Unknown Pleasures
Joy DivisionReminds me of PF, would get on vinyl, good atmosphere
Reminds me of PF, would get on vinyl, good atmosphere
good to listen to on a hot summers day with some beers, terrible to listen to while at work
triggers bittersweet memories, possibly the coolest album cover of all time keeping mum's vinyl copy
classic early 90's hiphop, I can appreciate it but not sure if it's something I'd just put on to causally listen to
people that like this have a septum piercing and think they have the hardest life in the world because mum found their cigarettes
beatles x elton actually pretty dope, wouldn't include on regular rotation tho
vocals are a bit too punk/heavy for me, cool instrumentals tho
Classic Bob, classic album
banger, should pick this up on vinyl
the sax is dope liked it but wouldn't buy it for myself
not really my vibe, can understand how other people enjoy it
cool album but really unsure how it made the list
not really my thing
Thought I was going to like it more than I actually did
interesting album, not really my vibe
not listening to 53 songs
exactly what comes to mind when you think of Jazz
slaps, would be an awesome vinyl
not my vibe, jovis might like, okay to work to as not that distracting, wouldn't get on vinyl but see howq it could be sampled to make something I'd like
feels generic but I don't know what to compare it to. wouldn't buy the album but wouldn't be mad if I found it cheap at an op shop or something
Classic heavy metal, head banging
good rainy day vibes