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La cagaste... Burt Lancaster

Hombres G


La cagaste... Burt Lancaster
Album Summary

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La cagaste... Burt Lancaster (the Spanish for "You screwed it up... Burt Lancaster") is the second studio album by Spanish rock band Hombres G, released in 1986. Hombres G entered TRAK studios in February 1986 to record their second studio album, La cagaste... Burt Lancaster. They recovered the song "Marta tiene un marcapasos" from the Lollipop singles and released a new version which became a top hit.







  • Rock

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Jun 09 2024
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It has at least 6 tracks that are not wasted, pop rock that crossed borders from Spain to Latin America in the eighties and that persists to this day transgenerationally. With a bit of punk, pop, rock and ballad influences, Hombres G gave us a small album but one of the most solid and memorable among his discography.

Jun 10 2024
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Spanish jangle pop. I'll take it. Sounds a little ahead it's time actually. Indie before indie.

Jun 12 2024
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Couldn't understand a single word of it but still a really good album!

Jun 20 2024
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Rating: 8/10 Best songs: Visite nuestro bar, Te quiero, Marta tiene un marcapasos, El ataque de las chicas cocodrilo

Aug 23 2024
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This album is a little jangle pop, a little new wave, and a bit ska. It’s a good distillation of guitar centric music in the 80s and comes from a band I’ve never heard of. Overall, it’s really enjoyable and has a great sense of melody with solid backing musicianship. I’m not sure it adds anything new to the conversation, but I’m glad I was exposed to it.

Oct 02 2024
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I am not a fan of Hombres G, but I can’t denied that this album was incredible popular and very catchy when I was growing up. Again, also having more Spanish variety is something I really appreciated.

Jun 10 2024
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Smooth and shiny rock album with an easy listening voice. I would probably give this a 3 as it didn't completely blow me away, but gets a boost from me because: A) I always appreciate music from countries/cultures not well-represented on the list B) I literally just got off a plane from Spain today so this feels like serendipity.

Aug 17 2024
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A little ray of bouncy Iberian sunshine and good times. Great fun! Rating: 3.5 Playlist track: Visite nuestro bar Date listened: 22/08/24

Sep 30 2024
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Damn, this is a pretty fun album. Lots of strong tracks with a fun beat, melody and energy. En La Playa, Te Quiero, and Marta Tiene are my favorites, but it has a fun pop bubbly vibe with some decent hooks that make it a nice surprise.

Sep 30 2024
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Catchy and upbeat. Very Spanish poppy, if there's such a thing. Would definitely listen to again.

Jun 09 2024
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The significance of Burt Lancaster and/or that cover is totally lost. On the other hand, just the sound - pop-rock, slightly beachy, with just-incongruous vocals - works well. The Hombres don't demand much space; There can always be room for light punned tunes.

Jun 09 2024
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Fine, but didn't particularly grab me. Not getting much out of the lyrics with my very rusty high school/college Spanish. Otherwise the music seemed like pretty straightforward pop, and I wasn't a big fan of the lead singer's vocal stylem

Jun 09 2024
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I like the more upbeat tracks here, they really stand out for me. The Downtempo stuff is fine, but maybe a little tired.

Jun 10 2024
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Not bad, but not super interesting either. 3 stars.

Jun 16 2024
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It was all in Spanish, so I did not understand a word of it. It was alright. I wouldn't revisit it, but I would listen to it again.

Jul 01 2024
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Pretty good. I enjoyed this one.

Jul 21 2024
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Fun 80s light rock. Raspy singing brings to mind French band Telephone.

Sep 20 2024
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A perfectly pleasant album that fits in with a lot of what was going on musically with pop-rock in the mid-80s. I would have enjoyed this better with another vocalist. Fave Songs: Te quiero, El ataque de las chicas cocodrilo, Un par de palabras, En la playa, Visite nuestro bar

Jun 09 2024
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Those vocals sounded like they were recorded at a bachelor party that ended up in a Karaoke bar. And for that matter, so did the music.

Jun 09 2024
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I don't get the Burt Lancaster reference; he's too old for me (I'm 40!) and I don't speak Spanish. But I'm guessing that's a great gag. Or is it? Music is alright. Ska-ish? A bit monotonous, every song sounded the same. Probably one of those things that no one outside Spain (maybe also South America?) knows about. Like Cold Chisel, but nowhere near as good. 2/5.

Jun 10 2024
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Failed to make an outstanding impression on me – most songs feel quite similar, and the vocals are cloying and flat. The Spanish songs that came on rotation after the album ended felt much more vibrant than anything displayed in the 35 minute runtime on this LP.

Jun 09 2024
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It has been a while that I stopped listening after 30 seconds. The first thing I thought was: is this some kind of bad cover band from South America. In any case, enough for me to come to this quick conclusion.

Sep 26 2024
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Pop. ¿Pero cómo se puede proponer esto para una lista de los mejores discos? ¡Menudo truño! Es que ni como broma... Un 1.
