People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
A Tribe Called QuestA full rebellion against gangster rap… these guys respect women, misplaced their wallets, and watch their cholesterol.
A full rebellion against gangster rap… these guys respect women, misplaced their wallets, and watch their cholesterol.
Pretty cool to hear him sing these songs. He seems to really perk up when a song involves shooting someone
Grew on me throughout. Glad I listened
Really good with a bit of filler
Love it. Raw and pristine and the production is iconic
White guys love Jobim. Was expecting a little more from these two. Getz is good and Byrd grew on me as the album went on, but why couldn't they turn him up when he soloed with nylon strings?
Didn't love or hate. Definitely not their best stuff
Super fun and loved the old beats 5 stars
Perfection. Some of the sex stuff is a little weird and the drum solo on Moby dick was too short but it had to fit on the vinyl so I get it
Excellent playing
A few good songs and a few unlistenable songs. Overall not for me
Some good songs and overall easy to listen to
Didn’t really get it, credit for risk taking
How can a debut album be this good? How did they know how to do that?
Catchy 80s fare
She’s great at singing but I didn’t like the songs. Also if the two discs are going to be so different why not make it two albums?
Some great songs but not a complete album
Did not enjoy
I like the hits and the slow ones but not sure I get the heavy stuff.
I like the first half better but can’t complain
There was one good song in there and maybe a few with potential
Oh no no. At least it’s near Halloween
Not my favorite genre. Wanted more melody
Grew on me, not yet at their best but getting there
Nice early Jam hopefully the later stuff is on the list too
Ahead of his time and cool voice
Didn’t love as much as I thought I would
Catchy - annoying = 3
Nice nice definitely like the last couple songs more but could see the rest being cooler in a better setting
I feel like he took some risks with composition and production and they really paid off.
Mm did not like at all. A few songs were ok. I don’t understand the hype
Great energy and melodies.
Loved some of the songs and her voice/style, but felt the quality decreased as it got to the later tracks
Meticulous rapping and production. Walks right up to the line of being corny… and crosses it sometimes. Overall a lot of fun
I feel like he proves he can make good songs but doesn’t finish the job. The result is often boring since few of the tracks are worthy of being pure instrumentals.
I enjoyed the title track and the Herbie Hancock cameo was cool. Overall forgettable 80s to me
Funny rubber soul by the funny Beatles
Basically a no miss album. It seems like it was supposed to be about the struggles and suppression of the working class, but Jarvis is way too horny to stay on message
A full rebellion against gangster rap… these guys respect women, misplaced their wallets, and watch their cholesterol.
Definitely can see the building blocks of britpop. The large string arrangements and soaring guitars. The vocals bridge the gap between Bowie and Pulp/Blur. That being said it was good not great on first listen. Will revisit
Kind of that loose acid hippy rock that requires well written songs to not be annoying. A few songs approached that.
Pretty much an all time classic. Would give 4.5 if I could
Now the Beatles are starting to really get going. Some all time songs and a few songs that I find too cookie cutter sixties. Overall great stuff
Took a while to get into but I appreciate the progressiveness. It does dive back into straight blues on the back half. Plus a star for being short and to the point
Never been more surprised by an album. I only knew the title track going in. Meticulous and progressive and not too serious. Overall, a lot of fun
Starts and ends strong (summers cauldron, grass, dear god) but the gooey center lets it down a bit
Cool bc they are punk legends but I personally need more melody
Not his best but still great
Innovative and unique with some classics. Some of their bad songs are so bad though lol 3.75/5
I like the live version better. Not sure I totally get it but I see how it kickstarted the alt rock of the rest of the 70s
Ah man that did not hit. I see what they’re going for and I don’t approve. Maybe it held up better when it came out
Honestly grew on me a lot. Meticulously crafted. Could use a bit more edge but hey not everyone has that in their arsenal… 3.7
This is how I want to remember Nirvana. Simple, powerful, and just a little beautiful. Except for you Endless, Nameless.
Definitely a cool band and some cool tracks but I kind of got lost in the jams. I know they have better songs to come though
Loved their sound at times but didn’t like any of the songs really. Maybe if they pared it down
Great voice and some great sounding Faces musicians but the songwriting is pretty lacking on most of the tracks 2.8
Incredible. A lot of the things I love about Radiohead—pushing it but keeping it melodic and often beautiful. Right now I’m thinking 4.2 but this is the kind of music that has room to grow.
Pretty cool to hear him sing these songs. He seems to really perk up when a song involves shooting someone
Can’t separate my nostalgia from my views. A genius testing all the levers on his own for the first time.
They are like the sad stone roses. Too many songs that sound the same. Overall good sound and some good songs
Pretty good takes. Listening to this with my New Year’s Day hangover is my punishment for falling behind
Some pretty songs but overall rambling
I always thought of this one as two halves. The first half which I don’t like that much and then the second half that is pretty great. Maybe that’s on purpose as The caterpillar metamorphosizes and becomes more conscious
It’s perfect. Mani and Reni hold it down as a dance rhythm section and allow John Squire to innovate. All with Ian Brown’s timeless melodies. No skip album
Loved it but got repetitive
Interesting and ahead of its time
Irredeemable. Beth is a great song though
Not much to bring me back
The hits are catchy but the rest drags and feels repetitive. Great production tho 2.6
Songcraft was just ok. Plus a half star for the bassist and a half star for some of the ballads. I liked the theme song version better
Wanted to like it more but for me it was just pretty ok 2.7
Great and interesting sound but the tunes don’t back it up for me 3.3 bc it’s almost there
Eh they are going to be great but they aren’t yet. My Generation is an all timer and the other 40 tracks aren’t great
Here comes their songwriting. Most songs are great and well recorded. All songs are corny 4.3
Fast, catchy, unserious, and serious. Instant superstars. 4.6
Fun but not his best. Performance and production is excellent though.
Sunday Bloody Sunday is incredible. A lot of the songs range from ok to good. Love the concept and it feels honest for a U2 album. 3.8
Woah. It’s like U2 but really good. Elaborate and deliberate. 4.7
She’s good I didn’t love the songs tho. 3.3 for sounding nice and being ok