Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty and the HeartbreakersAmerican Girl and Fooled Again favourites! Really cool straight-up American rock music.
American Girl and Fooled Again favourites! Really cool straight-up American rock music.
Cry Baby is an obvious classic and this has my favourite JJ track on it, Me and Bobby Mc-Gee!
Some really beautiful songs on here, and Murder Mystery is just so ahead of its time!
Ball and Chain is excellent and everything about this is great!
One of the best album's I've ever heard in terms of pure song-writing. Faves are Father & Son, and Wild World, because I'm basic as fuck :)
Definitely got a bit samey but the harmonies were great and the songs were fun!
I hadn't listened to much later era Cohen and the way his voice matured and gained grit was just fantastic! Not a million miles away from Tom Waits/Iggy's radio voice
Insane that Meg’s drumming catches so much flack when this album is mixed the way it is and has Jack White all over it
I loved this more than I could have imagined! Very specific highlight was that crazily panned drum fill on Se a Cabó
A couple of harmonic choices which felt a little too jazzy for the context, but so many amazing songs on here! Highlights: Boogie On Reggae Woman and that weird noise in Bird of Beauty
This has every different kind of rock on it! Punk, psych, & roll, blues! Great fun.
I have no frame of reference for this music!
I first heard this on a slate video and now it’s one of my favourite jazz records
If the sax solo in Jungleland could be another 45 minutes please that would be great!
I'm maybe not enough of a lyrics guy to appreciate this, but the songs are well written and the harmonies are nice :)
The second half of this might be my favourite thing of Bowie's I've ever heard?
Loved this, reminds me of the folksy bits of Pink Floyd
Feeling like an angry teenage fuelled my journey to work