum holds a special place for me. By 1994, I had written Kiss off as a bit a joke band who had gone away when they lost their make up. So the week or so before I turned 21 that year I was browsing a second hand market when I ran into the boyfriend of a friend of mine. He was in a semi popular local band and I was always embarrassingly in awe of him. He said he had heard it was my birthday coming up (probably as I told everyone and anyone who would listen). When we hit a stall selling old tapes and CDs, he picked up a Tape of Destroyer and asked me what I thought. I scoffed and he corrected me by saying that it was one of the greatest rock albums of all time, and that the band where all showmanship and class. He handed over the $2 the tape was selling for and then put the tape in my hands saying, go home have listen to is with out abn preconceptions and just enjoy it. I did. And I enjoyed it. Even though I was elbow deep in listening to all things Alternative© at the time, this was revelation. Kiss rocked so well. I got paid out about my new love of Kiss but got my revenge at my 21st by putting this tape on and watched my friends who either hadn't listened to the band since they were 7 or secretly loving them and hiding it all enjoying Destroyer
Great run time, easy listening, several of their big hits, a good sound, and catchy melodies and lyrics, it’s just one of those great rock albums.
Detroit Rock City is fantastic and the rest of the album is playing around with the edge of rock and metal. Big fan.
KISS knew exactly where their career was and where it needed to go when they made this record. They start the album with a radio playing Rock and Roll All Nite before they rush headlong into Detroit Rock City. It’s like they said “We got you hooked with this, now here’s the REAL stuff.” And the album kicks ass. Paul Stanley is a man’s man of a singer and is just so good here. Plus you get Beth!
It Is THE Kiss Sound. Nothing more to say
I can feel the leather as it passes through my ear drums.
Best album so far.
Master do tidal maravilhosa, clássico dos clássicos
top ten album!
You wanted the best, you got the best...
Rocking good album. From Detroit Rock City through God if Thunder to Beth
For not knowing much of kiss outside of what gets radio play, this was a great album.
Surprised by how much I enjoyed this one!
Random thoughts: * I would have LOVED Kiss if I was 15 in the mid-70s. I have no doubt about it. I'd like to think I would have been ride or die Zepp but I know this to be true deep in my heart. * This album surprised me and I liked it way more through out than I thought. * I was surprised to have 3 songs that I recognized on this album and I like all of them: Detroit Rock City, Shout It Out Loud, and Beth. * Mad respect for pop culture critic, Chuck Klosterman, for being an unabashed Kiss fan. I kind of now see what his obsession is. I'm not ready to join him because I'm not 15, but I get it better than I did before.
Probably the biggest surprise so far. Never liked Kiss but this album was a good one.
Opzich best een lekker generiek rock album!! Detroit Rock City, Sweet Pain en Shout it Out Loud zijn energieke nummers met een vrij simpele tekst, maar het werkt.
Good solid rock album
More of a Bob Ezrin album than a KISS album, but still rather good. Even though I consider this one to be the weakest of their classic first six studio albums, there are a lot of classics here. The opening trio alone is enough for three stars, and when you hear Shout it Out Loud and Flaming Youth as well, you know you’re onto a a winner. The horrible chorus of Do You Love Me and Beth drags it down to a four
The album art is classic and the songs reflect the times; disco was dying and heavy metal was transforming its own style.