Oct 10 2021
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Listen, I was going to Industrial goth clubs and dancing in cages with the best of them back in the mid-90’s. You’d think I’d be pretty familiar with this one but I’m not. I’ve heard this album hundreds of times, but since Bryan Warner has always freaked me out, it’s not one I’ve ever owned, nor one that I listen to by my own choice. This is the first time I’ve heard it front to back and really listened. There are a couple bops, I guess. But I recall people that I typically think of as having good taste just RAVING about Marilyn Manson. He was supposed to be a Trent Reznor protégée genius and it I dunno, it just feels like shock for the sake of shock, like Ozzy biting the head off a bat. Yeah, that was metal af, but that poor bat. The lyrics are sophomoric and I mostly wish I had skipped this album. I now know what this prick sounds like saying the word Pussy, which my brain has never allowed me to hear before. I may never have sex again. (Please let the next album be a babyface classic or something)
Oct 28 2021
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preditor creep. didn't listen. man doesnt deserve those meager spotify royalties
May 28 2021
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i really can't be arsed with this. the music is all about posturing and shouting "look at me i'm weird". really falls apart when it turns out brian is a bit rapey.
Mar 15 2023
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No songs about mashed potato
May 28 2021
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Like a ship sailing into lava. What a weird, touchy, rapey, gothy creep.
Aug 02 2023
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Some people act like the Seinfeld theme song is the only TV theme song with a funky slap bass line. To those people, I have but one word: ALF.
Dec 10 2021
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I really don't care about what the Christian right or what homeland security thinks about Marilyn Manson's "music", the bottom line is it sucks! You can pile on as much anti-Christ bullshit, vile and hateful devil crap you want, but it doesn't make it more listenable. In fact, I found it at times unlistenable, stupid and annoying. If this is so-called "shock" rock, give me Alice Cooper, at least he had a sense of humor. Don't support this sick, creepy loser!
Feb 05 2023
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Separating the art from the artist - this album changed the 1990s for me. It is brilliant, aggressive, reflective, seductive and dangerous. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a good description of Brian Warner too.
Thing is - the warning signs were there from the very start. Beautiful People is a Glitter beat, for the love of all things. Such a shame that people allowed him to carry on.
The album itself is an easy 5 stars - and that's what I'll be rating it. But I couldn't listen to it again. I tried. And I just can't dissociate enough to let myself continue.
Dec 03 2021
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Brian Warner owes his entire musical credibility to Trent Reznor. The aggressive, hard-hitting industrial sound is not just an influence, no, Reznor is literally producing a good chunk of this album, including the best moments. The Beautiful People? Reznor. Tourniquet? Also Reznor. The Reflecting God? Fuckin' Nine Inch Nails, baby! You can argue that Warner has his on imprint on the album, but the gaps where Reznor isn't producing are also gaps of quality. Compared to Downward Spiral or Pretty Hate Machine, Antichrist Superstar is a cheap imitation.
As ambitious as it is, though, the pacing is well-done! The concept album breaks chunks of tracks into "cycles", giving some credence to the runtime. Concept albums clocking in at over an hour long are prone to making my eyes roll, but at least execution here isn't bad. Warner touches on capitalism and satirizes fascism while inverting religious conservatism on it's head with the whole horror antichrist aesthetic. It's clever way to shock your way into the mainstream, like the Sex Pistols or Elvis Presley.
For all the great bits in the album, there's a lot that ends up dragging things down. The middle "cycle" of the album is really what bores me the most. Beyond that, the Begotten aesthetic doesn't really phase or impress me. There's potential in here, but it's too cluttered, too commercial for it to be great.
Oct 21 2021
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Sexual assault may be the least of his crimes. I can see how a vulnerable teenager could believe these messages of hate and destruction, leading to terrible consequences. Vile disgusting music for depressives. Shame, as some of the riffs are pretty good - it's the lyrical content and vocal delivery that spoils it.
May 28 2021
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May 20 2021
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I don’t understand how people can enjoy this music.
Nov 30 2023
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american conservatives have a long history of making popular musicians scapegoats for society’s moral “failures”. in the 70’s, alice cooper was a main target. in the 80’s, it was ozzy osbourne. and in the mid-late 90’s, their subject of ire was marilyn manson.
taking a page from the alice cooper playbook, marilyn manson was the name of the lead singer as well as the name of the band, with each band member drawing their first names from popular female pop culture figures and their last names from notorious serial killers. it was an act of social commentary based on the yin-yang theory… both good and evil exist in all humans as well as the idea that we are all just products of a fucked up society.
while the band had existed for a few years prior, in 1996 they released the album Antichrist Superstar. you can’t tell the story of the 1990’s pop culture/political landscape without talking about this album. the fact that an album with this title was in the mainstream was just too much for many prominent conservatives, but as we all know one thing about anything in the entertainment industry… controversy sells. in fact, the relationship with conservatives and manson was mutually beneficial: politicians and political pundits were thrust in the limelight as was manson. hell, one of manson’s more prominent critics, senator joseph lieberman rode the wave of notoriety and almost became vice president in 2000.
if you hadn’t heard of him before 1996, you had definitely heard of him after this album came out. he was interviewed by multiple people over the ensuing decade.
this album is pretty intense. two pretty obvious influences you can hear are david bowie and nine inch nails. tis a concept album influenced by german philosopher friedrich nietzche as well as a critique of the fascistic tendencies of the religious right. it is a fascinating listen, not just in a “time capsule” sense, but as a look into a brilliant, albeit troubled, mind.
“the beautiful people”,
“mister superstar”,
“the reflecting god”.
May 13 2021
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Meh-rilyn Meh-nson
Mar 20 2023
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Bin this nonce.
Feb 11 2021
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I never listenend to MM when I grow up as a metalhead. I am quite pleased on the production and how the album is so great. Kudos!
Oct 17 2021
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Not sure whether to give a 4 or a 5, but I’ll probably go with a 4. A real shame to see all the low ratings due to what Brian has done. With that being said, this album is a damn masterpiece. The Beautiful People is one of the greatest metal songs ever.
Sep 29 2021
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This took me back to being in elementary school and being horrified by teenagers wearing MM t-shirts in the mall. There's always been a mythology around this album and now that I've actually listened to it... I found it pretty upsetting. Incredibly dark and evil. Disgusting, primordial imagery. Filth. Hate. Suffering. Nightmare fuel. I grimaced while looking at the lyrics. But I think the reason that it caused such a stir when it came out is heavily based in the fact that it's actually pretty good. This was done well enough that it couldn't be written off as bullshit and it caused shock waves. I don't really like it and I don't want to listen to this again but I think I have to give it a 4/5.
Oct 10 2021
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I figured I’d never listened to this beyond Beautiful People, but I got flashbacks to a LAN party in 1998 when Jared was playing this and Mechanical Animals on repeat ALL NIGHT. Jared, you’re a weird one. Anyway, there’s a lot of anger and no subtlety in the writing, and lots of interesting things in the engineering. Important arguments made about hegemony, commercialism, celebrity, but Altogether, it’s about as redeeming as a Nuremberg Rally speech, but still “notable” in a similar sort of way. Glad I listened. Influential artifact of a specific time, and good for a bucket list, not a “best” list.
Jun 23 2022
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The Christian Right's idea of danger, a Daily Mail reader's idea of a worst nightmare, a thirteen year old's idea of rebellion, a drugged out rockstar's idea of a coherent concept album and my idea of bog standard mid-nineties metal. About as dangerous as your wank sock. Best Tracks: Beautiful People; Wormboy; 1996
Mar 22 2023
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I've listened to this record in the hundreds of times. I was a massive MM fan in the 90s. But at 42, I still listen to NIN but I've left MM behind. I think I grew out of it. And Manson's rape issues make this a little different to listen to now. I'm still rating this high. It changed goth in the 90s and it led all us kids looking for something heavier than Nirvana into the open arms of metal.
The other thing to mention about this record is it's narrative arc. Not a lot of concept records really work. They don't take you on the journey the artist is trying to sell. And it gets annoying when artists try and force a concept when there isn't on there (looking at you Corgan). But this is an actual, honest to god (pun intended) concept album. Telling a story through music and lyrics with a begining, middle, and end.
Oct 07 2021
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Screamo music from a horrible person. Nothing amazing in this album worth revisiting. Cancel and move on.
Nov 08 2023
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First off, let me begin this review by saying fuck Marilyn Manson. He is a terrible person who traumatized many with his actions, and I wish I had a way of listening to this without backing him financially in any way. I have the utmost love and respect for those who dealt with his abuse for so long, and I'm glad they are doing better now. I will try my best to separate the art from the artist with this album. But that can be hard to do. I consider myself someone who is more comfortable and desensitized to music like this than the average person. But I won't lie, this even had me thrown off at the beginning. There was a point where I didn't know if I would be able to finish listening to it. From the first song, the album grabs a hold of your neck, and squeezes as hard as it can, and doesn't let go for a moment. It suffocates you with some of the most crushing guitar tones I've ever heard. It was like metal and shoegaze were merged. It honestly made me uncomfortable and tense, and made me feel like my head was spinning. It doesn't help that Manson is letting out these blood-curdling screams on nearly every song. I think I like when he does that better than when he actually tries to sing, because he doesn't have the best singing voice. Trent Reznor did a lot of work for this album, and you can feel it. That magic he leaves behind is all over this record, but I don't think anything he has ever done for Nine Inch Nails was as overpowering and heavy as this is. The album is divided into three different "cycles". I'm not really sure what the concept for the album is, but of the three, the third cycle Disintegrator Rising is easily the best. It turns everything up to the max, and has the best songs on the album. It honestly bumps the whole record up quite a bit because of how good it is. This album probably isn't for the faint of heart. And I don't mean that in a pretentious way. I just don't think the average person is going to be able to get into this. It was somewhat difficult even for me. To be honest, Marilyn scares the shit out of me.
Rating: 7/10
May 05 2023
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Shock Rockers existed before Marilyn Manson (Alice Cooper always comes to mind) but no one did it like him. I really loved this album as a teenager (a few years after it came out) and he was such a great mix of visual performer, music performer, messaging, and heavy songwriting.
He also has had so many controversial incidents of being abusive towards his partners but there's been so much back and forth's about who did what and who is actually guilty (apparently he has successfully sued for defamation) that I gave up following it and my opinion has kind of semi-permanently been in this "i don't know who is guilty anymore so I'll just choose to think that everyone is wrong" mode. It's a shame because he had a great platform and he had done a lot of things for people who didn't always have a voice in the world.
He also got a lot of fingers pointed his way when Columbine happened and he really eloquently spoke a some talk show (Phil Donahue? edit: He's been on a bunch now that I searched for it) about how people needed to look at places like the american media, the NRA, and most importantly the mental health of the killers themselves- all topics that are salient to the task of better understanding the gun issue today. He also had this interaction where he was asked what he would say to the kids at Columbine and he responded "I wouldn't say anything to them, I would listen to them and that's what no one did". I think a conclusion that a lot of people come towards in this country about gun control results in the idea that it's way too easy to look at people with mental health problems and sweep them under the rug, and then specifically not make it hard for them to purchase guns. And this is something that he was speculating on decades ago.
Alright back to the album. Like all human beings I tend to like music that has hooks. That's the point of pop music, to be as filled with hooks as a fishing boat, because psychologically that's the addictive dopamine hit that makes humans want to listen more / buy the product. In my experience in listening and writing heavier rock music, I've found that it's really hard to write hooks in heavy metal because the genre typically is devoid of the building blocks that GENERALLY are needed. Simple lyric phrases (think 90% of Beatles choruses) and simple, repetitive melodies (think 90% of Beatles choruses). Rock bands do this, like I think of ACDC, Ozzy Osbourne, The Rolling Stones, Guns n Roses, etc. But not really metal bands.
So when a heavy metal act has hooks I'm usually instantly impressed, and Marilyn Manson is SO good at writing hooks. Even now, some 15-20 years after really listening to him, I can still look at the tracks on this album (and other albums) and recall how the choruses go.
This album is a 4/5 for me. I would think his greatest hits would be like a 4.8/5 and this one only has a few of his true hits, like "Antichrist Superstar", "Tourniquet", and "The Beautiful People".
Jul 18 2022
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Raw, loud, provocative, creepy and intense, this is album is peak Marilyn Manson.
May 28 2021
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My favourite. Everything about Marilyn Manson fascinates me and turns me on.
May 03 2024
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So let me pre-empt this small review by stating that Brian Warner is human filth. I hope the reckoning will come.
This album however is the peak of Marilyn Manson (the band's) discography. This album is raw and energetic and brings the whole thing, where the album is more than the sum of its parts.
The lyrics with their scathing attacks on corruption, societal hypocrisy and religion. Graphic designer P.R. Brown's artwork with its impressive packaging and dual covers.
The bleak, aggressive and claustrophobic song material by a very talented band is backed a lot by Trent Reznors incredible unsettling production which creates an almost nihilistic atmosphere: it's all there.
It all culminates in "The Reflecting God," already an hour into the 70 minutes. This song where the protagonist (antagonist) of this concept album gets to the end point. Full of riffs, style changes, warped sounds, aggressive crowd sounds and clever lyrics.
This album was an assault and stands as a classic in the industrial metal.
Mar 24 2024
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What happened to Paul from the Wonder Years that made him so angry? Did they record this before or after he removed the ribs?
Feb 24 2024
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5/5. I understand it is just the modern The Wall basically, but damn does this slap so hard. I’ve always heard opinions about Manson so avoided it but damn, wish I found this sooner. It’s metal, punk, and rock all in one. The riffs and the guitar front and center are awesome. There are quiet songs that are haunting but highlights are definitely just the ripping and shredding in most songs. Don’t quite get the concept yet, read it was a concept album, but it seems dark and terrifying, so excited to continue listening.
Feb 11 2024
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Antichrist Superstar is the second studio album by American rock band Marilyn Manson, released in 1996. It is a concept album that tells the story of a disaffected and abused individual who rises to become a powerful and destructive leader, only to realize that he is a pawn of a higher force. The album is divided into three cycles: The Heirophant, Inauguration of the Worm, and Disintegrator Rising.
The album’s lyrical themes are dark, controversial, and provocative, dealing with topics such as nihilism, religion, fascism, violence, sexuality, and drugs. Manson uses biblical and occult references, as well as personal experiences, to create a bleak and cynical worldview. Some of the songs are inspired by the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, and Arthur Rimbaud. The album also contains a hidden track called “Empty Sounds of Hate”, which consists of distorted noises and Manson’s screams.
The album’s music is influenced by industrial metal, gothic rock, and glam rock, with elements of noise, punk, and classical music. The production is raw, aggressive, and experimental, featuring distorted guitars, heavy drums, electronic sounds, and samples. The album was co-produced by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, who also played on some tracks. The album features guest appearances by members of Smashing Pumpkins, Helmet, and Rasputina.
The album’s influence is immense, as it established Marilyn Manson as one of the most controversial and influential rock bands of the 1990s. The album received critical acclaim and commercial success, reaching number three on the Billboard 200 and selling over seven million copies worldwide. The album spawned four singles: “The Beautiful People”, “Tourniquet”, “Antichrist Superstar”, and “Man That You Fear”. The album also sparked controversy and backlash from religious and conservative groups, who accused Manson of promoting satanism, violence, and immorality. The album was blamed for several incidents of violence and suicide among young people, most notably the Columbine High School massacre in 1999.
Antichrist Superstar is widely regarded as Marilyn Manson’s masterpiece and one of the best albums of the 1990s. It is a powerful and disturbing musical statement that challenges the listener to confront their own beliefs and values. It is also a testament to Manson’s artistic vision and creative ambition, as he transformed himself and his band into a cultural phenomenon.
Jul 05 2023
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To be honest, Marilyn Manson is the only person I know who mastered the art or "being edgy". Trent Reznor's brand of industrial metal is already dark, Manson took it and brought it to a deeper layer of hell. Using the word "anti-christ" during such a time is already quite a statement. He explored satanic themes and it came out genuinely disgusting instead of fad-ish. He scared a good bunch of kids and adults. Especially those people who wince at the mention of Satan, those people who cringe at anything associated with youth's culture, and of course the iconic ones who would actually blame music instead of gun control and mental health support for youth suicides and school shootings. I mean, I'm not defending this guy's actions, whatever they are. He may or may not be a bad person, but his music is absolutely filthy... and I love it.
Jun 07 2023
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Toujours adoré la musique de MM, bien que lui-même soit un individu exécrable. J’aime la complexité des compositions et arrangements, plus industriels et sombres que rock. Chaque chanson comporte plusieurs moments et ambiances particuliers. L’originalité revitalise les poncifs des thèmes et instrumentations de style « gothique ».
Apr 19 2023
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I've listened to this one about a million times and it fantastic all the way through. Too bad MM turned out to be such a piece of shit.
Sep 01 2022
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Dark and impressive and.for atheist good title.
Aug 15 2022
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One of my fave albums ever. I've always appreciated the depravity why would I stop now?
Sep 23 2021
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4.5 | Con toda la nostalgia y siendo un disco que me gusta tanto y que he esuchado cientos de veces, no siento que puedo darle el 5 completo. Es cierto que puede ser demasiado en cuanto a ser de una sola nota, creo que a pesar de lo bueno de este album cualquiera de los dos discos siguientes fueron mejores en su producción y calidad musical (a pesar de aquel punto de que en retrospectiva se debían ver como un tríptico, que funciona bastante bien por cierto). Lo que es cierto es que el lugar lo tiene más que merecido, siempre fue muy facil tacharlo como únicamente shock rock sin valor pero en realidad las letras, el concepto y todo el proyecto tiene mucho más valor, detalle y mensaje de lo que pareciera. En realidad se le puede llamar a cierto grado filosófico; no, en serio, la mezcla de anticristianismo, profecía cabalística, elitismo teosófico, ciencia ficción transformacional y películas de terror en realidad forman quizá uno de los mejores argumentos en contra de la falsa moral e hipocresía de la derecha que en su época tuvieran tal capacidad de difusión. El mensaje de Manson, debajo de ese maquillaje, es que la gente necesita sus pesadillas. No importa cuánto tratemos de ser educados, la ira y el deseo nos reclamarán en la oscuridad una vez más. El sonido de Antichrist Superstar coincide con la grandiosidad de sus argumentos. Sus 16 canciones al estilo Sabbath de los 70, pero más duro; los arreglos se hacen eco de Queen en alcance operístico pero son más intensos; el estado de ánimo debe su frío vampírico a Bauhaus siendo todo en realidad a nivel musical producido y orquestado por Trent Reznor, con una mano que no se podría sentir mas fuerte, termina con un disco que suena espectacular, fuerte, detallado, atascado de capas a pesar del detalle que en efecto hay algunas partes en que su mano quizá es demasiado y la música pareciera que es NIN. Creo que el mayor valor a pesar del mensaje real, valor artístico y otros puntos que tiene el disco es que ese shock rock, ese valor de poder llamar la atención, choquear, confrontar y "espantar" a una generación anterior, siempre se me ha hecho no solo deseable sino necesaria para la juventud y, tristemente, veo casi en total ausencia ese lado en la música actual. Nada llama la atención, nada levanta ni una ceja, la música está demasiado cuidada, pulida y temerosa de decir algo que sea tomado a mal. Esa etiqueta que normalmente se usa peyorativa de shock value es algo que, cuando se realiza bien, aumenta y puede crear un valor artístico y social totalmente nuevo y más fuerte.
Sep 23 2021
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Directo en la nostalgia. Es un disco largo que de repente tiene un par de canciones que se pudieron guardar pero en general es muy bueno. Tourniquet fue mi favorita en esta ocasión y The Reflecting God el hallazgo de esta escuchada. Sonido brutal, crítica sin tapujos y un concepto visual sin precedentes en el mainstream (tan mainstream como se le pueda considerar) hacen de este disco un verdadero hito. 4.5 estrellas que suben a 5 porque definitivamente tengo que escucharlo más seguido.
Songs: The Reflecting God, Tourniquet, Antichrist Superstar
May 20 2021
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Very good thank you marilyn
Jul 18 2024
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Feels like it's trying way too hard to drum up controversy but I take it that was kinda the point. Either way, I'm pretty sure the commentary could have been delivered without all the needless edge, but then again, maybe it wouldn't have made its point as well as it did without the absolute hysteria that arose from it.
Honestly though, the album kinda bangs. Probably because of the Reznor influence and production on it. Get rid of some of the filler and it would be even better.
Brb, gonna go remove my ribs.
Mar 16 2024
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4.0 - I'm gobsmacked that I enjoyed this album as much as I did -- I'd written Marilyn Manson off as a poseur and a charlatan. And it certainly didn't help that he's been (rightfully) cancelled for some exceptionally violent and sordid behavior.
But Manson gives voice to a misanthropy and self-loathing that I've never heard expressed with such fury . This record challenged me in ways I haven't felt since I first heard Black Sabbath's debut a couple years ago (also through this listening exercise).
As always, I think Reznor produced this record masterfully, helping to flesh out these macabre musings into panoramic nightmare soundscapes that gnarl and twist and descend into bedlam and decay (listen to the cinematic "Man That You Fear").
I find the sound design fascinating, particularly in its treatment of guitar. Whereas much of heavy metal tends to exalt the guitar, embracing its rough and ragged edges, on here guitars sound synthesized and clipped, in order to meld with other sonic layers. It's a very different approach and I think it works, especially on songs like "Cryptorchid", which incorporates walls of electronics.
I was expecting schlocky, B-movie horror effects and instead I admit that there are genuinely scary moments on here -- just listen to the robotic, uncanny-valley-like vocals at the end of "Antichrist Superstar."
Sep 28 2023
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Really no weak points.
Jan 15 2023
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It's a banger
Jul 15 2022
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I had a Manson phase when this first came out. I thought it was awesome and then I started moving away from this into heavier and faster stuff when he wanted to be a glam rocker. Upon listening to it so many years later I was a bit surprised. I knew that it had a few songs that I could still enjoy but I forgot about some of the deeper cuts.
This album works best when it goes harder; more specifically it works best when you can really hear the Reznor influence loud and clear. There are some songs in the middle that are okay but a bit dull. Luckily it gets better by the end. That title track is killer. How could I forget?
The vocal fry and "aren't I just so tortured and InSAnE ?!" voice that Manson uses can be really grating. When he just belts his songs out he's pretty good.
Overall I didn't want to like this because well, Manson is a lame edge lord d-bag. This album is damn good though. I can't deny it.
One last thing I have to get outta my system: all you "cancel culture" people are a joke. I don't like him either but get off your high horses and separate art from artist. Do you do the same for Bobby Womack, John Lennon, or any of the other scuzzie people that made this list?
Dec 30 2021
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As a 90s kid, Marilyn always had a connotation of being very hardcore/evil. I was kind of dreading this because metal is absolutely not my thing.
I'm happy to report that this album rules. It is closer to NIN than Slipknot, in every good way.
I was also a bit surprised to realize that I had heard Beautiful People before. It is a good track.
Dec 13 2021
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A very consistent rock album, probably the best of Manson´s golden era, between 1994 and 2003.
May 24 2021
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It's been decades since I have heard this full album, and it's not as good a si recall. Plenty of great songs, but I still prefer Portrait of an American Family and Mechanical Animals.
Jan 03 2024
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Enorm brutaal. Dat is natuurlijk hun stijl. Ik vind het maar zozo
Aug 30 2024
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The advent of the CD induced many artists to produce albums of excessive length: this is one such. While it starts with a refreshing sonic blast, the sad truth is that this album is over-long and lacking in variety. It's the kind of shock-rock-pop that teenagers play to antagonise their parents.
Shallow and boring.
Jul 26 2024
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Four Inch Nails.
Only thing longer than this yawnfest is Marilyn Manson's "Controversies" section on Wikipedia.
Jul 04 2024
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Edge lord gets a band
Mar 19 2024
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I have no problem separating the art from the artist, but in this case they are both a piece of shit.
I think it’s Trent Reznor production that saves this from 1 star, but this really is just poor man’s downwards spiral.
Mar 17 2024
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Manson kind of scared me as a kid, I'll admit. I don't know if I'm old now or if I don't get it, but...meh?
I know the handful of Manson hits and don't mind them, but a whole album of this is a lot.
There are some catchy songs on here, and I can appreciate the attempt at a concept album. But it just feels like the aural equivalent of an Eli Roth movie. It's just torture and disgust porn for the sake of shock value and trying to offend people.
It's not really that shocking, it's just not that interesting. Artists like Screaming Jay Hawkins and Alice Cooper had a sense of humor and genuine theatricality to them. Goth music explores the horrible and disgusting and tries to find the beauty in it. This is just...shock for shock value that takes itself way too seriously.
Reading about the making of this album just underscores what messed up, try-hard artists they are. You don't have to go so method for your art, dudes. It's cringey.
Add to that the accusations that have come out about Brian Warner over the last decade or so and, nah. No thanks. I'm good. Maybe I'll go read some Nietzsche and skip this sophomoric interpretation.
(Tangentially related—it's annoying how good "Redeemer" is from the Queen of the Damned soundtrack given what a garbage person he is).
Jul 04 2023
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I would say that I have have always really appreciated the song "Beautiful People" since it came out.
Turns out the rest of the album is just getting yelled at by someone who wants to shock me for an hour and a quarter more. Nope.
Nov 27 2022
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Nowhere near as dark and edgy as it tries to be, it's just got tinny production and laughably try hard lyrics. The Beautiful People and The Reflecting God still slap and Tourniquet is more impactful than I remember, but the rest is just unpleasant and boring
Mar 13 2022
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.... nope
Oct 29 2021
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An appropriate haloween offering from the old generator, some good metal riffs etc but Marilyn Manson is still too scary for me
Jan 29 2025
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Is there a list of 1001 albums to avoid listening to before you die? Just asking, you know, for a friend.
Dec 26 2024
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On Christmas? No.
Jul 26 2024
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Even when I was into heavy music and industrial stuff and Nine Inch Nails and the like, I never cared for Marilyn Manson. He turned my stomach then and he turns my stomach now. As a music lover, it is hard to fathom how overrated I think he is…the only part of this whole thing I liked was a couple bass lines. Now as a Christian, I really can’t stand listening to this stuff. I realize that would probably make this guy happy, if in fact he gets happy over anything. But again, even before that, I just could never find anything redeemable about it and don’t understand why it is so highly acclaimed.
Jul 26 2024
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Antichrist Superstar
Mum! It’s not a phase, this is who I am now!
Musically this is not my thing at all, although it is better sounding than Dirt yesterday, the elements of glam and theatrical rock make it more interesting and more listenable. There’s enough little guitar runs and moments to be interesting enough to alleviate some of the preponderance of industrial and metal noise.
Thematically, despite not being particularly original and more than a little parent’s basement, it’s not awful. The idea of ‘a populist demagogue who is driven solely by resentment, misanthropy, and despair, using his newfound position to destroy the world’, again is hardly novel, but is fairly apt at the moment, especially in the context of him deliberately provoking the hypocrisy of the Christian right with his lyrics and imagery.
Those lyrics though, while occasionally arresting, are quite ludicrous to the point of cliche: shit, blood, pussy, nightmares, alienation, anger ad infinitum. While I can definitely understand its appeal to unhappy, perhaps socially awkward, angry teens, I had too much of a privileged, happy UK childhood for them to ever resonate with me, and they definitely don’t resonate with me as a 44 year old man either.
However, for all the Christian baiting, the odd bit of good guitar playing and the occasional moment of clarity when it all comes together, this really doesn’t feel that shocking, it actually feels quite tame. And it does also fall a bit flat when it turns out that he’s probably quite rapey.
It didn’t make me despair in the way Alice in Chains did yesterday, and even though I would never choose to listen to it, it actually is comparatively listenable, or at least some of it is comparatively listenable anyway. I don’t buy into his artistic vision, but there’s no doubt he followed through and made an album consistent with that vision, which is something I suppose - although if that vision includes being a sexy predator it may not actually be something at all.
It’s also unnecessarily and stupidly long at 77 mins. Perhaps if this was a 35 minute short, sharp, shock I can possibly see how this might approach something near decent for the genre, but the reality is that it is nearly 1 hour 20 mins, and despite it having some merit thematically and occasionally musically it isn’t actually good. It’s probably a 2, but with the noncery factored in it's a 1.
Playlist submission: Beautiful People
Jul 26 2024
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I made it two thirds of the way through before tapping out. I am a metal fan, with an appreciation for some of the genres extremes, but I guess I can't hack 'extremely boring'.
I can envisage the scenario of some angst-ridden teen screaming at his or her parents about how they don't understand anything, slamming the door and putting this on. The parents hate it! But surely our JNCO-clad Young Werther is also raging at the fact they have over an hour of this to plod though (plus hidden punishment track).
If I were counselling any adolescent that wanted to wallow in true Weltschmerz, look no further than Steely Dan's 'Katy Lied' album, that's what I say!
Jul 15 2024
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How many people bought this because they were rebelling? How many listened to it once and realised they'd wasted money on a poseur?
In the last three days I've had the really boring 1990 Pet Shop Boys, Kendrick Lamar's misogynistic whining, now this. Have I offended God?
Jul 05 2024
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Fuck this rapist. His music and schtick suck anyways.
Jul 05 2024
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This whole album (cover art, lyrics, instrumentation) gives me the creeps, and not in a good, fun way
Jul 04 2024
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Lasted less than a minute
Apr 22 2024
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In 1999, before my daughter had totally embraced hip-hop, she was keen on Marilyn Manson. So much so that she wagged school (not unusual - she wagged one day before this with her girlfriend Natalie & they hopped a train to Newcastle just so they could get a bus to Merriweather, where they could stand outside the house that Daniel Johns grew up in & give thanks) to line up & get Manson’s autograph at HMV record Store in Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall. I can’t remember how she went getting his autograph, but there were other Big Day Out artists there, & she got my Hole CD autographed by Courtney Love. Good daughter. As for myself, I’ve never been a fan of MM. I’d never heard this cd before & won’t be going in for seconds. It just does not interest me.
Mar 14 2024
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For someone who played Paul on “The Wonder Years” and had a rib removed to be able to suck his own dick, this guy sure seems cranky. You’d think between hanging out with Fred Savage and all the autofellation, he’d be in a better mood and write happier songs.
Jan 01 2024
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Schlocky horror. Not a lot beyond the surface. It’s just glam rock, really. Totally ruined by the recent revelations about him as a person. Can’t enjoy this at all now, not that it was particularly worth a listen.
Dec 20 2023
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Apr 03 2023
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Nine Inch Nails if Trent Reznor was both a terrible person and a musician of negligible talent. The backing band is competent, but the lyrical content is so disgusting and upsetting that any vestigial enjoyment is obliterated.
Mar 02 2022
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Loved this when it came out. Now I can only listen to Beautiful People and Antichrist Superstar. The thought of ever having being a fan of the lead singer makes me cringe.
Jan 26 2022
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“I only listen to house music.”
“Like Maryland mansion?”
Jan 26 2022
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2/10. I don't know why I would want to listen to something that tries so hard to sound bad.
Nov 11 2021
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I'm not bothered that this artist or album are controversial. This is just rubbish. Awful screaming, I can occasionally pick up the lyrics which are deliberately trying to be controversial to the point of being worthless and boring. The music, when musical, is occasionally industrial hard rock, but nothing special.
Up there with Venom and Pere Ubu for most unbelievable album on this list.
Oct 29 2021
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The heavy sounds and music is good but his creepy voice comes across as awkward.
He's also cancelled these days and I'll be damned if I'm positively rating a cancelled celeb!
Apr 12 2021
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nooooooooooo. are you serious? why is this album on this list?
Apr 16 2021
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May 27 2021
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I refuse to acknowledge or listen to this album. This guy is a monster and rapist.
Jul 16 2021
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I lasted until the fifth song. It's chaotic, noisy, dissonant, angry and the guy's voice is... of subjective quality. I saw Manson live at a festival about ten years ago. He was possibly the worst live act I've ever seen - totally wasted and unable to keep up with his playback. Turns out I can't stand him in studio quality either.
May 13 2021
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Grow up
May 31 2021
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I was truely hoping for more from this album given I had listened to and enjoyed his later work.
This album comes across as one big hot distorted mess with nothing discernible to note.
1 Star!
Feb 24 2021
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Jul 07 2021
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Not a fan.
Feb 25 2021
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So I guess it's not OK to listen to Marilyn Manson these days. And I was never a fan of his to begin with, so good riddance.
Mar 03 2021
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Too hardcore for me
Jun 28 2021
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This record stinks. Manson is a POS.
Jan 29 2021
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I do not like this. Only made it two songs in before I switched. I don't want it fucking up my Spotify algorithms.
Feb 18 2021
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too demonic for my taste
Apr 26 2021
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Screaming every song, either with lyrics or instruments. Ahhhhhhhh
Sep 29 2020
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OMG the yelling is terrible
Sep 29 2020
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Didn't finish but umm not my thing.. very metal
Feb 14 2025
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Jan 31 2025
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Much noise, but louder than Oli ;)
Jan 31 2025
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Produced by a future Oscar-winning Soundtrack dude!
Dec 29 2024
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Creep show album cover. I didn't pay any attention to this when it came out. So this is my first listen. Better than Nine Inch Nails but not as good as White Zombie is what I am hearing. Solid album and pretty good for industrial groove nu metal. The Beautiful People is a banger. I put on some 963hz meditation frequencies after this to balance out.
Dec 26 2024
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A classic!!
Dec 24 2024
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Firstly I'll get out of the way that Warner is a prick of the highest order. I have immense hatred for the guy. I was also OBSESSED with this album as a teenager.
It's hard to go into this without those biases but I'm trying regardless, if we were rating albums based on whether the person was a bellend or not then a good number of these would be in a lot of trouble. John Lennon, Hendrix, etc.
So the album itself, is really... really good actually if you're into industrial rock, shock rock, whatever you want to call it. Trent did a fantastic job on the production, it sounds as good and heavy as the downward spiral. The opener, dried up, tourniquet, mister superstar, angel, 1996, reflecting god, are all stand out songs in the entire genre nevermind his career.
Hate the guy, wished he vanished off the face of the earth after Holy Wood but god damn this album is brutally good.
Aug 23 2024
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Loud. Passionate. Melodic. Excellent. This album beats a lot of other hard rock due to its vulnerability and variation.
Irresponsible Hate Anthem 4/5
The Beautiful People 5/5
Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World 5/5 (FAV)
Tourniquet 3.5/5
Little Horn 2.5/5 (LEAST FAV)
Cryptorchid 4.5/5
Deformography 4.5/5
Wormboy 3.5/5
Mister Superstar 4.5/5
Angel With The Scabbed Wings 5/5
Kinderfeld 4.5/5
Antichrist Superstar 5/5
1996 4/5
Minute Of Decay 5/5
The Reflecting God 4/5
Man That You Fear 5/5
Jul 19 2024
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Super good
Jun 19 2024
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This dude is awesome