The Black KeysNo didn't like that. It's exactly the sort of unimaginative indie/garage rock that winds me up...
No didn't like that. It's exactly the sort of unimaginative indie/garage rock that winds me up...
Sounded like Meatloaf. Not as good.
Shame this came so soon after Coldplay. Another musical blancmange of nothingness... Again it gets a 2 because it wasn't bad enough for a 1 but this just goes to demonstrate the futility of rating things on a five star scale.
Maybe its me, maybe its the music but I seem to be in a bit of a 3-star rut. This was fun but I wouldn't be hankering for more...
It was pleasant without being remarkable.
Quite bland. Like a Sunday afternoon at home.
Already own this. Its a strong album although I think it does dip toward the middle/end.
Enjoyable. The start of the album is excellent and I think the tail-end (signified by 'Can't Get No Satisfaction') wanes enough to lose a star.
Not really my thing. Quite dreary.
Classic rock. Whats not to like?
Wasn't too keen to start but it grew on me.
Didn't like it. Drony.
Another one that grew on me. Massively 80's. I Don't Believe in You and Give It Up were good.
Good start but a little bit noodly toward the end. Live albums tend to disappoint.
Eclectic but quite enjoyable.
Vervey. Nice enough.
Never even crossed my radar before but liked it. The fact Jah Wobble used to work for LU is also cool.
Part of that mid-00's indie rock that I really don't like I'm afraid.
Very evocative and almost a 60's parody. Grew on me at first and then grew tiresome.
Not for me. Far too self-indulgent toward the end.
Very enjoyable.
In the desert that was the noughties, this wasn't terrible.
Nothing there to interest me really.
Yeah it was OK. Fairly generic country.
Slightly disappointing. Was expecting more.
A tough one to rate. Not my favourite Tom Waits album but good enough for a low 4 I think.
Not much to say. Its a cultural touch stone.
No. Maybe I wasn't paying attention but sounded like someone trying to tune a radio.
Tough one. Didn't dislike it but don't think I'd listen to it again so...
The songs were OK but it sounds like it was being sung by a strangled cat.
Hard to see past how it was mocked and parodied. Bland but inoffensive.
Alright. Not overly memorable.
A lowish 4 I think.
Didn't like but I think my expectations were confused with 'Supergrass' so was expecting upbeat pop rather than dirty stuff. Overly harsh rating...
Whats not to like. Standard.
The concept was better than the execution. Feel a bit mean to only give it two stars as I felt like they reached for the stars but frankly I wouldn't rush to listen again.
Enjoyed it. I think it just missed a four stars by a smidge for no quantifiable reason.
Enjoyable. Don't want to feel too stingy so will give it a 4 for 'Lost Someone' alone.
Strange that I enjoyed it more than I expected. Particularly the slightly cheesy 80s stuff :)
Enjoyed it. Struggled with the rating - there are a couple of bangers but also some filler. A high 3 I think (I've been too generous this week).
I get there was an ambient vibe but not really my bag.
It was quite nice but did nothing to grab me.
Apart from a couple of standout tracks, it didn't grab my attention.
Had promise but for me didn't deliver.
No didn't like this one either. Sounded like the soundtrack to a rubbish 90s film.
Better than expected. A few classics but tails off a little.
Enjoyed it a lot. It may just have been a case of capturing my mood perfectly as a lay in bed feeling under the weather.
I usually don't mind Air (I own Moon Safari) but I found this tedious. Maybe it helps to see the film...
Grew on me over the course of the day.
Found it really hard to rate due to the ubiquity of some of the songs in popular culture.
Excellent. Maybe could've been 5 stars but just missed out.
On the whole very enjoyable although I thought the quality between songs was varied.
Possibly not in the right mood for it today but it didn't grab me in anyway.
Strangely never heard of this band before. Quite good...
Dylan live - not sure about that.
Tough one. I'll give it a four just to separate it from some of the threes but probably not as good as some of the fours!
Meh... not a big fan really. Shocking!
What was that?!
Whats not to like?!
Very evocative. A few absolute classics and a fair bit of filler as well.
Another great album. I feel like I'm being very generous recently but its been a good run.
Some excellent songs that define an era but probably not something on the whole I'd go back to. Although I may just be being unfair due to my recent run of fours.
Felt like it should and could have been better than it was.
Couple of good songs but nothing special. Probably a little harsh on the rating.
I've never got on with Nick Drake. Too droney.
Not that keen to start with but it did grow on me. A couple of really good tracks towards the end.
Bit harsh perhaps but it wasn't as good as Automatic for the People so...
Liked this. Took a couple of listens and the 'extended' version isn't worth the hassle.
Fairly uninspiring jazz. Sunday afternoon BBC mystery soundtrack.
Meh. It was fine but I'm starting to expect more than that...
Enjoyed it. It was fun.
Yeah fine. Easy listening but nothing special.
Never really liked it. 2 stars because it isn't unlistenable.
Tails off but four stars just for the first six or so songs on disk 1.
I liked it actually. A few good tracks but the album works well together as a narrative.
Oh, no.
Fine. Nothing really stood out though.
Easy listening but didn't grab me.
A classic.
I'm being perhaps a little provocative but...
It was OK. Nothing special but strung along.
A few classics but the sort of macho-Americano punk is not my favourite.
Was alright. Liked Fisherman's Blues....
Its OK as ambient music but I cannot really remember a thing about it.
Some great songs but not a great album.
Probably a bit harsh but it grated on me whilst I was trying to concentrate.
Good stuff.
Easy listening. Nothing to take offence too.
More of an Oasis person in the 90s but I liked this. It was a bit more varied.
Yeah pretty good as far as the jazz stuff we've had so far goes.
Ok. Not enough for 4 stars I don't think.
Sounded like Meatloaf. Not as good.
Probably not a far go because I was away from home. Seemed OK in what I heard.
Yeah liked that. Four stars possibly just because it's new to me.
Bit warbly.
Just like the other Bowie album. Some great songs but otherwise nothing astonishing.
Too dreary.
Unremitting. I didn't mind it when I was concentrating/working but not the kind of thing I'd put on a lazy Summer evening.
Yeah OK.
Not really my thing but I can see why people like it.
I think I would like it more on repeated listens but not really grabbing me.
Pleasant. I don't think I would listen again though...
I remember a huge buzz about this at the time and I was non-plussed at the time. Still am really... its fine...
I mean its not terrible but I just cannot be bothered with it. Its silly.
Good whilst its on but I probably wouldn't be in a rush to listen again.
Maybe its me, maybe its the music but I seem to be in a bit of a 3-star rut. This was fun but I wouldn't be hankering for more...
Finally something a bit different. Still only gets three stars but...
Struggled to actually listen to the album through the links. Not sure if that was just me...
I thought it was a solid 3 but then I was looking through for special mentions and more than half the songs - so I guess a 4 then...
Needs to be listened to loudly. Good stuff.
I expected more but it was OK. Good for dancing.
I expected more. It was just fairly inoffensive dad-rock in the end.
Enjoyed it. Good background music.
I think one of the two most formative albums of my youth.
Hilariously French. I did enjoy listening to it but not sure if musically or for the fun. As such I'm not sure I can give it three stars because would it become grating over time....?
Maybe its because it was the day of the England semi-final but I wasn't really feeling this today.
Probably wasn't really in the mood. It wasn't bad but also had no interest...
Liked it less than I thought I would. I guess I was right all those years...
It was OK. I thought at times it was a 2.5-er. As I've been grumpy this week I may as well keep that going.
Not for me. Droany and always on these lists.
Really liked it. It's a really high 3. Maybe a 3.9. Ah fine I'll give it a 4.
Really good. Not something you listened to song by song or very often.
Its times like this that I'd changed my rating system earlier. So this is just OK which is now going to be 2 stars from here on...
Definitely the best of the Bowie albums we've had so far.
Loved it. Just what I needed.
Probably the best jazz so far.
Funny when an album happens to hit your own mood.
Was alright. Not really my cup of tea. Nice to hear the Father Ted theme-tune though.
Was a little disappointed if I'm honest.
Nothing remarkable.
Quite enjoyable but forgettable.
Was fine while I was working but not sure I could distinguish one song from another.
Yeah ok. Raucous.
Liked it. Thought I'd like it more tbh.
Fairly standard 80s pop.
Yeah ok. Enjoyable even.
Not really my thing. Although it wasn't unpleasant enough for one star.
Enjoyed it. Was better in the evening than the day time.
Liked it but its not the same when you are sat at a desk working as opposed to up and dancing.
Very good.
Cannot complain
Maybe slightly unfairly for an album I know and enjoy but I don't feel well so...
Quite disappointing actually. Obviously the hits are great but there was a lot more filler than I'd been expecting.
I quite often like Frank Zappa but this passed me by a bit if I'm honest.
Some cracking songs but I think whilst the album was influential and all that, its not as 'good' as I'd like. A high 3 in the end.
Fine. More filler than I remembered and the good songs are definitely overplayed.
Another tough one. Sneaks a low 4.
I think a bit like Disraeli Gears the good songs are overplayed and there is a lot of filler in between. Also marked down because it was quite hard to find and listen to.
Quite liked it. Although more on first listen. Got a bit samey on subsequent play-throughs.
Grew on me but...
A bit too fiddly for a day to day listen but undeniable classics.
Good stuff.
This really grew on me. I'll give it a low 4, I think. It was a 3 until late last night.
It was OK but I wouldn't listen again apart from that All the Kings Men song.
Meh. Probably wouldn't bother again.
Perhaps it was just because of the weekend just gone but this was a dirge.
Not a big fan. The odd song was OK.
Lots of good songs but for some reason I wasn't captivated by it.
Not sure there were any redeeming factors particularly.
It was OK. Of its time and I'm not sure its aged well...
Nothing like what I was expecting. It was alright but I don't think I'd listen again.
Very meh. Why is it that people who think they've had some kind of psychedelic break through all end up playing the same music.... Doesn't seem very original.
I know its a classic but I didn't really connect with it.
This guy again. Probably not as bad as his drugs are so interesting album but not good either.
This was good. Probably just misses out on a 4 though.
Good stuff. I personally prefer his older stuff most of which would be a 4 so it only gets a 3 on this occasion.
A bit of a dip in the middle but sandwiched by classics.
Underwhelmed. Considering it was Iggy Pop I was expecting something more... interesting?
Not for me this.
This was a good one. I definitely heard lots of bands that had been influenced from this...
Enjoyed it more than I thought I would actually.
Grew on me over the weekend.
Again slightly underwhelmed by Bowie. The hits are good though.
Some fantasic songs. Some throwaways. I feel like I've lost the grasp of my own scoring system....
Quite enjoyable as background music. The lecture would then come on every now and again which was a bit jarring.
It was OK for what it was. Not really my thing but I didn't actively hate it.
Pretty standard country really.
I appreciate the sentiment but a bit samey.
It was alright but considering most of the songs were covers, I feel like it's cheating.
Enjoyed it. Band I'd never heard before -- One More Hour is a great tune.
Not really doing it for me. The 'She Watches Channel Zero' is a banger though.
Ok. Quite samey...
Yes its good. But it is slightly overblown and the quality does drop off...
Probably my favourite Dylan album (of the ones I've bothered to listen to). A high four but will even stretch it to a 5 just because I don't do that very often.
Bit of a come-down from the last two albums.
Excellent. Preferred Blood on the Tracks though.
Obviously the hits are part of popular culture so they stood out. Otherwise quite samey.
Simply passed me by.
Tried to think of something clever to say but...
There was some decent songs but didn't grab me.
I'm sure we've had this before. Anyway I was expecting to like it more than I did...
Another formative album. It still holds up and I think even coming to it new it would be highly rated.
Maybe a bit of its time, not sure how it'll date but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
It was OK. Didn't do enough to make me that interested in hearing more but I enjoyed it whilst it was on.
A couple of real earworms in there.
It was OK. Not really into this sort of stuff usually. Was heading for two stars but I spent most of Sunday singing Psycho Killer so I'm going to say its sneaked a three.
Not for me really.
Hardest album to rate yet. Immediate reaction was not good. 1 star. But it grew on me after a couple of listens. 2 stars. A couple more listens and I was noticing some over-arching narratives and 3 stars. I had to come back to it later in the day as it was nagging at me. Could it get even more stars? No. On a refreshed listen I was back toward my initial reaction. Best be done with it and give it a 2 but I feel like it may pull me back in.... Highlights: Hold My Liquor and Bound2
Nothing to it really.
Bit dated and cringy with some of the references. Nevertheless it was undeniably funny at times and some good rhymes and beats.
Still not really doing anything for me. Songs like Under My Thumb are OK on the other hand, Lady Jane.... Middling rating.
Enjoyable in parts.
Bit torn on this one. I think I was expecting it to be better than it was so was maybe a bit down on it. It wasn't as good as Peter Tosh's album but it was good. Recency bias, it was better than the last couple so I'll give it a low 4.
Was OK. Was probably expecting a bit more. Scrapes a three.
Not in the mood for this today.
Liked it. Which was a surprise to me
Wasn't expecting to like it but it was good in a sub-TVZ/Dylan type way. A bit too droney for 4 stars but close.
Strange one. Very 80's revival. Liked the electro-sounding stuff like American Dream, Black Screen and some of the rest passed me by.
It was OK. Didn't really stick with me. Too polished and produced, could've done with stripping back a bit.
Not really my thing.
Enjoyable for what it was.
Oh no. Didn't like that... if I'd paid more attention it may have dropped to a 1 star.
Some classics but also more filler than I was expecting. Highlights were Parklife and Magic America.
That was weird. Didn't hate it though.
A rare example of an album actually getting worse the more I listened. Became too repetitive after a while...
Objectively good. Won't listen again.
I expected better. Its no Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac.
Excellent. I think there are some stone-cold classics on this album. An easy 4.
Fantastic of course and probably more consistent than some other albums.
Too much yakking and not enough playing.
Fairly bog standard stuff. Modern Man stood out everytime it came around though.
Well there was one stand out song obviously. Otherwise it was fine without being great.
A bit like the previous album. One famous song. I didn't think there was anything else here of note...
Enjoyed it. Quite samey though I'm not sure I could listen to it over and over without getting tired of the formula. Even two playthroughs was enough for me to 'get it'.
I think I got my hopes up and was expecting more.
It did actually grow on me a little bit and there were one or two good songs but I think I expected better.
Perhaps controversial but I was feeling awful after my booster and just wasn't in the mood.
Much more suitable fory beleaguered soul.
Not really my scene.
Didn't sound any different from the 'standard' Christmas stuff.
I like it when it's not too self-indulgent. A stripped down version would score higher.
Started off quite well as something a bit different. Did drag though.
Moody and atmospheric but unlikely to choose to listen on any given day.
Snuck in as a four.
Very similar to Run DMC. Some good songs and it's nice to have something different but gets very samey.
Enjoyed it a lot more than I imagined. A bit samey toward the end though and I think may not age well - the breathy female singer of today
Recency bias. There was nothing wrong with it but it wasn't as good as the previous day.
Hmmm... sneaks a low four. Mainly so as to not mess up my genre ratings! No really, obviously there are one or two classic songs in there but generally I find GnR quite parodic and tiresome.
There are some good songs but I wasn't that in to it as a whole.
If just for Maggot Brain itself..
Hmm... I like Fela Kuti but I do not like live albums.
Struggled to rate as always with albums like this. I've never heard this album before and yet knew the majority of the songs... on the whole, I enjoyed it. Somewhere between 3-4 stars for me but as we can't do half stars I'll go for 3. Stripped down a bit and it'd be a 4.
One or two tracks that I've become ingrained to but otherwise not my thing particularly.
My heart dropped when I saw it was Eno again after the Music for Airports debacle. But I was pleasantly suprised and my heart soared on the 'Here Come the Warm Jets' title track. Its a solid 3 but I'll give it a 4 for that alone.
Probably a little disappointing. But Heaven is 10 Zillion Years Away was great.
Suprisingly OK. I wasn't looking forward to it when I saw it but actually enjoyed it.
Was looking forward to this but a little bit disappointed. Quite a lot of filler in amongst the good ones.
Actually quite enjoyed it. Very good as background working music. I'm unlikely to ever to remember to listen again though.
It was fine background music. Once again I feel like I need to adjust my ratings otherwise everything gets a 3.
Solid 4. It does tail off a bit but its a blistering first few songs.
It was OK. Nothing special, quite disappointed really. Also what is it with these like 30 track albums with 3-4 versions of the same song?
It was OK, I was expecting more.
It was pleasant without being remarkable.
It was quite good. Again nothing remarkable.
Quite good as background music and a departure from what I would usually expect. Nothing particularly standout though.
Bit disappointing. Felt like it was a bit sub-Wildhearts rock. Not much too it.
Enjoyed it.
Nice background music but I think there are better Miles Davis albums.
Not the best reggae album we've had.
Didn't care for it at all. I think I cannot give it one star because it wasn't ear-clutching terrible....
Was quite interested to listen having always passed on Coldplay as bland. Maybe its expectancy bias but it really was nothing... I didn't hate it so its better than a one I suppose.
Shame this came so soon after Coldplay. Another musical blancmange of nothingness... Again it gets a 2 because it wasn't bad enough for a 1 but this just goes to demonstrate the futility of rating things on a five star scale.
Enjoyed it. Probably didn't get it the attention it deserved. Solid.
Nothing here for me to grab on to. Nothing stands out. Dull.
Perhaps slightly over-rated but really enjoyed the first half of the album.
I have this album so obviously thought it was alright before. This time it rubbed me up the wrong way although I think that was because I was having a bit of a day and needed something with more pep....
Enjoyed this. Probably didn't give it the attention in deserved but was good.
Pretty good.
Meh. I didn't like it a first although it did grow on me a little.
Enjoyed it. Like being back in Cuba.
OK. I preferred the other album so this is a low 3.
Not really my cup of tea. I liked the odd tune here or there but otherwise it was a bit of a trek...
Much like the Missy Elliot album really. Some good songs but also a lot of filler. Much of the songs merged into one.
Not my idea of a good time either I'm afraid. One or two decent song but otherwise didn't appeal. I presume there will be other Prince albums and I expect those to be better...
Pretty good. Nice background music with a bit of a vibe.
Classic Dad rock. Enjoyable for what it was...
Very good.
A very tough 3. No reason it shouldn't be a four except for recency bias.
It was just OK. Probably a low three. Tambourine Man is a classic but that standard was not maintained.
The sleazy indie stuff was OK. Less keen on the experimental stuff in the middle...
Not sure about that. A bit to "bop be bop" 80s for me.
Suprisingly good. Never heard of them before but it was well advanced for its time.
Good stuff.
Another album that was hard to rate due to having heard most songs before in different contexts (adverts etc). I guess it was OK but no more. A low 3.
Not a big fan. Grating.
It was fine. Like the Springsteen one (Nebraska) before, it was OK on first listen but then became very samey/grating on subsequent listens. So as per Nebraska it gets knocked down from a 3 to a 2 on grounds of pettiness.
Enjoyed that and happily listened to it all day. Not sure I'd ever think to listen again mind...
Not a fan. This veers worryingly close to 1 star territory.
Hard to rate. I enjoyed it and Psychosocial is an absolute banger but not their best and whilst I feel I do need to rep for the metal in the list, its not quite a 4.
Didn't really make any impact on me. I think it was quite groovy in places...
Disappointing. There were a couple of songs I enjoyed.
Listened to it in the morning and it had no impact on me. Worked much better in the evening with the lights down low I thought. Still though...
Now then... this was good. Best album for a while... a high 3.
Was quite looking forward to this but disappointed. Beyond Blister in the Sun there wasn't really anything to get my teeth into. A low 3 would probably be a 2 on another day.
Well I thought I'd not like it because not a big fan of his voice but actually it wasn't too bad. Some hits and some misses but enjoyable enough overall.
Enjoyed it. Blue Skies was a treat.
I appreciate the musicality but it didn't really interest me.
I did like it. I also felt like it needed to be concentrated on which I didn't do. Or maybe I was expecting more from it... not sure.
Like Cheap Trick but I don't think the 'liveness' added anything.
It didn't help that I wasn't feeling very well but not really my thing.
I mean the music was fine... good even. Maybe I'd like it more if I'd watched the film but it didn't really seem to be a cohesive thing.
I mean there are some classic songs on there but it did seem a little 'twee' (?) perhaps. Strange. I enjoyed it but would I be rushing back for more - probably not.
Surprisingly good. Maybe it was just pre holiday excitement ...
Yeah fine. A bit samey after a while but fairly pleasant.
Really enjoyed the first few songs and thought we may be on course for an unexpected four stars. The quality dropped off quite a bit so I think a three is probably fair ...
Probably heading for a boring 2 stars until 'Certain Surprise' which was excruciating.
Not sure I actually found the album. But listened to a variety of songs.
Once again disappointed by Bowie. It may have grown on me with more listens
Possibly a little unfair but I just couldn't get into it at all. And found it actively annoying.
I feel like I should've liked this more than I did. Perhaps I didn't give it enough attention what with my first day back at work for a week and a bit.
Undeniably a great singer with some decent songs.
Better than I remembered at the time. Not something I'd listen to but I was dreading listening and it wasn't that bad.
Very enjoyable.
It was fairly meh. Almost a parody of Cypress Hill... (I appreciate how silly that sounds).
Enjoyable but underwhelming. Sultans is probably enough to make this a 4 though.
Didn't get much from it. I think it was very 80s and maybe I didn't give it the time it deserved.
It was OK... Worked well as background music for working. I don't think I'd listen for pleasure...
There are some great songs on this album. But also some nonsense songs in between. Probably would be a 4 in a certain mood but I'll go for 3.
Enjoyable. Particularly like the first song (Chan Chan). It does get a bit samey after a while though...
It was OK. I could only find the 'Legacy Edition' of the album which was like two hours long. There was only so much that I could take but certainly the original stuff was good for working to.
I thought it was OK. Quite chilled and easy-listening. I believe its a concept album which I didn't pick up with just casual listen - maybe if I followed the story it'd be a three.
I love 70s Tom Waits. Less enamoured with later stuff.
Surprisingly enjoyable to start with but does become very samey and whiney as it progresses.
Probably better than the previous Sonic Youth album we had but still didn't really grab me.
No thanks.
Probably a little harsh but I wasn't in to it today.
Absolutely fine. Just as you would expect really some inoffensive soft Americana rock.
Didn't really interest me. Meant to go back and listen again over the weekend but forgot which speaks volumes...
Like Bowie, another album that I think I should like more than I do. But it was fine.
Enjoyable. Faded toward the end of the album but the first disc was excellent.
A classic. I think if it was a tighter 8-track album it could be a five.
It was fine. Not sure that it had that much of an impact so going for a 2. Not to say I didn't like it though...
I didn't like this.
The odd song was quite catchy but not a huge fan.
Probably slightly buoyed by a poor run recently. This was enjoyable enough.
Quite enjoyed it. Found it quite soothing...
It grew on me over the course of the day. But I definitely wanted to like it more than I actually did.
Like the ones before it. Perfectly fine.
It was OK. Think it was better than the previous one.
Not really.
No didn't like that. It's exactly the sort of unimaginative indie/garage rock that winds me up...
Didn't like this at all
It was OK, fairly bog standard bluesy rock.
Really enjoyed it. Good drunk music. A relatively rare recent four.
Enjoyed it. Probably not quite enough to get a 4 but its a high 3 for sure.
Struggled to rate this. Its pretty cheesy metal but it was fun! Squeeze a sympathy 4.
Go on then. A Friday feeling 4. Feels a little dated to be honest but hit me OK.
Wasn't looking forward to this one but actually probably better than I was expecting.
Another fun one. A little bit silly but unarguably fun.
Thought I'd like this more than I did considering the Misfits are one of my favourite bands of all time.
I'd always written off the MSPs because of those horrible nasally dirges for which I knew them for but this was actually very good.
It was just OK. A bit too floaty for me...
Bits of it were OK (If it ain't ruff for example) but on the whole not really doing anything for me and I think probably aged quite badly in terms of the misogyny etc.
Its not often I give a one-star and this may not have be worthy of a one but it wasn't good. The music was OKish but the singing....
This was excellent. A little suprised as I've listened to PJ Harvey before and never been that fussed but this was very sparse and arresting. "Water" is right up my street...
A little dour (which I understand is the story around the music). I'd expected better...
I think it was fine. A bit like the Springsteen albums you know exactly what you are going to get. Not really sure how you would distinguish between them enough for some to get into the list and others not.
It was pretty good but I bit mid-90s alt rock for me.
This is actually the one Yes album I owned. Maybe I wasn't in the mood but it was fine without being any more than that... I think probably its one of those lie in a darkened rooms prog albums.
Probably slightly overrated. I think its quite of its time. But 'You Can Call Me Al' is a classic so...
Enjoyed this. Didn't find it too psychedelic and more rockabilly. No more than that though.
This was great.
Like the previous Cure album. I quite like the effect and the aura but I couldn't pick out a single song... weird.
Not that keen. I don't know if it'd help to have seen the film... I think soundtracks are probably best when they remind you invoke emotions in you combined with the memory of watching the film.
Started off slowly but I was enjoying it by the end.
I do like this album and I've got quite into it before. I think it didn't particularly grab me this time around but I think its one of those that you have to pay attention to. For memories of better listens in the past I'll give it a 4.
Obviously remember the hits. Didn't particularly like them at the time or now and the rest didn't sway me.
Ok as background music but not rushing to relisten.
Enjoyed that. Loving the slap bass... Just a three I think but a high one.
Not a big fan.
Yeah It was OK.
A straightforward 4. Potentially it could be more really...
An album of highs and lows. Less keen on the hippyish stuff but songs like there were also some great songs in there. Not sure how to rate really...
Wasn't feeling this today. Didn't particularly suit my mood.
One of those that I enjoyed whilst it was on but realistically will never listen to again.
OK. I've tried a few times with this album. Its fine but no more for me.
It was fine, nice to listen to. Nothing exciting though for me.
I think its probably a 5. Not something I would listen to that often but hits the spot.
She's got a decent voice but otherwise forgettable.
I found out later in the afternoon having listened to this album all day that my computer had some audio issues leading to cracking, popping, etc. It probably says a fair bit about what I think of Eno that I thought this was deliberate. Despite that I persisted so it must have been OK.
Just what I needed today.
Enjoyable but I do prefer the earlier stuff.
Well that was odd. Not at all what I was expecting and at first I didn't like it but then it grew on me. Although more because I found it funny than anything else which I doubt they were going for....
Loved it! All quite samey but found myself singing along and enjoyed listening.
It was aight....
Couple of anthemic songs and the rest was fine.
Standard Bruce stuff. The odd good singalong track, the odd cringey track, the rest standard Dadrock.
Probably my favourite of the Bowie albums we've had so far. Enjoyed it.
Not keen.
This was hit and miss. Like some of the more ambitious numbers...
Didn't really listen as I normally would so perhaps a little unfair. But what I did hear was underwhelming...
Again not really for me. I think you have to be in the right mood for this shoe-gazey type stuff and it just didn't hit me today.
It got better with more listens and there were a couple of songs towards the end (Vaseline and ?) that were pretty good. Otherwise another disappointing one.
Yeah it was alright. Something to listen to at least. Nothing particularly stood out but it was pleasant enough.
Stone cold classic.
Initially wasn't that impressed but went to bed singing one of the songs.
Not really my thing. I'm going to be a little bit harsh and give it a 1 just because I don't do that very often.
Had high hopes after the first couple of songs. Wasn't bad but didn't meet expectations.
Enjoyed it. Not my favourite by them but good enough.
Despite being iconic I thought it was fairly middling...
Not keen.
Good. Although I preferred Celebrity Skin.
Dreary. But appreciate there is some atmosphere to it.
It was OK.
Tough one. I think its better than a 3 but not quite a 4.
Quite generic. Had no strong opinions either way.
It was nice. I enjoyed it without being blown away.
Not great but something a bit different.
Strange one to rate. Its better than some albums that I've given this score to but I'm rating it in relation to other Nick Cave albums and I don't think its his best...
It was passable. Perhaps would usually get a three but recency bias knocks that down to a 2.
Didn't like it at first but it did grow on me. It was quite good for zoning out and working to.
Really enjoyed this. a high 3 or low 4. Probably wouldn't be a 4 usually but feeling generous.
Painfully 80s.
It was fine. Soundtrack to a boring rom-com. Very same after a while.
Was hoping for better. It was OK.
Liked it. Probably not as much as I was expecting though.
Much better than I thought as I was dreading it.
Pleasant. I feel like if I was sitting in a smoky whiskey bar I would've been more into it...
Loved this. Not sure I'd heard it before.
A couple of good songs but not a fan on the whole.
No thanks. Could've been a 1 but I think its more for some lingering dislike of Rod Stewarts voice than anything so a low 2.
A grower for sure. Wasn't that interested early on the day but it did sweep over me and I was quite enjoying it by the end. An optimistic 3.
Enjoyable in an 80s way.
Wasn't particularly fussed. Despite being a debut and therefore obviously not the case it was a bit like an Amy Winehouse parody...
OK. A bit samey. I remember some of the songs very well and the rest is a bit filler.
Wasn't really able to get a good read on this. It sort of sounded OK but never clicked.
Liked some of it (Matty Groves), some was not so good.
Quite liked it. Of the songs I'd not heard before I think 'Any Time at All' was the standout.
Quite dull.
It was OK. I think there are better Marvin Gaye albums.
I don't mind some country but this was a bit too schlocky for me.
Extremely underwhelming.
I'm sure I've listened before and quite liked but today with the kids in the car, I was less interested.
Not a fan.
Not great but was half asleep.
Expected better.
Pretty dull.
Fine. Standard Neil Young stuff really. Enjoyable for a while and then gets a bit samey/grating.
Not entirely sure what to make of it. I think it was good.
Some bangers but not sure the whole album held together that well.
Alright. I liked 'Caught by the Fuzz'
Well that was weird. Initially didn't like it but played louder it did grow on me. Bit Bond-themey...
Quite good actually.
I always see this album recommended and have listened so many times but I really don't like it. It's probably a 2 normally but for the annoyance factor I'm going 1.
Not sure I gave it a fair whack but was a bit inpenetrable.
Perfectly cromulent but not his best in my opinion.
A bit disappointed to be honest. A bit dull....
Oh I cannot be doing with that.
Pleasant enough. As with all the Beatles albums I've listened to there are some good songs that are rightly iconic but also some clangers.
Not as good as I was hoping it was going to be. But passable.
Good. Not their best.
Quite liked this one.
Great. I think whilst it was an interesting thing to do (metal band and symphony orchestra) and works really well for some songs, it can become overblown on others.
Liked it although it did get a bit samey. Also got distracted by the fact each song seemed to just be two random words thrown together -- "Baby Boomerang", "Spaceball Ricochet", "Telegram Sam", "Chariot Choogle" etc.
It was fine I suppose.
I quite liked that. Got a bit samey after a while though. Made me re-evaluate the previous days album which should've been a 2.
Very good. Somewhere between a 3 and a 4 in reality.
It did grow on me a little bit from initially disliking it, but still won't be a repeater for me.
Impressive. I liked the wide range of songs.
Probably a bit harshly only giving it a 3 but I didn't really vibe with it yesterday.
Not really my thing. It wasn't awful but it did grate a little. Some of it was OK though.
Enjoyed this very much. Battered Old Bird is an excellent tune.
Wasn't a big fan.
Sorry I know they are musical geniuses and I'm a philistine but its nails on a chalkboard stuff for me. Probably should be a 2 but I'm exaggerating for effect.
It was OK.
Its a low 3 from me. Almost creeping in to 2 terroritory but saved by one or two good songs.
Quite liked it actually. Started well... Drifted a bit so only a 3.! Enjoyed.bits.of.this.album.a.lot.but.there.were.also.a.couple.of.stinkers. I'
No didn't like this one. Too warbly...
Fairly meh.
Not sure what I was expecting but I don't think it was this... It was fine but unspectacular.
Odd one. Quite liked it but not massively...
Bit dated but a classic.
Good. Bit samey perhaps.
Oh no thanks.
I liked it. I wish I'd like NIN more than I do... A Warm Place is an absolute peach though and almost worth a four for that alone.
Barely registered.
Not bad but a bit samey after a while. I'm not sure anyone needs a triple album!
Disappointed. Not what I was expecting and a bit of a mish-mash.
It was alright. Elevator music really....
Wasn't expecting to like it but it was probably better than expected.
Was alright. Funky but a bit samey after a while.
Was a bit of fun.
Enjoyed it less than DMC so 2 stars.
Some decentish songs but the majority tended toward whiney.
We've had a few Sonic Youth albums. Thought this was the best of them...
It was so unremarkable that I'm going to give it a 1. This usually means I hated it - I didn't but also I can't give it a 2.
Yeah that was fun. Not sure how I've never heard of them before. I think if I kept listening to the album it could become a 4-er but I'll stick with a high 3 for now.
Meh. Not as good as yesterday's
Another one that I found hard to actually track down as a full album but got the general gist. It was fine but I wouldn't go out of my way...
Struggled to find this album which was strange. I've given it a 3 which is probably higher than expected due to recency bias.
I quite liked it to start with but that when I thought it was going to be a story about some samurais... if it was - I couldn't follow it.
Love Minor Threat as an idea but it doesn't always live up to it. I may revise this upwards yet...
Enjoyed this. There were a couple of really good songs.
It was fine I think. Two stars purely due to recency bias.
Enjoyable. Some lesser heard Abba.
Sits somewhere between a 3-4. Some classics for sure... but also some skips.
Good stuff. Got a few songs stuck in my head over the weekend.
Actually I thought some of it was cringeworthly overly sentimental but it was the album that got me into JC so...
Did not like. I think probably the first bit was OK but the second half of the album is horrible.
Didn't really move me in any way.
Liked this. Very danceable.
The odd good song but mostly the usual misogynistic stuff...
It was quite nice as background music - nothing more.
A 2.5 album if there ever was one...
Top class.
Not good. But I found it funny - in its French ridiculousness, so got at least some enjoyment from it.
At first I thought it was OK but that blooming cymbal just kept being smashed and it gave me a headache.
Meh... it was fine. Background music, nothing jumped out at me at all.
I liked bits of it but songs like The Gnome were just silly.
One of those albums ruined by being too popular. The good songs are all massively overplayed and the not so good songs are not so good.
Was OK.
Enjoyed this. Great music to work to...
Read the blurb and was suprised that this was so highly rated. I thought it was fairly bog-standard.
Listened to this during quite a stressful morning and found that with all the spoken word it was too much... only an after work re listen I thought it was fine.
Didn't enjoy the concept so found it more annoying than anything.
Wasn't mad about it but then had it on when I was cooking and it was very nice.
Liked this. Although again I couldn't listen to it easily whilst working/concentrating. It demanded my attention.
It was fine for what it was but I sort of feel like any Kid Rock album is a bit of a parody of itself.
Meh. As usual, quite cringey.
One of those that was hard to find and I wasn't in the mood for.
It does get a bit samey after a while but good enough for a 4 star rating I think.
Yep liked this. I'm not sure it is the best AFT but it was not one I'd heard before and I like it. I'm going to give it a 3 but I may listen to it more and revise that....
Quite liked it to start with -- although how much of that was nostalgia I'm not sure. But it really tailed off toward the end...
Good stuff but too short (and overlength 'talky' track) to be a classic.
Tough one this. It felt good listening on a Friday afternoon, less so on a rainy Monday morning. Torn between 3 and 4...
A high 3 I think. Its fun to listen to for sure but I don't think it stands out above any other 80s rock.
It was OK. There were some songs like 'Two Towers' which I ejoyed but a lot of the tracks wee quite repetitive in parts.
Yeah fine.
Was ok but peaked at song 1.
Not for me. Gets an extra point for 'Don't You Want Me'
Pleasant but unremarkable.
Better than expected. Obviously Karma Chamaleon is a banger but enjoyed some of the others as well.
Yeah it was fine.
It has its issues but great nevertheless.
It was OK. It didn't connect with me as I was expecting it to.
I tried to be objective and yet still guffawed when the singing started on the first song... at first listen I thought it was OK and it was getting worse and worse as it went on/subsequent listens so I got my losses...
Very pleasant. Although I have to say that I was expecting to like it more.
Didn't work for me.
Fine but unremarkable.
Probably could've done with more listens. If I get a chance I'll revisit.
Enjoyable as good background music for working/reading. A three for now but I may come back to it....
Actually liked this one. May have been got a four if it wasn't for some of the silly stuff.
Not a big fan.
It started OK but got old fast...
Meh. Like the previous Rolling Stones album, it doesn't do anything for me.
Meh. Disappointed and expected more. Give it a three.
A lot of Dad rock recently... this was of a piece.
Heard this a lot at the time and for me it doesn't really hold up. About a 2.5...
It was fine but I expected better.
Not great. Verged on giving it a 1 but a little unfair. Just a low two...
Nails on a blackboard....
I'm on a 1 star review roll so sorry Method Man.
Fine if a bit bland. Ended a bad run so probably more relief than anything.
Didn't get a great chance to listen to this. Superficial impression only was that I could easily pass on it.
Pretty staid. Nothing much to get into.
Awful. Not good music for cycling the Belgian countryside.
Still not for me.
Not good cycling music.
It was alright. Possibly could've got a slightly better mark if I'd had more time with it.
Quite enjoyed this one.
Quite nice.
This was OK. Massively let down by the sound quality I think...
I like Sam Cooke but still not a fan of live albums.
Well the first couple of tunes reminded me of my Arena days. Not a big fan of the rest though...
Meh. Didn't hate it but not something that appeals particularly either.
Not a big fan. There was the odd song toward the end that was interesting.
It was fine. Seems to just be good looking girl sings some elses songs...
Possibly not as good as I'd remembered but still some absolute bangers and a good summer album.
Sneaks a 4. The first three songs are classics but it does tail off a bit.
Despite how huge Mariah was and (I read the Wiki) supposedly how influential this album was... this was just - nothing.
Almost by default.
Dull but I didn't get a great chance to listen so it may be unfair.
One of those albums where I couldn't seem to find the whole thing. Quite enjoyed what I could though...
Fine. Possibly a bit morose
It was OK at first... can see this song in a snarky Indie rom-com etc... about 8 songs in I thought it was fine if a bit samey... how long left on this album.... another 61 songs! All basically the same! Musically not too bad but just why does this exist? Its not some amazing concept or a musical journey just an exercise in self-indulgence. Take the best 10 songs and you have a middle of the road album... I didn't need 7x that amount.
Very good. Not sure at this stage I could tell different Elvis albums apart though.
Only listened once but it didnt go down well.
It was OK but nothing jumped out at me as remotely interesting either.
Couple of bangers but most of it was a bit dull.
The odd really good song but quite a lot of dross I thought. Was disappointing...
I think you're either in the mood or not. Not sure I was but musically fine.
Really liked the first bits of the album. Not so sure about the spate of covers in the middle and then it peetered out a little bit.... solid 3 for the first 5-6 songs though
It was OK but nothing grabbed me particularly.
Didn't expect to like it so quite surprised that I did enjoy it.
Hard to rate. I did enjoy it quite a bit but it is also overblown and a bit much. It is the only Rush album I own though which must mean something... a high 3.
Wasn't expecting to like this either but actually it was very pleasant.
I was pleasantly surprised by the previous MSP album. This was more like I remembered from the time...
I'm not a big fan of this type of thing but there isn't anything about it that is hard to listen to. Every song is the same but it passes the time.
Some classic on here that elevate it to a 4. Even though there is also quite a few duds...
Bits of this album veered dangerously close to a 1. But in the end I'm going to show some mercy and go for a 2. Don't push me to listen to it again though.
Luckily it has three fantastic songs because some of the others were not as good as I remembered.
Was expecting much more.
Enjoyed it. Will probably listen again and it may climb the rankings.
It was alright.
It was OK. Quite funky.
Nostalgic. Fresh but dated. Some classics but lots of filler. A high 3.
It grew on me.
A mixed bag. I really enjoyed some songs (much more than expected) but didn't like others equally. Low expectations, slightly surpassed.
Enjoyed it. If I listened longer it may go up but a standard 3 is fine for now.
It was kind of bland.
One of those albums that sits on three stars because it was good but not good enough for four.
Well I liked the song but this felt more like a single than an album so I'll have to mark it down for that.
This was a real three and a halfer of an album. I'll have to give it a four based on the other threes I've given...
Only had a quick listen but nothing pulled me back for another go.
Didn't listen too much but didn't grab me.
Have to say this didn't do it for me which I was surprised by.
Blasphemous but only a 3 for me. I know, I know but there is just something about it which doesn't grab me as it should.
It wasalright
Didn't really listen as I'd have liked. But from what I heard it wasn't up too much.
Wasn't keen at all.
It was alright but I cannot now remember a single thing about it. Probably should be a 2 but recency bias means I have to give it a 3.
A bit like the day before it kind of swept over me and left no lasting impression.
Heard this album recommended a lot but was underwhelmed.
Probably didn't give it a fair crack of the whip but didn't like what I heard.
It was OK.
Not bad.
I must admit that I was quite busy so didn't get a huge amount of time to listen. It was OK -- a bit repetitive but inoffensive background noise.
I wasn't sure at first... I'll be honest I'm still not sure but I do want to listen to it again so that must be a good sign.
Maybe not a proper listen but I wasn't enamoured with what I heard.
I liked some of this but that song with the snoring was almost enough for me to turn it off.
Hmm... kind of nice background/elevator music but I don't think I'd sit down and listen to it.
Also background music that I quite enjoyed but not a huge amount.
More nice background music. A bit samey throughout.
Meh. Some of it was Ok but quite samey.
Interesting. Definitely left me wanting to listen more...
Major I'm getting jaded. It was another album that was just fine... I'm sure I could have lived my life without listening to it but I didn't hate it either.
Well thats more like it.
Was alright.
Not sure how I felt about this if I'm honest. I think it was OK.
Didn't mind some of it but the covers of 'Western' songs were a bit shonky.
Enjoyed that. Probably just under a 4 star though...
It was OK until 'First time ever I saw your face'. Probably ruined by the Inbetweeners but also ruined for me.
Fairly bog standard country.
Sounded nice sat on a verandah in France but would've been tiresome otherwise.
I think I would probably like it more if I listened again so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.
Nah, cannot be doing with that. Admittedly was listening to it whilst stuck on a plane on a runway but I don't think that was the only reason for not enjoying it.
Probably ruined by overplaying but Imagine is insufferable. The others are not great either...
It was a bad day to have an album like this and listen with the kids. Was not received well...
Not overly fussed. Considering how much I heard the Beastie Boys through the wall growing up I was expecting at least some sort of nostalgia or something...
It was alright.
Grew on me over the course of the day to the point where listening almost became addictive.
Yeah, very 'nice'. Calming and that...
Seemed quite generic. Not sure there was much to get enthused by. The odd good riff here and there.
Very bland. Not sure I 'needed' to listen to this one.
Little bit disappointed.
Not bad as far as the genre goes. Sounded a bit like ICP.
Meh... I thought this was a bit overblown.
Way too uninspiring for a Monday morning. I didn't actively hate it but there was nothing there... a very low 2 I suppose.
Ah... the summer of 2014. New house, watching the World Cup (including that 7-1 game) projected on to the wall, BBQs every night. All soundtracked by this album.... Nostalgically it would be 5/5 but musically I'm going to take it down a notch because listening on a drizzly September morning 9 years later when things are 'not quite' so rosy it doesn't hit in quite the same way...
Nice but dull.
I mean... it was fine. Better than silence but not something I'd seek out.
One of the best things about this is when you get an album you've never heard by a band, you've never heard so there are no pre-conceptions. Unfortunately, I was disappointed by this offering.
Bit of fun. Those first four or so songs were like going back in a time machine.
Quite liked this.
It was alright but I'd take it or leave it if I'm honest.
Yeah was alright.
This was nice background music.
Not great. Bit rambly...
I enjoyed this one a lot. No one is more surprised than me.
Ugh no.
Thought it was OK at first but it got a bit tiresome.
Fine. Boring but not objectionable.
Enjoyed it. Although I think could have lost a few songs..
Bit warbly and meandering....
Bit dull really.
Didn't like this.
Possibly because we had two awfully warbly singer-songwriters albums in a row this got short shrift.
Not my thing but interesting at least.
The Super Deluxe edition was almost four hours... maybe I could have dealt with it for 20 minutes...
Now this was fun. Tooting Bec Wreck was a tune!
It was OK. The odd song was enjoyable but otherwise a bit generic.
Definitely got harsher over the years. This was fine and would previously been a 3 but I'm never going to listen to it again so 2.
Was OK. Nothing more.
A bit dreary.
Well this was odd. Jumped around all over the place and didn't quite settle into a rhythm. Admired the hutzpah but it didn't make me want to listen again...
Not really my cup of tea.
I remember all the rage for this when it came out... its pleasant for sure but not much more than that. Perhaps a little harsh....
Not my favourite Pavement album but I think thats because its not the one I owned as a child.
No, just no. Over-produced, cynical stuff. Nostalgia for my old clubbing days almost made me give it a 2 but no....
Maybe a bit unfairly, I don't think its as good as either of the other Smiths albums on the list so (so far) so I'll give it a 3.
Enjoyed this! It was pretty silly and I think having two covers on a debut album is a bit suspect but - still liked it!
Not for me. Really I should give it a 1 but I've nudged it up to a two just for the clubbing nostalgia.
A little bland.
Another bit dreary album. Maybe its the weather or maybe we've just had a bad run.
Didn't want to like it but was brilliant.
Not bad.
I thought this was quite interesting and enjoyed it.
It was alright actually.
It was alright. Bit samey.
Nice enough but too long and too live.
Enjoyable. I think if there wasn't a slight dip in the middle, this could've got 4.
Struggled to find the album but what I heard was underwhelming.
No thanks.
Its somewhere between a 4 and a 5 for me.
I thought this was fantastic and it really burrowed its way into my head. Great, rainy day music.
A slightly generous 4 for a good week.
Genuinely almost impossible to rate. On the one-hand, I was a teenager in the nu-metal period and this will always have a place in my heart for blaring it loudly from Ross's car whilst driving around the Swan Centre. Plus they are great fun live. Whilst I can freely admit that it is isn't actually any good - musically/lyrically/whatever. And I was never in to them as a teenager anyway. I'll go for a 3 but could easily be a 2 (or a 4 if I was feeling nostalgic).
No thanks.
The title song was good but the rest was a meh.
It was... OK. It sort of washed over me rather than interested me. But maybe thats a good thing sometimes...
The first time I'd knowingly listened to Taylor Swift (apart from that trouble song with the goat) and I must admit to being disappointed. Nice enough but like a John Lewis Christmas advert playlist.
A bit whingy.
Blasphemous as it is... FNM never did it for me.
This looked interesting and different. But wasn't really..
Well that was ridiculous. But in a fun way.
Not overwhelmed.
It was Ok but a bit all of the place.
Thought it was OK to start with but bored by the end.
Slightly incongruous listening in the frozen wilderness of Finland but I liked what I heard
Not a hit with the family.
Generic dad rock.
Appreciated it a bit more having read the notes of where it came from etc but still just not my thing.
Another dull one.
This was alright actually.
Interesting enough. Not great though.
Not great.
It was alright... better than I was expecting.
Just left no impression at all....
Of its time but a few classics on there.
Nice bit of background music...
Yeah, fine.
It was alright. Very middle of the road.
Didn't hate it.
Didn't like this at all. Undoubtedly a bit harsh but Travis were very lucky that Coldplay became the butt of the jokes...
It was OK. Bit like a more boring Pavement album.
Obviously Superstition is the stand out track; the rest is not great. But Superstition though...
Enjoyed it on the whole.
Good background music.
As far as this stuff goes, I quite liked this.
Would have been better if it wasn't a live album.
Not for me.
No definitely not.
Quite generic I thought. Not terrible.
Just like every other Pet Shop Boys songs... its fine but doesn't really appeal to me.
It got the kids dancing whilst emptying the dishwasher which has got to be a good thing...
Not interested.
Liked bits of it. But I don't think I'd seek it out.
It was fine. I was hoping for more.
Just sneaks in at a 4. It was a 3 for most of the day.
Not his best in my opinion.
Nice enough.
Disappointing really.
About as middle of the road as it gets.
Better than some. Didn't really stick for me though...
One banger and the rest was a bit meh. Half term so it was only half a listen really
Liked it. Not enough to come back but it was easy listening.
Nothing here for me.
Very much in my wheelhouse but was never that bothered about them at the time. Still its good but nothing special...
Maybe a slightly harsh rating but it bounced off me completely.
It was fine. A bit dull and not as good as some of their other albums we've had.
Quite dull.
I'll give it a four. It didn't really chime with me yesterday (probably because there are about 10 versions of the same song on the Deluxe version of the album I was listening to) but its undoubtedly a good listen.
I've seen and enjoyed Napalm Death live. They are great fun. I don't think this comes across here... its fine as background music but nothing particularly jumped out.
It was OK I think. Quite nineties.
Quite liked this.
In my wheelhouse for sure but never one of my favourites.
This was OK actually. A bit bland but there were bits that were enjoyable.
It was good. Although the more I listened the more samey it became...
I mean it was quite of its time I think. I thought I'd accidentally put one song on to play over and over...
Pretty good.
Not my favourite Metallica album but probably the most important for getting me into Metallica and metal in general. I read the other reviews with amusement...
A bit distracted in the office but didn't grab me.
Enjoyed this. Who knows it may have become a 4 with more listens... but a solid 3.
Bit cringey at times but fine.
No, not for me. Dull.
I'm usually up for defending nu-metal but never quite got Korn. Extra star just for nostalgia but not great...
It was OK. Sounded like songs from every rom-com movie ever made.
It was alright but quite forgettable.
Nice enough. I can certainly understand the appeal but not really my mood today.
Yeah go on then....
For some reason I've listened to this album a lot due to various recommendations. Never does it for me...
Enjoyed it in small does but found it easy to tune out.
That was different. It's not going on regular rotation but was fun while it lasted.
Its OK. Quite unique.
There were elements of the songs I enjoyed.
Bog standard.
Seemed OK. Like an off brand Kate Bush.
One or two good tracks, otherwise too 80s.
Solid 4.
Background music on podcasts.
Pretty pretty pretty good.
Turn between a 3 and a 4 for this one. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and go for a 4... liked the start of the album but felt it drifted a little and some of the songs are too long.
Straight off the back of Anthrax it was a bit of a shock to the system.
Liked the idea of something I'd completely never heard before. Didn't particularly like the music but extra points for originality.
It was OK.
When I stopped to listen to it I wasn't a fan but I did like the way it sort of washed over me when I wasn't paying attention.
Again, solid.
Really liked bits, had a haunting quality. But less keen on other bits.... Just missed the 3 for me.
All merged into one but enjoyable.
A low 4 just for fun.
When this popped up, I remembered how much I hated that Ray of Light song and was fully prepared to hate the album. As it was I didn't hate it, just disliked it and was prepared to give it 2 stars. Then 'Little Star' came on and I thought - nah, 1 star.
It was 'nice'. Very old-fashioned and a bit dull. I'll take the Nazareth version of Love Hurts as well please.
Yep, enjoyed it.
I'm torn between a high 3 or a low 4. I'll go 3 but ... fine a 4.
I quite enjoyed it! It was fun.
Some of it I liked but also lost patience at times.
Too hard to find and listen to.
I was disappointed. Expected more...
Marginally OK.
Surprisingly good.
Quick listen on a day when I could barely function.
Was better than expected
Yep, like it. Bit samey after a bit but some really good songs in there.
Very good, prefer the older/punkier second half of the album (AKA IDIOT, Outsmarted).
Good start but got a bit grating over the course of the album. OK in small doses perhaps...
Well this took me back...
It was alright but didn't excite.
Yeah was nice.
Realistically not something I'm going to listen to again but it was fine for background music and therefore a 2.
I rarely seem to give anything but a 2 anymore. This seems to have become the standard for 'It didn't hurt my ears but I will never listen again (out of choice)'
Great fun.
Found this grating... I know there are some 'classic' pop songs of the era on the album but overall it was bad.
A live album where the first song is a worse cover.... amazed I kept going after that...
Found this quite generic..
I didn't need this today...
Wasn't overly fussed but gave it another listen later and it grew on me. Although I do think that the Mercedes Benz songs is one of the worst things ever (ironic as it may be).
Not a fan.
Perfectly cromulent 80s pop-rock.
It wasn't a 1 in the sense that I found it hard to listen to... but it was pretty awful.
Quite dull Dad rock, which even as a quite dull Dad was quite boring.
Yeah I mean its the best metal album of all time.
Give me nails on a chalkboard next time...
It was sort of OK. I liked bits of it and I liked that it was very different from one song to the next...
Wasn't keen first time around but it did grow on me. Probably just a 2 for now but with a few more listens - who knows?
Yeah was quite fun.
Odd one where the more I listened the less I liked it.
It started OK (Beautiful Day has been used in enough football montages that I quite enjoyed it) but by the time we were on to New York and Grace I was unable to continue listening...
It was OK as it went.
I know that I'm meant to like Jane's Addiction but I've never really been on board. It was alright.
I'm glad this appeals to some because its good that there is music that is different out there. Doesn't appeal to me though.
Thought it may be dated but actually held up really well. Really enjoyed it yesterday and then thought I'd give it another go today expecting to give it a 4. Its a sort of 4.5 but I'll be generous.
Bit 80s but OK.
Found this one quite difficult to rate. Definitely have to be in the right mood but the beginning of the album is good... it does drag a little. Its probably somewhere between a 3 and a 4.
Fairly standard rock fare.
It was OK.
Dull, but harmless.
It does scream try-hard but I enjoyed it.
Pretty much forgot to listen to this because I was watching the Olympics all day.
It was fine. I enjoyed it when I listened but also tuned out fairly regularly.
I enjoyed the hits and 'On Any Other Day'... there was some not great ones in there as well but it passed the time.
Pleasant and all but I'm not likely to come back to it.
I'm sure this will be a divisive album. I found bits of it a bit awkward, bits of it very nice. Not my favourite NC...
It was fine. In terms of recency bias, it was probably about the same as NC so
Enjoyed this very much.
Thought this was alright.
Bits of it I liked. Suited the Europop environment I'm in.
Quite dull.
Not really for me.
Like a Prayer is a banger but the rest is pretty mid. But Like a Prayer is good enough...
Something about Randy Newman singing 'You Can Leave Your Hat On' made me feel queasy.
Bit of an odd album. Liked bits of it but it didn't really hang together that well and I don't think I'd go back to it...
Good. Didn't get to spend much time with it..
First album for a couple of weeks that I've actually had the time to listen to properly so maybe slightly over-rated but I enjoyed it.
I think Ive preferred other EC albums.
Preferred this slightly to the previous Cohen effort. Bit more atmospheric.
Not in the mood today.
Not my cup of tea but it was OK to listen to in the office.
Good from what I heard.
Only really heard snippets in between working. It was fine.
Enjoyable old style country.
Peaks and troughs but good.
Glad to hear something different but a bit dull with the best will in the world.
Some classics here.
Fine. Fairly standard indie rock stuff...
Alright. A bit 80's and a bit samey...
Very nice. Calming.
I have listened to and enjoyed this before a lot. Usually when under the influence... In the cold neon light of the office on a Thursday morning - not sure it had the same impact.
Not mind-blowing. Tiny Dancer is a classic and the rest is forgettable but comforting.
Childhood nostalgia probably plays a part here. There were quite large segments that seemed bloated and unnecessary but when it hits...
Love it.
Quite good. I think it would grow on me if I kept listening. It sounded very early 90s like a chill Fun Lovin Criminals vibe.
Disappointedly bog standard.
Nice but dull.
Good stuff. A solid 3.5 with a couple of 4 album worthy songs.
Quite dull. Very whiny.
Decent but unspectacular.
I mean... can't sing, raspy old man songs....
Enjoyed it. Not sure it was enough for a 4 though.
Very good. Although not quite a 4 it wasn't far off.
Really good to start with. Tails off a bit and live album....
Its been a run of good albums that are probably 3-4 stars and I've given each the lower rating so this time I may have slightly over-rated.
Not my thing really. OK for background music whilst working.
Could listen all day but it was very generic.
Bits of it were OK but not great.
Snore fest!
Very 80s but OK.
Love the story. Maybe the album doesn't live up to the hype... its nice background music though.
Almost sounded like a parody
No thanks. I liked the atmosphere but not much else.
Two in a row that would probably average 1.5 each.
Maybe its the Britishness of it but this was more appealing than most of the rap albums we've had.
Enjoyed certain tracks but there was nothing for me to grab on to.
Started off Ok but quite dull.
Enjoyed it but its a bit one-note.
It was fine. Bit dull perhaps.
Not really anything to recommend.
OK if you like that sort of thing.
Despite the fact it quickly became cool to hate KOL; I cannot deny that there was a zing of nostalgia to this and I thought it was OK.
OK. But falls foul of the typical live album issues.
It was OK but nothing stood out.
Liked this a lot. May be a slight overrating but it evens out with the previous Gabriel outing.
Time hasn't been kind. It may have been interesting in its day but just sends like a novelty, generic 50s diner music.
Just had no impact on me at all.
Hardly noticed it but was relieved when YouTube Music went on to auto-play and something else came on so...
I mean, obviously some good songs here but not sure how much credit the Rolling Stones get for that....
Not bad.
OK. Quite dull.
Quite liked bits of it where it wasn't too Bjork-y.
I mean this was wild. From the Monty Python style album-art onwards. Enjoyable in some sense but also hearing a gruff Slovenian belching out Queen was just odd.
It was fine. Little Red Corvette is a banger, the rest OK. Gets a little much after a while.
No thanks.
Liked it.
Fell on the wrong side of novelty for me.
Liked it to start with but got old quickly.
Couple of good songs, a lot of 'Prince'.
Solid. Maybe the exception to the rule re: live albums.
Good. Probably sounds cheesy now.
Definitely overblown but not awful/
Enjoyed this. May have even gone higher if I was at home.
Thought this was really good. I enjoyed it probably a 4 but also not sure I would ever choose to listen to it (or remember).
Bit dull.
Not good.
Fell just the wrong side of annoying Country for me.
Seemed entirely generic to me.
Fairly generic rock. Nothing stood out.
Not sure what this was all about. Didn't sound much like Primal Scream that I know...
Good but I don't need the same three songs over and over.
Interesting. Not something I'd listen to but glad it crossed my path.
Cheesy but undeniably fun.
It was OK. Enjoyed bits of it...
Bit like Queen, Abba are definitely a 'Greatest Hits' band.
Not for me.
Fine. Middle of the road stuff.
Hard to argue with this.
Bit dull.
Enjoyed it.
Kind of nothing.
OK at times but also grating at others. Its probably a 2.5.
I mean... its a bog-standard pop record with a couple (or at least one) standout song.
One or two songs that I quite liked but he just doesn't do it for me.
Quite liked the introduction of Body Count. The rest was OK too.
Bit overblown but fine-ish.
Scar Tissue and Otherside instantly transport me back to the age of 17-18, skiving off college and playing Darts and Pool in the Grantham Arms. Possibly more than any other songs, it hits me with a wave of nostalgia - happiness for the times we shared and sadness for friends lost. It could make me cry if I stopped to think about it. Musically its pretty meh and really tails off but 3 stars just for the memories.
It was fine. Bog standard MOR stuff. Fall At Your Feet remains a good song but I was a little disappointed with ..Weather...
Probably a generous 2.
I quite enjoyed this.
I think this was a bit of a screeching reverse from the previous album that I just couldn't get on board.
Enjoyed this a lot and will definitely listen again. It may well become a 4.
Maybe I just had a bad morning but I just couldn't with the voice...
Meh. I do find all this early 00's RnB/hip-hop quite dull.
Didn't think much of this. I think I was expecting something different from the Byrds not this.
It was better than expected.
Top level 3. Lust for Life is OK, Passenger is a stone cold classic.
Not bad.
Veers close to a 1. That 'One Day Like This' is the very definition of a song that I hate because it has been so over-played. Ok but got tiresome.
Objectively a decent album. Bit dull and I wouldn't be in a rush to listen again but not offensive in anyway. I'll give it 3 stars.
It was OK but I'd hoped for more.
Much like the Al Green album, objectively nice to listen to. But I probably won't.
Very bland.
Very soothing on a busy day. Not necessarily my thing but hit the spot.
It was middling.
Pretty dire.
No matter how many times 'the Buckleys' are lauded and I give it a go... its just not for me.
Hard to find to listen to so may not have got a fair shake.
Standard country stuff.