"how do you do fellow kids?"
Ray of Light is the seventh studio album by American singer-songwriter Madonna, released in early 1998 by Maverick Records. A stylistic and aesthetical departure from her previous work, Ray of Light is an electronica and techno-pop record which incorporates multiple genres, including ambient, trip hop, psychedelic music and Middle Eastern music, while also seeing Madonna singing with greater breadth and a fuller tone. Mystical themes are also strongly present in both the music and lyrics, as a result of Madonna embracing Kabbalah, her study of Hinduism and Buddhism, and her daily practice of Ashtanga yoga. After giving birth to her first child, Madonna started working on the album with producers Babyface and Patrick Leonard. Following failed sessions with them, Madonna pursued a new musical direction with English producer William Orbit, which resulted in a much more experimental sound being produced for the album. The recording process was the longest of Madonna's career, and she experienced problems with Orbit's hardware arrangement which would break down and cause delays until it could be repaired. Upon release, the album received widespread critical acclaim, with reviews praising the singer's new musical direction, Orbit's complex, innovative and experimental production, and Madonna's writing skills. Referred to as her "most adventurous" record, Ray of Light has been noted for its introspective, spiritual, and religious nature with Madonna's vocals also being commended. Retrospectively, the album has continued receiving critical acclaim from contemporary critics and is often considered to be her best album. On top of this, the album is frequently cited by critics as one of the greatest mainstream pop albums of all time. Ray of Light won four Grammy Awards from a total of six nominations. The album debuted at number two on the US Billboard 200, with the biggest first-week sales by a female artist at the time. It also peaked at number one in 17 countries, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, and charted within the top-five in most musical markets. Worldwide, Ray of Light has sold over 16 million copies and is one of the best-selling albums by women. Five singles were released from the album, including the international top five hits "Frozen" and "Ray of Light". The album's promotion was later supported by the Drowned World Tour in 2001. Music critics have noted the album's influence on popular music, and how it introduced electronica into mainstream pop culture in America. They also noted Madonna's musical re-invention which helped the 39-year-old remain contemporary among the teen-marketed artists of the period.
"how do you do fellow kids?"
A whole lot of investment for a maximum of 15 minutes pay-off. You can certainly die before listening to this one, and in all honesty, at 1 hour 6 mins in length, there is a good chance that you might.
Top tier mid-career Madonna. Confident, composed, and coooool
I was pleasantly surprised by this, as downtempo stuff usually isn't my bag. And it is long, though the beauty of the production can't be overstated (Actually, maybe it can when the cheesy strings come into Little Star.) Madonna's voice doesn't have much zing to it here, but if it did the whole album would have to be retuned to it. She takes you through the hour of music, and the melodies are pretty if not very hooked, and the calming effect of the music is undeniable. I tend to prefer my trip-hop with more of the mentioned zing, but Madonna is absolutely my bag.
Expecting just a simple pop album, I wasn't really looking forward to this one. But... Wow. I wasn't expecting this album to be quite as electronic as it turned out to be. I never knew there was a Madonna album like it, not that I really know much about Madonna's discography. This is a wonderfully electronic album with some songs that would suit a lounge, and others that would fit in a rave. It's filled with downtempo, house, trance, drum and bass, basically everything my ADHD-ridden millenial British mind can almost automatically adore. To be honest I almost forgot that this is an album by an American singer - William Orbit really brings a lot of British and European flair to the album. There's also some really cool Middle Eastern elements to this - Shanti/Ashtangi makes for a really cool midway(ish) point of the album, and a nice comedown from the trance rush of Sky Fits Heaven before it. From my impromptu research into this album I found out that she had underwent vocal training for her role in Evita, a couple of years before this album, and as a result she came to this album with a broader vocal range than ever. The full-bodiedness of her vocals pairs really well with the electronic direction of this album. I was really surprised by how much I loved this album. It's a fun, ravey, mystical and spiritual record with a bit of everything that the 90s electronic scene had to offer. I wasn't expecting to be seeking out a Madonna album because of this list but it's fair to say that it's what I'll now be doing. Favourite: Nothing Really Matters
I never knew Madonna was that experimental with the sound in her albums. This one really surprised me, on how much variety it has. You got Trip-Hop, Trance, some hints of techno and much more. I really enjoyed it.
well, this album could change a person's mind about being a Madonna fan. It was beautiful and amazing!
This was a total surprise. The only things I knew about Madonna were the adoption stuff and her hits, more from the 80s with that big, brash style. I really wasn't expecting to enjoy this, but it was easy to listen to and surprising in it's style. I'd happened to get Massive Attack's Blue Lines the day before, so the slightly laid-back trip-hop nature of this was interesting to compare - it's all fine enough, but lacks the drive and energy and rawness of that album: just a little too bland and over-produced in places perhaps. Not half bad though.
The last good Madonna album according to my wife
This album is without a doubt the singular high watermark for 90s American pop, and potentially Madonna's entire career. Between her other albums, I struggle to pick a favorite between Ray of Light, Madonna and Like a Prayer.
what a huge pile of crap
Ethereal, lovely ambience
Madonna has always been the Queen of Reinvention and jumpin on trends. This is one of her peak moments. William Orbit brought out the best of Madonna with this blissful collection of techno pop. Unlike the bulk of her albums this one isn't patchy either, it is a solid piece of work no song feels like it needs to be skipped
Easily the best Madonna album.
A little like OG Lana Del Rey. Cool electronica style.
I never understood Madonna's popularity. Don't get me wrong. Can she sing? Yes. Has she written, recorded, and produced several hit songs. Sure thing. But she's pretty average in my opinion - and this album is evidence of that. These songs sound like a hundred other songs that came out around this time - there's nothing really innovative or different about it. Every song is 6 minutes long and they could have been 3. In fact, the whole album could have been one 3-minute song. They all sound the exact same. It's like the soundtrack for a Disney movie that was way to sad and weird to make it to theaters. And, even though I'm not a fan of Madonna, this album cannot be her best effort. Not sure why it's on the list.
I like this album - Madonna is going through her sleek, ethereal club phase and it evokes a wistful sense of nostalgia for my 90s life. Some wonderful songs on here, like "Frozen" and "Skin."
Once such a daring and courageous beast, this effort seems rather lazy and insipid. Just throwing some EDM into the mix, because, well why not? Madonna reminds me of a wounded sealion gasping for air as it watches its pups be fucked to death by the predatory ghost of Sir David Attenborough.
Madge’s last great album. I love the cohesiveness of it. It’s clear that every song is a part of this album, yet each has its own unique perspective and sound. The Eastern & Middle Eastern influences work well for me, giving the music and the spiritualized edge. Madonna’s voice is in fine form and the production is unmatched. Complicated and catchy rhythms meld with super-rich bass lines and ethereal atmosphere to provide an elevated club sound unlike any other. Frozen is a highlight, with its lush strings, jangly percussion, and almost medieval chord structure supporting her cutting words to a cold, emotionless subject. Little Star, an electronica lullaby to her then-newly-born daughter Lourdes, is unexpectedly touching, yet retains much of the sugary fun that made Madonna a pop goddess.
I thought this album was a very soothing and sophisticated album. I really enjoyed the more experimental songs, and the pop songs were more interesting than one would expect in a pop album. The poppier songs were definitely a tier below, but the album as a whole was a solid listen. Top tracks: Diamond World/Substitution for Love, Shanti/Ashtangi, Mer Girl
(Deep inhale, followed by audible sigh) Ok…here we go. Madonna’s “Ray of Light”. Produced by William Orbit (whose album, “Strange Cargo III”, I found to be utterly loathsome), “Ray of Light” finds Madonna embracing the electronica of the mid 90’s and turning it into a easily digestible product for the masses. Thematically, Madonna draws inspiration from religious mysticism, psychedelia and yoga. Honestly, I am surprised that she isn’t writing songs about the probiotic benefits of kefir or multipart suites about vaccine conspiracies she read on a “very reputable” website. I fucking hate this album. It’s awful. What’s next? That Cher album with all the auto-tune?
I've always liked this album. The collaboration with William Orbit really did Madonna good musically. Before, the music was too disco-like for me. Frozen is one of my favorite pieces. Listening to the album, I remembered some songs that I had forgotten. It's nice that these memories are fresh again. 5/5
Mein Lieblingsalbum von Madonna. Ein Meisterwerk in jeder Hinsicht: tanzbar, wild, nachdenklich, überraschend und insgesamt ein Knaller.: "Ray of light" "Frozen", " The Power of good Bye"
Awww yeah! I do not give a flying fuck what anyone has to say. This is fun. And I love it.
This was GREAT! I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. Added and will be listening again
With a slight dipping with Bedtime Stories and American Life, Madonna's run of albums from Like A Virgin through to Confessons on A Dancefloor - near twenty years, is pretty well unmatched putting her up with critical darlings like REM and Prince. Like A Prayer and Ray of Light are the Everest and K2 in this range - I have a personal preference for the latter as I love the William Orbit wooshes and wibbles that provide the distinctive soundworld of this album. As ever the question is take the singles out and what's left. The answer is a lot. I'll even forgive her a bit of karmic nonsense with the om shantis and everything. This album is almost 25 years old which seems crazy as it still sounds contemporary.
disco maduro de madonna? fuck I'm in
Very surprised how good this was. Sound very trippy
ну бест оф зэ бэст оф зе бест!!!! виллиам орбит лучший
There are albums that stylistically I think I’ll like, but they prove shallow and unmemorabke. Then there is an album like this that I wouldn’t seem to match my tastes as well but it draws me in. Truthfully I need to give the latter half more time, it didn’t feel as strong, but the first half is strong. Also, randomly… I could picture mashing this up with Talking Heads’ “Remain in Light.”
I enjoyed listening to this album again. It starts off a little meh for me but then builds and really hits its stride in the middle and then tapers off. Some clever new style for her in some of those middle and ending songs.
Surprisingly liked this. Waay more than I was expecting.
A terrific album, exploratory, interesting, and you can still move along to it.
Dance albums don't usually age as well after 25 years as Ray of Light.
Really nice production
Very different! Distinctly late 90s. Quite enjoyable for sure, great way to help unwind.
This could be Madonna’s best album, or at least top two. A different sound from her that really showcases her vocal abilities outside of her earlier synth pop style.
Surprised by the psych production on this record. A lot of psych sounds panned to one ear or alternating back and forth. I had no idea Madonna had an electronic psych record. Dude the title track goes HARD!!! The vocals sound dated to the 90s but the instrumentals/production doesn't. Honestly it makes sense that most people wouldn't really like this record. It's weird and not an easy listen but honestly it's right up my alley. I also love the eastern sounds on this record.
When this album appeared I questioned whether anything from Madonna should be in the list of "must listen" albums. "Ray of Light" was a surprisingly listenable recording. I found I loved the electronica and middle eastern musical themes that appeared. The song "Swim" was a notable surprise and "Ray of Light" is a terrific song. Madonna also stretched vocally on this album, to her credit.
Ray of Light is the seventh album by American singer-songwriter Madonna. This electronica, techno-pop album may be her most adventurous/experimental as it contains influences from ambient, trip hop & edm in general, Middle Eastern music, and psychedelia. It's credited with bringing edm elements into the mainstream, as well as shining a light on South Asian culture. Madonna's vocals were also amazing on this album since she underwent fresh vocal lessons before production. Critically acclaimed, it's considered Madonna's magnum opus and is one of the best-selling albums by women. Ray of Light won 4 out of 6 Grammy nominations at the 1999 Grammy Awards. It's been certified platinum or multi-platinum in 27 countries including Australia (3x), Canada (7x), averaged 7x platinum in Europe, Japan (2x), and USA (4x). This adventurous album was great to listen to. According to Madonna herself, it's the "quintessential Madonna album". With mixings of pop and edm, the music provides something for every listener. I was enthralled with every bit of this album, and I'm glad I had the chance to listen to it. Highly recommend this historical piece of music.
It feels too easy to say that Madonna makes music for the girls, gays, and theys, but that doesn’t make it less true. I wish I had been in a dark room with a sparkly top to get the full experience
A different side of Madonna that I had not known until now. Pulling inspiration from the rise of downtempo and trip hop sounds over in the UK, Ray of Light is a definite departure from her usual dance-pop that got her famous in the first place. This is a bold and rewarding move for her, in my opinion, as she utilizes her voice in a way that compliments the new electronic production. Producer William Orbit is equally deserving of praise, as his work in Downtempo on Strange Cargo 2 and 3 helped paved the way for the sound on Ray of Light. For how well-executed this album is, it still feels marred by tracks that could have been cut. "Shanti / Ashtangi" showcases Madonna's passing interest in Hinduism at the time, pulling from Indian pop in a way that feels more like co-opting than honoring. "Candy Perfume Girl" feels like it could have been a cut from an earlier Madonna song that was touched up for the downtempo sound. It leads to things getting overly long. The overall product is stunning regardless. I am fascinated by this move from Madonna, and have a lot of respect for her as a result. Absolutely worth being on the list.
Blown away by this one tbh. I like a lot of Madonna's big hits but found the couple of albums of hers that I'd listened to a bit samey and inconsistent This was a massive departure from anything I expected, the opening track set the scene so perfectly- sounded like Enya singing over a Trent Reznor instrumental. Then there's some exploration with trip-hop and big club bangers, with some fantastic sounding synths and a really wide range of instrumentation and grooves. It tailed off slightly for me towards the end, and did start to feel its length, but the mysterious and slinky closing track was another highlight. All in all a great album, very different to what I was expecting, and definitely something I'll revisit
Still remember that after a sequence of rather mediocre albums -say anything after Like a Prayer and this albums- and a string of singles that were good but not great (except This Used to Be My Playground but that was with Shep Pettibone again) ..suddenly ..Frozen was released and after that: the Ray Of Light single and then Substitute of Love and the Power of Goodbye.. in short: the best 4 pop singles of the 90s, seemingly out of nowhere. So bought the album but felt a bit disappointed as it was made in the same way as in the 80s: great singles (*****) some (very) decent albums tracks (***/****) and some filler (*/**). Think True Blue or Like A Prayer. Still feel the same after listening to it again today. The 4 singles and the William Orbit contributions are as fantastic as ever, just like a couple of other tracks, but overall it falls short to be of 5-star, just like True Blue and Like A Prayer (to compare, for me, her first album and Like A Virgin are both 5-star).
lazy disco-y lushness
Madonna at one of her peaks. Is and was a good sound
I forgot just how beautiful madonnas voice is. I grew up on OG Madonna and when this album came out, it was “weird” but so Madonna :) I didn’t listen to it much because I was so nostalgic for her old stuff. I realize now just how ahead of our time this sound was. It fits way better into today’s music. <>.
The album where Madonna remade herself and brought EDM to the mainstream. Solid stuff. Best track: The Power of Good-Bye
Madonna must've heard "Dummy" by Portishead. This album proves this assumption. But it's nowhere near as fantastic as "Dummy". "Substitute for Love" is my favourite song off "Ray of Light" After that, it slowly becomes a boring listen. 3 stars for "Ray of Light".
The title track was definitely a guilty pleasure for me at the time and I have a lot of respect for the fact the Like A Virgin and Isla Bonita girl came up with this in 1998... and had a massive hit with it. Frozen is brilliant as well, but while the overall vibes are good, I'm a little disappointed to learn that the singles are its best moments. So while 70% of this is new to me, nothing is quite as exciting a discovery as I'd hoped. Still, the production is excellent and overall I'm glad it's included as it's definitely a snapshot of the time and a testament to Madonna's versatility, something that probably doesn't get talked about enough.
Good memories from MTV in the 90's https://youtu.be/SnUu2E1pjm0
Just look how quickly rich and gauzy becomes "deep" and "meaningful", the shorthand for which is--sigh--an Indian song. I note William Orbit is credited on that. It appears not even the best artists were immune to 90s ambient wank.
i can appreciate it but i'd never listen to this kind of music willingly. also no 13-track album should be over an hour
Formulaic pop that left me cold. Awkward sounding with a techno-esque/EDM beat applied to vocal lines and melodies that really don't suit them. "Here are some songs... make them 'club'". Madonna has a great voice but it is wasted on this. Was going for 2/5 but the longer I listened... 1/5. It loses a point for wasting the talent of her voice.
The production on this album is incredible. It seems like a lot of people on this site are disregarding this album solely because it’s Madonna. What’s the point of doing this list if that’s your attitude? Get over yourself. This album is over an hour and there’s really not a dull moment. Genuinely interesting and fun, and like I said, the production is phenomenal.
For a bitch who was raised to be a Madonna stan, and who bonded with her Mom over ‘80s Madonna songs and albums, I’m pissed that I’ve never heard this masterpiece. I’m music-obsessed enough to know that this was her ✨spiritual✨ album when she was really into Kabbalah and yoga after having her kid, and I knew it was an electronic record, and yet, despite those things being right up my alley, I never sought this out. And in some ways, I’m glad I waited. For a few different reasons, the last few months have been an emotional roller coaster for me, and to say I’m trying to ✨find myself✨ would be an understatement. Enter Ray of Light– a beautiful reflection on what it means to find yourself as a grown woman. Whether that’s spiritual, whether it’s within the context of your career, whether it’s more about family or your future family or even yourself, Madonna seems to be working it all out here. None of it is ever so blatant that it slaps you in the face and takes you out– although the chanting makes it a bit obvious– but I truly was along for every step of the ride on this journey of self-discovery. I don’t know if I could have done this a few years ago, and I definitely couldn’t have done it a decade or two ago in my early 20s or teens. This is an album for grown women. Yet these are also songs that remind you that you are That Bitch™️ 💅🏻✨ Yes, sure, I’m fully aware that in Madonna’s mind, these are songs about how Madonna is That Bitch™️, but god, does she make it feel like I’m also That Bitch™️ if I’m not Madonna herself! Even in its slower, more reflective moments like “Swim” or “The Power of Good-Bye,” even in its sadder moments like “Frozen” and “To Have and Not to Hold,” even in its more religious moments like “Nothing Really Matters,” “Shanti/Ashtangi,” and “Mer Girl” – it all feels empowering. And it especially feels empowering when it’s trying to be, like on the anthemic “Ray of Light,” or the sexy “Candy Perfume Girl” [a potential favorite song out of this whole challenge], and the uplifting “Sky Fits Heaven.” Obviously, a lot of this power comes from the electronic production. Now, I’m always a sucker for electronic music, but trance typically isn’t my thing. Here, though, it’s used to Madonna’s benefit. Obviously, it is a bit more “background,” allowing her to take up space as a pop star, but I also think it’s thematically appropriate– uplighting, empowering, the sound of a religious experience in the club. Obviously when it hits hard it hits HARD like any good club track should, but by fully embracing the power of trance, it creates space for a lot of the touching, reflective moments that make Ray of Light not only artful and respectable, but also emotionally impactful. It also obviously helps that Orbit’s production itself is unique; trance often sounds dated, but his mixture of that ‘90s trance sound with real instrumentation, especially heavy guitar, help this record hold up sonically to this day. To call Ray of Light transcendent feels lame. It’s a Madonna record– a narcissistic record made by a narcissist where she tells herself to love herself, which is silly when you’re a narcissist who’s already in love with herself. And yet, as the listener, that message hits me in the head like an air conditioner falling out the window of an apartment complex on my walk to get my morning bagel. It has emotionally wrecked me for the better, and I am so thankful that this record came into my life, especially now. It may not be my favorite record yet, but give it time, and it may honestly get there.
My own fault for getting behind, getting 4 albums in a row that are 80 minutes long - great vibes but really drags after a while
This style of music serious suit's Madonna's cool vocals, allowing her to be vulnerable and poetic in the lyrics. The songs feature a perfect blend of softer, introspective songs and energetic, danceable songs.
I used to like Madonna back in the old days but went off her when she started her psychodivabitchslag period and I haven’t listened to a Madonna album since about 1990. I think it helped that this album popped up on a chilled Sunday evening. It’s full of great tracks ; exquisite, atmospheric, ambient, trippy, rave electronica . The production is brilliant and her voice sounds great. I’m listening again on a Monday morning and it’s still awesome (Shanti is a dud, but everyone's entitled to one). I need to re-evaluate Madonna perhaps. Nah perhaps not she’s still a batty old fruitcake. 5*
Madonna’s constant reinvention shadows the fact that she’s a really talented vocalist. Ray of Light is a hidden gem if you weren’t already blessed enough to have heard it in the past. As far as I’m concerned it’s one of the best downtempo albums ever released. There are multiple 5/5 songs on here, which is good enough for me to give this album a 5.
Mom had this on cd in the car, Ray of Light is just one of THOSE albums
When this came out it, she had me on track one. I wasn’t ever a Madonna fan at all. In fact a bit of a hater, ever since my then girlfriend dragged me along to see her at Wembley Stadium. But this album felt like a complete reinvention for her. Not just the musical style which is a really cool trippy vibe, but her vocal style. Her annoying squeaky pop voice was gone, and she performed this with much deeper, richer, breathy tones and a fantastic range. As I said she had me on track one with that! It was a guilty pleasure then. Normally played loud in the car alone! But it’s stood the test of time, and I’d play it in the company of those I love without fear of judgement! ‘Drowned World/Substitute’ and ‘Nothing Really Matters’ are the standouts for me.
william orbit produced the best blur album so i knew from the get id dig the whole thing. ray of light is the second best madonna song (2nd only to take a bow)
This album is just nuts. What an insane experience, William Orbit carves out an other-worldly production and Madonna merely guides us through it. Genuinely one of the best pop albums to ever come out
wow, the production is fucking incredible. One of the most atmospheric and futuristic sounding albums. I seriously love the consistency throughout the album, I can't believe just how good it is. So creative and beautiful, such an interesting album, madonna did not give a fuck i guess, not a single song under 4 minutes, that's absurd by today's standards. Loved so many of the songs on here, especially Shanti, Ray of Light and To Have and Not to Hold, so fascinating.
One of Madonna's finest work
is this the best album ever made, or am i just gay
Ray of Light is truly one of the best songs ever This album is great. Some really interesting production on here, has that almost industrial sound at times that I love. 4.5 rounded up
This is the kind of album which you start with arms crossed arms (and mind) and while listening to it you start moving the big toe. With every song you move more muscles and around the half I was dancing on my own at home.
Indian Electronica Madonna is my favourite Madonna!
I forgot how great this was. Peak Madonna.
revelatory for pop
Fabulous album. Love Madonna
Beautiful album of hauntingly produced ballads by this remarkable singer. Deserves to be on this album accolade list.
Madonna is a goddess of music.
I've never heard this album and that is embarrassing. When she goes--this is the album people will point to.
Was never a big Madonna fan, except maybe when at the clubs in the mid 80's, but this is a really good album. Kind of a techno trance sound. Would be good for background music.
A shimmering plate of psych dance pop.
I have been wrong about Madonna for 25 years, that was amazing actually . I was surprised by how good this was. I don’t really like the Ray of Light song so much, so I didn’t have high expectations of it, but it’s downtempo and really well put together. I think sometimes we don’t give albums a fair shake when the artist is a media spectacle. Lesson learnt
I’m generally kind of ambivalent about Madonna. I like some of her songs but generally don’t seek out her music. So color me surprised when I listened to this and loved it? This isn’t even a genre I enjoy in general, let alone from Madonna, but this was amazing. A super cohesive album, and while on the longer side with songs on the longer side too, it never overstayed its welcome. So many great artists fall into that trap, but Madonna figured out how to perfectly toe the line here. “Drowned World/Substitute for Love,” “Ray of Light,” and “The Power of Good-Bye” were my favorite songs, but I found something to enjoy about every song on this album. Was not expecting to love this as much as I did, but I’m so glad this came up on this list and forced me to give it a chance.
Drowned World/Substitute for Love Swim Frozen
Madonna's seventh album, "Ray of Light" is the magnum opus of her long career. After several moderately successful albums in the 1990s and the film Evita, it was questionable whether she would be able to reinvent herself or whether her career would hit a deep pit. Well, she reinvented herself and came back with a fantastic album. She took voice lessons for Evita, and on this album her singing was never better than it had been before. Also, "Ray of Light" was produced by William Orbit, who created stunning sounds that still feel fresh after 25 years. This album brought electronica into the mainstream, but also drew inspiration from many different styles (trip-hop, psychedelia, pop, trance, eastern influences). The hits are outstanding, especially Ray of Light, and the music videos for them were also ahead of their time (Frozen, Nothing Really Matters) - but there are plenty of great songs even besides the hits (Swim, Candy Perfume Girl, Shanti Ashtangi, etc.). Meditative, atmospheric, pulsating, captivating - and it's probably her most honest album since the birth of her daughter seemed to have matured her a lot. Although I'm not a big fan of pop, my childhood was this album and I remember that I was captivated by the hit songs, especially the video of Ray of Light. I hope it's not just nostalgia talking when I say it's still an outstanding pop album today. Maybe a little too long at 66 minutes, but still a very coherent and balanced album. Overall it deserves a 4.5 rating, which is 5 rounded up.
Definitely one if not the best that Madonna has made
Best Madonna album!
Apparently a childhood album
good tunes
Love her
madonna's 7th studio album i think was the last of her great era. she's unfortunately past her prime now, or maybe I'm just saying that because i haven't heard enough? i dunno. madonna swaps her usual dance pop style for a really trippy and atmospheric techno new age sound, and she pretty much nails it. beautiful vocals and uniquely produced instrumentals that haven't aged a bit.
Madonna forever. Nice album.
madona es la 1
Ein af mínum allra mest uppáhalds plötum. Frábær frá upphafi til enda. Mikil gleði með að hún sé á listanum 🥰
Oh, this is a good one. As with Music, I had this on CD when it came out, but hadn't listened to the whole album for years. In this very successful reinvention of herself, this is the mystical electronica dance one. It's pretty awesome. The title track may well be my favorite Madonna song. The whole thing sounds great and I'm happy to hear it again.
Wait. Did I just say a few days ago that Music is one of Madonna's most mature albums? I did. But so is this. More like yoga class than a dance party, this one goes down real easy. And Ray of Light is one of my feel goodest songs.